The next unicorn company or internet parking?

  This paper comes from the research report of CITIC Securities.

  At present, there are five modes of Internet parking: parking information sharing, whole process optimization, parking reservation B2C, parking sharing P2P and parking service.

  The present situation of traditional parking industry in China includes four major pain points: large gross gap, scattered structure, scattered management and low level of intelligence. This directly leads to many problems, such as hard to find a parking demand side, poor parking experience, high vacancy rate of parking supply side and high management cost.


  Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, social networks oriented to C-terminal and e-commerce oriented to commodities have become increasingly mature, especially in the era of mobile Internet, with the universal networking through intelligent terminals and C-terminal, the basic environment such as mobile payment has become increasingly complete, and the conditions for the Internet to sink into the physical industry have also matured.

  "internet plus Parking" connects the scattered parking lots through the Internet, breaks the information island and realizes the optimal allocation of limited parking resources. Under the three driving forces of sharing economy, capital influx and favorable policies, various parking Apps have emerged in internet plus parking market. According to incomplete statistics, there are far more than 100 parking Apps in China at present.


  Then, after the cake gradually appeared, what is the real status quo of domestic Internet parking development? What are the potential development and investment values?

Four types of players

  There are four main types of Internet parking players: 1) Entrepreneurial companies; 2) Intelligent parking equipment vendors; 3) municipal traffic control department; 4) BAT。At present, mainly startups and smart parking equipment vendors, BAT is only slightly involved.

  Entrepreneurial companies:Internet parking is on the rise, and a large number of entrepreneurial companies are pouring in, such as parking knowledgeable person, ETCP, Tintin Parking, E-parking, etc. The resources of entrepreneurial companies are short-board, as long as the asset model is light.

  Intelligent parking equipment vendor:Taking advantage of the east wind of "internet plus", the intelligent parking equipment supplier has transformed and upgraded from a simple intelligent parking software and hardware provider to a complete solution provider of "intelligent parking equipment+cloud platform +APP", which has the advantages of software and hardware technology, and at the same time, the settled parking lot customers constitute resource advantages. Such as worry-free parking, Jieshun Technology (Jieshun Parking), Anjubao, Cubic Holdings (Hangbai) and so on.

  Municipal traffic control department:Municipal traffic control departments have mastered roadside parking spaces and off-street public parking spaces (taking Beijing as an example, the municipal government has mastered 16.65% of parking spaces), which has resource advantages, strong financial resources and strong integration ability, such as Shenzhen Road Traffic Management Affairs Center (suitable for parking) and Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission (Shanghai Parking).

  BAT:Unlike "taking a taxi in internet plus" which is monopolized by "Ali+Tencent", BAT is still slightly involved in "parking in internet plus". Tencent uses WeChat WeChat official account+WeChat Pay, Baidu uses Baidu Map+Baidu Wallet, and Ali uses Alipay+Gaode Map+Cube Holdings to cut into Internet parking, mainly integrating and embedding parking apps with maps, payment applications and traffic portal applications.


Five modes

  At present, there are five modes of Internet parking: parking information sharing, whole process optimization, parking reservation B2C, parking sharing P2P and parking service.


  Parking information sharing: light assets+integrated data+entry service, saving search cost.

  This mode makes full use of the existing intelligent parking equipment in a light asset way, and connects the intelligent parking lot to the internet through the meter, intelligent parking management system, parking garage card issuing machine, etc., integrating real-time free parking information, breaking the information island, realizing the sharing of parking space information, providing users with parking space search recommendation and parking space navigation service, and saving the search cost (saved search cost = (vehicle cost per unit time+owner time cost) × saved parking space search time). In addition, static information of the parking lot is also collected, including name, location, total parking spaces, POI information of exit/entrance, business hours, charging standards, photos, etc. Some apps also integrate information of service facilities around the parking lot, such as car washing and charging piles. The core of this model is information, and the key is wide coverage, accurate and reliable real-time free parking space information.

  Advantages: light assets, can be copied quickly at low cost. The bottleneck is that it is difficult to form wide coverage, accuracy and reliability of real-time parking space information: the intelligent level of parking lot is low, the data standards are different, and the integration is difficult; Parking lot operators are not willing to open data for free. Therefore, some apps predict and estimate the number of free parking spaces through algorithms, and calibrate and supplement the integrated data. At present, the accuracy of most APP static information needs to be improved, and the reliability of real-time spare car information is worrying.

  Profit model: free sharing of parking space information; Cut into the parking space reservation from the approach service, and may charge trading commission in the future; Realize traffic realization through automobile aftermarket (such as parking in knowledgeable person); Provide real-time parking space data service to navigation and map merchants, and realize data realization (Parkme).

  Typical cases: Parkme in the United States and parking in knowledgeable person in China.


  Whole process optimization: emphasizing assets+paving equipment+process service, deeply involved in parking lot operation.

  By laying intelligent parking equipment, this model realizes the intelligentization and internetization of parking lots, provides parking optimization services for C-end car owners in the whole process of empty parking space search/matching, parking space reservation/reservation, parking space navigation, reverse car search and quick payment (often focusing on the two major pain points of "parking space search, navigation" and "payment"), and at the same time, deeply intervenes in parking lot operation management, so as to increase the leakage for B-end parking lot users. Offline resources are exclusive, and the core of this model is standardized and rapid replication, robbing parking lot resources.

  Advantages: heavy assets, high viscosity after entering the parking lot, and the real-time parking information obtained is more accurate and of high quality. The bottleneck is that the offline line is too heavy. Entering the parking lot needs to be broken through one by one. The negotiation of benefit sharing, the installation, renovation, maintenance and upgrade of smart equipment are slow, and it is difficult to standardize and copy, which requires a large number of push teams. Most domestic players (such as ETCP, worry-free parking, etc.) even adopt the strategy of giving away equipment for free to accelerate the penetration of parking lots, but they need strong capital support.

  Profit model: free for C-end users; Assist the B-end parking lot operation management to improve operation efficiency, reduce labor costs, increase turnover rate and income, and it is expected that charging parking fees to the parking lot will be the main profit point; Extend to the category of "car life" including washing, maintenance and repair, and cut into the automobile aftermarket to realize traffic realization.

  Typical cases: Streetline in the United States, ETCP in China, worry-free parking and suitable parking.


  Parking Booking B2C: Parking Ctrip Mode

  This model is similar to "Ctrip", which connects parking lots and provides parking reservation service. The parking lot operator publishes the information of the parking spaces that can be reserved through the platform, and the owner inquires and reserves on the platform to ensure that there are parking spaces. Because of the low level of intelligent parking lot in China, this mode is rarely used.

  The profit model of B2C parking reservation: extracting the reservation service fee.

  Typical case: JustPark in Britain.

B2C mode. jpg

  Parking space sharing P2P: Sharing parking spaces and revitalizing idle parking resources.

  This model provides docking service for car owners who have parking spaces and want to park by building a parking space sharing platform for car owners, which can revitalize the free time of parking spaces, improve the utilization rate of parking spaces, generate income for car owners and solve the parking problem for car owners. At present, there are two main routes: one is using light asset mode, such as Sweetch and MonkeyParking, and the other is using intelligent ground lock, Internet of Things parking lock +APP mode, such as Tintin parking and leisurely parking.

  The problem of P2P parking sharing mode tends to rely on flexible social interaction, underestimating punctuality and unexpected situations, which can easily lead to poor customer experience, and it is difficult to regulate reasonable and unexpected emergencies. At the same time, the P2P mode of parking space sharing not only involves platforms and direct users, but also inevitably involves property and parking management companies, which constitutes the bottleneck of offline promotion. In addition, in the main application scenario, the two sides of high-frequency trading may collude to bypass the platform.

  Profit model: participation in parking space sharing generates revenue sharing. Because it involves property and parking management companies, some apps also let property share some revenue (such as Tintin parking).

  Typical cases: MonkeyParking in America and Tintin Parking in China.


  Parking service: Artificial berthing has the clearest profit model.

  In this mode, the parking agent is used for parking, which completely liberates the owner from parking difficulties, saves the owner’s time cost, and revitalizes the idle parking resources in the accessories of the parking agent, exchanging time for space.

  Bottleneck of valet parking mode: The car has been out of the owner’s control for a long time, and the safety and trust problems are the main obstacles for the owner to accept parking service mode. Solving these two problems is the core of the promotion of this mode. The main cracking methods are: laying cameras for 24-hour all-round monitoring; After the parking is completed, take photos of the odometer and fuel gauge so that users can compare them when picking up the car; E Daibo independently developed the key storage system of the cloud cabinet car; Substitution insurance, etc.

  Profit model: parking service model has the clearest profit model, charging parking service service fee directly, and its target customers are car owners with high time value and low price sensitivity. At the same time, the automobile aftermarket is also the focus of profit, so it is necessary to wash and maintain the car for the owner during the parking period.

  Typical cases: LUXE and ZIRX in the United States, e-berthing and feibotong in China.


Development characteristics

  1. The Internet parking market has a vast space.

  Parking difficulties are gradually spreading from first-and second-tier cities to third-tier cities, which is universal. There are 35 cities with more than 1 million cars in China, and the total number of cars is over 60 million. It is expected that these 35 cities will become the core market for Internet parking penetration. If the per capita parking expenditure is 3,000 yuan/year, the parking industry fees in these 35 cities total more than 180 billion yuan. Internet parking permeates the whole parking process, and we believe that Internet parking service providers can get at least 10% of the cake of the whole industry. Regardless of the market increment created after internetization, the market space for Internet parking is more than 18 billion yuan.

  2, multi-party separatist regime, national and regional players coexist.

  Intelligentization is the premise of internet, and the level of intellectualization of parking lots in China is not high, which determines that the road of attaching importance to assets must be experienced. We believe that the whole process optimization model will develop first, and it is unlikely that there will be a winner-take-all situation. The future competition pattern will be: multi-party separatism, and national and regional players will coexist.

  3. Map navigator, traffic portal platform or integrator.

  Map navigators, traffic portal platforms or integrators will open up the "separatist regime" to form a complete urban parking puzzle. Internet taxis connect drivers and C-end users, while Internet parking needs to integrate B-end parking lots to provide services for C-end users. The key to Internet parking is offline. We believe that BAT will play the role of integrating and opening up parking apps by relying on traffic advantages, and it is unlikely to become a direct participant.

  4. The key to success is resources and capital.

  Grasping the resources of high-quality offline parking lot is the key. Different from internet taxi, internet parking is a hard project, and mastering huge and high-quality parking resources is the key. The value of parking APP to car owners increases exponentially with the scale of parking network. After Pang’s parking network is formed, it also constitutes a competitive barrier.

  Capital support decides who can laugh last. Whether it is subsidizing the C-terminal, cultivating users’ habits, or building an intelligent parking network, it needs strong capital strength. Some players have pushed the speed-up equipment for free, which has raised the capital threshold. Backed by giants, introducing resources and flow is a lever. The mobile Internet traffic portal has been occupied by giants such as BAT. Backed by giants, access to resources and traffic import are important chips that stand out.

The robot sings the leading role, cool "black technology" appears at the Internet Light Expo.

  You can also pay for brushing your eyes, unmanned vehicles run out of the street, and robots parking service.

New Internet technologies began to flock to Wuzhen.

  Yesterday, the third world internet conference Internet Light Expo opened in Wuzhen. More than 310 Internet companies at home and abroad have brought a number of new Internet technologies and achievements that are the most advanced and cutting-edge in the world.

  Ma Yun also arrived in Wuzhen yesterday evening. He "bought some cakes and then walked into a private restaurant". This time, he brought new technologies such as urban data brain, artificial intelligence ET, and face-scanning payment.

  Baidu unmanned vehicles have also started to operate dynamically in Wuzhen in the past few days.

  Hikvision’s intelligent parking robot, which is being put into trial operation in Wuzhen, also appeared at yesterday’s Internet Light Expo.

  More and more Internet technologies are being fermented in Wuzhen.

  Ma Yun brings new payment technology.

  Previously, Alibaba had launched "brush face payment", but at this Internet conference, Alibaba brought "brush eye payment".

  "Brush eye payment" is a "black technology" based on eye pattern recognition technology, which attracted the media’s enthusiasm and attention on the spot. As long as the user stares at the smartphone camera and turns his eyes to both sides, the software will be able to analyze the distribution map of eyeball blood vessels in the photos taken by the camera and establish unique ID data for the user.

  "Eye white texture, like fingerprints, has become the password for payment. The software accuracy rate of this pure biotechnology can reach 99.99%, which is more economical and convenient than iris and fingerprint sensors." On-site related personnel introduced.

  Tang Liang, the activity development and operation department of Alibaba Group, said that at this Internet conference, they also brought new technologies such as urban data brain, artificial intelligence ET and face-scanning payment technology.

  Baidu unmanned vehicle is on the road.

  Remember the driverless car that showed up at the world internet conference last year? Last year, with many doubts, this year has begun to "run."

  Different from last year, Baidu unmanned vehicles will be operated on the real urban roads in Wuzhen. It is understood that before the opening of this Internet conference, Nokia Internet of Vehicles built a base station in the extension of midnight road in Wuzhen, and Baidu driverless car conducted a road test in the extension of midnight road.

  This also means that the cooperation between the Internet town Wuzhen and Baidu to build the world’s first unmanned vehicle operation scenic spot has gradually matured.

  According to reports, in the demonstration car on this "fully transparent" road, you can see that the mobile phone terminal or vehicle terminal perfectly realizes the map navigation application combined with real-time traffic video, and the full-motion video switches rapidly with the change of vehicle position. Travelers can not only get daily road information on navigation, but also click on the screen to directly check the real-time road conditions and make travel arrangements in advance in a more intuitive way.

Krypton 001 FR, the strongest pure electrode on the surface, is on the market, and the price starts at 769,000 yuan.

  [October 27, 2023, Beijing] Today, Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology officially released the pure electric hunting super run — — Krypton 001 FR, the official retail price starts at 76.9 yuan. Extreme Krypton 001 FR combines the performance of tens of millions of super-running, the extreme safety of "highway", the luxury and comfort of executive cars, the ability of off-road SUVs to get rid of difficulties, as well as the top intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving experience, the driving ability of F1 world champions, and the car satellite phone that never loses contact, which subverts the limits of traditional super-running and brings users real super-running in the era of intelligent electric power.

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  Pure electric hunting super running pole Krypton 001 FR official retail price

  Users who decide before December 31st can not only enjoy the six-year or 150,000-kilometer vehicle warranty, three-power lifetime warranty, free data flow, free road rescue during the warranty period, and free 7kW smart home pile-filling package (50 meters), but also get a "Raikkonen model" worth 60,000 yuan, with the same adjustment and driving experience as the "F1 champion".

  Extreme performance continues to evolve, with an acceleration of 2.02 seconds and a maximum horsepower of 1300 horses.

  Since its debut, Krypton 001 FR has been launched with five core technologies in global mass production: the four-motor distributed electric drive launched in global mass production, the world’s first ZVC four-wheel torque vector control, the world’s first "dragonfly structure" middle-section integrated die casting, the world’s first 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform and the world’s first mass production satellite communication technology, making it the strongest pure electricity on the surface in the era of intelligent electric power.

  In just over a month, Krypton 001 FR once again subverted the limit and continued to evolve. Extreme krypton’s pursuit of the ultimate makes its acceleration from 2.07 seconds to 2.02 seconds, and it only takes 6.29 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 200km/h, which is more than half a second ahead of the tens of millions of super-runs. Under the continuous adjustment of the engineering team, the 001 FR has added a special "ejection mode", which makes its starting time 0.02 seconds faster than the normal acceleration. With it, the 001 FR straight-line racing can always be one step ahead of others.

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  The 0-200km/h acceleration of Krypton 001 FR takes only 6.29 seconds.

  The intelligent drive evolution of Krypton 001 FR is not only an instantaneous explosion, but also a full-range high-energy power output. The "overclocking mode" developed by Krypton for 001 FR turns the "nitrogen acceleration" function in racing games into reality, making the maximum horsepower burst instantly. The power of overclocking mode is increased by 10% compared with that of standard mode at high speed, and it can be started at any time of acceleration, so that the extreme krypton 001 FR can maintain a strong explosive force during the whole acceleration, whether it is cornering acceleration or overtaking straight. After the overclocking mode was started in "Raikkonen mode", the maximum horsepower of Krypton 001 FR was also increased from 1,265 at the time of debut to an astonishing 1,300.

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  Relying on Raikkonen mode and overclocking mode, Krypton 001 FR racing shows full-range high energy.

  Behind the extreme performance of Krypton 001 FR is the core technology of Krypton high-efficiency hard core. Extreme Krypton 001 FR is equipped with the world’s first mass-produced 800V high-voltage system of silicon carbide, and each motor is equipped with a silicon carbide electronic control module separately, which is stable, efficient and accurate in control. The combined output power of the four motors can reach up to 956kW, matching with the leading performance of 100kWh Kirin battery, and the maximum charging rate can reach 4C. It only takes 15 minutes to charge the battery from 10% to 80%. The discharge power of krypton 001 FR battery reaches megawatt level. At the same time, the "straight waterfall oil cooling technology" is used to dissipate heat for the motor, and the PTM 2.0 global thermal management system is used to dissipate heat for the battery. The powerful thermal management system allows the peak power of krypton 001 FR to be continuously output for 12 times without attenuation. After 8 consecutive times of uninterrupted acceleration from 0 to 100km/h, and then braking to 0, the internal temperature of the battery only increased by 3.6 degrees during the vehicle test.

  It is not only the temperature, but also the strength of the Krypton 001 FR intelligent electric drive that keeps stable. Krypton uses a 249-meter-long high-strength carbon fiber material to cover the motor rotor, which is covered with 15 layers. The sleeve is only 1.1 mm thick and weighs only 88 grams. It can withstand more than 16 tons of tension at the highest speed. This is also the reason why the maximum speed of the rear double motor of Krypton 001 FR exceeds 20,000 rpm, and its high-speed performance can still explode to the maximum speed.

  Extreme safety is the strongest confidence on the surface, delivering 160 thousand, the only zero spontaneous combustion in the industry

  Delivered more than 160,000 units, the only zero spontaneous combustion record in the industry, and the safety limit of electric vehicles has been constantly refreshed. Safety is the core gene of krypton, and krypton safety is the foundation of extreme performance of krypton 001 FR. Extreme Krypton 001 FR has been specially upgraded on the basis of the technology of "Road Tankryon". In addition to the 720-degree omni-directional safety armor, the middle part of the body of Extreme Krypton 001 FR adopts the world’s first "dragonfly structure" middle-section integrated die casting, and the entire aluminum rear body is also manufactured by the world’s original "four-section" rear-end integrated die casting process to minimize the impact on the battery pack during collision. Inside the battery, Krypton 001 FR adopts the world’s first double-large-face liquid cooling technology, and the heat exchange area is four times larger than that of the traditional liquid-cooled battery pack at the bottom, which realizes the integration of three functions: cooling, heat insulation and structural strengthening, and adds code layer by layer to effectively eliminate fire hazards.

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  Extreme krypton safety comprehensive advanced

  "Not afraid of collision and not catching fire" is only the basis of extreme krypton safety, and excellent control is the core of extreme krypton 001 FR safety. Relying on ZVC four-wheel torque vector control, Krypton 001 FR can not only realize the tank turning without picking the road, but also realize the high-speed turning of the track. In the track test, the speed of Bugatti crossing S-bend on dry ground is 80km/h; Sprinkling water in the same bend, extremely Krypton 001 FR can cross the S-bend at a high speed of 80km/h, with stable body and precise control. Based on this, Krypton has also brought the much-anticipated "drift mode", so that drivers can enjoy the exciting high-speed drift and cornering experience.

  Excellent performance under extreme dynamics benefits from the perfect cooperation of top software and hardware. Krypton 001 FR has the world’s largest carbon fiber roof, which is 1.46m long and 1.16m wide, and weighs only 6.5kg, which is 65% lighter than the traditional glass roof and 67% stronger. In addition, the front lip, side skirt, tail and diffuser of Krypton 001 FR are all made of carbon fiber aerodynamic kits, which can reduce the overall weight by more than 17kg and increase the downforce by 178kg when the vehicle is driving at high speed. With the strong grip brought by high-performance tires with narrow front and wide back at the track level, you can always maintain the best "flying on the ground" posture no matter how fast you are. KW, the world’s top shock absorber brand, customized the shock absorber for the original factory of Krypton 001 FR, so that the vehicle can perfectly match different track characteristics and different driving styles, bringing a more pure dynamic texture. The original factory comes standard with AP Racing 10-piston forged aluminum brake calipers and racing car’s exclusive oversize Brembo carbon ceramic perforated brake disc, so that polar krypton 001 FR rushes into the two-second club, while the braking distance of 100-0km/h is only 33.4 meters, even if it is driven fiercely for a long time, it can maintain the best braking state.

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  Excellent control is the core of kryptonian security.

  The global evolution Raikkonen model allows you to have the same driving experience as the F1 champion.

  The evolution of krypton is always inseparable from the co-creation of users, and the evolution of krypton 001 FR ushered in the help of F1 world champion kimi raikkonen. As the first European car owner and the chief performance consultant of Krypton 001 FR, kimi raikkonen participated in the development and adjustment process of Krypton 001 FR, and constantly tapped the great potential of this performance beast. At the press conference, An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Smart Technology, and kimi raikkonen jointly started, and the world’s first world champion who used intelligent algorithms to write in the car — — Raikkonen model copies the experience and ability of F1 champion to all owners of Krypton 001 FR.

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  The experience and technology of F1 world champion Raikkonen will be perfectly integrated into krypton intelligent drive.

  The rich track experience and skillful skills of F1 world champion are perfectly integrated into the intelligent drive system. Raikkonen mode not only brings the maximum horsepower increase of 1,300 horses to Krypton 001 FR, but also makes exclusive customized adjustments to nine parameters of Krypton 001 FR, giving users a real chance to have the same driving experience as F1 champion. The new model will be officially launched by OTA in the first quarter of next year after the winter test. In the future, the evolution of the extremely krypton intelligent drive system will also empower all extremely krypton 001 models to achieve advanced performance.

  The 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform, which was first launched and delivered in the global mass production of extreme intelligence.

  As a hard-core technology-driven company, Krypton has the ultimate pursuit for every product. Extreme Krypton 001 FR not only has the ultimate safety and performance, but also completely subverts the industry’s cognition of super-running and high-performance vehicles. Extreme Krypton 001 FR is the first in global mass production and the first to deliver the 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform, which is 2.2 times more powerful than the 8155 computing platform, and the graphics and video processing capacity is 2.7 times higher. Based on the 8295 computing platform, Krypton has created an exclusive intelligent space for pure electric supercar for 001 FR.

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  Krypton created the world’s first exclusive intelligent space for pure electric supercar for 001 FR.

  The intelligent follow-up seat solves the problem that the traditional bucket racing seat sacrifices comfort for performance. Daily driving can provide 10 points and 6 massage functions, and the comfort is full. When driving fiercely, the seat will respond dynamically within 0.1 second according to the vehicle dynamics, increasing the lateral support of the waist and legs, so that the driver can realize the integration of people and vehicles in the most comfortable sitting position. In addition, Extreme Krypton 001 FR will also be equipped with a brand-new 2.5K flexible OLED central control panel, 35.5-inch super-large imaging HUD, competitive style instruments and atmosphere lights as standard; There is also the top Yamaha stereo, with a rated power of 2400 watts and 28 speakers in the whole car, so that each seat is 7.1.4-channel surround sound. Top-level full-featured attributes also satisfy the passion of track driving and the comfort of street commuting.

  In addition to hardware, there is also a comprehensive upgrade of software. The full digital capability of the krypton intelligent drive system opens all the performance parameters of the krypton 001 FR. Extreme Krypton 001 FR matches the first built-in professional track APP in the history, which can make all four categories of performance parameters open, each item can be adjusted by more than 10 gears, and there are more than 13,000 custom driving styles. In addition, this track APP also has a perfect video recording function, which can perfectly restore the driver’s driving performance on the track and easily share it with other riders. It is a real track dating artifact.

  In terms of intelligent driving that users pay attention to, Extreme Krypton 001 FR is also an intelligent pure electric supercar that can be equipped with laser radar, and has intelligent driving ability covering the whole scene of cities and high speed. Lu Yu extreme weather, strong perception can still better identify road conditions, both safe and worry-free. Even if we drive to no man’s land, the vehicle-mounted satellite communication technology, which was launched in the global mass production of Krypton 001 FR, can escort users and make safety never lose contact.

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  Krypton 001 FR is an intelligent pure electric supercar that can be equipped with laser radar.

  Embracing the era of users, polar krypton provides sufficient choice space for car owners. All car owners of polar krypton 001 FR will have two kinds of car roofs for free: if you want to be extremely pure, you can choose the world’s largest carbon fiber car roof; If you want to be intelligent and advanced, you can choose lidar+intelligent light roof. No matter which roof you choose, the ZAD fully intelligent driver assistance system will be standard on the Krypton 001 FR, which will bring users an unprecedented leading intelligent experience in super-running.

  Let the face value of hunting clothes, the performance of super-running, the comfort of cars, the space and ability of getting rid of difficulties of SUVs, and the top-level intelligent experience be met at the same time in one car. Get on the track, get off the street, and even pursue poetry and distance. Extreme Krypton 001 FR will be an all-round pure electric hunting supercar covering all road conditions and scenes.

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  Full road condition, full scene, all-round pure electric hunting super run

  Eight hard-core technologies were launched in the global mass production, and six performance parameters ranked first in the global mass production, with over 100 luxury configurations as standard. Extremely, 001 FR once again subverted the tradition and opened the era of intelligent electric supercar. Whether it’s hunting coupe or hunting supercar, Krypton has always evolved in the spirit of pursuing the ultimate, setting a real value benchmark for users.


Geely brand new high-end new energy series "Geely Galaxy" was officially released.

On February 23rd, the brand new high-end new energy series "Geely Yinhe" of Geely brand was officially released. This series will push seven new models within two years, and the first intelligent electric hybrid SUV "Geely Yinhe L7" will be launched in the world synchronously, and the reservation will be officially opened. It can be delivered in the second quarter of this year. In addition, Geely also released a series of subversive new energy electrification technologies, such as Aegis battery safety system, Raytheon hybrid 8848, and brand-new car operating system "Yinhe N OS". At the same time, the Geely Galaxy intelligent electric prototype "Light of the Galaxy" also made its debut.

The release of new series, new products, new technologies, new channels, new services and new values, the new energy strategy of Geely Yinhe is not only a concentrated display of its cutting-edge technology by Geely, the "car maker", but also a carrier of Geely Yinhe, which opens the brand of Geely to the new. Geely has implemented the "Smart Geely 2025" strategy with practical actions, leading the industry into a new stage of value creation and bringing users higher value and safer smart electric vehicles.

[Press Release] Geely Yinhe will push seven products in 2 years. Yinhe L7 Sword refers to "the first choice for more than 200,000 smart hybrid" 976.png.

Only to be a high-value new energy vehicle, Geely Galaxy will push 7 products in 2 years.

As a brand-new mid-to-high-end new energy series of Geely brand, Geely Yinhe has adopted a brand-new logo, and will launch seven products within two years, of which four belong to the intelligent hybrid L series, and the first hybrid SUV Yinhe L7 and the first hybrid car Yinhe L6 will be delivered in the second and third quarters of this year respectively. The other three models belong to the intelligent pure electric E series, and the first pure electric product E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year.

[Press Release] Geely Yinhe will push seven products in 2 years. Yinhe L7 Sword refers to "the first choice for more than 200,000 smart hybrid" 1129.png.

Geely Galaxy’s two product sequences are all built by the native intelligent electric architecture, which will bring users the ultimate experience of refreshing the same level of value standards. Among them, the intelligent electric hybrid L series adopts Geely Galaxy intelligent "electric hybrid" architecture, covering A0-B intelligent electric hybrid products; Smart pure electric E series adopts Geely Yinhe intelligent "pure electric" architecture, covering intelligent pure electric products from grade A to grade D..

All products of Geely Galaxy will adopt the design language of "Light of the Galaxy". "Galaxy Light" is a smart electric prototype of Geely Galaxy, which breaks away from the homogenization route of electric vehicle design. It is the result of the extension of Geely Ripple Aesthetics and the integration and evolution of science and technology of the times, and it is also the carrier of Geely Tiandi’s integrated car-making concept.

In terms of channels, Geely Galaxy will have two modes: direct users and agent distribution. It will launch a brand-new APP and introduce brand-new experience and service standards. Only after-sales service links have set up 247 new standards to comprehensively upgrade the user experience.

Reaching the peak of high-value technology, Aegis battery, Raytheon hybrid 8848 and Galaxy N OS set a number of records.

On the core technology, Geely has also released a series of new energy electrification technologies with subversive strength, such as Aegis battery safety system, Raytheon hybrid 8848, and the brand-new car operating system "Yinhe N OS", and never stopped climbing the technical peak.

[Press Release] Geely Yinhe will push seven products in 2 years. Yinhe L7 Sword refers to "the first choice for more than 200,000 smart hybrid" 1549.png.

Geely’s original "Aegis Battery Safety System" not only prevents the spontaneous combustion of batteries, but also builds a set of "no blind area" safety protection system based on batteries, which integrates architecture, vehicle, intelligent control and cloud. It can ensure the safety of battery Pack and battery modules through eight shields, such as "patent for architecture, cage protection for vehicle, safe and worry-free fast charging and BMS3.0‘’ Battery Doctor’ intelligent control system".

In addition, the Aegis battery safety system is the first in the industry to go deep into the radiation safety at the cell level, avoiding the damage of electromagnetic radiation to human health. Thanks to the structural safety development system, Geely Yinhe has taken the lead in achieving 30 km/h bottom-dragging impact and 20 km/h vehicle bottom-dragging without damage, thus solving the fatal problems of battery damage and safety accidents caused by "bottom-dragging collision" of electric vehicles. Relying on the cloud computing power support of 8.1 billion times/second of Geely Star Smart Computing Center, Aegis battery safety system can protect more than 200 electronic control items in real time, warn more than 50 fault types, and improve battery life by 20%.

[Press Release] Geely Yinhe will push seven products in 2 years. Yinhe L7 Sword refers to "the first choice for more than 200,000 smart hybrid" 1882.png.

The thermal efficiency, performance and intelligent control of Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 have been significantly upgraded and evolved, creating three new peaks of "electric hybrid technology". In terms of thermal efficiency, the new generation of Raytheon electric hybrid engine B-Plus equipped with Raytheon electric hybrid 8848 has reached the peak thermal efficiency of mass production of 44.26%, and the next generation of Raytheon electric hybrid engine with thermal efficiency exceeding 46% has been in the verification stage. In terms of performance, Raytheon Hybrid 8848 "Three-speed Variable Frequency Electric Drive" has evolved again, which is the first intelligent electric drive in the world to realize overclocking drive of P1+P2 dual motors. The comprehensive power of the two drives reaches 287kW, and a super performance version with a comprehensive power of 488kW will be released later. In terms of intelligent control, Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 launched the predictive energy management system, which can increase the energy saving rate by up to 15%. The newly added intelligent health management function ensures the safe operation of the electric hybrid system at all times.

[Press Release] Geely Yinhe will push seven products in 2 years. Yinhe L7 Sword refers to "the first choice for more than 200,000 smart hybrid" 2164.png.

The brand-new Galaxy N OS is a distributed operating system developed by Geely. By deploying a stronger information security protection kernel at the bottom of the architecture, the system deploys the national secret algorithm in the self-developed chip, which significantly improves the user privacy protection level. Through the communication with the brand-new voice engine at the system level, it brings users an interactive experience with more accurate recognition, full scene visibility and millisecond response. In the application layer, Galaxy N OS brings a brand-new UI style and beautiful silky Galaxy micro-motion effect, creating an immersive experience for users.

In the field of intelligent driving, the "Heaven-Earth Integration" version of Galaxy Intelligent Driving Scheme based on Geely Satellite will be launched soon. At present, Yinhe Zhijia can stop in time when it is cruising at a high speed of 90km/h, facing the static target; Geely Star Smart Computing Center can simulate 100,000 kilometers of intelligent driving behavior training in one day, and meet L3 global certification standards in combination with the professional test field of intelligent network connection and actual road test.

Geely’s self-developed centimeter-level satellite high-precision positioning module has passed the certification of vehicle regulations. By integrating Geely’s satellite communication, navigation and remote sensing technologies, this technology can achieve accurate positioning and never lose contact. It is estimated that in 2025, Geely will complete the networking of 72 low-orbit satellites. At that time, Geely Yinhe Zhijia will realize the global positioning ability without blind spots. In the future, Geely Yinhe Zhijia will also take the lead in mass production of leading technologies such as cross-layer memory parking, high-speed emergency antelope obstacle avoidance and low-speed exploration and crossing.

To create high-value products by leaps and bounds, Geely Yinhe L7 has become the first choice for 200,000-level intelligent hybrid.

Every product of Geely Yinhe series is designed to break the boundary and achieve transcendence, and will surpass the strongest in performance, intelligence, comfort, quality and safety, and refresh high value.

[Press Release] Geely Yinhe will push seven products in 2 years. Yinhe L7 Sword refers to "the first choice for more than 200,000 smart hybrid" 2701.png.

As the first product of Geely Yinhe, Geely Yinhe L7 is built on the world-class e-CMA architecture, with the length * width * height of 4,700 * 1,905 * 1,685 mm and the wheelbase of 2,785 mm. It is the first to build three heavy technologies, namely Aegis battery safety system, Raytheon hybrid 8848 and Yinhe N OS. It is the first intelligent hybrid product with low carbon manufacturing and has become the first choice for 200,000-class intelligent hybrid SUV.

In terms of styling design, Geely Yinhe L7 adopts the aesthetic design of Yinhe Ripple, and integrates photoelectric technology. It is the only intelligent electric hybrid SUV with fully enclosed grille in its class. The daytime running lights are in the shape of "cornices and arches", and the ripple taillights are designed in a penetrating way, showing a brave and powerful posture on the side. There are 6 body colors in Geely Yinhe L7, among which Yinhe colorful white car paint is the first in the world.

[Press Release] Geely Yinhe will push seven products in 2 years. Yinhe L7 Sword refers to "the first choice for more than 200,000 smart hybrid" 2965.png.

For the interior, the Galaxy L7 is equipped with the Galaxy free cockpit. 10.25-inch instrument +13.2-inch central control screen +16.2-inch auxiliary driving screen +25.6-inch AR HUD can realize four-screen intelligent interaction and satisfy the intelligent experience of the whole car. In addition, Galaxy L7 also comes standard with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, and is equipped with intelligent technologies such as 50w wireless charging, crystal ring light curtain, hidden door handle, headrest sound, etc.

It is worth mentioning that Geely Galaxy L7 creates a "Queen-level" luxury experience for the co-pilot with a million-level standard. The co-pilot has the largest leg space of 630mm at the same level, and 1 meter and 8 long legs can be easily laid flat; The seat can be tilted to 125 degrees, and the eye screen distance of 860mm forms a golden viewing position. Coupled with 4-way electric leg-dragging, infinity audio, seat massage physiotherapy, etc., it brings users the ultimate audio-visual entertainment experience.

In terms of power, Geely Yinhe L7 comes standard with Raytheon hybrid 8848 "three-speed variable frequency electric drive", which does not stall in all working conditions; 100 km acceleration of 6.9 seconds, supporting the ejection start; The fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only 5.23 L; CLTC has a comprehensive cruising range of 1,370 kilometers, all surpassing all hybrid products at the same level.

It is worth mentioning that, at the press conference, Geely and Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee jointly launched the Geely Yinhe Asian Games Assistance Plan, and Geely Yinhe L7 will be officially listed to serve the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games and become the torch relay support vehicle for the Hangzhou Asian Games.

[Press Release] Geely Yinhe will push seven products in 2 years. Yinhe L7 Sword refers to "the first choice for more than 200,000 smart hybrid" 3424.png.

Every leap-forward development of Geely is rooted in the high-value leap brought by scientific and technological breakthroughs. As Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, said: "Geely Galaxy is a declaration of action for the development of Geely’s new energy. It brings together the technical strength of Geely’s whole system, the world’s leading intelligent manufacturing system and the cutting-edge scientific and technological ecosystem integrating heaven and earth, which will surely lead China’s new energy into the’ new stage’ of value-oriented second development and will bring users a safer, freer and higher-value intelligent travel experience."

Huizhou Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris drastically reduced its price! The promotion discount is 15,000 yuan, which is very beneficial today.

Friends in Huizhou, are you ready? Car home preferential promotion channel brings you a wave of good news! Preferential activities are being carried out in Huizhou, with a maximum discount of 15,000 yuan! The minimum starting price is 137,800 yuan. Don’t miss this offer. Click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to see how much discount you can get!

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is a futuristic SUV, and its design is full of dynamics and tension. The front face uses a large area of chrome trim and sharp LED headlights, creating a very domineering momentum. The air intake grille adopts the iconic starry design of Xingtu brand, which shows the unique style of the brand. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is fashionable, which leaves a deep impression on people. In addition, the car also uses 21-inch large-size wheels, which further enhances the sense of movement of the whole car. On the whole, the appearance design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is in line with young people’s aesthetics and has a high degree of recognition, which is believed to attract many consumers’ attention.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4781*1920*1671mm and a wheelbase of 2815mm. The body lines are smooth, and the side contour lines are simple and powerful. The front and rear wheel tracks are 1641mm and 1642mm, respectively. With 235/55 R19 front and rear tires, the vehicle is more stable when driving. The overall design is fashionable, and the rim adopts a unique shape, which shows the luxury and sports sense of the vehicle.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris’s interior design style is fashionable and simple, with a lot of soft materials and high-grade decoration, creating a luxurious and comfortable atmosphere. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable and supports manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, which is convenient for the driver to adjust to the most comfortable position. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can control multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, sunroof, window and other functions, making driving more convenient. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. Both the main driver’s seat and the co-pilot’s seat support front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the ride comfort is fully guaranteed. The second row of seats also supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can be laid down in proportion, which improves the practicability of the vehicle.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0T 261 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This engine adopts advanced turbocharging technology, which can provide abundant power output and excellent acceleration performance. At the same time, with the 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, the shift is smooth and fast, so that drivers can fully enjoy the fun of driving. In addition, the engine also has the characteristics of high efficiency combustion and low emission, which provides a reliable guarantee for environmental protection travel. Overall, this engine is an important support for the performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, which brings excellent driving experience to drivers.

In the word-of-mouth evaluation of the owner of car home, we can see that he spoke highly of the exterior design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris. He mentioned that when he booked a car in a 4S shop, he took a fancy to the black car at a glance and felt very atmospheric. However, after picking up the car, he saw many existing cars with gray rhinoceros horns, which were placed together with the black body and felt very good, even more attractive to him than black. He thinks the shiny wheel hub of the flying fish version is very beautiful, but he also realizes that it costs a lot of money to change tires.

The exterior design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is really attractive, especially its atmospheric appearance and rhinoceros horn gray body, which makes car owners irresistible. The bright wheels of the flying fish version are icing on the cake, making the vehicle more outstanding. Although it will cost some money to change tires, it will not affect the owners’ preference for Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris. Generally speaking, the exterior design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is excellent, which makes car owners fall for it.

Is it starting to roll up? The pre-sale of Chery Tiggo 9 is only 160,000, which is lower than the starting price of Honda CR-V next door.

Chery’s new generation of global flagship SUV, the Tiggo 9, has opened the pre-sale price of 160,000 yuan for some time. As the latest flagship SUV of Chery brand, the name of this Tiggo 9 is also the largest number currently owned by Chery’s models. So for our consumers, is the pre-sale price of Tiggo 9 lower than the starting price of Honda CR-V next door worth buying? Let’s take a brief analysis.

First of all, in terms of appearance, the body size of the Tiggo 9 has reached 4820/1930/1699mm, and the wheelbase is 2820 mm. The gas field of the whole vehicle looks very strong. If you look at it a few times, you will even have the sense of sight of Lincoln aviators. It can be seen that Chery’s designers have made a lot of efforts on the shape of the car.

On the other hand, in the same price range, the Dongfeng Honda CR-V, with a minimum price of 169,800, has a body size of only 4703/1866/1680mm and a wheelbase of 2701 mm. The gas field of the whole car is not as strong as that of Tiggo 9, which is the plus item brought by the advantages of design and size.

Secondly, in terms of power system, the Tiggo 9 comes standard with the Kunpeng Power 2.0T engine. The new car has a maximum power of 261 HP and a peak torque of 400 Nm, and the transmission is a matching Aisin 8AT gearbox. Although we haven’t driven the Tiggo 9 yet, judging from the fact that the new car given by the government will come standard with CDC electromagnetic suspension system, the actual driving performance of this car should at least not be lower than that of the joint venture brand model at the same price.

On the CR-V side of Honda, the fuel version is still equipped with a power system composed of a 1.5T engine and a +CVT gearbox. Actually, the ride comfort, dynamic response and fuel consumption are not too big problems, but just because it is not fun to drive and the playability of the configuration is not good, the CR-V car is too moderate in my opinion.

Finally, in the smart cockpit, you will obviously feel that this is a car belonging to this era when you sit in the car of Tiggo 9. Whether it’s a large integrated dual screen, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip built into the car system, or its 14-speaker SONY stereo and 50-inch AR-HUD head-up display, it seems that it is telling you that I am a flagship SUV of Chery brand.

In addition, the materials and workmanship in the Tiggo 9 car are not selected at all. The seat padding is very thick and the softness is moderate. In addition, it also provides the Queen’s co-driver and the rear sunshade, so the care for the passengers in the car is also very thoughtful.

As for Honda CR-V, although the interior looks not bad, compared with the interior design of Tiggo 9, it is obviously easy to be defeated. The reason is not only that CR-V can’t be as "advanced" as Tiggo 9 in terms of building a sense of science and technology, but also that Japanese cars have always liked to control costs and pursue profit maximization, and they are not willing to pay for some materials.

Honda CR-V rear seat

Chery tiggo 9 rear seat

In the end, the intuitive feeling presented to users is that anyone with discerning eyes can see that the interior of Tiggo 9 looks better and the materials used are better, but Honda CR-V can only hold its own car ergonomically, which is more reasonable. In the final analysis, Japanese car companies have not put their eyes on the long term, otherwise they will not "stumble" in interior design.

Generally speaking, from our simple comparison between Chery Tiggo 9 and Honda CR-V, we can see that although the two cars have the same price range, the actual product strength is quite different. In this era of the rise of domestic cars, now we can buy a big, luxurious and intelligent flagship SUV like Tiggo 9 for 160 thousand. I have to say, domestic cars are really good.

For a joint-venture SUV model like Honda CR-V, which has been in the market for many years, to be honest, I really can’t find any reason to buy it now. You said that it is reliable, fuel-efficient and durable, and there is no problem when domestic cars are used for so many years. Therefore, the "things" that Japanese cars once relied on have become insignificant in front of Chinese people, leaving them with a shrinking market share. In a word, I really won’t choose a joint venture now with a budget of 160,000-200,000 yuan to buy a fuel SUV. I don’t know what you will choose. Leave a message in the comment area and let’s discuss it together. (Text/Youshi Automobile Dazhuo)

Note: the pictures are from the internet, and the rights belong to the original author. Thank you! This article only represents the author’s personal views, and does not represent the position of AUV.

Smart speaker+smart computer+low-level assisted driving ≠ smart car

In modern society, "intelligence" seems like a false word. Many products that clearly advocate human-computer communication under the banner of intelligence will be embarrassed when they are actually used, but they will take you to McDonald’s, but they will take you to the cinema.

For example, a smart speaker in my house, I called it to play a popular song that young people like, but it played me a good luck …

Nowadays, many car companies also want to March into the field of intelligence, but in the end, it is "much cry and little rain", thinking that just installing a big screen on the car, plus a slightly retarded voice communication system and some irrelevant driving assistance is an intelligent car.

Stop it,Smart speaker+smart computer+low-level assisted driving ≠ smart car.

If you want me to say, to really understand smart cars, it is better to look at this car company-Changan Automobile. Although Changan Automobile currently holds more than 100 intelligent black technology technologies in three categories: intelligent interconnection, intelligent interaction and intelligent driving, it is not as simple as eating the cover in one car and going up to the fifth floor at one breath. If you want to find out, it is better to start with this year’s Guangzhou Auto Show.

At the 2018 Guangzhou Auto Show, Changan Automobile unveiled its latest smart SUV, which attracted a lot of attention. What is the charm of this car and Changan Automobile?


Killer 1: APA 4.0 parking service system that makes parking like playing a remote control car.

You know, the car we drive is not a remote-controlled car, and now the urban road situation is becoming more and more complicated. For every novice, parking is always their biggest headache. Even the old drivers who have been through the battlefield, I believe they want to shout "I won’t coach!" When they encounter complicated parking environment.

As the gospel to save the "parking difficulty", one-click parking has increasingly become a parking artifact that everyone relies on, and major manufacturers are also happy to carry this technology on their new cars and attract consumers’ attention as a gimmick.


The APA4.0 parking service system carried by Changan CS85 can realize the functions of actively searching parking spaces, one-button parking inside the car and remote parking outside the car, and is suitable for horizontal parking, vertical parking, diagonal parking and horizontal parking.

As long as the vehicle is close to the parking space, APA4.0 parking service system will turn on the parking space identification, and when the parking space is detected, the intelligent steering wheel will be turned on. The driver only needs to switch gears according to the instructions, and the car can be easily sent to the garage like a child playing with a remote control car. You know, this core technology of autonomous driving has already been launched in Chang ‘an New CS75 at the Beijing Auto Show in April.

Killer 2: IACC integrated adaptive cruise reaching L2 autopilot level.

"Intelligence" is not only "wisdom", but also reflects whether a car is "alert" in parking, and automatic driving assistance also needs to be fully armed.

As the backbone of the ranks of independent brands, Changan Automobile naturally lags behind others. The IACC integrated adaptive cruise carried by CS85 includes many intelligent driving functions, which can cope with a variety of car scenes. This system has already been carried on changan CS55 to meet consumers.


With the cooperation of ICA one-lane intelligent assisted driving, TJA traffic jam assistance system and other configurations, CS85 can automatically extend the middle of the lane, and if the road conditions are congested and the markings are unclear, CS85 can also start the automatic car-following driving mode, and make a series of complex behaviors such as intelligently manipulating the steering wheel, automatically slowing down, and recognizing the speed limit of the road, which greatly liberates the driver’s hands and feet and creates a relaxed and pleasant driving atmosphere.

Killer 3: the real "man-vehicle integration" TAI automobile intelligent system

Just like everyone’s requirements for mobile phones, not only high value and high performance, but also certain playability can highlight personality.

The new Tencent TAI car intelligent system can be said to push the playability of CS85 to another height. I believe that if CS85 car owners play their cars thoroughly in the future, they will be more willing to turn their cars into their own "internet addiction places".

TAI car intelligent system not only introduces Tencent’s massive advantageous content ecology, such as QQ music, Tencent Radio, etc., but also doesn’t leave behind the IP of online games like the glory of the king, which Wang Dajie’s second son likes to play most.

Another thing that is more enjoyable is that the CS85 LCD instrument panel and the color big screen are not only beautiful, but also can realize intelligent interaction with two screens. For example, information from all directions such as navigation, making phone calls and listening to the radio can be directly mapped from the central control big screen to the instrument panel, which will neither let us miss important information nor affect driving safety because of reading information. It can be said that people and vehicles are truly integrated, intelligent and practical.


Create a real smart car

When the intelligence of other car companies still stays in the stage of PPT painting sesame cakes or concept cars, Changan Automobile has put intelligent and practical technology on production models, setting a reference sample for the intelligent development of the automobile industry.

Looking at the whole large and medium-sized SUV market segment, it is really only exclusive to Changan that it can be equipped with two core technologies of autonomous driving and many intelligent interconnected systems at the same time, like Changan CS85.

In August this year, Changan Automobile announced the intelligent strategy "Beidou Tian Shu Plan", which clearly described the bright future of automobile intelligence to the general public. (Now, it seems that there is finally a car company that is not just drinking too much and bragging. )

In Changan Automobile’s view, with the upgrading of driving demand, experience has increasingly become the focus of consumers’ attention. Just as the main contradiction in our society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the insufficient development of imbalance, consumers need safer, more comfortable, more convenient, communicative and personalized cars to meet the consumption upgrade.

In the future, cars will change from vehicles to large-scale intelligent terminals, and at the same time, new business models featuring "sharing and electrification" are accelerating. It is estimated that by 2020, the proportion of intelligent networked new cars will reach 50%, and by 2025, it will reach more than 90%. The automobile industry will fully enter the era of "no network, no wisdom and no car".

Intelligentization is actually a rare opportunity for China brand which started relatively late and has insufficient profitability. Therefore, only by quickly laying out the industrial chain, core technologies and innovating business models can we build an integrated long-term competitive advantage.

It is the opportunity and challenge of intelligent future that gave birth to the Beidou Tian Shu Plan of Changan Automobile. Changan Automobile will provide customers with a "four-hearted" intelligent mobile experience with peace of mind, happiness, intimacy and peace of mind, and create a better travel life.

In the field of autonomous driving, Changan Automobile has created a number of firsts: the first to realize the 2000KM unmanned driving test, the first to realize the mass production of the core technology of autonomous driving APA4.0, the first to realize the high-level automatic parking function of APA6.0, the first to realize the mass production of the core technology of autonomous driving IACC, the only China automobile enterprise in China to obtain the road test license of smart cars in China and the United States, the first L4-level autonomous driving public display, and the first to realize the L4-level semi-open park in China.

As can be seen from the debut of Changan CS85, Changan Automobile is creating new miracles.

"Shangri-La" plans to make efforts in the field of new energy.

Facing the growing new energy market, Changan Automobile sized up the situation and released the new energy strategy-Shangri-La Plan in 2017.

The "Shangri-La Plan" includes four strategic actions: 100 billion actions, 10,000-person R&D, partnership plan and ultimate experience. The goal is to complete the construction of three special platforms for new energy by 2020; By 2025, the traditional fuel vehicles will be completely stopped to realize the electrification of the whole spectrum of products.

By 2025, more than 100 billion yuan will be invested in the whole industrial chain to build an open and win-win industrial ecosystem and create a new energy vehicle with high quality and pleasant experience.

Then, Changan Automobile launched brand-new products such as CS75 PHEV, New Benben EV360 and Yidong EV460 non-stop.

At this year’s Guangzhou Auto Show, the first pure electric hatchback sports car, Yidong ET, was unveiled, realizing the full coverage of electrification in the market segment. Within a year, even pushing a variety of new energy vehicles, we can really see Changan Automobile’s determination and courage in the new energy market.

The director has something to say:

For Changan Automobile, CS85 is an important step towards intelligent transformation. Only such car companies that dare to innovate, are good at research and development, and are good at cooperation can truly push China’s automobile industry to the world.

Remember to like it!

Volvo is really a luxury brand for its quality and safety.

First of all, the quality of Volvo is good. I think the real owner has the most say. After a cursory look at the real owner’s answer below this question, I think I don’t need to repeat the answer. In short, I want to buy a car and go for a test drive first.

Let me briefly talk about some opinions about the rumors of poor quality.

First of all, it was mentioned that various votators on social media touted Volvo’s high safety, thus questioning exaggeration. There is no denying that Volvo can’t get away with it every time, but the root cause of many cases is that under a certain accident base, the number of times Volvo didn’t suffer too much damage in actual collisions must be better than other brands, so there will be so many cases. If it is said that touting one’s own advantages will also attract criticism, then I think the problem may not lie in Volvo products, but in people’s hearts.

Secondly, Volvo was under Ford in the past few years, and the problem of gearbox tuning has been criticized, which persuaded a group of car buyers. However, this problem has been well solved since Volvo changed the Aisin gearbox, and now Volvo’s power system is still very reliable.

Let’s take a look at Volvo’s new car quality ranking in recent years. Let’s first take a look at what this J.D.Power is. J.D. Power’s research is famous for its independence and objectivity, and it is one of the most professional and authoritative market research companies in the world. At the same time, J.D. Power has gained high recognition in the global industrial and commercial circles in terms of automobile customer satisfaction index, and its investigation and research strength in the global and China domestic industries is second to none.

In 2010, the first year that Volvo was bought by Geely, Volvo’s C70 was rated as the best compact luxury sports car by J.D.Power. Then in 2014,
get away
) also ranked first in the segment list of medium-sized luxury SUVs announced by J.D.Power. In the same year, Volvo pressed BBA to rank second in the quality list of J.D.Power luxury brands with the score of "45 cars per 100 cars", second only to Porsche.

Looking at the China Quality Research Report published by J.D.Power in 2021, Volvo ranks in the top three, second only to Hehe, which shows that Volvo has been doing this piece of quality with heart.

Finally, we talked recently about the XC40 pure electric ice-breaking experiment conducted by Volvo a few days ago. Although there may be moisture, we have to say that if you pull some new electric assembly cars to freeze at MINUS 20 or 30 degrees, can you drive them out or not? The XC40 pure electric energy frozen for 48 hours can show that Volvo not only passed the quality of oil cars, but also grasped the quality of trams in the process of electrification development.

In the final analysis, it is impossible for Volvo to have no quality problems at all, but most of them are harmless minor problems, which is one of the reasons why Volvo’s repurchase rate has been relatively high. Finally, I think non-car owners don’t have to worry about the quality of Volvo, but prospective car owners can buy it with confidence.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How many transformations can a pickup truck have? The answer of the Great Wall Gun is, N kinds! At the fiery Guangzhou International Auto Show, the trailer version of the off-road pickup truck, the rescue gun and the travel gun of the Great Wall Gun showed the audience how "fickle" the Great Wall Gun was. In fact, this is not the first time that the Great Wall Gun has "transformed". The rich modification scheme makes the ever-changing Great Wall Gun more attractive.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is to have fun.

The so-called modification is to make the car more suitable for its unique use environment. In this respect, people who are obsessed with fishing have a deep understanding. The fish and fishing tackle with nowhere to put, the scorching heat of the scorching sun, and the regret of not being able to travel far were all troubled before the appearance of the Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Fishing Edition, but after it, the problem was solved.

The wild fishing version converts the container into a pulley drawer-type partition storage bin, which can classify fishing gear and fish and bid farewell to the dilemma of fishing line entanglement and sewage cross-flow; Full-coverage gantry, set up a large number of expansion fixed points, and place fishing rods, shovels and other items in different categories; In addition, the framework of the gantry extends all the way to the roof, and larger outdoor equipment such as kayaking can be placed above the gantry through fixed components, and you can fish or play in the water.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

It’s not just fishing enthusiasts who like to leave, but their concern for the quality of life makes more people yearn for nature. The Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Off-road Travel Edition and Travel Gun that were previously unveiled make the whole scene pickup life available to everyone.

The Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Leisure Travel Edition is mainly based on the surrounding situation of the city, with side curtains installed to create a cool place at any time; With car refrigerator and outdoor mobile kitchen, you can enjoy the scenery and cook delicious food at the same time. A combined drawer is installed in the back bucket (canopy with flat cover), which is convenient for placing all kinds of tools/appliances necessary for life and meets the needs of multiple scenes.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

The traveling gun considers the advantages and disadvantages of various large and medium-sized RVs, and makes full use of the body space while retaining most of the functions of RVs, so as to ensure the simplicity of the vehicle shape, portability and good passability, so that you can stay in the camp at any time during the journey and enjoy the natural scenery.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Travel outside, in addition to married with children, it is also possible to tow a tugboat. At this time, the trailer version of the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck will come in handy. It has the announcement of towing, which can be legally towed on the road, 11 unique off-road equipment with fever level, 7 all-terrain driving modes, three locks, tank turning, Bailuchi tires, crawling mode, winch, wading throat, nitrogen shock absorption, off-road expert mode, multi-link, off-road information display, etc., making it easy to be competent for towing yachts, motorcycles, RV and other tasks.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

In addition, the Great Wall Cannon also has a multi-functional camper, which integrates cross-country, living, exploring and storing things, and is specially tailored for outdoor adventure, cross-country and extreme enthusiasts, making "self-sufficient" outdoor life a reality.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is a fearless journey.

Some people yearn for leisure, while others pursue wild conquest. In the modification culture of the Great Wall Gun, cross-country modification is quite worth seeing.

The cross-country pickup truck version of Great Wall Gun, which was unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show, mainly focuses on long-distance cross-country, redesigned the wading throat with low wind noise, added a quick-release anti-roll frame in the car to improve the safety level and meet the extreme challenges, designed a multi-purpose custom side plate rack and a sliding reset tray in the rear bucket, and installed various types of roof tents on the gantry. The wheels used the world-famous Avandia wheels with the prestigious KM3 tires of Bailuchi to adapt to more difficult and dangerous outdoor road conditions. On the whole, the cross-country pickup truck crossing version of the Great Wall Gun takes the details of field driving into account, and it is worthy of being an experienced cross-country old gun.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

On the basis of the off-road pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun, the wild guns for outdoor enthusiasts have specially strengthened the long-distance crossing ability, equipped with a portable auxiliary fuel tank, a container rack capable of carrying three full-size spare tires, and added roof racks and spotlights, which can meet the long-distance crossing of various road conditions such as plateau, Gobi and grassland. It can be said that the wild gun represents the ultimate concept of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck, that is, a product tailored for all-terrain, full-load and long-life outdoor crossing, which explains the highest level of off-road spirit.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Not long ago, at the Beijing Auto Show, the black bullet with black and orange color matching attracted people’s attention with its domineering shape. This powerful performance pickup truck for heavy cross-country enthusiasts has various cross-country kits such as side treads for rock climbing, front and rear double winches, spotlights, etc. It uses professional adjustable damping shock absorbers, and the chassis is raised by 80mm as a whole. The full-size cross-country tires of Toyo Dragon Claws and the fever-grade off-road equipment make cross-country more calm and pure.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is the responsibility.

As a national brand that cares about the country, Great Wall Gun not only pays attention to the fun modification, but also makes full use of its own product advantages to carry out tool modification, just like howard the duck in key occasions. The rescue cannon displayed at Guangzhou International Auto Show is a good partner for retrograde people.

The rescue gun was modified based on the commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun, and the cargo box was changed into a rescue mobile warehouse, equipped with professional rescue equipment such as generators, lifebuoys, demolition machines, medical boxes, stretchers and oxygen tanks. The whole vehicle is equipped with rescue equipment such as car radio, long-distance telescopic antenna (relay antenna) and climbing ladder. The chassis suspension is raised and the passability is enhanced, which can cope with various complicated road conditions and can be put into rescue scenes such as medical treatment, fire fighting, communication and outdoor.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Long before the rescue cannon appeared, the Great Wall cannon played a pioneering role in major events in many countries. During the war, the Great Wall Gun took advantage of the big container and was converted into a sterilization gun for environmental sterilization. In flood fighting, Great Wall Gun reached a strategic cooperation with Blue Sky Rescue Team to transport personnel and equipment in Huangshan disaster relief, becoming a car version of Noah’s Ark. In the future, Great Wall Gun will launch a customized model for Blue Sky Rescue to provide professional rescue vehicles with better off-road capability, loading capacity and comfort for registered members of Blue Sky Rescue. Climbing Mount Everest, as the official working vehicle of the media to measure the action of Mount Everest, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck provides a strong guarantee for Everest elevation measurement and media communication and other related work with its strong off-road performance, loading and comfort, and helps the national cause; To do public welfare, the Great Wall cannon cross-country pickup truck set foot on the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, accompanied volunteers to pick up garbage, and returned to Hoh Xil as a pure land.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is infinite possibilities.

As a leading brand in the pickup truck industry, Great Wall Gun insists on in-depth development and category splitting. On the basis of successfully developing the three sub-categories of passenger, commercial and off-road markets, it expands N-type modified cars, which are divided by appearance, interior and configuration. Unlimited possibilities of pickup trucks are used to build family universal cars to meet the diversified needs of users in all directions, and through modification, the barriers between different circles are broken, so that users who like to play and know how to play become attached to each other because of Great Wall Gun and modification.

On the other hand, Great Wall Gun practices corporate responsibility, and relies on the powerful off-road function of products and the unlimited modification space of open containers to expand unlimited application scenarios, protect people’s livelihood, add a sense of weight to the Great Wall Gun brand and make the users of Great Wall Gun feel more proud.

On the basis of a series of modified models, the Great Wall Gun will also launch a brand-new modified model that is bigger, cleaner, smarter and more fashionable. You want it all!

LI Q2′ s revenue and delivery reached a new high, and it welcomed high-speed expansion with "ideal speed".

  A few days ago, LI released its Q2 financial report for 2023, with revenue and delivery reaching record highs of 28.65 billion yuan and 86,533 vehicles respectively, with year-on-year growth rates exceeding 200%. In addition, the company’s operating capacity continued to improve, and Q2′ s gross profit margin increased steadily to 21.8%, making it a new force in car making and even a star in the entire automobile industry.

  First, focus on the highlights in LI Q2 financial report.

  In terms of financial data, LI Q2 has made a series of encouraging achievements. Revenue reached 28.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 228.1%; Operating profit and net profit both climbed, reaching 1.63 billion yuan and 2.31 billion yuan respectively; The gross profit margin increased to 21.8%, and the company’s profitability rose steadily; Free cash flow increased to 9.62 billion yuan, a substantial increase compared with the same period; By June 30, 2023, the company’s cash reserves reached 73.77 billion yuan … Both the positive and positive business trend and the ever-increasing abundant cash reserves have laid a solid foundation for the sustainable development of LI.

  The strong market performance is undoubtedly one of the sources supporting LI’s good business. By the beginning of July, LI had delivered over 400,000 vehicles. From November 2019, when the first Li ONE rolled off the assembly line, to October 2021, when the 100th car rolled off the assembly line, it took 23 months. It took 10 months for 100,000 to 200,000 vehicles to go offline. From 200,000 vehicles to the cumulative delivery of more than 300,000 vehicles, it ideally took 5 months; From 300,000 vehicles to 400,000 vehicles today, the ideal took only three months, which not only explained the "ideal speed", but also highlighted the deep recognition of LI by China consumers …

  At the same time, driven by the hot sales of L series models, LI also showed an accelerated expansion trend. In June, its delivery volume exceeded 30,000 vehicles for the first time, and this highlight performance continued in July; By the end of July, more than 200,000 ideal L series models had been delivered. With the release of its first all-electric flagship model MEGA approaching, LI, which has built a dual technical route of "all-electric+extended range", is worth looking forward to in the future.

  LI is also favored by the capital market because of its positive circulation performance and broad prospects for development. In the first half of the year, the share price of US stocks in LI rose from $21.760/share on the first day of opening to $35.100/share on the last trading day of the first half of the year, with an increase of 61.31%. As of the release date of Q2 financial report, the closing price of LI has risen to USD 42.630/share, with a total market value of USD 44.435 billion, or about RMB 320.118 billion, and it has secured the second place in the market value of China automobile enterprises.

  So, what factors have helped LI to achieve a leap-forward development?

  First, LI’s precise brand positioning and product hard power, which conforms to the development of the industry and has a deep insight into the market demand. With the transformation of China’s automobile industry from big to strong, "upward" development is the only way for China’s automobile. As a "latecomer", LI lacks brand shackles and focuses on the high-end market to give it an inherent advantage; And the sweeping rise has also given it the confidence to wrestle with the traditional luxury giants, and even broken the difficulty of China brand upward.

  In terms of products, in view of the demand of consumers in China and the control of various market segments, the products launched by LI won the hearts of the people. The product distribution of L7, L8 and L9 meets the purchase range of most consumers. The products themselves are not only smart and comfortable configurations such as "refrigerator, sofa, big color TV" that people talk about and even change consumers’ car habits, but LI has also spent a lot of R&D investment on more cutting edges, which has effectively improved consumers’ sense of comfort in car use. For example, in the development of L-series chassis, in order to change the air suspension from the exclusive luxury car of one million to the technology that can be used by more families, LI established R&D centers in the north and south, and developed the intelligent ideal magic carpet air suspension by itself.

  In addition, in order to better serve users, the network scale of stores in LI is also increasing. As of July 31, 2023, LI had 337 retail centers covering 128 cities, and operated 323 after-sales maintenance centers and authorized car body panel repair and spraying centers in 222 cities. The integration of online and offline integrated sales has promoted the improvement of sales and service efficiency.

  Based on the above, LI’s unexpected market performance is also natural. More importantly, the expansion of sales volume has also brought about the appearance of scale effect: the cost of vehicle R&D and production has been greatly reduced. According to the plan, the overall R&D expenditure rate of LI will continue to be stable at around 10%, even comparable to that of large multinational automobile groups; Have more say in the supply chain, so that it has more resilience and anti-risk ability; The geometric growth of brand recognition allows it to cope with the current "price reduction tide" safely, maintaining the price and showing the brand’s strength.

  The rising brand recognition, the continuous hot sale of products, the reduction of R&D costs, the upgrading of business process systems, etc., complement each other with the steady rise of the company’s operating performance, and thus form a sustainable positive cycle.

  Looking ahead, whether it is the company’s own development momentum, the continuous evolution of market demand, or the overall development direction and prospects of the industry, LI will achieve a higher leap.

  Personally, LI’s upcoming first pure electric vehicle will make its product matrix more perfect; Intelligent assisted driving functions such as urban NOA and commuter NOA, which will be pushed one after another, as well as vehicle capabilities that are constantly upgraded through OTA, will continuously enhance user stickiness and brand awareness; However, the company’s insistence on self-research of core technologies and increasing investment in R&D of product core technologies will become the guarantee of product hard strength.

  In terms of market demand, the mid-to-high-end incremental market has gradually become the main battlefield of consumption, which coincides with the positioning of LI. Family users’ demand for car purchase is diversified, but the purpose is clear. LI L7, L8, L9 and the upcoming MEGA can fully meet the needs of various consumer groups.

  From the overall prospect of the industry, new energy and high-end are also development trends. According to the data of passenger car market information association, from January to July, the total retail sales of new energy passenger cars in China reached 3.725 million, up 36.3% year-on-year. In July, the retail penetration rate of new energy passenger cars reached 36.1%.

  Based on the above, it is reasonable for LI to be optimistic about the future.It is predicted that the cumulative delivery volume in the third quarter will reach 100,000 to 103,000 vehicles, up by 277.0% to 288.3% year-on-year, among which the monthly delivery volume of L8 and L9 will exceed 10,000 vehicles, and the ideal L7 will challenge the monthly delivery target of 15,000 vehicles; The quarterly revenue is expected to reach 32.33 billion yuan to 33.30 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 246.0% to 256.4%. In the fourth quarter, LI will deliver 40,000 vehicles a month.