Li Ning’s revenue increased by 7% in 2023, and basketball running and fitness category contributed over 60%.

  Li Ning’s performance in 2023 shows that the three core professional sports categories account for 64% of the total revenue.

  In 2023, sportswear brand Li Ning released a performance report. The report shows that the group’s revenue increased by 7% year-on-year to 27.598 billion yuan; Gross profit increased by 6.9% year-on-year to 13.352 billion yuan, and the overall gross profit margin was 48.4%, which was consistent with the previous year. In addition, the profit attributable to equity holders of the Group was 3.187 billion yuan, the interest rate attributable to equity holders was 11.5%, and the net operating cash inflow increased by 19.8% year-on-year to 4.688 billion yuan.

  Aspect 1: In terms of categories, the running water of the three core professional sports categories of basketball, running and fitness accounts for 64% of the total revenue, among which the running water and fitness water increased by 40% and 25% respectively, showing the important role and market growth potential of these three categories in Li Ning Group.

  Aspect 2: In terms of sales channels, direct sales revenue has increased by 29%, and offline discounts have improved year-on-year. The annual wholesale flow achieved a low growth rate of 10%-20%, indicating that Li Ning maintained a stable performance in offline business.

Beijing released "Thirteen Questions on Haze Protection"

  CCTV News:In order to help you prevent haze scientifically, today (9th), Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission and Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released.Thirteen Questions about Haze Protection.

  1. What is haze?

  Haze is a kind of weather phenomenon that a large number of tiny dust particles, smoke particles or salt particles are suspended in the atmosphere, which makes the air turbid and reduces the horizontal visibility to less than 10 kilometers. Haze is generally milky white, which weakens the color of objects, making bright objects in the distance reddish yellow and dark objects reddish blue.

  Relevant research conducted by Beijing CDC in 2013-2015 found that the main components of smog are water-soluble inorganic ions (nitrate, sulfate and ammonium salt ions, etc.), metals and metalloids (lead, cadmium, arsenic, etc.), and carbon substances (organic carbon and inorganic carbon).

  2. Does smog affect the human body?

  Smog has an impact on the human body! According to the data, the impact of smog on human body is generally divided into direct impact and indirect impact.

  Direct impact: When the concentration of air pollutants rises sharply in a short period of time, people may cause acute harm by inhaling a large amount of pollutants, resulting in respiratory tract and eye irritation symptoms, such as cough, sore throat and headache. If it is exposed for a long time, it will cause chronic inflammation, decreased immunity and allergies.

  Indirect effects: smog can affect our health through long-term indirect effects, such as affecting solar radiation and microclimate, producing greenhouse effect, destroying ozone layer and forming acid rain.

  3. Why should we reduce outdoor activities in foggy weather? 

  Relevant research conducted by Beijing CDC in 2013-2015 shows that the indoor PM2.5 concentration is 30% to 40% lower than the outdoor concentration in severe haze weather, so it is suggested to minimize outdoor activities in haze weather.

  4. Do you want to wear a mask when the smog comes? How to choose? How to wear a mask correctly?

  If you have to go out in foggy days, wearing a mask is the most important protective measure. Any mask has a certain protective effect, but it is recommended to choose a mask with good protection. 

  According to national standards, the protection level of masks is divided into four levels from low to high: D, C, B and A, which correspond to different air quality conditions.

  Grade A corresponds to "serious pollution" and is used when the concentration of PM2.5 reaches 500 micrograms per cubic meter. Grade d corresponds to "moderate and below pollution" and is suitable for situations where the concentration of PM2.5 is less than or equal to 150 micrograms per cubic meter.

  Wearing a mask should follow the instructions for use. When wearing, you must completely cover your nose, mouth and chin, and keep the mask close to your face. The better the tightness, the better the protection effect.

  5. What should I pay attention to when wearing a mask?

  Not everyone is suitable to wear a mask. The tight structure and filter material of the mask will increase the respiratory resistance and reduce the comfort.

  Different groups of people should pay attention to wearing masks: pregnant women should pay attention to their own conditions and choose products with better comfort, such as protective masks with exhalation valves to reduce exhalation resistance and sultry feeling; Children are in the stage of growth and development, and their faces are small, so it is difficult for general masks to achieve the effect of close fitting. It is recommended to choose children’s protective masks produced by regular manufacturers. When the elderly, patients with chronic diseases and special people with respiratory diseases wear masks, it is recommended to use them under the guidance of professional doctors.

  Masks are not suitable for wearing for a long time. On the one hand, pollutants such as particulate matter are adsorbed on the outside of the mask, resulting in an increase in respiratory resistance. On the other hand, bacteria, viruses, etc. in exhaled breath will also accumulate inside the mask. Failure to breathe fresh air for a long time will make people’s own immunity decline.

  Non-disposable masks should be cleaned regularly, and the filter membrane should be replaced. When they are not worn, they should be kept properly.

  6. How to pay attention to personal hygiene after going home for outdoor activities in foggy weather?

  After going out for activities in foggy weather, clothes, nose and mouth, and bare skin will be attached with a large number of pollutants in the smog, which will be harmful to health. Therefore, it is suggested to take off your coat, wash your face, wash your hands, and wash your mouth and nose in time to reduce pollution.

  7. Why should children and the elderly pay more attention to smog protection?

  Children are in the stage of growth and development and are more sensitive to the environment than adults. The elderly have low body resistance and usually suffer from basic diseases. A large amount of dust and particles in the smog will stimulate the respiratory tract and easily cause respiratory irritation symptoms. Therefore, children and the elderly should pay more attention to the protection of smog.

  8. What should I do if there are symptoms such as cough and sore throat in foggy weather?

  The acute harm caused by people inhaling a large amount of pollutants in haze weather is mainly manifested in respiratory tract and eye irritation symptoms, such as cough, sore throat, red swelling and tears in eyes, etc. It is suggested that symptomatic treatment be taken when necessary to alleviate the symptoms.

  It is suggested that sensitive people with basic diseases should reduce outdoor activities in foggy days, but also reduce to crowded places with dirty air, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash their hands frequently, and pay attention to increasing or decreasing clothes at any time to maintain good physical condition.

  9. How do families choose air purifiers?

  The air purifier has a certain effect on purifying the air. When selecting, the first thing to do is to make clear the purpose of use, and to buy a purifier with purification effect on PM2.5.

  Second, we should pay attention to the performance indicators of the purifier. According to national standards, a truly effective air purifier should achieve the energy efficiency index of "three highs and one low".

  High clean headroom: The clean air volume (CADR) is the purification effect index of the purifier. The greater the CADR value, the stronger the purification ability of the purifier and the better the purification effect.

  High cumulative purification capacity: The higher the cumulative purification capacity (CCM) value, the more pollutants to be purified and the longer the life of the filter screen.

  High energy efficiency value: The higher the energy efficiency level, the more energy is saved.

  Low noise level: the working noise of the instrument is generally lower than 50 decibels, which is relatively quiet. When purchasing, you can observe the prototype for intuitive feeling. 

  Thirdly, in order to achieve the purification effect, the air purifier must be turned on for a certain period of time according to the room area, the power and purification efficiency of the purifier, so as to effectively reduce the pollution degree of indoor pollutants. Pay attention to the product manual when purchasing. Generally, the product manual indicates the test report or certificate of conformity issued by the air purification effect testing unit. Products that have not given experimental conditions and are too simple or even absolute should be purchased carefully.

  10. What should I pay attention to when using the air purifier?

  Attention should be paid to the purification effect of the air purifier during use, and it is suggested to replace or clean the filter material according to the product instructions. If it is found that the purification effect is obviously reduced, or that there is an odor after the air purifier is turned on, it is necessary to replace the filter material and clean the filter in time. Moreover, the purification materials in the air purifier also have a service life. In order to avoid secondary pollution, they should be replaced in time according to the pollution degree and service time. When indoor pollution is serious, the replacement frequency of filter media can be increased. Self-protection should be done when replacing the internal materials of the air purifier. For example, gloves and masks should be worn when replacing the filter screen to prevent contact and inhalation of trapped harmful substances during replacement.

  11. Does smoking affect indoor air?

  Indoor smoking has a great influence on indoor air. The experimental data of Beijing CDC show that the indoor PM2.5 concentration can reach more than 500 micrograms per cubic meter when one cigarette is burned in a 30 cubic meter experimental cabin. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid smoking indoors in foggy weather.

  12. How do families cook reasonably in foggy weather?

  Home cooking is also an important source of indoor PM2.5 Relevant research by Beijing CDC shows that the instant PM2.5 concentration can exceed 800 micrograms per cubic meter even if the cooking methods such as frying, frying and frying are used in the kitchen (doors and windows are closed). And can spread to the living room, bedroom and so on to a certain extent. However, the concentration of PM2.5 in the kitchen does not change much when cooking by steaming or boiling.

  Therefore, it is suggested that when cooking in foggy weather, the kitchen door should be closed and the range hood should be turned on; During the period of heavy pollution, try to steam and cook; After cooking, you should continue to turn on the range hood for 5 to 15 minutes.

  13. How to pay attention to the indoor environmental sanitation in foggy weather?

  The indoor activities of human beings increase in foggy weather, which will lead to the gradual increase of indoor PM2.5 concentration when doors and windows are closed. Therefore, in heavily polluted weather, wet cleaning method should be adopted for indoor cleaning, and wet mops and rags should be used for indoor cleaning, and the frequency should be increased appropriately. If the smog clears, open the window in time for ventilation for at least 15 minutes. (CCTV reporter Zhang Jing)

Military newspaper articles talk about soldiers’ live broadcast: confidentiality first and will explore and spread the image of soldiers

  Topic backgroundIn 2013, the domestic online live broadcast platform began to rise; In 2015, there were nearly 200 online live broadcast platforms with 200 million users. With the popularity of 4G and wireless networks, the habit and demand of netizens watching videos on the mobile Internet are being cultivated, and everyone can become a "live car". Some media said that the "national live broadcast era" is coming.

  With only one smart phone and one software, life in the military camp can be "broadcast live". Going back ten years is unimaginable for many people. As smartphones enter the military camp in an orderly manner, the "mobile phone live broadcast" platform has also been favored by many officers and men. At the same time, the live broadcast has also brought new problems and challenges to the army management. Facing the "mobile phone live broadcast fever", a recent experience of a regiment of the 14th Army of the Army may bring us some enlightenment.


  "Push-ups" on the live broadcast platform

  At the beginning of June this year, Xiao Wang, a noncommissioned officer of a regiment of the 14th Army of the Army, downloaded a mobile phone live APP and registered an account during his vacation. Every day, he does push-ups, singing and other programs. In less than a month, the number of fans has soared from zero.

  After returning to the team, Xiao Wang’s "live broadcast" was interrupted. I can watch my account constantly "dropping powder", and Xiao Wang is a little anxious. One weekend, Xiao Wang resumed the long-lost "live broadcast". After the company cadres found out, they immediately stopped.

  Coincidentally. Xiaoshi, a battalion secretary, likes playing games since he was a child. He was a "game anchor" when he was in college. Last year, after re-using his smartphone, he joined the "live broadcast" of the game, and sometimes used the weekend to anchor online game competitions. Once, a fan guessed Xiaoshi’s military status in the live broadcast and asked him about the army. Xiaoshi suddenly became alert and stopped the live broadcast.

  It has been found that many officers and men use the "mobile phone live broadcast" platform one after another, which makes the first battalion pay attention to this issue. Although most officers and men do not have "live online", there are also many people who "watch live". Some live content is not nutritious, and some are even mixed with negative information. The first battalion immediately stipulated that officers and men should not use the "mobile phone live broadcast" platform.

  It didn’t take long for a comrade-in-arms to post on the Youth League’s political work website with the topic "Is it really wrong to broadcast live on mobile phones?", which triggered a discussion.

  discuss about sth enthusiastically

  How does the military camp view "live broadcast"?

  “‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ It is no accident that it can be fired. " Zhao Zhang, a company soldier, said that he likes to record the moments around him with his mobile phone when he is on vacation. A touching scene is presented through live broadcast, which is more likely to resonate with everyone than empty preaching.

  "My favorite anchor often shares some practical skills in daily life." Peng Yuxi, a female soldier, watched the live broadcast on weekends. Every time she watched it for a short time, she gained a lot. Not long ago, she applied the storage skills learned from the live broadcast to the loading of carrying materials, which greatly improved the space utilization of carrying tools. This storage method was also used for reference by other officers and men in thy company, and everyone said it was good.

  In sharp contrast, some battalion chiefs frown at the mention of "mobile phone live broadcast". Some people think that if it is not strictly controlled, live broadcast software can easily turn mobile phones into "grenades." Instructor Ruan Liedong warned: "If you are not careful, if you put military secrets ‘ Live broadcast ’ What should I do if I go out! "

  In addition, the content of the "mobile phone live broadcast" platform is also worrying. The instructor of the 3rd Battalion said to Lei, "The reason why I object ‘ Live broadcast ’ It is worried that the officers and men are not strong in discriminating ability, and the live webcast content is varied and bizarre, which makes it easy for young soldiers to indulge in it. " He once found that some soldiers wasted a lot of money to give virtual gifts, and even became "moonlight clan".

  The heated discussion among officers and men attracted the attention of Liu Jijun, the political commissar of the regiment. “‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ It is an emerging product in the era of mobile Internet. When QQ and WeChat just emerged, the army did not let everyone use it. But it turns out that blind prohibition is a kind of ‘ Ostrich mentality ’ 。” Liu Jijun believes that "mobile phone live broadcast" does have certain hidden dangers, but it is not completely harmful. Barracks have their own particularity, and new things can neither be left unchecked nor banned at once. Instead, we should strengthen supervision while doing a good job in education and guidance, and unblock them simultaneously.


  "Education+Supervision" Facing the Challenge

  The more you argue, the clearer you become. A group of party members of the group quickly reached a consensus that there is nothing wrong with "mobile phone live broadcast" itself, but the time, place, method and content of its use must be clearly regulated and restricted.

  To this end, Liu Jijun prepared a special lecture for all officers and men to educate and guide officers and men to treat "mobile phone live broadcast" rationally. The regimental organs carefully sorted out the problems that are easy to occur in the "mobile phone live broadcast", invited the network engineers of the automation station to conduct technical analysis and answer questions on the spot, and timely launched a photo exhibition of network security warning education to enhance the awareness of network security prevention of officers and men.

  "The existing laws and regulations do not explicitly restrict the use of ‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ Software, but without approval, soldiers can’t expose their military identity on the Internet. Confidentiality is always a top priority. " Liu Jijun said that in order to strengthen supervision, the regiment refined and improved the "Regulations on the Management of the Use of Smartphones", stipulating that officers and men can only watch and conduct "live broadcasts" in the designated areas of military cafes on vacation or in casual clothes, and the content must not be related to the troops, and the military identity cannot be revealed; When performing tasks or under other special circumstances, you must disable functions such as camera shooting on your mobile phone.

  The group also developed smart phone management software and set up network supervisors in each company to find and correct violations in time. Not long ago, soldier Xiao Li just wanted to broadcast his physical training live in the company fitness room, but he was found and stopped. In addition, in order to prevent the erosion of bad information, the group actively cooperated with the resident network supervision department to grasp the situation of the mobile phone live broadcast platform with illegal problems for the first time and put it on the "list of prohibited software".

  "Through management education, officers and men are now right about ‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ The use of the platform has a clear specification. ‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ With media attributes, after reporting to the higher authorities for approval, we will consider exploring the use of live broadcast platforms to spread the good image of military personnel in the future. " Liu Jijun said.

Development Status of Artificial Intelligence AI Industry in China

     1. Development status of AI

    With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence has gradually entered reality from science fiction. Since the concept of artificial intelligence was first put forward in 1956, the development of artificial intelligence has experienced ups and downs. With the breakthrough of core algorithms, the rapid improvement of computing power, and the support of massive Internet data, artificial intelligence finally ushered in a qualitative leap in the second decade of the 21st century, and became the focus of science and technology attracting worldwide attention.
    For China, the development of artificial intelligence is a historic strategic opportunity, which is crucial to alleviate the pressure of population aging in the future, meet the challenges of sustainable development and promote the transformation and upgrading of economic structure. As the core driving force of the new round of industrial transformation and the strategic technology leading the future development, the state attaches great importance to the development of artificial intelligence industry. In 2017, the State Council released the "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan" to strategically deploy the artificial intelligence industry; In the government work reports in March 2018 and March 2019, it was emphasized that it is necessary to accelerate the development of emerging industries and promote research and development of artificial; applicationCultivate a new generation of information technology and other emerging industrial clusters to expand the digital economy.
    Since the deep learning algorithm was put forward in 2006, the application of artificial intelligence technology has made a breakthrough. Since 2012, the explosive growth of data has provided sufficient "nourishment" for artificial intelligence, and deep learning algorithms have achieved breakthroughs in speech and visual recognition, making it possible for the artificial intelligence industry to land and commercialize.
    2. Development layout of AI

    On the whole, China’s artificial intelligence industry has formed a pattern of coordinated development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Yangtze River Delta region and Pearl River Delta region, especially in the eastern coastal areas. According to IDC’s Evaluation Report on the Development of Artificial Intelligence Computing Power in China in 2019-2020, the TOP5 cities in China’s list of artificial intelligence cities in 2019 are Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou in turn.
    Among them, Beijing has a relatively mature layout and a relatively complete industrial chain. In particular, Zhongguancun Science City and other institutions provide favorable policies, technologies and talents for the development of Beijing’s artificial intelligence industry. At present, the number of enterprises with artificial intelligence in Beijing ranks in the forefront of the country, about 300.
    The number of artificial intelligence enterprises in Shanghai is less than that in Beijing, but it is also ahead of other provinces and cities. Shanghai plans to build an artificial intelligence highland and create a first-class artificial intelligence innovation ecology. At present, it has laid out a "human-shaped" spatial structure, which is distributed in 8 regions and 11 industries. In addition to Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places are also actively deployed, and artificial intelligence enterprises are more concentrated.
    Guangdong’s scientific and technological innovation ability is also in a leading position, especially the planning and development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area attaches importance to the layout of artificial intelligence. Up to now, Guangdong Province has successfully identified two batches of 8 parks as "Guangdong Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park". In addition, relying on the important opportunities of national characteristic towns, thousands of enterprises and thousands of towns projects, the Pearl River Delta National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, Guangdong encourages local cities to speed up the application layout of artificial intelligence industry and build a number of artificial intelligence towns.
    Hangzhou attaches great importance to the basic research of artificial intelligence. The "Xiangyun" DRMS system is the first data resource platform based on artificial intelligence in China. It is a full-volume, real-time "data warehouse" of Hangzhou’s urban data brain, which can provide functions such as real-time data collection, data Rubik’s cube and data governance, and creatively apply artificial intelligence to data exchange, sharing and opening. Driven by leading enterprises such as Alibaba, Netease, zhejiang dahua, Hikvision and Straight Flush, Hangzhou has formed a number of distinctive applications in smart cities, finance and other fields. In addition, Hangzhou actively builds an artificial intelligence industrial cluster, taking Hangzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone and Hangzhou Chengxi Science and Technology Innovation Corridor as the core, optimizing the layout of the city’s artificial intelligence industrial structure and realizing orderly competition and dislocation development.
    3. Market demand and scale of AI
    China’s artificial intelligence industry focuses on diversified application scenarios. Under the guidance of China’s national conditions and market demand, it aims at the practical needs of intelligent transformation and upgrading in transportation, medical care, finance, security and other fields, and focuses on selecting one or several key areas for key layout, focusing on the whole life cycle of big data in the industry, and taking the lead in promoting commercialization by optimizing scene design. In recent years, the competitive situation of differentiation and regionalization has attracted a large number of emerging artificial intelligence enterprises in China, which has promoted the continuous outbreak of China’s industrial scale.
    According to the statistics of Gaozhan think tank, the scale of China’s artificial intelligence industry reached 8.31 billion US dollars in 2018, and by 2019, the industrial scale exceeded 10 billion US dollars, reaching 10.55 billion US dollars. Among them, the industrial scale of AI basic layer, technology layer and application layer reached 1.99 billion US dollars, 3.06 billion US dollars and 5.5 billion US dollars respectively. Driven by policies and markets to accelerate the implementation of a new generation of artificial intelligence application scenarios, it is estimated that the industrial scale will approach 30 billion US dollars in 2022.
    Chart: The scale of artificial intelligence industry in China from 2015 to 2019 (USD 100 million)
    Source: Gaozhan think tank
    4. Number of AI enterprises
    According to the statistics of Gaozhan think tank, by the end of 2019, there were 779 artificial intelligence enterprises in China, accounting for 21.9% of the total number of artificial intelligence enterprises in the world, second only to the United States. In terms of the distribution of start-up time, the establishment time of artificial intelligence enterprises in China concentrated in 2010-2016, accounting for 67.3%, and reached its peak in 2015, and the number of enterprises established in 2016-2019 gradually declined.
    Chart: Time distribution of artificial intelligence enterprises in China as of 2019.
    Source: Gaozhan think tank
    In terms of geographical distribution of enterprises, artificial intelligence enterprises in China are mainly concentrated in the three metropolitan areas of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, accounting for 44.8%, 28.7% and 16.9% respectively. Among the provinces and cities, artificial intelligence enterprises are mainly distributed in Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other places, accounting for 88.4% of the total.
    Chart: Regional distribution of artificial intelligence enterprises in China in 2019
    Source: Gaozhan think tank
    5. Market structure and market share of AI enterprises
    The artificial intelligence application market mainly includes three aspects: computer vision application, speech semantic application and machine learning algorithm platform. Among them, computer vision application scenarios are rich and have great commercial value, and about 40% of artificial intelligence enterprises are concentrated in the field of visual artificial intelligence. According to the statistics of Gaozhan think tank, in 2019, the largest manufacturers in China’s artificial intelligence computer vision application field included Shangtang Technology, Defiance Technology, Yuncong Technology, Yitu Technology, Hikvision, Innovative Qizhi, Smart Eye Technology and Dahua Co., Ltd., accounting for 79.5% in total; The manufacturers occupying the largest market in the field of artificial intelligence speech semantic application include Iflytek, Tulsi and Xiao I.robot, Baidu Net News, Jietong Huasheng, Yunzhisheng, Shenzhou Taiyue, Alibaba Cloud and Spirits, accounting for 39.2% in total; The leaders of artificial intelligence algorithm learning platform include Fourth Paradigm, Alibaba Cloud, Baidu, Tencent Cloud, AWS and Microsoft. The main participants include Merrill Lynch Data, Jinshan Cloud, Jiuzhang Yunji, Intelligence Explorer, Xinghuan Technology, Xinhua III and Neusoft.
    Chart: China artificial intelligence market pattern in 2019

Viewing brand entertainment marketing from the advertisement of yogurt favored by many stars

    It is reported that Jay Chou, a talented musician, devoted himself to active work in the spring of 2009, and received a brand-new product advertisement. Apart from filming seriously, he personally acted as a producer, continuing Jay Chou’s consistent style of striving for perfection in his works. I learned from the popular TV advertisement that this product is Yili Yogurt, and the advertising effect is really good, and the style is fresh and pleasant. It is said that this advertisement is the first time for Jay Chou to endorse dairy drinks.

    Yili Yogurt, Jay Chou’s favorite endorsement in 2009.

    Looking at Jay Chou’s handsome dance in TV commercials, I can’t help but recall several other spokespersons of Yogurt: Wilber Pan, Yi Jianlian and Liu Yifei, all of whom are heartthrobs who have dumped all beings. The feeling of Yili Yogurt’s "I want my taste" sung from Jay Chou and Wilber Pan is also different, and Yogurt is famous for its different songs.

    The popularity and popularity of Yili Yogurt is a successful example of celebrity endorsement products, which also reveals a message: celebrity endorsement has become an important means of brand entertainment marketing, and the modeling, performance and even soundtrack of stars in advertisements may become classic memories in our minds.

    Wilber Pan and Liu Yifei spoke brilliantly of Yili Yogurt.

    Judging from the celebrity endorsement of Yili Yogurt, Yili’s brand entertainment marketing is indeed quite standard. Liu Yifei, a young and beautiful movie diva, Yi Jianlian, the first registered user of "Youth Rookie Field", and Pan Shuai Wilber Pan, a popular model student who plays cool to the end, let everyone feel the fresh and youthful taste and positive attitude towards life High unique TVC and print advertisements.

    In today’s entertainment-oriented era, choosing a star as a spokesperson has become a popular marketing tool for major brands, but it is rare to choose a star spokesperson who is fully consistent with the brand concept, positioning and image. Yili made almost no mistakes in choosing spokespersons, and each star seamlessly combined his own characteristics with Yili’s brand.

    Some entertainment critics once pointed out: "Wilber Pan’s dumping of sentient beings in Guangzhou University Town, Liu Yifei and Yi Jianlian’s youthful yogurt advertisement are all rare entertainment memories of our generation." Among them, "Yogurt Violin Girl" once became an online celebrity because of participating in the advertisement of Yogurt, which gave a vivid impression and formed the high-quality style of Yogurt Beauty.

    Jay Chou, the "Jiuding Supreme" who signed a contract for Chinese entertainment, is even more powerful for Yili Yogurt. Its significance lies not only in the successful introduction of "Spokesperson 2.0" and the overall improvement of brand attention and goodwill, but also in the creation of a new era of entertainment marketing of milk beverage brands with the help of Jay Chou’s "omniscient and omnipotent".

    From the advertisements of Yili Yogurt in recent years, we can easily find that Yogurt not only chose the right spokesperson, but also used the spokesperson properly. Jay Chou, Wilber Pan and other spokesmen all the way down, put the yogurt changes and progress in recent years are very in place.

    One of the highlights of Yogurt’s new Jay Chou commercial this year is that Jay Chou’s "I want my taste" and Wilber Pan’s tune have changed, and this change has brought about changes in the product itself. In the film, Jay Chou told everyone that Yili Yogurt has now added "excellent+active prebiotics", whose function is to activate the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, inhibit harmful bacteria and improve immune function more easily. "Taste of youth, experience by yourself" → "I want my taste "→" I want the change, I want the taste ",and the product quality and style concept of yogurt have always been in line with consumer demand.

    Numerous facts have proved that simple and formalistic forms of entertainment will eventually be ruthlessly eliminated in the performing arts environment. To really do a good job in entertainment marketing, it is no longer as simple as playing the edge ball and playing with new concepts, but cutting into the essence of entertainment with a high degree of prudence and combining the most appropriate entertainment methods can forge an effect that truly meets the core demands of the brand.

Editor: Gao Song

In the "Muma Case" in Shenyang, the greedy secretary wrote anti-corruption novels with personal experience.

    Failed to enter the "circle"

    "Ma Xiangdong only values Wang Xiaofang’s talents, but Wang Xiaofang has never been able to enter Ma Xiangdong’s’ circle’." Colleagues familiar with the situation in those years analyzed that this was also the reason why Wang Xiaofang was innocent after the accident in Ma Xiangdong.

     When he was in the fourth year of college, this Master of Science wrote a 100,000-word paper "Ecological Intersection Theory" and won the second prize of Excellence Award for Young Scientific and Technological Workers in Liaoning Province.

    "Wang Xiaofang’s worries about the ecological environment 20 years ago have not aroused widespread concern in society until recent years, so you can see his foresight." Wang Xiaofang’s friend Wang Mu Ye commented on him like this.

    Wang Mu Ye, an early master of biology in Germany, once worked in Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He believes that Wang Xiaofang put forward avant-garde ideas such as "circular economy" and "ecological city" earlier in the Master Plan of Shenyang Urban Construction made more than ten years ago. Later, Shenyang took off the label of "Top Ten Polluted Cities in the World", which was inseparable from the early planning.

    But after all, Wang Xiaofang is a scholar, and he and Ma are two strangers. Wang Mu Ye thinks that if a secretary only knows how to bury himself in his work and doesn’t know how to take care of the leader’s "life", even if he does a good job, he won’t be appreciated by the leader.

    Ma Xiangdong’s gambling nature was an open secret in Shenyang at that time. "Some people have scratched the itch of Ma Xiangdong, and the official luck is prosperous." On weekends, I often accompany Ma Xiangdong to fly to Macau to gamble, namely Ning Xianjie, then director of Shenyang Construction Committee, and Li Jingfang, then director of the Municipal Finance Bureau.

    Ma Xiangdong confessed in his repentance book that he first gambled abroad in 1996 and went to Malaysia. "I am responsible for attracting investment, and I have become friends with foreign businessmen in Southeast Asia. They often lead me to casinos to gamble."

    "Xiao Fang and I are people who can’t even play poker." Wang Muye said that sometimes, Wang Xiaofang complained to him privately. An open executive vice mayor took a break at noon and played cards in the office. "If you don’t like people, how can you get into their’ circle’?"

    Wang Xiaofang’s failure to enter Ma Xiangdong’s "circle" has something to do with the "bottom line" that his old father told him.

    "There must be a bottom line for being a man, and so must being a secretary." This is what father Fuxiang Wang often reminds Wang Xiaofang. Fuxiang Wang, who is 80 years old, is a typical Shandong man. He graduated from the Economics Department of Peking University in his early years and went north to support the construction of Northeast China in response to the call of the country. "Xiaofang is honest and frank and stubborn, and he is not suitable for being a secretary." Fuxiang Wang said of his youngest son.

    The old couple still live in a community built in the 1980s, and their 60-square-meter house was awarded when they were selected as model workers.

    "On his first day as a secretary, I set a bottom line for my family: my family is not allowed to ask Xiaofang to do things." Fuxiang Wang said that Wang Xiaofang’s sister and brother-in-law were laid off more than ten years ago and went out to work. His brother still works in the next district. Sometimes he gets drunk and complains that his brother didn’t help him when he was in office. When Wang Xiaofang was in power, a note could solve these problems.

    "Fell to the ground"

    On July 2, 1999, Ma Xiangdong, then the executive deputy mayor of Shenyang, was "double-regulated".

    "At that time, I felt shocked, confused and sad." Wang Xiaofang still keeps shaking his head and sighing. I feel sorry not only for myself, but also for Ma Xiangdong. "He is a capable man, but unfortunately he was led astray by two gamblers below."

    "Just six months before the accident, every weekend, Ma Xiangdong and Ning and Li frequently flew to Hong Kong and Macao to gamble. I privately advised him to pay attention to the influence, but the horse was unmoved. " Wang Xiaofang said that after that, he never dared to interfere.

    In "Secretary to the Mayor", Wang Xiaofang, with the help of the secretary "Remo", explained the "two sides" of the current officialdom intellectuals: on the one hand, they have ideals and want to do something, but on the other hand, they suffer from loss. Because of this, they dare not face corruption in order to climb up, but they are unwilling to self-destruct their future and go along with it, so they have to protect themselves.

    Ma Xiangdong is under investigation, and Wang Xiaofang has to be investigated and inquired at any time. During the three years of case investigation, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Procuratorate conducted a detailed investigation. "A carpet investigation will never let go of a corrupt element!" Wang Xiaofang regrets afterwards.

    "Fly well in the sky and be dropped to the ground for no reason." Wang Xiaofang’s wife described her husband’s experience so vividly.

    Ma Xiangdong’s case was finally tried by the court, and it was found that from 1986 to 1999, Ma accepted bribes equivalent to more than 9.6 million yuan, embezzled $120,000, misappropriated $398,000, and the source of huge property of more than 10.68 million yuan was unknown. The total amount of violation of discipline and law is as high as 31.5 million yuan. Ma Xiangdong was sentenced to death according to law.

    "One political star after another has changed, corrupted and fallen. Can you avoid the occurrence of corruption cases by personal cultivation? " After the Muma case, Wang Xiaofang has been troubled by this problem.

    Soul white paper

    After the Muma case, Wang Xiaofang claimed that he had been tortured like purgatory. However, he believes that the hardships experienced in the depths of his heart are inexhaustible wealth in his life.

    In 2001, Wang Xiaofang resigned and went to sea, but his business was not satisfactory because he rushed into battle. There is no doubt that everything has to start from scratch, and he is once again in extreme depression.

    When Wang Xiaofang went to Beijing for fun in the second year after his resignation, a friend said that he had so much experience and suggested that he write a novel. He returned to Shenyang to sell the company and began to concentrate on writing. Unexpectedly, the first novel "Fatal Vortex" was selected by the writers’ publishing house and published soon. "It was September 2003, and my pirated books were all over the street."

    After that, he focused on the officialdom. Director of Beijing Office, Director of Beijing Office (II) and Secretary of the Mayor were published one after another.

    "I have a strong desire to talk about the’ spiritual purgatory’ of officialdom in recent years." Wang Xiaofang said, "The reason why the two mayors before and after are written as corrupt elements in" The Secretary of the Mayor "is to reveal a truth. Anti-corruption can only rely on the reform of the government system, otherwise it can only be’ previous corruption’." Wang Xiaofang expressed his original intention of creating a series of officialdom novels.

    When Ma Xiangdong was sentenced to death, Wang Xiaofang was deeply shocked. The next day, Ma Fufa had a photo on the Internet before his execution, sitting in a chair, his eyes blurred with despair and half a cigarette in his hand. Wang Xiaofang felt extremely sad. "At the same time, he had an impulse to turn his inner natural secrets into spiritual secrets." He printed out the photos and stared at them and wrote more than 10,000 words in one breath. This is the beginning of "Secretary to the Mayor".

    However, after the publication of Secretary to the Mayor, some people regarded the novel as reportage, and "Dongzhou" as Shenyang, and some people even took their seats accordingly. Wang Xiaofang felt the pressure. What’s more, as soon as his "Big Real Estate Dealer" came out this year, representatives of relocated households in Shenyang held his novels to ask for signatures, and sent piles of petition materials, saying that Wang Xiaofang should "continue to dig deep into the shady situation in Shenyang’s real estate development". This made Wang Xiaofang laugh and cry: "I wrote this novel based on the’ most cattle nail house’ in Chongqing last year."

    "The mayor’s secretary is a monologue from the heart and a white paper on the soul. The story is fictional, but the mental journey is real. The story of this book comes from both my life and my spiritual understanding. "

    "I live in novels every day now." Wang Xiaofang said. Every morning from 9 am to 5 pm, it is his creative time. Keep writing 3000 words every day without interruption. The manuscript paper accumulated a thick dozen, and his wife typed it out on the computer. "I often have a heart-to-heart conversation with the characters in the novel and even have a fierce quarrel."

    No matter the previous Secretary to the Mayor or the newly published Big Real Estate Dealer, there are no empty Gao Daquan-style characters. "I want to give everyone hope, in the cruel social reality." Wang Xiaofang said that through the intrigue of officialdom, the subtle mentality among officials and the thrilling power struggle, people’s souls were touched, and the righteous forces were given a hundred times of confidence and the evil forces were frightened.

    "I used to have political ambitions, and my political ambitions were realized in my novels." Wang Xiaofang said meaningfully. (Trainee reporter Li Jifeng) (Source: Democracy and Legal Times)

Editor: Feng Ye

Picturesque novel

Wisteria (Chinese painting) Wu Guanzhong is selected from the Chinese Art Palace (Shanghai Art Museum) "Chinese Scenery-Lin Fengmian and Wu Guanzhong Art Exhibition"

I read Wang Zengqi’s novel "The Apprentice", in which I wrote that the great grandfather of the fourth season was jealous of the people, and I thought of Mr. Wang himself.

Mr. Wang is famous for painting, and he also wants to be a painter. His father is a painter. He went to The National SouthWest Associated University at the age of 19. Mr. Wang once said that if he failed, he would go to the National College of Fine Arts. However, Mr. Wang has been admitted. If he fails, he will go to the Art College. Perhaps there will be another master in the history of modern painting in China.

The plot of The Appreciator is very simple, telling the story of a great painter and a fruit delivery vendor. It is also a story about a bosom friend. We all know that Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, one playing the piano and the other listening to the piano, performed a deep feeling of "high mountains and flowing water". Although Ye San is a fruit vendor, he knows Ji Xianmin and his paintings. Ji Xianmin’s paintings are never seen by people, but he can see them in Yuzryha. Ye San’s appreciation of his paintings is what Ji Xianmin is proud of. Ji Jian-min painted the wrong lotus, and Ye San pointed it out, so Ji Jian-min repainted it and gave it to Ye San. Sometimes Ji Jian-min gave Ye San a painting without the title, and Yuzryha San could sell it. Ye San said, I won’t sell any of your paintings. Sure enough, after Ye San’s death, according to his will, his son buried all the paintings given by Ji Yumin.

Mr. Wang Zengqi knows Chinese painting. He wrote this novel to pay tribute to the literati paintings in China after the Song and Yuan Dynasties (he knew many painters in ancient China), and also devoted his understanding of China ink painting (including techniques) to the text. For example, Mr. Wang painted the ink lotus and wisteria, such as "there is wind in wisteria, and the flowers are messy". Mr. Wang himself painted many wisteria with this kind of messy flowers.

During his visit to Iowa, Mr. Wang gave a speech entitled "My Creative Career". When talking about the relationship between China’s literature and painting, he said that some people say that his novels are poetic novels, but he hopes that some people will say that his novels are picturesque novels.

This is really what Mr. Wang hopes, and it is also the case. Mr. Wang’s works are indeed full of painting meaning-China’s ink spirit, the art of blank space in Chinese painting.

He also visited some art galleries and museums in America. In the Boston Museum, he saw a Song Huizong’s copy of Zhang Xuan’s "Dao Lian Tu" and admired it immensely. He mentioned this painting in a conversation and said, "That thread is so long that I can’t wait to kowtow to it when I write it." In the novel, Mr. Wang used Zhang Daqian to write about the painting of Mohe lotus by Ji Yumin, saying that "the lotus leaves he painted are not hooked, and the lotus stalks are not pricked, and he likes to make them long, and the lotus stalks are very long, and they are all in one stroke." This is all Mr. Wang’s own experience.

Author: Subei

Text: Northern Jiangsu Picture: Wu Guanzhong Editor: Wu Dongkun Editor: Shu Ming

Please indicate the source when reprinting this article.

From the government-led to the main scientific and technological investment of enterprises, the innovation power is surging.

  Investment of R&D funds from 1953 to 2017

  Sharp tools make good work. Investment in science and technology is the necessary condition and basic guarantee for scientific and technological progress. Since the founding of New China 70 years ago, China has gradually established a national science and technology investment system that adapts to the characteristics of the socialist market economy system.

  "The continuous improvement of the national science and technology investment system and the sustained and rapid growth of research and development (R&D) funds have stimulated the vitality of scientific and technological innovation in the whole society and strongly supported the country’s scientific and technological progress and rapid and stable economic and social development." Zhu Yingchun, deputy director of the Institute of Science and Technology Statistics and Analysis of the China Academy of Science and Technology Development Strategy, said in an interview with the Science and Technology Daily reporter.

  A historic breakthrough was achieved in the scale and intensity of R&D funds.

  The R&D expenditure of the whole society is an important component of the national (regional) investment in science and technology, an important indicator to measure the national (regional) investment in science and technology, and an important indicator to observe and analyze the national (regional) scientific and technological development strength and competitiveness.

  Since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, with the promulgation and implementation of various national economic policies and science and technology policies and the enhancement of the country’s comprehensive national strength, the investment in science and technology in the whole society has increased rapidly, and the scale and intensity of R&D funds have achieved a historic breakthrough.

  Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in 2018, China’s R&D expenditure reached 1,967.79 billion yuan, 123 times that of 1991, from 1991— In 2018, the average annual growth rate was 19.5%, far exceeding the average annual growth rate of GDP at current prices in the same period.

  At the same time, the investment intensity of R&D funds has hit record highs, reaching 2% for the first time in 2013 and 2.19% in 2018, exceeding the average level of the 15 EU countries. According to the exchange rate, China has become the second largest R&D investment country in the world after the United States, providing a strong financial guarantee for the development of science and technology.

  China’s national financial expenditure on science and technology increased from 60 million yuan in 1953 to 951.82 billion yuan in 2018. 2005— In 2010, the national fiscal expenditure on science and technology grew fastest, with an average annual growth rate of more than 20%. In 2011, the growth rate began to decline, and in 2018, it increased by 13.5% over the previous year, setting a record high since 2013.

  "The national financial expenditure on science and technology has played a key role in driving the whole society’s R&D investment and leading the national strategic orientation, providing a strong guarantee for scientific and technological innovation." Zhu Yingchun pointed out.

  In Zhu Yingchun’s view, the investment in science and technology has increased rapidly, and the scale and intensity of R&D funds have achieved a historic breakthrough, which is in line with the Outline of the National Medium-and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan (2006— The promulgation and implementation of "2020)", especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, various departments and localities have taken active measures, and the whole society has formed a consensus on attaching importance to and supporting innovation.

  From different regions, the performance of scientific and technological investment in some places is eye-catching. In 2017, the fiscal expenditure on science and technology in seven regions including Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shanghai exceeded 20 billion yuan. The local fiscal expenditure on science and technology in 11 provinces (cities) accounted for more than 2% of the local fiscal expenditure, and Guangdong, Shanghai and Beijing all exceeded 5%.

  It is worth mentioning that in 2018, the number of regions with R&D investment intensity greater than 2% increased to 11, among which the R&D investment intensity in Beijing reached a record high of 6.17%.

  Enterprises become the main force supporting the growth of R&D investment.

  Since the reform and opening up, China has actively guided other social capitals to increase their support for innovation through direct and indirect financial investment. Enterprise funds have gradually become an important source of funds for the whole society to invest in R&D funds.

  "In recent years, the source structure of R&D funds has been further optimized, and the dominant position of enterprise innovation has been further highlighted. The proportion of corporate funds in R&D funds increased from 60.1% in 2003 to 76.5% in 2017. " Zhu Yingchun believes that this is mainly due to the improvement and implementation of the R&D expenses plus deduction policy, the tax relief policy for high-tech enterprises and the accelerated depreciation policy for fixed assets, which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of enterprises for R&D activities. As the main body of technological innovation, enterprises have become the main force supporting the growth of R&D investment in China in recent years.

  Enterprises are not only the main body of investment in R&D funds, but also the main body of implementation. From the perspective of expenditure structure, the proportion of R&D expenditure of Chinese enterprises in the total social R&D expenditure has increased from about 60.0% in 2000 to 77.4% in 2018.

  According to statistics, in 2017, the number of enterprises enjoying R&D expenses plus tax reduction and exemption for industries above designated size and tax reduction and exemption for high-tech enterprises reached 24,400 and 24,200 respectively, 3.3 times and 3.5 times that of 2009 respectively, and the amount of tax reduction and exemption reached 57 billion yuan and 106.2 billion yuan respectively, which played a positive role in encouraging and guiding enterprises to carry out R&D activities.

  In 2018, the basic research funds broke through the 100 billion yuan mark for the first time.

  Data from the Statistical Bulletin of National Science and Technology Investment in 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the Bulletin) show that in 2018, China invested a total of 1,967.79 billion yuan in R&D, an increase of 207.18 billion yuan or 11.8% over the previous year. Among them, the basic research funds exceeded 100 billion yuan for the first time, reaching 109.04 billion yuan, keeping pace with the investment in research and development.

  Li Yin, a statistician of the Department of Social Sciences and Literature of the National Bureau of Statistics, explained that the funds for basic research exceeded 100 billion yuan, and all three subjects achieved rapid growth. The funds for basic research in institutions of higher learning, government-owned research institutions and enterprises were 58.99 billion yuan, 42.31 billion yuan and 3.35 billion yuan respectively, up by 11.1%, 10.1% and 15.7% respectively over the previous year. Among them, colleges and universities contribute 51.1% to the growth of basic research funds in the whole society, and they are the main bodies to carry out basic research.

  According to Lv Wei, a researcher in the Innovation and Development Research Department of the State Council Development Research Center, the investment in basic research in China has been increasing continuously in recent years, which is not only related to the state’s attention, but also an inevitable requirement for the development of technological innovation capability to the stage of "three runs coexist". The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that we should aim at the forefront of world science and technology, strengthen basic research, and achieve a major breakthrough in forward-looking basic research and leading original achievements.

  Over the past 70 years, China has made remarkable progress in science and technology investment. "However, it should still be noted that compared with the goal of deepening the supply-side structural reform and building a world science and technology power, the investment intensity of R&D funds in China needs to be rapidly improved." Zhu Yingchun pointed out.

  Judging from the cumulative investment, there is still a big gap between the total investment of R&D funds in China and the United States and Japan since 1991. Science and technology investment has a strong cyclical accumulation effect, and the appearance of scientific and technological innovation effect depends on long-term investment and continuous accumulation. When the innovation ability changes from "tracking, paralleling and leading" to "paralleling" and "leading", it still needs the support of a lot of scientific and technological investment to achieve key core technological breakthroughs.

  At the same time, problems such as unbalanced investment structure of R&D funds have yet to be solved. For example, the single source of funds for basic research. The proportion of basic research funds in China has been around 5% for a long time, which is lower than 15% in developed countries & mdash; The general level of 20%; Basic research is highly dependent on the central financial input, and local and enterprises have insufficient investment in basic research.

  In this regard, Zhu Yingchun suggested that in the future, we should speed up the construction of a diversified investment system, strengthen the comprehensive design of fiscal, taxation, financial and other policies, form an organic policy system, and further guide venture capital, charitable donations, and universities’ own funds to invest in R&D activities. (Reporter Tang Ting)

"online celebrity Bookstore" has become a holy place for punching cards. Are you going to read books or take photos?

  Beijing, April 23rd (Reporter Shangguan Yun): Innovative and distinctive decoration, ingenious book display, and accompanying coffee and water bar … … Nowadays, this "online celebrity Bookstore" similar to the cultural consumption space has attracted a large number of fans with its high value.

  However, the purpose of people going to bookstores in the early days was generally clear: buying books or reading books. However, in the eyes of a large number of people who walk into "online celebrity Bookstore", books are not the key point, but taking pictures is: finding the angle, posing, pressing the shutter, and you’re POSE.

  Bookstores are becoming more and more beautiful, but some people’s focus is not on books? On the eve of World Book Day, the reporter learned during the interview that the above phenomenon is not uncommon. Moreover, even the "online celebrity Bookstore" needs to think deeply about how to improve people’s reading enthusiasm.

  Warm memories in the old bookstore

  Bookstores carry many people’s warmest reading memories, as they did decades ago.

  Liu Yida, a writer and author of Tao Beijing, especially likes visiting bookstores since childhood. In the past, his impression of bookstores mainly came from Xinhua Bookstore, in addition, there were China Bookstore, which monopolized ancient books and used books, as well as foreign language bookstores and children’s bookstores.

  At that time, bookstores were mostly old-fashioned wooden doors with high steps, and books of different categories were stacked behind the counter. The shop assistant wears uniform overalls and sleeves, and occasionally takes a feather duster to clean up the dust. Readers will say hello to which book they like, turn it over first, and make out the invoice and pay the money when it is suitable.

  Because there is no money, Liu Yida will go to read books with her classmates. The shop assistant didn’t tell the truth, still handed the book in a friendly way, watching a group of children squatting under the counter against time to finish reading the book, and at most reminded them when they were leaving work.

  After the reform and opening up, a large number of foreign classics were introduced, and bookstores became a place where people gathered together. Liu Yida once rode a bicycle to "patrol shops" all over the city, and once got up at three or four in the morning to queue up, perhaps just to buy a copy of Resurrection.

  If you can’t buy your favorite books, some readers will stay near the bookstore and exchange their books with others. Liu Yida once traded two books by Russian writers for Zola’s Nana.

  "Today’s young people may find it difficult to understand people’s enthusiasm for bookstores and books at that time." Liu Yida sighed.

  From experiencing the cold winter to "breaking the shell"

  With the east wind of economic development, private bookstores were once very good. However, it didn’t take too long for the physical bookstore to usher in the "cold winter" in the mouth of the industry: the closure of Beijing roof of the world Bookstore and the closure of Photosynthetic Bookstore & HELIP; … Physical bookstores such as Shanghai Thinking Music Bookstore also withdrew.

  According to statistics, from 2002 to 2012, especially after 2011, there was a large-scale collapse of private bookstores. In fact, even if some physical bookstores don’t have relevant stores, they need to move because of a series of reasons such as rising rents and e-commerce shocks.

  With the development of the Internet, fragmented reading methods have gradually spread, and fewer and fewer people seem willing to go into bookstores to buy books and read books as before. More and more people are calling for "protecting the development of physical bookstores".

  In recent years, with the support of favorable policies, some traditional bookstores began to seek changes by taking advantage of the situation; Some characteristic physical bookstores have gradually taken root: new chain bookstores such as Sisyph and Yanjiyou appear in front of people … …

  Unconsciously, physical bookstores are quietly picking up, and readers have more good places to go.

  The hustle and bustle of "online celebrity Bookstore"

  However, some readers obviously find that some bookstores now are a little different from the past: not only are the interior decorations particularly novel, but also various lectures and cultural activities are held; They also sell coffee or light meals. People seem to have added another purpose to the bookstore: taking pictures.

  The Page One Bookstore in Qianmen, Beijing, once painted a wave of screens with its beautiful bookstore interior design: the tall "Tongtian Book Wall", which is like the roof of the starry sky … … It has attracted many readers to punch in, and it is called "online celebrity Bookstore".

  Nowadays, it is not uncommon to find a high-value "online celebrity Bookstore". It’s just a little embarrassing: quite a few people come to it, the main purpose is not to study, but to find angles, pose, and then take pictures and make friends, and you’re done.

  On the weekend before World Reading Day, in the Page One Bookstore near Qianmen, the reporter roughly counted six or seven readers taking pictures in about five minutes. Professional, and brought a camera.

  "Bookstores are places to spread knowledge. You don’t have to buy books or listen to lectures. At least do something related to books and reading." A young reader half-jokingly "spits" that bookstores are getting better and better, but it doesn’t seem to attract readers in direct proportion to this.

  Bookstores are getting more and more beautiful. Why didn’t the reading of paper books go up much?

  Not long ago, the main findings of the 16th National Reading Survey were released. The data showed that the average reading volume of paper books for China adults in 2018 was only 4.67, which was basically the same as 4.66 in 2017.

  Therefore, some people ask, bookstores have become more beautiful and have more complete functions. Why don’t people read more paper books?

  Writer Sanshi believes that the increase of high-value bookstores and online celebrity bookstores is a good phenomenon in itself. "This is the result of the transformation and upgrading of physical bookstores in recent years, with the purpose of attracting readers’ attention and stimulating the public’s desire to read."

  "Readers are keen to punch in and take photos at online celebrity Bookstore, which has an objective propaganda effect and can let more people know about the bookstore." Sanshi said, however, these "online celebrity-style" photo traffic needs to be effectively converted into the traffic for readers to read.

  On the other hand, the popularity of mobile phones, short videos and live broadcasts has also squeezed out too much time for readers. The fast-paced life and the fragmented way of obtaining information make it difficult for many people to even have the patience to finish reading a novel.

  "For bookstores, what needs to be considered is how to hold interesting activities, so that people who simply punch in and take pictures are attracted by the fun of reading and take the initiative to buy books to study. This is combined with other reading promotion activities to promote the increase of people’s reading. " Sanshi said that this is the responsibility of bookstores to spread knowledge, but it may be a long process. (End)

The biggest attraction of the Russian Victory Day military parade, the latest weapons and equipment to see first.

  CCTV News:The 9th is the anniversary of the 74th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War in Russia. As usual, a grand military parade will be held in Moscow’s Red Square. On the morning of the 7th local time, Russia held the general rehearsal of this year’s Victory Day military parade. In this rehearsal, a total of 13,000 officers and men, 132 weapons and equipment and an air formation consisting of 74 aircraft symbolizing the 74th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War appeared.

  Walking phalanx mechanized square and air formation

  The entire parade lineup consists of three parts: the trekking phalanx, the ground mechanized square team and the air formation.

  This year, a total of 35 trekking phalanxes participated in the Victory Day military parade. According to the usual practice, the drum band phalanx of "Moscow Military Conservatory of Music" took the lead in the entrance and kicked off; This year’s phalanx also includes for the first time the phalanx of "Moscow University of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation", the phalanx of female soldiers of "zhukov Air and Space Defense Military Academy" and the phalanx of "Military Academy of Russian Federation Investigation Committee".

  Followed by the ground mechanization team that attracts much attention every year, the T-34 tank that made great achievements during the Great Patriotic War is still at the forefront; The latest generation of Russian main battle tank T-14 Amata tank has become the focus of this mechanized team because of its excellent protective ability and the latest military technology. At the same time, classic mechanized equipment such as "iskander -M" tactical missile system, "Jarls" strategic missile system and "boomerang" armored transport vehicle also appeared; The fleet of air defense systems displayed the air defense missile systems of Doyle -M2, Beech -M2, Armor -M and S-400.

  The air formation was led by the world’s largest transport helicopter "Mi -26", and four "Mi -8" helicopters took the lead in flying over Red Square; The upgraded A-50U early warning aircraft also joined the parade formation on Victory Day for the first time in four years. Il -78 aerial tanker and Tu -95MS strategic bomber demonstrated the aerial refueling status on the spot; The famous "Russian Warriors" and "Swift" air show teams drove five Su -30SM fighters and four MIG -29 fighters in a diamond shape in the air to complete the difficult "kubinka Diamond" stunt; Finally, six Su -25 attack planes sprayed white, blue and red tail smoke symbolizing the flag of the Russian Federation from their tails and flew over Red Square, ending the general rehearsal of the military parade.

  The biggest attraction is that the latest weapons and equipment will be unveiled.

  The general rehearsal of the military parade announced the military parade lineup in advance. Then, what changes have taken place in this year’s Victory Day military parade and what are the highlights? Let’s take a sneak peek. The biggest attraction of the Red Square military parade is the latest equipment of the Russian army. Besides main battle tanks and missile systems, what else?

  This year, Russian airborne troops will walk through Red Square with the latest AK-12 assault rifle. The AK-12 is developed by Russia and equipped with Russian troops.

  journalist"You must have shot with this gun?"

  Students of Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School in Margelov, Russia.Yes, this is the first time to show this type of weapon on the Red Square parade. It is the most convenient weapon.

  This year, the improved Tu -95MS strategic bomber will fly over Red Square, which can carry X-101 missiles.

  Russian military expert Konstantin SivkovThe X-101 missile is a unique missile with a range of about 5,000 kilometers. Cruise missiles Imagine a radius of 12,000 kilometers of aircraft activity and a missile range of 5,000 kilometers. What we get is actually a global weapon. "