During the Spring Festival, "takeout is not closed", and 80% of the country’s A-level tourist attractions are open normally… Latest release!

The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference on the afternoon of February 10 to introduce service guarantee and epidemic prevention and control during the Spring Festival. This year, "Chinese New Year on the spot" is advocated. How is the current national market supply? How is the opening of various domestic tourist attractions during the Spring Festival? Is the express service guaranteed? Pay attention together!

Epidemic prevention and control update

No new local confirmed and suspected cases for 3 consecutive days

In the past week, the effect of epidemic prevention and control measures has been further revealed. There were no new local confirmed and suspected cases for 3 consecutive days across the country, and the existing local confirmed cases declined for 15 consecutive days. The current round of clustering epidemics in relevant provinces has been effectively controlled. However, with the increase of the personal flow and clustering during the Spring Festival, the risk of epidemic transmission has increased, and we still cannot relax our vigilance. Vaccination of novel coronavirus among key groups has progressed smoothly. As of 24:00 on February 9, the country has reported a total of 40.52 million doses of vaccination.

Vaccinated visitors to China still need to be quarantined according to regulations after entering the country

At present, according to the regulations of our country, people who come to China, whether foreigners or Chinese, still need to be quarantined according to the regulations after entering the country. Now the international community is also promoting the vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine. China’s remote prevention and control measures will also be considered in combination with the vaccination factor of COVID-19 vaccine. After vaccination, most people will produce antibodies, which can effectively prevent the disease, but there are still a few recipients who may not produce antibodies or the titers of antibodies are not enough, and they may still be infected, and some may even become sources of infection. Therefore, it is recommended that even if they are vaccinated, they still need to be treated according to the current prevention and control measures and prevention and control regulations.

Service guarantee during the Spring Festival

The supply of daily necessities can meet the holiday consumption demand of the people "celebrating the New Year on the spot"

Recently, with the improvement of epidemic prevention and control situation, various measures to ensure supply and price stability have been put into force, and the market supply of daily necessities is sufficient and the variety is rich. The rice noodle oil of large-scale backbone supply enterprises across the country can be guaranteed for more than 45 days, the supply of vegetables and meat can be dynamically guaranteed for 5-7 days, and the supply of eggs can be guaranteed for about 20 days. After preliminary testing, the number of people "celebrating the New Year on the spot" in 36 large and medium-sized cities across the country this year has increased by more than 48 million compared with previous years. According to the consumption of "two taels of meat, half a catty of grain, and one catty of vegetables" per person per day under normal circumstances, it can fully meet the

During the Spring Festival, the courier service capacity 100 million pieces per day

It is expected that the average daily express business volume from the first to the seventh day of this year will double, reaching an average of 70 million pieces per day. According to the main tone of non-closing, non-stop network and no backlog, the State Post Bureau requires the whole system and the whole industry to combine the consumption of the Spring Festival this year, and make a daily service capacity reserve of 100 million pieces. According to this reserve, we will scientifically arrange production and operation, and do a good job in online shopping and delivery services for daily necessities. At present, a number of express delivery companies have announced that the Spring Festival will not be closed. The State Post Bureau also requires enterprises to make overall arrangements for production and operation and employee vacation, reasonably arrange rest during the Spring Festival, encourage workers to stay on posts and keep workers on wages, and provide incentive policies and various benefits for left-behind employees.

You can use the courier service with confidence during the Spring Festival.

In accordance with the requirements of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, the State Post Bureau has formulated operational guidelines for epidemic prevention and control in the industry.

The first is to require regular ventilation and disinfection of the external business premises, mail express processing premises, and internal offices of postal express delivery, and to monitor and register the health status of employees on a daily basis.

The second is to disinfect imported mail and shipments as soon as possible, usually by spraying disinfectant on the surface and allowing it to stand for a period of time before sorting.

Third, for mail shipments of imported cold chain food, we will cooperate with customs and epidemic prevention departments to do inspection and quarantine, sample collection, disinfection, disinfection and sterilization. Information such as personnel and vehicles handling related shipments will be truthfully registered, and the outer packaging of the goods cannot be opened without authorization during the processing process.

In addition, the whole industry is also doing a good job of vaccination in a safe and orderly manner according to requirements. Please rest assured that you can use the courier service with confidence during the Spring Festival.

Millions of merchants across the country join the "takeaway does not close" activity

Widely mobilize commercial and trade enterprises to open their doors and extend their hours during the Spring Festival to ensure business hours. Millions of merchants across the country joined the "takeaway does not close" activity and launched takeaway New Year’s Eve dinner reservation and delivery services. Thousands of shopping malls and supermarkets in Shenzhen, Sichuan and other places extended their business hours. Nanjing’s brand chain supermarket stores, agricultural product wholesale markets, and farmers’ markets did not close during the Spring Festival.

80% of the country’s A-level tourist attractions are open normally

According to statistics, during the Spring Festival, except for the seasonal closure of tourist attractions in some northern areas and the temporary closure of some areas due to epidemic prevention and control requirements, 80% of the A-level tourist attractions in the country are open normally, basically "open as much as possible". Local A-level tourist attractions will follow the principle of "limited, reservation, staggered peak", and do a good job in the opening of scenic spots in an orderly manner to ensure the tourism and leisure needs of the masses during the Spring Festival holiday.

Friendly reminder

Pay attention to safety issues during the Spring Festival

? First of all, to avoid fireworks injuries. You must buy qualified fireworks and set them off in a designated area. It is not recommended to let children, especially young children, set off alone, especially children under the age of 14.

? In addition, pay attention to food health and safety issues. During the Spring Festival, it is recommended that everyone minimize dinner gatherings. When eating out, you should also choose a regular restaurant with qualified hygiene conditions. When purchasing or making food, you should purchase qualified products through formal channels. Avoid contact with live poultry. Animal food must be cooked and thoroughly cooked.

? The Spring Festival is in winter and is also our heating season. We should beware of gas poisoning. In addition, store the medicines and disinfectants at home. Parents must keep the medicines out of the reach of their children.

Remind tourists to enhance their awareness of epidemic prevention when traveling

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has issued many reminders that when traveling, we must pay attention to enhancing the awareness of epidemic prevention, arrange the itinerary reasonably, insist on non-essential non-flow, non-essential non-arrangement of outbound tourism, do not travel to medium and high-risk areas in China, and reduce unnecessary travel. Enhance awareness of prevention and pay attention to personal protection. During travel, we must abide by the regulations on epidemic prevention and control at the departure and destination of tourism, do a good job of self-protection, wear masks, wash hands frequently, gather less, ventilate frequently, and develop the good habit of "one-meter noodle". Tree a civilized awareness, healthy and green travel. Pay attention to hygiene, refuse to eat game, implement the "Clear Your Plate Campaign", eliminate waste on the tip of the tongue, consciously reduce the use of disposable items, do a good job of garbage classification, and travel