Gilebach: Galaxy E8 to be released in the fourth quarter, with deliveries to start within the year

Netcom interview During the 2023 Chengdu Auto Show, in an exclusive interview with Netcom News Agency, Bach, deputy general manager of Geely Automobile Sales Company and general manager of Galaxy Business Unit, said that the E8 is Galaxy’s first pure electric product, and he hopes that the vehicle can become Galaxy’s pure electric flagship masterpiece. As time progresses, the E8 is planned to be released in the fourth quarter and deliveries will start within the year.

Netcom: What are the highlights of Geely’s booth this year?

Bach:Geely brought all the family to the exhibition, including the Galaxy Light concept car, Galaxy L7, Galaxy L6 and other Galaxy series; China Star, Emgrand, and Planet and other auspicious star series; Panda mini, Geometric E Firefly and other geometric series were on display; there was also a new generation of Raytheon 8848 technology display. The biggest highlight this time is the pre-sale of Geely Galaxy L6 released today on the booth.

Netcom: Geely Galaxy L7 has become one of the best-selling hybrid models within 200,000 yuan since its launch. Galaxy is a new mid-to-high-end new energy series launched by Geely brand. Its first product, L7, is placed in the 150,000-class electric hybrid SUV market that has been dominated by the first movers. What do you think are the reasons behind it?

Bach:For many reasons, first of all, the domestic market has a large hybrid market, and this year there is a relatively large outbreak. The first half of the data is probably more than 90% growth space, so thanks to such a day.

In addition, we have relatively solid product fundamentals. On the one hand, our Raytheon electric hybrid technology, such as Raytheon three-speed variable frequency electric drive and mass-produced engine with peak thermal efficiency, allows electric hybrid products to achieve more extreme performance in terms of energy saving and performance. Another example is our battery quality, the Aegis battery safety system equipped with Geely Galaxy L7, which conducts more than 100 battery pack-level basic tests based on full-scenario extreme operating conditions, 80 more than the national standard, and the safety quality has passed the rigorous tests of many industry authorities.

On the other hand, Geely Galaxy L7 has also inherited Geely’s long-standing excellent product genes, including chassis and vehicle safety.

In addition, on this basis, we have also equipped this product with some of our internal features called charm configuration, such as some functions related to smart cockpit, such as pampering the co-pilot, multi-screen linkage, etc., which are now popular among young consumers.

So in general, on the one hand, the overall growth of the big environment is relatively good, and on the other hand, the products are specially developed and designed for the hybrid market. Combining these two aspects, coupled with Geely Automobile Group’s early strategic layout and deep technical investment in the new energy field, it has now built a complete set of strict intelligent electric vehicle industry chain system, covering from three electricity, chip, intelligent architecture, to intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, intelligent computing center, to production and manufacturing, battery recycling and other technical fields. There have been more than 3,500 patented technologies in the new energy field, providing a strong technical guarantee for building safer new energy vehicles.

Net News Agency: You also mentioned that the Galaxy L6 starts pre-sale today. In fact, the competition in this segment is still very fierce. In this context, what are your expectations for it, and what are its competitive advantages compared to similar products?

Bach:L6 is the most intense A-class sedan market in China, so I think you must have real product strength in this field.

On the one hand, it inherits the family factors, hybrid system, 3DHT, and battery, including architecture, chassis, and our basic product mechanical qualities. In addition, we also carry the 8155 chip, and Galaxy’s operating system, including the AI big model we have introduced now, can do voice conversations outside the car, which makes Geely Galaxy series cars, including L6, have many new and different ways to play. That is, what I just said, the basic quality of the product and the charm configuration can be combined in this product.

At the same time, the L6 product, in this field, can achieve both power and energy saving, both maneuverability and comfort, which is relatively rare.

Netcom News Agency: In the past 5 months from Galaxy’s official announcement to the present, there are only 2 products, and the sales performance is good. In addition to sales, what progress has been made in channel construction? And has the sales performance met the original expectations?

Bach:First, we have created a new channel ecosystem of compound franchise authorization for the Galaxy series, with "a new channel ecosystem, a new service standard, and a new user experience", striving to "satisfy users" as the standard of Geely Galaxy. At present, our Galaxy stores across the country have reached more than 400, and it is expected to reach 650-700 by the end of the year. This scale has basically covered the vast majority of consumer areas. Even if there are more than 400 now, most consumers can buy cars nearby.

Second, we have also realized the model of online and offline channel linkage. Based on the digital empowerment of Xingrui Smart Computing Center, Geely Galaxy stores have created a "digital exhibition hall" to connect the full link of user car purchase by digital means, so as to achieve double improvement of service efficiency and user experience. Users can skip the annoying bargaining link, directly place an order through the online payment platform, and visually track the status of the vehicle anytime, anywhere; furthermore, the details are more attentive. For example, when users book a test drive through the Geely Galaxy APP, even the drinks they want to drink that day can be selected online and enjoyed directly at the store.

Continuously strengthening service quality and service quality, that is, the service level of national channels is also moving towards a new level, so relatively speaking, there is still considerable progress in these aspects.

Going purely online, users can directly place orders online, including reservations, including delivery, all of which can be fully reflected in our online.

Network News Agency: A few days ago, the Galaxy E8 has also seen some voices. Users have very high expectations for this car. Let’s briefly introduce the positioning of this car and what product advantages it will have after it goes on sale.

Bach:It is not convenient to disclose too much information now. I will pick some core points. The length of this car is more than 5 meters, which is based on the SEA architecture. In addition, in the cockpit, we now directly release a 45-inch, 8K high definition smart screen to you, which will carry more car applications in the future.

E8 is Galaxy’s first pure electric product, and we hope it can become Galaxy’s pure electric flagship masterpiece. As time goes by, we will meet users one after another in the fourth quarter, and finally go on the market and achieve delivery within the year.

Netcom: In the past two years, users have been considering an increasingly high proportion of intelligent driving when choosing a car. What do you think of this issue and Geely’s layout in this area?

Bach:Geely invested relatively early in intelligent driving, and invested relatively high in these traditional manufacturers in China. This ability at the L2 level is available. Later, we will also target the related capabilities of NOA, and continue to launch corresponding products through the superposition of products. There will also be product plans in the future, and NOA will also meet with users during the year. In this regard, including the L6, L7, and E8 mentioned just now, NOA will eventually be available.

In addition, most of Geely’s layout in this area is self-researched, which is actually Geely’s long-term layout, including our low-orbit satellites to provide high-precision positioning for future mobile travel. Therefore, the technological achievements of smart Geely 2025 will gradually be landed and empowered on Galaxy products.

Network News Agency: This year’s intelligent driving has been very popular, but Geely may not have performed so well in terms of the overall model price.

Bach:We can pull out some space to give the user experience. So this is also a process of gradual adaptation. People who choose new energy products in the early stage will pay more attention to smart cockpit and smart driving, but now in fact, new energy products have reached a stage of popularization. When they are popularized to the vast majority of users, they may not care much about smart cockpit or smart driving at the beginning, but as time goes by, he will find that this thing is easy to use and convenient for it, so the popularity rate will gradually increase.

NEWS: This year, the new energy penetration rate in the automotive market has approached 30%, and it is likely to reach 35% or even higher in the second half of the year. At present, Geely’s new energy sales are not rising month-on-month in the past few months. What do you think of Geely’s overall performance in the new energy market and Geely’s follow-up plans for the whole?

Bach:In the first half of the year, Geely’s overall new energy sales were nearly 200,000, and there were about 40,000 sales in July. In the field of new energy, as far as the Geely brand is concerned, we now have two major new energy pillars, Galaxy and Geometry. Geometry is biased towards popular pure electric products. Galaxy’s mid-to-high-end new energy products, especially the first two products of our Galaxy are mainly hybrid, and then the following products are mainly pure electric, and the overall layout is relatively perfect. Therefore, whether it is from low to high, or from hybrid to pure electric, Geely has been in the horizontal and vertical layout, which can gradually be reflected in our sales.

(Photo/text, Mao Kaiyue)

Yang Mi’s successful transformation? This is an immature realist film

1905 movie network feature If you give birth to a child with a serious birth defect,Will you choose to save or not to save?

The movie puts us in such a dilemma and moral confusion, and Mr. Xu, played by Guo Jingfei, and Jiang Meng, played by Yang Mi, are decisively on the opposite side.

Mr. Xu’s daughter was suffering from anorectal disease, and he chose not to save her in the pain. When he confronted Jiang Meng head-on, he repeatedly questioned, "What about the future?"

In his opinion, even if the child survives, he will continue to grow up in this unjust world and suffer from the pain of not being understood.

Jiang Meng, a 19-year-old girl with congenital defects, was abandoned by her biological parents after birth, and finally survived healthily with the help of a welfare home and a foster family.

She was also an abandoned child with a defective disease. Her strong empathy and compassion drove Jiang Meng to rescue the child. She became stubborn and even broke into the hospital to steal the child.

In her eyes, she was this abandoned child, the common unity of fate. Since she survived, this child must also strive to survive.

So who really has the right to decide whether a child lives or dies? 

At the film’s premiere at the Pingyao Film Festival, Yang Mi said, "No one can define the happiness of others, and no one can control their lives."

Similarly, the film only shows this phenomenon without polish. In the gap where Guo Jingfei and Yang Mi cannot understand each other, they do not judge the choices of the two sides, and throw contradictions and difficulties to the audience without providing any answers.

Liu Jie’s films are often based on social news events, and the creative process of the script is also a process of social investigation.

"Baby" was inspired by Liu Jie’s friend, who gave birth to a child with cerebral palsy.The couple needs to decide within three days whether to let him liveAfter struggling and thinking day and night, he finally decided to save the child and give up the superior city life, taking the child to live in the suburbs.

Another source of creation is the director’s several visits to the orphanage, where he finally discovered that there were more than 1,200 disabled abandoned babies in foster care in two villages outside Beijing.

In 2012, our country officially said that the total incidence of birth defects in China was about 5.6%. Liu Jie, the director, said, "When I learned that the birth defect rate is 5.6 percent, which means that nearly 1 million children with birth defects are born every year, and 30 percent of them will die, 40 percent will be disabled for life, and 30 percent will survive, it also motivated me to make this film. I don’t know who to blame, I can only make it as it is."

Although Liu Jie has directed such commercial films, realistic literary films are the main axis of his work sequence.From "Baby", the entanglement of law and reason is also his consistent theme of expression.

In addition to the plot line of Jiang Meng’s rescue of the disabled baby, "Baby" also shows the relationship and fate between Jiang Meng and the foster caregiver.

Foster care is not adoption, and there is no relationship between guardianship and guardianship. The law stipulates that abandoned babies in foster care need to leave the foster family when they reach adulthood at the age of 18. But Jiang Meng did not want to leave her elderly adoptive mother who was alone, nor did she want her to live in a nursing home, so she fell into another paradox and dilemma of law and love.

The realism of "Baby" has both neutral humanitarian spirit and realistic aesthetic style.

The film narrates the story from a calm and alienated objective perspective. The camera always surrounds and follows Jiang Meng, and reality is gradually constructed and perceived from what she sees and hears.

The use of long-lens hand-held shaking in the natural scene and the use of emotional soundtracks are reduced. This documentary audio-visual style can be seen in the films of the Dane brothers, in the films of Farhati, and in a series of Romanian New Wave works.

This shooting style is also an actor-centered aesthetic, and its greatest advantage is that it frees up the actor’s performance space, allowing the camera to improvise in a real environment and capture more realistic performances.

From the very first shot, we saw a completely different Yang Mi, her hair is messy, her face is full of freckles, her face is gray and weak, not only subverting the image, but also challenging her to speak Nanjing dialect in the play.

Yang Mi’s all-out experiential performance method, just like Gong Li, Zhao Wei and Ma Yili,This really allows her to fit into the context of the story well, and as much as possible to fade away the audience’s established impression of her.

But throughout the film, she always frowned, showing a hesitant and confused expression, with relatively simple emotional changes.

Compared with Li Hongqi, who played the mute army, his rich body language and facial expressions stole a lot of the limelight, but there were also some problems of using too much force.

On the contrary, Guo Jingfei did it properly.The director asked him to try to find the feeling of "three days and three nights without sleep", and he also deduced a measured sense of decadence from this character state.

The film lost more points due to the thinness of the script and the imperfection of the character design.

The dramatic conflict of the film is inseparable from the confrontation between the protagonist and the three forces of personal inner, external opponents and social environment.

We can see Jiang Meng’s persistence and stubbornness, but we cannot see the undercurrent in her heart; we can see her and her adoptive mother’s estrangement, unable to penetrate into their more intimate and complex emotional relationship; we can see Xiaojun’s confession and love for Jiang Meng, but fail to know Jiang Meng’s true attitude towards him.

Yang Mi revealed at the premiere that Jiang Meng’s character is not only physically disabled, but also mentally ill. But the movie did not clearly explain and write, which caused the audience to have some damage to the actor’s performance and the overall cognition of the role.

Although maintaining an objective distance and starting the whole narrative from Jiang Meng’s perspective, the film will inevitably be criticized for being biased towards Jiang Meng’s position choice.

Even if there is a scene of social children’s groups splashing paint on Guo Jingfei’s house, the handling is only a brief taste, and the controversial discussion of abandoned babies is not comprehensive.

Obviously, "Baby" is still a long way from a more mature and in-depth realist film, but the film’s attention to the living conditions of social abandonment groups and the disabled is sure to attract some public attention.

Isn’t that the greatest significance of this film’s existence?

Finally, just as the director Liu Jie wished, "I hope this group of people can live happily in the sun in the future."

Jackie Chan

2005 movie "Myth" stills

Time Network News, according to Korean media news, Jin Xishan guest starred in Jackie Chan’s new film "Legend", and will renew the "Myth" relationship after 18 years.

The film is directed and written by Tang Jili, starring Jackie Chan, Zhang Yixing, Naza, Li Zhiting, and others. The story tells the story of an archaeologist, Professor Chen (Jackie Chan, played), who accidentally discovered that the cultural relics found by students during a glacier expedition had very similar textures to the jade pendant he saw in his dream. With all his doubts, Professor Chen led an expedition into the Glacier Temple to explore the truth of his dream.

2005 movie "Myth" poster

Movie "Legend" poster

The brand-new model KX11 of Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L"

  International Online auto channel News: On February 19th, Geely Automobile officially announced that the brand-new SUV model code-named KX11 was named: Xingyue L, which is positioned as a compact SUV and forms the flagship SUV family under the CMA framework with Geely Xingyue. Among them, "L" has the meanings of Larger, Luxury and Liberate, which is not only the lengthening and widening of the body size, but also the evolution and upgrading of the whole system such as space, power, intelligence and safety, subverting new forces, joint venture classics and luxury boundaries with unparalleled future technology, and breaking through the boundaries of traditional compact SUVs.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ L”_fororder_image001.

Geely xingyue l

  At the same time, a set of exterior and interior official maps released, the biggest highlight is the joint screen design adopted by the central control screen and the co-pilot entertainment screen. The 1-meter-long "meter-level full screen" shows a sense of science and technology, which not only enhances the advanced sense of the entire cockpit, but also breaks the single tool attribute, realizes multi-screen interaction, innovates visual experience, and conveys a new experience of intelligent interaction between people and vehicles based on future technology. According to reports, Xingyue L will be equipped with Geely’s latest digital intelligent cockpit system and higher-level automatic driving technology, and become a "super mobile intelligent terminal", bringing a new experience of smart travel.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ for order _ image 002.

Geely xingyue l

  Judging from the official map of the interior, Xingyue L has adopted a brand-new design concept and luxurious technology configuration in its design, and its overall style is simple and atmospheric, and it also incorporates oriental aesthetic elements. The center console is designed with two colors, which is more charming than the domineering appearance. The neat stitching technology and delicate materials show the craftsman spirit, which makes the cockpit have its own texture and luxury, and it is more warm and comfortable in science and technology fashion. The super-large three-screen that traverses the entire center console integrates the dashboard, the central control screen and the co-pilot entertainment screen, and with the three-position sports steering wheel, the lines are outstanding and the sense of technology is bursting.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ L”_fororder_image003.

Geely xingyue l headlamp

  In appearance, judging from the pictures of the tail of Xingyue L exposed this time, it still inherits the simple style, but the shape is simple but not simple. The through tail, with the consistent taillights, shows the design aesthetics and sports characteristics with the flagship posture of Geely 4.0 era. Combined with the official map previously exposed, it can be seen that the overall shape of Xingyue L is tall and burly, tough and atmospheric, with large-area straight waterfall vertical grille and double-row three-section light source headlights showing domineering, neat and powerful waistline and large-size wheels adding a sense of movement. The simple and textured design makes Xingyue L not only have the luxury and atmosphere of European cars, but also take into account the flexibility and dynamics of SUV models.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ L”_fororder_image004.

Geely xingyue l taillight

  As a brand-new SUV model built under Geely CMA super matrix structure, the body size of Xingyue L is 4770mm× 1895mm× 1689mm, and the wheelbase is 2845 mm. Different from the general L models in the market, Xingyue L benefits from the flexibility and extensibility brought by CMA super matrix structure, and has a comprehensive leading intergenerational advantage in product quality, intelligent technology and intelligent interaction at the same time. It can be called the latest and highest-level product spokesperson in the era of "Science and Technology Geely 4.0" and has the global competitiveness beyond the mainstream joint venture brands.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ L”_fororder_image005.

Geely xingyue l

  At present, SUV is the backbone of the world’s mainstream brands to expand their territory, and it is also a new force for Geely Automobile to participate in global competition. Geely Automobile, which is a latecomer, has repeatedly pioneered in the development of SUV field, leading the new era of SUV with the most cutting-edge intelligent technology SUV products. With Geely’s current cutting-edge design, cutting-edge technology and the most intelligent ecosystem, Xingyue L will break the boundary of smart car SUV led by Tesla Model Y and rewrite the market structure of high-end fuel SUV led by Tiguan L, which is called SUV breaker and subversive.

  February 19 is also the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. Choosing to announce the naming and interior information at such a "auspicious" time, it is conceivable that Geely Automobile has high hopes for Xingyue L. As the first heavy-duty model released by Geely Automobile in 2021, the arrival of Xingyue L will not only expand the product lineup of Xingyue family, but also further strengthen the main line of SUV products of Geely Automobile to meet the needs of users for high-tech and intelligent automobile products under the new consumption format. It is believed that Xingyue L is bound to become the most "cow" SUV in China market in 2021, leading Geely Automobile to achieve another sales success in the new year and bringing users a travel experience beyond expectations. (Source: Geely Automobile)

Geely Galaxy’s first model, Galaxy L7, makes a major debut at the Shanghai International Auto Show

The 2023 Shanghai International Auto Show will be held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) from April 18 to 27. Among the participating car companies, Geely Automobile Group will bring the first product of its new mid-to-high-end new energy series "Geely Galaxy" – the intelligent electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7.

As one of the new cars with the highest expectations at this auto show, Galaxy L7 is the first to use Geely’s "Aegis Battery Safety System, a new generation of Raytheon Electric Hybrid, and a new Galaxy N OS" three blockbuster intelligent technologies. In the five core areas of "inductance modeling, power saving hybrid, second understanding car machine, pet co-pilot, and native safety", it has comprehensively surpassed the same level and refreshed high value. Galaxy L7’s five super value product capabilities have fully verified the super strength of the "smart electric hybrid SUV of choice for families".

How did Galaxy L7 break the electric hybrid SUV market pattern? April 18, Hall 5.1 – Geely Auto Booth 5A07, so stay tuned!