Reveal the 3 major routines behind the legality of online car-hailing!

  [Pacific Automobile Network, Industry Channel] When Didi and Kuaidi were on sale in 2014, it was a loss to go out and not take a taxi. It would be really good to be a good driver, and there would be no such thing as cracking down on black cars. Speaking of big things in the world, we will be together for a long time, and it is more distressing to burn money, right? As a result, Didi Kuaidi merged in early 2015.

  At that time, I felt okay, because thanks to Uber’s timely entry into the competition, there were still a lot of coupons for the people who ate melons. With the development of the taxi business, Didi played a variety of tricks such as express cars, hitchhiking, and special cars. A large number of private cars were connected to the taxi platform, and taxis were indeed more convenient and fast. This period of brutal growth also exposed many problems. For example, if there were more people taking taxis in the morning and evening rush hour, would the city be more congested? A large number of drivers entered the platform, causing frequent passenger safety problems. In addition, it was particularly important to seize the territory of taxis. This period was also a period of high disputes between taxi drivers and taxi platforms.

Shijiazhuang taxi driver smashes foreign rental

  Can the old and new business forms sit in rows and share the fruits? Impossible! The government and taxi drivers say that your online car-hailing is a black car! We want to crack down on black cars! Didi Uber said that we are a sharing economy, and we are committed to mobilizing resources to solve travel difficulties. How on earth can we do this? The Ministry of Transportation has not officially issued a document. Online car-hailing has grown into giants while being beaten up. It is already a subconscious habit for most young people to go out and open Didi or Uber, and the market that has burned no less than 10 billion has been cultivated!

  Finally, on July 28, 2016, a day destined to be recorded in the history of taxis, the central government’s regulations on the management of online car-hailing were issued. The people who were supported by coupons praised it one after another, and it was a cheap taxi! Take a look at the picture below to feel it.

  However, 4 days later, Didi merged with Uber! Speaking of major events in the world, it must be combined for a long time, this is all a routine! After learning that Didi acquired Uber, the mood of the melon eaters was immediately different. Take a look at the picture below to feel it.

  Before discussing the issue of whether there will be cheap cars in the future, it is necessary to see the essence of the online car-hailing management method clearly. If you have the patience to read the official release of a "guiding opinion", a "temporary measure", and a "service specification", you will find that there are many routines, and the spring of online car-hailing is over!

  First, let’s take a look at the official tone set for online car-hailing, "Prioritize the development of urban public transportation and moderately develop taxis, according toHigh-quality service, differentiated managementThe principle of orderly development of online car-hailing ".

  Students pay attention, high quality and differentiation are the key points, especially from the perspective of the details, the requirements for online car-hailingBasically, it points to the existing special car.: "In-vehicle facility configuration and vehicle performance indicators should besignificantly higher thanLocal mainstream cruise taxis should provide Internet wireless access, mobile phone chargers, paper towels, etc. for passengers to use. "

  And online car-hailing "should not patrol to pick up customers, and should not set up unified cruise car dispatch service stations at airports, railway stations, etc., or pick up customers in places where waiting in line is implemented." After the online car-hailing was subordinated to the management of the local transportation authorities, the original taxi was in charge, but now it is also in charge of online car-hailing. Taxi companies can calm down, we are our own relatives!

  There were no bright spots in this taxi reform either, although it was mentioned that "all new taxi operating rights will be used free of charge" and "paid user fees will be gradually abolished". The amount of new additions was originally small, and there was no specified time limit for the gradual cancellation, which means nothing was said, especially when it comes to the issue of brother’s money, it is only mentioned as "equal association". Equal negotiation? According to the previous routine, the negotiation has to wait for the brothers to go on a collective strike, right? This is purely spiritual support for my brother.

Taxi money

  This time, the online ride-hailing management method is like a "black jade intermittent cream" for traditional taxis. It will not be replaced. Even if it is complained, it will continue to exist as a cruise taxi.

  This time, in addition to setting the tone and general norms, the specific management authority has been delegated to the local government, so the local government is the final speaker. It is expected that the policies of various places will require the following three major routines.

  Routine 1: Price control, is this the rhythm of price increases?

  Traditional taxis are priced by the government, and online car-hailing is no exception. "It shall not operate at a price lower than the cost to disrupt the normal market order." "Online car-hailing freight rates are subject to market-adjusted prices. The city people’s government believes thatExcept where it is necessary to implement the government-guided price"…"

  And the performance of online car-hailing stipulated by the government is significantly higher than that of taxis, which is bound to increase the cost of taxi-hailing. Especially after the merger of Didi and Uber, can the people who eat melons still care about the promotion as much as before?

  Although Didi officials have said that there will still be discounts, it is conceivable that areas with promotional incentives must be areas that need to expand, and the extent and scale of promotion will not be as good as before. After all, the government stipulates that the price must not be lower than the cost price to disrupt the market.

  Will the price increase? Didi and Uber have already completed a large-scale price increase between June and July. The cost of Didi Express per kilometer has increased from 1.5 yuan to 1.8 yuan, and the cost per minute has increased from 2 cents to 3 cents. Uber’s cost per kilometer has increased from 1.5 to 1.79, and the cost per minute has increased from 2.5 to 30 cents. With the fluctuation of oil prices and the increase in hardware costs, future price increases are really possible.

  In terms of price, it is impossible to get a cheap car. While providing fast and comfortable service, the price will also return to the cost line, which will be the new normal for online car-hailing prices!

  Routine 2: Quantity control restricts expansion

  Although national-level policies do not specify whether to implement quantity control on online car-hailing, it is conceivable that quantity control will definitely be standard.

  As for Wu, the Wuhan traffic control department said that according to the investigation situation, it is necessary to see whether the number needs to be controlled, and the number should be controlled. They said that the formulation of the plan is not blind, and a process of investigation is required to see how big the market demand is and how much online car-hailing needs to be put into consideration.

  Routine 3: Access control drives up administrative costs

  Online car-hailing platforms, online car-hailing, and online car-hailing drivers all need to apply for a license, which is natural, but specific to various places, "The city people’s government issues the" Online Booking Taxi Transportation Certificate "to online car-hailingIf otherwise stipulated, from its provisions

  "The specific standards and operating requirements of the vehicle shall be determined by the corresponding taxi administrative department…Determined according to the actual local situation". Combined with the actual local situation, for example, if the online car-hailing operation in Guangzhou is purchased uniformly, can it work? Obviously not satisfied!

  In general, the regulations on online car-hailing at the national level still respect market-oriented operation, but the authority delegated to local governments is very large, or is this itself a routine?

  All localities can have their own version of management, and they will be introduced before November 1. Is it to streamline administration, delegate power, or strictly govern? Is it to encourage innovation or maintain stability conservatively? In addition to the orientation of local governments, the power rent-seeking that may be brought about by various controls is also worthy of vigilance.

  What is this called? This is called God closing a door and then using it to clamp your brain.

  The sharing economy essentially improves resource utilization on the basis of mutual benefit. Uber is a typical representative of the sharing economy. It absorbs private cars to engage in online car-hailing services. But after the New Deal, can private cars be directly converted into special cars? The measures stipulate that "online car-hailing services shall not be provided in the name of private passenger car sharing."

  Therefore, the private car must change its operating nature, purchase the corresponding commercial insurance, obtain the corresponding license, and then meet certain requirements for the age and condition of the car, such as installing satellite positioning devices, emergency alarm devices, and not recording 12 points in the last three consecutive scoring cycles.

  Such a threshold will obviously repel a lot of original intention to do carpooling/ride-hailing private cars, and the original full-time network car owners, in view of the hard requirements of the vehicle, a number of economical private cars may be cleared.

  Since it is called the sharing economy, it is also an essential part to benefit drivers. At present, the share of drivers on the Didi platform is about 20%. Will the share be increased after the merger? Will the incentive be reduced? At present, Xi’an Didi drivers have revealed to the media that since August 4th, Didi has reduced the reward for all private car franchise drivers by 80%. It is expected that all rewards for private car franchise drivers will be cancelled next.

  As an ordinary person who has received Didi discounts, he belongs to a group that is more sensitive to taxi prices. He has never played the special car himself. Fortunately, the essence of poverty is not unique to me.

  According to a report by Peking University, from the characteristics of riders, young people and migrants are more likely to choose online car-hailing trips. This shows that online car-hailing is becoming an effective tool to ease the "travel difficulties" of people without (qiong) cars (ren). But the new online car-hailing clearly refers to high-end special cars. Do you have to honestly squeeze the bus and subway? Has the sharing economy gone to see Marx?


  For Youshi, online car-hailing is just a new form of taxi, and it needs to be controlled. Although the new policy takes care of the vested interests of traditional taxis and constrains online car-hailing, I am not worried about online car-hailing at all, because the new technology is unstoppable. Especially a local snake like Didi, with its size and influence, actually occupies a great advantage in the market competition.

  Taxi is just the first step. The unified Didi will become a huge transportation platform entrance in the future. On the basis of optimizing big data processing capabilities, it will be able to develop diverse services and achieve far more commercial value than it is now.

  It’s just that the monopolistic ride-hailing platform has become the strong party. Didi’s current valuation has reached 27 billion US dollars. In the face of such a huge business empire, drivers and passengers have no bargaining power at all. As a result, the share of the national market, similar to molecular money, makes the ride-hailing platform actually become another kind of taxi. In the short term, the various hardware costs and administrative costs brought about by the game between the ride-hailing platform and the local government will naturally be passed on to consumers. So, the next question is – do I want to buy a bicycle or a battery car?




Geely × Aerospace, satellite communication technology takes the lead in "getting on the bus"

With the continuous breakthrough of science and technology, the era of satellite communication has been gradually unveiled.

At 7:37 on February 3, 2024, the second orbital plane of the Geely Future Travel Constellation was successfully launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in a one-shot 11-star manner, setting a new record for the number of satellites launched at the launch site.

According to public information, Geely Future Travel Constellation is the world’s first commercial communication, navigation and remote sensing integrated constellation built by Spacetime Daoyu. The first orbital plane of its predecessor has successfully completed a series of work such as satellite mass production, orbital plane-level deployment, constellation-level measurement and control, and application testing; now the second orbital plane has also been successfully launched. In the future, Spacetime Daoyu will empower the "ground" with "aerospace" to provide high-reliability and low-cost application services in satellite communication, autonomous driving, and intelligent networking.

Communication technology welcomes key breakthroughs

"In the past 30 years, every technological iteration in the information and communication industry has brought about changes in lifestyle. But in fact, from 2G, 3G, 4G to the current 5G, about 70% of the space on our planet is still not covered by ground network signals. The integration of heaven and earth has brought more imagination to intelligent network connection and autonomous driving in the continuous iteration of the information and communication industry from 5G to 6G." Wang Yang, CEO and chief systems engineering expert of TikTok, once said why he wants to enter satellite communication technology.

As Wang Yang said, the field of communication has undergone tremendous changes in recent years, but the exploration of communication technology is still accelerating. According to MIIT’s previous disclosure, China will accelerate the development and innovation of 6G technology and achieve commercial use around 2030.

There is a core technology that needs to be overcome between the current 5G and 6G applications – the "heaven and earth integrated" communication network. When the satellite Internet and the ground communication network are fully integrated determines when we can truly enter the 6G era.

In order to promote the rapid development of satellite communication technology, on April 20, 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission listed satellite Internet as a "new infrastructure" for the first time, and the prelude to the "Star Age" of big communication began.

In the face of new trends, Geely Group’s commercial aerospace technology enterprise Spacetime Daoyu began to independently develop the "Geely Future Travel Constellation" satellite, striving to achieve centimeter-level high-precision positioning, including autonomous driving navigation, broadband Internet access and other services, through satellite communication to change the car life.

On June 2, 2022, Geely Holding Group successfully launched the first batch of nine small satellites, all of which successfully entered the predetermined orbit. At that time, Geely said:The satellite project is a typical example of Geely’s "new infrastructure" investment. It not only provides infrastructure for Geely’s own integrated travel ecosystem, but also provides support for future travel, intelligent manufacturing, drone transportation, urban management and other fields, and builds a technological ecological chain advantage.

Wang Yang said: "Geely has changed from a simple car manufacturer to a comprehensive travel service provider. The satellite information and communication industry has actually spanned industrial production, consumer services and other fields. Geely’s layout in commercial aerospace, including a new generation of low-orbit satellite service networks, is an inevitable trend."

Satellite communication technology on board

It is worth noting that the current "Geely Future Travel Constellation" has been successfully implemented.

In September 2023, Time and Space Daoyu undertook the important task of "Asian Games Intelligent Guarantee", and successfully guaranteed the travel safety of nearly 2,000 officially designated vehicles of the Asian Games for a total of 36 days 7 × 24 hours a day. Finally, relying on high-precision positioning services, all vehicles are running stably online, and the driving routes cover the host city Hangzhou, as well as the five co-host cities of Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing and Jinhua. As of 24:00 on October 8, the accumulated guaranteed mileage is about 1.585 million kilometers.

On October 27, 2023, aerospace products were put into production for the first time at the vehicle level – Krypton officially released the pure electric hunting supercar Krypton 001 FR, which realized the on-board satellite communication function through cooperation with Spacetime Daoyu.

Through equipped with space-time Daoyu self-developed vehicle satellite communication end point – Ji Shi Xun ?, with vehicle satellite communication antenna and software services,In the absence of a terrestrial network or damage to the terrestrial network, users can make and receive satellite calls and send and receive satellite messages using the Krypton 001 FR vehicle system. In addition, in the event of a car collision, excessive carbon dioxide concentration in the vehicle, or thermal runaway of the battery, the vehicle can achieve autonomous alarms through satellites, which greatly enhances the driving safety of the vehicle.

In addition, Spacetime Daoyu also took the lead in the establishment of vehicle-mounted satellite Internet industry standards, led the completion of the first domestic research project for the construction of vehicle-mounted satellite communication industry standards, and joined forces with polar krypton and other partners to complete the "General Specification for Satellite Communication Vehicle End Point" standard project, "Consumer End Point Technical Requirements and Test Methods to Support Low-Orbit Satellites" standard exposure draft, which promoted the standardization and standardization of the industry.

Based on the current achievements, Space-Time Daoyu will complete the deployment of 72 satellites in the first phase of the constellation within two years to achieve global real-time data communication services; the second phase will expand to 168 satellites to achieve global centimeter-level high-precision positioning services… Through the deep integration of aerospace technology and new energy technologies, Space-Time Daoyu will continue to explore the highly coordinated development of the commercial aerospace industry and the intelligent pure electric vehicle industry, using automobiles as anchors to find new blue oceans.

Securities Supervision Commission maximum penalty Hengda real estate actual controller Xu Jiayin

On May 31, the Securities Supervision Commission said that it had recently made an administrative penalty decision on Hengda Real Estate’s bond fraud issuance and information disclosure violations according to law, ordered Hengda Real Estate to correct, gave a warning and fined 4.175 billion yuan, and imposed a top fine of 47 million yuan on the then chairperson and actual controller of Hengda Real Estate.

This time, the Securities Supervision Commission punished Hengda Real Estate’s fraudulent issuance of bonds according to 20% of the proceeds raised, and imposed a maximum fine on its information disclosure violations. This is the strictest measure since the unified law enforcement of the bond market. It not only punishes financial fraud severely according to the law, but also fully considers the scale of Hengda Real Estate bonds and the overall work of "guaranteeing the delivery of housing", and insists on the unity of political, social and legal effects. At the same time, the Securities Supervision Commission is promoting the investigation of relevant intermediaries.

Inflated revenue and profits, inExchange market fraud

The Securities Supervision Commission found that from 2019 to 2020, Evergrande Real Estate inflated its income and profits by recognizing its income in advance, resulting in fraudulent issuance of bonds publicly issued in the exchange market, and the relevant annual reports disclosed contained false records. At the same time, Evergrande Real Estate also failed to disclose regular reports on time, failed to disclose major litigation and arbitration as required, and failed to disclose due debts as required.

Securities Supervision Commission administrative penalty decision shows that the punishment involves Xu Jiayin and many other Hengda real estate executives at that time.

In terms of the amount involved, the penalty decision found that in 2019 Hengda Real Estate implemented financial fraud by confirming income in advance, and the false income was 2139.89 billion yuan, accounting for 50.14% of the current operating income, corresponding to the false cost of 173.267 billion yuan, false profit 40.722 billion yuan, accounting for 63.31% of the total profit of the current period.

In 2020, the inflated income was 350.157 billion yuan, accounting for 78.54% of the current operating income, corresponding to 2988.68 billion yuan of inflated costs and 51.289 billion yuan of inflated profits, accounting for 86.88% of the current total profit.

Due to the fact that the relevant data of the 2019 and 2020 annual reports with false records were quoted in the issuance documents announced during the issuance of the above bonds, Evergrande Real Estate fraudulently issued 20.80 billion yuan of bonds from May 2020 to April 2021.

In addition, Evergrande Real Estate failed to disclose the 2021 annual report, 2022 interim report and 2022 annual report on schedule, failed to disclose the situation of major litigation and arbitration as required, and failed to disclose the situation of failing to pay off due debts as required.

The penalty decision shows that as of August 31, 2023, Hengda Real Estate has not disclosed a total of 1533 major litigation and arbitration matters (the amount involved 50 million or more) in a timely manner as required since January 1, 2020, and the amount involved is 431.259 billion yuan.

As of August 31, 2023, Hengda Real Estate has failed to pay off 2,983 maturing debts in a timely manner since January 1, 2021, involving an amount of 2785.31 billion yuan.

Hengda Real Estate’s financial fraud is integratedtransformadvance, Xu Jiayin is to blame

In terms of wording, the punishment decision used terms such as "the means were particularly bad and the circumstances were particularly serious" for Xu Jiayin, the then chairperson. In view of Xu Jiayin’s decision and organization of financial fraud, the means were particularly bad and the circumstances were particularly serious. In accordance with the "Securities Law" and other relevant provisions, Xu Jiayin was banned from the securities market for life.

The Securities Supervision Commission stated that the evidence in the case is sufficient to prove that Xu Jiayin, as the chairperson and actual controller of Evergrande Real Estate, arranged and organized financial fraud, such as asking for the adjusted income level of operating indicators and deciding what index data to use. These related matters are all important components of the financial fraud process, which directly led to the illegal acts of fraudulent issuance and false records in Evergrande Real Estate. Accordingly, the Securities Supervision Commission determined that it made decisions and organized the implementation of financial fraud, and took responsibility for fraudulent issuance and false records in annual reports.

"In addition to failing to fulfill his duty of diligence as chairperson of Evergrande Real Estate, Xu Jiayin used the control of the actual controller over the company to instruct relevant personnel to commit financial fraud," the penalty decision states.

The Securities Supervision Commission believes that the evidence in the case proves that the financial fraud of Hengda Real Estate is the cooperation of the relevant functional areas of business of the company, the company headquarters and the project company are promoted as a whole, and the means of fabricating important facts such as modifying and adjusting the delivery list of the year and modifying the delivery time of the Mingyuan system are taken. It involves a wide range and a large amount of fraud. These matters have obviously exceeded the scope of duties and performance procedures that the chairperson can organize and implement.

Hengda Real Estate Bond Fraudulent Issuance and False Records in Annual Reportsnot exceededstatute of limitations

Xu Jiayin stated in his defense opinion that Hengda Real Estate’s illegal behavior has exceeded the time limit for administrative punishment and should not be subject to administrative punishment, and the audit institution should be held responsible.

In this regard, the Securities Supervision Commission believes that the "Administrative Punishment Law" stipulates that if the illegal act is not discovered within two years, no administrative penalty will be imposed, unless the law provides otherwise. As long as the clues of the illegal act have entered the field of vision of the competent authority, the illegal act should be determined to be "discovered".

In August 2021, Hengda Real Estate risk broke out. In December 2021, relevant departments organized accounting firms to conduct an asset inventory special project audit of Hengda Group. In March 2022, the audit found that Hengda Real Estate was suspected of violations such as early recognition of income. Therefore, the illegal acts involved in the case were discovered by the competent authorities no later than March 2022.

Evergrande Real Estate disclosed its 2019 and 2020 annual reports in April 2020 and April 2021 respectively. At the same time, the issuance time of the five bonds of 20 Evergrande 02, 20 Evergrande 03, 20 Evergrande 04, 20 Evergrande 05, and 21 Evergrande 01 was not earlier than May 26, 2020, and the time of discovery was not more than 2 years from March 2022. The responsible personnel in this case participated in the preparation of false data and reports or signed the corresponding reports and documents, and did not exceed the 2-year time limit for administrative penalties.

In summary, Hengda Real Estate disclosed false records in the 2019 and 2020 annual reports and the illegal issuance of fraudulent bonds of public distribution companies are within the time limit for administrative penalties.

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter, Zhang Xiaochong, Editor, Chen Li, Proofreader, Lucy

The Dayao Technology Reconstruction and Expansion Project was completed and put into operation

   In May this year, the smart factory technology renovation and expansion project of Dayao Beverage with an annual output of 100,000 tons of carbonated beverages and fruit and vegetable juices was completed and put into operation. The project invested 16 million yuan to upgrade the existing carbonated beverage bottling production line and build an international standard aseptic cold filling PET production line. The project adopts energy-saving materials and environmentally friendly processes, pays attention to low energy consumption, low pollution and high energy utilization, and builds an automated, intelligent and digital production workshop, which realizes the effective polymerization of the whole packaging form and the whole industry chain.

  After the kiln technical transformation project is completed, a variety of products such as Orange Nuo, Li Ai, 0 sugar 0 calorie carbonated beverages will be added. The company will increase publicity and promotion efforts, covering more than 300,000 catering channels and distribution outlets in the three northeastern provinces one after another, to realize the full product operation, omni-channel marketing, and whole industry chain operation of "Jilin kiln". It is expected that the annual new sales revenue will be about 60 million yuan, and the tax will be about 4 million yuan, driving employment of 50 people. The construction of this project will further optimize the beverage processing industry chain in our city and inject strong momentum into the high-quality development of Siping’s industrial economy.

Didi Unified Hitch Service Hours: 20:00 to 5:00 am High number of sexual complaints

  On the evening of November 7, Didi, an online ride-hailing platform, announced that during the small-scale trial operation of Hitch, in order to ensure the safety of the trial product and service, the service time for all Hitch users will be adjusted to 5:00-20:00. That is, users will not be able to use Didi Hitch service after 8:00 pm.

  In the announcement, Didi said, "It is our principle to provide equal services to users. We should provide services uniformly or temporarily not provide services during the same time period. We have not considered this carefully and made mistakes in decision-making. We are very sorry."

  The previous day, Didi announced that Hitch would start trial operation in seven cities including Harbin and Beijing on November 20. What caused widespread controversy is that there are differences in the use time of male and female passengers in the trial operation plan of Didi Hitch. The service time for male passengers is 5:00-23:00, while for women it is 5:00-20:00, that is, after 8:00 pm, women cannot use Didi Hitch service.

  That evening, Didi President Liu Qing said on his personal Weibo, as a senior female white-collar worker, I also feel that the current ride product function is not very easy to use for female students; but in terms of safety, it is a practice run on thin ice.

  In the announcement on the evening of November 7, Didi said that after listening to the opinions and suggestions of all parties, it decided to adjust this rule, and the time for all Hitch users to provide services was adjusted to 5:00-20:00. Future product service rules will continue to be iterated and optimized.

  According to the data provided by Didi in the announcement, according to the statistics of past safety complaints of Hitch, the number of sexual complaints in the two time periods of 20:00-23:00 and 23:00-5:00 was 45% and 465% higher than that of 5:00-20:00, respectively.

  According to data released by the China Judicial Big Data Research Institute in 2018, night is also the peak time for criminal cases in the taxi and online car-hailing industry. In 2017, 52 cases of taxi driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 30% of the overall crime cases of taxi drivers. Nine cases of online car-hailing driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 50% of the overall crime cases of online car-hailing drivers.

  Therefore, Didi said, but based on the safety data mentioned above, it decided to choose a relatively conservative plan. (Reporter, Chen Yuxi)

  Attachment: Announcement of Didi Hitch on the evening of November 7

  Yesterday, we announced the plan for the trial operation of Hitch, one of which was about the night service rules for users (5-20 points for female users and 5-23 points for male users), which aroused discussion and criticism.

  Before the announcement of the plan, we did not discuss this rule with the public and did not fully listen to the opinions of all parties. At the same time, we apologize for the trouble caused to everyone due to poor consideration and improper communication.

  After listening to the opinions and suggestions of all parties, we decided to adjust this rule. During the small-scale trial operation of Hitch, in order to ensure the safety of the trial product and service to the greatest extent, the service time for all Hitch users is adjusted to 5:00-20:00. During the practice run (no information service fee), the product service rules may continue to be iteratively optimized, and there will be various inconveniences in use. Please understand and give us suggestions.

  Once again, I would like to express my sincere apologies for yesterday’s improper communication. Please believe in us and our safety efforts in the past year. Didi’s original intention is also to hope that all users and drivers can travel well and go home safely. But in the face of complex ride-hailing safety problems, we do have many areas that are not thoughtful and have no good policies at present. We will continue to improve in the days to come, constantly listen to opinions, and do our best to travel well.


  In addition, we would also like to share with you our thoughts on ride-hailing safety:

  In this trial operation plan, Hitch permanently logged off all sensitive information related to user privacy such as personalized avatar, gender, and long text evaluation; the owner of the joint ride needs to go through facial recognition, and both drivers and passengers need to check the information before getting on the bus. In the long-distance travel scenario, the number of face recognition times of the owner will be increased, the user will be reminded to set emergency contacts, and the itinerary will be automatically recorded. The user access link of Hitch has now realized full real names. The owner of Hitch and the driver of the express car need to carry out three-certificate verification, background screening and facial recognition, and the person who is discredited will not be able to register as the owner of Hitch.

  According to the statistics of past safety complaints from Hitch, we found that the number of sexual complaints in the two time periods of 20:00-23:00 and 23:00-5:00 was 45% and 465% higher than that in 5:00-20:00, respectively.

  According to the data released by the China Judicial Big Data Research Institute in 2018 *, in the taxi and online car-hailing industry, night is also the peak time for criminal cases. In 2017, 52 cases of taxi driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 30% of the overall crime cases of taxi drivers. Nine cases of online car-hailing driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 50% of the overall crime cases of online car-hailing drivers.

  We are well aware that too many rules will harm the shared experience of car owners and passengers, but the platform still needs to make every effort to guard against human uncertainties and do everything possible to keep safety risks out. Since the ride-sharing is a private car ride-sharing relationship, the owner and the passenger are mutual assistance and the car belongs to the owner’s private space. It is impossible to force the installation of camera equipment and regular offline Security Training for the owner like the express car. Feasible measures to improve night safety are limited.

  The trial operation time is adjusted to 5:00-20:00, which is definitely not the most perfect solution, but it is indeed a choice we made under various conditions. We have also considered adjusting it to 23:00 uniformly, but based on the safety data mentioned above, we still decided to choose a relatively conservative solution. Please understand.

  In addition, providing equal services to users is a principle we should abide by. We should provide services uniformly or temporarily not at the same time. We are very sorry for our poor consideration and wrong decision-making.

  Thank you to all the friends who have criticized, cared about, and helped Didi Hitch. We will carefully study everyone’s opinions and do our best to provide safe, economical, and smooth travel services.

  * Data source: "Special Report on Judicial Big Data on Crime in the Process of Online Car-hailing and Traditional Taxi Services", China Judicial Big Data Research Institute under the Supreme People’s Court, September 2018.

The former king of Asia, 56-year-old Ren Xianqi, has become popular again, and he just wants to age gracefully

A single "Brother Qi" evoked many people’s memories, and a sentence "You are always too soft-hearted" made countless post-70s and post-80s couldn’t help but hum the melody softly.

Ren Xianqi, who is now 56 years old, is really a veritable "brother" among the male stars participating in the variety show.

He spoke in a familiar voice. The years did not make him more vicissitudes, but filled him with fashionable charm.

The road to fame of Ren Xianqi is always full of legends and hardships.

Once a generation of heavenly kings, he has returned…

The picture comes from the Internet

Unexpected choice

Someone said: If Ren Xianqi grew taller, wouldn’t there be no current king? But how can there be so many ifs in this world.

Ren Xianqi has always been passionate about basketball in high school, and at that time he always thought he would find his place on the sports court.

Perhaps because he did not have a deep connection with professional basketball, he had to give up because of his height. However, sports helped him in another way. Later, he was sent to college with the first place in sports.

After going to college, he still adhered to his own sports path and participated in the Olympic Winter Games many times. Perhaps God had arranged another destination for him, and he frequently missed the Olympic cause he was passionate about.

Ren Xianqi’s childhood

There is a saying that choice outweighs effort.

Influenced by the friends around him, of course, he may have been disappointed with the original choice. He played a 5-piece band with four like-minded friends.

And in order to perform better, he specially equipped musical instruments. During the performance, he shines on the stage like a dazzling sun.

Ren Xianqi in high school

He soon met the Bole of his life, an entertainment company that appreciated his musical talent.

Later, in an interview, Ren Xianqi mentioned his college band. And jokingly called it the "CEO" band, because the five members of the band are now worth hundreds of millions and have become CEOs in their respective industries.

This is probably what we often say about birds of a feather flocking together. Excellent people always attract equally excellent people around them.

The picture comes from the Internet

Rise and fall in the entertainment industry

He said that when he was signed by the company, his father disapproved. His father was more conservative and always believed that teachers and doctors were considered serious professions, while singers and celebrities always felt unreliable.

His father had always believed that his son would continue his previous path and pursue a career in sports.

Of course, his father’s concerns are not unreasonable. After all, there are many singers who are lukewarm, and people always have to watch for a long time.

He discovered at the time that sports journalism was also a good career, and he said: "At that time, I thought that if I couldn’t make it, I would become a sports reporter."

Ren Xianqi who loves sports

In the early years, Ren Xianqi also had a vision for his future.

Just like most celebrities, they try various methods to earn more traffic.

However, whether it is riding a motorcycle on a variety show or filming a show on a roller coaster, the results seem to be minimal.

Later, when promoting the new song, he didn’t even have the opportunity to sing on stage because he didn’t have a coffee spot.

In order to stay on the stage for a few more seconds and let the audience remember him, he has learned a lot of talents to attract people’s attention.

The picture comes from the Internet

The singers of that era worked very hard, and if they were attentive, they were all forced to become versatile, because it was too difficult to make a name for themselves.

He remembered the most memorable time when a rookie played Spitfire directly on the stage, which ended up causing serious injuries.

In some shows, he will set up various links for the guests to increase the audience rating, and will put a large box in the center of the stage with various animals for the guests to touch.

The picture comes from the Internet

Some even add some challenges to motivate the audience.

Remember that there are some clips of the program in Douyin, such as Du Dewei singing along the horizontal bar, and Faye Wong putting her hands in the box with bees.

These were all the tricks on the show back then.

However, if you say you are afraid and don’t go yourself, then without these exposures, who will know you. Many of them are that the bigger you play, the easier it is to be remembered by the audience, and the faster it will be popular.

No way, back then to say whether an artist was popular or not, it was based on the audience rating. So everyone knew what they would face, but they still squeezed their heads to participate.

The picture comes from the Internet

overnight fame

Many celebrities have said that the entertainment industry is like a Vanity Fair, and whether you are popular or not can be seen from the attitude of others.

Ren Xianqi, who was tepid back then, always had to perform various programs when he participated in the program, and was often marginalized by the host. At that time, the C-spots were all for those big-name stars, and the rest were foils. Ren Xianqi could only laugh at the whole process.

In this way, he has been in the entertainment industry for a few years, and he also said that if it wasn’t for the fact that there is someone in the company who has been helping him.

The picture comes from the Internet

This person took him along the way and pulled him out of the saving list again and again, and there would probably be no Ren Xianqi today.

He once said on the program: "My noble teacher, Little Bug, told me that singing is not about skills, but about heart. Only when you put yourself into it can those who listen can enter the song and be attentive. So after that, I think my songs are better than before."

Finally, luck came to him, and he often said that he met the right song at that time. In 1996, the appearance of a song "Too Soft Heart" saved Ren Xianqi from the storm of termination.

The picture comes from the Internet

After releasing the album, he was always very nervous because he had failed too many times before, and he had no confidence in himself. Later, he didn’t expect that the album would be popular, and it was so popular.

He recalled that when he went to Beijing, he was told that this could become another popular work after Teresa Teng. He said that after listening to such words, he felt that he was going to be popular.

Looking at the sales of tens of millions, he was like, if everyone buys their own genuine albums, then he can buy the company at this time, and then see who dares to cancel the contract.

The picture comes from the Internet

Everyone thought that Ren Xianqi was just like the fireworks on that day, the beauty of that moment. When the heat is over, there is nothing left.

But who would have thought that under the guidance of Teacher Bug, he seemed to have turned on the switch of success, and several songs in a row were highly sought after by the public.

Like "The Girl Opposite Look Over", "Sad Pacific" and "I Am a Fish", these have exploded one after another. Ren Xianqi’s name is also well known by everyone, which has allowed him to climb to a peak in his career.

The picture comes from the Internet

At that time, Andy Lau and the others were called the "Four Heavenly Kings", and Ren Xianqi was also given a "New Heavenly King of Asia". With Ren Xianqi’s influence at that time, this title deserved it.

At that time, Ren Xianqi’s song was so popular that the director made a movie for one of his songs, which had the same name as the song and was also called "Ren Xiaoyao".

The picture comes from the Internet

It was also the film that brought Ren Xiaoyao’s song to Cannes, which made Ren Xianqi’s popularity reach a new high again.

It was also this opportunity that gave Ren Xianqi the idea of singing the movie’s theme song. Once on the set, he was asked by the producer. The producer asked Ren Xianqi if he wanted to play Yang Guo? Later, he accidentally starred in a TV series.

Overall, the audience rating is quite impressive. It was this TV series that made Ren Xianqi see another possibility besides singing. He starred in several martial arts dramas in succession, and then opened his own film and television career.

The picture comes from the Internet

Perhaps as his popularity continued to increase, many movie directors discovered Ren Xianqi’s rating code and came to ask him to play the role in it. Later, the response was very good.

Ren Xianqi once said in an interview: At that time, I thought acting was very fun, because almost all the previous movies were played by myself, and the characters in them were very similar to myself. They usually looked casual.

The picture comes from the Internet

Later, Director Du Qi contacted him, saying that he was going to act in a police drama, and that he wanted to meet to discuss the script. Director Du’s words moved him, and he also wanted to challenge the role of the bad guy, so Director Du discovered this kind of potential in Ren Xianqi.

When filming started, he didn’t see the script for a long time, and later he knew that he had to work on the script while filming. Ren Xianqi, who had never acted like this, really thought he heard it wrong. Before he started acting, he panicked and felt that the director was joking with him.

Later, Director Du pointed out that he should really understand this person and devote himself to this role. In order to show the true feelings of the characters more perfectly, the scenes of falling and beating in the play are all real.

Later, due to being too involved in the play, some habits were thought to affect their lives.

Playing a bank robber in "The Big Event"

Such a special shooting method was a test for his acting career, and of course the harvest was huge. He obviously felt that he was different from before. Later, he even won the Best Actor award abroad for the movie "Fire Dragon Showdown".

What pleased Ren Xianqi the most was that after his movie "The Tree Attracts the Wind" was broadcast, many netizens said that his eyes made people look very terrifying, which made him feel that his character portrayal was very successful.

The picture comes from the Internet

For so many years, although too many people have been controversial about his acting skills and songs, he is not the kind of star who relies on gossip. He has always been well-behaved and did everything he did.

He often said that he is very lucky now, because the epidemic is ruthless, but people are affectionate.

He recounted that he was quarantined 11 times in the epidemic in the past few years. Some people said that in order to make money, he even gave up his life and ran back and forth with the crew.

The picture comes from the Internet

In fact, he was trying to maintain his company and take care of his employees. Because he knew that if the company failed to operate, so many employees would face unemployment.

For the current environment, the blow to the employees is not ordinary. Therefore, he felt that he was very happy to have money at that time.

Re-enter the public eye

This year, he accepted the invitation of Hunan Satellite TV and participated in the program "Cutting Through Thorn" with many male artists.

As he entered the arena, someone shouted "Brother Xiao Qi", and then everyone stood up to greet him. From this, Ren Xianqi’s coffee position can be seen.

On the stage, a song called "Sad Pacific" instantly filled everyone’s memories.

The picture comes from the Internet

In the interview, he expressed his feelings. He thought the show was very real, everyone lived together, it was a bit like a dormitory in a school, and it had a special atmosphere.

In the morning, all the brothers lined up to take care of themselves, instantly making people feel much younger.

Especially when they saw Chen Xiaochun and Zhang Zhilin, who were already familiar faces, and knew their different sides, they all felt very friendly. After living together for a long time, everyone’s feelings will gradually deepen.

He said that at the beginning, everyone was really not easy to get along with, because everyone was famous in the entertainment industry, and many people had their own representative works. This is what he thinks should be overcome first when participating in this show.

The picture comes from the Internet

He recalled that everyone practiced every performance first, sometimes a song until the wee hours of the morning. His teammates often shouted in his ear to "roll up".

Later, in the rehearsal room, the movements that seemed to him to be very good were polished again and again. Many brothers also interpreted these three words with their own actions.

In fact, Ren Xianqi often wants the younger brothers in the team to have more opportunities to show off in the program. He thinks that he has earned enough traffic to face them, and some of them can’t be picked. In the future, it is up to these young people to rush forward.

Ren Xianqi has mentioned on the show many times that his little princess particularly likes Pan Weibai, and his young man pays more attention to ICE.

The picture comes from the Internet

When he thought of this, on the one hand, he was more pleased that his children’s musical literacy was quite high, and on the other hand, he was more depressed. Why didn’t he like him more?

However, this program showcases Ren Xianqi’s tolerance and humility as a big brother, allowing everyone to understand a different him.

I long to live the rest of my life

He was already halfway through his life, and this age made him see more openly and farther. He often planned his life according to his position and circumstances.

When the children were still very young, he did not miss the opportunity to accompany the children, put aside his work at hand, and accompany the children’s growth.

The picture comes from the Internet

Now that the children were older, he planned to do some things he liked. For example, he went to see the mountains and rivers in China, and climbed mountains when he had nothing to do.

He had always hoped that he would have the spirit of exploration. He wanted to see everything he was curious about and see the scenery he had never set foot on.

The picture comes from the Internet

Sometimes he felt that he was in high spirits. Even if he went to a green field, looking at the color of nature in front of him and breathing in the aroma of the wheat field, he felt very relaxed.

In the next few decades, he has always wanted to live more comfortably, even though he is already in his 50s. However, this does not affect a chic and wanton heart. In his words: to live your life gracefully.

Nowadays, how many people can have such a mindset that they don’t use age as a constraint to make themselves more relaxed and happy?

Responsible editor:

Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel

Recently, the Verge, a well-known foreign technology media, launched an interesting survey to ask people how many apps they have installed on their mobile phones.

Most people’s answers ranged from dozens to hundreds, but there was an extreme "cultivator" in the answer, claiming that he did not install a third-party APP, and that communication, payment, and email were all using the APP that came with the mobile phone.
This conclusion sounds incredible, but it may not be nonsense.
After all, GMS and iOS bring-your-own services are really manageable for many foreigners without the bells and whistles; and their daily use of smartphones is far less "far ahead" than ours.
Without installing a third-party APP, it would definitely not work in China, and a WeChat could not be bypassed. However, from another perspective, a WeChat could be everything for many people, capable of covering almost all their needs… Even Douyin, who was at the height of the sun, could use WeChat Channels to replace it.
Especially with the Mini Program, a universal system, if you don’t consider the experience and/or some heavy vertical requirements (such as 3A game masterpieces), you can really live with WeChat in China.
Therefore, it has been said for a long time that WeChat is not an application, but an operating system.

But there is one type of service that WeChat has yet to handle.

On WeChat, you can still know where you are or where you want to go in various ways, because WeChat can call the map through the interface; but if you decide to leave, the above picture will appear, which cannot be avoided.
Navigation may be the most special kind of app, because it must be strongly related to time and space: where you are, where you go, and how you get there. The core variable is "positioning", and WeChat can be used even if the positioning is turned off; but without answering the above three questions, navigation has no meaning.
This may also be the core reason why Autonavi claims that the latest version is a "space-time map".
WeChat or most other applications essentially consume information and content services, and a lot of computing takes place before consumption. In order to get the best results, users will only see whether the results are good or not (such as whether the searched articles are good or not, and whether the recommended products meet the needs). Of course, people who use Autonavi also value the results. Navigation to the destination and destination-based services are the core, but they also value the process – they are all driving home, driving all the way and detouring because of traffic jams. Half a life is obviously much worse.
Due to this, Autonavi’s location perception and calculation not only occurs in front of the line, but also in the line (traffic conditions change rapidly). It needs to directly or indirectly "locate" to link everything related to travel in real space in real time: traffic lights, intersections, tunnels/viaducts, congestion conditions, lanes, obstacles, and even the shadow area of trees and buildings; in addition to space, it also needs to compare historical data across time to obtain future trend predictions, and timely prompt or guide users.
To perform this kind of real-time, large-scale computing requires extremely strong information links and underlying technical capabilities, which is why Autonavi must essentially be a technology company.

It can be said that Autonavi is essentially an enterprise based on the "space-time interconnection", and it was not until the latest release of v13 that the name "space-time map" was implemented, perhaps because the ability to perceive and calculate on a large scale has reached a qualitative change node.

The newly released Wonderland MAX, a neural rendering technology based on deep neural networks and physics engines, helps users get a bird’s-eye view of the scene stereo model from multiple time periods and directions, so as to feel the immersive "sense of place" across time and space, and even further understand the more detailed introduction and consumption information of the destination, which is to give users better travel results.
Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel
There are also blind spot meeting warnings based on the Beidou system, Beidou lane-level navigation 2.0, tunnel navigation, elevated navigation, and parking space navigation for special travel scenarios, as well as along-the-way search services, all of which are connected to more physical details and elements in the real world, continuously carry out real-time large-scale interactive computing, and deduce the optimal travel solution at the time and space level, essentially for a better travel process.
The results and process are both great, and naturally more people will be willing to use Autonavi.
People are nothing more than two states, either staying in the same place or on the road.
Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel

Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel

Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel
WeChat is undoubtedly a very powerful application, almost representing the ultimate form of static consumption of information and content. A person with a mobile phone and a WeChat, finding a place to sit, is enough to satisfy most of your imagination of the mobile Internet.
"I can do this all day."
But WeChat doesn’t do it all. Because people are in different states when using Autonavi, the current time-space transfer is another dynamic dimension of the ability: find a good place that suits you best, and then escort you to navigate in the most time-saving and labor-saving way.
Staying is important, but there are many good things when you go out.

Leifeng network(Official account: copyright article, unauthorized reprinting is prohibited. For details, please refer to the reprinting instructions.

Meituan will turn from profit to loss in 2021, with higher expenses such as rider costs and R & D expenses

In the post-epidemic era, Meituan (3690.HK) revenue has risen steadily. On March 25, Meituan released the fourth quarter and full year results of 2021. In 2021, the company’s revenue was 179.128 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), an increase of 56% year-on-year; the company lost 23.536 billion yuan during the year and 4.708 billion yuan in profit in the same period last year; the company’s adjusted net loss was 15.572 billion yuan, and the profit in the same period last year was 3.121 billion yuan.


Food and beverage takeaway is an important revenue business of Meituan, and the operating profit of this business in 2021 is 6.175 billion yuan; however, the policy requirements of "reasonable reduction of merchant service fees" and the corporate responsibility to improve the protection of riders’ rights and interests have also increased Meituan’s operating costs. The restaurant and wine travel business is a major source of profit for Meituan. In 2021, the operating profit of this business is 14.20 billion yuan.


However, the operating profits of the above two major businesses cannot offset the losses caused by the expansion of Meituan’s new business. Meituan’s new business, which mainly focuses on community group buying, shared travel, and instant shopping, has an operating loss of 38.40 billion yuan in 2021. At the same time, Meituan also continues to increase the company’s R & D investment, and the R & D expenditure in 2021 will reach 16.70 billion yuan.


2021 was an extraordinary year for Meituan, with the company’s performance turning from profit to loss. At the same time, Meituan’s anti-monopoly penalty was also settled and fined 3.442 billion yuan. Affected by policies and the general environment, Meituan’s share price declined as a whole in 2021, peaking at HK $460/share that year, and then fell below HK $300/share twice in July and November of that year. On December 31, 2021, it closed at HK $225.4/share. As of the close on March 25, Meituan closed at HK $135/share, down 8.16%.


"In 2021, despite the impact of the epidemic, we will still overcome difficulties and strive to provide hundreds of millions of consumers with reliable and convenient life services, help merchants use digital means to expand online operations, and help more entrepreneurs and employees achieve stable income," said Wang Xing, CEO of Meituan. "Meituan will unswervingly fulfill its platform responsibilities, unswervingly increase investment in technology, unswervingly continue to expand its business, and focus on the’retail + technology ‘strategy to deepen the Chinese market and create more value for merchants, users, riders and other ecological partners."


The profit of catering takeaway operation is 6.175 billion yuan, which enhances the protection of riders’ rights and interests


Under the pressure of repeated epidemics, Meituan’s food and beverage takeaway business continued to grow. The number of annual transaction users and the per capita transaction frequency in 2021 reached a record high. The peak of single-day orders broke through 50 million in August 2021 and reached a new high in December of that year. The number of transactions in the whole year reached 14.40 billion, an increase of 41.6% year-on-year.


In 2021, Meituan’s catering takeaway business will see significant growth in categories such as nighttime, milk tea, salad and light food. Supply growth effectively drove an increase in orders from medium and high-frequency users. Therefore, the number of annual transaction users of catering takeaway increased by 13% year-on-year, and the average transaction frequency of annual transaction users increased by 25% year-on-year.


In 2021, Meituan’s catering takeaway business transaction amount was 702.10 billion yuan, an increase of 43.6% year-on-year; revenue was 96.30 billion yuan, an increase of 45.3% year-on-year. Operating profit increased from 2.833 billion yuan in 2020 to 6.175 billion yuan in 2021, while operating profit margin increased from 4.3% to 6.4%.


The topic of takeaway merchant commissions has attracted much attention. In 2021, Meituan takeaway’s commission income (technical service fee) obtained through merchants was 28.547 billion yuan, 18.503 billion yuan in the same period of the previous year, an increase of 54.3% year-on-year; compared with the company’s catering takeaway transaction amount in 2021, the takeaway platform commission rate was about 4.1%.


However, the 2021 government work report proposed to "guide platform enterprises to reasonably reduce merchant service fees." Subsequently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments also issued the "Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Cultivation of New Consumption", proposing to guide online platforms such as takeout to rationally optimize the use of small and medium-sized enterprises. Merchants and individuals use the platform to operate commissions, commissions and other expenses, and use technology to empower operators to reduce costs and increase efficiency within the platform.


In 2021, Meituan takeaway and other platforms took the initiative to optimize the platform charging model and implement a pilot "rate transparency". At the same time, the protection of rider rights and interests is also a major responsibility of Meituan. In July of that year, Meituan established a takeaway rider service department. In 2021, Meituan held 136 rider talks.


The financial report shows that the vast majority of Meituan takeaway’s total revenue is rider delivery costs. In 2021, there are about 5.27 million riders who earn income on the Meituan platform. Meituan takeaway rider delivery costs were 68.183 billion, an increase of 38.3% year-on-year, accounting for 71% of Meituan’s total takeaway revenue.


In addition, the breakdown data of the financial report shows that in 2021, Meituan’s food and beverage distribution service revenue collected from merchants and users was 54.204 billion yuan, while the annual rider delivery cost was 68.183 billion yuan. The above data shows that Meituan’s annual direct subsidy for riders cost nearly 14 billion yuan.


The operating profit of the hotel is 14.20 billion yuan, and the operating loss of the new business is 38.40 billion yuan


In the post-epidemic era, Meituan’s store, hotel and tourism business has achieved steady growth. In 2021, Meituan’s store, hotel and tourism business revenue was 32.50 billion yuan, an increase of 53.1% year-on-year; operating profit increased from 8.181 billion yuan in 2020 to 14.193 billion yuan in 2021, while operating profit margin increased from 38.5% to 43.3%.


According to the financial report, Meituan’s 2021 store-to-store business transactions, transaction amounts and annual active merchants all hit record highs. Meituan has strengthened its penetration into lower-tier cities across the country. Categories such as leisure entertainment, fitness, elderly care services, medical care and pet services are growing strongly; while categories such as manual activities, recording studios, light and shadow interactive halls, and stress relief experience halls have become new consumer trends.


In terms of hotels and tourism, the number of hotel room nights in China will increase by 34.5% in 2021. In addition, Meituan has consolidated its competitive advantage in the low-star hotel sector, diverting offline users to online platforms to help more hotel merchants operate digitally. In the high-star hotel sector, high-star hotel room nights will account for more than 16.5% in 2021.


In 2021, Meituan continued to expand its investment in new businesses, especially commodity retail. In 2021, Meituan’s new business and other business revenue was 50.30 billion yuan, an increase of 84.4% year-on-year. The operating loss expanded from 10.90 billion yuan in 2020 to 38.40 billion yuan in 2021, and the operating loss ratio increased by 36.6 percentage points year-on-year.


Community group buying is the exploration direction of Meituan’s new business. In the second half of 2020, community group buying began a new round of industry competition. At that time, Internet companies such as Didi, Meituan, Pinduoduo, and others invested in the ante one after another. However, with the development of policies and markets, the community group buying industry will experience ups and downs in 2021. Orange Heart is preferred to face business shrinkage, and Jingxi is also reported to reduce staff and withdraw from the city.


At present, Meituan Preferred is relatively stable. According to the financial report, Meituan Preferred has achieved healthy growth thanks to clear policy guidance and a good market competition environment. The "next day pick-up" three-tier warehouse distribution logistics network system has covered most communities and rural areas in 30 provinces across the country. In the future, strict compliance with regulatory regulations will be the top priority, and we will continue to focus on balanced and high-quality growth.


Meituan flash sale exceeded 6.30 million in single-day orders in December 2021. On the supply side, it has expanded its product categories and established cooperation with more high-quality local stores. Flowers, supermarkets and convenience stores continue to maintain a high growth momentum. At the beginning of this year, 24-hour drug delivery service was launched. In 2021, Meituan market users and transaction amounts continue to increase.

High revenue and high investment, R & D expenses of 16.70 billion yuan


High revenue and high expenditure are the characteristics of Meituan’s performance in 2021. The company’s revenue hit a record high, and the operating profit turned from profit to loss, which also laid the foundation for future sustainable development to a certain extent. According to the financial report, Meituan’s R & D expenditure increased from 10.90 billion yuan in 2020 to 16.70 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 53.1% year-on-year. The increase in employee welfare expenses was mainly due to business expansion.


On the other hand, Meituan has also increased investment in unmanned logistics research and development. Meituan drone has been in normal trial operation in Shenzhen for nearly a year, and has covered more than 8,000 households so far, completing 30,000 orders for real users. Meituan City Low-altitude Logistics Operation Demonstration Center has landed in Shanghai and will gradually cover the "3 km 15 minutes" low-altitude smart logistics network in East China.


In addition, Meituan automatic delivery has launched a low-speed instant delivery solution for outdoor scenes. As of December 2021, Meituan automatic delivery vehicle service has expanded to 20 communities in Shunyi District, Beijing, delivering nearly 190,000 orders, autonomous driving mileage over 700,000 kilometers, and daily delivery of more than 1,000 orders.


At the same time, the company’s overall operating costs also increased significantly. The cost of sales increased by 69.2% from 80.70 billion yuan in 2020 to 136.70 billion yuan in 2021, while the percentage of revenue increased by 6.0 percentage points to 76.3% year-on-year from 70.3%. The main reason is the increase in food delivery related costs, as well as the development and exploration of retail business and other new businesses.


In addition, the company’s sales and marketing expenses increased by 94.8% from $20.90 billion in 2020 to $40.70 billion in 2021, while the percentage of revenue increased by 4.5 percentage points year-on-year from 18.2% to 22.7%. Mainly due to the increase in promotion, advertising and user incentive expenses and employee benefits expenses. In addition, more employees were recruited to support the rapid growth of new businesses.


"Meituan’s development is closely related to the general environment of China’s economy, and it is also inseparable from the joint efforts of small and medium-sized businesses and related workers such as riders. We will continue to take high-quality and sustainable development as the company’s goal, and strive to drive consumption and industry transformation and upgrading, so that all relevant parties can benefit from it." Chen Shaohui, Meituan CFO, said: "Meituan will make long-term investment around the strategy of’retail + technology ‘, and through innovation and technology-driven, help more entrepreneurs and employees share the dividends of the digital economy."


Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter, Chen Weicheng, Editor, Song Yuting, Proofreader, Lu Qian