Geely China Xingyue won the first place in the A-class SUV brand sales in April.

  Geely China Xingyue achieved another success in April! After winning the weekly sales title by beating the joint venture in the first week of April, Xingyue L ranked first in the brand sales of A-class SUVs in the second week, reshaping the market structure of A-class SUVs as a game breaker and player, and making a big score for China.

Geely China Xingyue won the first place in the brand sales of A-class SUV in April _fororder_image001

  According to the sales data from April 1 to April 14, among the top five models in the A-class SUV market, only Xingyue L is a self-owned brand model. As a highly competitive and representative model, Xingyue L led its own efforts to win the A-class SUV sales crown, demonstrating the confidence and strength of China’s own brand.

Geely China Xingyue won the first place in the brand sales of A-class SUV in April _fororder_image002

  According to statistics, since the listing of Xingyue L, the cumulative sales volume has exceeded 420,000 vehicles, and the monthly sales volume has hit record highs, with the highest monthly sales volume exceeding 20,000 vehicles. The market popularity and attention have continued to rise, and the cumulative sales volume of China Star has exceeded 980,000 vehicles. The sales volume of Xingyue L series is 62%, and the weighted average transaction price is 148,000. In the current extremely involuted SUV market competition, Xingyue L not only broke the monopoly of the joint venture brand on the right to speak in the China automobile market, but also outperformed the joint venture, showing the extremely significant competitive advantage of China brand products.

Geely China Xing Xing Yue ranked first in the A-class SUV brand sales in April _fororder_image003

  Excellent market performance comes from the excellent product strength of Xingyue L. Xingyue L is based on CMA’s global luxury architecture, giving it the ultimate safety performance. The vehicle attributes are fully compared with the first-line luxury brands, and the mechanical performance is fully ahead of the joint venture brands. In terms of safety, Xingyue L is ahead of its peers in terms of design, intelligence, stability and health. In terms of intelligence, CMA intelligent evolvable electronic and electrical architecture makes the vehicle more advanced in performance, can be equipped with more hardware devices, has faster data interaction and faster system operation speed, and enables various functions to be visually presented to users. In terms of power, Xingyue L adopts high-efficiency turbocharging and lightweight design, which has both strong power and fuel economy. In terms of manufacturing, Geely Xi ‘an Black Lamp Factory, as the world’s first super-intelligent black lamp factory with full architecture, full energy and full vehicle, has laid a manufacturing foundation, technical foundation and quality foundation for the high value of Xingyue L with high-precision and intelligent quality assurance.

Geely China Xingyue won the first place in the brand sales of A-class SUV in April _fororder_image004

  At the same time, the strength and strength of Xingyue L to win the championship and win the joint venture lies in its keen market insight and forward-looking product planning. Xingyue L pushes new products at high frequency once a year on average, and constantly adds the best technology, technology and design, so that the product value can be continuously advanced to better meet the needs of users and adapt to market trends. In recent years, Xingyue L series has successively launched 2.0TD+8AT Yun Qi, Skyline Edition, Xingyue L Zhiqing, 2.0TD+7DCT Changfeng Edition and other models, continuously improving the comprehensive competitiveness of products, enriching product line selection, and providing users with updated and more valuable travel experiences.

  Conquering consumers with high value, accelerating the mastery of market discourse power, achieving brand breakthrough and moving towards a broader stage have always been the direction of China’s independent brands. Xingyue L ranked first in the brand sales of A-class SUV, which confirmed the correct feasibility of adhering to the high-value route and opened a new milestone for Geely Automobile and even the whole Chinese automobile manufacturing industry. With the charm of being the main force in the market, Xingyue L has shown the confidence and strength of the strong rise of China automobile to the world, and also made the future of China automobile full of infinite possibilities. (Source: Geely Automobile)