Where to drive? How to ensure safety? Self-driving cars are on the road in Beijing

  CCTV News:At 10: 00 a.m. on the 22nd, in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, the first batch of temporary license plates for self-driving test were officially issued, and the approved self-driving vehicles began to test on the road.

  Automatic driving, safety first. Before Beijing, Shanghai had allowed self-driving vehicles to be tested in open areas. So what measures have these two cities taken to ensure the safety of vehicles, operators and people around them? In the event of a traffic accident, how should the law determine the responsibility?

  In order to ensure traffic safety, the first batch of open test roads for self-driving cars in Beijing are selected outside the Fifth Ring Road, avoiding areas where residential areas, office areas, hospitals, schools and other people have concentrated traffic. On the test roads, obvious signs indicating the road sections of the autopilot test are installed, and eye-catching autopilot test body signs are uniformly posted on the autopilot test vehicles for public identification. The test driver must pass at least 50 hours of training and be able to take over the self-driving vehicle at any time.

  Like Shanghai, Beijing’s self-driving vehicles have also passed the examination of the closed test site before the open road test. Among them, the assessment of self-driving vehicles includes perceiving the surrounding environment, reminding the surrounding traffic participants in a perceivable way such as whistling, etc. If there is a problem that cannot be handled, the self-driving vehicles need to remind the drivers in a perceivable way. The time of manual intervention should not exceed 1 minute, and parking in an emergency should not exceed 2 seconds.

  According to the evaluation method, in the test, if there are nearly 30 situations, such as traffic accidents, scrambling for roads, failure to maintain a safe distance and a safe speed during driving, the road test will not pass, and in some cases, it will be rejected by one vote.

  Previously, Shanghai stipulated that car companies must purchase traffic accident liability insurance of not less than 5 million yuan per car for self-driving vehicles applying for road test, or provide traffic accident compensation guarantee of not less than 5 million yuan. During the test, an experienced test driver with no serious violation record must be equipped in the same car to deal with emergencies at any time. Others, including vehicle procedures and road violations, are consistent with the current laws and regulations.

  Cao Guangyi, political commissar of the Traffic Police Corps of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, said that if there is an accident, the test subject unit should bear the civil liability for compensation, and the test driver should also bear the responsibility of the driver of the accident.

The third season of "Wit" is a strong attack: "hardcore" variety show respects China.

Conference site

Conference site

  Cctv news  On August 2nd, the launching ceremony of the theme activity "Wisdom and Respect for China" and the press conference of the third season of "Wit" were held in Shougang Park, Jingxi.

  This large-scale science and technology challenge program, which focuses on the frontier development of artificial intelligence in China, takes "Wisdom and Respect for China" as the theme, focusing on "Smart Plus" in many fields such as agriculture, manufacturing, medical care and environmental protection, and presents a science and technology gift for the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China.

  Wit is co-sponsored by the Central Radio and Television General Station and the China Academy of Sciences, and co-produced by the CCTV Comprehensive Channel of the Central Radio and Television General Station, the Science Communication Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Changjiang Culture Co., Ltd., starting from July 27th, it will be broadcast on the CCTV Comprehensive Channel at 8 o’clock every Saturday night.

  "Hard core technology" confides in the heart

  There are 85 million disabled people in China, of whom 24 million are physically disabled. Wang Junjing, a frontier soldier of Tibet Military Region who was amputated by high-voltage electric shock while performing his duties, is one of them.

  Wu Xinfen, his wife who has been with me for more than 20 years, said, "As a woman, I especially long for my husband to give me a hug."

Experiencing myoelectric hand

Experiencing myoelectric hand

  The research team used non-invasive EMG neural sensor array and artificial intelligence algorithm to realize the intention recognition of human hand movements, and realized the intention by bionic hands.

  Wang Junjing with a myoelectric hand gave his wife a hug. This first hug is a gift from technology to this loving couple.

  In the first program of the third season of "Wit" broadcast on July 27th, the intelligent myoelectric hand, intelligent designer and unmanned straddle carrier appeared in turn, showing the changes brought by the development of artificial intelligence to human life from different perspectives.



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Zhang Guofei, director of CCTV channel

Zhang Guofei, director of comprehensive channel of Central Radio and Television General Station

  At the press conference, Zhang Guofei, director of the comprehensive channel of the Central Radio and Television General Station, concluded that the research results of artificial intelligence in China have reached the national leading level in some aspects, and artificial intelligence covers all aspects of our lives, covering every corner of society and economy.

  Deep integration of artificial intelligence charm out of the circle

  "In terms of program content, the third season of" Wit "pursues the upgrading of texture and quality; In terms of communication, we are constantly exploring new possibilities of radio and television. How to maximize the dissemination of high-quality program content has always been a problem we are thinking about. " At the press conference site, Zhang Yue said that in the macro-ecology of media integration, linking various platforms, giving full play to the strengths of each family and realizing "one fish to eat more" of high-quality content has become an important strategy for the third season of "Wit". In the new media era, traditional TV media still has great potential.

  Every Saturday, CCTV 1 will focus on the cutting-edge technology of artificial intelligence in 93 minutes of prime time, and show the intelligent achievements of artificial intelligence to empower the industry and benefit the people’s livelihood.  

  Under the background of media integration, this "hardcore" variety show adopts the form of all-media linkage, creating a media integration matrix, which fully embodies integration and innovation in both creation and promotion. In the third season of Wit, the theme activity of "Wisdom and Respect for China" was launched, which linked all walks of life to pay tribute to the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and relying on the media matrix, various media and platforms were allowed to produce distinctive new media products according to their own advantages and attributes.

  The series of activities of "Zhijing China" have been launched in full swing: during the filming of the project, the program group launched a series of live broadcasts of "Zhijing China" in conjunction with many new media platforms such as CCTV News, CCTV, and Vibrato Short Video. The unmanned harvesters, Jiefang brand unmanned trucks and other projects interacted with netizens through live webcasts, with a total of more than 6.7 million viewers; In the studio recording stage, the program group started the second stage of communication mode, and the recording site was open to netizens. CCTV News and CCTV.com jointly conducted four live broadcasts, with a cumulative audience of more than 15 million. In the "Rubik’s Cube Man-Machine Battle" live broadcast, netizens threw out "Can the mechanical arm understand garbage classification?" "Can the mechanical arm do sign language translation?" And other interesting issues, which opens up a new interactive mode of recording and broadcasting programs and truly realizes the infinite spread of limited space.

  During the warm-up period of the program promotion, Cecilia Han and Sa Beining recorded interesting interactions on the spot, and the short video of Cecilia Han’s "routine" was played over 50 million on the vibrato short video platform, which won 2.2 million praises. When the first program was broadcast, it was the first in the whole network when it reached the top of the variety show. The official Weibo’s single Weibo reading broke a million in an hour; The story of Wang Junjing and his wife has been read by more than 100,000+in WeChat official account such as CCTV News and People’s Daily, and the related programs have been reprinted by many mainstream media such as CCTV News, People’s Daily, Guangming, China Daily, Beiqing, Henan Daily and China Military TV.

Leng Song, Program Planner and Secretary-General of World Media Research Center of China Academy of Social Sciences.

  Leng Song, the program planner and secretary-general of the World Media Research Center of the Journalism Institute of China Academy of Social Sciences, said that the program "Wit Beyond Man" chose a vertical category of science and technology and made a depth of one kilometer within a width of one centimeter. On the surface, the program is conducted in the way of artificial intelligence and human testing confrontation. In fact, it is the machine that realizes the harmonious symbiosis and game mutual assistance between machines and people with the help of human operation.

  "We don’t produce AI. We are welders of human wisdom. Although the technology is good, there will be a future with the control and guidance of human beings, especially with the guidance of China scientists, China scientific community and China TV people." Leng Song said.

  Focus on Struggle and Respect China

  This year, "Smart Plus" first appeared in the government work report. In his government work report, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that it is necessary to build an industrial Internet platform, expand "Smart Plus" and empower the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

  "Wit" is honored to witness the rapid development of artificial intelligence in China for three years. " Shen Jun, vice president of Changjiang Culture, pointed out, "Artificial intelligence technology has entered our daily life, such as finding abducted children. This is the power of science and technology, the care of science and technology. If we used to think about the future, then today is the future. "

  "In this season’s program, we pay special attention to the contents of China manufacturing and China construction, and learn a lot about China Railway, China Construction and China Communications ‘ National team ’ Many stories are shocked and moved again and again. If there are no conditions to create conditions, we must go on, and no matter how tight the time is, we must complete it with good quality and quantity. This spirit of struggle is something in the bones of China people. Whether it is the progress of science and technology or the ability of industry experts, in fact, the things behind it are unified. We hope to extract these spiritual cores of China people, such as benevolence, harmony, innovation, struggle and so on. " Zhang Yue, the chief producer of the project, summed up the significance of this program, "Respect China, respect China people."

Qu Xiangming, Chief Marketing Officer of Midea Group

  Mr. Qu Xiangming, chief marketing officer of Midea Group, said that as the first domestic program focusing on the field of artificial intelligence, it is at the historical moment of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, Wit Beyond Man is offering a gift to China with cutting-edge scientific and technological development achievements, presenting people with a scientific and technological feast of artificial intelligence to promote a better life, which is highly consistent with Midea Group’s vision of perfect life in science and technology. Mr. Qu Xiangming gave full affirmation and appreciation to the new China "Wisdom" by showing the scientific and technological innovation with temperature, which warmed, touched and shocked everyone’s heart.

  This program, which focuses on the 70-year struggle history of the Republic, also specially designed the "wisdom and respect moment" link: at the end of each project, technical representatives pay tribute to industry predecessors, scientific and technological progress, and the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, "wisdom and respect for life", "wisdom and respect for efficiency", "wisdom and respect for peace", "wisdom and respect for future" and "wisdom and respect for creation".

"DOU wit" plan released

  At the press conference, the third season of "Wit Beyond Man" also jointly released a popular science content cooperation plan — — "DOU wit" includes providing secondary creation and support of short videos for program content, providing a joint stage for short video popular science creators, and jointly launching joint action of online and offline knowledge popularization, and awarding Tik Tok the status of "exclusive short video partner of popular science knowledge". This plan aims to provide more comprehensive support for the creators of popular science, and continue to explore the innovative mode of popular science, actively spread scientific knowledge and convey scientific spirit through short videos, and promote the arrival of the era of popular science for all.

  In addition to showmanship and confrontation, the third season of "Wit Beyond Man" condensed the review of history, the prospect of the future, and the extraction of struggle and development into its own spiritual core.

Authoritative release | heavy at the end of the year, attracting attention! Shenzhen Global Investment Promotion Conference is about to open! Please see the transcript of the press conference on Decem

Press conference of Shenzhen Municipal Government Information Office

Time: December 5, 2023 at 15: 00.

Venue: Press Release Hall of Shenzhen Municipal Government

Record content

Moderator Wu Jun (Deputy Director of Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee and Director of Information Office of the Municipal Government):

Good afternoon, media friends! Welcome to today’s press conference. The Shenzhen Global Investment Promotion Conference will be held on December 8th. Today’s press conference is mainly to inform you about the Shenzhen Global Investment Promotion Conference and answer your questions.

Present at today’s conference are:

Ms. Zhang Feimeng, Director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce;

Mr. Qin Shijie, member of the Party Group of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and second-class inspector;

Mr. Chen Huaping, Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology;

Mr. Gu Ting, full-time vice president of the Municipal People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries;

Mr. Dong Zhe, member of the Standing Committee of Baoan District Committee and deputy head of the district.

First of all, please invite Ms. Zhang Feimeng, Director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, to introduce the basic situation and highlights of the Shenzhen Global Investment Conference.

Zhang Feimeng:Dear media reporters and friends,

Hello everyone!

I am very happy to attend today’s press conference. Next, I would like to introduce the preparations for the Shenzhen Global Investment Conference to all journalists.

All along, the municipal party committee and municipal government have attached great importance to attracting investment. Since the beginning of this year, the city has insisted on "sincerity" and "itinerary" as the basic skills, and all employees have launched, and continued to promote "double recruitment and double introduction" to attract investment from around the world. First, focus on strategic emerging industrial clusters and future industries, and focus on foreign-funded enterprises, national and global cutting-edge enterprises, innovative enterprises, and upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain and supply chain, and take the initiative to attract investment accurately. Second, focus on global resources, make good use of the functions of business associations, exhibitions, events, industrial parks, etc., introduce high-quality production capacity, and enhance the attraction of "bringing in". The third is to improve the city’s unified coordination, command and dispatch mechanism, lay a good combination of policies such as finance, industry, land, talents, state-owned assets, finance, market and innovation, and promote the landing of a number of major projects.

It is worth mentioning that up to now, the district-level investment promotion conference has been completed. In the competition for attracting investment in the sprint stage at the end of the year, all districts have come up with their own "housekeeping skills", combining their own development orientation and the precise efforts of advantageous industries, with obvious characteristics. From the results, the city’s investment promotion has achieved positive results. First, major projects are pouring in. Sinopharm Group competes with GE Medical, China Agricultural Development and other Fortune 500 companies, foreign capital, state-owned enterprises, listed companies, leading enterprises and unicorn enterprises to settle down. Second, there are many bright spots in industrial characteristics. Focusing on strategic emerging industrial clusters and future industries, Siemens Medical, Intel, Starbucks, etc. have successively settled in Shenzhen. The landing projects cover financial, new energy, intelligent manufacturing, AI, supply chain, digital creativity, modern fashion, high-end medical devices, big health and other industrial fields, which are innovative, leading and supportive. Third, production+R&D is fruitful. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, China Automobile Center, Fosun Pharma and other intelligent manufacturing centers, innovation and technology centers, new energy and new materials research and development centers, medical device engineering innovation centers and a number of production+R&D projects with high "gold content" and "new quantity" have settled down one after another.

In order to showcase the investment promotion achievements of all districts and departments in the city, and fully demonstrate the high-quality economic and social development and world-class business environment in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen Global Investment Promotion Conference, hosted by the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government and co-hosted by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Shenzhen Municipal Government Information Office, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Government and the Baoan District People’s Government, will be held at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center on December 8.

From 2019 to 2022, the Shenzhen Global Investment Conference has negotiated and signed more than 900 projects, involving a total intentional investment of over 3 trillion yuan. This year’s Shenzhen Global Investment Conference is the fifth time that Shenzhen has held a global investment conference on the basis of inheriting the successful experience of the past four investment conferences. The theme of this conference is "Creating a New Pattern, Sharing New Opportunities-Investing in Shenzhen for a Win-Win Future", with emphasis on "innovation" in the form of holding and "pragmatism" in the content and effect. The conference will build an investment cooperation platform with global influence in an all-round, wide-ranging, deep-seated and high-level way, highlight Shenzhen’s continuous innovation power as the core engine of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and comprehensively enhance Shenzhen’s attraction and radiation to global resources. At present, the preparations for the conference are progressing smoothly. This conference has the following characteristics:

The first is to focus on the industry and highlight the "four forces." On the basis of the previous four investment promotion conferences, this investment promotion conference will pay more attention to the principle of "being pragmatic, concise and efficient" and fully display Shenzhen’s economic vitality, innovation power, urban charm and investment potential. The conference was organized in the form of "1+1+12+N" series of activities, including "1 main event, investment promotion conference and the city’s investment promotion work summary meeting; 1 investment promotion achievement exhibition area; 12 district-level investment conferences; N overseas venues and industry (industry) investment promotion activities. " We have held 10 overseas sub-venue activities in Madrid, Zurich, Hawaii, Vancouver, San Diego, Brisbane, Chicago, Tokyo, Sydney, Milan and other cities, and successfully held 12 industry (industry) investment promotion activities such as energy storage, digital energy, finance, consumption, attracting talents and attracting talents, and high technology.

Second, the form is novel and the content is pragmatic. The conference continued to optimize and upgrade breakthroughs in overall planning, link design and meeting execution with a more open and enterprising attitude. For the first time, this conference set up an investment promotion achievement exhibition area to show the latest investment promotion achievements and development plans of all districts and departments in the city; Set up a product exhibition area of famous local brands in Shenzhen, and display products covering advanced manufacturing, consumer electronics, trendy life, new tea and coffee, etc., so as to bring a visual feast to the guests. In order to further expand Shenzhen’s "Pengyou Circle" for attracting investment, a number of major projects will be signed at the conference site to show the advantages of Shenzhen’s business environment and the confidence of investors around the world in Shenzhen’s future development with real investment projects.

Third, it has a larger scale and greater influence. This conference was held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center for the first time, and invited the top 500 enterprises in the world, the top 500 enterprises in China, listed companies, senior executives of leading enterprises in the industry, foreign consuls in China, representatives of foreign associations, etc. Up to now, it is estimated that more than 1,000 guests will attend the meeting, from the United States, Japan, the European Union and other countries and regions, including representatives from world-renowned enterprises such as American General Medical, Panasonic of Japan and Siemens of Germany. The scale of this conference is even larger, with more exhibitors and greater influence, which fully shows Shenzhen’s urban temperament based on Greater Bay Area and looking at the world. On the day of the conference, guests will be invited to give speeches to share their experiences in investing in Shenzhen and their objective evaluation of the business environment in Shenzhen.

This year, Shenzhen has achieved fruitful results in attracting investment. We will announce the total amount of intentional investment that everyone is most concerned about at the annual investment conference on the day of the conference. In addition, the conference set up a release link, which will release a series of measures to attract investment in Shenzhen in 2024, further demonstrating the greatest sincerity of the municipal party Committee and municipal government in welcoming global merchants from all over the country to invest in Shenzhen. The conference will be held in an "online+offline" way, and will be broadcast live on authoritative media platforms such as Shenzhen. Merchants from all walks of life at home and abroad are welcome to watch and participate online. Here, we once again send an invitation to global merchants: invest in Shenzhen and win-win the future. Welcome to Shenzhen, a hot spot for investment. We will join hands with global partners to seek common development and share opportunities!

That’s all for my introduction. Thank you.

Wu jun:I am very grateful to Director Zhang Feimeng of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce for his detailed introduction to the upcoming global investment conference in Shenzhen. Let’s enter the questioning session below. Please inform the name of the news organization before asking questions. Now start asking questions.




A good business environment is the best "buttonwood", the biggest "magnet" and the core competitiveness of the city. In February this year, the city issued the Key Points of Optimizing the Business Environment in Shenzhen in 2023, and implemented 100 key tasks. In August this year, it concentrated on three three-year work plans to optimize the market-oriented, rule-of-law and international business environment, speeding up the creation of first-class ecology, making it the first choice for global investment, and creating a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment in all directions, in all fields and in depth.

First, strive to create a benchmark for a market-oriented business environment and stimulate the innovation and entrepreneurship of market players. This year, we launched the electronic signature function of "one window for starting an enterprise" with double recording of audio and video, realizing the electronic signature without media, promoting the whole process of online operation of foreign-invested enterprises, and further reducing the start-up cost of enterprises. We vigorously implement the "Industrial Upstairs" plan, provide enterprises with high-quality, low-cost and customized industrial space, and vigorously guarantee the demand of market participants for land development. We took the lead in the transformation of industrial parks into power supply in China, completely eliminated the price increase of industrial parks, and completed the transformation of 2172 industrial parks, reducing the electricity cost of enterprises by 3 billion yuan every year. We launched the mobile terminal area of the policy subsidy through train platform on the "I Shenzhen" APP, and added 100 items of "free application and instant enjoyment" to realize the direct enjoyment of the policy of benefiting enterprises and facilitating people. At the same time, we have made great efforts to build five world-class trading platforms, including the International Trading Center for Electronic Components and Integrated Circuits, Shenzhen International Jewelry and Jade Comprehensive Trading Platform, Qianhai United Trading Center, Shenzhen Data Exchange, and Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s Scientific and Technological Achievements and Intellectual Property Trading Center, which has provided convenience for market participants to participate in the trading of commodities, data, scientific and technological achievements and intellectual property rights.

The second is to strive to create a model of a business environment ruled by law and ensure that market players can operate and develop with peace of mind. We have successively formulated and implemented the first local legislation in China, such as the regulations on the management of intelligent networked vehicles in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the regulations on the promotion of artificial intelligence industry and the regulations on the promotion of cell and gene industry, so as to escort the development of emerging industries by the rule of law. We took the lead in implementing the inclusive and flexible law enforcement of "small mistakes are exempted from punishment". Up to now, we have formed four lists of minor violations that are exempted from punishment according to law, given a lighter punishment, mitigated punishment and not enforced in 66 fields, totaling 2,022 items, providing fault-tolerant space for market entities to operate. We have added fast pre-trial channels for patents in high-end equipment manufacturing and jewelry processing to reduce the time for patent examination and authorization. At the same time, we have launched a pilot project for rapid handling of national intellectual property disputes, greatly reducing the processing cycle of intellectual property disputes included in the pilot project by 50%, and further strengthening the creation and protection of intellectual property rights. We have built a high-level enterprise compliance demonstration zone, issued the first local enterprise compliance standard "Enterprise Compliance Management System" in China, established an enterprise compliance risk warning and early warning release mechanism, and escorted all kinds of enterprises to operate in a healthy and compliant manner.

The third is to strive to create a pioneer in the international business environment and enhance the international competitive advantage of market players. We actively promote the convergence of international rules, carry out cross-border credit cooperation pilot projects in Qianhai, promote mutual recognition with cross-border credit reporting standards of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, allow Shenzhen banks to obtain corporate credit reports issued by credit reporting agencies of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan through Shenzhen credit reporting agencies, and facilitate the financing of overseas enterprises. We have provided credit loans to seven Hong Kong-funded enterprises. We have promoted the convergence of inspection rules between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and piloted the "one inspection in two places" mode for Shenzhen and Hong Kong liquor, so that when enterprises declare imports in Qianhai, the customs will recognize the inspection reports of Hong Kong inspection agencies. We have further strengthened the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Arbitration Center, and introduced eight internationally renowned arbitration and mediation institutions in a cooperative manner, making it a preferred place for international arbitration. We first set up a foreign-invested public service organization in China, namely the service workstation for protecting the rights and interests of foreign-invested enterprises, covering the whole city’s foreign-invested enterprises. We have made greater efforts to introduce international talents. This year, we have added overseas professional qualification recognition in the fields of emergency safety and environmental protection, and the scope of overseas professional qualification convenience practice list has been expanded to 11 fields and 30 categories.

The business environment is only better, not the best. Next, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, together with the relevant departments of the city, will fully implement the work arrangements of the municipal party committee and municipal government on optimizing the business environment, continue to promote the construction of the business environment with the first demonstration standards, plant fertile soil for the growth of market players, and provide enterprises with a fair, orderly and fully competitive market environment. Finally, warmly welcome Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs to invest and develop in Shenzhen, and create a new and greater miracle in Shenzhen. Thank you.

Reporter: The Securities Times asked questions. I would like to ask Deputy Director Chen Huaping, Shenzhen is a big industrial city. What work has been done and what achievements have been made in attracting investment in the field of advanced manufacturing this year?

Chen Huaping:Thank you for your question.

Industry is the foundation of a country and a strong country. The Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attaches great importance to the high-quality development of manufacturing industry, adheres to the principle of establishing a city by industry, enriching the city by industry and strengthening the city by industry, and accelerates the construction of a leading and important advanced manufacturing center in the world and a modern industrial system with Shenzhen characteristics and advantages. We adhere to the combination of stable stock and incremental investment, and constantly increase the intensity of attracting investment in advanced manufacturing industries to promote development through investment.

First, urban linkage and synergy. The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology has continuously explored the working mechanism of joint investment attraction for advanced manufacturing industries with overall planning, coordination of all parties, key breakthroughs and overall linkage, so as to achieve "non-stop investment attraction, steady business and no relaxation", and set up a joint investment attraction office with the district government to jointly carry out special investment attraction actions in industries such as smart sensors and smart terminals. Since the beginning of this year, it has jointly visited more than 20 cities at home and abroad to attract investment, and has visited and contacted domestic and foreign high-quality enterprises in the fields of equipment manufacturing, new energy, biomedicine and advantageous industries, attracting a number of major projects such as Siemens and China Automotive Research Institute.

The second is global vision and expanding the pattern. The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology has always adhered to the global coordinate system, carried out exchange activities in Europe, the Middle East, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, and reached a number of cooperation intentions with various global leading enterprises and institutions such as Mercedes-Benz, stmicroelectronics and GSMA. In addition, we also planned and organized Sino-German (Shenzhen) Economic Forum, China-ASEAN Emerging Industries Matchmaking Meeting (Shenzhen), China (Shenzhen, Hong Kong)-ASEAN (Kuala Lumpur) and other activities, which led to the signing of more than 40 cooperation agreements, with the signing amount exceeding 15 billion yuan, involving new energy vehicles, electrochemical energy storage materials, smart cities, digital economy, medical devices and other fields.

The third is to practice internal strength hard and accumulate strength. The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology has continuously enriched investment factors and resources, done a good job in ensuring stable prices and reducing costs, actively developed open application scenarios, continuously improved the level of public services, created a first-class business environment with marketization, rule of law and internationalization, and created a first-class industrial ecology. At the same time, speed up the construction of 20 advanced manufacturing parks, vigorously implement the "industrial upstairs" high-quality factory space construction plan, and build a number of high-quality, low-cost and customized factory spaces including Bao’ an New Bridge East, Nanshan Honghualing and Longgang Specialized Special New Industrial Park, so that good enterprises and projects can land in Shenzhen.

Next, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology will fully implement the work arrangements of the municipal party committee and municipal government, give full play to the role of the competent departments of the industry as a whole and as the "main force", continuously strengthen the investment attraction work in the industrial and information fields of the whole city together with various districts and departments, establish and improve the investment attraction work mechanism of urban linkage and integration, vigorously carry out investment attraction around the "20+8" industrial clusters and key links in the industrial chain, and focus resources such as space, finance, talents and data on high-quality enterprises and key projects to improve investment attraction.

thank you

Reporter: Hello, Xinhua News Agency asked questions. Everyone is very concerned about the foreign investment situation this year. May I ask Director Zhang Feimeng what is the foreign investment situation in Shenzhen this year? thank you

Zhang Feimeng:Thank you very much for your attention to foreign investment in Shenzhen. This year, Shenzhen has the following highlights in attracting foreign investment: First, the number of newly established foreign-funded enterprises has increased rapidly. From January to October, 6,469 foreign-funded enterprises were newly established in our city, up 69% year-on-year, indicating that the momentum of foreign investment in Shenzhen has not diminished, and multinational companies continue to be optimistic about the investment prospects in Shenzhen. Second, the investment structure has been continuously optimized. The actual use of foreign capital in manufacturing industry was 17 billion yuan, up by 186% year-on-year, and the high-tech industry increased by 16%. Third, developed economies have increased their investment in Shenzhen. From January to October, the investment of Canada, the United States, Singapore and Switzerland increased rapidly, with the growth rates of 655%, 272%, 148% and 77% respectively.


Thank you!

Reporter: China Daily asked, since this year, foreign delegations visiting Shenzhen have become increasingly frequent. Could you please tell President Gu Ting about Shenzhen’s foreign exchange this year? thank you

Gu ting:Thank you for your question. This year, the city’s foreign exchanges and cooperation in various fields have indeed made new progress and achieved new results, effectively serving the overall diplomatic situation of the country and the high-quality economic and social development of Shenzhen. Mainly reflected in the following aspects:

First, the number of high-level foreign guests groups has surged, and the international influence of our city has been further enhanced. This year, our city has successfully received the presidents of five countries, including Congo (DRC), Malawi, Algeria, Venezuela and Zambia, the prime ministers of three countries, including Hungary, Papua New Guinea and Mozambique, the foreign guests at the level of deputy heads of state or government of six countries, including Cuba, Indonesia and Vietnam, and 83 groups of foreign guests at the ministerial level, greatly enhancing the city’s visibility and reputation. The above-mentioned high-level delegations’ visits to Shenzhen often focus on cooperation with industries such as electronic communication, new energy and biomedicine in our city, which effectively promotes our enterprises to "go global" and expand overseas markets.

Second, many large-scale foreign activities were successfully held, attracting more global high-quality resource elements to gather. These activities, including large-scale exhibitions such as Hi-Tech Fair and Cultural Fair, as well as national multilateral meetings such as China Listening to the World Forum, China-ASEAN Senior Officials Consultation and International Parliamentarians Friendly Exchange Forum, have effectively served the overall diplomacy of the country, introduced the achievements of Shenzhen’s economic and social development to the international community since the reform and opening up, and created a good external environment for the high-quality development of our city.

Third, local exchanges have become more active, and the city’s diplomatic network has been continuously optimized and improved. As the window of China’s reform and opening up, Shenzhen has established friendly relations with 90 provinces and cities in 57 countries on five continents (including 24 pairs of sister cities and 66 pairs of friendly exchange cities). This year, Shenzhen has had frequent exchanges with foreign local cities and achieved fruitful results. Dozens of delegations from California, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Bavaria, Munich, Russian Tatarstan, Penang, Malaysia and Haiphong, Vietnam visited Shenzhen successively. Relying on sister cities and non-governmental diplomatic networks, our city has made full use of its advantages in location, resources and openness, and built a solid bridge to promote the communication between the people and enhance pragmatic cooperation.

Fourth, senior executives of multinational enterprises have intensively visited Shenzhen, and pragmatic cooperation in various fields has been deepening. This year, senior executives of multinational companies from Heicks Kang, Siemens, Starbucks, Richemont, Sanofi, Merlin Entertainment and Anda visited Shenzhen one after another, covering advanced manufacturing, medical devices, biomedicine, cultural tourism and other industries. In addition, the heads of China European Union Chamber of Commerce, Britain-China Business Association and other business promotion agencies have also visited Shenzhen. Multinational enterprises and institutions highly recognize Shenzhen’s market-oriented, rule-based and international business environment, saying that they will continue to expand their investment layout in Shenzhen and further promote pragmatic cooperation in a wider field and at a deeper level.

Fifth, cross-border exchanges between business people have become increasingly frequent, and foreign exchanges between private enterprises have accelerated. This year, in order to serve the city’s high-quality development and help it open to the outside world at a high level, the city has handled more than 2,200 APEC business travel cards for business people, which is four times that of the whole year of 2019. The number of cards handled ranks among the best in all provinces and cities, reflecting that private enterprises in our city are more active in foreign exchanges, further integrated with the world economy, and have closer ties and interactions with countries around the world.

Generally speaking, this year, the exchanges and cooperation between our city and foreign governments, international organizations, localities, enterprises, non-governmental organizations and other levels have shown a thriving trend, which shows that Shenzhen’s international influence has been further enhanced, it plays a decisive role in the global economic network, and it has taken solid steps towards the goal of building a more globally influential economic center city and a modern international metropolis!

thank you

Reporter: Shenzhen Radio and Television Group asked a question from Shenzhen. I would like to ask Dong Zhe, deputy head of the district. The Shenzhen Global Investment Conference was held in the International Convention and Exhibition Center. What has Baoan District done in terms of service guarantee? thank you

Dong Zhe:Thank you for your question. The global investment promotion conference is honored to be held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center, which is recognized as one of the most advanced and complete exhibition centers in the industry. It should be said that the location itself is a highlight of our conference. Under the overall planning and guidance of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Baoan District has set up a special service guarantee class to do a good job in public transportation, accommodation and catering, emergency medical care, cultural and travel experience and so on.

The first is public transportation. On the basis of normal traffic security, we will combine the actual situation during the conference to ensure the overall smooth traffic by increasing traffic control personnel, encrypting traffic shifts, and reserving emergency capacity. In addition, a traffic command and dispatch room will be set up in the convention and exhibition center to coordinate the traffic management of the whole area, and optimize the moving line of vehicles entering and leaving and the drop-off area of parking in advance to ensure the convenience of guests. In addition, this time, we have a special arrangement to provide self-driving shuttle bus service to and from the International Convention and Exhibition Center at Intercontinental and Hilton Hotels.

The second is accommodation and catering. There are 5 high-end hotels in the exhibition area, which can provide more than 5,000 rooms for the guests, and there are more than 50 hotels of various types around, which can provide a variety of accommodation options. Bao ‘an District has comprehensively sorted out and rectified the hotels around the convention and exhibition center, focusing on improving food safety, sanitary environment and service quality to ensure that the participating guests can eat and live with peace of mind.

The third is emergency medical care. We will arrange seven large-scale emergency support vehicles, including emergency, ambulance, fire fighting, power supply and communication, and arrange professional and technical personnel to perform their duties on site. In addition, a medical point is set up near the main venue, and professional medical staff provide emergency medical support.

The fourth is the experience of cultural travel. We are committed to providing zero-distance cultural travel experience services. We will set up cultural tourism service desks in hotels such as Intercontinental, Crowne Plaza, Hilton, Hilton Garden, etc., where the guests are concentrated, to provide the guests with publicity materials on Baoan District’s history, humanities, non-genetic heritage, natural landscape and tourist attractions, and at the same time send special personnel on duty to provide cultural tourism consulting services.

At the same time, we will closely focus on new formats and new scenes such as "One Street, One River, One mall" and "National Pavilion" to make a tour route for the guests. Along the street in high line park, with the theme of "science and technology+cultural creation", we have carefully set up 16 characteristic exhibition halls integrating display, transaction and interaction, fully demonstrating the charm of Baoan in science and technology, consumption, intangible cultural heritage and cultural creation. At the same time, the whole line will build an air camp with "double star camp, leisure and entertainment belt and dynamic stage" to provide shopping, consumption and leisure and entertainment services for the guests. In Fuhai River, the greening and lighting atmosphere on both sides of Waihe River have been completed and opened to the public. We will make full use of the surface of the outer river and the green space on both sides of the river to carry out colorful water activities, and the pet park built on the banks of Fuhai River will also hold pet competitions and other activities. The Garden City, a large shopping mall, will be capped at the end of this year, and investment promotion is now in full swing. In addition, together with the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, we are building a "National Pavilion" to showcase the products of European and Asian Belt and Road countries for the guests and the public through cross-border bonded shops and pop-up shop.

In a word, we hope that through our above work and efforts, we can ensure the success of this conference and bring a brand-new and unforgettable experience to the guests. thank you

Wu jun:Thank you, Dong Zhe, deputy head of Bao ‘an District, for your introduction, and also thank the Shenzhen reporter of Radio and Television Group for asking questions. Time, that’s all for today’s question. Thank you!

Shenzhen Global Investment Promotion Conference is an annual event, which attracts the attention of the public at the end of the year. In fact, attracting investment is a long-term work, an all-round, all-round and whole-system effort throughout the year, a "journey" of Qian Shan’s thousands of waters, a sincere "sincere", a service by all means, and a genuine effort.

Shenzhen is a city that has created miracles for more than 40 years and is a city of miracles. Entrepreneurs, investors, entrepreneurs, and talents from all sides voted with their feet, educating, co-creating, co-building, and sharing a hot land for innovation and entrepreneurship. Shenzhen’s market-oriented, rule-based and international business environment has always been its recognition and confidence, and it is also the number one project of continuous intensive cultivation. At present, in the process of building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development with Chinese modernization, Shenzhen, as a pioneering demonstration area and the core engine of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, is holding and displaying new business opportunities, vitality, space and prospects from its strategic position, industrial future layout, open attitude and pattern, and institutional innovation. We can expect the weight, energy and "gold content" of this year’s Shenzhen Global Investment Conference. The conference has issued an invitation to invite people from all walks of life at home and abroad and people of insight to come to Shenzhen to seize the opportunity, see the future, win a win-win situation and create another miracle. See you at Shenzhen Global Investment Conference on December 8th!

This concludes today’s press conference. The graphic record of the conference will be released in Shenzhen and official platforms such as Shenzhen Government Online. At the same time, there will also be release and video playback on media platforms such as Reading Special, Shenzhen I and Shenzhen I.. Thank you, publishers, and friends from the media, thank you!

Sexual harassment, injury and disability, overlord clause beware of these "pits" in the gym

   Sexual harassment and verbal insults should only be regarded as "mouth addiction"

   On April 9, it was reported by the media that Ms. Xiaoqian of Hangzhou paid a deposit for private lessons in a gym. Afterwards, she felt that the price was too expensive and wanted to return it. In order to retain her, the fitness instructor proposed the conditions of accompanying sleep. Xiao Qian told the media: "I said that I can find their coach or him to sleep with me for one night, and that if I need a woman, they can also provide a woman, saying that their director is a lesbian, so that their director can sleep with me for one night." When asked, a supervisor of the fitness center said that the social atmosphere was more open, but it was just a mouth addiction.

   Prior to this, Ms. Zhang, a citizen of Nanjing, was inexplicably "helped" by a fitness instructor while running in the gym. She felt harassed and called the police station. Finally, the gym apologized to him and refunded the card fee in full.

   Article 38 of China’s Constitution stipulates that the personal dignity of People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens is inviolable, and it is forbidden to insult or slander citizens by any means. Article 40 of the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests stipulates that sexual harassment of women is prohibited. Article 38 of the Beijing Measures for Implementing the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests in People’s Republic of China (PRC) (Revised Draft) stipulates that it is forbidden to sexually harass women in any form such as language, writing, images, electronic information and physical behavior. The Measures for Implementing the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests in People’s Republic of China (PRC) Province stipulates that "it is forbidden to sexually harass women in the form of obscene language, words, pictures, electronic information and behaviors that violate laws and ethics."

   The coach put forward a clear demand for small money, which caused him to have obvious psychological discomfort and constituted sexual harassment. According to the law, if sexual harassment of women in violation of the law constitutes a violation of public security management, the victim may request the public security organ to impose administrative punishment on the illegal act according to law, or bring a civil lawsuit to the people’s court according to law.

   Injuries and disabilities are not uncommon. The qualification review of coaches needs to be standardized.

   In recent years, a large number of newcomers have poured into the field of fitness, but there is a lack of professional private education, and disability incidents are frequent due to improper or unprofessional guidance.

   In July, 2014, Zhang Wanting, a 17-year-old girl from Shenyang, died suddenly in a gym weight-loss training camp. According to media reports, Zhang Wanting had undergone high-load training and was strictly controlled in diet, and the coach at the time of the incident had no relevant qualifications and first-aid knowledge.

   In 2015, a fat man accidentally fell down and broke his achilles tendon because of bending over and lifting his legs, which was not suitable for his weight load. At that time, private teachers and members were still laughing and chatting, thinking that there was no serious problem.

   In 2016, Pearl Krabs, a second-year graduate student in Beijing, bought 4,500 yuan of private education courses in a fitness chain. Three months later, the hospital diagnosed the second degree damage of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus of the right knee; Previously, Pearl Krabs’s coach had been encouraging her to keep exercising. When defending rights, the coach could not produce any professional certification. Finally, the gym returned 4,000 yuan to Pearl Krabs and dismissed the coach.

   It is understood that there are roughly three types of private education sources in the industry: graduates from major sports colleges, retired athletes and social fitness enthusiasts. Even some are just in good shape, and they can be employed after attending some short-term training courses. There is no uniform standard for the post qualification of private education in the whole fitness industry, and the threshold for employment is completely grasped by the fitness institutions themselves.

   According to the 2015 Career Development Report of Fitness Coaches in China issued by the Vocational Skills Appraisal and Guidance Center of the State General Administration of Sport, 52% of the fitness coaches who have been employed for 1-3 years are students from sports colleges, and the remaining 48% have no professional background.

   At present, there are two types of qualification certificates recognized by the fitness industry, one is the "national job certificate". The other is the qualification certificate certified by non-governmental organizations, or the award-winning certificate of bodybuilding competition. Among them, the "national job certificate" belongs to the level evaluation category and is not mandatory. Just because a fitness instructor wants to be employed does not mean that he must pass the national vocational examination and obtain a "national vocational certificate".

   Lu Dajiang, a graduate tutor at the School of Sports Science of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, suggested that the admission system for fitness instructors should be established with reference to the supervision methods of high-risk industries such as swimming and rock climbing. The relevant coach qualifications are subject to the access system, that is, the personnel engaged in guiding teaching must obtain the national vocational qualification certificate before they can take up their posts and engage in related work.

   Article 32 of the National Fitness Regulations stipulates that those who engage in high-risk sports must have a specified number of social sports instructors and rescuers who have obtained national vocational qualification certificates. The first batch of high-risk sports announced by the state in 2013 include swimming, skiing, rock climbing and diving.

   Fitness institutions have overlord clauses, and it is difficult for consumers to transfer or return their cards.

   At present, many fitness cards on the market require me to hold the card. If consumers require to pay a handling fee ranging from several hundred yuan, some gyms even stipulate that they cannot transfer cards.

   Jiang Dianliang, a southern legal aid lawyer, said that because the consumer card generally indicates that "this card is not transferable", if the consumer does not sign the relevant agreement on returning, transferring and stopping the card before handling the card, when he gets the card, he has already acquiesced that the merchant needs to pay for the card transfer. Before handling various consumer cards such as fitness cards, you need to read the relevant agreements carefully, ask whether the fitness card can be extended or transferred or returned in case of illness, business trip, etc., and sign the relevant payment agreement for returning, transferring and stopping the card. When signing the relevant consumer card agreement, in order to protect your legitimate rights and interests, you must read the terms carefully. If you find anything unclear or unreasonable in the terms, you should raise it in time.

   In addition to high transfer fees and prohibition of card transfer, it is also difficult for many consumers to return the card.

   In December 2016, consumer Mr. Chen complained to Hebei Consumers Association that in September 2015, he applied for an annual card with an amount of 2,300 yuan in a gym in Shijiazhuang. Since then, Mr. Chen has been suffering from illness and needs chemotherapy. The doctor’s advice is not suitable for exercise. The previous annual card was not used, and Mr. Chen proposed to return the card to the gym. The other party refused to refund the money on the grounds that there are clauses in the contract, such as "The contract shall not be terminated except for force majeure" and "The service cannot be accepted due to its own reasons, and the individual shall bear the responsibility".

   Hebei Consumers Association believes that after the establishment of the contract, the objective situation has undergone major changes that are not commercial risks and cannot be foreseen by the parties at the time of conclusion of the contract. It is obviously unfair for one party to continue to perform the contract or the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved. If the consumer proposes to change or terminate the contract, the operator should change or terminate the contract accordingly according to the principle of fairness. It is illegal for the operator not to change or cancel the conformity. In other words, consumers have the right to terminate the contract according to law in special circumstances.

Beij is facing that most complicate and severe prevention and control situation since the COVID-19 epidemic.

CCTV News:On November 21st, the Information Office of Beijing Municipal Government held the 420th routine press conference on epidemic prevention and control to inform the latest situation. At the meeting, Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that the current epidemic situation in this city continues to be at a high level, showing a rapid upward trend, with obvious regional differences. This city is facing the most complicated and severe prevention and control situation since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, and is at the most critical and tight moment. We should further understand the situation, unify our thinking, unswervingly implement the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic zero clearing", compact the "four-party responsibility", optimize prevention and control measures strictly, timely and appropriately, and pay close attention to the implementation of various prevention and control work; It is necessary to further strengthen the territorial responsibility of areas with serious epidemic situation, reduce social mobility, advocate flexible work, reduce the rate of arrival, online teaching, and make appointments in public places to limit the flow in areas with serious epidemic situation, effectively implement regional nucleic acid screening, and make orderly arrangements to avoid getting together; It is necessary to further strengthen the investigation and control of risk personnel and risk points, do a good job in standardized management and service guarantee of high-risk areas, pay attention to epidemic prevention management in crowded places, and implement various prevention and control measures in key links in a timely, effective and high-quality manner.

Harbin "1011" case: the family members of the deceased are temporarily unable to consult the autopsy report.

  At 14: 00 on the 18th, the Information Office of Harbin Municipal Government held a press conference on the "10.11" case to inform about the handling of the case and recent online and public concerns. Lu Hongxi, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of Harbin Public Security Bureau, attended the conference, which was presided over by libing, director of the Municipal Government Information Office.

  Briefing on the Fifth Press Conference of "10.11" Case

  On the afternoon of November 6, when the Harbin Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference on the "10.11" case, the representative of the autopsy expert group on the "10.11" case had announced the autopsy appraisal conclusion of the deceased Lin Songling to all walks of life. A press conference was held on November 18th to inform about the handling of the case and recent online and public concerns.

  1. Two policemen involved in the case have been arrested by the procuratorate.

  After examination, the People’s Procuratorate of Harbin believes that Qi Xin (the former deputy commander of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Public Security Department directly under the Harbin Railway Public Security Bureau) and Liu Linan (the former policeman of the command center of the Harbin Railway Public Security Bureau) are suspected of intentional injury, which meets the arrest conditions stipulated in Article 60 of the Criminal Procedure Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC). On November 14, 2008, the procuratorial organ approved the arrest of the two men according to law, and now they are detained in the detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

  Second, the criminal suspect Yang Sen has been arrested by the procuratorate.

  In this case, the suspect, Yang Sen (male, 22 years old, unemployed), injured Li Xinyu (a policeman from the Anti-drug Detachment of Harbin Public Security Bureau) and Wang Jingang (a policeman from Xiangfang Branch of Harbin Public Security Bureau) successively in the candy bar, resulting in two fractures on the inner wall of Li Xinyu’s left orbit and the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th ribs of Wang Jingang’s right rib, and Yang Sen’s behavior led to the expansion of the situation.

  On October 31, identified by the Forensic Center of the Provincial Public Security Department, both policemen were slightly injured. On November 6, the task force entrusted the Institute of Forensic Science and Technology of the Ministry of Justice to conduct another damage appraisal on the injuries of two policemen, and the conclusion was completely consistent with the appraisal conclusion of the Forensic Center of the Provincial Public Security Department.

  The criminal suspect Yang Sen’s behavior violated the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 234 and the first paragraph of Article 234 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), respectively. According to the provisions of Article 60 of the Criminal Procedure Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), the Harbin Municipal People’s Procuratorate approved the arrest of Yang Sen on November 14 on suspicion of intentional injury and executed it according to law. Now it is detained in the detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

  In the investigation, it was also found that the suspect, Yang Sen, was punished by the people’s court on July 2, 2006 for beating three policemen and committing the crime of obstructing official duties. The People’s Procuratorate of nangang district, Harbin accused that at about 23: 00 on July 2, 2006, when the defendant Yang Sen drunk and drove through the bus terminal of No.109 Wenhua Street in nangang district, Harbin, they had an altercation after scraping with the taxi driven by Li. The traffic police officer Liu Shouzhuang of the Power Traffic Police Team came to handle the traffic accident, and Yang Sen did not cooperate with the traffic police and injured Liu Shouzhuang with his fist. When Liu Lei of Minsheng Road Police Station and Yuliang of Wenhua Street Police Station rushed to the scene to handle the case, the defendant Yang Sen was still there. Experience injury: Liu Shouzhuang suffered from head trauma, head and face soft tissue contusion and blunt contusion in his right eye; Liu Lei suffered from soft tissue contusion in his right elbow; Yuliang suffered from left lower limb trauma and left lower abdomen soft tissue contusion. The defendant Yang Sen was caught on the spot.

  The public prosecutor believes that the defendant, Yang Sen, used violence to obstruct the police from performing their official duties, and his behavior has constituted a crime of obstructing official duties, and he is requested to be punished according to the provisions of Article 277 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC).

  On August 18th, 2006, the People’s Court of nangang district, Harbin held a public hearing to hear the case.

  The People’s Court of nangang district, Harbin held that the defendant, Yang Sen, obstructed the police from performing official duties by violence, and his behavior constituted a crime of obstructing official duties. The charges charged by the public prosecution agency were established and should be punished. The defendant, Yang Sen, was a college student for the first time, and pleaded guilty with a good attitude, and compensated the victim for economic losses. The two sides reached a settlement. The court adopted the defendant’s argument that Yang Sen should be given a lighter punishment. According to the provisions of Articles 277, 52 and 53 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), the defendant Yang Sen was sentenced to the crime of obstructing official duties according to law, with a single fine of RMB 5,000.

  Three, about the legal responsibility of the other four policemen.

  According to the on-site surveillance video, statements of both parties and witness testimony, there is no evidence to prove that Wang Jingang, a policeman from Xiangfang Branch of Harbin Public Security Bureau, Li Xinyu, a policeman from Anti-drug Detachment of Harbin Public Security Bureau, and Luan, a policeman from Traffic Police Detachment of Harbin Public Security Bureau? Li Feng, a policeman of Zhaodong Public Security Bureau in Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, committed a criminal act. Therefore, after communicating with Harbin People’s Procuratorate, the task force changed the compulsory measures for four people to obtain bail pending trial according to the provisions of Article 73 of the Criminal Procedure Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC).


  4. With regard to the jurisdiction of this case, there is an article on the Internet saying that the family of the deceased asked the case to be handled by the Ministry of Public Security or the public security organs in other provinces, and asked the Harbin Public Security Bureau to avoid it.

  The provisions of Article 28 and Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) only apply to judges, inspectors, investigators, clerks, translators and appraisers, but not to units and departments handling cases.

  Paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases by Public Security Organs of the Ministry of Public Security stipulates that criminal cases with disputed jurisdiction or special circumstances may be designated by a common public security organ at a higher level.

  On the day of the incident, the family members of the deceased strongly demanded that the case be handled by Harbin Public Security Bureau. Accordingly, the Provincial Public Security Bureau designated our bureau to file a case for jurisdiction. Therefore, the Municipal Public Security Bureau filed a case for investigation in accordance with the law, and in the process of handling the case, the Municipal Public Security Bureau completely followed legal procedures and adhered to the principles of legality, fairness, openness and transparency. There was no problem of favoring any party. Therefore, it is not in compliance with the law to ask Harbin Public Security Bureau to withdraw.

  Five, about the family of the deceased to consult all the contents of the autopsy report.

  We have announced the autopsy to the public through a press conference. In addition to four authoritative forensic experts from the Ministry of Public Security, the People’s Procuratorate of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region invited by the handling unit through the Provincial Public Security Department, and three forensic experts designated by the family of the deceased, Fu Guoping, the chief forensic doctor of Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Procuratorate, witnessed the whole process of the autopsy site. The family of the deceased and their lawyers also witnessed the whole process of autopsy. Autopsy is completely in line with legal procedures, and the autopsy results are realistic.

  Article 121 of the Criminal Procedure Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that the investigation organ shall inform the criminal suspect and the victim of the appraisal conclusion used as evidence. At present, we have informed the family of the deceased of the autopsy conclusion in time in accordance with legal procedures.

  Article 36 of the Criminal Procedure Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that defense lawyers may consult, extract and copy the litigation documents and technical appraisal materials of the case from the date when the people’s procuratorate examines and prosecutes the case, and may meet and correspond with the criminal suspect in custody. Other defenders, with the permission of the People’s Procuratorate, may also consult, extract and copy the above-mentioned materials, and meet and correspond with criminal suspects in custody. The case is still in the investigation stage and has not been transferred to the people’s procuratorate for review and prosecution. Therefore, defenders, including lawyers, relatives and friends, cannot consult, extract or copy the technical appraisal materials of this case. (Qin Lei, Zhang Yingmin, Lu Jun)

Editor: Wang Jiaolong

The National Seminar on Children’s Film Sunflower Squadron was held.

On March 19th, a national seminar on children’s film Sunflower Squadron was held in Beijing. Xia Chao, Chairman of China Literary Critics Association, Nie Zhenning, Writer and Publisher, Jiang Ping, President of China Xia Yan Film Society, Rao Shuguang, President of China Film Critics Association, Chen Yingxian, President of China Puppet Shadow Play Art Society, Huang Jun, President and Secretary General of China Education Association, Yang Yinfu, Professor Peking University, Vice President of China Film Critics Association, and Huang Yichuan, President and Editor-in-Chief of Contemporary Film, Su Yi, Vice President of China Xia Yan Film Society, Jiang Zhitao, critic, Jia Yang Sang Zhu, young director and deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of China Film Group, Yan Zhen, secretary general of Jiangsu Film Association, and other experts and scholars, as well as Wu Xinlin, the third-level researcher of the Propaganda Department of Nantong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Fan Xiaoyan, member of the Standing Committee of Tongzhou District Committee of Nantong City, director of the Propaganda Department, Fei Chunhua, deputy director of Nantong Civilization Office, and Wu Zhixiang, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Tongzhou District Committee of Nantong City of the Communist Party of China. Xu Jun, Chairman of Nantong Tongzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Feng Zhang, Vice Chairman of Nantong Tongzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Deputy Director of Children’s Sound Base and producer of Sunflower Squadron, Qiu Yongkang, Vice Chairman of Nantong Tongzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Deputy Director of Children’s Sound Base attended the meeting.

National Seminar on Children’s Film Sunflower Squadron

This seminar is supported by China Literary Critics Association, China Film Critics Association, China Xia Yan Film Society and china children film association, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Nantong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Nantong Civilization Office, and hosted by the Propaganda Department of Tongzhou District Committee of Nantong City, Nantong Civilization Office and Nantong Tongzhou "China in Children’s Voice" Children’s Art Innovation and Research Base, and specially hosted by Qian State, President of Jiangsu Children’s Culture and Art Promotion Association and Professor of Nanjing Art College.

Xia Chao, chairman of the Chinese Literary Critics Association, said: "Sunflower Squadron is an excellent children’s film that shows the features of the new era, guides children to establish correct values and aesthetics, not only touches people’s hearts with characters, plots and emotions, but also expresses our new pursuit in the new era. It is a rare and good film with enlightening power."

Nie Zhenning, a writer and publisher, commented: "I am very much in favor of this film of love. It vividly presents the education of love in a very poetic and bright way, full of truth, goodness and beauty, and educates people with love, so I think the success of this children’s film Sunflower Squadron is inevitable."

Jiang Ping, president of China Xia Yan Film Society, praised: "Sunflower Squadron is a rare excellent children’s film in the new era, which has broadened the horizons of children’s films in our eyes. I think we can use four words’ new’ to represent this film, that is, new era, new children, new landscape and new atmosphere. It stands in a new angle of the times and focuses on the spiritual outlook and mental journey of children in today’s society. It is a positive and sunny film, just like a warm current of love coming towards us. "

Rao Shuguang, president of China Film Criticism Society, said: "Aesthetic education plays an important role in children’s education, and children’s films are an important and effective means to strengthen aesthetic education. I think "Sunflower Squadron" is a children’s film with light. The style and lens of the whole film are very bright. Through the characters and stories in the film, an inner, positive and upward emotional force is constantly conveyed, forming a unique artistic style and aesthetic temperament. I hope to carry out a far-reaching spread, so that this good film can reach more audiences and let the audience see the film they want to see, and realize a two-way trip.

Chen Yingxian, president of the Chinese Puppet Shadow Play Art Society, said: "The children’s film Sunflower Squadron performed very well in detail. The characters in the film encouraged each other and grew up with each other. The images of sunflowers were superimposed in different ways, giving people a warm power. As an audience, I was also inspired and enlightened."

Huang Jun, president of china children film association, said: "This is a movie that knocks people’s hearts. It has a theme of great love, especially the love of special groups and minors, which requires the careful, vigorous and wholehearted love of the whole society. From the visual point of view, the whole film is warm and cold from beginning to end, and the spring tone dominated by warmth is picturesque, full of vitality and pleasing to the eye. The visual tone blends well with the narrative and characterization of the film, which enhances the aesthetic and ideological strength of the whole film. The viewing experience of Sunflower Squadron is very enjoyable, enjoying four beauties-human beauty, emotional beauty, beautiful scenery and musical beauty. "

Yang Yinfu, vice president and secretary general of China Education Association, said: "Sunflower Squadron is a children’s film and an educational film. The theme of the film reflects inclusive education, so that no child is left behind and every child has a chance to shine in life. The film is full of sunshine, friendship and positive energy, expressing warm realism. It is precisely because of the teachers’ love, care and patience that miracles happen and Mo Li is cured because of their attitudes, emotions and wisdom. "

Professor Peking University and Zhang Yiwu, vice president of China Film Critics Association, affirmed: "I think this film is really a very meaningful and weighty work. It pays attention to such a unique theme as’ integrated education’, and integrates poetic and romantic spirit into the film, which strengthens the symbolic significance of sunflower, not only showing the gradual growth of the protagonist Mo Li, but also the spiritual improvement of other children and the improvement of value and cognition due to the arrival of Mo Li in the whole class, including We should further increase the spread of the film and realize the long tail effect. "

Huangfu Yichuan, president and editor-in-chief of Contemporary Film, said: "Sunflower Squadron, a children’s film, is a vivid film that pays attention to teenagers’ mental health, shows integrated education and cultivates teenagers’ healthy values. It provides a love education and artistic aesthetic experience at the social, school and family levels, and at the children’s psychological and aesthetic levels. From the perspective of film and television education for primary and secondary school students, children want to watch and deserve to watch, and should be recommended to primary and secondary school students. "

Su Yi, vice president of China Xia Yan Film Society, said: "Sunflower Squadron is a well-intentioned children’s work, which is full of the love of the creative team for children. Both adult actors and children actors have performed brilliantly and found a very good combination of real life and artistic truth. For such an excellent film, we should think about how to maximize its social benefits. " Jiang Zhitao, editor of the critic, said with deep feelings: "This is a work of conscience full of great love in the world. As an old audience of nearly 80 years old, I felt a lot after watching the film. I want to express my gratitude to the film creative team. Thank you for offering healthy and delicious spiritual food for the children, so that the children can grow up in happiness and beauty."

At the seminar, the film’s creative representatives shared their feelings about the film’s creation. Yingqi Chan, the "Top Ten Directors" in China and the director of the children’s film Sunflower Squadron, told the behind-the-scenes story emotionally. He said: "The film’s creation lasted for seven years, and it was easy to draft it. We always held a persistent attitude of being meticulous and striving for perfection, hoping to present an excellent children’s film for children in the new era and guide them to embrace the world with love." Brush brush, a children’s literature writer and the original author of Sunflower Squadron, said: "Thank you for putting my literary works on the screen, showing them to small audiences in a more vivid way, bringing them new experiences and giving this work new meaning and connotation." Xue Mei, the screenwriter of Sunflower Squadron, also described the psychological process of script creation, and revealed his heartfelt wishes of creating for children in persistence, exploration and development.

Fan Xiaoyan, member of the Standing Committee of Tongzhou District Committee of Nantong City and Minister of Propaganda Department, said in his speech: "The experts and critics present here are flag representatives in the fields of film and television art and children’s education, and they have rich experience and unique opinions. I believe that through today’s exchange, we will benefit a lot, collide with sparks of thought, help Sunflower Squadron go deeper, higher and further, and provide valuable inspiration and reference for our future research work. Fei Chunhua, deputy director of Nantong Civilization Office, expressed his gratitude to experts and scholars, film creative teams and cast members, children’s literary and art workers and literary volunteers on behalf of the seminar organizers, and further said: "I hope that all children’s literary and art workers and volunteer service teams will make persistent efforts under the careful guidance of experts, constantly innovate forms and enrich carriers, create more masterpieces to guide the healthy growth of children, promote the cultural construction of children and the prosperity and development of children’s literature and art, and make more contributions to promoting the growth of children."

The children’s film "Sunflower Squadron" was directed and supported by the Propaganda Department of CPC jiangsu provincial party committee and the Civilization Office of Jiangsu Province, jointly created by the Propaganda Department of CPC Nantong Municipal Committee, Nantong Civilization Office and the Propaganda Department of CPC Nantong Tongzhou District Committee, jointly produced by Nantong Tongzhou "China in Children’s Voice" children’s art creation and research activity base and Jiangsu Film Association, jointly produced by Nantong Grand Hyatt Culture and Art Communication Co., Ltd. and Nantong Intercontinental Virescence Expo Co., Ltd., and adapted from the novel of the same name brushed by the writer. Directed jointly by Yingqi Chan, the "Top Ten Director" in China, and Chen Juzhi, a young director, and written by Yingqi Chan, Xue Mei and Yang Xiaomeng, the young actors Yang Jinchen, Tian Yulin, Li Zixi, Jia Zixuan and Cao Yile were invited to star, and famous actors Hou Yong and Guo Guangping, Xiaohuan Wei, Sun Lan, Gao Fei, Cao Jun, He Da and Zhang Songnian were invited to participate in the performance.

Producer Feng Zhang introduced that since its release, the children’s film Sunflower Squadron has been shown in urban cinemas and primary and secondary schools, and has been invited to be shown in the training class of minors’ mental health counseling of the Central Civilization Office and the National Education and Training Conference of the National School of Education Administration, and broadcasted in the prime time of CCTV6 movie channel, winning two nominations of "Best Screenplay Award" and "Best Actress" at the 2nd Hong Kong Bauhinia International Film Festival and "Light Year Cup" as the "Outstanding Film of the Year" at the 13th Beijing International Network Film Festival.

In order to give full play to the educational function of the film, actively use excellent films to carry out film and television education activities in primary and secondary schools, and implement the fundamental task of educating people in Lide, the children’s film "Sunflower Squadron" organized a campus tour, which was shown in more than 500 primary and secondary schools one after another, benefiting more than 600,000 children and pushing the film into the campus, classes and children. In addition, we also cooperated with Jiangsu Women and Children Welfare Foundation to establish the "Sunflower Squadron Charity Fund", and opened up channels for public fundraising. All the funds raised were used to organize the children’s film Sunflower Squadron to watch movies, as well as to carry out public welfare activities related to youth film and television education, which widely condensed social charity forces, effectively promoted the normalization of film and television education activities, and created a strong atmosphere in which the whole society cared about the growth of young people. (Tong Xuan)

Such as knife cutting, fire! This disease is "painful" and hot search. Do you want to fight thousands of dollars of vaccine?


Recently, a # Pain is a danger signal of herpes zoster # boarded a hot search in Weibo, causing everyone’s attention to herpes zoster!


How painful is it to get herpes zoster? People who have had this disease are worried about it and complain bitterly!

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What disease is herpes zoster?

Herpes zoster is what people call "raw snake", "waist-wrapped dragon" and "waist-turned dragon", which is infected by varicella-zoster virus and occurs in middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old, showing clustered blisters.


At the time of eruption, the skin of the affected area first appeared tidal erythema, then appeared clustered papules without fusion, and then quickly turned into blisters, with redness around the blisters. Skin lesions are often distributed along a certain peripheral nerve area, generally occurring on one side of the body and not exceeding the midline. Blisters will then dry up, scab and fall off, and there may be pigmentation left behind. Generally, skin lesions last for 2-3 weeks, and the elderly are about 3-4 weeks.

Characteristics of herpes zoster-high infection rate.

According to public information, herpes zoster is more common in older people with immunosuppression or immunodeficiency. According to Professor Chang Jianmin, director of the dermatology department of Peking Hospital and deputy director of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology of Peking University, in China, about 99.5% of adults aged 50 and above are latent varicella-zoster virus, and there are about 1.56 million new cases of herpes zoster in people aged 50 and above every year. According to the China Expert Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia, the annual incidence of herpes zoster is about 3-5‰.

Characteristics of herpes zoster-patients have to bear great pain.

It is understood that the onset of herpes zoster is very painful, such as cutting, burning, electric shock and whipping. The degree of pain is higher than that of childbirth, and even some patients will suffer from inattention, disorder, anxiety and depression, which is both physical and psychological. Some netizens commented: "Once you get sick, it invades your nerves and hurts like hell."

Often accompanied by significant neuralgia.

There is a saying: "snake sores, waist-wrapped dragons, crawling all over the circle will kill people", which means that it is painful when it comes on. It affects work during the day and sleep at night. Herpes zoster is contagious, mainly through droplets and contact.

Recently, with the increase of rain and the arrival of humid weather, the resistance of middle-aged and elderly people is extremely easy to decline, and herpes zoster is also prone to high incidence. Everyone must pay attention to it.

Vaccination can effectively prevent

Herpes zoster vaccine, namely recombinant herpes zoster vaccine (CHO cell), was officially launched in China in early July 2020. It is suitable for preventing herpes zoster. The vaccination target is adults aged 50 and over, and the immunization program is 2 doses.

Vaccination interval is 2 months, and the longest is no more than 6 months. Experts say that herpes zoster is a common disease in the elderly. To prevent the occurrence of herpes zoster, the first is to improve immunity, and the second is very important for middle-aged and elderly people to get a rash vaccine!


For friends over 50 years old, it is recommended to vaccinate against herpes zoster, because with the increase of age, the probability of herpes zoster is getting higher and higher, and the incidence rate of people over 50 years old is obvious because of the gradual decline of cellular immune function, and active vaccination can reduce this risk. Vaccination is more recommended for people over 50 years old who have had chickenpox and their immunity is relatively low.

Do people who have had it still need to be vaccinated?

Experts say that people who have had herpes zoster once have a very low chance of getting sick again. The human body has a memory of herpes zoster virus immunity and will produce antibodies to avoid getting sick again.

However, people who have had herpes zoster and have relapsed still exist. Such patients often have very low immunity. After getting herpes zoster for the first time, they did not get enough antibodies. Therefore, when a similar situation occurs for the second time, the antibodies in the body are not enough to resist the virus, which will make the disease happen again. Therefore, for patients who have experienced herpes zoster recurrence, experts still recommend vaccination against herpes zoster to prevent recurrence.

Domestic listing enters countdown.

Throughout the world, there are two kinds of herpes zoster vaccines listed. Among them, shingrix from GlaxoSmithKline was approved to be listed in China in 2019 for preventing herpes zoster in adults aged 50 and over, and was officially launched in China market on June 28th, 2020, which is the only herpes zoster vaccine listed in China at present.

As herpes zoster vaccine belongs to the national immunization program, patients need to pay for it themselves. The price announced by Shanghai CDC is 1603.5 yuan/dose, and the full vaccination price is 3207 yuan, which is also the general price of community centers around the world, and the vaccination fee is not cheap. It is worth noting that at present, many domestic pharmaceutical companies are researching and developing the distribution of herpes zoster vaccine, and the fastest research and development company has received the Acceptance Notice of the application for the marketing license of live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine issued by the Drug Evaluation Center of China Food and Drug Administration. In other words, the vaccine has entered the stage of applying for marketing!

Source of this article: CCTV

Press conference on the 19 th Wenchuan earthquake disaster in Sichuan Province

Special topic: Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan

  At 5: 30 pm on May 19th, the Information Office of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government held the seventh press conference on the Wenchuan earthquake disaster. The meeting was presided over by Hou Xiongfei, Director of Information Office of Sichuan Provincial Government, and attended by Li Chengyun, Vice Governor of Sichuan Provincial Government, Qu Mushiha, Deputy Director of Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Tan Hongjie, Deputy Secretary of Communist Youth League Committee, Yang Xiuhua, Secretary General of Provincial Charity Federation, Peng Hu, Chairman of Sichuan Construction Building Materials Union, and dozens of domestic and foreign media.

  Vice Governor Li Chengyun briefed the situation.

  As of 16: 00 on the 19th, the Sichuan earthquake disaster caused more than 33,570 deaths and 233,810 injuries.

  Li Chengyun:As of 16: 00 on the 19th, the Sichuan earthquake disaster caused more than 33,570 deaths, 233,810 injuries and 5,260 people buried. More than 60,020 people were rescued from the ruins, and more than 4,850,620 people were temporarily resettled. The disasters in eight counties (cities) that were particularly seriously affected were: more than 2,560 people died and more than 24,000 people were injured in Wenchuan County. More than 8,600 people were killed and 9,690 injured in Beichuan County. More than 6,750 people were killed and 31,560 injured in Mianzhu. More than 3,540 people were killed and 31,970 injured in shifang city. More than 3,060 people were killed and 3,210 injured in Dujiangyan. More than 870 people were killed and 5580 injured in Pengzhou. More than 2,670 people were killed and 12,980 injured in Qingchuan County. More than 350 people were killed and 9,480 injured in jiangyou city.

  According to incomplete statistics, Sichuan Province has received various donations of 1.998 billion yuan.

  Li Chengyun:At present, the finance department of our province has received a total of 2.733 billion yuan of special funds for earthquake relief, of which 1.773 billion yuan was issued by the central government. The provincial and municipal governments allocated 3.077 billion yuan in disaster relief funds, including 1.895 billion yuan from the provincial government and 1.182 billion yuan from the municipal (state) government. According to incomplete statistics, our province has received various donations of 1.998 billion yuan, including 960 million yuan from the provincial finance, 568 million yuan from the Provincial Charity Federation, 371.52 million yuan from the Provincial Red Cross Society, 43.65 million yuan from the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, 16.72 million yuan from the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, 8.11 million yuan from the Provincial Women’s Federation and 30 million yuan from the Provincial Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. According to incomplete statistics, 100,000 tents, 217,000 beds of quilts, 242,000 sets of bedding and cotton-padded clothes, 4,143 carts of food and drinking water, 38,300 tons of grain, 8.348 million medicines (boxes, bottles, branches and bags) and 242,954 pieces of medical equipment (sets, branches and rolls) have been organized. These are being urgently transported to the disaster area.

  Some counties in Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang and Aba should postpone the college entrance examination separately.

  Li Chengyun:We are now making arrangements for the resumption of classes. We passed the college entrance examination yesterday. Some counties in Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang and Aba have to postpone and take exams separately. Now, places where conditions permit should prepare for the resumption of classes.

  Qumu Shiha:With regard to post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, with the care and support of the CPC Central Committee and the leaders of the State Council, the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have started the preliminary work of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. On the basis of learning from the experience of earthquake relief and reconstruction at home and abroad, we will adjust measures to local conditions in accordance with the people-oriented requirements of Scientific Outlook on Development, scientific planning, resource-saving and environment-friendly social requirements, make overall consideration of classified guidance in planning requirements, and push forward our reconstruction work step by step, so as to fully meet the needs of the people in the disaster areas and social development. Thank you.

  At present, the first task of disaster relief is to save people.

  Li Chengyun:Let’s answer the last question first. Now, according to the requirements of the central authorities, the provincial party committee and the provincial government are still saving people. General Secretary Jin Tao said that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should all make a hundred efforts to save the survivors. Our current disaster relief task is still to save people, or to save people as the first priority; The second is that there is epidemic prevention, sanitation and epidemic prevention, because it also involves our whole society and the safety of each of us, so epidemic prevention is also the second important; The third is reconstruction, which Comrade Qumu Shiha talked about just now. Now it is under planning and construction has begun.

  Post-disaster reconstruction should be unified in planning and adoption, and the Civil Affairs Department should be unified in management.

  Li Chengyun:There are two problems with the donation of schools mentioned just now. One is that if you want to donate, you can donate to our Civil Affairs Department or to our Finance Department, but the school will contact the Education Department in the end. Because the school has a general layout, how many residential areas will build a primary school and how many residential areas will build a middle school in the future, because our future post-disaster reconstruction should be integrated with urban and rural planning, and urbanization and the construction of a new socialist countryside should be planned in a unified way. The issue of adoption is under the unified management of the Civil Affairs Department, and this method is now being studied. No other department can casually talk about adoption because we have an adoption law.

  The development of Sichuan has nothing to do with the earthquake, and there is no scientific reason to say that excessive development is unfavorable to Sichuan’s earthquake-resistant work.

  Reporter: Hello, I’m a reporter from Radio Television Hong Kong. I’d like to ask the National Development and Reform Commission. Some people say that excessive development is unfavorable to Sichuan’s earthquake-resistant work. Have you heard of this opinion?

  Li Chengyun:I don’t know where this logic comes from. It doesn’t make scientific sense.

  Reporter: because some people say that there are many chemical plants and hydropower stations built in Sichuan, it may be that if these chemical plants explode during the earthquake, there may be more casualties?

  Li Chengyun:You just said that excessive development will induce earthquakes, right?

  Reporter: Yeah. It’s not induced by light. Maybe many industries are in Sichuan. When there is an earthquake, it may explode, causing more casualties?

  Li Chengyun: First, there was no chemical plant explosion and no chemical plant explosion caused death. This is the first earthquake. Second, you just said that over-development induces earthquakes. I don’t know when and to what extent the over-development induces earthquakes. I don’t know where this scientific basis comes from. In addition, the development of Sichuan Province, our per capita GDP is now 25th in the country. I think that the development of Sichuan has nothing to do with earthquakes. We have to speed up development and build a well-off society for all. Our current GDP is 1 trillion, and it will grow to 5 trillion by 2020.

  If there are problems in the classrooms of schools in earthquake-stricken areas, they will be investigated and dealt with according to law.

  Peng Hu:In this catastrophic earthquake, some school teachers collapsed, and some teachers and students were killed or trapped. We are very sad about this. Regarding whether there are quality problems in school classrooms, our construction department has organized experts to conduct safety assessment and appraisal on all houses in the earthquake-stricken areas, and the assessment and appraisal work is underway. We will evaluate and appraise the collapse of school classrooms according to relevant standards and norms. If there are indeed problems that violate the relevant national building standards and regulations, especially mandatory standards, we will investigate and deal with them in conjunction with relevant departments according to law.

  Give full consideration to the children who were injured in the earthquake.

  Reporter: Hello, I’m a reporter from Qiushi Xiaokang magazine in Beijing. Many children were injured in the earthquake. Many of them lost their parents, relatives and classmates. Many children have been disabled for life. I wonder if we have any resettlement measures for them in the future. Thank you!

  Li Chengyun:There are resettlement measures. We have already said this time, for example, if an orphan is admitted to the college entrance examination, all the tuition fees will be borne by the government after the college entrance examination. If he is not admitted to the university, we will let the orphan go to a vocational school, and after finishing the vocational school, we will also be responsible for finding him a job. We have given full consideration to orphans, and the cost of attending vocational schools is also paid by the government, which is for senior high school, primary school and junior high school. In some junior high schools, depending on their age, whether they can take care of themselves or be raised by the civil administration will be carried out according to this method, but the cost will be borne by the government, and we will also subsidize the disabled according to the government.


  Press Conference on the 18th Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province

  Press Conference on the 17th Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province

  Press Conference on the 16th Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province

  Press Conference on the 15th Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province

Editor: Li Xiuwei

China Consumers Association deeply analyzes the five major pain points of automobile consumption rights protection

  With the settlement agreement between the rights-defending female car owner and Xi ‘an Lizhixing Automobile Co., Ltd., the Mercedes-Benz oil spill is about to come to an end. However, the problem of automobile consumption rights protection is worthy of in-depth discussion and comprehensive reflection by the public.

  On the morning of April 17th, China Consumers Association held a symposium in Beijing to promote the solution to the problem of automobile consumption rights protection, focusing on the problem of automobile consumption rights protection, and invited relevant legal experts and lawyers to participate in it. The discussion focused on the application and perfection of Provisions on Responsibility for Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automobile Products, the problems and improvement of Guidelines for Pre-sale Inspection Services of Passenger Cars (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as PDI Rules), the collection of fees for financial services in automobile sales, and automobile consumers.

  The relevant person in charge of the China Consumers Association pointed out that the current difficulties in safeguarding the rights of automobile consumption are mainly manifested in five major pain points: difficulty in consumer identification, difficulty in obtaining evidence, difficulty in consumer identification, difficulty in consumer consultation and difficulty in solving consumer complaints.

  In response to the public’s widespread concern about the financial service fee for automobile sales in the Mercedes-Benz oil spill incident, the relevant person in charge of the China Consumers Association responded that the financial services for automobile sales should be clearly marked, and illegal activities such as compulsory trading should be put an end to.

  There were 17,000 complaints about automobile consumption last year.

  With the sustained and rapid development of economy and society, the number of cars in China has maintained a rapid growth trend in recent years. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Public Security, the number of cars in China reached 240 million in 2018, an increase of 10.51% compared with 2017. China’s automobile consumption scale has maintained a high level. But there are a lot of complaints in the field of automobile consumption.

  Judging from the brands involved in the complaints, BYD ranked first, followed by Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Buick, Audi, FAW-Volkswagen, Changan Ford, Dongfeng Nissan, SAIC Volkswagen and Dongfeng Honda. According to the data analysis, the three German luxury car brands Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi are all on the list, which also reflects the upward trend of automobile consumption. This complaint data is absolute, and consumers should consider it comprehensively because of the different sales volume and ownership of each automobile brand.

  Statistics show that 62.7% of all automobile-related complaints in 2018 were family cars, followed by auto parts, accounting for 26.2%, accounting for nearly 90% of the total. In 2018, the Complaints and Consultation Information System of the National Consumers Association recorded a total of 19,283 complaints about automobile products (including parts), a decrease of 5.8% compared with the previous year. In 2018, a total of 17,773 automobile-related consumer complaints were accepted, with an acceptance rate of 92.17%; 1.77% of consumer complaints are pending, and 6.06% of complaints are not accepted due to reasons such as exceeding the scope of handling or jurisdiction, withdrawal, inability of the parties to inquire, and insufficient evidence.

  The relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association analyzed that the reason for the decline was on the one hand affected by the 4.1% decline in passenger car sales in 2018, and on the other hand related to the special rectification carried out by the market supervision department to improve the consumption environment.

  Judging from the handling results of complaints, 67.8% of the complaints reached an agreement after mediation, saving consumers 134 million yuan in economic losses. Among the cases that need mediation, the success rate of mediation once is 82.2%, and over 90% of cases can be mediated twice. The mediation methods are mainly face-to-face mediation and telephone mediation.

  From the way of consumer complaints, the proportion of complaints made by telephone, Internet, letters, etc. are 52.9%, 22.9% and 15.3% respectively, accounting for over 90% of the total. Compared with the previous year, the proportion of complaints through internet channels increased by 4.9 percentage points, while the proportion of telephone complaints decreased by 2.1 percentage points.

  After-sales service problems accounted for 32.2%.

  From the classification of consumer complaints, automobile-related complaints mainly focus on after-sales service, contract and quality problems, accounting for 32.2%, 20.7% and 20.0% respectively, and the total of the three types of problems accounts for over 70%.

  With the growth of car ownership, the proportion of after-sales service problems has increased, contract problems have decreased slightly, and false propaganda and price disputes have also increased.

  The relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association said that, specifically, complaints related to automobile after-sales problems mainly include: non-performance of three-guarantee obligations, non-performance of after-sales commitments, charging for repairs during the three-guarantee period after sales, and failure to perform after-sales services due to changes in operators, which account for 50.1%, 38.3%, 5.0% and 2.9% of after-sales problems respectively.

  Complaints about automobile contract problems mainly include: deposit disputes, contract breach, unequal format clauses, etc., which account for 32.6%, 22.0% and 4.9% of contract problems respectively.

  Complaints about automobile quality problems mainly include: product performance problems, unqualified goods and lack of specific use environment, accounting for 27.3%, 13.4% and 9.2% of all quality problems respectively.

  From 2016 to 2018, the data of the complaints and consultation information system of the National Consumers Association showed that the complaints of automobile products (including parts) increased from 15,000 pieces/year to about 19,000 pieces/year, and the complaint resolution rate declined. The main problems of consumer complaints are after-sales service, contract disputes, product quality, financial services and so on.

  Statistics show that automobile sales enterprises and service enterprises are the main targets of complaints. From the infringement data of operators, consumers’ rights of safety, fair trade and claim in automobile consumption are the high-incidence areas of infringement by operators, and consumers are most concerned about safety rights. Among them, the right to safety accounts for 46.5%, the right to fair trade accounts for 26.7%, and the right to claim compensation accounts for 18.9%.

  It is an obligation to deliver qualified cars.

  According to the relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association, it is difficult to protect the rights of automobile consumption in five aspects: operators make excuses and consumers are difficult to identify; Operators do not provide vouchers, and it is difficult for consumers to obtain evidence; Disputes over product quality make it difficult for consumers to identify; Operators buck passing, and it is difficult for consumers to negotiate; Rights protection involves complex issues and it is difficult to solve consumer complaints.

  In response to the Mercedes-Benz oil spill in Xi ‘an, the relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association pointed out that it is the operator’s due obligation to deliver the automobile products up to standard.

  Article 12 of the Product Quality Law stipulates that the quality of products shall pass the inspection, and unqualified products shall not be passed off as qualified products. Article 8 of the Provisions on Responsibility for Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automobile Products stipulates that producers shall strictly implement the ex-factory inspection system, and household automobile products that have not passed the inspection shall not be sold out of the factory.

  "It is the contractual obligation of the operator to deliver qualified products, and the three guarantees are post-contractual obligations. The two should not be confused." The relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association stressed that if the operator sells unqualified products, consumers can, in accordance with Article 54 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests, "if the consumer requests to return the goods that have been identified as unqualified by the relevant administrative departments according to law, the operator shall be responsible for the return." If the operator commits fraud, he should also bear the corresponding liability for compensation.

  In practice, some operators deliver unqualified vehicles to consumers, but refuse to bear the responsibility of returning goods or corresponding compensation on the grounds of the three guarantees of automobiles, which violates the law.

  PDI rules should not restrict consumers’ rights.

  In view of the PDI new car inspection fee charged by 4S stores, the relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association believes that PDI rules belong to industry self-discipline norms and should not restrict consumers’ rights.

  The Guidelines for Pre-sale Inspection Service of New Passenger Cars (Trial) is an industry self-discipline norm led by industry organizations and formulated by 12 enterprises. It involves the inspection regulations for new passenger cars before they are delivered to consumers.

  The relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association said that the relevant manufacturers and their dealers should check and implement them one by one according to the relevant contents to ensure the actual quality of new car delivery. For some operators whose PDI inspection is a mere formality, which causes various problems in the delivery of vehicles, industry self-discipline should be strengthened to regulate them. At the same time, the PDI rules jointly formulated by enterprises belong to industry self-discipline norms, and should not restrict consumers’ substantive rights, but should be revised and improved according to consumers’ demands and related practical disputes.

  Financial service fees put an end to compulsory transactions

  In view of the current situation that 4S stores generally charge auto financial service fees, the relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association believes that auto sales financial services should be clearly marked to prevent illegal activities such as compulsory transactions.

  According to the relevant provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests and the Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales, dealers shall not force consumers to buy insurance or provide services such as vehicle registration on their behalf when selling cars. In violation of the relevant provisions, the local competent commerce department at or above the county level shall order it to make corrections, and may give a warning or a fine of not more than 30,000 yuan.

  "In the course of trading, the operator shall express all the charging items to consumers in advance, and shall not make unreasonable restrictions or compulsory transactions. However, in the current automobile sales service, there are problems such as forcing consumers to buy insurance, paying renewal deposit or renewal deposit. Some dealers overcharge the license fee and financial service fee without telling consumers, and do not issue invoices, which causes strong dissatisfaction among consumers. " The relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association said that these illegal acts should be severely punished according to law.

  Operators should solve consumer disputes quickly.

  Article 4 of the Consumer Protection Law stipulates that business operators and consumers should follow the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility when conducting transactions. Article 23 stipulates that if a consumer finds a defect in a motor vehicle within six months from the date of receiving the commodity, and a dispute arises, the operator shall bear the burden of proof on the defect.

  Article 8 of the Measures for Punishment of Infringement on Consumers’ Rights and Interests stipulates that business operators shall not deliberately delay or unreasonably refuse consumers’ legitimate demands when providing commodities or services.

  The relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association pointed out that operators should respect consumers’ rights and interests and solve consumer disputes honestly and quickly.

  "As the first responsible person to safeguard consumers’ rights and interests, operators should attach great importance to consumers’ opinions, face up to consumers’ reasonable demands, earnestly fulfill their legal obligations and responsibilities, and properly resolve consumer disputes. If the product is found to be defective within six months of delivery, the operator also bears the burden of proof. " The relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association stressed that delaying prevarication and bullying will not only be severely punished by law, but also lose the trust of consumers.

  It is necessary to increase the scope of supervision and spot checks.

  In recent years, the national automobile complaints and the recent Mercedes-Benz female car owners’ rights protection incidents have highlighted the current situation that it is difficult to protect rights in the field of automobile consumption, the urgency of credit construction and the necessity of building a harmonious consumption environment.

  In view of the difficulty in safeguarding the rights of automobile consumption, China Consumers Association calls on the whole society to jointly establish the concept of consumer priority and work together to solve the problem.

  On the one hand, it calls on the legislature to listen to consumers’ opinions extensively, further revise and improve the product quality law, three guarantees for automobiles and other regulations, improve the legislative level of product quality assurance, clarify that people should be held accountable for violations of laws, strengthen the protection of consumers, and prevent operators from evading their due obligations and responsibilities and harming consumers’ legitimate rights and interests.

  On the other hand, it appeals to all relevant administrative departments to pay attention to the problems reflected by consumers, further strengthen supervision and management in the field of automobile consumption, promptly investigate and deal with outstanding behaviors that harm consumers’ rights and interests, standardize automobile sales and ancillary services, increase the scope and intensity of supervision and spot checks, continuously improve the efficiency of administrative law enforcement, and enhance consumer satisfaction.

  The relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association said that it is hoped that the automobile industry organizations will strengthen industry self-discipline and internal constraints, attach importance to and listen to consumers’ opinions, revise and improve relevant rules of the automobile industry in time, strengthen service supervision, data monitoring and risk management, eliminate improper restrictions on consumers’ rights, promote the establishment of industry credit restraint mechanism, blacklist operators who seriously infringe on consumers’ rights and realize effective industry governance.

  "China Consumers Association will thoroughly study the outstanding problems in the field of automobile consumption and the difficulties in consumer rights protection, actively participate in the legislative work in related fields, timely reflect consumer demands, and promote the improvement of the legal protection of automobile consumption rights protection. At the same time, explore the establishment of a professional Committee on automobile consumption, with the help of experts and lawyers, to improve the efficiency of automobile complaint handling; Explore the establishment of a credit publicity mechanism in the field of automobile consumption, publicly disclose intentional delays, unreasonable rejections and other untrustworthy behaviors that seriously infringe on consumers’ rights and interests, strengthen corporate credit constraints, and promote quality improvement and service improvement. " The relevant person in charge of China Consumers Association stressed that for major and typical violations of the legitimate rights and interests of automobile consumers, investigation, interview, reflection, suggestion, disclosure, criticism, litigation and credit publicity will be comprehensively used to effectively strengthen the protection of consumers and effectively curb the illegal behavior of operators.

  Beijing, April 17 th  

  Cartography/Gao Yue