Deep Web | From Hundred Regiments War, takeaway competition to present on all major platforms, how Meituan has gone through these 8 years?

  Founded in 2010, Meituan finally knocked on the door of IPO after eight years. On June 22, Meituan submitted a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. If the IPO is successful, Meituan will become the largest listed company in the O2O field in history.

  According to the Meituan prospectus disclosed by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange today, the number of transactions completed by the company’s platform in 2017 exceeded 5.80 billion, and the transaction volume reached 357 billion yuan. The operating income from 2015 to 2017 was 4 billion yuan, 13 billion yuan and 33.90 billion yuan respectively, an increase of 223.2% and 161.2% respectively year-on-year, and the income increased by more than seven times in three years. Meituan’s adjusted net loss continued to narrow, from – 5.90 billion yuan in 2015 to – 5.40 billion yuan in 2016, and further narrowed to – 2.85 billion yuan in 2017, and the loss was halved within three years.

  Among the many start-up companies in the O2O field, Meituan should be regarded as a lucky "outlier". From imitating Groupon’s group buying business earlier, to expanding its business scope with the Amazon model as a reference in the later stage, Meituan has been reclassified into the team of Internet Tech Giants.

  Make another Meituan

  Meituan’s most recent financing was in October 2017, when it received a $4 billion round of F financing led by Tencent, with a post-money valuation of $30 billion. If calculated at the valuation of $60 billion listed on the market, it means that Meituan’s valuation has doubled in less than a year.

  In the past few years, Meituan has shown extremely strong ambitions in its field and has become a force to be reckoned with on China’s internet landscape.

  Starting from group buying, but not ending with group buying. Meituan has its own logic and considerations, starting from a single group buying business and gradually expanding to local life service related fields including Internet takeout, online travel, fresh food e-commerce, online car-hailing, shared bicycles, etc.

  2015 was an important watershed since Meituan was established. At that time, it completed the acquisition with Dianping, which enriched Dianping’s store-to-store service in addition to the original group buying and takeaway business. It was a year when Meituan focused on building a platform and an ecosystem. After winning the war in the era of group buying and O2O, Meituan began to open up a new battlefield.

  The intensive organizational restructuring witnessed the expansion of Meituan’s size.

  In 2015, Meituan established a total of four business groups, including the takeaway delivery business group, the hotel tourism business group, and the store business group, and established a wholly-owned subsidiary, Maoyan Culture Media Co., Ltd. (later spun off and acquired by Guangguang Media).

  The latest adjustment is after the completion of 4 billion US dollars financing in December last year, Meituan will build a new store business group, large retail business group, hotel tourism business group and travel business unit four business systems, and establish Strategy and Investment platform.

  "Looking to the future, the opportunities and challenges are great," said Wang Xing, Meituan’s chief executive, in an internal email at the time. The opportunity is that the new business will hopefully help Meituan achieve faster growth, but at the same time, the challenges from peer competitors should not be underestimated.

  According to the prospectus, Meituan has maintained partnerships with approximately 339,200 hotels in China as of December 31, 2017. In 2017, the number of domestic hotel room nights booked on Meituan’s platform totaled about 205 million, an increase of 56% over 2016, and set a record for 1.57 million domestic hotel room nights in a single day.

  Online domestic attractions and excursion package booking service, as of December 31, 2017, Meituan covers about 330 cities and about 16,500 attractions across the country. Meituan provides consumers with a convenient, safe and cheap way to buy national attractions and excursion packages. In 2017, Meituan sold approximately 97 million domestic attraction tickets.

  In terms of numbers, Meituan’s wine travel business has ample confidence to fight against Ctrip, and it has also begun to attack Ctrip’s core business, high-star hotels.

  Not only the wine travel industry. Since February last year, Meituan has been operating a low-key online car-hailing business in Nanjing. At 0:00 on March 21, 2018, Meituan took a taxi and officially landed in Shanghai. At about 22:00 that night, Meituan announced that Shanghai had completed the first day of breaking through 150,000 orders. Obviously, Meituan extended its competitive tentacles to the Internet travel giant Didi, and caused the latter to respond violently.

  These later diversified businesses provided Meituan with sufficient foundation to enhance its own value.

  Benchmarking Amazon, but more than that

  While bringing innovation impetus to the industry, Meituan is also inevitably involved in multi-dimensional chaos.

  This is not unrelated to the ultimate goal of Wang Xing and Meituan. A person close to Meituan’s senior management once revealed Wang Xing’s thinking to "Deep Web": Wang Xing’s strategic thinking and goal has always been to be a super platform for life services, and new businesses including taxi-hailing are in line with such strategic goals in his opinion. In this way, it can not only acquire more new traffic for the super platform by continuously launching new businesses, but also find more channels to monetize the huge users and traffic gathered by the super platform, so as to continuously enhance Meituan’s value and valuation.

  Mr. Wang has mentioned Amazon on many occasions and it is often compared to the tech giant, but Meituan does not seem content to stop at the Chinese version of Amazon.

  In an interview with The Information, a Silicon Valley technology news outlet, Mr. Wang said: "Users can buy a lot of things on Amazon or Taobao, but both are just e-commerce platforms for physical goods, while Meituan is an e-commerce platform for services." He added, "What kind of e-commerce platform can have millions or even billions of transactions?"

  In fact, in the past year, 320 million users have made at least one purchase on Meituan. Meituan says that about 90% of user traffic comes from its own app, which greatly reduces the cost of users trying new services.

  Meituan is not satisfied with this. It has bigger ambitions. Wang Xing believes that Meituan will serve the middle class 650 million China in the future, and smartphones are almost all ubiquitous among this group.

  Among all Meituan’s businesses, high-frequency takeaway business is the core of the core, and Meituan’s "let everyone eat better and live better" just illustrates this point.

  The prospectus disclosed that Meituan’s takeaway transaction volume in 2017 was 171 billion yuan, and Meituan’s transaction volume in 2017 reached 357 billion yuan, which means that the takeaway business accounted for 47.8% of Meituan’s overall transaction volume.

  In May this year, Meituan Takeaway announced that it completed more than 20 million orders per day, becoming the first takeaway platform in the world to reach such a scale. Looking back at past data, Meituan Takeaway has reached 10 million daily orders in more than 3 years since its establishment, and it took just one year to break through 20 million daily orders.

  Compete with the giants

  While food delivery data is growing wildly, Meituan’s competitors in the food delivery market are also escalating.

  Since the establishment of Meituan takeaway, the takeaway market has evolved a new pattern with new retail as the core. If it was a one-on-one showdown between Meituan and before, then after Ali acquired at the beginning of this year, Meituan needs to face the coordinated battle between, Baidu takeaway, word-of-mouth and Ali.

  In dealing with the relationship with Ali, Wang Xing is very firm, and he even publicly pointed out the dispute with Ali: "The reason why it sold our old shares last year was to interfere with our financing. If you are not optimistic about this company, you can just sell it out. We have already helped them find a buyer. But he refused to sell it out. He must keep some, maybe in order to continue to cause us some trouble in the future."

  According to iResearch, Meituan was the world’s largest food delivery service provider in 2017, with its market share in China increasing from 31.7% in 2015 to 56% in 2017 and 59.1% in Quarter 1 of 2018.

  The difference is that Meituan is heading in a completely different direction from, with diverse coverage centering on local services.

  On the one hand, there is, the earliest player in the takeaway market, and on the other hand, Meituan, who is backed by Tencent and the late mover, will eventually become a player in the harvest market. It is still a question in the short term. However, it is foreseeable that Ali, who is up the ante layout of new retail, and Meituan, who has just established a new retail business group, are bound to ignite the war again.

  In the new travel war, Meitu also started a listing race with Didi. According to the "Hong Kong Economic Daily" report, Didi will start listing as soon as the second half of this year, initially decided to settle in Hong Kong, China, and consider different listing structures, not excluding the listing of the same shares and different rights. It is expected that the market value of Didi will reach 70 billion – 80 billion US dollars when it goes public.

  Obviously, Meituan has taken the starting line one step earlier than Didi, but it remains doubtful whether it can shake up Didi, the transportation giant.

  potential threat

  Wang Xing’s goal of unlimited boundaries has allowed Meituan to step into some of the most expensive battlefields of the Chinese internet in a short period of time. But when it tries to raise more capital from domestic investors to expand its business, it has few options.

  The Information reported in early June this year that Wang Xing had approached SoftBank for a capital injection, but was unsuccessful. Meituan had also intended to raise $3 billion from the Private Offering Fund at a valuation of $40 billion. Meituan later denied the news.

  Meituan’s earnings pressure cannot be ignored. Although other businesses other than food delivery have achieved overall profitability, with the competition in the food delivery market "three into two" and the competition with Didi in the travel field, Meituan still needs a lot of capital investment.

  According to the prospectus, Meituan’s adjusted net loss fell from 5.90 billion yuan in 2015 to 5.40 billion yuan in 2016, and fell to 2.85 billion yuan in 2017, halving the loss within three years.

  In addition, the travel business is also the source of Meituan’s cost. Although it has experienced many close battles in the group buying and takeaway markets and achieved good results, Meituan is undoubtedly a new recruit in the travel industry, and there are still many variables in whether it can achieve a turnaround against the wind. Investment subsidies are obviously the best way to quickly gain market share.

  According to the "deep net", Meituan taxi in Nanjing on the line when the single subsidy is about 20 yuan, if according to its announced in December 2017 the daily order volume exceeds 100,000 single calculation, its subsidy in Nanjing only one day reached 2 million.

  36Kr also revealed the power of Meituan taxi investment, including Beijing and other cities on the line of taxi business, the company prepared 1 billion dollars (about 6.30 billion yuan), and not capped.

  Meituan acquired Mobike in April for a total price of $3.70 billion, including 65% cash, 35% Meituan stock, and assumed Mobike’s debt between $500 million – $1 billion.

  In an interview with foreign media, Wang Xing said, "In the past few years, we have been working hard to ensure that the company is always ready to go public at any time." In addition to financial considerations, another impetus for Meituan’s listing came from the many investors behind it. Data show that Meituan has raised a total of 8.30 billion US dollars since its establishment, and investors have reached the moment to reap the rewards.

  In the eight years since its establishment, Meituan has experienced many variables in the market, and it can be said that it has come to this day through thorns. However, going public is obviously not the end of Meituan, and a competition with giants has really begun.

China Xinggu went to Greater Bay Area to attract more than 10 billion yuan.

Hubei Daily News (Reporter Liu Chang, correspondent Cheng Shuxiong, Ba Yangang) On May 8, Xinzhou District of Wuhan held a promotion meeting for attracting investment in Shenzhen. Many well-known domestic enterprises planned to invest more than 10 billion yuan in the Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base named "China Xinggu".

At the promotion meeting, more than 50 key enterprises and research institutes, including Shenzhen Investment Holding, Shenzhen Yiyatong Supply Chain Company, Zhongchuan Huaxia International Travel Group, Zhuhai Obit Aerospace Science and Technology Company and Shenzhen Research Institute of Wuhan University, gathered together to seize the new track and talk about "new opportunities".

China’s first flexible intelligent satellite batch production line was completed and put into operation, with an annual output of 240 satellites; Since 2022, the world’s leading new solid rocket Kuaizhou No.11 has been successfully launched. The "Xinzhou Made" Kuaizhou rocket has 6 battles and 6 victories, and the rocket company has been promoted to the unicorn enterprise in China; The base has initially realized the gathering pattern of stars, arrows, clouds and aerospace materials … The efforts and prospects of "China Star Valley" to actively build China Aerospace roof of the world have strengthened Greater Bay Area entrepreneurs’ confidence in investing in Xinzhou. Eight entrepreneurs from Greater Bay Area were employed as "ambassadors for investment promotion" in Xinzhou District.

On the same day, a total of seven projects were signed in the fields of aerospace, new materials, intelligent manufacturing and big health, with a total investment of 16.5 billion yuan. Among them, the Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base in Xinzhou signed an investment of more than 10 billion yuan, accounting for over 60%.

BYD’s Qi Tang seat is hard goods, nearly 4.9 meters long, and the whole department is 2.0T

As a car model, it naturally has a better handling experience and dynamic performance, but now consumers generally pay more attention to SUV models, mainly because it has better passing ability and vision performance. For medium-sized SUVs, it is necessary not only to have the above advantages, but also to show the advantages in the number of seats. For example, as a benchmark in joint venture models, it attracts many consumers with a spacious space of 7 seats. However, there are actually many very strong players moving to domestic brands, such as Tang.

People’s impression of Tang may still be in the era of breaking 100 in 5 seconds, but it was the first generation of plug-in hybrid vehicles, and the price reached more than 200 thousand. At present, the 2019 Tang is already a second-generation model. Although the acceleration ability of the fuel version is not as good as that of the plug-in hybrid first-generation model, the product strength has also made great progress in other aspects, and the guide price is only 129,900-169,900 yuan, which is much more affordable than that of the joint venture brand at the same level.

As an old car company in China, it also borrowed the shape design of some mature models at the beginning of its establishment, so it was controversial at that time. However, this is the only way for small and weak car companies to develop and grow. Today, from the second generation of Tang, there is no trace of imitation, but it has formed its own unique style. These styles have been borrowed by some joint venture car companies, which is enough to show that the design level has made great progress.

In addition, Tang’s matrix LED headlights are also standard in the whole department, and the embellishment of LED daytime running lights can be described as sharp eyes, and it also supports the function of headlight delay turn-off and automatic headlights.

Tang’s length, width and height are 4870*1940*1720mm, and its wheelbase is 2820 mm. Except the length is inferior, all other parameters are completely surpassed, and the ratio is even larger. Looking from the side, Tang’s upper waistline is looming, while the lower waistline also has a dynamic design with low front and high back, which is believed to be loved by consumers.

Medium-sized SUV will show its advantages in wheel specifications. This Tang belongs to the middle and high-end model, so it is equipped with 20-inch two-color multi-frame aluminum alloy wheels and 245-width continental tires. After ensuring excellent grip, the visual effect is also very eye-catching, while the low-end model adopts the combination of 18-inch aluminum alloy wheels and 215-width tires, and the effect is slightly worse.

From the tail, the design of the through LED taillights is seamless, and the blackened shape inside is also very fashionable, but the design below the taillights is relatively simple and the layering is average. However, the exhaust pipe with single outlet on one side adopts a hidden structure, which is also relatively low-key in momentum. For young consumers with flamboyant personality, this practice may not be approved by them.

Going down from the rear of the car, Tang adopted the combination of rear multi-link and front McPherson double independent suspension, which is basically the same in structure as many models of the same class, but the chassis is adjusted by the former engineer, which shows a relatively balanced level, which not only ensures comfort, but also provides good lateral support during intense driving, and has a sense of advanced beyond the same class.

Entering the car, we can see that Tang’s interior adopts a simple design style. A large area of soft material is wrapped above the center console, supplemented by stitching technology, while the center is decorated with metal wire-drawing panels, while the air conditioning outlets with vertical shapes on both sides are also more fashionable and personalized. Overall, the interior design does not lose the luxury brand models of the same level.

Tang’s whole system comes standard with a flat multi-function steering wheel with a stronger sports style, and it is wrapped in leather. The full LCD instrument panel with a size of 12.3 inches is mounted on the middle and high models, and the display content and effect are rich and dazzling. In terms of safety configuration, tire pressure display, front double airbags, front side airbags, ESP, front and rear reversing radar, reversing image, uphill assist and steep slope descent are also standard in the whole system.

In addition, the 12.8-inch floating central control touch screen is the standard of Tang’s whole system, and it supports many functions such as Bluetooth phone, navigation, voice recognition control and car networking, but it is a bit puzzling not to support mobile phone interconnection. Comfortable configurations such as automatic anti-glare interior rearview mirror, electric adjustable heating exterior rearview mirror with automatic folding function for locking the car, automatic zoning air conditioning with rear air outlet, keyless entry and start, cruise control and so on are also standard in the whole department. The middle and high models also have full-speed adaptive cruise, openable panoramic sunroof, electric tailgate with induction and memory functions, built-in driving recorder, front seat ventilation and heating and main driving memory, adaptive distance headlights, interior atmosphere lights, rear independent space, and so on.

Tang has three layouts of five, six and seven seats, among which seven seats are 2-3-2. When the first two rows are filled with 1.8-meter passengers, the third row of seats is also practical. For 1.8-meter passengers, the head space in the third row is also 2 fingers away, while the leg space is 1 punch and 3 fingers away, which is much more practical than those pseudo-seven-seat SUV models on the market.

In addition, after putting down the first two rows of seats, Tang can form a space with a depth of 2040mm, a height of 730mm and a width of 1000-1280mm, which actually surpasses most of the same-class models, but is slightly inferior, but the second row of seats cannot form a complete plane after being put down, so the practicality will be discounted.

A 2.0T engine comes standard in the whole system of Tang Dynasty, which supports the latest national six emission standards. The maximum power is 141Kw, which is equivalent to 192 HP, and the maximum torque of 320Nm can be generated in the range of 1,500-4,000 rpm. The parameters are basically close to those of the 2.0T low-power engine of the joint venture model, but the transmission part is still matched with a 6-speed automatic manual transmission, which is not dominant in the number of gears compared with the joint venture competitors, and the acceleration score of 0-100 km is 10.4 seconds, while the comprehensive fuel consumption of 100 km reaches 10 seconds.

In a word, in terms of design, Tang has made great progress compared with the previous generation of models. No matter in appearance or interior design, Tang’s performance has the standard of not losing joint venture or even luxury models, while in configuration, it reflects the advantages of domestic models and has a famous style in chassis. However, in terms of power performance, Tang still has room for improvement. No matter the engine parameters or the gear number of 6AT, there is still a certain gap with the leading level in the industry. However, combined with the starting price of less than 130,000 yuan and the seat layout of 567 seats, the product performance is still worth the money.

Avita: The Thrilling Leap of Changan Automobile

Avita: The Thrilling Leap of Changan Automobile

On January 15, Changan Automobile’s new high-end electric vehicle brand "Avita" was officially released, and the first model of the new brand "Avita 11" was also unveiled simultaneously. Changan Automobile hopes to create "emotional intelligent electric vehicles" through this new brand, occupy a place in the high-end electric vehicle market, and narrow the gap with Tesla, NIO and other new car-making forces.

Before the debut of the Avita brand, Changan Automobile’s new energy vehicle business had significantly lagged behind the market development trend and the pace of progress of competitors, especially in the mid-to-high-end new energy vehicle market. Competitors such as SAIC Group, Dongfeng Group, GAC Group, BAIC Group, and Geely Automobile have all launched mid-to-high-end new energy brands that operate independently. Therefore, the success of the Avita brand is very critical to Changan Automobile.

Chongqing is Avita’s manufacturing base, with an annual production capacity of up to 350,000 units. Brand public relations, marketing and other departments, as well as software research and development are located in Shanghai – on October 21, Avita Technology established a wholly-owned Avita New Energy Vehicle Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., with a global design center in Munich, Germany.

Avita plans to launch four models in the next five years. Among them, the first Avita 11 white body has been trial-produced in the Chongqing factory in October, and will be officially released in the second quarter of next year. The retail network will also be unveiled one after another. The first batch of mass production and user delivery will be achieved in the third quarter of next year, and its sales network will cover about 100 cities across the country.

Compared with the new energy models launched by Changan Automobile before, Avita 11 can be said to be a stunning work. For Changan Automobile, it can be regarded as an epoch-making product in terms of design concept, design language, vehicle shape, driving control performance and intelligence level. Avita also used this to create a new term "emotional intelligent electric vehicle", hoping to add emotional attributes to intelligent electric vehicles and differentiate them from other competitors.

Avita 11 is also the result of a strong collaboration between Changan Automobile, Huawei and CATL. The car was born from the CHN platform jointly built by the three parties, and the three letters of CHN represent each of the three companies. Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of Consumer BG and CEO of Smart Car Solutions BU, said "Relying on 30 years of technology accumulation in the ICT field, we provide Avita with a comprehensive solution for smart cars through Huawei Inside."

Zeng Yuqun, chairperson of CATL, said: "The cooperation between CATL and Avita Technology began with the joint research and development of the CHN platform, but it goes far beyond technical investment. CATL will provide a steady stream of driving power for the new generation of smart electric vehicles owned by Avita Technology."

The core design concept of Avita 11 is "futuristic", and the overall design follows the design principles of bold confidence, emotional intelligence, and dynamic personality. Its agile and powerful exterior design shows a unique aesthetic charm.

Avita: The Thrilling Leap of Changan Automobile

The Avita 11 features a closed front design, with a slender and angular F-shaped headlight combination that converges the visual center to the logo in the center of the front of the car, condensing it without losing its edge. The aerodynamic package on both sides of the front bumper echoes the F-shaped headlights, with a lidar in the middle of the bumper.

Avita: The Thrilling Leap of Changan Automobile

From the side, the Avita 11 has a slender body with short front and rear overhangs, starting from the C-pillar, and the roof is pressed down to create the posture of a coupe SUV. The side lines of the body are simple and elegant, and the profile is full. The two window lines merge into a sharp V-shaped sharp angle at the rear of the car, and point forcefully to the edge of the C-pillar end, which is very dynamic and dynamic, and echoes the rounded rear wheel arches. The door handles have a hidden design.

Avita: The Thrilling Leap of Changan Automobile

The rear shape of the car is relatively round and looks very stable. Slender through taillights extend to both sides of the tail. The rear window design of the Avita is very characteristic. The shape is inverted trapezoid, and the area is very small, which makes the design of the tailgate feel a bit hatchback.

Avita: The Thrilling Leap of Changan Automobile

From the photos of the actual car, the area of the rear window is indeed very small, and it is unknown whether it will affect the driver’s observation of the rear environment during actual driving.

Avita: The Thrilling Leap of Changan Automobile

Other details of the Avita 11 are not much, and the interior is not open. Currently known information includes a cruising range of at least 700 kilometers, a 0-100km/h acceleration time of less than 4 seconds, a 200kW high-pressure super fast charging and 400Tops of top computing power, making it easy to achieve safe and convenient intelligent driving.

The emotional intelligent electric vehicle proposed by Avita will become a new category, or is it just a concept? The author believes that as the human-machine interaction functions of intelligent electric vehicles become richer and richer, and the interaction patterns become more and more diverse, it is indeed a possibility to give them more emotional attributes. But the premise is that the intelligent level of Avita 11 should reach a high degree, especially the experience of the intelligent cockpit should be completely based on the actual emotional needs of customers.

In fact, some current smart electric vehicles already have certain emotional attributes in terms of product design and function, such as the very unique anthropomorphic image of NOMI on NIO electric vehicles, which has been deeply exploring the emotional needs of human-vehicle interaction. Therefore, if the emotional intelligent electric vehicle proposed by Avita wants to become a new species and new category, it must have a more subversive innovation on the basis of the existing intelligent electric vehicles, otherwise it will not be attractive enough.

Not only Changan Automobile, but also large state-owned automakers such as SAIC, GAC, Dongfeng, and BAIC have established independent subsidiaries to develop new energy vehicle businesses, but they have maintained absolute control of the new energy vehicle subsidiaries. Even Baidu, a joint venture between Baidu and Geely, holds a 55% stake as the leading Baidu. But Avita Technology is an exception.

The predecessor of Avita Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., the operating body of the Avita brand, was "Changan NIO New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd." (Changan NIO), which was jointly established by Changan Automobile and NIO in July 2018. The two parties held 50% of the shares respectively. Since then, due to NIO’s difficulties and no time to take care of it, Changan NIO has not made progress. In June 2020, Changan Automobile increased its capital to Changan NIO. The shareholding ratio reached 95.38%, and NIO’s share ratio fell to 4.62%. On May 20, 2021, Changan NIO was renamed Avita Technology.

On November 5, 2021, Avita Technology announced the completion of a round of financing, and the registered capital increased from the previous 288 million yuan to about 1.172 billion yuan.

Among them, Changan Automobile increased its capital by 500 million yuan, and Ningde Times increased its capital by 770 million yuan. After this financing, Changan Automobile’s shareholding ratio was diluted from 95.38% to 39.02%; Ningde Times held 23.99%, becoming the second largest shareholder of Avita Technology; Fujian Mindong Times Rural Investment Development Partnership held 5.00%, Chongqing Chengan Private Equity Fund Partnership held 19.01%, Chongqing Liangjiang West Securities Equity Investment Fund Partnership held 1.87%, Southern Industrial Asset Management Co., Ltd. held 8.73%, and Chongqing Southern Industrial Equity Investment Fund Partnership held 1.25%. NIO did not participate in the capital increase, and the shareholding ratio was diluted from 4.62% to 1.13%.

Among the investors mentioned above, Southern Asset is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company of Changan Automobile and one of the top 10 shareholders of Changan Automobile, holding 6.12%. Therefore, it has a relationship with Changan Automobile. Southern Industrial Fund has no relationship with Changan Automobile, but has an equity relationship with Southern Asset.

For the purpose of this financing, Changan Automobile said that the introduction of external resources for equity diversification reform can enhance development vitality, improve operational efficiency, accelerate the integration of new energy vehicle industry chain resources, and continuously expand the development space of the industry chain, ultimately realizing the smooth transformation of Avita Technology Company.

Avita: The Thrilling Leap of Changan Automobile

Why should Changan Automobile give up its absolute controlling stake in Avita? Some people think that Changan Automobile is intentional, which can maximize the vitality of Avita Technology, get rid of the shackles of the state-owned enterprise system, and share risks.

There are also opinions that Changan Automobile is forced to do so. If it does not sell a larger proportion of its equity, it will not be able to attract truly powerful partners, such as Ningde Times. Tan Benhong, CEO of Avita Technology, also said in an interview that smart electric vehicles are a new field, and if you choose a partner with less ability, the hope of success is even more slim.

For the purpose of CATL’s investment in Avita Technology, there is a view that it is to make its highly integrated CTC (Cell to Chassis) technology come to fruition. This technology of integrating battery cells with vehicle chassis will help to significantly reduce the cost of electric vehicles, but it will weaken the dominance of OEMs in the development of electric vehicles and strengthen the voice over battery companies. Therefore, many OEMs are more cautious. CATL’s investment in Avita Technology and becoming its second largest shareholder will help CTC technology land on Avita models.

However, Tan Benhong said in an interview that Avita 11 will use the latest electrification technology of Ningde Times, but it is not clear whether CTC technology will be used. He said "C2C needs to be done when other conditions are ripe."

It is worth noting that Changan Automobile also gave up its controlling stake in financing Changan New Energy. In October 2018, Changan New Energy was publicly listed on the Shanghai United Equity Exchange to increase capital. In December 2019, Nanjing Runke, Changxin Fund, Liangjiang Fund, Southern Industrial Fund and other four parties invested a total of 2.84 billion yuan. Changan Automobile’s shareholding in Changan New Energy was reduced from 100% to 48.95%.

On October 30, Changan Automobile announced that Changan New Energy will introduce a number of strategic investors in the form of public listing on the Shanghai United Equity Exchange, and the planned proceeds raised will not exceed 5 billion yuan. This is the second round of financing since the establishment of Changan New Energy. If the fundraising increases Changan Automobile’s capital by different proportions, then its share ratio in Changan New Energy may be further diluted.

The Avita brand and the Avita 11 have just been unveiled, and from the few details and designs revealed, it has the potential to become a high-end pure electric vehicle, but it has only just begun. The future is still full of unknowns.

On the one hand, the competition in the smart electric vehicle market is becoming increasingly fierce. Some first movers have already established a firm foothold in the market, and the latecomers have to provide more forward-looking and revolutionary products to have the opportunity. It remains to be seen whether Avita’s emotional intelligent electric vehicle can live up to its name. On the other hand, it is also unknown what impact Changan Automobile will bring to this new brand if it gives up its absolute controlling stake in Avita. Based on this, the appearance of Avita 11 is not only an amazing leap for Changan Automobile, but also a thrilling leap.

Avita: The Thrilling Leap of Changan Automobile

Announcement of Shenzhen Listed Companies (March 8)

  Cylon Pharmaceuticals: Subsidiary Receives Approval for Pregabalin Listing Application

  () Announcement: Hunan Sailong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary, has recently received the approval of Pregabalin’s "Notice of Application for Marketing of Chemical APIs" issued by the State Drug Administration.

  Cylon Pharmaceutical: Subsidiary Receives Approval of Pregabalin Chemical API Listing Application

  On March 7, Cylon Pharmaceutical announced that its subsidiary had received approval for the listing of Pregabalin chemical raw materials.

  Cylon Pharmaceutical: Subsidiary Received Notification of Approval for the Listing Application of Pregabalin, a Chemical API

  Sailon Pharmaceutical announced on the evening of March 7 that Hunan Sailon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has recently obtained the approval of pregabalin "Chemical API Marketing Application Approval Notice" issued by the State Food and Drug Administration. The main indications of pregabalin are: for the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia and fibromyalgia.

  Cylon Pharmaceutical: Subsidiary chemical raw material drug "pregabalin" was approved for listing

  Sailong Pharmaceutical announced that Hunan Sailong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has recently obtained the "Notice of Approval for the Marketing of Chemical API" approved by the State Drug Administration. It is reported that the main indications of pregabalin are: for the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia and fibromyalgia.

  Lisheng Pharmaceutical: Ticagrelor API passed the marketing application

  () Announcement: The company has received the "Notice of Approval of Application for Listing of Chemical APIs" issued by the State Drug Administration for ticagrelor APIs, and the variety has passed the application for listing of chemical APIs.

  Garden Bio completed the repurchase of 1.69% of the shares, costing 100 million yuan

  () announcement, as of March 6, 2024, the company through the share repurchase special securities account to the centralized auction transaction to repurchase the company’s shares 9.3072 million shares, accounting for 1.69% of the company’s current total share capital, the minimum transaction price is 10.09 yuan/share, the highest transaction price is 11.83 yuan/share, the total transaction amount is RMB 100 million yuan (including transaction costs). The company’s repurchase has been completed, the actual repurchase time range is September 14, 2023 to March 6, 2024.

  The shareholders’ meeting will be held on March 22 to consider the company’s proposal to apply for a project loan from the bank as collateral for its own assets

  Rifeng shares announced that the third extraordinary general meeting of shareholders will be held on March 22, 2024, and the online voting will be held on the same day. The equity registration date is March 15, and investors who hold Rifeng shares after the market closes on that day can participate in the voting.

  Meeting place: Conference room on the first floor of Guangfeng Industrial Park Company, West District, Zhongshan City.

  The shareholders’ meeting audited a total of one proposal, as follows:

  1. Proposal on the company applying for a project loan from the bank with its own assets as collateral.

  ST plans to sell a 17% stake in CCCC New Energy and optimize its investment structure

  () Announcement, the company plans to transfer the 17% equity of Jiangsu CCCC New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "CCCC New Energy") held by its wholly-owned subsidiary Nanjing Keshu Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Nanjing Keshu") to Lu Yicheng at a price of 40 million yuan. After the transfer is completed, Nanjing Keshu will no longer hold the equity of CCCC New Energy.

  The announcement said that the company’s current main business is cross-border e-commerce export, and its long-term development strategy in the future lies in focusing on strengthening core business capabilities and further strengthening and refining the main business of cross-border e-commerce. In order to further protect the company’s ROI, optimize the company’s investment structure, and improve the asset quality and profitability of listed companies, the company has decided to transfer the equity of CCCC New Energy.

  Jujie Microfiber: The controlling shareholder intends to increase its holdings by 15 million yuan – 30 million yuan

  () Announcement that the controlling shareholder Suzhou Jujie Investment Co., Ltd. intends to increase its holdings by not less than 15 million yuan and not more than 30 million yuan.

  Jujie Microfiber: The controlling shareholder of the company plans to increase its holdings by 15 million yuan – 30 million yuan

  On March 7, Jujie Microfiber announced that the company’s controlling shareholders plan to increase their holdings by 15 million yuan – 30 million yuan.

  Jujie Microfiber’s controlling shareholder plans to spend 15 million yuan to 30 million yuan to increase shares

  Jujie Microfiber announced that the controlling shareholder of the company, Suzhou Jujie Investment Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jujie Investment", "the main body of the increase") plans to increase its holdings of the company’s shares within the next 6 months from the date of this announcement through the means allowed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange trading system (including but not limited to centralized bidding and block trading, etc.), with a total amount of not less than RMB 15 million yuan and not more than RMB 30 million yuan.

  Dong Chunhong, supervisor of Tuoxin Pharmaceutical, has reduced his holdings by 1,000 shares

  () announcement, the company received the "notice letter on the expiration of the implementation time of the share reduction plan and the result of the reduction" issued by director Qu Guirong and supervisor Dong Chunhong respectively. As of the date of issuance of the notice letter, director Qu Guirong and supervisor Dong Chunhong reduced their holdings by 0 shares and 1000 shares respectively through centralized bidding transactions, and the implementation time of the reduction plan has expired.

  (): It is planned to purchase 100% equity of Hunan Persimmon Bamboo Garden Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. by issuing shares and paying cash

  China Tungsten High-tech announced that the company intends to purchase the 100% equity of Hunan Persimmon Bamboo Garden Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. jointly held by Minmetals Tungsten Industry Group Co., Ltd. and Hunan Woxi Mining Investment Co., Ltd. by issuing shares and raising supporting funds to no more than 35 specific investors. This reorganization is expected to constitute a major asset reorganization as stipulated in the "Measures for the Administration of Major Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies", and also constitutes a company related transaction. This reorganization does not constitute a reorganization and listing. This transaction will not lead to a change in the actual controller of the company.

  The shareholders’ meeting will be held on March 26 to consider the proposal to acquire all the shares of Zhengzhou Jimei by cash and related party transactions

  Langzi shares announced that the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders will be held on March 26, 2024, and the online voting will be held on the same day. The equity registration date is March 14, and investors who hold Langzi shares after the market closes on that day can participate in the voting.

  Meeting place: 16th Floor Conference Room, Building 1, Courtyard 3, Dajiaoting South Street, No. 27, Xidawang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (Langzi Building).

  The shareholders’ meeting audited a total of one proposal, as follows:

  1. Proposal on the cash acquisition of all the shares and related transactions of Zhengzhou Jimei.

  Henghui Security: the actual 3.76 million shares will be listed on March 11

  () Issue a prompt announcement on the partial lifting of the restrictions on the sale of the issued shares before the initial public offering and listing for circulation. The number of restricted shares listed and circulated this time is 10 million shares, accounting for 6.8693% of the company’s total share capital. The actual number of shares that can be listed and circulated is 3.76 million shares. The listing and circulation date is March 11, 2024 (Monday).

  Liangxin plans to invest 26 million yuan in a holding subsidiary to promote the development of intelligent power distribution business

  () Announcement, the company intends to jointly invest with Shanghai Zhuyong Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) (abbreviation: "Zhuyong Enterprise"), Shanghai Zhuyong Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) (abbreviation: "Zhuyong Enterprise"), Shanghai Zhuzhi Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) (abbreviation: "Zhuzhi Enterprise") to establish Liangyun Zhihui (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. (tentative name, the final name shall be subject to the name approved by the registration authority, abbreviation: "Joint Venture Company"). The registered capital of the joint venture company is tentatively 50 million yuan, of which the company’s capital contribution is 26 million yuan, and the shareholding ratio is 52%. The joint venture company will be included in the scope of the consolidated statement.

  In view of the future market opportunities for the in-depth electrification of various industries and the landing of the dual-carbon target, in order to seize the window period of the intelligent power distribution market and enhance the company’s comprehensive competitiveness, after careful research, the company decided to invest in the establishment of a joint venture company to develop intelligent power distribution related businesses. In the future, the joint venture company will focus on intelligent power distribution business, carry out innovation and optimization around the business model of intelligent power distribution, continue to increase the development of technology and product ecology, improve sales capabilities and delivery capabilities, promote the industrialization of R & D results, promote the rapid development of the company’s intelligent power distribution business, and enhance the company’s comprehensive market competitiveness and brand influence.

  Jinling Sports: Li Jiangang, director and general manager, plans to increase his holdings by 10 million yuan – 20 million yuan

  () announcement, director and general manager Li Jiangang intends to increase holdings 10 million yuan – 20 million yuan.

  Precision Eye launched the "Double Improvement of Quality and Return" action plan

  () At noon on March 7, the announcement on promoting the "double improvement of quality returns" action plan was disclosed, and it is planned to commit to the high-quality development of the company’s operation and the improvement of the level of sustainable development from five measures, and actively maintain market stability.

  The company said that it will continue to focus on its main business, adhere to its medical attributes, and build long-term value. On the basis of the company’s successful investment and operation of 28 ophthalmic hospitals and 3 ophthalmic outpatient departments in 21 major cities in China, in the future, the company will continue to implement the development strategy of "national chain + intra-city integration", adhere to both endogenous growth and extension development, not only practice internal skills, strengthen refined management methods, enhance profitability and core competitiveness, but also use the capital markets platform to carry out mergers and acquisitions, further expand the layout in major cities across the country, and consolidate and increase the market share in advantageous regions, while maximizing the diagnosis and treatment needs of patients for eye health.

  At the same time, the company will pay attention to medical innovation-driven, promote service and product technology upgrades. Improve the company’s internal governance, promote the company’s sustainable development, deeply practice the ESG concept, actively improve the level of ESG governance, and help the company’s high-quality sustainable development.

  In addition, the company will effectively improve the level of information disclosure, establish a matrixed investor relations channel, and convey the intrinsic value of the company. Investor-oriented, focusing on investor returns, and working with investors to achieve a dynamic balance between performance growth and shareholder returns. Build a "long-term, stable and sustainable" shareholder value return mechanism to ensure that shareholders can effectively enjoy the company’s development results. (Tian Limin)

  Li Jiangang, general manager of Jinling Sports, plans to increase the company’s shares from 10 million yuan to 20 million yuan

  Jinling Sports announced that Mr. Li Jiangang, the director and general manager of the company, based on his confidence in the future development of the company and the recognition of long-term investment value, enhances investor confidence, and plans to increase his holdings of the company’s shares within 6 months from the date of disclosure of this announcement. The total amount of the proposed increase is not less than RMB 10 million yuan, not higher than RMB 20 million yuan, and the source of funds required for the increase is equity fund.

  Jinling Sports: Directors plan to increase their shares by 10 million yuan to 20 million yuan

  Jinling Sports announced on the evening of March 7 that Li Jiangang, the director and general manager of the company, based on his confidence in the company’s future development and the recognition of long-term investment value, enhanced investor confidence and planned to increase his holdings of the company’s shares. The total amount of the proposed increase is not less than 10 million yuan, not higher than 20 million yuan. The source of funds required for the increase is equity fund. The increase plan does not set a fixed price or price range.

  Luoping Zinc Power: Fuller Lead-Zinc Mine Suspends Production

  () Announcement, the company received the "Notice of Suspension of Production" issued by the Luoping County Emergency Management Bureau on March 7, 2024, because the company’s Fuller Lead-Zinc Mine Safety Production License (valid period from March 7, 2021 to March 6, 2024) has expired. According to the "Safety Production Law", "Safety Production License Regulations" and other relevant laws and regulations, all production activities will be stopped from now on, and production can only be resumed after going through the extension formalities and reporting for approval. According to the suspension notice, the company’s Fuller Lead-Zinc Mine will stop all production activities from now on.

  Jiuan Medical has repurchased 3.08% of the shares at a cost of about 607 million yuan

  () announced that as of March 7, 2024, the company through the stock repurchase special securities account to the centralized auction transaction accumulated the number of repurchased shares of the company 15.0562 million shares, accounting for 3.08% of the company’s total share capital, the highest transaction price is 41.277 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price is 39.42 yuan/share, the total amount paid is RMB 607 million yuan.

  Luoping Zinc Power: Fuller Lead-Zinc Mine Suspension, Expected to Have Little Impact on Company Operations

  Luoping Zinc and Electricity Announcement, the company received the "Notice of Suspension of Production" issued by the Luoping County Emergency Management Bureau on March 7, 2024. The reason is that the valid period of the safety production license of the company’s Fuller Lead-Zinc Mine is from March 7, 2021 to March 6, 2024, which has now expired. According to the "Safety Production Law", "Safety Production License Regulations" and other relevant laws and regulations, all production activities will be stopped from now on, and production can only be resumed after going through the extension procedures and reporting for approval. According to the suspension notice, the company’s Fuller Lead-Zinc Mine will stop all production activities from now on. According to the preliminary estimate of the mine’s production volume in recent years, this suspension has little impact on the company’s operations.

  () The subsidiary plans to 2113.65 million yuan to participate in the special project of Guangzhou Gongchuangde Storage and invest in Guangzhou Zhiguang Energy Storage

  Desai Battery announced that Huizhou Desai Battery Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Huizhou Battery"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, signed the "Guangzhou Gongchuang Dereserve Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) Partnership Agreement" with Guangzhou Gongchuang Dereserve Private Offering Fund Management Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Gongchuang Huiji") on March 7, 2024, and jointly invested in the establishment of Guangzhou Gongchuang Dereserve Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) (tentative name). The total subscribed capital of the partnership is 2135.00 million yuan, of which Huizhou Battery, as a limited partner, subscribed 2113.65 million yuan in equity fund, with a capital contribution ratio of 99.00%; Gongchuang Huiji, as a general partner, subscribed capital contribution of 213,500 yuan, with a capital contribution ratio of 1.00%.

  According to the announcement, the partnership will invest in Guangzhou Zhiguang Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd. for special projects. Guangzhou Zhiguang Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the research and application of industrial technology in the field of energy storage. It provides customers with energy storage technology consulting, energy storage system integration, energy storage equipment sales and other businesses in the technical fields of electrochemical energy storage, mechanical (flywheel) energy storage and super capacitor energy storage. It can also provide core key technologies and equipment such as energy storage battery PACK integration, BMS, PCS and EMS for the majority of energy storage system integrators, and can provide battery and battery PACK testing technology services.

  Desai Battery: The subsidiary plans to invest 2113.65 million yuan to participate in the establishment of an equity investment fund

  Desai Battery announced on the evening of March 7 that Huizhou Desai Battery Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Huizhou Battery"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, and Guangzhou Gongchuanghuiji Private Offering Fund Management Co., Ltd. signed the "Guangzhou Gongchuangde Reserve Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) Partnership Agreement" to jointly invest in the establishment of Guangzhou Gongchuangde Reserve Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) (referred to as "Partnership"). The total subscribed capital of the partnership is 21.35 million yuan. Among them, Huizhou Battery, as a limited partner, subscribed 2113.65 million yuan in equity fund subscription, with a capital contribution ratio of 99.00%. The partnership invests special projects in Guangzhou Zhiguang Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd.

  Tang Renshen: February pig sales 272,000 head

  () Announcement, the company’s February 2024 pig sales 272,000 head (including commercial pigs 247,100 head, piglets 24,900 head), February 2023 pig sales 285,800 head (including commercial pigs 267,800 head, piglets 18,000 head), down 4.83%, down 17.12%; sales revenue totaled 399.82 million yuan, down 9.92%, down 3.44%.

  Keming Foods: Holding subsidiary Xingjiang Pastoral sold 25,900 pigs in February

  () Announcement, the holding subsidiary Xingjiang Pastoral sold 25,900 pigs in February, and the sales volume decreased by 39.31% month-on-month, down 52.39% year-on-year; the sales revenue was 27.2403 million yuan, and the sales revenue decreased by 43.71% month-on-month, down 49.47% year-on-year.

  The controlling shareholder of Jujie Microfiber intends to increase the company’s shares by 15 million to 30 million yuan

  Jujie Microfiber announced that Suzhou Jujie Investment Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company, plans to increase its holdings of the company’s shares through the means allowed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange trading system (including but not limited to centralized bidding and block trading, etc.) within the next 6 months from the date of the announcement, with a total proposed increase of not less than 15 million yuan and not more than 30 million yuan.

  The general manager of Jinling Sports plans to increase the company’s shares by 10 million to 20 million yuan

  Jinling Sports announced that Li Jiangang, the director and general manager of the company, plans to increase his holdings of the company’s shares within 6 months from the date of disclosure of the announcement, and the total amount of the proposed increase is not less than 10 million yuan and not more than 20 million yuan.

  Keming Foods: Xingjiang Pastoral’s pig sales in February fell by 52.39% year-on-year.

  Keming Food announced that the company’s holding subsidiary Xingjiang Pastoral sold 25,900 live pigs in February 2024, and the sales volume decreased by 39.31% month-on-month, a year-on-year decrease of 52.39%; the sales revenue was 27.2403 million yuan, and the sales revenue decreased by 43.71% month-on-month, a year-on-year decrease of 49.47%.

  From January to February, the company sold 68,500 pigs, down 20.94% from the same period last year; the cumulative sales revenue was 75.6314 million yuan, down 23.86% from the same period last year.

  Zuoli Pharmaceutical: The exclusive variety Lingze tablets are listed as the national second-level protected variety of traditional Chinese medicine

  () Announcement, the company received the "Certificate of Traditional Chinese Medicine Protected Variety" issued by the State Drug Administration, and the company’s exclusive variety Lingze Tablets was listed as the national second-level protected variety of traditional Chinese medicine.

  Tang Renshen: In February 2024, the sales revenue of live pigs was about 400 million yuan, a decrease of 3.44% compared with the previous month.

  Tang Renshen announced on the evening of March 7 that the company’s pig sales in February 2024 were 272,000, down 4.83% year-on-year and 17.12% month-on-month; the total sales revenue was about 400 million yuan, down 9.92% year-on-year and 3.44% month-on-month. The cumulative pig sales in January-February 2024 were 600,200, up 15.85% year-on-year; the sales revenue was about 814 million yuan, up 1.07% year-on-year.

  Jujie Microfiber: The controlling shareholder Jujie Investment plans to increase the company’s shares by 15 million yuan – 30 million yuan

  On the evening of March 7, Jujie Microfiber announced that the board of directors of the company recently received the "notice letter on the plan to increase the company’s shares" issued by the controlling shareholder Suzhou Jujie Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jujie Investment"). The company’s controlling shareholder Jujie Investment plans to increase the company’s shares within the next 6 months from the date of this announcement through the means allowed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange trading system (including but not limited to centralized bidding and block trading, etc.), with a total amount of not less than RMB 5 million yuan and not more than RMB 0 yuan.

  Allianz sharp vision: March 7 to buy back the company’s shares 10,000 shares

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that on March 7, 2024, the company repurchased 10,000 shares of the company for the first time through centralized bidding transactions, accounting for 0.01% of the company’s total share capital.

  Garden Bio: The company’s share repurchase has been completed

  On the evening of March 7, Garden Bio announced that on September 14, 2023, the company repurchased the company’s shares through a centralized auction transaction through a special securities account for share repurchase. As of March 6, 2024, the company had repurchased 9,307,200 shares through a centralized auction transaction through a special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 1.69% of the company’s current total share capital. The company’s share repurchase has been completed.

  Civil Explosion Optoelectronics: 289,533 shares of the company were repurchased on March 6

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that on March 6, 2024, the company repurchased 289,533 shares of the company for the first time through the stock trading system of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in a centralized bidding mode, accounting for 0.2766% of the company’s total share capital.

  Rijiu Optoelectronics: Accumulated repurchase of 3,506,800 shares of the company

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that from February 8 to March 6, 2024, the company repurchased a total of 3,506,800 shares of the company through a centralized auction transaction through a repurchase special securities account, accounting for about 1.25% of the company’s current total share capital.

  Rambler: Buyback of company shares 320,000 on March 7

  On the evening of March 7, Rambler announced that on March 7, 2024, the company repurchased 320,000 shares of the company in a centralized bidding mode for the first time through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 0.0360% of the company’s total share capital.

  Huamao shares: repurchased 3 million shares of the company on March 7

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that on March 7, 2024, the company repurchased 3,000,000 shares of the company through a centralized auction transaction through a special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 0.32% of the company’s current total share capital.

  Tofulong: Professional technology serves biomedicine and helps the development of human health

  On March 7, () released an announcement on the "Double Improvement of Quality Return" action plan. The company said that after 30 years of development, it has grown into a comprehensive pharmaceutical equipment service provider that provides pharmaceutical processes, core equipment, and system engineering overall solutions for global pharmaceutical companies. With its competitive advantages in the industry such as technological innovation, perfect sales network layout, leading brand influence, and comprehensive solution services, the company is in a leading position in the field of domestic pharmaceutical equipment, and continues to narrow the gap with international leaders. While exploring overseas markets, it gradually realizes domestic substitution.

  Yingke Medical: Give full play to the company’s comprehensive competitive advantages and develop into a global industry leader

  On March 7, () issued an announcement on the "Double Improvement of Quality Return" action plan. The company said that it has accumulated more than 10 years of R & D and production experience, and has fully integrated hardware, software, infrastructure and the company’s proprietary technology and expertise. As of June 30, 2023, the company has completed 8 self-developed and self-produced projects, and new products cover 9 product categories and more than 60 product series.

  Xingqi Eye Medicine: Will continue to increase investment in research and development to improve the product layout in various fields of ophthalmology

  On March 7, () issued an announcement on the "Double Improvement of Quality and Return" action plan. The company said that since its establishment, it has always attached importance to the research and development of new products, and will develop new products with independent intellectual property rights as the company’s goal of continuous progress and innovation. R & D investment has increased year by year. In the past three years, the company’s R & D investment has been 84 million yuan, 118 million yuan, and 190 million yuan, accounting for 12.13%, 11.47%, and 15.22% of operating income respectively. After years of development, the company’s R & D center has seven process technology platforms such as conventional ophthalmic preparations, ophthalmic gels, and sustained-release preparations, as well as evaluation technology platforms such as quality research, pharmacological pharmacogenesis research and drug packaging material research.

  Shouhang Hi-Tech: Signed a 429 million yuan solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project equipment service supply contract

  Recently, the company and China Energy Construction Group Northwest Power Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. signed the "Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project tower concentrating heat collection system procurement contract", the contract stipulates that the seller is the buyer Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project to provide contract equipment and services. The total contract amount is RMB 429 million yuan.

  Keming food: holding subsidiary Xingjiang pastoral pig sales revenue in February 2724.03 million yuan, down 43.71%

  Keming Food announced on the evening of March 7 that the holding subsidiary Xingjiang Pastoral sold 25,900 pigs in February 2024, and the sales volume decreased by 39.31% month-on-month and 52.39% year-on-year; the sales revenue was 2724.03 million yuan, and the sales revenue decreased by 43.71% month-on-month and 49.47% year-on-year. From January to February 2024, the company sold 68,500 pigs cumulatively, down 20.94% from the same period last year; the cumulative sales revenue was 75.6314 million yuan, down 23.86% from the same period last year.

  Jilin Aodong issued 2 billion yuan medium-term notes accepted for registration

  () Announcement, the company recently received the "Notice of Acceptance of Registration" issued by the China Interbank Market Dealers Association (China Market Association Note [2024] MTN208), the Dealers Association decided to accept the company’s medium-term note registration, the company’s medium-term note The registration amount is 2 billion yuan, and the registration amount is valid within 2 years from the date of signing the notice.

  Shouhang Hi-Tech: Signed a 430 million yuan solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project tower concentrating heat collection system procurement contract

  Shouhang Hi-Tech announced that the company and China Energy Construction Group Northwest Power Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. signed the "Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project tower concentrating system procurement contract", the company for Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project (tower concentrating system) to provide contract equipment and services, the total contract amount 430 million yuan.

  Shouhang Hi-Tech: Signed a 429 million yuan solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project tower concentrating heat collection system procurement contract

  Shouhang Hi-Tech announced that recently, the company (hereinafter referred to as the "seller") and China Energy Construction Group Northwest Electric Power Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as the "buyer") signed the "Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project tower concentrating heat collection system procurement contract", the contract stipulates that the seller is the buyer Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project (tower concentrating heat collection system) to provide contract equipment and services. The total contract amount (tax included) is RMB 429 million yuan.

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical and Shenzhen Unknown Jun have reached a strategic cooperation on the commercialization of intestinal microbiota transplantation (FMT)

  () Announcement: On March 7, 2024, the company and Shenzhen Unknown Jun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Unknown Jun") signed a "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Unknown Jun and/or its affiliates will transplant their intestinal flora into medical technology authorized companies and/or their affiliates to carry out exclusive commercialization cooperation within the scope of cooperation areas and channels agreed upon by both parties, including but not limited to distribution, sales, promotion, etc.

  The specific content of cooperative medical technology is the intestinal flora transplantation project ("FMT"), which involves wrapping fecal bacteria lyophilized powder or fecal bacteria particles in capsules and entering the human intestine by oral administration; or transplanting fecal bacteria isolated from the feces of healthy people into the intestine by nasal feeding, gastric tube insertion, and digestive endoscopic spraying, so as to restore the dynamic balance of intestinal flora, so as to achieve the purpose of treating various intestinal diseases caused by intestinal flora imbalance.

  The announcement said that the company has long focused on the digestive field. This time, the company signed a "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with Shenzhen Unknown Jun to reach a strategic cooperation on the commercialization of intestinal microbiota transplantation ("FMT"), which will help the company further improve its strategic layout in the digestive field and enhance its comprehensive competitiveness.

  Zuoli Pharmaceutical: Lingze Tablets received the certificate of protected varieties of traditional Chinese medicine

  Zuoli Pharmaceutical announced that the company has received the "Certificate of Traditional Chinese Medicine Protected Variety" issued by the State Drug Administration. The company’s exclusive variety Lingze Tablets is listed as the national second-level protected variety of traditional Chinese medicine, and the protection period is from March 1, 2024 to March 1, 2031.

  Shennong Technology’s application is withdrawn and the application documents are added by summary procedure

  () Announcement, on March 7, 2024, the company issued shares to specific objects by summary procedure in 2023, and the sponsor submitted to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange an application for withdrawing the application documents of Hainan Shennong Technology joint stock company to issue shares to specific objects by summary procedure.

  The company’s current production and operation are normal, and it will also actively promote the purchase and sale of rapeseed and other businesses to promote the large-scale development of the company’s rapeseed seed business. The withdrawal of the application documents for issuing shares to specific objects through the simplified procedure will not have a significant impact on the company’s normal production and operation and sustainable and stable development, and will not harm the interests of the company and shareholders, especially minority shareholders.

  Capital Airlines Hi-Tech signed a major contract related to 429 million yuan

  Shouhang Hi-Tech announced that recently, the company (the "seller") and China Energy Construction Group Northwest Electric Power Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. (the "buyer") signed the "Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project tower concentrating heat collection system procurement contract", the contract stipulates that the seller is the buyer Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project (tower concentrating heat collection system) to provide contract equipment and services, the total contract amount (tax included) 429 million yuan, accounting for about 65.73% of the company’s 2022 annual operating income.

  The shareholders’ meeting will be held on March 25 to consider proposals to change the company’s registered capital, amend the company’s articles of association, and handle the registration of industrial and commercial changes

  Canaan Smart announced that the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders will be held on March 25, 2024, and online voting will be held on the same day. The equity registration date is March 20, and investors who hold Canaan Smart shares after the market closes on that day can participate in the voting.

  Venue: Ningbo Canaan intelligent electric joint stock company conference room, 315 Kaiyuan Road, Cixi City, Zhejiang Province.

  The shareholders’ meeting audited a total of one proposal, as follows:

  1. "Proposal on Changing the Registered Capital of a Company and Amending and Handling the Registration of Industrial and Commercial Changes".

  Guangdong Construction Engineering subsidiary jointly won the bidding for Guangzhou to develop Tianjin Xiqing District 750MW wind power project

  () Announcement, Guangdong Yuantian Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Yuantian Company"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, received the "Notice of winning the bidding" from Guangzhou Trading Group Co., Ltd.

  The "win the bidding notice" determines that the consortium formed by Yuantian Company (member party) and China Energy Construction Group Guangdong Thermal Power Engineering Co., Ltd. (organizer) is the win the bidding unit of " () Tianjin Xiqing District 750MW Wind Power Project EPC General Contracting [JG2024-0695]". The contract content is the code packet of the released version specified in the invite tenders document. The winning bid price of the project is 4.893 billion yuan, and the total construction period of the project is 18 months. Among them, the construction task undertaken by Yuantian Company is about 1.846 billion yuan.

  According to the invite tenders document, the project plans to install 120 single-unit capacity 6.25MW wind turbines, with an installed capacity of 750MW, and two new 220kV boosting stations. According to the joint tender agreement of the consortium, Yuantian Company is responsible for the civil engineering of 750MW wind turbines (including hoisting platforms, fan foundations), all road engineering construction within the scope of the project, the renovation of Lishuang Highway, all project temporary land use and related compensation for the project, environmental protection engineering, soil and water conservation engineering, labor safety and industrial hygiene engineering, safety monitoring engineering and other related procedures; China Energy Construction Group Guangdong Thermal Power Engineering Co., Ltd. is responsible for the survey and design, all fan units, tower cylinders, box transformers, high and low voltage cables, all equipment and materials procurement of 220KV booster stations, 750MW fan unit hoisting, all 35KV collector lines construction and safety engineering (including tower materials, wires, fittings and other materials procurement), 220KV booster station construction and safety engineering, 220KV outgoing line and opposite side interval renovation engineering materials procurement, construction and safety construction. Special project report preparation, special project acceptance, equipment supervision.

  Guangdong Construction Engineering: Subsidiaries jointly won the bidding of Guangzhou Development Tianjin Xiqing District 750MW wind power project EPC general contracting project

  Guangdong Construction Engineering announced on the evening of March 7 that the consortium formed by Guangdong Yuantian Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Yuantian Company") (member party) and China Energy Construction Group Guangdong Thermal Power Engineering Co., Ltd. (organizer) is the winning unit of the EPC general contract [JG2024-0695] for the "Guangzhou Development Tianjin Xiqing District 750MW Wind Power Project". The winning bid price is about 4.893 billion yuan, and the total construction period of the project is 18 months. Among them, the construction task undertaken by Yuantian Company is about 1.846 billion yuan. According to the invite tenders document, the project plans to install 120 single-machine capacity 6.25MW wind turbines, with an installed capacity of 750MW, and build 2 new 220kV booster stations.

  ST has a tree: plans to transfer 17% stake in CCCC New Energy to Lu Yicheng

  ST Youkeshu announced that in order to comprehensively focus on the main business of cross-border e-commerce, optimize the investment structure, and further improve the profitability of assets, Youkeshu Technology joint stock company (referred to as "Youkeshu" or "Company") plans to transfer the 17% equity (registered capital contribution 34 million yuan) of Jiangsu CCCC New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "CCCC New Energy") held by its wholly-owned subsidiary Nanjing Keshu Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Nanjing Keshu") to Lu Yicheng at a price of 40 million yuan. After the completion of this transfer, Nanjing Keshu will no longer hold the equity of CCCC New Energy.

  China-UK Technology 48.405 million Restricted Shares Available for Circulation on March 13

  () Announcement, the number of shares issued before the company’s initial public offering is 48.405 million shares, accounting for 64.37% of the company’s total share capital, and the date of listing and circulation is March 13, 2024.

  Fan Zhihong and Chen Haibing, directors of Jinbei Electric, have reduced their holdings by a total of 3.29 million shares

  () announcement, the company’s director and vice president Fan Zhihong, Chen Haibing reduction plan period has expired, a total reduction of the company’s shares 3.29 million shares.

  Huapengfei: The company signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the joint stock company of Ririshun Supply Chain Technology

  () Announcement, the company signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Ririshun Supply Chain Technology joint stock company.

  Huakai Yibai granted 16.722 million restricted shares at a grant price of 9.82 yuan/share

  () announcement, the company 2024 restricted stock incentive plan provisions of the restricted stock grant conditions have been achieved, the company deliberated and passed the "on the grant of restricted stock to the incentive object", agreed and determined that the incentive plan restricted stock grant date is March 7, 2024, to meet the conditions of 114 incentive objects granted 16.722 million shares of restricted stock, the grant price is 9.82 yuan/share.

  Huapengfei: Signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Ririshun Supply Chain

  Huapengfei announced on the evening of March 7 that the company and Ririshun Supply Chain Technology joint stock company (referred to as "Ririshun Supply Chain") have their own resources and advantages in the field of supply chain, and are committed to commercial cooperation in cross-border integrated logistics. After friendly negotiation between the two sides, it was decided to establish a strategic partnership and sign the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement".

  Fu Xin Ping An Bank Director Qualifications Approved

  Ping An Bank issued an announcement, recently, Ping An Bank joint stock company received the "State Financial Supervision and Administration Administration on Ping An Bank Fu Xin qualification", the State Financial Supervision and Administration approved Fu Xin Ping An Bank joint stock company director qualifications.

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical and micro-ecological R & D enterprise Unknown Jun reached a strategic cooperation

  On March 7, Luoxin Pharmaceutical announced that the joint stock company of Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group (hereinafter referred to as "the company") and Shenzhen Unknown Jun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Unknown Jun") signed the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Unknown Jun will hold the intestinal flora transplantation (FMT) medical technology authorized company to carry out exclusive commercialization cooperation within the agreed cooperation area and channel scope, and the two sides will establish a win-win strategic partnership on the basis of complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common development.

  The application prospect of microbiota transplantation is huge, and the industry is leading

  The intestinal microbiota is called the "hidden organ" of the human body. More and more studies have found that the intestinal microbiota has an important connection with the occurrence of human health and diseases. When the intestinal microbiota is unbalanced, it will lead to the occurrence of many diseases. There are as many as 85 indications related to the treatment of intestinal microbiota. By regulating the intestinal microbiota, it can affect the health of the human body. The intestinal microbiota can not only become drugs but also serve as new drug targets, so the intestinal microbiota has great application prospects in the treatment of certain diseases. At present, the intestinal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has gradually become one of the most cutting-edge and hot research fields in the industry. Intestinal microbiota transplantation is to transplant the functional flora in the intestines of healthy people into patients to rebuild a healthy intestinal microbiome, in order to restore the diversity of intestinal flora, improve the balance of intestinal flora, and achieve the treatment of intestinal and parenteral diseases.

  Shenzhen Unknown Junzheng, which has reached a cooperation with Luoxin Pharmaceutical this time, is currently the industry-leading AI + BT microbiome research and product development platform, and a leader in the domestic micro-ecology field. According to its official website, Unknown Junzheng has built a leading micro-ecological strain sample and data asset library, and created an international leading bioinformation analysis platform composed of four core platforms of AI drug discovery, algorithms, clinical analysis, and data/computing. It is worth mentioning that Unknown Jun also has an industry-leading micro-ecological pipeline matrix, many of which are First-in-class, and have completed the layout in the fields of cancer, nervous system, digestive system, immune system and other diseases, covering all mainstream drug forms such as formula bacteria, genetically engineered microorganisms, bacterial metabolites, and enterobacteria transplantation. The pipeline layout and promotion capabilities are world-leading. He is the first (only) FMT/enterobacteria transplantation management system in Asia that meets FDA requirements. The production process strictly follows GMP specifications; the production environment is cleaner than the industry standard; the raw and auxiliary materials used are all pharmaceutical grade to ensure the safety of the product.

  The barriers in the digestion field are profound, and the commercialization experience and advantages of established pharmaceutical companies are obvious

  As an established enterprise that has been deeply involved in the pharmaceutical industry for more than 30 years, Luoxin Pharmaceutical has long focused on unmet clinical needs in core disease fields such as digestion, respiration, and anti-tumor. It has listed more than 10 dosage forms, more than 150 varieties, and more than 300 product specifications, forming a rich and competitive product portfolio. The core products are in a leading position in the market for digestive and respiratory diseases. According to IQVIA2023 data, the company’s digestive products, omeprazole enteric-coated capsules, rabeprazole sodium for injection, and lansoprazole for injection, have ranked first in the market share. It is worth noting that the company’s Class 1 innovative drug Tegorasan Tablets is the first self-developed potassium ion competitive acid blocker (P-CAB) in our country. It has been identified as a major special project of national "major new drug creation" science and technology. Currently, two indications have been approved for marketing: reflux esophagitis and duodenal ulcer. The third indication "combined with appropriate antibacterial therapy to eradicate Helicobacter pylori" has been accepted by the State Drug Administration. Recently, the results of the Phase III clinical study of pukanapeptide tablets for the treatment of functional constipation have reached the main efficacy endpoint. In addition, Tegorasan injection is also under development, and there is no similar injection product on the market worldwide. In the field of digestion, whether it is the esophagus of the upper digestive tract, the stomach or the intestines, gallbladder and pancreas of the lower digestive tract, it is the key direction of the company’s future expansion, and is committed to becoming an active leader in the ecosystem of China’s digestive field. Luoxin Pharmaceutical has built a professional commercialization team since the second half of 2021, and has the management experience of localizing the sales system of multinational pharmaceutical companies and the commercialization experience of innovative drugs. It has realized the core product of digestive system, Tegola raw tablets, in the early stage of listing, which has enabled thousands of doctors to quickly gain drug experience accumulation. It was approved to be included in the national medical insurance catalogue at a reasonable price in the same year. The following year of listing,

  Commercialization Blue Ocean Domestic policy support Cooperation Complementary advantages of both parties Deeply empowered

  Since the launch of the Human Microbiome Project in the United States in 2007, the development of micro-ecological medicine and microbial-related technologies has entered an accelerated stage. A large number of microbial pharmaceutical star companies have emerged. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 50 micro-ecological pharmaceutical companies in the world, and multinational pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, Roche, Johnson & Johnson have also laid out micro-ecological pharmaceutical tracks. Intestinal microbiota transplantation research has grown rapidly since 2013 and has received more attention in recent years. There are more than 500 clinical trials related to intestinal microbiota transplantation registered internationally, involving indications including: pseudomembranous enteritis (Clostridium difficile infection), ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, chronic functional diarrhea and constipation, diabetes, insomnia, obesity, autism, liver cirrhosis, allergic diseases, antibiotic resistance, anti-tumor drug resistance, depression, Parkinson’s disease and many other diseases. The patient base is huge. According to public information on the domestic government website, "Microbiota transplantation is becoming a new track in the field of biomedicine, and the global size of the market segment is about 50 billion US dollars." The domestic micro-ecological pharmaceutical industry is in a stage of rapid start, and the future market space is extremely broad. Intestinal microbiota transplantation is expected to become the next explosive point of the pharmaceutical industry. In 2023, the "National Medical Service Technical Specification (2023 Edition) " announced by the National Health Commission officially included "intestinal microbiota transplantation" in the technical specification, supporting the rapid development of the industry.

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical’s digestive field, whether it is the professionalism of the sales team or the department resources at the hospital end, has experienced the polishing and accumulation of time, and the commercialization ability is more advantageous. Unknown Jun is at the leading level in the field of intestinal flora transplantation (FMT) in terms of sample database, R & D capabilities and production process. This cooperation is Luoxin Pharmaceutical’s always-keen insight and forward-looking layout of market demand. The revolutionary significance and clinical value of intestinal flora transplantation as a diagnosis and treatment method will be realized through Luoxin Pharmaceutical’s commercialization capabilities covering hospitals at all levels across the country and Unknown Jun’s self-developed precision enterobacteria transplantation solutions, and jointly explore the domestic blue ocean market opportunities.

  Note: Unknown Jun CMC production workshop

  (): The company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries signed the "Cooperation Framework Agreement" with Gree Supply Chain and Gechuang Supply Chain

  Keheng share announcement, the company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Yingde Keheng, Zhuhai Keheng, Zhuhai Haoneng, Haoneng Technology and Gree Supply Chain, Gechuang Supply Chain signed the "Cooperation Framework Agreement". Gree Supply Chain and Gechuang Supply Chain gave Jiangmen Keheng, Yingde Keheng, Zhuhai Keheng, Zhuhai Haoneng and Haoneng Technology a total of RMB 650 million for the procurement of raw materials.

  Tang Renshen: February pig sales revenue of about 400 million yuan

  Tang Renshen announced that the company’s pig sales in February 2024 272,000, down 4.83% year-on-year and 17.12% month-on-month; sales revenue totaled 399.82 million yuan, down 9.92% year-on-year and 3.44% month-on-month. From January to February 2024, the cumulative pig sales volume was 60,200, up 15.85% year-on-year; sales revenue was 81.39 million yuan, up 1.07% year-on-year.

  Diou Home Furnishing Shareholder Sichuan Development Fund reduced its holdings by 41,100 shares

  () Announcement that as of the expiration date of the reduction plan, the shareholder Sichuan Development Fund has reduced the company’s shares 41,100 shares through centralized bidding mode, accounting for 0.01% of the company’s total share capital. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the shareholder Sichuan Development Fund’s reduction plan has been implemented.

  Pulo Pharmaceutical announced the 2023 annual rights distribution plan, proposing to pay 3.16 yuan for 10 grants

  () issued an announcement on March 8, the company’s 2023 annual equity distribution plan is as follows: based on the total share capital 1.1693236 billion shares, cash dividends of 3.16 yuan will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, and a total of 370 million yuan will be distributed.

  According to the 2023 annual performance report of Prologis Pharmaceutical, the company’s operating income 11.474 billion yuan, an increase of 8.81% year-on-year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies 1.055 billion yuan, an increase of 6.69% year-on-year; basic earnings per share of 0.90 yuan, the same period last year was 0.84 yuan.

  The main business of Pullo Pharmaceutical joint stock company covers the R & D, production and sales of API intermediates, innovative drug R & D and production services (CDMO), preparations, etc., as well as import and export trade business. API intermediate business includes cephalosporin series, penicillin series, psychiatric series, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular series and veterinary drug API intermediate series; innovative drug R & D and production services (CDMO) include R & D services, commercial human drug projects, commercial veterinary drug projects and other commercializations; preparation business includes anti-infective, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, psychiatric and anti-tumor categories. The company is a large comprehensive pharmaceutical enterprise integrating research, development and production of APIs, preparations and pharmaceutical intermediates. It is a national key high-tech enterprise and a key enterprise in the pharmaceutical industry of Zhejiang Province. It has been awarded the title of "Top Ten Enterprises" in the pharmaceutical industry of Zhejiang Province for nine consecutive years, and the title of AAA credit rating enterprise of Bank of China in Zhejiang Province for ten consecutive years. It has been ranked among the largest taxpayers in Zhejiang Province for five consecutive years. The trademark of "Kangyu" is a famous trademark in Zhejiang Province.

  (Source of data: iFinD)

  Keheng shares will hold a shareholders’ meeting on March 25 to consider the proposal to sign a cooperation framework agreement and related party transactions

  Keheng shares announced that the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders will be held on March 25, 2024, and the online voting will be held on the same day. The equity registration date is March 18, and investors who hold Keheng shares after the market closes on that day can participate in the voting.

  Venue: Jiangmen City Jianghai District Jiaotou Jiaoxing South Road No. 22 Jiangmen City Keheng Industrial joint stock company 3 floor conference room.

  The shareholders’ meeting audited a total of one proposal, as follows:

  1. Proposal on Signing and Related Transactions.

  Jinling Sports: General Manager Li Jiangang plans to increase his stake in the company from 10 million yuan to 20 million yuan

  On the evening of March 7, Jinling Sports announced that the company received the "Notice Letter of Share Increase Plan" issued by Mr. Li Jiangang, director and general manager of the company on March 7, 2024. Mr. Li Jiangang, director and general manager of the company, plans to increase his holdings of the company’s shares within 6 months from the date of disclosure of this announcement. The total amount of the proposed increase is not less than 10 million yuan and not more than 20 million yuan. The source of funds required for the increase is equity fund.

  Pangang Group: 22 Pangang 01 will pay interest on March 11

  On March 7, Pangang Group Co., Ltd. issued an interest payment announcement that it will pay interest for the period from March 10, 2023 to March 9, 2024 on March 11, 2024.

  According to the interest payment plan, the coupon rate of the current bond variety 1 "22 Pangang 01" is 3.59%. This interest payment is RMB 35.90 (tax included) per lot (face value 1,000 yuan) of "22 Pangang 01". After tax deduction, the actual per-lot interest paid by individuals and securities investment fund bondholders is 28.72 yuan; the actual per-lot interest paid by non-resident enterprises (including QFII and RQFII) is 35.90 yuan.

  Yitong Century: Re-identified as a high-tech enterprise

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that recently, the company received the "High-tech Enterprise Certificate" jointly issued by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance, and the Guangdong Provincial Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation. This is a re-identification of the company’s original high-tech enterprise certificate after the valid period expires.

  Longquan Shares: The implementation of this share repurchase plan has been completed

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that the company implemented the share repurchase for the first time on February 28, 2024 through the repurchase special securities account in the form of centralized bidding transactions. As of March 6, 2024, the company has repurchased a total of 3290,000 shares of the company through the share repurchase special account in the form of centralized bidding transactions, accounting for 0.58% of the company’s total share capital. So far, the company’s share repurchase plan has been implemented.

  Jiuan Medical: Accumulated repurchase of 15056236 shares

  On the evening of March 7, Jiuan Medical announced that on February 8, 2024, the company repurchased the company’s shares in a centralized bidding mode for the first time through the special securities account for share repurchase. As of March 7, 2024, the company repurchased a total of 15056,236 shares of the company’s shares in a centralized bidding transaction through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 3.08% of the company’s total share capital.

  Jinling Sports: General Manager plans to increase holdings 10 million yuan – 20 million yuan

  On March 7, Jinling Sports announced that Li Jiangang, the general manager of the company, plans to increase the company’s shares, and the total amount of the proposed increase is not less than 10 million yuan, not higher than 20 million yuan.

  Copyright Daily Economic News

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical: Signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Shenzhen Unknown Jun

  On March 7, Luoxin Pharmaceutical announced that the company signed the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with Shenzhen Unknown Jun. Shenzhen Unknown Jun and/or its affiliates will transfer their intestinal flora transplantation medical technology authorized companies and/or their affiliates to carry out exclusive commercialization cooperation within the scope of cooperation areas and channels agreed upon by both parties, including but not limited to distribution, sales, promotion, etc.

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical joins hands with Shenzhen Unknown Jun to further enrich the layout of the digestive tract

  On March 7, Luoxin Pharmaceutical announced that the company and Shenzhen Unknown Jun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Unknown Jun") signed a "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Unknown Jun will hold the intestinal flora transplantation (FMT) medical technology authorized company to carry out exclusive commercialization cooperation within the agreed cooperation area and channel scope between the two parties, and the two parties will establish a win-win strategic partnership on the basis of complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common development.

  Broad application prospects of microbiota transplantation

  It is understood that the intestinal microbiota is known as the "hidden organ" of the human body, which is the normal microorganism of the human intestine. By regulating the intestinal microecology, it can affect the health of the human body. The intestinal microbiota can not only become a drug but also serve as a new drug target. Therefore, the intestinal microbiota has great application prospects in the treatment of certain diseases. At present, intestinal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has gradually become one of the most cutting-edge and popular research fields in the industry. Intestinal microbiota transplantation is to transplant the functional microbiota in the intestines of healthy people into patients to rebuild a healthy intestinal microbiota, so as to restore the diversity of intestinal microbiota, improve the balance of intestinal microbiota, and achieve the treatment of intestinal and extraintestinal diseases.

  Shenzhen Unknown Junzheng, which has reached a cooperation with Luoxin Pharmaceutical this time, is currently the industry-leading AI + BT microbiome research and product development platform, and a leader in the domestic micro-ecology field. According to its official website, Shenzhen Unknown Junzheng has built a leading micro-ecological strain sample and data asset library, and created an international leading bioinformation analysis platform composed of four core platforms of AI drug discovery, algorithms, clinical analysis, and data/computing. It is worth mentioning that Shenzhen Unknown also has an industry-leading micro-ecological pipeline matrix, many of which are first-in-class, and have completed the layout in the fields of cancer, nervous system, digestive system, immune system and other diseases, covering all mainstream drug forms such as formula bacteria, genetically engineered microorganisms, bacterial metabolites, and enterobacteria transplantation. The pipeline layout and promotion capabilities are world-leading, and it is the first (only) FMT/enterobacteria transplantation management system in Asia that meets FDA requirements.

  The barriers in the field of digestive system are profound, and the commercialization experience and advantages of established pharmaceutical companies are obvious

  As an established enterprise that has been deeply involved in the pharmaceutical industry for more than 30 years, Luoxin Pharmaceutical has long focused on the unmet clinical needs in the core disease fields such as digestion, respiration, and anti-tumor. It has listed more than 10 dosage forms, more than 150 varieties, and more than 300 product specifications, forming a rich and competitive product portfolio. The core products are in the leading position in the digestive system and respiratory system disease drug market. According to IQVIA2023 data, the company’s digestive system products, such as omeprazole enteric-coated capsules, rabeprazole sodium for injection, and lansoprazole for injection, rank first in the market share.

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical has been building a professional commercialization team since the second half of 2021, and has the management experience of localizing the sales system of multinational pharmaceutical companies and the commercialization experience of innovative drugs. It has realized that the core product of digestive system, Tegola raw tablets, has enabled thousands of doctors to quickly gain drug experience in the early stage of listing, and was included in the national medical insurance catalog at a reasonable price in the year it was approved. The following year, it was listed, and the new commercialization speed of hospital access reached 1,000 and sales doubled.

  Commercialization Blue Ocean Domestic policy support Cooperation Complementary advantages of both parties Deeply empowered

  It is understood that since the launch of the Human Microbiome Project in the United States in 2007, the development of micro-ecological medicine and microbial-related technologies has entered an accelerated stage, and a large number of microbial pharmaceutical star companies have emerged. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 50 global micro-ecological pharmaceutical companies, and multinational pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, Roche, Johnson & Johnson have also laid out micro-ecological pharmaceutical tracks. Intestinal microbiota transplantation research has grown rapidly since 2013, and has received more attention in recent years. There are more than 500 clinical trials related to enterobacteria transplantation registered internationally, involving indications including: pseudomembranous enteritis (Clostridium difficile infection), ulcerative colitis and many other diseases, with a large patient base. The public information on the domestic government website shows that "flora transplantation is becoming a new track in the field of biomedicine, and the global scale of the market segment is about 50 billion US dollars." The domestic micro-ecological pharmaceutical industry is in the stage of rapid start, and the future market space is extremely broad. Intestinal flora transplantation is expected to become the next flash point of the pharmaceutical industry. In 2023, the "National Medical Service Technical Specification (2023 Edition) " announced by the National Health Commission officially included "intestinal flora transplantation" in the technical specification to support the rapid development of the industry.

  At present, Luoxin Pharmaceutical’s digestive system field, whether it is the professionalism of the sales team or the department resources at the hospital end, has experienced the polishing and accumulation of time, and the commercialization ability is more advantageous. Shenzhen Unknown Jun is at the leading level in the field of intestinal flora transplantation (FMT) in terms of sample database, R & D capabilities and production processes. This cooperation is Luoxin Pharmaceutical’s always-keen insight and forward-looking layout to market demand. The revolutionary significance and clinical value of intestinal flora transplantation as a diagnosis and treatment method will be realized through the commercialization ability of Luoxin Pharmaceutical covering hospitals at all levels across the country and the precision enterobacteria transplantation solution independently developed by Shenzhen Unknown Jun, and jointly explore the domestic blue ocean market opportunities. (Qi Hening)

  Picture Note: Shenzhen Unknown Jun CMC Production Workshop

  Dike Co., Ltd.: An advanced packaging and testing equipment has been patented and has not yet been applied to production

  China Fortune Connect, March 7 – () announced that the company recently obtained a patent certificate issued by the State Intellectual Property Office, the patent name is an advanced packaging and testing equipment. The invention patent is the company’s technology research and development and technical reserves. The patent has not been applied to production and will not have a significant impact on the company’s near-term production and operation, but it will help the company to further improve the intellectual property protection system, give full play to the advantages of independent intellectual property rights, and form a continuous innovation mechanism to maintain the company’s technological leadership and enhance the company’s core competitiveness.

  Xintian Pharmaceutical: plans to purchase 85.12% equity of Huilun Pharmaceutical by issuing shares

  () Announcement that the company plans to purchase 85.12% of the shares of Huilun Pharmaceutical held by 88 shareholders of Huilun Pharmaceutical, including Dong Dalun, Dong Zhu and Hainan Qianyao, by issuing shares. After the completion of this transaction, Huilun Pharmaceutical will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the listed company.

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical joins hands with Shenzhen Unknown Jun to expand the field of intestinal flora transplantation

  On the evening of March 7, Luoxin Pharmaceutical announced that it had signed a "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with Shenzhen Unknown Jun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Unknown Jun"), and Shenzhen Unknown Jun would hold the intestinal flora transplantation (FMT) medical technology authorized company to carry out exclusive commercialization cooperation within the agreed cooperation areas and channels between the two parties.

  At present, intestinal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has gradually become one of the most cutting-edge and hot research areas in the industry. Intestinal microbiota transplantation is the transplantation of functional microbiota from healthy people’s intestines into patients to rebuild healthy intestinal microbiota, in order to restore intestinal microbiota diversity, improve intestinal microbiota balance, and achieve the treatment of intestinal and extraintestinal diseases.

  Shenzhen Unknown Junzheng, which has reached a cooperation with Luoxin Pharmaceutical this time, is currently the industry-leading AI + BT microbiome research and product development platform, and a leader in the domestic micro-ecology field. According to its official website, Unknown Junzheng has built a leading micro-ecological strain sample and data asset library, and created an international leading bioinformation analysis platform composed of four core platforms of AI drug discovery, algorithms, clinical analysis, and data/computing. It is worth mentioning that Unknown also has an industry-leading micro-ecological pipeline matrix, many of which are first-in-class, and have completed the layout in the fields of cancer, nervous system, digestive system, immune system and other diseases, covering all mainstream drug forms such as formula bacteria, genetically engineered microorganisms, bacterial metabolites, and intestinal bacteria transplantation. The pipeline layout and propulsion capabilities are world-leading.

  As an established enterprise that has been deeply involved in the pharmaceutical industry for more than 30 years, Luoxin Pharmaceutical has long focused on unmet clinical needs in core diseases such as digestion, respiration, and anti-tumor. It has listed more than 10 dosage forms, more than 150 varieties, and more than 300 product specifications, forming a rich and competitive product portfolio. The core products are in a leading position in the market for digestive and respiratory diseases. Since the second half of 2021, Luoxin Pharmaceutical has built a professional commercialization team. It has management experience in localization of sales systems of multinational pharmaceutical companies and commercialization experience in the landing of innovative drugs.

  Intestinal microbiota transplantation research has grown rapidly since 2013, and has received more attention in recent years. More than 500 clinical trials related to intestinal microbiota transplantation have been registered internationally. In 2023, the "National Medical Service Technical Specification (2023 Edition) " announced by the National Health and Health Commission officially included "intestinal microbiota transplantation" in the technical specification, supporting the rapid development of the industry.

  This cooperation is Luoxin Pharmaceutical has always maintained a keen insight into market demand and a forward-looking layout. The revolutionary significance and clinical value of intestinal flora transplantation as a diagnosis and treatment method are expected to be realized through the commercialization capabilities of Luoxin Pharmaceutical covering hospitals at all levels across the country and the precision enterobacteria transplantation solutions independently developed by Unknown Jun. (Nie Pin)

  Wall Nuclear Materials: 2 subsidiaries were re-identified as high-tech enterprises

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that the company’s holding subsidiary, Shanghai Kete New Materials joint stock company and Shanghai Changyuan Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. passed the re-identification of high-tech enterprises and recently received the "High-tech Enterprise Certificate".

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical and Shenzhen Unknown have reached a strategic cooperation

  On the evening of March 7, Luoxin Pharmaceutical announced that the joint stock company of Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group (hereinafter referred to as "the company") and Shenzhen Unknown Jun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Unknown Jun") signed the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Unknown Jun will hold the intestinal flora transplantation (FMT) medical technology authorized company to carry out exclusive commercial cooperation within the agreed cooperation area and channel scope, and the two sides will establish a win-win strategic partnership on the basis of complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common development.

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical said that the company has been focusing on the digestive field for a long time. This time, the company signed the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with Shenzhen Unknown Jun to reach a strategic cooperation on the commercialization of intestinal flora transplantation (FMT), which will help the company to further improve the strategic layout in the digestive field and enhance the company’s comprehensive competitiveness. This agreement is a framework document for the cooperation between the two parties. There are still uncertainties in the follow-up progress, and there are also uncertainties in the impact on the company’s current and future operating results. The signing and performance of this agreement will not affect the independence of the company’s business, and the company’s main business will not become dependent on the partners as a result of

  It is reported that Shenzhen Unknown Jun is currently the industry-leading AI + BT microbiome research and product development platform, and a leader in the domestic micro-ecology field. According to its official website, Shenzhen Unknown Jun has built a leading microecology strain sample and data asset library, and created an international leading bioinformation analysis platform composed of four core platforms of AI drug discovery, algorithms, clinical analysis, and data/computing.

  Chenzhan Optoelectronics: Accumulated repurchase of 2064,210 shares

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that from March 1 to March 7, 2024, the company repurchased 2064,210 shares of the company in a centralized bidding mode through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 1.26% of the company’s total share capital.

  Jiahe Intelligent: The first repurchase of 140,400 shares

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that on March 7, 2024, the company repurchased 140,400 shares of the company through a centralized auction transaction through a repurchase special securities account for the first time, accounting for 0.04% of the company’s current total share capital.

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical and Shenzhen Unknown Jun signed a "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" involving intestinal microbiota transplantation medical technology

  On the evening of March 7, Luoxin Pharmaceutical announced that on March 7, the company and Shenzhen Unknown Jun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Unknown Jun") signed a "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" in Shenzhen. Shenzhen Unknown Jun and/or its affiliates will transplant their intestinal flora into medical technology authorized companies and/or their affiliates to carry out exclusive commercialization cooperation within the agreed cooperation areas and channels, including but not limited to distribution, sales, promotion, etc. Both parties agreed to establish a win-win strategic partnership on the basis of complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common development.

  It is understood that the specific connotation of intestinal flora transplantation medical technology is to wrap fecal bacteria lyophilized powder or fecal bacteria particles in capsules and enter the human intestine by oral administration; or transplant fecal bacteria isolated from the feces of healthy people through nasal feeding, gastric tube insertion, and digestive endoscopic spraying into the intestine to restore the dynamic balance of intestinal flora, so as to achieve the purpose of treating various intestinal diseases caused by intestinal flora imbalance.

  Xintian Pharmaceutical plans to issue an additional 85.12% stake in Huilun Pharmaceutical, forming a dual-category industrial pattern of "traditional Chinese medicine-chemical medicine"

  Xintian Pharmaceutical announced that the company plans to purchase 85.12% of the equity of Huilun Pharmaceutical held by 88 shareholders of Shanghai Huilun Pharmaceutical joint stock company ("Huilun Pharmaceutical"), including Dong Dalun, Dong Zhu and Hainan Qianyao, by issuing shares. After the completion of this transaction, Huilun Pharmaceutical will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company. The price of the shares issued this time is 8.12 yuan/share. This transaction is expected to constitute a major asset restructuring.

  It is reported that Huilun Pharmaceutical’s main business is the research and development, production and sales of small molecule chemical drugs, and is committed to innovation and development in the fields of immune inflammation, anti-tumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, gynecology, andrology and other diseases. Through this transaction, the company will further extend its industrial layout to cutting-edge pharmaceutical fields such as small molecule chemical drugs, forming a dual-category industrial pattern of "traditional Chinese medicine-chemical drugs", realizing rich integration of product structure, further expansion of therapeutic fields and upgrading of future innovative drug pipelines, and accelerating the establishment of a leading comprehensive pharmaceutical enterprise.

  Oriental Seiko: No direct partnership with Nvidia

  () Issued an announcement of abnormal stock trading fluctuations. The company has recently noticed that some media have listed the company as a "robot + Nvidia" concept stock. Many relevant media reports mention Guangdong Jiateng Robot Automation Co., Ltd., a shareholding company of Oriental Seiko. Oriental Seiko takes "intelligent equipment manufacturing" as the strategic core, focuses on the direction of high-end intelligent equipment manufacturing, and its main business layout is in the two fields of "intelligent packaging equipment" and "water power equipment". As of now, Oriental Seiko has no direct cooperative relationship with Nvidia. Based on Oriental Seiko’s shareholding ratio of Jiateng Robotics and the accounting treatment of the investment in Oriental Seiko’s consolidated financial statements, the application of robots or AI-related technologies will not have a significant impact on the company’s operating results in the short term.

  Xintian Pharmaceutical plans to acquire 85.12% stake in Huilun Pharmaceutical and resume trading on March 8

  On the evening of March 7, Xintian Pharmaceutical announced that it plans to purchase the 85.12% equity of Huilun Pharmaceutical held by 88 shareholders of Shanghai Huilun Pharmaceutical joint stock company (hereinafter referred to as "Huilun Pharmaceutical"), including Dong Dalun, Dong Zhu and Hainan Qianyao, through the issuance of shares.

  According to the data, Huilun Pharmaceutical’s main business is the research and development, production and sales of small molecule chemical drugs, and is committed to innovation and development in the fields of immune inflammation, anti-tumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, gynecology, andrology and other diseases. Xintian Pharmaceutical said that after the completion of this transaction, the company will further extend its industrial layout to cutting-edge pharmaceutical fields such as small molecule chemical drugs, forming a dual-category industrial pattern of "traditional Chinese medicine-chemical drugs", realizing rich integration of product structure, further expansion of therapeutic fields and upgrading of future innovative drug pipelines, and relying on the integration with underlying assets to enhance the company’s Product Research & Development capabilities, market competitiveness, sustainable development capabilities and anti-risk capabilities, and accelerate the creation of a leading comprehensive pharmaceutical enterprise.

  In addition, Xintian Pharmaceutical said that after the company applied to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the company’s shares and convertible corporate bonds resumed trading since the market opened on March 8, and convertible corporate bonds resumed conversion on the same day.

  Huibo Yuntong: Plan to increase funding for big data and AI model research and development projects for enterprise application scenarios

  () announcement, the proposed increase in funding does not exceed 430 million yuan, for enterprise application scenarios for big data and AI model research and development projects, supplementary working capital.

  Huilu Ecology was 575,500 shares by Li Junhao, the son of Li Xiaoming, the actual controller

  () Announcement that Li Junhao, the son of Li Xiaoming, the actual controller of the company, increased his holdings of the company’s shares 575,500 shares on March 6, 2024.

  Huilu Ecology was 575,500 shares by Li Junhao, the son of Li Xiaoming, the actual controller

  Huilu Ecological Announcement, Li Junhao, the son of Li Xiaoming, the actual controller of the company, increased his holdings of the company’s shares 575,500 shares on March 6, 2024.

  Jiansheng Green Energy, a subsidiary of Wenke Holdings, plans to build a photovoltaic power station project

  () Announcement, the company’s holding subsidiary, Guangdong Jiansheng Green Energy Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: "Jiansheng Green Energy") intends to acquire 100% equity of Huizhou Lingdian New Energy Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: "Project Company"), with the project company as the main body to invest in the construction of rooftop distributed photovoltaic projects, with an estimated total installed capacity of about 7.38MW (subject to the actual installed capacity). The total investment of the project is estimated to be 2625.2 million yuan.

  This investment in the construction of a photovoltaic power station project is conducive to enhancing the company’s large-scale business advantages. Together with the company’s other independently developed and operated photovoltaic power stations under construction, the company can expand its coverage in the Pearl River Delta region, enhance the company’s overall competitiveness and product service level, and expand the company’s brand influence.

  Xintian Pharmaceutical’s shares resume trading, convertible bonds resume trading and share conversion

  Xintian Pharmaceutical announced that the company intends to purchase 85.12% of the equity of Huilun Pharmaceutical held by 88 shareholders of Shanghai Huilun Pharmaceutical joint stock company ("Huilun Pharmaceutical"), including Dong Dalun, Dong Zhu and Hainan Qianyao Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), by issuing shares ("this transaction"). Upon application, the company’s shares and convertible corporate bonds will be suspended from the opening of the market on February 23, 2024 to March 7, 2024 (Thursday).

  During the suspension period, the company signed the "Trading Framework Agreement" with 88 shareholders of Huilun Pharmaceutical, and has formed a preliminary trading intention. Upon application, the company’s shares and convertible corporate bonds will resume trading from the opening of the market on March 8, 2024 (Friday), and convertible corporate bonds will resume conversion on the same day.

  Huapengfei and Ririshun Supply Chain Signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement

  Huapengfei announced that in view of the fact that the company and Ririshun Supply Chain Technology joint stock company have their own resources and advantages in the supply chain field, and are committed to commercial cooperation in cross-border integrated logistics and seek common development, the two parties decided to establish a strategic partnership and sign the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement". On the premise of meeting the service experience and cost competitiveness of Ririshun Supply Chain, the company, as the cross-border logistics service team of Ririshun Supply Chain, is entrusted to undertake the cargo transportation tasks of Ririshun Supply Chain, including but not limited to cross-border trucking services, cross-border maritime transportation services, and cross-border railway transportation services. The company provides customized solutions for Ririshun Supply Chain to assist Ririshun Supply Chain in achieving cost reduction and efficiency increase.

  Zuoli Pharmaceutical: The company’s exclusive variety Lingze tablets are listed as the national second-level protected variety of traditional Chinese medicine

  Zuoli Pharmaceutical announced that recently, the company received the "Certificate of Traditional Chinese Medicine Protected Variety" issued by the State Drug Administration. The company’s exclusive variety Lingze Tablet is listed as the national second-level protected variety of traditional Chinese medicine, and the protection period is from March 1, 2024 to March 1, 2031. Lingze Tablet, as one of the important products of the Wuling series, is an exclusive innovative drug for the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia and the treatment of symptoms such as frequent nocturnal urination. It is a product of the National Basic Drug Catalog and a Class B product of the National Medical Insurance Catalog.

  The 16.7% shares held by Kunlun Investment, the controlling shareholder of Xiangxue Pharmaceutical, were frozen by the judiciary

  On the evening of March 7, () issued an announcement saying that recently, the company checked the system of the Shenzhen branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., and learned that part of the company’s shares held by the controlling shareholder Guangzhou Kunlun Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kunlun Investment") had been judicially frozen.

  The announcement shows that the total number of frozen shares held by Kunlun Investment is about 110 million shares, accounting for 73.91% of its shares and 16.7% of the company’s total share capital. As of the announcement date, Kunlun Investment has frozen about 149 million shares, accounting for 100% of its shares and 22.59% of its total share capital.

  Dongfang Seiko: The company does not control Jiateng robots and does not participate in the operation and management of Jiateng robots

  Dongfang Seiko announced that the company has recently noticed that some media have listed the company as a "robot + Nvidia" concept stock. Many relevant media reports mention Guangdong Jiateng Robot Automation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jiateng Robot"), a shareholding company of Dongfang Seiko. The company explains the relevant matters as follows:

  (1) Explanation of Dongfang Seiko’s investment in Jiateng Robot. In June 2014, Dongfang Seiko disclosed the "Announcement on Cash Subscription for 20% Equity of Guangdong Jiateng Robot Automation Co., Ltd." The company invested in Jiateng Robot in cash subscription to obtain 20% of its capital contribution, and the transaction consideration was 49.12 million yuan. Since June 2014, Dongfang Seiko has never made additional investment in Jiateng Robot. During this period, due to the introduction of new shareholders and the increase in registered capital of Jiateng Robot, as of now, Dongfang Seiko’s investment in Jiateng Robot is 19.8366%.

  (2) Dongfang Seiko’s explanation for not controlling Jiateng Robot and not participating in the operation and management of Jiateng Robot. According to the Company Law and enterprise accounting standards, Dongfang Seiko, as a minority shareholder, does not have the control of Jiateng Robot. Since the initial investment in Jiateng Robot, Dongfang Seiko has never included Jiateng Robot in the scope of consolidated statements, nor has it substantially participated in the operation and management of Jiateng Robot.

  (3) The impact of investing in Jiateng Robotics on the financial performance of Dongfang Seiko. Since the initial investment in Jiateng Robotics in June 2014, in the regular reports disclosed every year, Dongfang Seiko has strictly adhered to the relevant provisions of the enterprise accounting standards, recognized Jiateng Robotics as an "associate" for long-term equity investment, and recognized ROI in each reporting period using the equity method. Jiateng Robotics has not paid dividends from 2020 to 2023.

  (4) Explanation that Dongfang Seiko and Nvidia do not have a direct cooperative relationship. Dongfang Seiko takes "intelligent equipment manufacturing" as the strategic core, focuses on the direction of high-end intelligent equipment manufacturing, and is mainly engaged in the two fields of "intelligent packaging equipment" and "aquatic power equipment". As of now, Dongfang Seiko has no direct cooperative relationship with Nvidia. Based on Dongfang Seiko’s shareholding ratio for Jiateng Robotics and the accounting treatment of the investment in Dongfang Seiko’s consolidated financial statements, the application of robots or AI-related technologies will not have a significant impact on the company’s operating results in the short term.

  Shouhang Hi-Tech signed a procurement contract for the tower concentrating heat collection system of the solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project

  Shouhang Hi-Tech announced that recently, the company (the "seller") and China Energy Construction Group Northwest Electric Power Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. (the "buyer") signed the "Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project tower concentrating heat collection system procurement contract", the contract stipulates that the seller is the buyer Tangshan Haitai New Energy Technology joint stock company solar thermal + photovoltaic integrated project (tower concentrating heat collection system) to provide contract equipment and services, the total contract amount (tax included) 428,718,280.00 yuan.

  Liberal Arts Co., Ltd.: Holding subsidiary plans to invest in the construction of photovoltaic power station projects

  Wenke shares announced on the evening of March 7 that the holding subsidiary Guangdong Jiansheng Green Energy Co., Ltd. plans to acquire 100% equity of Huizhou Lingdian New Energy Co., Ltd., and invest in the construction of rooftop distributed photovoltaic projects with the project company as the main body. The total installed capacity is expected to be about 7.38MW. The total investment of the project is estimated to be 2625.2 million yuan.

  Huibo Yuntong: It is planned to raise no more than 432 million yuan for big data and AI model research and development projects for enterprise application scenarios

  Huibo Yuntong announced on the evening of March 7 that it intends to issue shares to specific objects, and the total amount of proceeds raised does not exceed 432 million yuan, which is used for big data and AI large model research and development projects for enterprise application scenarios and supplementary working capital.

  Shengxun shares: 244,400 shares were repurchased for the first time

  On the evening of March 7, () announced that on March 7, 2024, the company repurchased 244,400 shares of the company through a centralized bidding transaction through a special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 0.30% of the company’s current total share capital.

  Xintian Pharmaceutical plans to acquire 85.12% stake in Huilun Pharmaceutical and resume trading on the 8th

  Xintian Pharmaceutical announced that the company plans to purchase 85.12% of the equity of Huilun Pharmaceutical held by 88 Huilun Pharmaceutical shareholders including Dong Dalun, Dong Zhu and Hainan Qianyao by issuing shares. After the completion of this transaction, Huilun Pharmaceutical will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company. As of now, the audit and evaluation of the underlying assets of this transaction have not been completed, and the transaction price of the underlying assets of this transaction has not yet been determined. This transaction is expected to constitute a major asset restructuring. Huilun Pharmaceutical’s main business is the research and development, production and sales of small molecule chemical drugs, and is committed to innovative development in the fields of immuno-inflammation, anti-tumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, gynecological, andrology and other diseases. The company said that after the completion of this transaction, the company will further extend its industrial layout to frontier pharmaceutical fields such as small molecule chemical drugs, forming a dual-category industrial pattern of "traditional Chinese medicine-chemical drugs", and realize the rich integration of product structure, further expansion of the therapeutic field and the upgrade of future innovative drug pipelines. The company’s shares and convertible corporate bonds will resume trading from the opening of the market on March 8, 2024, and convertible corporate bonds will resume conversion on the same day.

  Huarong Chemical appointed Zhang Wei as the general manager of the company

  () Announcement: On March 7, 2024, the board of directors of the company deliberated and approved the "Proposal on the Appointment and Removal of Senior Managers of the Company". Tang Chong was removed as the general manager and continued to serve in the company. Zhang Wei was appointed as the general manager, and at the same time, Zhang Wei’s deputy general manager, CFO, and board secretary were removed. Cai Xiaoqin was appointed as the CFO and Li Si was appointed as the secretary of the board of directors.

  Teyi Pharmaceutical announced the annual rights distribution plan for 2023, and plans to pay 5 yuan for 10 to 4 shares

  () announced on March 8 that the company’s 2023 annual equity distribution plan is as follows: based on the total share capital 364.7389 million shares, a cash dividend of RMB 5.00 will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, a total of RMB 182 million will be distributed, and a capital provident fund will be transferred to all shareholders for every 10 shares.

  According to Special Pharmaceutical’s annual performance report for 2023, the company’s operating income was 1.067 billion yuan, an increase of 20.38% year-on-year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 253 million yuan, an increase of 42.07% year-on-year; basic earnings per share were 0.77 yuan, 0.57 yuan in the same period last year.

  Teyi Pharmaceutical Group joint stock company is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of proprietary Chinese medicines, chemical preparations and chemical raw materials. The company’s main products include cough treasure tablets, Ganmaoling granules, compound Houttuynia cordata tablets, pharyngitis tablets, Xuesaitong dispersible tablets, Ginkgo biloba dispersible tablets, Yixinshu granules, aluminum magnesium carbonate chewable tablets, Maple Polygonum Changweikang tablets, omeprazole enteric-coated capsules, roxithromycin capsules, etorubicin tablets, levofloxacin hydrochloride tablets, skin disease blood poison pills, Yikang Beisong cream, children’s cough syrup, children’s Kechuanling granules, Jinkui kidney gas tablets, etc. In addition, 27 medicines including Cough Treasure Tablets, Jinkui Shenqi Tablets, Erythromycin Enteric-coated Tablets and Erythromycin Tablets have been recognized as "Guangdong Province High-tech Products" by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology. The company’s special brand has been recognized as "Guangdong Province Famous Trademark" by the Guangdong Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the special brand has also been rated as "Guangdong Province Leading Brand in the Industry of Proprietary Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Pieces" by the Guangdong Provincial Pharmaceutical Industry Association.

  (Source: Flush iFinD)

  Pengdu agriculture and animal husbandry controlling shareholders acting in concert were judicially frozen 646 million shares

  () Announcement, the company recently received a notice from the company’s controlling shareholder, Shanghai Pengxin (Group) Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Pengxin Group"), the concerted action person of Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone Houkang Industrial Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Houkang Industrial"), that its holdings of 646 million shares of the company (10.13% of the company’s total share capital) were frozen by the judiciary.

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical and Shenzhen Unknown signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement

  Luoxin Pharmaceutical announced that the company and Shenzhen Unknown Jun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. signed the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" on March 7, 2024. Shenzhen Unknown Jun and/or its affiliates will transplant their intestinal flora into medical technology authorized companies and/or their affiliates to exclusively carry out commercialization cooperation within the scope of cooperation areas and channels agreed upon by both parties, including but not limited to distribution, sales, promotion, etc. Both parties agreed to establish a win-win strategic partnership on the basis of complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common development.

  Nenghui Technology terminates the implementation of the 2021 restricted stock incentive plan

  () Announcement, the board of directors and the board of supervisors of the company deliberated and approved the "Proposal on Terminating the Implementation of the 2021 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan and Repurchase, Cancellation and Voiding of Restricted Shares", and intends to decide to terminate the implementation of the incentive plan, and to repurchase and cancel all the first-class restricted stocks that have been granted but not yet lifted and all the second-class restricted stocks that have been granted but not yet vested, and the relevant supporting documents shall be terminated together.

  Lianke Technology announced the 2023 annual rights distribution plan, proposing to pay 5 yuan out of 10

  () announced on March 8 that the company’s 2023 annual equity distribution plan is as follows: Based on the total share capital 202.356 million shares, cash dividends of RMB 5.00 will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, and a total cash dividend of RMB 101 million will be distributed. No bonus shares will be sent, and no capital reserve will be converted into equity.

  According to the 2023 annual performance report released by Lianke Technology, the company’s operating income was 1.917 billion yuan, an increase of 4.45% year-on-year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 169 million yuan, an increase of 51.27% year-on-year; basic earnings per share were 0.88 yuan, 0.61 yuan in the same period last year.

  Shandong Lianke Technology joint stock company is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, production and sales of silica and carbon black. The silica products mainly include LK, LKHD and LKSIL series rubber industrial silica and non-rubber industrial silica; carbon black products mainly include N100, N200, N300, N400, N500, N600, N700 series and LK series rubber carbon black and special carbon black. The company’s silica and carbon black products have been certified by Pirelli Tire, Yokohama, Zhengxin Rubber, Cooper Tire, () and (), (), Aeolus Tire, Shuangxing Tire, Pulin Chengshan and other well-known tire and footwear companies in the world-renowned tire companies.

  (Source: Flush iFinD)

  Huarong Chemical announced the 2023 annual rights and interests distribution plan, proposing to send 2 yuan to 10

  Huarong Chemical announced on March 8 that the company’s 2023 annual equity distribution plan is as follows: Based on the total share capital 480 million shares, cash dividends of RMB 2.00 will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, and a total of RMB 96 million will be distributed. No bonus shares will be sent, and no capital reserve will be converted into equity.

  According to Huarong Chemical’s annual performance report for 2023, the company’s operating income was 1.059 billion yuan, down 6.67% year-on-year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 139 million yuan, an increase of 13.53% year-on-year; basic earnings per share were 0.29 yuan, 0.27 yuan in the same period last year.

  Huarong Chemical joint stock company is an advanced enterprise dedicated to the green recycling and comprehensive utilization of potassium hydroxide. The main products are high-quality potassium hydroxide. The company focuses on the development of electronic-grade, photovoltaic-grade, reagent-grade, food-grade fine potassium products and chlorine products around modern industries such as new fertilizers, high-end daily chemicals, food and medicine, new energy, and electronic information. The company has won the titles and awards of "National Advanced Collective of Petroleum and Chemical Industry", "Third Class of Science and Technology Progress Award", "Sichuan Province Oil and Gas Chemical Industry" Twelfth Five-Year "Development Advanced Unit", "Sichuan Famous Brand Product Title", "Sichuan Province Famous Trademark" and other titles and awards.

  (Source: Flush iFinD)

  Jujie Microfiber: The controlling shareholder plans to increase the company’s shares by 1,500 to 30 million yuan

  China Fortune Connect, March 7 – Jujie Microfiber announced that based on confidence in the company’s future development and recognition of long-term investment value, the company’s controlling shareholder Suzhou Jujie Investment Co., Ltd. plans to increase its holdings of the company’s shares within the next 6 months from the date of this announcement through the means allowed by the China Securities Supervision Commission and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange trading system (including but not limited to centralized bidding and block trading, etc.), with a total proposed increase of not less than 15 million yuan and not more than 30 million yuan.

  Xintian Pharmaceutical plans to purchase part of the equity of Huilun Pharmaceutical and resume trading on March 8

  Xintian Pharmaceutical announced on the evening of March 7 that it plans to purchase 85.12% of the equity of Huilun Pharmaceutical held by 88 Huilun Pharmaceutical shareholders including Dong Dalun, Dong Zhu and Hainan Qianyao by issuing shares. After the completion of this transaction, Huilun Pharmaceutical will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the listed company. This transaction does not involve raising supporting funds. At the same time, Xintian Pharmaceutical’s shares and convertible corporate bonds have resumed trading since the opening of the market on March 8, and convertible corporate bonds have resumed conversion on the same day.

  Focus on small molecule chemicals

  Before this transaction, Xintian Pharmaceutical’s main business was the research and development, production and sales of proprietary Chinese medicines. The product indications were mainly for gynecological and urinary diseases, and covered oral, mammary and thyroid, anti-cold, heat-clearing, blood supplementation, cardiovascular diseases, anti-tumor and other disease fields.

  In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, Xintian Pharmaceutical has 32 drug production batches, including 10 national medical insurance catalog varieties, 1 national essential drug catalog variety, 12 over-the-counter (OTC) varieties, and 12 exclusive varieties. The main product pipeline market such as gynecology and urinary system, and many main varieties have achieved a sales scale of over 100 million single products. Among them, Xintian Pharmaceutical has a leading clinical market position and industry position in the gynecological field.

  After years of traditional Chinese medicine industry marketing network construction and market mining, the current product market has covered more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, prescription drug products cover more than 12,000 hospitals above the county (district) level; OTC products cover more than 800 drug chain companies, nearly 100,000 stores, and established long-term and stable business relationships with the headquarters of nearly 500 domestic drug chain companies.

  The main business of the target company, Huilun Pharmaceutical, is the research and development, production and sales of small molecule chemical drugs, and is committed to innovation and development in the fields of immuno-inflammation, anti-tumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, gynecological, andrology and other diseases. After years of technical accumulation and business development, Huilun Pharmaceutical has approved a number of chemical drugs for listing. As of the signing date of the plan, Huilun Pharmaceutical has approved 12 varieties for listing, including 1 new improved drug and 3 first imitation drugs. The drug treatment fields cover immuno-inflammation, anti-tumor, gynecology, andrology, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, etc.

  Huilun Pharmaceutical’s exclusive product, Silvestrat Sodium for Injection, is mainly used to improve acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) accompanied by systemic inflammatory response syndrome. The product has obtained the qualification of accelerated review by the State Food and Drug Administration, and has obtained clinical approval through emergency review. It is also the first drug approved in China for the treatment of ALI and ARDS.

  In terms of performance, from 2022 to 2023, Huilun Pharmaceutical achieved revenue of 414 million yuan and 998 million yuan, and net profit was – 264 million yuan and 30.8325 million yuan.

  Constitutes a material asset reorganization

  According to the transaction plan, Xintian Pharmaceutical plans to purchase 85.12% of the equity of Huilun Pharmaceutical held by 88 Huilun Pharmaceutical shareholders including Dong Dalun, Dong Zhu and Hainan Qianyao by issuing shares. This transaction does not involve raising supporting funds. As of the signing date of the plan, Xintian Pharmaceutical has held 14.88% of the equity of Huilun Pharmaceutical; after the completion of this transaction, Huilun Pharmaceutical will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the listed company.

  The price of the shares issued this time is 8.12 yuan/share. As of the signing date of the plan, the audit and evaluation of the underlying assets of this transaction have not been completed, and the transaction price has not yet been determined. Judging from the unaudited financial data of the target company in 2023, this transaction is expected to constitute a major asset restructuring, but it will not lead to a change in the actual controller of the company.

  In addition, Dong Dalun, Dong Zhu, Hainan Qianyao, LIUZHENWANG, Huilun Yuyi, Huilun Feihe, Huilun Yunbai, Tianxiang Shengtai, Wang Jinhua, Wang Guangping, Wang Wenyi, Chen Yurong, Ji Weijia, Dong Dahua, Dong Daheng, and Yuan Ye are related parties of Xintian Pharmaceutical, and this transaction constitutes a related party transaction.

  Xintian Pharmaceutical said that after the completion of this transaction, the listed company will further enrich the product pipeline in the company’s specialty field, improve the product matrix, and provide patients with more comprehensive medication options, thereby improving the market coverage and influence of the listed company in the main drug field. At the same time, Xintian Pharmaceutical will integrate the marketing activities of both parties, deeply integrate in the fields of gynecology, andrology and other diseases, improve the efficiency of drug marketing activities in the same department, enrich the choice space of doctors, and simultaneously increase the layout of sales channels such as OTC and e-commerce, as well as sales coverage areas and coordinated development.

  At the same time, Xintian Pharmaceutical will further extend its industrial layout to cutting-edge pharmaceutical fields such as small molecule chemical drugs, forming a dual-category industrial pattern of "traditional Chinese medicine – chemical drugs", realizing rich integration of product structure, further expansion of treatment field and upgrading of future innovative drug pipelines, superimposing the synergy effect of clinical medical research and marketing activities with the products of the target company, further enhancing the clinical marketing capabilities of the company’s core products and the market competitiveness of product pipelines, accelerating the creation of a leading comprehensive pharmaceutical enterprise, and enhancing Xintian Pharmaceutical’s competitiveness in the pharmaceutical industry.

  Zhongbing Hongjian: Completion acceptance of some investment projects with proceeds raised

  () Announcement, the company’s wholly-owned subsidiary Shandong North Binhai Machinery Co., Ltd. (referred to as North Binhai) has completed all the construction content of the approval, and the acceptance team composed of relevant departments and experts has completed the on-site completion acceptance. The environmental protection, fire protection, safety facilities, occupational health, construction and safety engineering quality and project files of the project have passed the special project acceptance organized by the local competent department or construction unit according to the regulations and requirements in the early stage. Recently, the project received the approval of the relevant departments through the completion acceptance.

  Copyright Daily Economic News

  Three special ropeway: the company received a first instance court verdict involving 72.9764 million yuan

  () Announcement, recently, the company received the "Civil court verdict" of the People’s Court of Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Hubei Province ([2023] Hubei 0192 Minchu No. 3153). The subject matter of the lawsuit is 72.9764 million yuan. The first-instance judgment result: The defendant, Wuhan Sante Cableway Group Joint Stock Company, within 60 days from the effective date of the judgment, registered the change of the land use right under the WP National Use (2000) No. 150 and WP National Use (2000) No. 151 "State-owned Land Use Certificate" to the name of the third party, Wuhan Hanjintang Investment Co., Ltd.; rejected the other claims of the plaintiff, Hubei Heyuesheng Investment Co., Ltd.

  Zuoli Pharmaceutical: Lingze Tablets Received the "Certificate of Protected Varieties of Traditional Chinese Medicine"

  On March 7, Zuoli Pharmaceutical announced that Lingze tablets received the "Certificate of Protected Varieties of Traditional Chinese Medicine".

  Copyright Daily Economic News

  Continue to increase shareholder returns, Jianfan Bio promotes the implementation of the "Double Improvement of Quality Returns" action plan

  () An announcement on promoting the implementation of the "Double Improvement of Quality and Return" action plan was issued after the market close on March 7. In terms of operation, the company focuses on the main business of blood purification, increases investment in research and development, launches series of blood purification products, and builds a world-class high-tech medical technology enterprise group. In terms of returning shareholders, it actively distributes dividends and shares development results with shareholders, and enhances investor confidence through repurchase, increase holdings, etc.

  Data show that since its listing in 2016, the company has implemented a cash dividend plan for seven consecutive years, with a cumulative cash dividend of 2.642 billion yuan, which is 6.35 times the company’s net IPO raising of 416 million yuan and 1.87 times the company’s net financing (IPO and refinancing) since its listing. The proportion of the company’s cash dividends to net profit has increased from 41% in 2016 to 60% in 2022. The company also shares the company’s development results with investors through various forms of dividends such as "transfer of equity" and "share repurchase". In the future, the company will, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association and the Shareholder Dividend Return Plan for the Next Three Years (2023-2025), take into account the Strategy and Development Plan and Shareholder Return, and continue to increase the return to shareholders under the premise of ensuring the company’s business expansion, so as to create greater value for shareholders.

  In the secondary market, the company carried out share increase and repurchase to actively maintain market stability and enhance investor confidence. Dong Fan, the controlling shareholder and actual controller, chairperson and general manager of the company, increased his holdings by a total of 200 million yuan through centralized bidding transactions from January 20, 2022 to March 11, 2022. The company implemented two phases of the share repurchase plan of the company. The first phase of the share repurchase plan completed on November 12, 2021 had a total transaction amount of 500 million yuan, and the number of shares repurchased 8.8478 million shares, accounting for 1.10% of the company’s total share capital at that time. On July 17, 2023, the company launched the share repurchase plan of the company for the second time, using equity funds to repurchase the company’s shares in a centralized bidding mode of not less than 250 million yuan and not more than 500 million yuan. As of February 28, 2024, the company has repurchased 17.5827 million shares, accounting for 2.18% of the company’s total share capital, and the repurchase amount is 342 million yuan, which will continue to be implemented. So far, the company’s two-phase share repurchase plan has repurchased the company’s shares for a total of 842 million yuan, and the cumulative number of repurchased shares 2643.05 million, accounting for 3.27% of the company’s total share capital. The company has actively launched the share repurchase plan to effectively maintain market stability and boost investor confidence.

  Feneng Oriental: It plans to apply for a comprehensive exposure credit line of not more than 2.43 billion yuan to the Financial Institution Group within the next year

  China Fortune Connect, March 7 – () announcement said that according to the needs of production and operation, in order to reduce financing costs and improve the efficiency of capital use, the company (including wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries) plans to apply to banks, financial leasing companies and other Financial Institution Groups within the next year for a total amount of not more than RMB2.43 million in comprehensive exposure credit lines and handle corresponding loans, financial leasing, factoring and other businesses.

  Rifeng shares: In order to ensure the smooth construction and implementation of related projects, it plans to apply for a project loan from the bank with its own assets as collateral

  China Fortune Connect, March 7 – Rifeng announced that in order to ensure the smooth construction and implementation of the company’s "new energy and special equipment cable assembly project", the company plans to mortgage the state-owned construction land and its under-construction projects in Longchang Community, West District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province to the Zhongshan Branch of the Bank of Communications joint stock company, and add no more than 150 million yuan (exposure 150 million yuan) of bank credit and apply for project loans. The specific loan amount and term are subject to the final agreement signed with the bank. The company’s application for project loans from the bank with its own assets as collateral is to meet the capital needs of the company’s under-construction projects, which is conducive to the long-term sustainable development of the company.

  Funeng Oriental: plans to cancel its subsidiary Zhongshan Daewoo, which will help the company improve the efficiency of asset operation

  China Fortune Connect, March 7 – Funeng Oriental announced that the company intends to cancel its wholly-owned subsidiary Zhongshan Daewoo Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. This cancellation is conducive to the company’s further integration of resources, improvement of asset operation efficiency, and reduction of management costs. After the cancellation is completed, Zhongshan Daewoo will no longer be included in the company’s consolidated financial statements, which will not have a material impact on the company’s consolidated financial statements, nor will it have an adverse impact on the company’s overall business development and profitability.

  Double in 10 days! Big bull stocks urgently clarify

  On the evening of March 7, Dongfang Seiko, a bull stock with 8 daily trading limits in 10 days, issued an announcement of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading for the third time.

  This time, the company disclosed in detail the investment in Jiateng Robotics, whose current shareholding ratio is close to 20%. The company said that the application of robots or AI-related technologies will not have a significant impact on the company’s operating results in the short term, while continuing to emphasize that "there is no direct partnership with Nvidia".

  From the perspective of the transaction returns after the daily limit on March 7, the game of hot money in Dongfang Seiko is in full swing. There are many well-known hot money seats in the top five of buying and selling, and the net transaction is relatively close.

  Holding Jiateng Robot 19.84%

  On March 7, Dongfang Seiko rose by the daily limit again. In this way, the company’s closing price rose by a cumulative 20% for 3 consecutive trading days. According to the relevant regulations of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, this situation belongs to the abnormal fluctuation of stock trading. Since February 23, the company has harvested 8 daily limit in 10 days, and the cumulative increase in stock price has reached 100%.

  On the evening of March 7, the company released its third announcement of abnormal stock price fluctuations since the current round of gains.

  The announcement said that the company has recently noticed that some media have listed the company as a "robot + NVIDIA" concept stock, and many relevant media reports have mentioned Guangdong Jiateng Robot Automation Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jiateng Robot").

  The announcement shows that in June 2014, Dongfang Seiko invested in Jiateng Robot in cash subscription to obtain 20% of its investment ratio, and the transaction consideration was 49.12 million yuan. Since June 2014, Dongfang Seiko has never made additional investment in Jiateng Robot. During this period, due to the introduction of new shareholders and the increase in registered capital of Jiateng Robot, as of now, Dongfang Seiko’s investment ratio in Jiateng Robot is 19.8366%.

  The company said that since the initial investment in Jiateng Robot, Dongfang Seiko has never included Jiateng Robot in the scope of consolidated statements, nor has it substantially participated in the operation and management of Jiateng Robot. The company adopts the equity method to confirm the ROI of the investment in each reporting period, and the confirmed ROI in the past three years is 3.06 million yuan, 3.88 million yuan, 3.14 million yuan and – 1.78 million yuan respectively.

  The announcement said that as of now, Dongfang Seiko has no direct cooperation relationship with Nvidia. Based on Dongfang Seiko’s shareholding ratio for Jiateng Robot and the accounting treatment of the investment in Dongfang Seiko’s consolidated financial statements, the application of robots or AI-related technologies will not have a significant impact on the company’s operating results in the short term.

  Jiateng robot repeatedly sends "good"

  Although Dongfang Seiko has tried its best to downplay the influence of Jiateng Robotics and Nvidia, it has repeatedly released "good news" on official Weibo and other channels, and has been noticed by the market.

  According to its official website, Jiateng Robotics is a global enterprise headquartered in Shunde, China. It was established in 2002 and focuses on the research and development and manufacturing of mobile robot (AGV) bodies. It is the world’s leading provider of AGV robots and intelligent logistics warehousing systems. "Committed to promoting the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and the development of new quality productivity, to be the best AGV to help people around the world carry and run errands."

  On January 9, Jiateng Robot released a message on the official Weibo, based on years of long-term cooperation and deep consensus in the intelligent application field, NVIDIA, the global artificial intelligence leader, highly recognized Jiateng’s leading generative AI, and presented the application in a multi-scene and multi-modal display at the CES exhibition in the United States where intelligent innovation projects are gathered. In particular, the successful application of Jiateng’s generative AI on laser forklifts has depicted a vivid and magnificent vision for the promotion and popularization of thinking mobile robots in the industry, and has become a typical example of NVIDIA’s global artificial intelligence players at CES.

  On February 28, Jiateng Robot’s official Weibo account was again favorable, claiming that its Jiateng 8.5 cm ultra-thin fork arm omnidirectional unmanned stacking forklift conference was held in the studio of Guangdong Jiateng Robot Headquarters.

  From the dragon and tiger list on March 7, the short-term game of capital in Oriental Seiko does not seem to have ended. There are still many well-known hot money seats in the top five of buying and selling, including CITIC Securities Xi’an Suzaku Street Sales Department, East Asia Qianhai Securities Shenzhen Branch, etc. In addition, Shenzhen Stock Connect seats also participated.

  BYD applies for a patent for a hydraulic control system to prevent the load from shaking

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, the joint stock company applied for a project entitled "Hydraulic control system and its control method, and vehicle", public number CN117658019A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the present invention provides a hydraulic control system and a control method thereof, as well as a vehicle. The hydraulic control system includes an oil pump, a first oil cylinder connected to the oil pump, and a motor for driving the oil pump to supply oil to the first oil cylinder. The telescopic rod of the first oil cylinder is connected to the first load member. The hydraulic control system also includes a controller connected to the motor and a buffer switch connected to the controller. The controller is used to control the motor. The buffer switch is used to drive the first load member in the telescopic rod of the first oil cylinder. When moving in the extended direction to a preset stroke, a buffer signal is generated and sent to the controller; the controller controls the motor to reduce from the first speed to the second speed based on the buffer signal, so that the speed at which the telescopic rod of the first oil cylinder drives the first load member to move is reduced from the In the present invention, the controller controls the motor speed to decrease or even stop slowly based on the buffer signal, which can eliminate the impact caused by inertia when the first cylinder mechanically travels to the end, and prevent the first load member from shaking.

  BYD applies for patents related to sodium-ion batteries to provide over-discharge protection

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, BYD’s joint stock company applied for a project entitled "A sodium-ion battery positive electrode piece, sodium-ion battery and application", public number CN117673243A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that this application provides a sodium-ion battery positive electrode sheet, a sodium-ion battery, and applications. The sodium-ion battery positive electrode sheet includes an active material and an over-discharge protector, including an over-discharge protector of the chemical formula M.

  BYD applies for patents for anti-skid devices and rail vehicles to reduce wear on running wheels

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, the BYD joint stock company applied for a project called "anti-skid device and rail vehicle", public number CN117657223A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the present application discloses an anti-skid device and a rail vehicle. The rail vehicle is used to travel on a metal rail beam, and the anti-skid device includes a skid monitoring unit and an electromagnetic coil; the skid monitoring unit is used to monitor the skid of the rail vehicle; the electromagnetic coil is arranged facing the metal rail beam and is electrically connected to the skid monitoring unit. When the skid monitoring unit detects the skid of the rail vehicle, the voltage or current of the electromagnetic coil is increased, so that the magnetic force of the electromagnetic coil on the metal rail beam is increased. Therefore, during the running of the rail vehicle, the skid monitoring unit can monitor in real time whether the running wheels of the rail vehicle are slipping. When the skid monitoring unit detects the skid of the rail vehicle, the voltage or current of the electromagnetic coil is controlled to increase. In this way, the friction between the running wheels and the metal track beam can be increased to reduce the degree of skidding of the running wheels on the metal track beam, thereby reducing the wear of the running wheels.

  BYD applies for optical structure, end point shell and end point patent, patented technology can make pattern formation have three-dimensional effect

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, the BYD joint stock company applied for a project called "optical structure, end point shell and end point", public number CN117677087A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that this application provides an optical structure, an end point housing, and an end point. The optical structure includes a substrate layer, a pattern layer, and a microlens layer. The substrate layer includes opposing first and second surfaces. The pattern layer is arranged on the first surface of the substrate layer. The pattern layer includes a plurality of pattern units arranged in an array, and each pattern unit is part of a preset pattern. The microlens layer is arranged on the second surface of the substrate layer. The microlens layer includes a plurality of microlenses arranged in an array. Each microlens corresponds to a pattern unit, and each pattern unit is located within the projection of the corresponding microlens on the pattern layer. Wherein, the plurality of microlenses are used to cause the plurality of pattern units to form a preset pattern with a stereoscopic effect. The present application provides an optical structure, the end point of the housing and the end point, by each pattern unit in the pattern layer is provided as part of a predetermined pattern, so that a predetermined pattern having a stereoscopic effect can be formed by a plurality of microlenses.

  BYD applies for a battery preparation system patent to improve battery preparation efficiency

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, BYD’s joint stock company applied for a project entitled "Cell Preparation System, Cell Preparation Method, Laminated Cell and Battery", public number CN117673427A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the present invention provides a battery cell preparation system, a battery cell preparation method, a laminated battery cell and a battery. The battery cell preparation system includes a handling mechanism, a positioning member, a roller set for transporting the diaphragm, and a laminating stage disposed below the roller set. The diaphragm is partially laid on the laminating stage, and the diaphragm can be folded when the laminating stage is switched between the first laminating position and the second laminating position. The handling mechanism is used for transporting the first pole piece to the diaphragm above the laminating stage laminated in the first laminating position, and for transporting the second pole piece to the diaphragm above the laminating stage laminated in the second laminating position. The positioning member can be moved between the first auxiliary position and the second auxiliary position, and the positioning members located in either auxiliary position are bonded to the surface of the diaphragm facing away from the lamination stage from one side of the diaphragm in the width direction to the other side. It is used to fix the lamination stage relative to the lamination stage to support the diaphragm during the lamination position switching process of the lamination stage, and move to the corresponding auxiliary position when the lamination stage completes the lamination position switching and the diaphragm is laminated with a first pole piece or a second pole piece.

  BYD applied for a patent for the control method, system, storage medium and target controller of the logic section, which increased the flexibility of manual path selection and greatly improved the dispatching efficiency

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, BYD joint stock company applied for a "control method, system, storage medium and target controller of logical section", public number CN117657259A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the present disclosure relates to a control method, system, storage medium and target controller of a logical section. By acquiring a section control instruction triggered by a dispatcher through the automatic vehicle monitoring system ATS, the section control instruction includes the dispatcher. The ATS selects a target logical section from a plurality of preset logical sections, and the section control instruction is used to instruct the corresponding section path of the target logical section as an artificial path, or to instruct to cancel the section path as the artificial path. According to the section control instruction, section control is performed on the target logical section; the method can use the selected logical section as an artificial path, and no longer rely on the position of the signal to determine the manual path. In this way, the flexibility of manual path selection is increased, and the scheduling efficiency is greatly improved.

  BYD applies for a patent for bogies and rail vehicles, which can enhance the riding experience for those located inside the vehicle

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, BYD’s joint stock company applied for a project called "Bogies and Rail Vehicles", public number CN117657234A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that this application discloses a bogie and a rail vehicle. The bogie includes a shaft bridge, a first elastic member, a second elastic member, a first support frame and a second support frame; the lower ends of the two elastic members are connected to the shaft bridge; the first support frame is used to fix the vehicle body connected to the rail vehicle; the second support frame is connected to the upper ends of the two elastic members, and the second support frame is rotatably connected to the first support frame. Thereby, the first support frame is used for connecting to the vehicle body, the second support frame is connected to the upper ends of the two elastic members, the lower ends of the two elastic members are connected to the shaft bridge, and the first support frame is rotatably connected to the second support frame. In this way, when the rail vehicle provided with the bogie travels in the extending direction of the track beam, if there is a difference in the height position of the two running surfaces of the track beam, the vehicle body swings about the rotation axis of the first support frame and the second support frame, and the vehicle body swings with less freedom, which can improve the riding experience of the person located in the vehicle body.

  BYD applies for an information processing patent to achieve the effect of non-sensory parking for vehicles

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, the BYD joint stock company applied for an application entitled "Information Processing Method, Server, Parking Method, Parking System and Vehicle", public number CN117671989A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the present application relates to an information processing method, which is applied to a server, comprising: acquiring parking information of a plurality of vehicles, wherein the parking information of each vehicle includes the vehicle position and the vehicle attitude of the vehicle parking; determining the parking position and the direction of the parking space based on the parking information; determining the usable parking space based on the parking position and the direction of the parking space; obtaining a parking space map including the usable parking space according to the available parking space. Through the information processing method applied to the server by the present application, it is possible to expand the search range of the parking space, and recommend a parking space with a high confidence level for the vehicle, thereby realizing the non-sensory parking effect of the vehicle. The present application also provides a vehicle, an information processing method applied to the vehicle, a parking system and a parking method applied to the parking system.

  BYD patented identification method for display devices to improve system start-up efficiency

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, the BYD joint stock company applied for a "identification method, device, medium, display system and vehicle of display equipment", public number CN117676157A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the present disclosure relates to an identification method, device, medium, display system and vehicle of a display device to improve system start-up efficiency. Applied to a controller, the controller is connected to at least one display device, and each said display device is provided with a memory for storing a device code of the display device; the method comprises: establishing a communication connection with a target display device to be identified, and the target display device is one of the at least one display device; after the communication connection is successfully established, access the memory of the target display device through the target memory address to read the device code stored in the memory; determine the model of the target display device based on the read device code.

  BYD applies for a patent for rotary components to improve the safety and service life of rotary components

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, BYD’s joint stock company applied for a project entitled "Rotary components and motor components, electric assemblies and vehicles with them", public number CN117672662A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent summary shows that the present invention discloses a swirl assembly and a motor assembly, an electric motor assembly and a vehicle having the same, the swirl assembly comprising: a primary housing, the primary housing is provided with a primary winding; a secondary housing, one end surface of the secondary housing in the axial direction is directly opposite the primary housing, a secondary winding is provided in the secondary housing, and the secondary housing is facing away from the primary housing. A first annular wall is formed on the other end surface, and a balance hole is formed inside or on the surface of the first annular wall. The swirling component of the present invention fully considers the dynamic balance problem during the high-speed rotation of the secondary winding during the design process, and the balance hole on the secondary side casing can reduce the weight of the secondary side casing, so as to maintain the quality distribution of the secondary side casing. Uniformity, reduce the failure rate of the swirling component, and improve the safety and service life of the swirling component.

  () Apply for a patent for monodisperse magnetic nanoparticles and their preparation method, and prepare magnetic nanoparticles with basically the same morphology and controllable particle size

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, Guangzhou Da’an Gene joint stock company applied for a project called "a monodisperse magnetic nanoparticle and its preparation method", public number CN117658224A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the embodiment of the present application belongs to the technical field of magnetic nanomaterials, and relates to a monodisperse magnetic nanoparticle and a preparation method thereof, including adding a weakly basic salt and polyethylene glycol to ethylene glycol, mixing uniformly to obtain A liquid; dissolving a soluble iron salt in ethylene glycol to obtain B liquid; mixing A liquid and B liquid and performing ultrasonic operation to obtain a precursor liquid; heating the precursor liquid, cooling the reaction product to room temperature, pouring out the supernatant to obtain the reaction product; washing and drying the reaction product to obtain the magnetic nanoparticle. The present application can achieve the purpose of regulating the particle size of the product, and preparing the magnetic nanoparticle with a substantially uniform morphology and controllable particle size. At the same time, the preparation method is simple and reliable, and mass production can be achieved.

  () Apply for a patent for a four-way valve and air conditioning equipment to solve the problem of refrigerant backflow in the refrigerant system, thereby improving the lifespan of the refrigerant circulation system

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, Zhejiang Dunan artificial environment joint stock company applied for a project called "four-way valve and air conditioning equipment", public number CN117662804A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the present application relates to the technical field of heat exchange, in particular to a four-way valve and air conditioning equipment. In particular, the four-way valve provided by the present application includes a first nozzle and a main valve body. The first nozzle is used to connect the exhaust port of the compressor. The main valve body is provided with a valve cavity, and the first nozzle is connected to the main valve body and connected to the valve cavity. The valve cavity is provided with a flow blocking structure. When the refrigerant flows from the first nozzle to the valve cavity, the refrigerant can push the flow blocking structure to move in a direction away from the first nozzle so that the first nozzle communicates with the valve cavity. When the refrigerant has a tendency to flow from the valve cavity to the first nozzle, the refrigerant can push the flow blocking structure to move in a direction close to the first nozzle to cut off the first nozzle and the valve The four-way valve provided herein solves the problem of refrigerant backflow in a refrigerant system, thereby increasing the life of the refrigerant circulation system.

  TCL Technology applies for a patent for the preparation method of side electrodes, which is conducive to the development of narrow-bezel or even bezel-less panels

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, the () group joint stock company applied for a project entitled "Side electrode preparation method, substrate with side electrode, electrode and display panel", public number CN117672963A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the present application discloses a method for preparing side electrodes, a substrate with side electrodes, electrodes, and a display panel. The side surface of the first substrate of the present application includes a transition surface, and the side surface is connected to the first surface through the transition surface. The transition surface includes at least one of a plane and a curved surface. In this way, the side electrode can be effectively prevented from falling off, and an adhesive layer is provided between the first substrate and the side electrode, which can improve the adhesion of the side electrode process, improve the yield, and facilitate the development of narrow-bezel or even bezel-free panels.

  BYD Semiconductor applies for an overcurrent protection circuit patent, which can avoid frequent circuit disconnection affecting the use of power devices

  According to the announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office, BYD Semiconductor joint stock company applied for an application entitled "An overcurrent protection circuit and a control method based on overcurrent protection circuit", public number CN117674788A, and the application date is August 2022.

  The patent abstract shows that the present invention provides an overcurrent protection circuit and a control method based on the overcurrent protection circuit. The overcurrent protection circuit includes a comparator and a signal modifier, and the output end of the comparator is connected to the input end of the signal modifier; the input end of the comparator is connected to the current output end of the switching component in the power device; and the output end of the signal modifier is connected to the switching control end of the switching component. Through the embodiment of the present invention, the overcurrent protection of the power device is realized by modifying the control signal of the switching component, without completely disconnecting the circuit and then manually resetting, avoiding frequent disconnection of the circuit affecting the use of the power device, and enabling All cases where the current is too large are treated with overcurrent protection, which avoids damage to the power device due to the absence of overcurrent protection treatment due to the presence of some cases where the current is too large.

Reveal the 3 major routines behind the legality of online car-hailing!

  [Pacific Automobile Network, Industry Channel] When Didi and Kuaidi were on sale in 2014, it was a loss to go out and not take a taxi. It would be really good to be a good driver, and there would be no such thing as cracking down on black cars. Speaking of big things in the world, we will be together for a long time, and it is more distressing to burn money, right? As a result, Didi Kuaidi merged in early 2015.

  At that time, I felt okay, because thanks to Uber’s timely entry into the competition, there were still a lot of coupons for the people who ate melons. With the development of the taxi business, Didi played a variety of tricks such as express cars, hitchhiking, and special cars. A large number of private cars were connected to the taxi platform, and taxis were indeed more convenient and fast. This period of brutal growth also exposed many problems. For example, if there were more people taking taxis in the morning and evening rush hour, would the city be more congested? A large number of drivers entered the platform, causing frequent passenger safety problems. In addition, it was particularly important to seize the territory of taxis. This period was also a period of high disputes between taxi drivers and taxi platforms.

Shijiazhuang taxi driver smashes foreign rental

  Can the old and new business forms sit in rows and share the fruits? Impossible! The government and taxi drivers say that your online car-hailing is a black car! We want to crack down on black cars! Didi Uber said that we are a sharing economy, and we are committed to mobilizing resources to solve travel difficulties. How on earth can we do this? The Ministry of Transportation has not officially issued a document. Online car-hailing has grown into giants while being beaten up. It is already a subconscious habit for most young people to go out and open Didi or Uber, and the market that has burned no less than 10 billion has been cultivated!

  Finally, on July 28, 2016, a day destined to be recorded in the history of taxis, the central government’s regulations on the management of online car-hailing were issued. The people who were supported by coupons praised it one after another, and it was a cheap taxi! Take a look at the picture below to feel it.

  However, 4 days later, Didi merged with Uber! Speaking of major events in the world, it must be combined for a long time, this is all a routine! After learning that Didi acquired Uber, the mood of the melon eaters was immediately different. Take a look at the picture below to feel it.

  Before discussing the issue of whether there will be cheap cars in the future, it is necessary to see the essence of the online car-hailing management method clearly. If you have the patience to read the official release of a "guiding opinion", a "temporary measure", and a "service specification", you will find that there are many routines, and the spring of online car-hailing is over!

  First, let’s take a look at the official tone set for online car-hailing, "Prioritize the development of urban public transportation and moderately develop taxis, according toHigh-quality service, differentiated managementThe principle of orderly development of online car-hailing ".

  Students pay attention, high quality and differentiation are the key points, especially from the perspective of the details, the requirements for online car-hailingBasically, it points to the existing special car.: "In-vehicle facility configuration and vehicle performance indicators should besignificantly higher thanLocal mainstream cruise taxis should provide Internet wireless access, mobile phone chargers, paper towels, etc. for passengers to use. "

  And online car-hailing "should not patrol to pick up customers, and should not set up unified cruise car dispatch service stations at airports, railway stations, etc., or pick up customers in places where waiting in line is implemented." After the online car-hailing was subordinated to the management of the local transportation authorities, the original taxi was in charge, but now it is also in charge of online car-hailing. Taxi companies can calm down, we are our own relatives!

  There were no bright spots in this taxi reform either, although it was mentioned that "all new taxi operating rights will be used free of charge" and "paid user fees will be gradually abolished". The amount of new additions was originally small, and there was no specified time limit for the gradual cancellation, which means nothing was said, especially when it comes to the issue of brother’s money, it is only mentioned as "equal association". Equal negotiation? According to the previous routine, the negotiation has to wait for the brothers to go on a collective strike, right? This is purely spiritual support for my brother.

Taxi money

  This time, the online ride-hailing management method is like a "black jade intermittent cream" for traditional taxis. It will not be replaced. Even if it is complained, it will continue to exist as a cruise taxi.

  This time, in addition to setting the tone and general norms, the specific management authority has been delegated to the local government, so the local government is the final speaker. It is expected that the policies of various places will require the following three major routines.

  Routine 1: Price control, is this the rhythm of price increases?

  Traditional taxis are priced by the government, and online car-hailing is no exception. "It shall not operate at a price lower than the cost to disrupt the normal market order." "Online car-hailing freight rates are subject to market-adjusted prices. The city people’s government believes thatExcept where it is necessary to implement the government-guided price"…"

  And the performance of online car-hailing stipulated by the government is significantly higher than that of taxis, which is bound to increase the cost of taxi-hailing. Especially after the merger of Didi and Uber, can the people who eat melons still care about the promotion as much as before?

  Although Didi officials have said that there will still be discounts, it is conceivable that areas with promotional incentives must be areas that need to expand, and the extent and scale of promotion will not be as good as before. After all, the government stipulates that the price must not be lower than the cost price to disrupt the market.

  Will the price increase? Didi and Uber have already completed a large-scale price increase between June and July. The cost of Didi Express per kilometer has increased from 1.5 yuan to 1.8 yuan, and the cost per minute has increased from 2 cents to 3 cents. Uber’s cost per kilometer has increased from 1.5 to 1.79, and the cost per minute has increased from 2.5 to 30 cents. With the fluctuation of oil prices and the increase in hardware costs, future price increases are really possible.

  In terms of price, it is impossible to get a cheap car. While providing fast and comfortable service, the price will also return to the cost line, which will be the new normal for online car-hailing prices!

  Routine 2: Quantity control restricts expansion

  Although national-level policies do not specify whether to implement quantity control on online car-hailing, it is conceivable that quantity control will definitely be standard.

  As for Wu, the Wuhan traffic control department said that according to the investigation situation, it is necessary to see whether the number needs to be controlled, and the number should be controlled. They said that the formulation of the plan is not blind, and a process of investigation is required to see how big the market demand is and how much online car-hailing needs to be put into consideration.

  Routine 3: Access control drives up administrative costs

  Online car-hailing platforms, online car-hailing, and online car-hailing drivers all need to apply for a license, which is natural, but specific to various places, "The city people’s government issues the" Online Booking Taxi Transportation Certificate "to online car-hailingIf otherwise stipulated, from its provisions

  "The specific standards and operating requirements of the vehicle shall be determined by the corresponding taxi administrative department…Determined according to the actual local situation". Combined with the actual local situation, for example, if the online car-hailing operation in Guangzhou is purchased uniformly, can it work? Obviously not satisfied!

  In general, the regulations on online car-hailing at the national level still respect market-oriented operation, but the authority delegated to local governments is very large, or is this itself a routine?

  All localities can have their own version of management, and they will be introduced before November 1. Is it to streamline administration, delegate power, or strictly govern? Is it to encourage innovation or maintain stability conservatively? In addition to the orientation of local governments, the power rent-seeking that may be brought about by various controls is also worthy of vigilance.

  What is this called? This is called God closing a door and then using it to clamp your brain.

  The sharing economy essentially improves resource utilization on the basis of mutual benefit. Uber is a typical representative of the sharing economy. It absorbs private cars to engage in online car-hailing services. But after the New Deal, can private cars be directly converted into special cars? The measures stipulate that "online car-hailing services shall not be provided in the name of private passenger car sharing."

  Therefore, the private car must change its operating nature, purchase the corresponding commercial insurance, obtain the corresponding license, and then meet certain requirements for the age and condition of the car, such as installing satellite positioning devices, emergency alarm devices, and not recording 12 points in the last three consecutive scoring cycles.

  Such a threshold will obviously repel a lot of original intention to do carpooling/ride-hailing private cars, and the original full-time network car owners, in view of the hard requirements of the vehicle, a number of economical private cars may be cleared.

  Since it is called the sharing economy, it is also an essential part to benefit drivers. At present, the share of drivers on the Didi platform is about 20%. Will the share be increased after the merger? Will the incentive be reduced? At present, Xi’an Didi drivers have revealed to the media that since August 4th, Didi has reduced the reward for all private car franchise drivers by 80%. It is expected that all rewards for private car franchise drivers will be cancelled next.

  As an ordinary person who has received Didi discounts, he belongs to a group that is more sensitive to taxi prices. He has never played the special car himself. Fortunately, the essence of poverty is not unique to me.

  According to a report by Peking University, from the characteristics of riders, young people and migrants are more likely to choose online car-hailing trips. This shows that online car-hailing is becoming an effective tool to ease the "travel difficulties" of people without (qiong) cars (ren). But the new online car-hailing clearly refers to high-end special cars. Do you have to honestly squeeze the bus and subway? Has the sharing economy gone to see Marx?


  For Youshi, online car-hailing is just a new form of taxi, and it needs to be controlled. Although the new policy takes care of the vested interests of traditional taxis and constrains online car-hailing, I am not worried about online car-hailing at all, because the new technology is unstoppable. Especially a local snake like Didi, with its size and influence, actually occupies a great advantage in the market competition.

  Taxi is just the first step. The unified Didi will become a huge transportation platform entrance in the future. On the basis of optimizing big data processing capabilities, it will be able to develop diverse services and achieve far more commercial value than it is now.

  It’s just that the monopolistic ride-hailing platform has become the strong party. Didi’s current valuation has reached 27 billion US dollars. In the face of such a huge business empire, drivers and passengers have no bargaining power at all. As a result, the share of the national market, similar to molecular money, makes the ride-hailing platform actually become another kind of taxi. In the short term, the various hardware costs and administrative costs brought about by the game between the ride-hailing platform and the local government will naturally be passed on to consumers. So, the next question is – do I want to buy a bicycle or a battery car?




Geely × Aerospace, satellite communication technology takes the lead in "getting on the bus"

With the continuous breakthrough of science and technology, the era of satellite communication has been gradually unveiled.

At 7:37 on February 3, 2024, the second orbital plane of the Geely Future Travel Constellation was successfully launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in a one-shot 11-star manner, setting a new record for the number of satellites launched at the launch site.

According to public information, Geely Future Travel Constellation is the world’s first commercial communication, navigation and remote sensing integrated constellation built by Spacetime Daoyu. The first orbital plane of its predecessor has successfully completed a series of work such as satellite mass production, orbital plane-level deployment, constellation-level measurement and control, and application testing; now the second orbital plane has also been successfully launched. In the future, Spacetime Daoyu will empower the "ground" with "aerospace" to provide high-reliability and low-cost application services in satellite communication, autonomous driving, and intelligent networking.

Communication technology welcomes key breakthroughs

"In the past 30 years, every technological iteration in the information and communication industry has brought about changes in lifestyle. But in fact, from 2G, 3G, 4G to the current 5G, about 70% of the space on our planet is still not covered by ground network signals. The integration of heaven and earth has brought more imagination to intelligent network connection and autonomous driving in the continuous iteration of the information and communication industry from 5G to 6G." Wang Yang, CEO and chief systems engineering expert of TikTok, once said why he wants to enter satellite communication technology.

As Wang Yang said, the field of communication has undergone tremendous changes in recent years, but the exploration of communication technology is still accelerating. According to MIIT’s previous disclosure, China will accelerate the development and innovation of 6G technology and achieve commercial use around 2030.

There is a core technology that needs to be overcome between the current 5G and 6G applications – the "heaven and earth integrated" communication network. When the satellite Internet and the ground communication network are fully integrated determines when we can truly enter the 6G era.

In order to promote the rapid development of satellite communication technology, on April 20, 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission listed satellite Internet as a "new infrastructure" for the first time, and the prelude to the "Star Age" of big communication began.

In the face of new trends, Geely Group’s commercial aerospace technology enterprise Spacetime Daoyu began to independently develop the "Geely Future Travel Constellation" satellite, striving to achieve centimeter-level high-precision positioning, including autonomous driving navigation, broadband Internet access and other services, through satellite communication to change the car life.

On June 2, 2022, Geely Holding Group successfully launched the first batch of nine small satellites, all of which successfully entered the predetermined orbit. At that time, Geely said:The satellite project is a typical example of Geely’s "new infrastructure" investment. It not only provides infrastructure for Geely’s own integrated travel ecosystem, but also provides support for future travel, intelligent manufacturing, drone transportation, urban management and other fields, and builds a technological ecological chain advantage.

Wang Yang said: "Geely has changed from a simple car manufacturer to a comprehensive travel service provider. The satellite information and communication industry has actually spanned industrial production, consumer services and other fields. Geely’s layout in commercial aerospace, including a new generation of low-orbit satellite service networks, is an inevitable trend."

Satellite communication technology on board

It is worth noting that the current "Geely Future Travel Constellation" has been successfully implemented.

In September 2023, Time and Space Daoyu undertook the important task of "Asian Games Intelligent Guarantee", and successfully guaranteed the travel safety of nearly 2,000 officially designated vehicles of the Asian Games for a total of 36 days 7 × 24 hours a day. Finally, relying on high-precision positioning services, all vehicles are running stably online, and the driving routes cover the host city Hangzhou, as well as the five co-host cities of Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing and Jinhua. As of 24:00 on October 8, the accumulated guaranteed mileage is about 1.585 million kilometers.

On October 27, 2023, aerospace products were put into production for the first time at the vehicle level – Krypton officially released the pure electric hunting supercar Krypton 001 FR, which realized the on-board satellite communication function through cooperation with Spacetime Daoyu.

Through equipped with space-time Daoyu self-developed vehicle satellite communication end point – Ji Shi Xun ?, with vehicle satellite communication antenna and software services,In the absence of a terrestrial network or damage to the terrestrial network, users can make and receive satellite calls and send and receive satellite messages using the Krypton 001 FR vehicle system. In addition, in the event of a car collision, excessive carbon dioxide concentration in the vehicle, or thermal runaway of the battery, the vehicle can achieve autonomous alarms through satellites, which greatly enhances the driving safety of the vehicle.

In addition, Spacetime Daoyu also took the lead in the establishment of vehicle-mounted satellite Internet industry standards, led the completion of the first domestic research project for the construction of vehicle-mounted satellite communication industry standards, and joined forces with polar krypton and other partners to complete the "General Specification for Satellite Communication Vehicle End Point" standard project, "Consumer End Point Technical Requirements and Test Methods to Support Low-Orbit Satellites" standard exposure draft, which promoted the standardization and standardization of the industry.

Based on the current achievements, Space-Time Daoyu will complete the deployment of 72 satellites in the first phase of the constellation within two years to achieve global real-time data communication services; the second phase will expand to 168 satellites to achieve global centimeter-level high-precision positioning services… Through the deep integration of aerospace technology and new energy technologies, Space-Time Daoyu will continue to explore the highly coordinated development of the commercial aerospace industry and the intelligent pure electric vehicle industry, using automobiles as anchors to find new blue oceans.

Securities Supervision Commission maximum penalty Hengda real estate actual controller Xu Jiayin

On May 31, the Securities Supervision Commission said that it had recently made an administrative penalty decision on Hengda Real Estate’s bond fraud issuance and information disclosure violations according to law, ordered Hengda Real Estate to correct, gave a warning and fined 4.175 billion yuan, and imposed a top fine of 47 million yuan on the then chairperson and actual controller of Hengda Real Estate.

This time, the Securities Supervision Commission punished Hengda Real Estate’s fraudulent issuance of bonds according to 20% of the proceeds raised, and imposed a maximum fine on its information disclosure violations. This is the strictest measure since the unified law enforcement of the bond market. It not only punishes financial fraud severely according to the law, but also fully considers the scale of Hengda Real Estate bonds and the overall work of "guaranteeing the delivery of housing", and insists on the unity of political, social and legal effects. At the same time, the Securities Supervision Commission is promoting the investigation of relevant intermediaries.

Inflated revenue and profits, inExchange market fraud

The Securities Supervision Commission found that from 2019 to 2020, Evergrande Real Estate inflated its income and profits by recognizing its income in advance, resulting in fraudulent issuance of bonds publicly issued in the exchange market, and the relevant annual reports disclosed contained false records. At the same time, Evergrande Real Estate also failed to disclose regular reports on time, failed to disclose major litigation and arbitration as required, and failed to disclose due debts as required.

Securities Supervision Commission administrative penalty decision shows that the punishment involves Xu Jiayin and many other Hengda real estate executives at that time.

In terms of the amount involved, the penalty decision found that in 2019 Hengda Real Estate implemented financial fraud by confirming income in advance, and the false income was 2139.89 billion yuan, accounting for 50.14% of the current operating income, corresponding to the false cost of 173.267 billion yuan, false profit 40.722 billion yuan, accounting for 63.31% of the total profit of the current period.

In 2020, the inflated income was 350.157 billion yuan, accounting for 78.54% of the current operating income, corresponding to 2988.68 billion yuan of inflated costs and 51.289 billion yuan of inflated profits, accounting for 86.88% of the current total profit.

Due to the fact that the relevant data of the 2019 and 2020 annual reports with false records were quoted in the issuance documents announced during the issuance of the above bonds, Evergrande Real Estate fraudulently issued 20.80 billion yuan of bonds from May 2020 to April 2021.

In addition, Evergrande Real Estate failed to disclose the 2021 annual report, 2022 interim report and 2022 annual report on schedule, failed to disclose the situation of major litigation and arbitration as required, and failed to disclose the situation of failing to pay off due debts as required.

The penalty decision shows that as of August 31, 2023, Hengda Real Estate has not disclosed a total of 1533 major litigation and arbitration matters (the amount involved 50 million or more) in a timely manner as required since January 1, 2020, and the amount involved is 431.259 billion yuan.

As of August 31, 2023, Hengda Real Estate has failed to pay off 2,983 maturing debts in a timely manner since January 1, 2021, involving an amount of 2785.31 billion yuan.

Hengda Real Estate’s financial fraud is integratedtransformadvance, Xu Jiayin is to blame

In terms of wording, the punishment decision used terms such as "the means were particularly bad and the circumstances were particularly serious" for Xu Jiayin, the then chairperson. In view of Xu Jiayin’s decision and organization of financial fraud, the means were particularly bad and the circumstances were particularly serious. In accordance with the "Securities Law" and other relevant provisions, Xu Jiayin was banned from the securities market for life.

The Securities Supervision Commission stated that the evidence in the case is sufficient to prove that Xu Jiayin, as the chairperson and actual controller of Evergrande Real Estate, arranged and organized financial fraud, such as asking for the adjusted income level of operating indicators and deciding what index data to use. These related matters are all important components of the financial fraud process, which directly led to the illegal acts of fraudulent issuance and false records in Evergrande Real Estate. Accordingly, the Securities Supervision Commission determined that it made decisions and organized the implementation of financial fraud, and took responsibility for fraudulent issuance and false records in annual reports.

"In addition to failing to fulfill his duty of diligence as chairperson of Evergrande Real Estate, Xu Jiayin used the control of the actual controller over the company to instruct relevant personnel to commit financial fraud," the penalty decision states.

The Securities Supervision Commission believes that the evidence in the case proves that the financial fraud of Hengda Real Estate is the cooperation of the relevant functional areas of business of the company, the company headquarters and the project company are promoted as a whole, and the means of fabricating important facts such as modifying and adjusting the delivery list of the year and modifying the delivery time of the Mingyuan system are taken. It involves a wide range and a large amount of fraud. These matters have obviously exceeded the scope of duties and performance procedures that the chairperson can organize and implement.

Hengda Real Estate Bond Fraudulent Issuance and False Records in Annual Reportsnot exceededstatute of limitations

Xu Jiayin stated in his defense opinion that Hengda Real Estate’s illegal behavior has exceeded the time limit for administrative punishment and should not be subject to administrative punishment, and the audit institution should be held responsible.

In this regard, the Securities Supervision Commission believes that the "Administrative Punishment Law" stipulates that if the illegal act is not discovered within two years, no administrative penalty will be imposed, unless the law provides otherwise. As long as the clues of the illegal act have entered the field of vision of the competent authority, the illegal act should be determined to be "discovered".

In August 2021, Hengda Real Estate risk broke out. In December 2021, relevant departments organized accounting firms to conduct an asset inventory special project audit of Hengda Group. In March 2022, the audit found that Hengda Real Estate was suspected of violations such as early recognition of income. Therefore, the illegal acts involved in the case were discovered by the competent authorities no later than March 2022.

Evergrande Real Estate disclosed its 2019 and 2020 annual reports in April 2020 and April 2021 respectively. At the same time, the issuance time of the five bonds of 20 Evergrande 02, 20 Evergrande 03, 20 Evergrande 04, 20 Evergrande 05, and 21 Evergrande 01 was not earlier than May 26, 2020, and the time of discovery was not more than 2 years from March 2022. The responsible personnel in this case participated in the preparation of false data and reports or signed the corresponding reports and documents, and did not exceed the 2-year time limit for administrative penalties.

In summary, Hengda Real Estate disclosed false records in the 2019 and 2020 annual reports and the illegal issuance of fraudulent bonds of public distribution companies are within the time limit for administrative penalties.

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter, Zhang Xiaochong, Editor, Chen Li, Proofreader, Lucy

The Dayao Technology Reconstruction and Expansion Project was completed and put into operation

   In May this year, the smart factory technology renovation and expansion project of Dayao Beverage with an annual output of 100,000 tons of carbonated beverages and fruit and vegetable juices was completed and put into operation. The project invested 16 million yuan to upgrade the existing carbonated beverage bottling production line and build an international standard aseptic cold filling PET production line. The project adopts energy-saving materials and environmentally friendly processes, pays attention to low energy consumption, low pollution and high energy utilization, and builds an automated, intelligent and digital production workshop, which realizes the effective polymerization of the whole packaging form and the whole industry chain.

  After the kiln technical transformation project is completed, a variety of products such as Orange Nuo, Li Ai, 0 sugar 0 calorie carbonated beverages will be added. The company will increase publicity and promotion efforts, covering more than 300,000 catering channels and distribution outlets in the three northeastern provinces one after another, to realize the full product operation, omni-channel marketing, and whole industry chain operation of "Jilin kiln". It is expected that the annual new sales revenue will be about 60 million yuan, and the tax will be about 4 million yuan, driving employment of 50 people. The construction of this project will further optimize the beverage processing industry chain in our city and inject strong momentum into the high-quality development of Siping’s industrial economy.

Didi Unified Hitch Service Hours: 20:00 to 5:00 am High number of sexual complaints

  On the evening of November 7, Didi, an online ride-hailing platform, announced that during the small-scale trial operation of Hitch, in order to ensure the safety of the trial product and service, the service time for all Hitch users will be adjusted to 5:00-20:00. That is, users will not be able to use Didi Hitch service after 8:00 pm.

  In the announcement, Didi said, "It is our principle to provide equal services to users. We should provide services uniformly or temporarily not provide services during the same time period. We have not considered this carefully and made mistakes in decision-making. We are very sorry."

  The previous day, Didi announced that Hitch would start trial operation in seven cities including Harbin and Beijing on November 20. What caused widespread controversy is that there are differences in the use time of male and female passengers in the trial operation plan of Didi Hitch. The service time for male passengers is 5:00-23:00, while for women it is 5:00-20:00, that is, after 8:00 pm, women cannot use Didi Hitch service.

  That evening, Didi President Liu Qing said on his personal Weibo, as a senior female white-collar worker, I also feel that the current ride product function is not very easy to use for female students; but in terms of safety, it is a practice run on thin ice.

  In the announcement on the evening of November 7, Didi said that after listening to the opinions and suggestions of all parties, it decided to adjust this rule, and the time for all Hitch users to provide services was adjusted to 5:00-20:00. Future product service rules will continue to be iterated and optimized.

  According to the data provided by Didi in the announcement, according to the statistics of past safety complaints of Hitch, the number of sexual complaints in the two time periods of 20:00-23:00 and 23:00-5:00 was 45% and 465% higher than that of 5:00-20:00, respectively.

  According to data released by the China Judicial Big Data Research Institute in 2018, night is also the peak time for criminal cases in the taxi and online car-hailing industry. In 2017, 52 cases of taxi driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 30% of the overall crime cases of taxi drivers. Nine cases of online car-hailing driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 50% of the overall crime cases of online car-hailing drivers.

  Therefore, Didi said, but based on the safety data mentioned above, it decided to choose a relatively conservative plan. (Reporter, Chen Yuxi)

  Attachment: Announcement of Didi Hitch on the evening of November 7

  Yesterday, we announced the plan for the trial operation of Hitch, one of which was about the night service rules for users (5-20 points for female users and 5-23 points for male users), which aroused discussion and criticism.

  Before the announcement of the plan, we did not discuss this rule with the public and did not fully listen to the opinions of all parties. At the same time, we apologize for the trouble caused to everyone due to poor consideration and improper communication.

  After listening to the opinions and suggestions of all parties, we decided to adjust this rule. During the small-scale trial operation of Hitch, in order to ensure the safety of the trial product and service to the greatest extent, the service time for all Hitch users is adjusted to 5:00-20:00. During the practice run (no information service fee), the product service rules may continue to be iteratively optimized, and there will be various inconveniences in use. Please understand and give us suggestions.

  Once again, I would like to express my sincere apologies for yesterday’s improper communication. Please believe in us and our safety efforts in the past year. Didi’s original intention is also to hope that all users and drivers can travel well and go home safely. But in the face of complex ride-hailing safety problems, we do have many areas that are not thoughtful and have no good policies at present. We will continue to improve in the days to come, constantly listen to opinions, and do our best to travel well.


  In addition, we would also like to share with you our thoughts on ride-hailing safety:

  In this trial operation plan, Hitch permanently logged off all sensitive information related to user privacy such as personalized avatar, gender, and long text evaluation; the owner of the joint ride needs to go through facial recognition, and both drivers and passengers need to check the information before getting on the bus. In the long-distance travel scenario, the number of face recognition times of the owner will be increased, the user will be reminded to set emergency contacts, and the itinerary will be automatically recorded. The user access link of Hitch has now realized full real names. The owner of Hitch and the driver of the express car need to carry out three-certificate verification, background screening and facial recognition, and the person who is discredited will not be able to register as the owner of Hitch.

  According to the statistics of past safety complaints from Hitch, we found that the number of sexual complaints in the two time periods of 20:00-23:00 and 23:00-5:00 was 45% and 465% higher than that in 5:00-20:00, respectively.

  According to the data released by the China Judicial Big Data Research Institute in 2018 *, in the taxi and online car-hailing industry, night is also the peak time for criminal cases. In 2017, 52 cases of taxi driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 30% of the overall crime cases of taxi drivers. Nine cases of online car-hailing driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 50% of the overall crime cases of online car-hailing drivers.

  We are well aware that too many rules will harm the shared experience of car owners and passengers, but the platform still needs to make every effort to guard against human uncertainties and do everything possible to keep safety risks out. Since the ride-sharing is a private car ride-sharing relationship, the owner and the passenger are mutual assistance and the car belongs to the owner’s private space. It is impossible to force the installation of camera equipment and regular offline Security Training for the owner like the express car. Feasible measures to improve night safety are limited.

  The trial operation time is adjusted to 5:00-20:00, which is definitely not the most perfect solution, but it is indeed a choice we made under various conditions. We have also considered adjusting it to 23:00 uniformly, but based on the safety data mentioned above, we still decided to choose a relatively conservative solution. Please understand.

  In addition, providing equal services to users is a principle we should abide by. We should provide services uniformly or temporarily not at the same time. We are very sorry for our poor consideration and wrong decision-making.

  Thank you to all the friends who have criticized, cared about, and helped Didi Hitch. We will carefully study everyone’s opinions and do our best to provide safe, economical, and smooth travel services.

  * Data source: "Special Report on Judicial Big Data on Crime in the Process of Online Car-hailing and Traditional Taxi Services", China Judicial Big Data Research Institute under the Supreme People’s Court, September 2018.