Expose Cai Xukun’s current situation!

Today, although Cai Xukun is temporarily unable to appear in China, his influence in overseas markets cannot be underestimated. His albums have sold more than 10 million copies on foreign platforms, which is enough to prove his strength and popularity on the music road. At the same time, his fans are also working hard to create more exposure opportunities for him and look forward to his early comeback in China.

Despite the ups and downs, Cai Xukun has always maintained his passion for art and his desire for success. He understands that in order to gain more support from fans, he must continue to work hard to create more excellent works. In addition, he is also actively engaged in public welfare, using his influence to help those in need and give back to society.

Looking back at Cai Xukun’s growth process, we can see the ups and downs and rebirth of a traffic star. His story tells us that in the ever-changing stage of the entertainment industry, stars need to be vigilant and constantly challenge themselves in order to gain a foothold in the highly competitive market. At the same time, the power of fans cannot be ignored. It is their support and encouragement that provides Cai Xukun with the strength to counterattack and rebirth.

All in all, Cai Xukun’s experience has provided valuable inspiration for celebrities in the entertainment industry. No matter what kind of difficulties they encounter, celebrities need to have firm beliefs and face them bravely. At the same time, cherish the support and trust of fans and repay their love with excellent works. Only in this way can they stand tall in the wave of the entertainment industry and realize their artistic dreams.

The movie channel 6.30 broadcasts "Artificial Intelligence" to explore the true meaning of emotion with AI.

Special feature of 1905 film network When artificial intelligence has a sense of autonomy, where will human beings go?In recent years, with the birth of powerful AI robots such as ChatGPT, a difficult problem has been invisibly thrown to human society. "When the development of science and technology makes robots have emotions, is this really a good thing?"

In the movieI, Robot.At the time of broadcasting, we once released such a short video about "the awakening of robot self-awareness", which caused a heated discussion among netizens.

This week, the film channel will broadcast another thought-provoking science fiction film, directed bySteven Allan SpielbergDirectedArtificial intelligenceThis movie is about a robot with human emotions. The film was released in the United States on June 29th, 2001, 22 years ago. Did Spielberg think that artificial intelligence would develop to this point in 22 years?

Love that spans thousands of years

Henry, an employee of a robot manufacturing company, and his wife adopted the first robot boy who was input into the emotional program.David.With getting along day by day, David seems to really become the son of the couple, but all the peace is broken with the return of their real son.

And David had to leave his "parents" because of the accident, and embarked on the road of seeking to become a "real person".Artificial intelligence with human emotions — — This sounds like a very dangerous existence, but David, as a robot in this movie, has an endless sad background.

Monica, David’s human mother, woke David up to make up for the vacancy in her heart because her own son was dying, made him a substitute for her own son, and abandoned David cruelly after her own son returned.

Henry, David’s human father, took David home only because he saw David as a gift to ease his wife’s pain.

After thousands of years, human beings have long since disappeared. When David was awakened by aliens, he still had only one thought: turn me into a real child and let me go back to my mother.

Ironically, human beings, who should have deeper feelings, seem to be as cold as robots in this movie, while robots, who should have been ruthless, have the most eternal feelings in this movie.

After watching the movie, people may have such a question in their hearts: is the changeable emotion of human beings not even as good as the program piled up by numbers after all?

A movie, two directors.

The creative process of Artificial Intelligence is full of twists and turns.The original director of the film was not Spielberg, but the original inspiration of the film actually came from the famous movie master.Kubrick. This also makes the film "Artificial Intelligence" have the shadow of two film masters at the same time.

Spielberg (left), Kubrick (right)

Kubrick always loved a 1969 novel called "Super Toys Playing All Summer" and wanted to adapt it into a movie, so in 1985, Kubrick asked his old friend Steven Allan Spielberg to be the producer together with Jane Harlan.

However, because no suitable child star could play the role of "David" at that time, and the computer technology was not mature enough to create the image of CG "David", Kubrick temporarily shelved the film.

In 1999, the 71-year-old great director died of a heart attack, and Artificial Intelligence became his unfinished last wish.

At the entreaties of Harlan and Kubrick’s wife, Steven Allan Spielberg decided to be the film director himself. He said:"In the 1980s, I learned this unforgettable wonderful story from Kubrick, and I was deeply attracted by the ingenious integration of science and humanity. Let me tell this story for him after the Sri Lankan has gone away."

Most of the filming of this film was done in Warner Studio in California, which took 67 days.The most popular actor in the film is undoubtedly haley joel osment, who plays David.

His screen debut was playing Forrest Gump’s son in a famous film in the history of the world. In 1999, he won eight nominations, including the Academy Award and the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Forrest Gump (I), The Sixth Sense (II)

As a talented child star, haley joel osment’s acting skills in movies are naturally remarkable. He interprets David’s stubborn pursuit of maternal love in detail and brings strong empathy to the audience.

Play David’s friend in need — — Robot Joe’s actor also contributed wonderful acting skills in the film. With perfect body expression and handsome appearance, it seems that Jude Law is really the charming robot dancer in the film.

During the filming process, the film also encountered many difficulties, the most serious of which was how to present the teddy bear that always followed David.

Teddy bear is a complex combination of model and digital technology, and it is necessary to seamlessly integrate computer images and real images for its shooting.

This seemingly unremarkable teddy bear is actually equipped with 50 servo motors, 24 of which are located in the head, which can be used by special effects technicians to control complex facial movements. The seemingly light and portable teddy bear weighs 30 pounds.

Even Haley Joe osmond said when he saw the teddy bear, "It is really a super toy, because under the action of various motors in the body, it can not only swing its body, nose and ears, but also catch objects. I really almost believed it."

Artificial Intelligence Films in Film History

The initial birth of robot image in the world film history can be traced back to 96 years ago.In 1927, the filmMetropolisBecame the first film in the world.In personThe film of industrial intelligence is also the most expensive silent film in film history.

The original director of Artificial Intelligence mentioned above — — The film directed by movie master in 1968 is regarded as "the milestone of modern science fiction film technology".

Hal, the AI program that produces human emotions and kills human beings in the movie, made many people realize the horror of highly evolved artificial intelligence at that moment.

In 1982, according to the famous science fiction writer Philip K. Dick’s novel "Do bionic people dream of electronic sheep? The film adapted from "The Replicator" is a group of robots created by artificial intelligence technology. The release of this film has further aroused people’s thinking about the relationship between human beings and artificial intelligence.

In 1984, the film directed and starring came out, and Schwarzenegger’s permeability terminator T-800 with human face and skin became one of the most famous robot images in film history.

Released in 1999, it tells a dream story about a robot falling in love with human beings and eventually becoming a human being. As a robot-themed movie, although there are no gorgeous special effects, the warm story expression of "Machine Butler" also impressed fans.

The movie "I, Robot", starring, which was released in 2004, has a chilling self-awareness of robots, and the fighting in the movie is also brilliant.

In 2014, the robot Dabai, the first animated film jointly produced by Disney and Marvel Comics, was popular all over the world because of its cute appearance, and the film also won the "Best Animated Feature Film" award at the 87th Oscar.

When robots have self-awareness and emotion, should we give them the same rights as human beings?If one day in the future, when you face a robot as close to human as David in Artificial Intelligence, how will you react?

The movie channel will broadcast the movie "Artificial Intelligence" on Friday, June 30th. Let’s explore the true meaning of emotion from the perspective of artificial intelligence.

Picturesque novel

Wisteria (Chinese painting) Wu Guanzhong is selected from the Chinese Art Palace (Shanghai Art Museum) "Chinese Scenery-Lin Fengmian and Wu Guanzhong Art Exhibition"

I read Wang Zengqi’s novel "The Apprentice", in which I wrote that the great grandfather of the fourth season was jealous of the people, and I thought of Mr. Wang himself.

Mr. Wang is famous for painting, and he also wants to be a painter. His father is a painter. He went to The National SouthWest Associated University at the age of 19. Mr. Wang once said that if he failed, he would go to the National College of Fine Arts. However, Mr. Wang has been admitted. If he fails, he will go to the Art College. Perhaps there will be another master in the history of modern painting in China.

The plot of The Appreciator is very simple, telling the story of a great painter and a fruit delivery vendor. It is also a story about a bosom friend. We all know that Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, one playing the piano and the other listening to the piano, performed a deep feeling of "high mountains and flowing water". Although Ye San is a fruit vendor, he knows Ji Xianmin and his paintings. Ji Xianmin’s paintings are never seen by people, but he can see them in Yuzryha. Ye San’s appreciation of his paintings is what Ji Xianmin is proud of. Ji Jian-min painted the wrong lotus, and Ye San pointed it out, so Ji Jian-min repainted it and gave it to Ye San. Sometimes Ji Jian-min gave Ye San a painting without the title, and Yuzryha San could sell it. Ye San said, I won’t sell any of your paintings. Sure enough, after Ye San’s death, according to his will, his son buried all the paintings given by Ji Yumin.

Mr. Wang Zengqi knows Chinese painting. He wrote this novel to pay tribute to the literati paintings in China after the Song and Yuan Dynasties (he knew many painters in ancient China), and also devoted his understanding of China ink painting (including techniques) to the text. For example, Mr. Wang painted the ink lotus and wisteria, such as "there is wind in wisteria, and the flowers are messy". Mr. Wang himself painted many wisteria with this kind of messy flowers.

During his visit to Iowa, Mr. Wang gave a speech entitled "My Creative Career". When talking about the relationship between China’s literature and painting, he said that some people say that his novels are poetic novels, but he hopes that some people will say that his novels are picturesque novels.

This is really what Mr. Wang hopes, and it is also the case. Mr. Wang’s works are indeed full of painting meaning-China’s ink spirit, the art of blank space in Chinese painting.

He also visited some art galleries and museums in America. In the Boston Museum, he saw a Song Huizong’s copy of Zhang Xuan’s "Dao Lian Tu" and admired it immensely. He mentioned this painting in a conversation and said, "That thread is so long that I can’t wait to kowtow to it when I write it." In the novel, Mr. Wang used Zhang Daqian to write about the painting of Mohe lotus by Ji Yumin, saying that "the lotus leaves he painted are not hooked, and the lotus stalks are not pricked, and he likes to make them long, and the lotus stalks are very long, and they are all in one stroke." This is all Mr. Wang’s own experience.

Author: Subei

Text: Northern Jiangsu Picture: Wu Guanzhong Editor: Wu Dongkun Editor: Shu Ming

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