Taxi reform policy participation experts reveal the process of introducing new regulations

  Su Kui is the director of the Guangzhou Municipal Passenger Traffic Management Office and one of the policy makers involved in the whole process of this new taxi reform. Consistent with the figures reported by the Ministry of Transportation, he can’t remember how many meetings he held. "I have been in Beijing all the time and hardly returned to Guangzhou." Su Kui said that the formulation of the whole policy from the beginning of the parties’ differences to the final relatively rational consensus, it does take a certain amount of time. It also takes a certain amount of time from the beginning when everyone thinks that online car-hailing is good, to the fact that it can see its shortcomings. Compared with the "eight-year scrapping", "employment contract", "platform reporting" and other issues that the audience is generally concerned about, Su Kui said that although these are also the focus of discussion, they are not the most controversial topics. In the policy-making process, the most difficult thing is to consider the whole. "We must not only let the online car-hailing develop in a standardized environment, but also let it compete fairly with taxis.

  Whether private cars can enter online car-hailing is not the focus of controversy in the formulation of new regulations

  At yesterday’s press conference, Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming introduced that for the introduction of the new regulations, the Ministry of Transport has held dozens of seminars, demonstrations, consultations and seminars of different scopes and levels to widely listen to the opinions of all parties and repeatedly study and demonstrate.

  As the director of the Guangzhou Municipal Passenger Traffic Management Department, Su Kui participated in almost the whole process, including exchanges between industries and discussions between provincial and municipal authorities; there were voices from online car-hailing companies, as well as the views of ordinary citizens. Gradually form a clear understanding of the development of taxis and online car-hailing.

  During this period, issues such as private car operation, scrapping system, employment contract, reporting issues, and ride-hailing were all listed as topics for discussion. Some topics were also listed as special project topics for discussion.

  However, contrary to the imagination of many citizens, whether the private car, which has always been an awkward status, can operate has not become the focus of policy-making discussions. "How to enter the private car and what conditions need to be met are not particularly controversial. These need to be approved by the local government, and ultimately determined by the local government." And private cars can enter the online car-hailing platform thanks to a "new word" – "reservation rental". Su Kui explained that this is not a difficult development. Worldwide, reservation rental has existed for at least 30 years.

  The development of online car-hailing and fair competition

  How to balance is the most difficult part of the new regulations

  These "creations" are not difficult, and it is difficult to play a game of opinions from all parties. Su Kui has repeatedly emphasized that the most controversial thing is how to regulate the development of online car-hailing without restricting the development of online car-hailing? How to develop online car-hailing while ensuring a level playing field for online car-hailing and taxis.

  For example, 8-year scrapping is considering that if they are all scrapped for 8 years according to the rental operation, it is unfair to the less intensive online car-hailing. It may also push a large number of online car-hailing drivers out of the platform.

  For another example, in terms of the nature of the platform, it is clearly a transportation service, not an information matchmaker. This is the same as a taxi on the starting line, and it is consistent with the feelings of passengers. What passengers need is a taxi service, not a query to obtain a piece of information. If there is a safety problem, the platform as a transportation service provider needs to take responsibility.

  Whether it is the exposure draft issued last year or the new regulations that are finally difficult to introduce, the game and trade-off have always been the most difficult thing. "I am relieved that there is basically a relatively rational consensus now," Su Kui said.

  Give local governments enough space

  Overall, there is a supportive attitude towards ride-sharing

  Xu Kangming, a professor at Shanghai Sanyi Urban Planning and Design Co., Ltd., believes that the biggest highlight of the new regulations is that they leave enough space for local governments. Holding some bottom lines, local governments have a lot of room for maneuver in terms of scrap age, vehicle thresholds and prices.

  Su Kui agreed with this statement. When discussing almost any policy detail, he talked about the role that local governments should play in it.

  After the introduction of the new regulations, public opinion has seen the benefits for online ride-hailing companies such as Didi and Uber, but some people are concerned that the benefits for online ride-hailing are too good, and a large number of private cars may flood into the private car platform.

  Sukui admits that vehicles can be licensed and drivers no longer need to sign a fixed employment contract, which will indeed bring benefits, and does not rule out the possibility of a large increase in online car-hailing. But the final decision is up to the local government.

  Local governments have different requirements for vehicles and drivers, some loose and some strict, which will directly determine the number of online car-hailing. But local governments also need to meet the principles of differentiation and quality, and not all cars can enter the special car market.

  In terms of ride-sharing development, Su Kui believes that the Ministry of Transport as a whole supports ride-sharing, but it is also necessary to determine the specific content of ride-sharing according to the situation of local governments, and it is recommended that all localities introduce relevant policies simultaneously.

  Overall, although the Ministry of Transport has issued new regulations, the final decision rests with local governments.

  Final determination of market price

  Is to leave room for policy

  The new regulations will implement the government-guided price or market-adjusted price for online car-hailing, and clearly change it to the market price. On the one hand, there are opinions that the market price is a good practice to respect market laws, and on the other hand, there are opinions that the market price will allow the price to be controlled on the online car-hailing platform.

  Sometimes in bad weather, many online ride-hailing platforms implement a dynamic fare increase mechanism, which does meet the needs of citizens for taxi travel, but many citizens complain that prices have risen too much.

  Su Kui introduced that he does pay attention to this issue, but insisting on market prices is also a flexible approach that leaves enough room for local policies and allows the market to conduct trials and errors. Even if it is a market price, the government can take action, setting the highest price, the lowest price, and the room for fluctuation. For example, determine how much the minimum cannot be lower, to ensure that there will be no competition below the cost; the maximum cannot be higher than several times, and the guarantee cannot be sky-high. And even if there is no upper or lower limit, the market can be allowed to play a major regulatory role. If there is a problem, it is not too late for the government to intervene.

  Courtesy of Visual China

  Impact · Response

  Online car-hailing platforms have their own strategies for the new regulations


  The new regulations are the country’s affirmation and encouragement for the development of the sharing economy

  According to Didi Chuxing, the new regulations clarify the legal status of online car-hailing for the first time from the level of national regulations, which is a milestone for the stable and healthy development of our country’s transportation industry.

  The relevant person in charge of Didi believes that, compared with the exposure draft announced in October last year, the "Interim Measures" have adopted the opinions and suggestions of all sectors of society, experts and scholars and travel enterprises, and made many revisions and optimizations. On the basis of the license management of online car-hailing platforms, drivers and vehicles, the 8-year scrapping regulations have been cancelled, and they have been scrapped when the mileage reaches 600,000 kilometers, which is more in line with the new business model of the part-time-based online car-hailing economy. The "Interim Measures" also deleted the original quantity restriction clause, stipulating that the market will adjust the price in principle, giving the market, platforms and drivers greater autonomy, and affirming new travel methods such as ride-sharing and carpooling.

  Didi said it will standardize its operations and actively apply for relevant business licenses for online car-hailing platform companies. At the same time, it encourages the integrated development of the Internet and taxis.

  In addition, according to the new regulations, local governments have some discretion over the specific management standards and operating requirements of online car-hailing. "We sincerely hope that in the process of implementing central policies, local governments at all levels can encourage innovation, streamline administration and decentralize power, and create a good environment for the development of new business models."

  easy to get

  Adhere to the mid- to high-end business travel positioning

  The online car-hailing market is basically stable, and the introduction of new regulations restricts monopolistic behavior, pulling all platforms back to the same starting line. All platforms apply for qualification licenses under the same conditions, making the current market structure possible to restructure. All platforms need to "start again".

  The new regulations clarify the development orientation of "high-quality service and differentiated operation" of online car-hailing, and stipulate unfair competition behaviors such as low price and lower than cost price. Yidao has always adhered to the positioning of mid-to-high-end business travel, and insisted on forming a differentiated and complementary relationship with traditional cruise taxis in terms of vehicle models, target groups, and service quality.


  Continue to adhere to the B2C model of professional vehicles and drivers

  During the policy formulation process, the Ministry of Transport and other departments fully listened to the opinions, suggestions and development demands of all parties, including Shenzhou Special Car, reflecting the country’s development concept and ideas of encouraging innovation, openness and inclusiveness. The release of the document is of great significance for promoting the healthy and orderly development of the online car-hailing industry.

  Shenzhou Special Car will strictly follow the requirements of online car-hailing regulatory policies and continue to adhere to the B2C model of "professional vehicles, professional drivers" to provide customers with safer and better travel services.

  This group article/reporter of this newspaper, Liu

  Influence · People

  Brother who has been in the industry for 15 years turned into a special car driver

  On the morning of April 21 this year, Fang Guobao set off from his home in a black Camry, officially bid farewell to 15 years of taxi driver career, and turned around to become a Didi special car driver. 15 years of life cannot be easily changed by turning around. Despite reluctance, helplessness and even misunderstandings, Fang Guobao has not regretted his choice in the past three months. "My taxi life is not as good as day by day, I can’t change it, and it’s useless to complain. I can only adapt."


  Taxi revenue is gradually declining

  Fang Guobao, less than 40 years old this year, is already an old taxi driver who has been driving for 15 years. Since his father is a driving school coach, Fang Guobao has loved cars since he was a child. As soon as he was 18 years old, he took the driver’s license and dreamed of being a taxi driver. In order to pay a taxi deposit of 30,000 yuan, Fang Guobao roasted chicken chops on the roadside for a year, saved more than 20,000 yuan, and borrowed 10,000 yuan from relatives and friends to collect enough money. In 2002, Fang Guobao finally drove the dream taxi.

  Driving a taxi more than ten years ago, the income is already very high, and you can get about 5,000 yuan a month. In two years, Fang Guobao bought a house in Huairou.

  However, more than a decade has passed, and the income of taxi drivers has not increased significantly. A little over a year ago, Fang Guobao’s average monthly net income was around 8,000 yuan. A year later, with the rise of taxi-hailing software, Fang Guobao’s net income has dropped to around 6,000 yuan. Fang Guobao clearly feels that the taxi market is getting worse day by day. I didn’t expect that a small software installed on my mobile phone three years ago would bring such a big impact on my life.

  At the end of last year, Fang Guobao and his colleagues also went to Didi’s headquarters to report problems. They used to hate Didi for stealing business, but the reality is that the taxi environment has changed. He said that it is useless to complain, only to adapt.


  The increase in new job service standards

  On April 21 this year, Fang Guobao officially became a special car driver directly operated by Didi. Over the past three months, Fang Guobao has gradually adapted to the identity of a special car driver, and he has also felt the difference between a taxi driver and a special car driver, and the biggest difference is service. "In the past, driving a taxi was to treat yourself as a means of transportation, take the money to get you to your destination as soon as possible, and then go to the next job. To put it bluntly, it was to run more quickly, and the car drove more fiercely."

  After becoming a special car driver, there were a lot of hard and fast rules, which even made him feel a little annoying at first. Before leaving the car every day, he sent three photos, photos of his instrument, photos of the exterior of the car, and photos of the interior of the car. Only after passing can he start receiving orders. The car was equipped with mineral water, chargers, and umbrellas, and he tried his best to meet any requests from passengers. "When we wait for passengers, we all get off at the station in front of the door and open the door for passengers. If it rains, we will use umbrellas to pick up passengers." When picking up people at the station or airport, Fang Guobao parked the car in the parking lot, and then walked to the exit of the station to pick up passengers. When encountering passengers with a lot of luggage, he went upstairs to help passengers move. " Dealing with passengers is not a big deal, but service is reflected in these trivial things, which is different from taxis. Frankly speaking, I have never done these things when driving a taxi. "


  Services can be reflected in income

  In the beginning, Fang Guobao didn’t want to work because of these rules and regulations. Slowly, as he became familiar with Didi’s software rules and communicated with passengers, Fang Guobao gradually got used to it. Fang Guobao said that the constraints of these rules and regulations are reflected in income. The better the service, the more you earn. Simply put, if the service is done well and the passengers score high, the system will assign high-quality orders to drivers. If the service is not done well, the passengers score low, and there are only some small jobs that do not make money. "If my evaluation is good, the system will often assign me an order of one or two hundred yuan to the airport, which is easy without traffic jams, but if the evaluation is not good, it is a short-distance small job. Catching traffic jams will not make money at all."

  In the past three months, Fang Guobao’s income has increased compared to before due to the high evaluation of the other party’s national treasure by passengers. In May, he earned more than 9,000 yuan. According to the labor contract signed with the company, the higher the score of the driver, the more commission he can get.

  Fang Guobao said that when renting, no matter how good your service is, it is difficult to reflect in your income. "No matter how good my attitude is, I will not be able to work more because of this."


  Worried that it was illegal to drive a special car

  In the first 15 years, Fang Guobao did not rest for almost 365 days. Every day when he opened his eyes, he thought that one or two hundred yuan of money would be deducted. Every day, he thought of doing more work, leaving early and returning later. Now, the weekly limited number of Japanese Guobao can also take a day off. In the past three months, Fang Guobao has increasingly recognized the identity of the special car driver, but he still cannot ignore the reality that the special car is illegal.

  Just half a month ago, Fang Guobao was stopped by the law enforcement officers on his way to the airport. The incident happened suddenly, and Fang Guobao and the passengers were shocked in their hearts, and they were inevitably punished in the end. And every driver of a special car has a knot in their hearts during the past few years, fearing that they will be discovered by the law enforcement officers.

  As for taxis, Fang Guobao wants to say that this is an era of fair competition, and the monopoly situation in the past has been broken. The taxi industry should think about how to improve management and service levels and compete fairly with the special car market. Article/Reporter of this newspaper, Kuang Xiaoying

  Influence · Interpretation

  When will the new regulations come into effect in Beijing?

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that after the introduction of the new regulations of the Ministry of Transport yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing transportation authority has been organizing learning. But there is no time and details for the introduction of the policy.

  According to the current legal policy in Beijing, it is not legal for private cars without operating qualifications to connect to online car-hailing platforms. At present, only the first car-hailing operation model complies with the current legal framework and is considered an official car. According to the relevant person in charge of the first car-hailing car, the first car-hailing car will reach 5,000 vehicles in Beijing by the end of the year, meeting the high-end car demand of citizens in the Fifth Ring Road. However, in the near future, Beijing will make a statement on the development of taxis and online car-hailing.

  Will taxi prices become more expensive?

  According to the new regulations, it is impossible for the special cars and express cars that citizens are worried about to be expelled from the market. After the introduction of the taxi reform plan exposure draft last year, the relevant person in charge of Yidao Car once stated that a large number of cars do not meet the conditions, which will reduce the number of special cars and cause prices to rise. However, after the new regulations are revised, it will not be so difficult for vehicles to meet the conditions, and there will be no phenomenon of a large number of special car drivers "leaving", so the price will not change much.

  Zhao Zhen, vice president of the China Transportation Enterprise Management Association, believes that price is a matter of market positioning and a challenge to the management of operating companies. Different places will vary, and prices should vary according to different services and regions. Generally speaking, prices should be more reasonable.

  How to ensure the safety of passengers taking a taxi?

  According to the new regulations, the first is to pre-check access, through the qualification of enterprises, vehicles, and drivers, to pre-check the basic capabilities of safety services.

  The second is post-event operation supervision, requiring online ride-hailing platform companies to implement their main responsibilities and strengthen safety and service management during operation through information technology. At the same time, all localities should build and improve government supervision platforms to achieve information sharing with online ride-hailing service platforms, and strengthen supervision of business practices and the entire process of daily operations.

  The third is social credit evaluation. By building a credit system for operators and drivers and incorporating it into the national credit information sharing platform, conducting service quality assessments and promptly announcing them to the public, etc., to ensure passengers’ right to know and choose.

  In addition, the online car-hailing platform should carry out pre-job training and daily education on relevant laws and regulations, professional ethics, service standards, and safe operation, etc., to ensure that the drivers who provide services online are consistent with the drivers who actually provide services offline, and to report the relevant information of the driver to the taxi administrative department where the service is located to ensure the safety of passengers.

  How can passengers in accidents be compensated?

  The interim measures make it clear that online car-hailing platforms should purchase carrier liability insurance and other relevant insurance for passengers to fully protect the rights and interests of passengers. Beiqing Daily reporters learned that platforms such as Didi and Yidao have purchased relevant insurance for passengers.

  Compared with the previous regulations, the new regulations also specify the platform as the carrier more clearly. This means that in the event of a safety problem, the online car-hailing platform cannot say that it only provides information and pushes the responsibility to the driver, but needs to bear the corresponding compensation liability.

Six departments interview + local government intensive warning, where is the future of online car-hailing?

  CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazu) On November 11, six departments centralized "reminder interviews" with 8 online ride-hailing platform companies to remind and supervise the safety production, maintenance and stability of each enterprise. The reporter found that since the second half of this year, many traffic control departments across the country have issued risk warnings to online ride-hailing business services.

  Experts say that government departments’ interviews with online ride-hailing platforms and risk warnings can help guide enterprises to standardize their operations and focus competition on how to improve the safe travel experience of ordinary people, rather than seeking profit margins at the policy edge.

  Interview warning: online car-hailing is risky, so you need to be cautious when entering the market

  According to the news released by the Ministry of Transport on the centralized interview, since the second half of this year, there have been many new situations and new problems in the development of online car-hailing and ride-hailing markets, involving various aspects such as industry safety and stability, which have attracted extensive attention from all walks of life and the media. Based on this, before the interview, many transportation authorities across the country have issued business service risk warnings to enterprises and individuals engaged in online car-hailing.

  On June 11 this year, the Xi’an Taxi Administration Office reminded companies or individuals who are willing to engage in online car-hailing business to pay close attention to vehicle ownership to avoid conflicts and disputes or economic losses. In mid-October, the Xi’an Municipal Transportation Bureau also clearly stated that it is necessary to "prevent the online car-hailing market from being controlled by interest groups, break through the market boundary, over-dump vehicles, cause market competition to deteriorate, and ensure market supply and demand balance."

  Sanya City, Hainan Province, also issued a "warning" for online car-hailing on September 5, saying that some cooperative companies that join the online car-hailing platform have "rental purchase", affiliated operation, guarantee car purchase and other situations… It is very likely to cause unclear vehicle ownership, difficulties in rights protection in the process of canceling the contract, and joint and several liability in the event of business risks.

  In addition, Nanning, Sichuan, Suining, Mianyang, and Cangzhou, Hebei have also issued online car-hailing risk warnings this year, indicating that engaging in and riding online car-hailing pose certain risks.

  Case: "Purchasing by rent" makes drivers feel uneasy

  So, what are the risks of engaging in online car-hailing? The reporter found that in the risk warnings issued by these cities, the phenomenon of "rental purchasing" was highlighted. "Rental purchasing" means that the leasing company comes forward to buy the car with a loan from the bank and rents it to the driver. The driver repays the principal and interest to the bank for the leasing company. After the contract expires, the driver redeems the ownership of the vehicle from the leasing company. In fact, this model has great risks.

  In August this year, dozens of car owners were deceived by a trading company in Chengdu. According to local media reports in Chengdu, the dozens of drivers "bought" vehicles of different brands in the company to engage in online car-hailing services by "renting and purchasing". They paid a down payment and agreed on a monthly repayment amount. However, before the vehicle was transferred, the company boss suddenly lost contact and left the building empty.

  In July this year, a number of online car-hailing drivers in Changsha, Hunan reported that because their company had promised that the vehicle was "certified" and was a compliance car, more than 100 drivers signed contracts in the form of "rental purchase". But after more than half a year, due to illegal operation on the road without a license, many drivers were detained by the relevant departments and fined tens of thousands of yuan. They originally wanted to make real money, but they were brought into the scam.

  Master Zhang, who has been engaged in online car-hailing operations in Xi’an for two years, told reporters on the afternoon of November 12 that the phenomenon of "renting and purchasing" in the industry is very common. "This business is not as profitable as when the platform gave subsidies at the beginning. Xi’an’s requirements for online car-hailing are basically B-class cars, and few people who can afford it will work hard." Master Zhang said that many online car-hailing drivers are sports cars to earn money to pay off car loans. The owner is not himself, and the heart of running a car is not at ease.

  Expert: Don’t seek profit margins on the policy fringes

  Li Mingtao, dean of the China International E-commerce Center Research Institute, told CCTV that when online car-hailing first appeared, people regarded it as a representative of the "sharing economy". Through the matching of Internet platforms, idle vehicle resources can be optimized to meet the diverse travel needs of ordinary people. However, in actual operation, relying solely on the information matching of network platforms has indeed caused many safety hazards and bad cases involving safety.

  "The six departments’ recent interviews with online car-hailing companies are also mainly to prevent online car-hailing companies from relaxing the control of the entry threshold for online car-hailing and ride-hailing for their own business interests. At the same time, the local authorities’ strengthening of risk warnings for’purchasing by rent ‘is also based on a large number of complaints about this model, reminding drivers to prevent and control related risks and protect their own interests." Li Mingtao said that these measures are necessary to help guide enterprises to standardize their operations and focus the competition on how to improve the safe travel experience of ordinary people, rather than seeking interest space at the edge of the policy.

  In addition, in response to the characterization of "Hitch behavior must not be for profit" proposed by the six departments during the centralized interview, Li Mingtao believes that the future Hitch platform profit model will be gradually adjusted to collect member value-added service fees through information docking.

BYD sold 219,800 batteries in China, but the DM version of non-bladed batteries.

Author: Hao Jun
Editor’s opinion:Byd Han went on the market, and what attracted much attention and enthusiasm was the blade battery. But when you buy it, you should see clearly … Not all the series are equipped with blade batteries, especially Han DM. Not only is it not a blade battery, but even the battery material is not Ferrous lithium phosphate, but ternary lithium. If you really choose to buy Han series because of the original acupuncture experiment, remember that the long-life version and the four-wheel drive version are the safer blade batteries. Look carefully when you buy, but this time the price is different and the material is different. Don’t be greedy and buy the wrong car.

On the evening of July 12, 2020, BYD Han officially went public, and launched four models, including three pure electric vehicles (Han EV) and one plug-in hybrid vehicle (Han DM). After comprehensive subsidies, the price range was 219.8-279.5 thousand yuan. The new car adopts Dragon Face family design language. The NEDC cruising range of the two long-life models is 605km, and the NEDC cruising range of the four-wheel drive high-performance model is 550km;. Han DM has a cruising range of 81km in pure electric mode. It is reported that in the future, BYD will build more than 100 business circle experience spaces in China, and provide 2+2 worry-free plans and 5+5 exclusive services for BYD Han car owners. In addition, BYD officials also said that based on 5G technology, Han EV will also launch a 5G version.

The appearance of BYD Han still adopts the design of family-style Dragon face, which is a perfect combination of form and function with daytime running lights and position lamp inspired by the shape of dragon whiskers. The front face of Han EV shows the typical elements of pure electric vehicles, and the closed grille is matched with the long and narrow headlight group to create a strong sense of the future. The front face of Han DM is more impactful, and the large-size lower grille shows the effect similar to lattice grille under the modification of a large number of chrome trim strips.

The high waistline on the side of the car runs through the whole body and perfectly blends with the slip-back line of the D-pillar, showing the tough atmosphere of sports in a coupe posture. Han EV has a length, width and height of 4980/1910/1495mm and a wheelbase of 2920mm, respectively. Han DM has a length, width and height of 4960/1910/1495mm and a wheelbase of 2920mm, respectively. Compared with Han EV, the body length is 20mm less. "EV" and "DM" signs are used at the lower left of the rear of the car to highlight its identity. The through taillight design is very scientific and technological, and at the same time, it effectively stretches the visual width, making the new car look lower from the back, giving people a sense of sight that is ready to go.

Chinese aesthetic concept and symmetrical design are integrated into the car, and the overall color tone is red and black. The red seat and the red decoration on the center console, steering wheel and door panel further highlight the sports attribute. Double-spoke flat-bottomed steering wheel and other designs add a sporty atmosphere to the interior; The electronic gear handle itself is more exquisite, and the function selection of the lever type is added in the key area, so that the driving mode can be selected. The configuration is equipped with a 12.3-inch LCD instrument panel, a 15.58-inch central control panel (embedded with DiLink 3.0 intelligent network connection system), an atmosphere light with "Long Lin" texture, APA full-scene automatic parking, OTA remote upgrade of the whole vehicle, a 12-way electric adjustable seat, a diamond stitch craft seat, a rear air outlet, wireless charging of 15W mobile phones, a rear USB, a 220V power supply, etc. The safety configuration is equipped with DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system, DiDAS. It is worth mentioning that APA automatic parking will be applied to BYD Han models for the first time.

Two super-long endurance models (middle and low models) of Han EV are equipped with front motors with maximum power of 222 HP and peak torque of 330 Nm, and their 0-100km/h acceleration time is 7.9 seconds; On the basis of the front motor, the four-wheel drive high-performance model (high-equipped model) adds a rear motor with a maximum power of 272 HP and a peak torque of 350 Nm, and its 0-100km/h acceleration time is 3.9 seconds. In terms of battery life, all three EV models adopt Ferrous lithium phosphate blade battery developed by BYD, with a battery capacity of 76.9kWh. The NEDC cruising range of the two long-life models is 605km, and the NEDC cruising range of the four-wheel drive high-performance model is 550km. It is worth mentioning that the high-performance version is also equipped with a Brembo high-performance braking system.

At present, there is only one model of Han DM, which is equipped with a hybrid system consisting of a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 192 HP and a motor with a maximum power of 244 HP and a peak torque of 330 Nm. The combined maximum power is 436 HP and the peak torque is 650 Nm. The acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 4.7 seconds. In terms of battery life, the car is equipped with a ternary lithium battery with a battery capacity of 15.2kWh, and the NEDC cruising range of the car is 81km in pure electric mode.

The latest recommendation of the top ten mobile phone rankings in 2016

  Everyone should know about smartphones! Because now each of us uses smart styles, and the update speed of smart phones is very fast, the same brand will have new mobile phone products almost every two months. As we all know, in the face of so much demand for mobile phones, there are many mobile phone suppliers in the market, both foreign and domestic. But everyone should still support domestic mobile phones, because domestic mobile phones are the most affordable, not only with high configuration, but also at a relatively low price. So today Xiaobian will give you a detailed introduction to several popular mobile phone styles!

  Top ten mobile phone rankings in 2016

  1. Huawei P8

  Huawei’s P series has always been characterized by elegance and fashion. This year’s Huawei P8 and P8max have reached the highest level of Huawei’s hardware, software and design. P8max has also laid a solid foundation for Huawei in the big-screen mobile phone market. Huawei has paid more attention to the content of mobile phone user experience from now on, and has done a good job in process design and material application. At present, Huawei is developing on the route of boutique.

  First of all, let’s take a look at the configuration of this mobile phone. We got a high-end version this time, and its overall configuration is naturally worthy of the name of the flagship. The screen uses a 6.8-inch LTPS negative LCD screen with a resolution of 1080p, and the screen ratio is quite good, reaching 83%. The size of the "measurements" is 182.7mm (length) x93mm (width) x6.8mm (thickness), which is a big but slim one in the mobile phone, while the weight is 228g, which is still very sensible in the hand.

  In terms of other configurations, the main camera is 13 million pixels, equipped with RGBW sensor camera, and equipped with optical image stabilization, the battery capacity will naturally not be small, and its battery capacity is 4360mAh. It seems that the endurance will definitely not worry us too much. The reference price is 2500 yuan (the price comes from the Internet for reference only).

  2. Charm Blue Note3

  How to set the notification bar in Charm Blue note 3

  In terms of appearance, Charm Blue note3 has been upgraded from the previous polycarbonate body to a metal body, and it is available in silver, gray and gold. The screen adopts a 5.5-inch 1080p full-fit display screen, and the surface is covered with 2.5D curved glass.

  In terms of performance, it uses MediaTek’s latest HelioP10(MT6755M down-converted version) processor, and has eight A53 architecture cores built in, with the highest frequency of 1.8GHz, and it is also equipped with Mali-T860 GPU, 2/3GB of running memory and 16/32GB of body storage; In terms of taking pictures, it uses a camera combination of the first 5 million pixels and the last 13 million pixels. The rear camera has PDAF phase focusing technology and f/2.2 aperture lens. In terms of battery life, Charm Blue note3 uses a 4100mAh battery, which is 1600mAh higher than Charm Blue note2. Meizu officially claims that it has excellent battery life, and the 4G standby time is over 16 days.

  In other aspects, Charm Blue note3 also supports fingerprint identification and mBack, 6-mode 18-frequency full netcom, dual-card dual standby (supporting blind insertion) and VoLTE technology, and runs the Flyme 5 system based on Android 5.1. The standard version (2G+16G) is priced at 799 yuan, and the high-end version (3G+32G) is priced at 999 yuan (the price comes from the Internet for reference only).

  3. Huawei Mate8

  Huawei Mate 8 has a screen size of 6 inches. For watching large movies, it is obvious that this machine has a unique advantage. In addition, this machine adopts a 2.5D curved screen, and the screen ratio reaches 80%, which makes this machine from the first impression. It has been able to get high scores. In addition, Huawei Mate 8 continues the metal body design and the body thickness of 7.9mm, showing extraordinary visual impact on the 6-inch screen.

  In terms of hardware, the front of the fuselage adopts a 6-inch 2.5D curved IPS display screen with FHD level resolution of 1920X1080 pixels, and the display effect is good. In the core aspect, a eight nuclear core processor with a frequency of 2.3GHz and a micro-intelligent core I5 is built in, and a memory combination of 3GB/4GB RAM+32GB/64GB/128GB ROM can run smoothly the EMUI version 4.0 based on Android6.0 system, and a 4000mAh battery is built in. The price is 2180 yuan (the price comes from the Internet for reference only).


  In terms of appearance, vivo X5Pro adopts double 2.5D curved glass with magnesium-aluminum alloy middle frame. The whole machine is very thin, only 6.44mm (telecom version 6.54mm) and weighs 147g g..

  On this year’s X5Pro, vivo also brought eye recognition and PDAF phase focusing technology. The former can be used to encrypt most mobile phone apps and improve the security of mobile phones, while the latter can achieve extremely fast flash shooting, and the front camera can also achieve the synthesis of 32 million pixel photos.

  In terms of configuration, vivo X5Pro adopts a 5.2-inch 1080P display screen (SuperAmo led), equipped with a 64-bit eight nuclear 1.7GHz MediaTek mt6752 processor (telecom is Xiaolong 615), 2GB RAM+16GB ROM, providing an 8-megapixel front lens and a 13-megapixel main camera, supporting dual cards, dual standby and dual 4G, and a battery capacity of 2300mAh. The reference price is 1998 yuan (the price comes from the Internet for reference only).

  5.OPPO R9

  Does OPPO R9 have VOOC flash charging function?

  In terms of hardware, OPPO R9 is equipped with a 64-bit processor clocked at 2GHz in MediaTek and Helio P10 MT6755 in eight nuclear, with a storage space combination of 4 GB RAM and 64 GB ROM, which supports the expansion of a microsd card with a maximum of 128 GB.

  For the camera, the R9 is equipped with a customized 16-megapixel 1/3-inch front camera with a pixel unit area of 1 micron. The R9 front camera is equipped with a 5P lens with a wide angle of 78.1 and a maximum aperture of F2.0;

  For the rear camera, OPPO R9 is equipped with a 13-megapixel 1/3.06-inch CMOS sensor with an aperture of F2.2 and a single pixel area of 1.12μ m。 At the same time, OPPO R9 still focuses on the self-timer function, and OPPO Beauty 4.0 has been debugged for a long time, ensuring the imaging benchmark of "face exposure is the priority and skin color restoration is more natural".

  In terms of selling price, OPPO R9 is 2799 yuan and OPPO R9 Plus is 3299 yuan. (The price comes from the Internet and is for reference only)

  6. Meizu Pro 6

  Meizu PRO6 adopts an all-metal body, with an ultra-narrow frame, 2.5D curved glass on the front to reduce chamfering and trimming, 3D three-dimensional sandblasting, a body thickness of 7.25mm and a USB 3.1 Type C interface.

  Meizu PRO6 is equipped with a 5.2-inch 1080P Super AMOLED display with a minimum brightness of 3nit, which can be used comfortably at night and a maximum brightness of 450nit. It adopts a 10-core Helio X25 processor, claiming to achieve the best balance between performance and power consumption, supplemented by Mali-T880MP4 GPU and 4GB RAM. ]

  Meizu PRO6 also supports HiFi sound effects, integrates DAC and operational amplifier, and is equipped with CirrusLogic decoding and amp integrated chip and NXP’s latest SmartPA chip.

  Meizu PRO6 supports 3D-Press pressure touch. The desktop directly presses the icon to open the most commonly used application functions, and the page can be previewed by pressing the link. Meizu claims that more than 20 third-party applications support 3D-Press.

  On the network side, Meizu PRO6 supports dual-card dual-standby full netcom, and it does not distinguish between primary and secondary cards, supports Cat.6, has a maximum download speed of 300Mbps, and supports VoLTE HD voice calls. In other respects, Meizu PRO6 also supports mCharge3.0, with a charging power of 24W, which is 2.4 times faster than the standard charging and can be fully charged in 60 minutes. The reference price is 2599 yuan (the price comes from the Internet for reference only).

  7. Xiaomi 5

  The front of Xiaomi 5 adopts 3D glass +3D ceramic (microcrystalline zirconium nano-ceramic) body, 5.15-inch 1080p display screen and front fingerprint, and has a large battery with high energy density of 3000mAh, but the 3D glass body only weighs 129 grams.

  In terms of hardware, Xiaomi 5 is equipped with Opteron 820 processor, built-in 3/4GB memory and 32/64/128GB body storage space, and supports the expansion of 128GB Micro SD card at most, providing a 4-megapixel front camera and a 16-megapixel rear camera, with a battery capacity of 3000mAh and supporting dual-card dual standby full netcom.

  In terms of color, Xiaomi 5 standard edition (3GB+32GB) and high edition (3GB+64GB) are available in black and white (glass case), while the exclusive edition with ceramic case (4GB+128GB) is only available in black. The reference price is 1599 yuan (the price comes from the Internet for reference only).

  8. LeTV mobile phone 2

  In terms of hardware configuration, it is equipped with MediaTek Helio X20 10-core processor, 3GB of memory +32GB of storage, 5.5-inch in-cell screen, 16-megapixel rear camera+8-megapixel front camera, and 24W new generation music flash charging and fast charging technology.

  On the network side, it supports full netcom, dual card dual standby and VoLTE, supports letv CDLA lossless digital audio architecture, and the fingerprint recognition module on the back supports the fingerprint payment of wechat and AliPay, which has the function of rapid code scanning recognition.

  In terms of sale, the price of LeTV Super Mobile Phone 2 is 1099 yuan. This new machine has been booked at the official start of the press conference, and it was put on sale at 10: 01 am on the 26th, and it still supports the mode of charging member service hardware for free. The reference price is 1299 yuan (the price comes from the Internet for reference only).

  9. Huawei Glory 7i

  In addition to the 1.5GHz eight nuclear A53 architecture Opteron 615 processor, the hardware configuration of Glory 7i, such as 2GB of running memory (3GB for full netcom version), 16GB of body storage space (32GB for full netcom version), 13-megapixel camera and 5.2-inch 1080P resolution screen, also indicates that this is a high-end model of Glory Series, which is basically positioned the same as Glory 7.

  Glory 7i continues the classic design of the glory family. The glass and the metal frame complement each other and are handled in harmony. The body of Glory 7i has the smallest volume in a 5.2-inch screen mobile phone, and it feels as warm as jade when held in the mobile phone. Even for girls with small hands, it is not a problem to control it with one hand.

  On the screen side, Glory 7i has a 5.2-inch 1080p screen, accounting for 79.8% of the screen, and the JDI negative LCD screen is used as the material. Let the screen be darker when displaying black, and the brightness and saturation are higher when displaying other colors, and the color gamut will also be improved. The reference price is 1399 yuan (the price comes from the Internet for reference only).

  10. ZTE Axon

  ZTE AXON has two versions, of which Zhizun version uses a 5.5-inch 2K resolution display, and Zhihui version uses a 1080P 5.5-inch display. In terms of hardware, it is equipped with the latest Opteron 810 processor, the Zhizun version is equipped with a memory combination of 4GB+128GB, and the Zhihui version uses a memory combination of 3GB+32GB, and both can support 128GB TF card expansion.

  On the system side, it runs Mifavor3.2 operating interface based on Android5.0 operating system. In terms of taking pictures, the camera is equipped with an 8-megapixel lens in front, a 2-megapixel+13-megapixel dual-lens design in the rear, and a fingerprint recognition sensor under the lens.

  In terms of battery life, the machine is equipped with a 3000mAh battery and supports Quick Charge 2.0 fast charging. In addition, there is a MINI version of ZTE AXON which is equipped with a 5.2-inch display and supports a pressure touch screen. The reference price is 1899 yuan (the price comes from the Internet for reference only).


  The ten domestic mobile phones recommended by the above small series are popular this year, and they are also mobile phone styles with high cost performance. Of course, in addition to these ten mobile phones, there are many famous mobile phone styles, and everyone should pay more attention to them. Have you noticed that these styles recommended by Xiaobian today are the best of major brands? I believe their classic styles are more than this one. This is unbelievable compared with the situation in previous years, because the mobile phone brands in the previous market were all foreign.

LI Q2′ s revenue and delivery reached a new high, and it welcomed high-speed expansion with "ideal speed".

  A few days ago, LI released its Q2 financial report for 2023, with revenue and delivery reaching record highs of 28.65 billion yuan and 86,533 vehicles respectively, with year-on-year growth rates exceeding 200%. In addition, the company’s operating capacity continued to improve, and Q2′ s gross profit margin increased steadily to 21.8%, making it a new force in car making and even a star in the entire automobile industry.

  First, focus on the highlights in LI Q2 financial report.

  In terms of financial data, LI Q2 has made a series of encouraging achievements. Revenue reached 28.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 228.1%; Operating profit and net profit both climbed, reaching 1.63 billion yuan and 2.31 billion yuan respectively; The gross profit margin increased to 21.8%, and the company’s profitability rose steadily; Free cash flow increased to 9.62 billion yuan, a substantial increase compared with the same period; By June 30, 2023, the company’s cash reserves reached 73.77 billion yuan … Both the positive and positive business trend and the ever-increasing abundant cash reserves have laid a solid foundation for the sustainable development of LI.

  The strong market performance is undoubtedly one of the sources supporting LI’s good business. By the beginning of July, LI had delivered over 400,000 vehicles. From November 2019, when the first Li ONE rolled off the assembly line, to October 2021, when the 100th car rolled off the assembly line, it took 23 months. It took 10 months for 100,000 to 200,000 vehicles to go offline. From 200,000 vehicles to the cumulative delivery of more than 300,000 vehicles, it ideally took 5 months; From 300,000 vehicles to 400,000 vehicles today, the ideal took only three months, which not only explained the "ideal speed", but also highlighted the deep recognition of LI by China consumers …

  At the same time, driven by the hot sales of L series models, LI also showed an accelerated expansion trend. In June, its delivery volume exceeded 30,000 vehicles for the first time, and this highlight performance continued in July; By the end of July, more than 200,000 ideal L series models had been delivered. With the release of its first all-electric flagship model MEGA approaching, LI, which has built a dual technical route of "all-electric+extended range", is worth looking forward to in the future.

  LI is also favored by the capital market because of its positive circulation performance and broad prospects for development. In the first half of the year, the share price of US stocks in LI rose from $21.760/share on the first day of opening to $35.100/share on the last trading day of the first half of the year, with an increase of 61.31%. As of the release date of Q2 financial report, the closing price of LI has risen to USD 42.630/share, with a total market value of USD 44.435 billion, or about RMB 320.118 billion, and it has secured the second place in the market value of China automobile enterprises.

  So, what factors have helped LI to achieve a leap-forward development?

  First, LI’s precise brand positioning and product hard power, which conforms to the development of the industry and has a deep insight into the market demand. With the transformation of China’s automobile industry from big to strong, "upward" development is the only way for China’s automobile. As a "latecomer", LI lacks brand shackles and focuses on the high-end market to give it an inherent advantage; And the sweeping rise has also given it the confidence to wrestle with the traditional luxury giants, and even broken the difficulty of China brand upward.

  In terms of products, in view of the demand of consumers in China and the control of various market segments, the products launched by LI won the hearts of the people. The product distribution of L7, L8 and L9 meets the purchase range of most consumers. The products themselves are not only smart and comfortable configurations such as "refrigerator, sofa, big color TV" that people talk about and even change consumers’ car habits, but LI has also spent a lot of R&D investment on more cutting edges, which has effectively improved consumers’ sense of comfort in car use. For example, in the development of L-series chassis, in order to change the air suspension from the exclusive luxury car of one million to the technology that can be used by more families, LI established R&D centers in the north and south, and developed the intelligent ideal magic carpet air suspension by itself.

  In addition, in order to better serve users, the network scale of stores in LI is also increasing. As of July 31, 2023, LI had 337 retail centers covering 128 cities, and operated 323 after-sales maintenance centers and authorized car body panel repair and spraying centers in 222 cities. The integration of online and offline integrated sales has promoted the improvement of sales and service efficiency.

  Based on the above, LI’s unexpected market performance is also natural. More importantly, the expansion of sales volume has also brought about the appearance of scale effect: the cost of vehicle R&D and production has been greatly reduced. According to the plan, the overall R&D expenditure rate of LI will continue to be stable at around 10%, even comparable to that of large multinational automobile groups; Have more say in the supply chain, so that it has more resilience and anti-risk ability; The geometric growth of brand recognition allows it to cope with the current "price reduction tide" safely, maintaining the price and showing the brand’s strength.

  The rising brand recognition, the continuous hot sale of products, the reduction of R&D costs, the upgrading of business process systems, etc., complement each other with the steady rise of the company’s operating performance, and thus form a sustainable positive cycle.

  Looking ahead, whether it is the company’s own development momentum, the continuous evolution of market demand, or the overall development direction and prospects of the industry, LI will achieve a higher leap.

  Personally, LI’s upcoming first pure electric vehicle will make its product matrix more perfect; Intelligent assisted driving functions such as urban NOA and commuter NOA, which will be pushed one after another, as well as vehicle capabilities that are constantly upgraded through OTA, will continuously enhance user stickiness and brand awareness; However, the company’s insistence on self-research of core technologies and increasing investment in R&D of product core technologies will become the guarantee of product hard strength.

  In terms of market demand, the mid-to-high-end incremental market has gradually become the main battlefield of consumption, which coincides with the positioning of LI. Family users’ demand for car purchase is diversified, but the purpose is clear. LI L7, L8, L9 and the upcoming MEGA can fully meet the needs of various consumer groups.

  From the overall prospect of the industry, new energy and high-end are also development trends. According to the data of passenger car market information association, from January to July, the total retail sales of new energy passenger cars in China reached 3.725 million, up 36.3% year-on-year. In July, the retail penetration rate of new energy passenger cars reached 36.1%.

  Based on the above, it is reasonable for LI to be optimistic about the future.It is predicted that the cumulative delivery volume in the third quarter will reach 100,000 to 103,000 vehicles, up by 277.0% to 288.3% year-on-year, among which the monthly delivery volume of L8 and L9 will exceed 10,000 vehicles, and the ideal L7 will challenge the monthly delivery target of 15,000 vehicles; The quarterly revenue is expected to reach 32.33 billion yuan to 33.30 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 246.0% to 256.4%. In the fourth quarter, LI will deliver 40,000 vehicles a month.

Seeing is believing | Field visit of Xiaomi Automobile Beijing factory

  [car home Information] In the past few months, a heavy "bomb" was dropped on the automobile circle, that is, Xiaomi entered the automobile field.

  Since Xiaomi announced to build a car at the end of March, the location of headquarters and factories has attracted much attention. Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hefei, Xi ‘an and other places are striving for Xiaomi’s car-making project. Lei Jun also visited Chang ‘an, GAC, SAIC-GM-Wuling, Great Wall, SAIC, Dongfeng, Bosch, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and other manufacturers frequently in more than four months, and released a lot of recruitment information. On November 27th, the official WeChat of Beijing Yizhuang announced that the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone officially signed a contract with Xiaomi Technology and announced that Xiaomi Automobile had settled in Beijing Economic Development Zone. The determination of the headquarters and the factory to settle in the city is also an important node in the preparatory work for Xiaomi’s car.

  Just after the signing of the contract was announced, I drove to Beijing Economic Development Zone to visit Xiaomi’s current progress. Where is the factory located?

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◆ It is still in the retirement stage, and the intelligent manufacturing base is waiting for "manufacturing".
Open up a vitality in the wasteland

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  According to the official publicity information, Xiaomi Automobile Factory is located in Majuqiao Intelligent Manufacturing Base (Intelligent Manufacturing Base) in Yizhuang New Town (Tongzhou District), Beijing, with a total investment of 63 billion yuan. Four boundaries: Tongyi Road in the west, Huanjing West No.1 Road in the east, Jingsheng South Fourth Street in the north and Yitong Street in the south. With the specific street name, it is actually much easier to find the destination, but according to the navigation display, Tongyi Road and Yitong Street are in the state of being built (not searched). Huanjing West 1st Road and Jingsheng South 4th Street are residential buildings and Liandong U Valley Park.

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  On the other hand, there is a large construction site in the south of Jingsheng South Fourth Street. When I went to check it, I found that it was the project site of SMIC Jingcheng integrated circuit production project (FAB3 P1 production plant and other 32 projects), and not far from this project site, it was the project of projection mask aligner exposure optical system research and development and mass production base.

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  According to public information, Majuqiao Town is located in the intelligent manufacturing group of Yizhuang New Town. According to the planning of Yizhuang New Town, the intelligent manufacturing industrial zone will focus on developing high-end manufacturing. "Majuqiao Zhizao Base Land Grade I Development Project" is located in majuqiao town, east to the green belt on the west side of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, west to Environmental Protection Avenue, south to Zhuxin Road, and north to Xinsi Road. The investment in the relocation and vacating of non-residential houses within the project scope is about 2.4 billion yuan. The relocation involves eight villages, namely Fangxindian Village, Zhouying Village, Xiaoyingyi Village, Yangxiudian Village, Guzhuang Village, Xiaozhang wan Village, Zhang Cun Village and Shichun Village. According to the feedback from relevant personnel, it is still in the stage of vacating, and the project is expected to start around 2022. Of course, if you want to see some clues, it will be at least in the middle of the year.

  In the future, the territory of Xiaomi Automobile will be developed to us in Beijing Economic Development Zone.

Why did you choose Beijing Economic Development Zone?

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  According to public information, Xiaomi Automobile Project will build Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters Base, Sales Headquarters and R&D Headquarters, and will build a vehicle factory with an annual output of 300,000 vehicles in two phases, of which the first and second phases will have a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles respectively. It is expected that the first vehicle will be off the assembly line in 2024 and mass production will be realized.I believe that many netizens have doubts. Why did Xiaomi Automobile choose to settle in Beijing Economic Development Zone?The reasons may be analyzed from the aspects of business, policy and geographical location.

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  First of all, in terms of location, it was previously reported that Xiaomi Automobile wanted to acquire Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory in Shunyi District, Beijing (with an annual production capacity of 300,000 units), which was also in line with the combined production capacity of Xiaomi in Beijing Economic Development Zone Phase I and Phase II. But don’t ignore the fact that Xiaomi Automobile will not have a demand of 300,000 production capacity in the early stage, and there are still problems such as optimization, adjustment and upgrading in the acquisition of Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory, which is unreasonable in terms of capital. At the same time, apart from Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory, Shunyi District has not publicly indicated that it will provide the rest land for Xiaomi Automobile to build its sales headquarters and R&D headquarters, which will lead to "time difference" in communication between sales companies and factories, which is not as suitable as "cluster construction". In addition, Xiaomi also has an office in the park near Kechuang, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which consists of three parts: office building, production factory and warehousing and logistics. The factory mainly produces hardware equipment such as Xiaomi mobile phones, and the warehousing and logistics part is a cooperative project between Xiaomi and JD.COM. The goods stored in the warehouse are all related to Xiaomi products, which is also convenient for cross-departmental linkage and communication.

  Secondly,Business aspectLei Jun has publicly stated that intelligence and electrification have brought the automobile industry closer to consumer electronics from the original machinery industry. Xiaomi also said, "The most difficult thing is the battery and automatic driving. After four years, the advantages of electric vehicles for traditional vehicles will gradually be reflected, and fuel vehicles will transition to electrification. Now the timing of Xiaomi’s cut-in is just right. " Just like this, Xiaomi has invested heavily in power batteries and autonomous driving sectors. Power battery has always been the heart of new energy vehicles, and it is also a plate that new car manufacturers pay special attention to. Xiaomi automobile is no exception, and it has made multiple attacks, and its layout in the field of power batteries has also surfaced.

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"Overview of investment in Xiaomi power battery field"

  Xiaomi currently directly or indirectly invests in four power battery-related enterprises in the field of power batteries, and each major enterprise has its own characteristics. These four companies are Honeycomb Energy, AVIC Lithium Battery, Zhuhai Guanyu and Ganfeng Lithium Battery. Among them, Zhuhai Guanyu and Ganfeng Lithium Battery are listed companies.

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"A list of the number of patents related to Xiaomi and other Internet companies; Overview of investment in Xiaomi’s autonomous driving field "

  Auto-driving is an important force point for Xiaomi’s car in the future, and it is actually a weak point for Xiaomi to build a car. According to public information, by 2020, Xiaomi has disclosed more than 800 patents related to automobiles, and only one patent related to autonomous driving. In the field of intelligent vehicle networking, by April 2021, Xiaomi had 72 patents, including vehicle-to-person V2P, vehicle-to-vehicle V2V and vehicle-to-infrastructure V2I, among which 57 were vehicle-to-person V2P patents. Since the announcement of building a car, Xiaomi has also made frequent shots in the field of autonomous driving and made a series of investments. In June 2021, Xiaomi participated in the D-round financing of Zongmu Technology, a supplier of autonomous driving technology. In the same month, Xiaomi participated in the D-round financing of laser radar enterprise Hesai Technology. In July, Xiaomi acquired DeepMotion Tech Limited, an autonomous driving technology company, for US$ 77.37 million (about RMB 503 million). In August, Xiaomi led the Pre-A2 round of financing for geometry partner of autonomous driving company, and then participated in the strategic investment of geometry partner in October. It is worth mentioning that Tianyanchao information shows that Shendong Technology Company is also located in Beijing.

  What can improve the above business to the extreme is that a series of Beijing Economic Development ZoneA favorable policyAccording to "Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Innovation and Development Action Plan (2019 -2022)", it is clearly pointed out that in 2022, a complete technical system of intelligent networked vehicles meeting the requirements of advanced autonomous driving (L4 level) will be formed; The scale of intelligent networked automobiles and related industries in the city reached 100 billion yuan. Specific to Yizhuang, the First Industrial Policy of Yizhuang Group in the High-end Industrial Zone of China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone clearly puts forward the goal of "building a core bearing place for the development of new energy and high-end automobile industry", and sets a minimum financial support policy of 30 million yuan and a maximum financial support policy of 100 million yuan according to different conditions.

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"There are different models such as self-driving passenger cars, self-driving logistics trucks, self-driving feeder cars, self-driving cleaning cars, unmanned delivery cars and unmanned retail cars on the streets of Yizhuang every day."

  Among them, "encourage domestic and foreign new energy smart car manufacturers to settle in the development zone. To drive the formation of a 100 billion-level industrial cluster, leading enterprises can be given up to 100 million yuan of innovation funds to support; Encourage the research and development of autonomous driving technology to reach L4 level and above, and carry out conditional large-scale production. For enterprises that have completed the transformation of the first batch of results, a certain proportion of financial support will be given according to the transformation effect of the results, up to 30 million yuan. "

  It is worth mentioning that the "Overall Implementation Plan of Beijing Intelligent Networked Automobile Policy Pioneer Zone" released here shows that the planning scope of 225 square kilometers including Yizhuang New City will be set as the policy pioneer zone. Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Policy Pioneer Zone has four distinctive policies: allowing enterprises to carry out commercial operation services based on fees, allowing unmanned delivery vehicles to obtain road rights for on-road operation, supporting mutual recognition of test results of intelligent networked vehicles in different places, and opening high-speed testing of self-driving vehicles.

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  Geographical locationThe mature supporting environment and good policy support have enabled many brands to set up factories here, such as Mercedes-Benz R&D Center, Beiqi New Energy Blue Valley R&D Center, Beiqi New Energy High-end Intelligent Ecological Factory, Foxconn Precision Components, e-commerce giant JD.COM and many logistics companies. It is mentioned that Xiaomi and BAIC have signed a strategic cooperation agreement before, which may be one of the "reasons" for Xiaomi Automobile to choose Beijing Economic Development Zone.

◆ Talk to the end

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  Lei Jun once said that the initial intention of Xiaomi to build a car is to use high-quality smart electric vehicles to let users enjoy the ubiquitous smart life. In the future, Xiaomi will provide intelligent life for all aspects of rice noodles from personal equipment, smart home, smart office, and smart travel. In the future, I hope that every road will be equipped with a full set of Xiaomi smart products.

  However, at present, although Xiaomi has signed a contract, it is still some time before the factory breaks ground. Referring to the time when the new car rolled off the assembly line in 2024, Xiaomi’s factory will start in 2023 at the latest, and we will pay more attention to Xiaomi’s trend in the future. At that time, in the face of strong competitors, complex supply chain management and more discerning consumers, can Xiaomi Automobile create an eye-catching model?

  We will wait and see. (Text/car home Zhouyi)