Deep Web | From Hundred Regiments War, takeaway competition to present on all major platforms, how Meituan has gone through these 8 years?

  Founded in 2010, Meituan finally knocked on the door of IPO after eight years. On June 22, Meituan submitted a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. If the IPO is successful, Meituan will become the largest listed company in the O2O field in history.

  According to the Meituan prospectus disclosed by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange today, the number of transactions completed by the company’s platform in 2017 exceeded 5.80 billion, and the transaction volume reached 357 billion yuan. The operating income from 2015 to 2017 was 4 billion yuan, 13 billion yuan and 33.90 billion yuan respectively, an increase of 223.2% and 161.2% respectively year-on-year, and the income increased by more than seven times in three years. Meituan’s adjusted net loss continued to narrow, from – 5.90 billion yuan in 2015 to – 5.40 billion yuan in 2016, and further narrowed to – 2.85 billion yuan in 2017, and the loss was halved within three years.

  Among the many start-up companies in the O2O field, Meituan should be regarded as a lucky "outlier". From imitating Groupon’s group buying business earlier, to expanding its business scope with the Amazon model as a reference in the later stage, Meituan has been reclassified into the team of Internet Tech Giants.

  Make another Meituan

  Meituan’s most recent financing was in October 2017, when it received a $4 billion round of F financing led by Tencent, with a post-money valuation of $30 billion. If calculated at the valuation of $60 billion listed on the market, it means that Meituan’s valuation has doubled in less than a year.

  In the past few years, Meituan has shown extremely strong ambitions in its field and has become a force to be reckoned with on China’s internet landscape.

  Starting from group buying, but not ending with group buying. Meituan has its own logic and considerations, starting from a single group buying business and gradually expanding to local life service related fields including Internet takeout, online travel, fresh food e-commerce, online car-hailing, shared bicycles, etc.

  2015 was an important watershed since Meituan was established. At that time, it completed the acquisition with Dianping, which enriched Dianping’s store-to-store service in addition to the original group buying and takeaway business. It was a year when Meituan focused on building a platform and an ecosystem. After winning the war in the era of group buying and O2O, Meituan began to open up a new battlefield.

  The intensive organizational restructuring witnessed the expansion of Meituan’s size.

  In 2015, Meituan established a total of four business groups, including the takeaway delivery business group, the hotel tourism business group, and the store business group, and established a wholly-owned subsidiary, Maoyan Culture Media Co., Ltd. (later spun off and acquired by Guangguang Media).

  The latest adjustment is after the completion of 4 billion US dollars financing in December last year, Meituan will build a new store business group, large retail business group, hotel tourism business group and travel business unit four business systems, and establish Strategy and Investment platform.

  "Looking to the future, the opportunities and challenges are great," said Wang Xing, Meituan’s chief executive, in an internal email at the time. The opportunity is that the new business will hopefully help Meituan achieve faster growth, but at the same time, the challenges from peer competitors should not be underestimated.

  According to the prospectus, Meituan has maintained partnerships with approximately 339,200 hotels in China as of December 31, 2017. In 2017, the number of domestic hotel room nights booked on Meituan’s platform totaled about 205 million, an increase of 56% over 2016, and set a record for 1.57 million domestic hotel room nights in a single day.

  Online domestic attractions and excursion package booking service, as of December 31, 2017, Meituan covers about 330 cities and about 16,500 attractions across the country. Meituan provides consumers with a convenient, safe and cheap way to buy national attractions and excursion packages. In 2017, Meituan sold approximately 97 million domestic attraction tickets.

  In terms of numbers, Meituan’s wine travel business has ample confidence to fight against Ctrip, and it has also begun to attack Ctrip’s core business, high-star hotels.

  Not only the wine travel industry. Since February last year, Meituan has been operating a low-key online car-hailing business in Nanjing. At 0:00 on March 21, 2018, Meituan took a taxi and officially landed in Shanghai. At about 22:00 that night, Meituan announced that Shanghai had completed the first day of breaking through 150,000 orders. Obviously, Meituan extended its competitive tentacles to the Internet travel giant Didi, and caused the latter to respond violently.

  These later diversified businesses provided Meituan with sufficient foundation to enhance its own value.

  Benchmarking Amazon, but more than that

  While bringing innovation impetus to the industry, Meituan is also inevitably involved in multi-dimensional chaos.

  This is not unrelated to the ultimate goal of Wang Xing and Meituan. A person close to Meituan’s senior management once revealed Wang Xing’s thinking to "Deep Web": Wang Xing’s strategic thinking and goal has always been to be a super platform for life services, and new businesses including taxi-hailing are in line with such strategic goals in his opinion. In this way, it can not only acquire more new traffic for the super platform by continuously launching new businesses, but also find more channels to monetize the huge users and traffic gathered by the super platform, so as to continuously enhance Meituan’s value and valuation.

  Mr. Wang has mentioned Amazon on many occasions and it is often compared to the tech giant, but Meituan does not seem content to stop at the Chinese version of Amazon.

  In an interview with The Information, a Silicon Valley technology news outlet, Mr. Wang said: "Users can buy a lot of things on Amazon or Taobao, but both are just e-commerce platforms for physical goods, while Meituan is an e-commerce platform for services." He added, "What kind of e-commerce platform can have millions or even billions of transactions?"

  In fact, in the past year, 320 million users have made at least one purchase on Meituan. Meituan says that about 90% of user traffic comes from its own app, which greatly reduces the cost of users trying new services.

  Meituan is not satisfied with this. It has bigger ambitions. Wang Xing believes that Meituan will serve the middle class 650 million China in the future, and smartphones are almost all ubiquitous among this group.

  Among all Meituan’s businesses, high-frequency takeaway business is the core of the core, and Meituan’s "let everyone eat better and live better" just illustrates this point.

  The prospectus disclosed that Meituan’s takeaway transaction volume in 2017 was 171 billion yuan, and Meituan’s transaction volume in 2017 reached 357 billion yuan, which means that the takeaway business accounted for 47.8% of Meituan’s overall transaction volume.

  In May this year, Meituan Takeaway announced that it completed more than 20 million orders per day, becoming the first takeaway platform in the world to reach such a scale. Looking back at past data, Meituan Takeaway has reached 10 million daily orders in more than 3 years since its establishment, and it took just one year to break through 20 million daily orders.

  Compete with the giants

  While food delivery data is growing wildly, Meituan’s competitors in the food delivery market are also escalating.

  Since the establishment of Meituan takeaway, the takeaway market has evolved a new pattern with new retail as the core. If it was a one-on-one showdown between Meituan and before, then after Ali acquired at the beginning of this year, Meituan needs to face the coordinated battle between, Baidu takeaway, word-of-mouth and Ali.

  In dealing with the relationship with Ali, Wang Xing is very firm, and he even publicly pointed out the dispute with Ali: "The reason why it sold our old shares last year was to interfere with our financing. If you are not optimistic about this company, you can just sell it out. We have already helped them find a buyer. But he refused to sell it out. He must keep some, maybe in order to continue to cause us some trouble in the future."

  According to iResearch, Meituan was the world’s largest food delivery service provider in 2017, with its market share in China increasing from 31.7% in 2015 to 56% in 2017 and 59.1% in Quarter 1 of 2018.

  The difference is that Meituan is heading in a completely different direction from, with diverse coverage centering on local services.

  On the one hand, there is, the earliest player in the takeaway market, and on the other hand, Meituan, who is backed by Tencent and the late mover, will eventually become a player in the harvest market. It is still a question in the short term. However, it is foreseeable that Ali, who is up the ante layout of new retail, and Meituan, who has just established a new retail business group, are bound to ignite the war again.

  In the new travel war, Meitu also started a listing race with Didi. According to the "Hong Kong Economic Daily" report, Didi will start listing as soon as the second half of this year, initially decided to settle in Hong Kong, China, and consider different listing structures, not excluding the listing of the same shares and different rights. It is expected that the market value of Didi will reach 70 billion – 80 billion US dollars when it goes public.

  Obviously, Meituan has taken the starting line one step earlier than Didi, but it remains doubtful whether it can shake up Didi, the transportation giant.

  potential threat

  Wang Xing’s goal of unlimited boundaries has allowed Meituan to step into some of the most expensive battlefields of the Chinese internet in a short period of time. But when it tries to raise more capital from domestic investors to expand its business, it has few options.

  The Information reported in early June this year that Wang Xing had approached SoftBank for a capital injection, but was unsuccessful. Meituan had also intended to raise $3 billion from the Private Offering Fund at a valuation of $40 billion. Meituan later denied the news.

  Meituan’s earnings pressure cannot be ignored. Although other businesses other than food delivery have achieved overall profitability, with the competition in the food delivery market "three into two" and the competition with Didi in the travel field, Meituan still needs a lot of capital investment.

  According to the prospectus, Meituan’s adjusted net loss fell from 5.90 billion yuan in 2015 to 5.40 billion yuan in 2016, and fell to 2.85 billion yuan in 2017, halving the loss within three years.

  In addition, the travel business is also the source of Meituan’s cost. Although it has experienced many close battles in the group buying and takeaway markets and achieved good results, Meituan is undoubtedly a new recruit in the travel industry, and there are still many variables in whether it can achieve a turnaround against the wind. Investment subsidies are obviously the best way to quickly gain market share.

  According to the "deep net", Meituan taxi in Nanjing on the line when the single subsidy is about 20 yuan, if according to its announced in December 2017 the daily order volume exceeds 100,000 single calculation, its subsidy in Nanjing only one day reached 2 million.

  36Kr also revealed the power of Meituan taxi investment, including Beijing and other cities on the line of taxi business, the company prepared 1 billion dollars (about 6.30 billion yuan), and not capped.

  Meituan acquired Mobike in April for a total price of $3.70 billion, including 65% cash, 35% Meituan stock, and assumed Mobike’s debt between $500 million – $1 billion.

  In an interview with foreign media, Wang Xing said, "In the past few years, we have been working hard to ensure that the company is always ready to go public at any time." In addition to financial considerations, another impetus for Meituan’s listing came from the many investors behind it. Data show that Meituan has raised a total of 8.30 billion US dollars since its establishment, and investors have reached the moment to reap the rewards.

  In the eight years since its establishment, Meituan has experienced many variables in the market, and it can be said that it has come to this day through thorns. However, going public is obviously not the end of Meituan, and a competition with giants has really begun.

Meituan will turn from profit to loss in 2021, with higher expenses such as rider costs and R & D expenses

In the post-epidemic era, Meituan (3690.HK) revenue has risen steadily. On March 25, Meituan released the fourth quarter and full year results of 2021. In 2021, the company’s revenue was 179.128 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), an increase of 56% year-on-year; the company lost 23.536 billion yuan during the year and 4.708 billion yuan in profit in the same period last year; the company’s adjusted net loss was 15.572 billion yuan, and the profit in the same period last year was 3.121 billion yuan.


Food and beverage takeaway is an important revenue business of Meituan, and the operating profit of this business in 2021 is 6.175 billion yuan; however, the policy requirements of "reasonable reduction of merchant service fees" and the corporate responsibility to improve the protection of riders’ rights and interests have also increased Meituan’s operating costs. The restaurant and wine travel business is a major source of profit for Meituan. In 2021, the operating profit of this business is 14.20 billion yuan.


However, the operating profits of the above two major businesses cannot offset the losses caused by the expansion of Meituan’s new business. Meituan’s new business, which mainly focuses on community group buying, shared travel, and instant shopping, has an operating loss of 38.40 billion yuan in 2021. At the same time, Meituan also continues to increase the company’s R & D investment, and the R & D expenditure in 2021 will reach 16.70 billion yuan.


2021 was an extraordinary year for Meituan, with the company’s performance turning from profit to loss. At the same time, Meituan’s anti-monopoly penalty was also settled and fined 3.442 billion yuan. Affected by policies and the general environment, Meituan’s share price declined as a whole in 2021, peaking at HK $460/share that year, and then fell below HK $300/share twice in July and November of that year. On December 31, 2021, it closed at HK $225.4/share. As of the close on March 25, Meituan closed at HK $135/share, down 8.16%.


"In 2021, despite the impact of the epidemic, we will still overcome difficulties and strive to provide hundreds of millions of consumers with reliable and convenient life services, help merchants use digital means to expand online operations, and help more entrepreneurs and employees achieve stable income," said Wang Xing, CEO of Meituan. "Meituan will unswervingly fulfill its platform responsibilities, unswervingly increase investment in technology, unswervingly continue to expand its business, and focus on the’retail + technology ‘strategy to deepen the Chinese market and create more value for merchants, users, riders and other ecological partners."


The profit of catering takeaway operation is 6.175 billion yuan, which enhances the protection of riders’ rights and interests


Under the pressure of repeated epidemics, Meituan’s food and beverage takeaway business continued to grow. The number of annual transaction users and the per capita transaction frequency in 2021 reached a record high. The peak of single-day orders broke through 50 million in August 2021 and reached a new high in December of that year. The number of transactions in the whole year reached 14.40 billion, an increase of 41.6% year-on-year.


In 2021, Meituan’s catering takeaway business will see significant growth in categories such as nighttime, milk tea, salad and light food. Supply growth effectively drove an increase in orders from medium and high-frequency users. Therefore, the number of annual transaction users of catering takeaway increased by 13% year-on-year, and the average transaction frequency of annual transaction users increased by 25% year-on-year.


In 2021, Meituan’s catering takeaway business transaction amount was 702.10 billion yuan, an increase of 43.6% year-on-year; revenue was 96.30 billion yuan, an increase of 45.3% year-on-year. Operating profit increased from 2.833 billion yuan in 2020 to 6.175 billion yuan in 2021, while operating profit margin increased from 4.3% to 6.4%.


The topic of takeaway merchant commissions has attracted much attention. In 2021, Meituan takeaway’s commission income (technical service fee) obtained through merchants was 28.547 billion yuan, 18.503 billion yuan in the same period of the previous year, an increase of 54.3% year-on-year; compared with the company’s catering takeaway transaction amount in 2021, the takeaway platform commission rate was about 4.1%.


However, the 2021 government work report proposed to "guide platform enterprises to reasonably reduce merchant service fees." Subsequently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments also issued the "Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Cultivation of New Consumption", proposing to guide online platforms such as takeout to rationally optimize the use of small and medium-sized enterprises. Merchants and individuals use the platform to operate commissions, commissions and other expenses, and use technology to empower operators to reduce costs and increase efficiency within the platform.


In 2021, Meituan takeaway and other platforms took the initiative to optimize the platform charging model and implement a pilot "rate transparency". At the same time, the protection of rider rights and interests is also a major responsibility of Meituan. In July of that year, Meituan established a takeaway rider service department. In 2021, Meituan held 136 rider talks.


The financial report shows that the vast majority of Meituan takeaway’s total revenue is rider delivery costs. In 2021, there are about 5.27 million riders who earn income on the Meituan platform. Meituan takeaway rider delivery costs were 68.183 billion, an increase of 38.3% year-on-year, accounting for 71% of Meituan’s total takeaway revenue.


In addition, the breakdown data of the financial report shows that in 2021, Meituan’s food and beverage distribution service revenue collected from merchants and users was 54.204 billion yuan, while the annual rider delivery cost was 68.183 billion yuan. The above data shows that Meituan’s annual direct subsidy for riders cost nearly 14 billion yuan.


The operating profit of the hotel is 14.20 billion yuan, and the operating loss of the new business is 38.40 billion yuan


In the post-epidemic era, Meituan’s store, hotel and tourism business has achieved steady growth. In 2021, Meituan’s store, hotel and tourism business revenue was 32.50 billion yuan, an increase of 53.1% year-on-year; operating profit increased from 8.181 billion yuan in 2020 to 14.193 billion yuan in 2021, while operating profit margin increased from 38.5% to 43.3%.


According to the financial report, Meituan’s 2021 store-to-store business transactions, transaction amounts and annual active merchants all hit record highs. Meituan has strengthened its penetration into lower-tier cities across the country. Categories such as leisure entertainment, fitness, elderly care services, medical care and pet services are growing strongly; while categories such as manual activities, recording studios, light and shadow interactive halls, and stress relief experience halls have become new consumer trends.


In terms of hotels and tourism, the number of hotel room nights in China will increase by 34.5% in 2021. In addition, Meituan has consolidated its competitive advantage in the low-star hotel sector, diverting offline users to online platforms to help more hotel merchants operate digitally. In the high-star hotel sector, high-star hotel room nights will account for more than 16.5% in 2021.


In 2021, Meituan continued to expand its investment in new businesses, especially commodity retail. In 2021, Meituan’s new business and other business revenue was 50.30 billion yuan, an increase of 84.4% year-on-year. The operating loss expanded from 10.90 billion yuan in 2020 to 38.40 billion yuan in 2021, and the operating loss ratio increased by 36.6 percentage points year-on-year.


Community group buying is the exploration direction of Meituan’s new business. In the second half of 2020, community group buying began a new round of industry competition. At that time, Internet companies such as Didi, Meituan, Pinduoduo, and others invested in the ante one after another. However, with the development of policies and markets, the community group buying industry will experience ups and downs in 2021. Orange Heart is preferred to face business shrinkage, and Jingxi is also reported to reduce staff and withdraw from the city.


At present, Meituan Preferred is relatively stable. According to the financial report, Meituan Preferred has achieved healthy growth thanks to clear policy guidance and a good market competition environment. The "next day pick-up" three-tier warehouse distribution logistics network system has covered most communities and rural areas in 30 provinces across the country. In the future, strict compliance with regulatory regulations will be the top priority, and we will continue to focus on balanced and high-quality growth.


Meituan flash sale exceeded 6.30 million in single-day orders in December 2021. On the supply side, it has expanded its product categories and established cooperation with more high-quality local stores. Flowers, supermarkets and convenience stores continue to maintain a high growth momentum. At the beginning of this year, 24-hour drug delivery service was launched. In 2021, Meituan market users and transaction amounts continue to increase.

High revenue and high investment, R & D expenses of 16.70 billion yuan


High revenue and high expenditure are the characteristics of Meituan’s performance in 2021. The company’s revenue hit a record high, and the operating profit turned from profit to loss, which also laid the foundation for future sustainable development to a certain extent. According to the financial report, Meituan’s R & D expenditure increased from 10.90 billion yuan in 2020 to 16.70 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 53.1% year-on-year. The increase in employee welfare expenses was mainly due to business expansion.


On the other hand, Meituan has also increased investment in unmanned logistics research and development. Meituan drone has been in normal trial operation in Shenzhen for nearly a year, and has covered more than 8,000 households so far, completing 30,000 orders for real users. Meituan City Low-altitude Logistics Operation Demonstration Center has landed in Shanghai and will gradually cover the "3 km 15 minutes" low-altitude smart logistics network in East China.


In addition, Meituan automatic delivery has launched a low-speed instant delivery solution for outdoor scenes. As of December 2021, Meituan automatic delivery vehicle service has expanded to 20 communities in Shunyi District, Beijing, delivering nearly 190,000 orders, autonomous driving mileage over 700,000 kilometers, and daily delivery of more than 1,000 orders.


At the same time, the company’s overall operating costs also increased significantly. The cost of sales increased by 69.2% from 80.70 billion yuan in 2020 to 136.70 billion yuan in 2021, while the percentage of revenue increased by 6.0 percentage points to 76.3% year-on-year from 70.3%. The main reason is the increase in food delivery related costs, as well as the development and exploration of retail business and other new businesses.


In addition, the company’s sales and marketing expenses increased by 94.8% from $20.90 billion in 2020 to $40.70 billion in 2021, while the percentage of revenue increased by 4.5 percentage points year-on-year from 18.2% to 22.7%. Mainly due to the increase in promotion, advertising and user incentive expenses and employee benefits expenses. In addition, more employees were recruited to support the rapid growth of new businesses.


"Meituan’s development is closely related to the general environment of China’s economy, and it is also inseparable from the joint efforts of small and medium-sized businesses and related workers such as riders. We will continue to take high-quality and sustainable development as the company’s goal, and strive to drive consumption and industry transformation and upgrading, so that all relevant parties can benefit from it." Chen Shaohui, Meituan CFO, said: "Meituan will make long-term investment around the strategy of’retail + technology ‘, and through innovation and technology-driven, help more entrepreneurs and employees share the dividends of the digital economy."


Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter, Chen Weicheng, Editor, Song Yuting, Proofreader, Lu Qian

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How many transformations can a pickup truck have? The answer of the Great Wall Gun is, N kinds! At the fiery Guangzhou International Auto Show, the trailer version of the off-road pickup truck, the rescue gun and the travel gun of the Great Wall Gun showed the audience how "fickle" the Great Wall Gun was. In fact, this is not the first time that the Great Wall Gun has "transformed". The rich modification scheme makes the ever-changing Great Wall Gun more attractive.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is to have fun.

The so-called modification is to make the car more suitable for its unique use environment. In this respect, people who are obsessed with fishing have a deep understanding. The fish and fishing tackle with nowhere to put, the scorching heat of the scorching sun, and the regret of not being able to travel far were all troubled before the appearance of the Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Fishing Edition, but after it, the problem was solved.

The wild fishing version converts the container into a pulley drawer-type partition storage bin, which can classify fishing gear and fish and bid farewell to the dilemma of fishing line entanglement and sewage cross-flow; Full-coverage gantry, set up a large number of expansion fixed points, and place fishing rods, shovels and other items in different categories; In addition, the framework of the gantry extends all the way to the roof, and larger outdoor equipment such as kayaking can be placed above the gantry through fixed components, and you can fish or play in the water.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

It’s not just fishing enthusiasts who like to leave, but their concern for the quality of life makes more people yearn for nature. The Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Off-road Travel Edition and Travel Gun that were previously unveiled make the whole scene pickup life available to everyone.

The Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Leisure Travel Edition is mainly based on the surrounding situation of the city, with side curtains installed to create a cool place at any time; With car refrigerator and outdoor mobile kitchen, you can enjoy the scenery and cook delicious food at the same time. A combined drawer is installed in the back bucket (canopy with flat cover), which is convenient for placing all kinds of tools/appliances necessary for life and meets the needs of multiple scenes.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

The traveling gun considers the advantages and disadvantages of various large and medium-sized RVs, and makes full use of the body space while retaining most of the functions of RVs, so as to ensure the simplicity of the vehicle shape, portability and good passability, so that you can stay in the camp at any time during the journey and enjoy the natural scenery.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Travel outside, in addition to married with children, it is also possible to tow a tugboat. At this time, the trailer version of the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck will come in handy. It has the announcement of towing, which can be legally towed on the road, 11 unique off-road equipment with fever level, 7 all-terrain driving modes, three locks, tank turning, Bailuchi tires, crawling mode, winch, wading throat, nitrogen shock absorption, off-road expert mode, multi-link, off-road information display, etc., making it easy to be competent for towing yachts, motorcycles, RV and other tasks.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

In addition, the Great Wall Cannon also has a multi-functional camper, which integrates cross-country, living, exploring and storing things, and is specially tailored for outdoor adventure, cross-country and extreme enthusiasts, making "self-sufficient" outdoor life a reality.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is a fearless journey.

Some people yearn for leisure, while others pursue wild conquest. In the modification culture of the Great Wall Gun, cross-country modification is quite worth seeing.

The cross-country pickup truck version of Great Wall Gun, which was unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show, mainly focuses on long-distance cross-country, redesigned the wading throat with low wind noise, added a quick-release anti-roll frame in the car to improve the safety level and meet the extreme challenges, designed a multi-purpose custom side plate rack and a sliding reset tray in the rear bucket, and installed various types of roof tents on the gantry. The wheels used the world-famous Avandia wheels with the prestigious KM3 tires of Bailuchi to adapt to more difficult and dangerous outdoor road conditions. On the whole, the cross-country pickup truck crossing version of the Great Wall Gun takes the details of field driving into account, and it is worthy of being an experienced cross-country old gun.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

On the basis of the off-road pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun, the wild guns for outdoor enthusiasts have specially strengthened the long-distance crossing ability, equipped with a portable auxiliary fuel tank, a container rack capable of carrying three full-size spare tires, and added roof racks and spotlights, which can meet the long-distance crossing of various road conditions such as plateau, Gobi and grassland. It can be said that the wild gun represents the ultimate concept of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck, that is, a product tailored for all-terrain, full-load and long-life outdoor crossing, which explains the highest level of off-road spirit.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Not long ago, at the Beijing Auto Show, the black bullet with black and orange color matching attracted people’s attention with its domineering shape. This powerful performance pickup truck for heavy cross-country enthusiasts has various cross-country kits such as side treads for rock climbing, front and rear double winches, spotlights, etc. It uses professional adjustable damping shock absorbers, and the chassis is raised by 80mm as a whole. The full-size cross-country tires of Toyo Dragon Claws and the fever-grade off-road equipment make cross-country more calm and pure.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is the responsibility.

As a national brand that cares about the country, Great Wall Gun not only pays attention to the fun modification, but also makes full use of its own product advantages to carry out tool modification, just like howard the duck in key occasions. The rescue cannon displayed at Guangzhou International Auto Show is a good partner for retrograde people.

The rescue gun was modified based on the commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun, and the cargo box was changed into a rescue mobile warehouse, equipped with professional rescue equipment such as generators, lifebuoys, demolition machines, medical boxes, stretchers and oxygen tanks. The whole vehicle is equipped with rescue equipment such as car radio, long-distance telescopic antenna (relay antenna) and climbing ladder. The chassis suspension is raised and the passability is enhanced, which can cope with various complicated road conditions and can be put into rescue scenes such as medical treatment, fire fighting, communication and outdoor.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Long before the rescue cannon appeared, the Great Wall cannon played a pioneering role in major events in many countries. During the war, the Great Wall Gun took advantage of the big container and was converted into a sterilization gun for environmental sterilization. In flood fighting, Great Wall Gun reached a strategic cooperation with Blue Sky Rescue Team to transport personnel and equipment in Huangshan disaster relief, becoming a car version of Noah’s Ark. In the future, Great Wall Gun will launch a customized model for Blue Sky Rescue to provide professional rescue vehicles with better off-road capability, loading capacity and comfort for registered members of Blue Sky Rescue. Climbing Mount Everest, as the official working vehicle of the media to measure the action of Mount Everest, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck provides a strong guarantee for Everest elevation measurement and media communication and other related work with its strong off-road performance, loading and comfort, and helps the national cause; To do public welfare, the Great Wall cannon cross-country pickup truck set foot on the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, accompanied volunteers to pick up garbage, and returned to Hoh Xil as a pure land.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is infinite possibilities.

As a leading brand in the pickup truck industry, Great Wall Gun insists on in-depth development and category splitting. On the basis of successfully developing the three sub-categories of passenger, commercial and off-road markets, it expands N-type modified cars, which are divided by appearance, interior and configuration. Unlimited possibilities of pickup trucks are used to build family universal cars to meet the diversified needs of users in all directions, and through modification, the barriers between different circles are broken, so that users who like to play and know how to play become attached to each other because of Great Wall Gun and modification.

On the other hand, Great Wall Gun practices corporate responsibility, and relies on the powerful off-road function of products and the unlimited modification space of open containers to expand unlimited application scenarios, protect people’s livelihood, add a sense of weight to the Great Wall Gun brand and make the users of Great Wall Gun feel more proud.

On the basis of a series of modified models, the Great Wall Gun will also launch a brand-new modified model that is bigger, cleaner, smarter and more fashionable. You want it all!

Seeing is believing | Field visit of Xiaomi Automobile Beijing factory

  [car home Information] In the past few months, a heavy "bomb" was dropped on the automobile circle, that is, Xiaomi entered the automobile field.

  Since Xiaomi announced to build a car at the end of March, the location of headquarters and factories has attracted much attention. Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hefei, Xi ‘an and other places are striving for Xiaomi’s car-making project. Lei Jun also visited Chang ‘an, GAC, SAIC-GM-Wuling, Great Wall, SAIC, Dongfeng, Bosch, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and other manufacturers frequently in more than four months, and released a lot of recruitment information. On November 27th, the official WeChat of Beijing Yizhuang announced that the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone officially signed a contract with Xiaomi Technology and announced that Xiaomi Automobile had settled in Beijing Economic Development Zone. The determination of the headquarters and the factory to settle in the city is also an important node in the preparatory work for Xiaomi’s car.

  Just after the signing of the contract was announced, I drove to Beijing Economic Development Zone to visit Xiaomi’s current progress. Where is the factory located?

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◆ It is still in the retirement stage, and the intelligent manufacturing base is waiting for "manufacturing".
Open up a vitality in the wasteland

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  According to the official publicity information, Xiaomi Automobile Factory is located in Majuqiao Intelligent Manufacturing Base (Intelligent Manufacturing Base) in Yizhuang New Town (Tongzhou District), Beijing, with a total investment of 63 billion yuan. Four boundaries: Tongyi Road in the west, Huanjing West No.1 Road in the east, Jingsheng South Fourth Street in the north and Yitong Street in the south. With the specific street name, it is actually much easier to find the destination, but according to the navigation display, Tongyi Road and Yitong Street are in the state of being built (not searched). Huanjing West 1st Road and Jingsheng South 4th Street are residential buildings and Liandong U Valley Park.

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  On the other hand, there is a large construction site in the south of Jingsheng South Fourth Street. When I went to check it, I found that it was the project site of SMIC Jingcheng integrated circuit production project (FAB3 P1 production plant and other 32 projects), and not far from this project site, it was the project of projection mask aligner exposure optical system research and development and mass production base.

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  According to public information, Majuqiao Town is located in the intelligent manufacturing group of Yizhuang New Town. According to the planning of Yizhuang New Town, the intelligent manufacturing industrial zone will focus on developing high-end manufacturing. "Majuqiao Zhizao Base Land Grade I Development Project" is located in majuqiao town, east to the green belt on the west side of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, west to Environmental Protection Avenue, south to Zhuxin Road, and north to Xinsi Road. The investment in the relocation and vacating of non-residential houses within the project scope is about 2.4 billion yuan. The relocation involves eight villages, namely Fangxindian Village, Zhouying Village, Xiaoyingyi Village, Yangxiudian Village, Guzhuang Village, Xiaozhang wan Village, Zhang Cun Village and Shichun Village. According to the feedback from relevant personnel, it is still in the stage of vacating, and the project is expected to start around 2022. Of course, if you want to see some clues, it will be at least in the middle of the year.

  In the future, the territory of Xiaomi Automobile will be developed to us in Beijing Economic Development Zone.

Why did you choose Beijing Economic Development Zone?

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  According to public information, Xiaomi Automobile Project will build Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters Base, Sales Headquarters and R&D Headquarters, and will build a vehicle factory with an annual output of 300,000 vehicles in two phases, of which the first and second phases will have a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles respectively. It is expected that the first vehicle will be off the assembly line in 2024 and mass production will be realized.I believe that many netizens have doubts. Why did Xiaomi Automobile choose to settle in Beijing Economic Development Zone?The reasons may be analyzed from the aspects of business, policy and geographical location.

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  First of all, in terms of location, it was previously reported that Xiaomi Automobile wanted to acquire Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory in Shunyi District, Beijing (with an annual production capacity of 300,000 units), which was also in line with the combined production capacity of Xiaomi in Beijing Economic Development Zone Phase I and Phase II. But don’t ignore the fact that Xiaomi Automobile will not have a demand of 300,000 production capacity in the early stage, and there are still problems such as optimization, adjustment and upgrading in the acquisition of Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory, which is unreasonable in terms of capital. At the same time, apart from Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory, Shunyi District has not publicly indicated that it will provide the rest land for Xiaomi Automobile to build its sales headquarters and R&D headquarters, which will lead to "time difference" in communication between sales companies and factories, which is not as suitable as "cluster construction". In addition, Xiaomi also has an office in the park near Kechuang, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which consists of three parts: office building, production factory and warehousing and logistics. The factory mainly produces hardware equipment such as Xiaomi mobile phones, and the warehousing and logistics part is a cooperative project between Xiaomi and JD.COM. The goods stored in the warehouse are all related to Xiaomi products, which is also convenient for cross-departmental linkage and communication.

  Secondly,Business aspectLei Jun has publicly stated that intelligence and electrification have brought the automobile industry closer to consumer electronics from the original machinery industry. Xiaomi also said, "The most difficult thing is the battery and automatic driving. After four years, the advantages of electric vehicles for traditional vehicles will gradually be reflected, and fuel vehicles will transition to electrification. Now the timing of Xiaomi’s cut-in is just right. " Just like this, Xiaomi has invested heavily in power batteries and autonomous driving sectors. Power battery has always been the heart of new energy vehicles, and it is also a plate that new car manufacturers pay special attention to. Xiaomi automobile is no exception, and it has made multiple attacks, and its layout in the field of power batteries has also surfaced.

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"Overview of investment in Xiaomi power battery field"

  Xiaomi currently directly or indirectly invests in four power battery-related enterprises in the field of power batteries, and each major enterprise has its own characteristics. These four companies are Honeycomb Energy, AVIC Lithium Battery, Zhuhai Guanyu and Ganfeng Lithium Battery. Among them, Zhuhai Guanyu and Ganfeng Lithium Battery are listed companies.

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"A list of the number of patents related to Xiaomi and other Internet companies; Overview of investment in Xiaomi’s autonomous driving field "

  Auto-driving is an important force point for Xiaomi’s car in the future, and it is actually a weak point for Xiaomi to build a car. According to public information, by 2020, Xiaomi has disclosed more than 800 patents related to automobiles, and only one patent related to autonomous driving. In the field of intelligent vehicle networking, by April 2021, Xiaomi had 72 patents, including vehicle-to-person V2P, vehicle-to-vehicle V2V and vehicle-to-infrastructure V2I, among which 57 were vehicle-to-person V2P patents. Since the announcement of building a car, Xiaomi has also made frequent shots in the field of autonomous driving and made a series of investments. In June 2021, Xiaomi participated in the D-round financing of Zongmu Technology, a supplier of autonomous driving technology. In the same month, Xiaomi participated in the D-round financing of laser radar enterprise Hesai Technology. In July, Xiaomi acquired DeepMotion Tech Limited, an autonomous driving technology company, for US$ 77.37 million (about RMB 503 million). In August, Xiaomi led the Pre-A2 round of financing for geometry partner of autonomous driving company, and then participated in the strategic investment of geometry partner in October. It is worth mentioning that Tianyanchao information shows that Shendong Technology Company is also located in Beijing.

  What can improve the above business to the extreme is that a series of Beijing Economic Development ZoneA favorable policyAccording to "Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Innovation and Development Action Plan (2019 -2022)", it is clearly pointed out that in 2022, a complete technical system of intelligent networked vehicles meeting the requirements of advanced autonomous driving (L4 level) will be formed; The scale of intelligent networked automobiles and related industries in the city reached 100 billion yuan. Specific to Yizhuang, the First Industrial Policy of Yizhuang Group in the High-end Industrial Zone of China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone clearly puts forward the goal of "building a core bearing place for the development of new energy and high-end automobile industry", and sets a minimum financial support policy of 30 million yuan and a maximum financial support policy of 100 million yuan according to different conditions.

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"There are different models such as self-driving passenger cars, self-driving logistics trucks, self-driving feeder cars, self-driving cleaning cars, unmanned delivery cars and unmanned retail cars on the streets of Yizhuang every day."

  Among them, "encourage domestic and foreign new energy smart car manufacturers to settle in the development zone. To drive the formation of a 100 billion-level industrial cluster, leading enterprises can be given up to 100 million yuan of innovation funds to support; Encourage the research and development of autonomous driving technology to reach L4 level and above, and carry out conditional large-scale production. For enterprises that have completed the transformation of the first batch of results, a certain proportion of financial support will be given according to the transformation effect of the results, up to 30 million yuan. "

  It is worth mentioning that the "Overall Implementation Plan of Beijing Intelligent Networked Automobile Policy Pioneer Zone" released here shows that the planning scope of 225 square kilometers including Yizhuang New City will be set as the policy pioneer zone. Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Policy Pioneer Zone has four distinctive policies: allowing enterprises to carry out commercial operation services based on fees, allowing unmanned delivery vehicles to obtain road rights for on-road operation, supporting mutual recognition of test results of intelligent networked vehicles in different places, and opening high-speed testing of self-driving vehicles.

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  Geographical locationThe mature supporting environment and good policy support have enabled many brands to set up factories here, such as Mercedes-Benz R&D Center, Beiqi New Energy Blue Valley R&D Center, Beiqi New Energy High-end Intelligent Ecological Factory, Foxconn Precision Components, e-commerce giant JD.COM and many logistics companies. It is mentioned that Xiaomi and BAIC have signed a strategic cooperation agreement before, which may be one of the "reasons" for Xiaomi Automobile to choose Beijing Economic Development Zone.

◆ Talk to the end

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  Lei Jun once said that the initial intention of Xiaomi to build a car is to use high-quality smart electric vehicles to let users enjoy the ubiquitous smart life. In the future, Xiaomi will provide intelligent life for all aspects of rice noodles from personal equipment, smart home, smart office, and smart travel. In the future, I hope that every road will be equipped with a full set of Xiaomi smart products.

  However, at present, although Xiaomi has signed a contract, it is still some time before the factory breaks ground. Referring to the time when the new car rolled off the assembly line in 2024, Xiaomi’s factory will start in 2023 at the latest, and we will pay more attention to Xiaomi’s trend in the future. At that time, in the face of strong competitors, complex supply chain management and more discerning consumers, can Xiaomi Automobile create an eye-catching model?

  We will wait and see. (Text/car home Zhouyi)