Pony Ma: Using AI to "explore the stars" with the National Astronomical Observatory

  Litchi News (Shanghai Work Department reporters/Wang Sheng, Chang Yan, Wang Weijie, editors/Li Hui) 

  existAt the 2021 world artificial intelligence conference that opened on July 8,Chairperson and CEO of TencentPony Ma introduced the innovative progress of Tencent AI empowering all walks of life.

  Pony Ma revealed that Tencent and the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly launched the "Star Exploration Program"The AI technology from Shanghai Youtu Laboratory will be used to search for pulsars and explore the universe. 

  AI technology can not only go to the sky, but also enter life. Tencent’s AI technologyIt has been applied toShanghai’sModelingEnterpriseofQuality inspection link,Improve product quality.Reduce costs and increase efficiency.

  forWhy did you put it this year?"Sustainable AI Innovation"Incorporated into the company’s core strategyMa Yun said that since Tencent has alwaysPursue science and technology for good, naturally alsoTo achieve AI for good, make AI technology implementation available, knowable,Reliable, andHopewith thistractionCompany as a wholeBusiness development and technological innovation

  In the past few years, Shanghai has amassed talents, opened up its scene, and built a platform, which has created a good innovation ecosystem for technology companies including Tencent.Pony Ma saidTencent willTake this furtherFocusing on basic research and cutting-edge exploration, focusing on digital assistants to help cities with digital transformation.

   (This article is a special article on Litchi News and refuses to be edited)

Jinan transportation department issues risk warning for online car-hailing industry

Recently, many places across the country have issued warnings about the saturation of online car-hailing, and Sanya City in Hainan Province has decided to suspend the business of accepting online car-hailing business licenses and transportation licenses. Previously, the transportation department of Jinan City also issued a risk warning for the online car-hailing industry to remind employees. In the "second half" of the development of online car-hailing, what is the industry environment in Jinan? What changes have taken place in the market?

The efficiency of individual receiving orders has decreased, and one driver serves multiple "owners".

"Now the orders are not as good as before, the big orders can’t be received, and the small orders are tossed back and forth." In Jinan, Wang Xingyi has been working as an online taxi driver for four years, and he has run for more than 1,000 days from part-time to full-time. "In the first year, I worked part-time, and the number of orders was OK, especially on weekends, and I almost never stopped receiving orders." Wang Xingyi worked part-time, and the monthly flow was more than 8,000 yuan, so the second year he ran a full-time online taxi. What he didn’t expect was that with the passage of time, there were more and more Internet taxi platforms, and the number of online drivers was increasing day by day. The most obvious feeling was that the number of travel orders received was not as good as before.

At 10 am on the 11th, the reporter called a taxi from Jinan City Long-distance Bus Station through Autonavi Map, Meituan and other platforms. On the interface of the aggregation platform, there are nearly 100 taxi-hailing platforms in the economy category alone. After calling at the same time, drivers will soon take orders. "From the aggregation platform, you can see how many online taxi-hailing cars are running on the road in Jinan." Entering the car of Mr. Li, the driver of the timely car, the first thing that came into view was the three mobile phones in front of him. "Now it is not as good as before. There are too many platforms, and the passenger flow is scattered. Only one platform is attached to it, and the number of orders is not large. Multiple platforms have multiple opportunities." Mr. Li used "the east side is not bright and the west side is bright" to describe this operation method.

The phenomenon of online ride-hailing drivers docking to multiple platforms has become more common in recent years. The same car has more than one "owner" serving the same driver. By docking on multiple platforms, in addition to improving one’s order volume, it can also increase the probability of receiving large orders. "During peak periods, there are too many orders to start, which is not cost-effective and time-consuming. Sometimes it takes half an hour to block in the urban area," Mr. Li said. When multiple platform orders come in, you may encounter medium and long-distance orders to the airport or peripheral areas and counties.

Recently, a video of an online car-hailing driver’s car full of mobile phones receiving orders leaked out on the Internet. Multiple brackets were laid in the car, with eight or nine mobile phones on them, each mobile phone displaying a real-time picture of receiving orders from a platform. "In the past, there was a colleague who hung up on seven platforms at the same time, and the order came in at the same time, and it was all beeps," Mr. Li said. There is still an influx of people pouring in when the flexible market for online car-hailing is saturated

In recent years, there have been more and more drivers on online car-hailing platforms, and today, when the capacity is basically saturated, there are still many newcomers joining. "From the perspective of practitioners, the threshold for online car-hailing is low, the work is flexible, and everyone’s impression of online car-hailing drivers can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month by running around casually," Mr. Li believes.

"After the original job was sluggish, I wanted to change industries. After comprehensive consideration, I still think online car-hailing is more suitable." The reporter’s investigation found that there are not a few online car-hailing drivers who have the same opportunity as Mr. Li. The entry threshold is not high and the working method is relatively flexible, which makes online car-hailing a job option for many people.

For some young people, online car-hailing is also a "way out" for employment. "In the first year of graduation, I didn’t find my favorite job, so I thought about driving online car-hailing for a period of time, and I had a source of income. Later, I got used to it, and I have been doing it until now." Zhang Bo took running online car-hailing as his temporary job after graduating from university, which was also the fastest job he could find. "At that time, the traffic was still relatively large, so I didn’t have to worry about the list. After my college classmates at the time found out, some people also joined or worked part-time."

The fast and convenient way to call a car has made online car-hailing the first choice for many people to travel and take a taxi. The huge potential market development space at the beginning has attracted a batch of practitioners. Between the ages of 20 and 50, people in every age group are engaged in the profession of online car-hailing drivers.

"Every morning at 6 am, pick up the car and go home at 5 pm, there are no restrictions on the company’s various regulations. And in the two years when the market was good, we did make money." Zhang Bo said that in the first two years, it was very easy to take dozens of orders every day, and you could run more than 100 yuan in an hour. When you are tired, you can take a day or two off. For college students who have just left school and middle-aged people with a lot of family affairs, this relatively flexible work has a greater appeal.

In the interview, some online car-hailing drivers made a calculation to the reporter. In the first few years of the booming online car-hailing market, the average daily flow was around 800 yuan, but now the daily flow is less than 400 yuan. "After the Spring Festival, the cultural tourism market has recovered one after another, and the urban traffic counting has increased, but because there are many online car-hailing platforms and drivers, the passenger flow to their hands is not as high as expected." Mr. Jia said that some platforms have incentive mechanisms for drivers. There are rewards similar to "rushing orders" for receiving more orders. Coupled with the current decline in efficiency, many full-time online car-hailing drivers have increased their running time and saturated orders. Mr. Jia believes that the usual passenger flow is limited, there are more and more drivers, and everyone’s running time is about 10 hours a day, which has exacerbated the competition. My brother "switched to" some traditional taxis on the online car-hailing network without carrying

Jinan Urban and Rural Transportation Bureau in the network about car industry risk warning released a set of data, as of the end of March this year, Jinan registered a total of 69 network about car platform enterprises, registered network about car 17,800 vehicles, get the network about car qualification certificate driver 35,900. Affected by the network about car and the number of employees increased sharply and rapidly, according to statistical data estimates, the current network about car bicycle daily average number of orders less than 10 orders.

In recent years, the number of private cars in Jinan’s urban area has also been increasing, and the two types of vehicles are intertwined, which has a certain impact on road traffic during peak hours. Jinan City adheres to the basic idea of giving priority to the development of urban public transportation, developing taxis in a moderate and orderly manner, and optimizing the urban transportation structure for urban transportation layout. In the case of car-hailing saturation, there are still many people flooding into the market, which also diverts the flow of urban public transportation.

The reporter found that in addition to having a certain impact on urban traffic, the impact of online car-hailing on traditional cruise taxis is also very large. "In the first few years, when there were not so many platforms, online car-hailing ushered in a dividend period, and many people used it as a part-time means." The person in charge of a taxi company in Jinan told reporters that whether it is taxis or online car-hailing, it is a supplement to urban public transportation. Now residents are more inclined to ride-hailing than traditional cruise taxis, which allows online car-hailing to have a large market development space, but the space is ultimately limited. With the increase of platforms and the increase in the number of drivers, the market began to saturate.

The person in charge admitted that the online taxi-hailing industry has also attracted some traditional cruise taxi practitioners. Some taxi drivers do not renew their contracts with taxi companies after the contract expires, but choose online taxi-hailing instead. "Joining or renting a car is a more common way to recruit online car-hailing. It is more convenient for drivers to join, and the operation model is relatively flexible. In the past few years, the cruise taxi industry has lost a lot of drivers."

Jinan City’s online taxi booking industry risk warning notice also pointed out that at present, some online car-hailing platform companies are idle due to low orders, and some cruise cars are also unaccompanied due to difficulty in achieving expected returns. It is recommended that companies intending to engage in online car-hailing operations carefully research the market, gain a deeper understanding of policies, and cautiously invest in Jinan’s online car-hailing market to avoid economic losses.

iPhone 16 new features and price exposure! netizens issue soul torture

This morning, iPhone 16 Pro once again on the hot search!

The well-known leaker "Leaks ApplePro" broke the news that Apple’s iPhone 16 Pro starts with 256GB of storage this year, and the price may remain unchanged at $999 (the domestic starting price is 7999 yuan).

Technology media MacRumors also released a blog post recently, summarizing the revelations about Apple’s iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max models, saying that the model will have 30 improvements and optimizations this year.

Users generally support upgrading memory!

eI-tia: Three years ago, the 512G of 12promax was not enough.

Star Stealer: Unexpectedly, Apple was finally willing to upgrade its memory.

Xiao Te is cheerful and Pu: Let’s start with 512.

Many netizens expressed that the improved camera capabilities are still very attractive.

Souquet_97: If the telephoto is true, it will be cattle. At present, Android’s ten times light change has not achieved 300mm.

Xiao Niannian’s pork belly: The camera function appeals to me.

Surfing veteran: I don’t think it’s a useful improvement for me, but in terms of video, it’s quite a big improvement for short video bloggers and the like.

Many netizens said that solving the signal problem is the key.

July’s Tail 815: When will the signal issue be resolved?

A sheep’s -: only needs to optimize the signal problem.

White Night Fairy Tale: Solve the network first, and turn around every time you enter vx.

Fast, fast, fast, non-stop meat loss: first optimize the signal!

Stanislas 2012: The phone is very beautiful, but there is no signal.

In addition, netizens also made the following suggestions:

Annoying fruit are: when will the heat dissipation problem be solved!

BIgHert_Ming: Can the battery be useful!

Sorrybutloveu: Can the screen protect the eyes?

Pour a pot and pass the hustle and bustle: 1. Signal 2. Battery 3. Side return 4. Phone recording, let’s do these basic functions!

Only you Vae: Max has to increase the width, that can’t hold the phone at all, max is big enough!

Mr. Xiaoming by the sea: Brushed metal has more texture than glossy metal!

Wanxing yyyy: Can you stop being so heavy?

Cold Salad 68985: When is Dynamic Island canceled?

Previously iPhone 16 Pro high definition render graph was exposed, showing the new camera island design on the back of the fuselage, and said that the render graph is very similar to the prototype design currently tested by Apple.

What are your expectations and suggestions for the iPhone 16 Pro?

The robot sings the leading role, cool "black technology" appears at the Internet Light Expo.

  You can also pay for brushing your eyes, unmanned vehicles run out of the street, and robots parking service.

New Internet technologies began to flock to Wuzhen.

  Yesterday, the third world internet conference Internet Light Expo opened in Wuzhen. More than 310 Internet companies at home and abroad have brought a number of new Internet technologies and achievements that are the most advanced and cutting-edge in the world.

  Ma Yun also arrived in Wuzhen yesterday evening. He "bought some cakes and then walked into a private restaurant". This time, he brought new technologies such as urban data brain, artificial intelligence ET, and face-scanning payment.

  Baidu unmanned vehicles have also started to operate dynamically in Wuzhen in the past few days.

  Hikvision’s intelligent parking robot, which is being put into trial operation in Wuzhen, also appeared at yesterday’s Internet Light Expo.

  More and more Internet technologies are being fermented in Wuzhen.

  Ma Yun brings new payment technology.

  Previously, Alibaba had launched "brush face payment", but at this Internet conference, Alibaba brought "brush eye payment".

  "Brush eye payment" is a "black technology" based on eye pattern recognition technology, which attracted the media’s enthusiasm and attention on the spot. As long as the user stares at the smartphone camera and turns his eyes to both sides, the software will be able to analyze the distribution map of eyeball blood vessels in the photos taken by the camera and establish unique ID data for the user.

  "Eye white texture, like fingerprints, has become the password for payment. The software accuracy rate of this pure biotechnology can reach 99.99%, which is more economical and convenient than iris and fingerprint sensors." On-site related personnel introduced.

  Tang Liang, the activity development and operation department of Alibaba Group, said that at this Internet conference, they also brought new technologies such as urban data brain, artificial intelligence ET and face-scanning payment technology.

  Baidu unmanned vehicle is on the road.

  Remember the driverless car that showed up at the world internet conference last year? Last year, with many doubts, this year has begun to "run."

  Different from last year, Baidu unmanned vehicles will be operated on the real urban roads in Wuzhen. It is understood that before the opening of this Internet conference, Nokia Internet of Vehicles built a base station in the extension of midnight road in Wuzhen, and Baidu driverless car conducted a road test in the extension of midnight road.

  This also means that the cooperation between the Internet town Wuzhen and Baidu to build the world’s first unmanned vehicle operation scenic spot has gradually matured.

  According to reports, in the demonstration car on this "fully transparent" road, you can see that the mobile phone terminal or vehicle terminal perfectly realizes the map navigation application combined with real-time traffic video, and the full-motion video switches rapidly with the change of vehicle position. Travelers can not only get daily road information on navigation, but also click on the screen to directly check the real-time road conditions and make travel arrangements in advance in a more intuitive way.