Horizon perception algorithm – a more open visual perception solution than Mobileye

  As a leading enterprise in the ADAS industry, Mobileye currently holds more than 60% of the global market share of visual perception chips. At the same time, the closed visual perception ecosystem established by Mobileye has also become the mainstream form of the industry. Conditional open and relatively convergent perception API requirements have helped Mobileye establish standardized perception interface solutions and quickly promote products to the world, attacking cities and territories.

  However, time has changed. As current visual ADAS capabilities continue to be upgraded and iterated, the industry expects more open solutions to help OEMs and Tier1 create differentiated and more adaptable ADAS capabilities.

  The complexity and locality of driving scenarios call for open solutions

  Once upon a time, a domestic OEM tried to develop an autonomous parking solution based on Mobileye’s visual perception solution. During the implementation of the project, it was necessary to identify the railing at the entrance of the parking lot. However, Mobileye’s closed solution did not support customers to update the perception algorithm independently, resulting in development difficulties.

  This reflects the dilemma faced by OEMs. On the one hand, Mobileye’s visual perception solution is still the most mature solution at present, with many advantages in terms of product maturity, project risk control and quality management, which OEMs cannot refuse. On the whole, it is a situation of more than conservative and less aggressive. But on the other hand, this closed solution is like a black box. Because of the inability to differentiate and customize development, the performance is homogenized; moreover, in localized driving scenarios, it cannot fully meet the requirements. This limits OEMs to make more aggressive product solutions, which will reduce product competitiveness in the long run.

  The particularity of China’s driving scene requires a localized sensing solution to meet the functional requirements of ADAS/autonomous driving.

  At the same time, in order to meet the high reliability requirements of ADAS/autonomous driving for perception, more open perception solutions are also required. For example, if we can identify richer targets and more types of semantic segmentation, then we can obtain richer semantic information, so that different categories can be cross-validated. For example, road shoulders and sidewalks have a clear auxiliary verification function for the judgment of the drivable area. Fixed targets on the roadside, such as traffic signs and street lamps, are of great help in positioning.

  If the road is covered with snow on a snowy day, how can you tell where the shoulder is? The movie "If You Are the One" describes a dialogue plot:

  "Hey, you’ve been to [Hokkaido], you must know what the arrows on both sides of the road are for?" Answer: "Oh, in winter, the snow in Hokkaido is very thick, and the arrows instruct people not to drive out of the shoulder of the road."

  If we can recognize the arrows on either side of the highway, we can reason about the boundaries of the drivable area. The development trend of perception technology requires more open solutions

  The development of perception technology can be summarized as follows:

  From simple scenes to complex scenes

  From high-frequency targets to general targets

  From 2D perception to 3D perception

  From reality-oriented perception to prediction-oriented perception

  All of these trends have further increased the richness and complexity of perception, making it impossible for vendors to use a standard perception solution to meet their needs.

  In the era of software-defined cars, automakers need a more open approach

  Intelligence is the core element of brand differentiation in the future, mainly through the addition of software functions. The post-deployment of software will be the general trend, which means that most software functions will be delivered after the car leaves the factory, and software iteration OTA will be the new normal. This trend is particularly important for mobility service operators. Service requirements in various scenarios need to be based on the functions of existing fleets and met by continuous upgrades and iterations.

  In the future, the car delivered by OEMs will not be a product with solidified functions, but a robot that continues to evolve. Throughout the life cycle of the car, the hardware platform can continue to support software iterative upgrades. The efficiency of software development and differentiated functions will determine the success or failure of this intelligent competition.

  In order to improve the efficiency of software development, from the perspective of system architecture, service-oriented system architecture (SOA) will become the mainstream, which requires the creation of a new perception solution that meets the requirements of four aspects: a highly open, consistent and complete tool chain, a strong computing power reserve, and strong scalability to meet the requirements of different levels of vehicle platforms.

  Open perception intermediate results help domestic ADAS functions continue to evolve

  At present, the perception algorithm API is still relatively closed in the industry. Many features are difficult to implement (such as the augmented reality display function of ADAS function in the infotainment domain), in part because the perception algorithm is only provided for internal use of the intelligent forward-looking camera module and is unwilling to be provided to other subsystems. And the Horizon perception intermediate result can be fully open. And because the low-level semantics of the Horizon algorithm are very rich, the fully open perception intermediate result can support customers to develop more complex functions at the application layer.

  So far, the Horizon algorithm can support 10 types of dynamic targets and 53 types of static targets. Among them, dynamic targets include: adults, children, cyclists and other pedestrians, as well as cars, SUVs, vans, trucks, passenger cars, motorcycles and elderly scooters 7 categories; while static targets include 8 categories of lane lines, 2 types of traffic lights and 43 types of traffic signs. The richer perception information than Mobileye provides a solid perception foundation for customers to realize differentiated functions.

Rich Perceptual Information Provided by Horizon Algorithm

  Open and comprehensive toolchain, practicing the concept of "deeply empowering"

  In order to increase the agility of visual algorithm iteration and better support various extreme perceptual scenarios in China, Horizon has launched the AI chip tool chain Horizon OpenExplorer (Horizon "Tiangong Kaiwu"), including data, training and device deployment tools, such as model training tools, inspection and verification tools, compilers, emulators, embedded development kits, etc. (Figure 9), forming a closed loop. Data generates models, which can be deployed to devices for operation, and can guide the tuning of models during operation, and even collect new data. Such a self-evolving development model can improve development speed, lower development thresholds, and ensure development quality. Based on this model, development manpower can be reduced by about 30%, development time can be saved by 50%, and more importantly, because the development threshold is lowered, the scale of developers can even be expanded by an order of magnitude.

  Horizon will continue to upgrade the power builder to provide customers with a semi-automated processing flow. Mainly include: closed-loop iteration between data tools and models, models and on-end devices; rich model/system reference prototypes, simple and easy to use intuitive and convenient interaction means; standardized development process, plus continuous testing, integration, and deployment mechanisms.

Horizon "Tiangong Kaiwu" chip tool chain

  More specifically, Horizon’s model training tool can support mainstream deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow to help users train their own models; the compiler supports converting the open-source training framework model format to the binary format on the chip; and the embedded development kit can support customers to call the algorithm library to develop their own applications, allowing customers to quickly deploy applications in chip manufacturers. The entire toolchain package can cover the complete development link (Figure 10). After optimization by the Horizon compiler, the memory access bottleneck of the algorithm can be greatly alleviated and the computing efficiency of the chip can be improved (Figure 11).

  Development Process Based on "Tiangong Kaiwu" Tool Chain

Algorithms automatically optimized by the Horizon compiler provide significant performance improvements

  Recently, Horizon partnered with South Korea’s SK Telecom to develop a dynamic crowdsourced high-definition mapping solution. SK used Horizon’s toolchain to develop a visual perception algorithm for Korean roads, demonstrating the ease of use and reliability of the toolchain.

  In short, the opening of Horizon is a deep and multi-dimensional comprehensive opening from providing system reference solutions, to fully open sensing results, and then to full-stack solutions of toolchains, fully empowering the intelligent development of the automotive industry. If customers advocate the concept of division of labor and cooperation to maximize efficiency, Horizon provides software and hardware integrated chip solutions; if customers prefer to maximize capabilities and want to use their own algorithms, Horizon provides customers with pure chips and a complete toolchain to help customers achieve deep enough development freedom and practice the long-term commitment of "deep empowerment".

The brand-new model KX11 of Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L"

  International Online auto channel News: On February 19th, Geely Automobile officially announced that the brand-new SUV model code-named KX11 was named: Xingyue L, which is positioned as a compact SUV and forms the flagship SUV family under the CMA framework with Geely Xingyue. Among them, "L" has the meanings of Larger, Luxury and Liberate, which is not only the lengthening and widening of the body size, but also the evolution and upgrading of the whole system such as space, power, intelligence and safety, subverting new forces, joint venture classics and luxury boundaries with unparalleled future technology, and breaking through the boundaries of traditional compact SUVs.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ L”_fororder_image001.

Geely xingyue l

  At the same time, a set of exterior and interior official maps released, the biggest highlight is the joint screen design adopted by the central control screen and the co-pilot entertainment screen. The 1-meter-long "meter-level full screen" shows a sense of science and technology, which not only enhances the advanced sense of the entire cockpit, but also breaks the single tool attribute, realizes multi-screen interaction, innovates visual experience, and conveys a new experience of intelligent interaction between people and vehicles based on future technology. According to reports, Xingyue L will be equipped with Geely’s latest digital intelligent cockpit system and higher-level automatic driving technology, and become a "super mobile intelligent terminal", bringing a new experience of smart travel.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ for order _ image 002.

Geely xingyue l

  Judging from the official map of the interior, Xingyue L has adopted a brand-new design concept and luxurious technology configuration in its design, and its overall style is simple and atmospheric, and it also incorporates oriental aesthetic elements. The center console is designed with two colors, which is more charming than the domineering appearance. The neat stitching technology and delicate materials show the craftsman spirit, which makes the cockpit have its own texture and luxury, and it is more warm and comfortable in science and technology fashion. The super-large three-screen that traverses the entire center console integrates the dashboard, the central control screen and the co-pilot entertainment screen, and with the three-position sports steering wheel, the lines are outstanding and the sense of technology is bursting.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ L”_fororder_image003.

Geely xingyue l headlamp

  In appearance, judging from the pictures of the tail of Xingyue L exposed this time, it still inherits the simple style, but the shape is simple but not simple. The through tail, with the consistent taillights, shows the design aesthetics and sports characteristics with the flagship posture of Geely 4.0 era. Combined with the official map previously exposed, it can be seen that the overall shape of Xingyue L is tall and burly, tough and atmospheric, with large-area straight waterfall vertical grille and double-row three-section light source headlights showing domineering, neat and powerful waistline and large-size wheels adding a sense of movement. The simple and textured design makes Xingyue L not only have the luxury and atmosphere of European cars, but also take into account the flexibility and dynamics of SUV models.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ L”_fororder_image004.

Geely xingyue l taillight

  As a brand-new SUV model built under Geely CMA super matrix structure, the body size of Xingyue L is 4770mm× 1895mm× 1689mm, and the wheelbase is 2845 mm. Different from the general L models in the market, Xingyue L benefits from the flexibility and extensibility brought by CMA super matrix structure, and has a comprehensive leading intergenerational advantage in product quality, intelligent technology and intelligent interaction at the same time. It can be called the latest and highest-level product spokesperson in the era of "Science and Technology Geely 4.0" and has the global competitiveness beyond the mainstream joint venture brands.

Auto channel [Information] The brand-new model KX11 with Geely CMA architecture is named "Xingyue L" _ L”_fororder_image005.

Geely xingyue l

  At present, SUV is the backbone of the world’s mainstream brands to expand their territory, and it is also a new force for Geely Automobile to participate in global competition. Geely Automobile, which is a latecomer, has repeatedly pioneered in the development of SUV field, leading the new era of SUV with the most cutting-edge intelligent technology SUV products. With Geely’s current cutting-edge design, cutting-edge technology and the most intelligent ecosystem, Xingyue L will break the boundary of smart car SUV led by Tesla Model Y and rewrite the market structure of high-end fuel SUV led by Tiguan L, which is called SUV breaker and subversive.

  February 19 is also the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. Choosing to announce the naming and interior information at such a "auspicious" time, it is conceivable that Geely Automobile has high hopes for Xingyue L. As the first heavy-duty model released by Geely Automobile in 2021, the arrival of Xingyue L will not only expand the product lineup of Xingyue family, but also further strengthen the main line of SUV products of Geely Automobile to meet the needs of users for high-tech and intelligent automobile products under the new consumption format. It is believed that Xingyue L is bound to become the most "cow" SUV in China market in 2021, leading Geely Automobile to achieve another sales success in the new year and bringing users a travel experience beyond expectations. (Source: Geely Automobile)

Volvo is really a luxury brand for its quality and safety.

First of all, the quality of Volvo is good. I think the real owner has the most say. After a cursory look at the real owner’s answer below this question, I think I don’t need to repeat the answer. In short, I want to buy a car and go for a test drive first.

Let me briefly talk about some opinions about the rumors of poor quality.

First of all, it was mentioned that various votators on social media touted Volvo’s high safety, thus questioning exaggeration. There is no denying that Volvo can’t get away with it every time, but the root cause of many cases is that under a certain accident base, the number of times Volvo didn’t suffer too much damage in actual collisions must be better than other brands, so there will be so many cases. If it is said that touting one’s own advantages will also attract criticism, then I think the problem may not lie in Volvo products, but in people’s hearts.

Secondly, Volvo was under Ford in the past few years, and the problem of gearbox tuning has been criticized, which persuaded a group of car buyers. However, this problem has been well solved since Volvo changed the Aisin gearbox, and now Volvo’s power system is still very reliable.

Let’s take a look at Volvo’s new car quality ranking in recent years. Let’s first take a look at what this J.D.Power is. J.D. Power’s research is famous for its independence and objectivity, and it is one of the most professional and authoritative market research companies in the world. At the same time, J.D. Power has gained high recognition in the global industrial and commercial circles in terms of automobile customer satisfaction index, and its investigation and research strength in the global and China domestic industries is second to none.

In 2010, the first year that Volvo was bought by Geely, Volvo’s C70 was rated as the best compact luxury sports car by J.D.Power. Then in 2014,
get away
) also ranked first in the segment list of medium-sized luxury SUVs announced by J.D.Power. In the same year, Volvo pressed BBA to rank second in the quality list of J.D.Power luxury brands with the score of "45 cars per 100 cars", second only to Porsche.

Looking at the China Quality Research Report published by J.D.Power in 2021, Volvo ranks in the top three, second only to Hehe, which shows that Volvo has been doing this piece of quality with heart.

Finally, we talked recently about the XC40 pure electric ice-breaking experiment conducted by Volvo a few days ago. Although there may be moisture, we have to say that if you pull some new electric assembly cars to freeze at MINUS 20 or 30 degrees, can you drive them out or not? The XC40 pure electric energy frozen for 48 hours can show that Volvo not only passed the quality of oil cars, but also grasped the quality of trams in the process of electrification development.

In the final analysis, it is impossible for Volvo to have no quality problems at all, but most of them are harmless minor problems, which is one of the reasons why Volvo’s repurchase rate has been relatively high. Finally, I think non-car owners don’t have to worry about the quality of Volvo, but prospective car owners can buy it with confidence.

Xingyue L Hi·P Raytheon’s big lock list officially opened the subsidy, and the price was 253,700 yuan.

Yichexun On November 7th, according to the official announcement, L Hi·P started the limited-time event. The activity time was from 14: 00 on November 7th to 24:00 on November 13th, with a limited number of 3,000, and the deposit was expanded five times. The subsidized price was 253,700 yuan.

Users who have successfully paid the deposit to lock the order this time can enjoy rich car purchase rights: delivery will be started as soon as it is completed, and it is expected that the delivery of users will be completed before December 10; Five times the deposit rights, enjoy a deposit of 3,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan, and the price after comprehensive rights is 241,700 yuan; The rights and interests of new energy subsidies will be listed before December 31, 2022, and enjoy the price after the national new energy subsidies.

In terms of appearance, the Xingyue L Hi?P has not changed much compared with the current Xingyue L Raytheon Hi?X version, but the style of the front fog lamp has been fine-tuned to improve the overall recognition. Specifically, the new car adopts the latest design language, and it looks very burly as a whole. At the same time, the headlights on both sides are quite satisfactory in shape, and they look calm and atmospheric when matched with the front air intake grille.

From the side of the car body, the new car has added a charging interface to the rear fender on the left side of the car body, and a new plug-in hybrid logo has been added to the lower right corner of the tailgate. The new car has been declared before, and its body size is still 4770/1895/1689mm, and its wheelbase is 2845 mm.

The most striking thing about the interior of the new car is the penetrating multimedia touch screen of the center console, which extends from the central control area to the front of the co-pilot and can display many driving information and multimedia entertainment functions. In addition, the new car is also equipped with a full LCD screen and a yacht-type electronic shift lever. At the same time, the color scheme with deep top and light bottom also makes this car look more textured.

According to the official statement, compared with the traditional PHEV model, Xingyue L Hi?P can lock the engine as a range extender to generate electricity for the battery, thus maintaining the maximum efficiency of electric drive; Compared with pure electric vehicles, Xingyue L Hi?P can enjoy the convenience of refueling at the same time, completely eliminating mileage anxiety; Compared with extended-range electric vehicles, Xingyue LHIP has a parallel hybrid system and a three-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro, which has lower energy consumption. The highlight worth mentioning is that Xingyue L Hi?P comes standard with DC fast charging, which can achieve the highest charging power of 85kW, and it takes only 27 minutes to charge the battery from 30% to 80%.

Huawei BU actively contacts state-owned automobile groups.

On April 17th, photos of the "secret meeting" between Huawei and GAC were exposed. The trip to GAC was led by Chi Linchun, president of Huawei’s smart car solution BUMarketing and Sales Service Department, and Hu Runze, chief expert. Feng Xingya, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group, Huang Yongqiang, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car, and the core technical backbone are all listed. It is generally speculated that Guangzhou Automobile Company, Huawei’s cooperation project this time, landed in Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi, and it is very likely that Guangzhou Automobile and Huawei will reach a heavy cooperation, or the official announcement of the Beijing Auto Show that will open next week. (Interface news)

The Story of China People: Wang Mingli: From a War Hero to a Poverty Alleviation Hero

  The breeze blows gently, and the tea in Sinan Chenxi Ecological Tea Garden is fragrant.

  Ten years ago, it was once a barren hill, and the per capita annual income of villagers nearby was less than that of 800 yuan. Ten years later, thousands of acres of tea gardens here are a million hectares, and the per capita annual income has increased by nearly seven times.

  With a 6 kg prosthetic leg, Wang Mingli dragged his broken legs on this road for 10 years. He led the veterans and the local people to find a way where there was no road, and turned the barren hills and stone ridges into more than 4,000 acres of ecological tea gardens.

  Wang Mingli, Party branch secretary and trade union chairman of Chenxi Ecological Agriculture Professional Cooperative in Sinan County, Guizhou Province, and chairman of Dongsheng Forest Breeding Family Farm in Sinan County, is in the tea garden. Photo courtesy of myself

  Blood-stained battlefield, the iron-hearted hero will never regret losing his leg

  "It is not easy to survive, we must be strong!"

  In April 1984, the battles of Laoshan and Zheyinshan started. At the age of 20, Wang Mingli wrote six letters of invitation, urging the company to hand over the most difficult combat tasks to the sharp knife class he led.

  On the battlefield, he rushed to the front and died, but unfortunately he was injured by enemy shrapnel in his right leg and blew up his left leg. Wang Mingli, who woke up from a pool of blood, did not flinch. While fighting back, he dragged his disabled body to continue fighting, completed the combat mission with tenacious perseverance and rescued the injured comrades.

  Although the war cost him a leg, it didn’t take away his hope for life. In the eyes of Wang Mingli, he is still lucky. "Many of my comrades-in-arms have died, and I am still alive. I am lucky. I should cherish my hard-won life."

  Return from disarmament, take root at the grassroots level and open up a new battlefield.

  In 1985, Wang Mingli retired to his hometown. The fighting spirit of "I’d rather die before and never take a step back" was like a bright lamp, which lit up his way forward. In 2000, Wang Mingli was selected as a resident cadre. He found that there were some veterans in the countryside, and they had a hard time because they didn’t have any skills. Seeing that his comrades-in-arms and local people are suffering from poverty, his heart is very unpleasant. How can we find a way for them to get rich? Wang Mingli turned his attention to Wanjiashan, the origin of Yan tea in history.

  Sinan, where Wang Mingli is located, is located between Wuling Mountain Range and Daloushan Mountain Range. It is rocky and full of thorns. In the eyes of local people, Wanjiashan is a "dead mountain" without access, water and electricity!

  Can you dig out a tea garden on the "Dead Mountain"? Almost everyone thinks this is impossible, but Wang Mingli believes it. Sinan has a long history of planting tea, and suitable soil and climate conditions have made Yan tea a tribute tea. Today, Sinan can also grow good tea.

  He dragged his heavy prosthetic leg and climbed up Wanjiashan. The land here is barren, and the people on the mountain eat corn and potatoes for every meal. Only during the Chinese New Year are I willing to eat a little rice, wearing all patched clothes, and my liberation shoes are worn out.

  "Be sure to make this ‘ Dead mountain ’ Become a golden mountain! " The living conditions of the local people have strengthened Wang Mingli’s determination to plan mountains and grow tea.

  Have faith in your heart and swear to turn the "dead mountain" into a golden mountain.

  Wang Mingli’s "absurd" idea was opposed by almost everyone.

  "He just likes to show off, so let him have a taste of losing everything." "Not only has his leg been blown off, but now his brain is out of order" … … It is said that Wang Mingli will plant tea trees on Wanjiashan, but people don’t believe that he can succeed. However, Wang Mingli did not flinch.

  In 2007, the roar of excavators broke the silence of Wanjiashan for many years. Without funds, he took out all his savings, borrowed from the east and borrowed from the west, and even mortgaged the property. His wife finally couldn’t help but feel distressed and complain about him, and the two were facing a divorce.

  Dragging his broken legs, people don’t know how many unimaginable hardships the pioneers of today’s entrepreneurship have suffered. All he said was, "Dig even if you lose everything!"

  Wang Mingli has to face three major problems in cultivating tea gardens on Wanjiashan Mountain: difficulty in entering the mountain road, difficulty in using water on the mountain and difficulty in supplying electricity. What should we do? No matter how hard it is, we must go on!

  He took several laid-off comrades-in-arms and set up tents on the barren hills thousands of meters above sea level. There was no road on the mountain, so he led the villagers to cut a 3-kilometer mountain road on Wanjia Mountain at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. There was no water on the mountain, so he led everyone to dig more than 40 water cellars and carry water with horses. When there was no electricity on the mountain, he lit the lantern with kerosene. When his hand was blistered, he found a band-aid to stick it on. During the day, he dug mountains with his comrades. At night, he took off his prosthetic leg as a pillow. When the prosthesis was worn, he tied it tightly with wire; When the wound became inflamed, he quietly put on the painkiller … … Finally, the tea base was built.

  After the tea garden was built, before Wang Mingli could enjoy the joy of success, a disaster came. The newly planted tea seedlings suffered from heavy snow disaster and freezing weather for two consecutive years, and lost 40% at once. That night, man of iron, who had fought his life on the battlefield without tears, cried. He is tired! Because of Chashan, he has worn out many prosthetic limbs and suffered many misunderstandings. However, he stood up again when he thought of his comrades who had been buried in his hometown.

  "Can’t cry! The comrades who died on the battlefield will not forgive me for giving up. "

  In the spring, he brought the masses to replant tea seedlings. It is another year of tea picking, and it is no longer a wilderness, but an endless tea garden; It is no longer cold, but spring full of hope.

  Stick to the position of poverty alleviation and make new contributions to the hero of poverty alleviation

  Every morning, Wang Mingli will stumble slightly in a thousand acres of tea garden. Looking at this green hill and thinking about the road he came, a smile appeared on his mouth.

  Driven by tea gardens, six poor villages around have taken off their "poverty hats" one after another, and many villagers have bought cars. The vigorous development of ecological tea gardens has convinced Wang Mingli that only by building a good platform for entrepreneurship and employment can more people get rid of the "hat" of poverty. He founded Sinan County Veterans Entrepreneurship and Employment Demonstration Base with the model of "Party branch+veterans+enterprises+bases+farmers".

  In 2009, together with several veterans, he seized the opportunity of Sinan county party committee and government to develop ecological tea industry and established Sinan Dingsheng Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. in Guizhou Province. In recent years, through leasing land and farmers’ participation in land, the company has concentrated on transferring more than 4,000 mu of land for tea garden construction in a large scale, radiating six national poverty-stricken villages around, making the local per capita annual income jump from more than 800 yuan to nearly 10,000 yuan.

  "I did it with him, not by accident, but by necessity." "I really appreciate him, because he made me useful." When my comrades expressed their gratitude to him, Wang Mingli always said, "You are all rich, so I have no regrets."

  As night fell, Wang Mingli dragged his tired body home. He collapsed on the bed, rolled up his trouser legs, silently removed his heavy prosthetic leg, peeled off layers of gauze, washed the bloody wound with salt water, applied medicine, and wrapped it in layers of new gauze. Early the next morning, he rushed around his thousand acres of tea garden in high spirits. He said that he will always stick to his "position" and protect his tea mountain. (China Youth Network reporter Yang Yue Zhang Wei trainee reporter Li Huihui)