Pony Ma: Using AI to "explore the stars" with the National Astronomical Observatory

  Litchi News (Shanghai Work Department reporters/Wang Sheng, Chang Yan, Wang Weijie, editors/Li Hui) 

  existAt the 2021 world artificial intelligence conference that opened on July 8,Chairperson and CEO of TencentPony Ma introduced the innovative progress of Tencent AI empowering all walks of life.

  Pony Ma revealed that Tencent and the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly launched the "Star Exploration Program"The AI technology from Shanghai Youtu Laboratory will be used to search for pulsars and explore the universe. 

  AI technology can not only go to the sky, but also enter life. Tencent’s AI technologyIt has been applied toShanghai’sModelingEnterpriseofQuality inspection link,Improve product quality.Reduce costs and increase efficiency.

  forWhy did you put it this year?"Sustainable AI Innovation"Incorporated into the company’s core strategyMa Yun said that since Tencent has alwaysPursue science and technology for good, naturally alsoTo achieve AI for good, make AI technology implementation available, knowable,Reliable, andHopewith thistractionCompany as a wholeBusiness development and technological innovation

  In the past few years, Shanghai has amassed talents, opened up its scene, and built a platform, which has created a good innovation ecosystem for technology companies including Tencent.Pony Ma saidTencent willTake this furtherFocusing on basic research and cutting-edge exploration, focusing on digital assistants to help cities with digital transformation.

   (This article is a special article on Litchi News and refuses to be edited)

Hu Ge

He is a Chinese mainland film and television actor and pop singer, born on September 20, 1982, from Xuhui District, Shanghai. He graduated from the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy, is a Chinese mainland film and television actor and pop singer, and is also a member of the Democratic League.

Hu Ge’s acting career began in 2004, when he starred in his first TV drama "Dandelion." He then starred as Li Xiaoyao in the 2005 drama "The Legend of the Sword" and sang the episodes "June Rain" and "Xiaoyao Sighs". In the following years, he starred in the TV series "Flying Immortals" (2006), released his debut music album "Departure" (2008), and starred as Sedum in the drama "The Legend of the Sword and the Sword" and sang the ending song "Forgetting Time" (2009).

Hu Ge continued to make breakthroughs in his acting career, starring as Yi Xiaochuan and Meng Yi in the time-travel drama "Myth" (2010), releasing the music album "Blu-ray", and being nominated for the Best Newcomer Award in the Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award in the historical film "Revolution of 1911" (2011).

Since then, Hu Ge’s acting career has reached a new level. He played Yu Wentuo in the fantasy drama "Xuanyuan Sword Sky Mark" (2012), and won the Best Actor Award at the 2nd Beijing Danny International Stage Performing Arts Awards in the drama "Dream Like a Dream" (2013).

Hu Ge played Ming Tai (2015) in the spy drama "The Pretender", and won the Best Actor Award at the 22nd Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Award for the role of Mei Changsu in the costume drama "Langya Bang", the 28th China TV Golden Eagle Awards Audience Favorite Actor Award, and the 11th China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival Most Popular Actor Award.

In addition to his acting career, Hu Ge is also actively involved in public welfare undertakings. He performed the song "Love Each Other" on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 2016.

For more information about Hu Ge, check out entertainment news websites or follow his social media accounts.

Responsible editor:

Smart speaker+smart computer+low-level assisted driving ≠ smart car

In modern society, "intelligence" seems like a false word. Many products that clearly advocate human-computer communication under the banner of intelligence will be embarrassed when they are actually used, but they will take you to McDonald’s, but they will take you to the cinema.

For example, a smart speaker in my house, I called it to play a popular song that young people like, but it played me a good luck …

Nowadays, many car companies also want to March into the field of intelligence, but in the end, it is "much cry and little rain", thinking that just installing a big screen on the car, plus a slightly retarded voice communication system and some irrelevant driving assistance is an intelligent car.

Stop it,Smart speaker+smart computer+low-level assisted driving ≠ smart car.

If you want me to say, to really understand smart cars, it is better to look at this car company-Changan Automobile. Although Changan Automobile currently holds more than 100 intelligent black technology technologies in three categories: intelligent interconnection, intelligent interaction and intelligent driving, it is not as simple as eating the cover in one car and going up to the fifth floor at one breath. If you want to find out, it is better to start with this year’s Guangzhou Auto Show.

At the 2018 Guangzhou Auto Show, Changan Automobile unveiled its latest smart SUV, which attracted a lot of attention. What is the charm of this car and Changan Automobile?


Killer 1: APA 4.0 parking service system that makes parking like playing a remote control car.

You know, the car we drive is not a remote-controlled car, and now the urban road situation is becoming more and more complicated. For every novice, parking is always their biggest headache. Even the old drivers who have been through the battlefield, I believe they want to shout "I won’t coach!" When they encounter complicated parking environment.

As the gospel to save the "parking difficulty", one-click parking has increasingly become a parking artifact that everyone relies on, and major manufacturers are also happy to carry this technology on their new cars and attract consumers’ attention as a gimmick.


The APA4.0 parking service system carried by Changan CS85 can realize the functions of actively searching parking spaces, one-button parking inside the car and remote parking outside the car, and is suitable for horizontal parking, vertical parking, diagonal parking and horizontal parking.

As long as the vehicle is close to the parking space, APA4.0 parking service system will turn on the parking space identification, and when the parking space is detected, the intelligent steering wheel will be turned on. The driver only needs to switch gears according to the instructions, and the car can be easily sent to the garage like a child playing with a remote control car. You know, this core technology of autonomous driving has already been launched in Chang ‘an New CS75 at the Beijing Auto Show in April.

Killer 2: IACC integrated adaptive cruise reaching L2 autopilot level.

"Intelligence" is not only "wisdom", but also reflects whether a car is "alert" in parking, and automatic driving assistance also needs to be fully armed.

As the backbone of the ranks of independent brands, Changan Automobile naturally lags behind others. The IACC integrated adaptive cruise carried by CS85 includes many intelligent driving functions, which can cope with a variety of car scenes. This system has already been carried on changan CS55 to meet consumers.


With the cooperation of ICA one-lane intelligent assisted driving, TJA traffic jam assistance system and other configurations, CS85 can automatically extend the middle of the lane, and if the road conditions are congested and the markings are unclear, CS85 can also start the automatic car-following driving mode, and make a series of complex behaviors such as intelligently manipulating the steering wheel, automatically slowing down, and recognizing the speed limit of the road, which greatly liberates the driver’s hands and feet and creates a relaxed and pleasant driving atmosphere.

Killer 3: the real "man-vehicle integration" TAI automobile intelligent system

Just like everyone’s requirements for mobile phones, not only high value and high performance, but also certain playability can highlight personality.

The new Tencent TAI car intelligent system can be said to push the playability of CS85 to another height. I believe that if CS85 car owners play their cars thoroughly in the future, they will be more willing to turn their cars into their own "internet addiction places".

TAI car intelligent system not only introduces Tencent’s massive advantageous content ecology, such as QQ music, Tencent Radio, etc., but also doesn’t leave behind the IP of online games like the glory of the king, which Wang Dajie’s second son likes to play most.

Another thing that is more enjoyable is that the CS85 LCD instrument panel and the color big screen are not only beautiful, but also can realize intelligent interaction with two screens. For example, information from all directions such as navigation, making phone calls and listening to the radio can be directly mapped from the central control big screen to the instrument panel, which will neither let us miss important information nor affect driving safety because of reading information. It can be said that people and vehicles are truly integrated, intelligent and practical.


Create a real smart car

When the intelligence of other car companies still stays in the stage of PPT painting sesame cakes or concept cars, Changan Automobile has put intelligent and practical technology on production models, setting a reference sample for the intelligent development of the automobile industry.

Looking at the whole large and medium-sized SUV market segment, it is really only exclusive to Changan that it can be equipped with two core technologies of autonomous driving and many intelligent interconnected systems at the same time, like Changan CS85.

In August this year, Changan Automobile announced the intelligent strategy "Beidou Tian Shu Plan", which clearly described the bright future of automobile intelligence to the general public. (Now, it seems that there is finally a car company that is not just drinking too much and bragging. )

In Changan Automobile’s view, with the upgrading of driving demand, experience has increasingly become the focus of consumers’ attention. Just as the main contradiction in our society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the insufficient development of imbalance, consumers need safer, more comfortable, more convenient, communicative and personalized cars to meet the consumption upgrade.

In the future, cars will change from vehicles to large-scale intelligent terminals, and at the same time, new business models featuring "sharing and electrification" are accelerating. It is estimated that by 2020, the proportion of intelligent networked new cars will reach 50%, and by 2025, it will reach more than 90%. The automobile industry will fully enter the era of "no network, no wisdom and no car".

Intelligentization is actually a rare opportunity for China brand which started relatively late and has insufficient profitability. Therefore, only by quickly laying out the industrial chain, core technologies and innovating business models can we build an integrated long-term competitive advantage.

It is the opportunity and challenge of intelligent future that gave birth to the Beidou Tian Shu Plan of Changan Automobile. Changan Automobile will provide customers with a "four-hearted" intelligent mobile experience with peace of mind, happiness, intimacy and peace of mind, and create a better travel life.

In the field of autonomous driving, Changan Automobile has created a number of firsts: the first to realize the 2000KM unmanned driving test, the first to realize the mass production of the core technology of autonomous driving APA4.0, the first to realize the high-level automatic parking function of APA6.0, the first to realize the mass production of the core technology of autonomous driving IACC, the only China automobile enterprise in China to obtain the road test license of smart cars in China and the United States, the first L4-level autonomous driving public display, and the first to realize the L4-level semi-open park in China.

As can be seen from the debut of Changan CS85, Changan Automobile is creating new miracles.

"Shangri-La" plans to make efforts in the field of new energy.

Facing the growing new energy market, Changan Automobile sized up the situation and released the new energy strategy-Shangri-La Plan in 2017.

The "Shangri-La Plan" includes four strategic actions: 100 billion actions, 10,000-person R&D, partnership plan and ultimate experience. The goal is to complete the construction of three special platforms for new energy by 2020; By 2025, the traditional fuel vehicles will be completely stopped to realize the electrification of the whole spectrum of products.

By 2025, more than 100 billion yuan will be invested in the whole industrial chain to build an open and win-win industrial ecosystem and create a new energy vehicle with high quality and pleasant experience.

Then, Changan Automobile launched brand-new products such as CS75 PHEV, New Benben EV360 and Yidong EV460 non-stop.

At this year’s Guangzhou Auto Show, the first pure electric hatchback sports car, Yidong ET, was unveiled, realizing the full coverage of electrification in the market segment. Within a year, even pushing a variety of new energy vehicles, we can really see Changan Automobile’s determination and courage in the new energy market.

The director has something to say:

For Changan Automobile, CS85 is an important step towards intelligent transformation. Only such car companies that dare to innovate, are good at research and development, and are good at cooperation can truly push China’s automobile industry to the world.

Remember to like it!

What changes have taken place in the past three years?

A large number of innovative drugs and "life-saving drugs" have entered the medical insurance drug list, which is the space saved by centralized procurement.

       On December 6, 2018, the centralized procurement of drugs in "4+7" pilot cities was opened in Shanghai. This means that the long-brewing national drug centralized procurement with quantity has officially kicked off.

National centralized drug procurement with quantity, referred to as "centralized procurement" for short, means that drug procurement institutions "package" the scattered purchases of medical institutions through public bidding, and purchase a clear number of drugs from drug suppliers by "group purchase", thus reducing procurement costs.

       At that time, the national medical insurance department entrusted the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Centralized Bidding and Purchasing Affairs Management Office under the Shanghai Medical Insurance Bureau to undertake the daily work of the national drug joint purchasing office (hereinafter referred to as "joint purchasing"). In the past three years, the joint procurement has organized six batches and seven rounds of national centralized procurement, and the scope of implementation has expanded from 11 cities to the whole country. The procurement content has expanded from oral dosage forms to injections, from chemical drugs to biological drugs, and the variety, quantity and degree of competition have been constantly breaking through.

       Specifically, what are the breakthroughs?Let’s take a look at the changes in these three years through the data.

The original drug was greatly reduced in price, and the "patent cliff" appeared.

       Among the six batches and seven rounds of centralized mining, the first five batches and six rounds are all chemical drugs. From the first batch of "4+7 quantity procurement" to the fifth batch of quantity procurement,A total of 218 varieties were covered, and the average price of the selected products decreased by 53%, which reduced the burden on patients by about 250 billion yuan.

       The number of selected products shows an upward trend.In the "4+7 quantity procurement", 25 of the 31 pilot generic drugs were successfully selected, with a successful selection rate of 81%. Since then, the number of selected varieties has reached 32, 55, 45 and 61 respectively. The sixth batch of insulin special procurement is the first time that the national centralized procurement has been extended to the field of biopharmaceuticals, which is quite different from the first five batches of procurement rules, and the number of selected varieties is 16.

       Except for the sixth batch of insulin special procurement, the average decline of the other five batches and six rounds of centralized procurement was above 50%, which remained stable. The fifth batch of centralized mining decreased by 56%, which was higher than other batches. It can be clearly seen that the centralized collection and extrusion of drug price moisture has played a positive role in promoting the return of drug prices to rationality.

       Centralized purchasing not only reduces the burden of drug use for the masses, but also improves the efficiency of the use of medical insurance funds.After calculation, the results of each batch of bidding saved 5.8 billion yuan, 19.5 billion yuan, 9.1 billion yuan, 19.5 billion yuan, 13.2 billion yuan, 24.1 billion yuan and 9 billion yuan for the pilot areas or the whole country. Among them, the fifth batch of centralized procurement selected the most varieties, involving a total amount of 55 billion yuan, saving medicine costs to the highest in previous centralized procurement.

       As a result, has the medical insurance expenditure decreased? Where did all the money saved go? In fact, to improve the efficiency of the use of medical insurance funds is not only to "cut costs", but also to spend money on the cutting edge. In recent years, a large number of innovative drugs and "life-saving drugs" have entered the medical insurance drug list, which is the space saved by centralized procurement. The continuous increase of medical insurance expenditure has prompted pharmaceutical enterprises to intensify innovation and promoted the process of high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry.

       The participation and winning bid rate of each batch of original research pharmaceutical companies have always been the focus of attention. Although the average decline of the selected original drugs in the first four batches of centralized procurement was relatively high, climbing from 71% and 79% to 82% and 84%, there were 10 foreign companies involved in 11 products in the fifth batch of centralized procurement, and their participation was significantly improved.

       Foreign companies actively embrace centralized purchasing. On the one hand, the fifth batch of centralized purchasing involves many kinds of injections, and the successful result will have a great impact on the sales of enterprises in hospitals. Faced with such a big market change, foreign companies can’t "sit idly by". More importantly, it has been gradually accepted by the industry and society because the original drug is equivalent in quality and can compete on the same field. This is the embodiment of the implementation effect of the generic drug consistency evaluation policy and the embodiment of the normalization and institutionalization of centralized purchase.

       More and more original drugs have been greatly reduced in price, indicating that the phenomenon of "patent cliff" has appeared.The so-called "patent cliff" means that after the patent protection of a newly developed and listed drug expires, more generic drugs will appear on the market, and the increase in supply will lead to a cliff-like decline in the price of the original drug. In the past, the prices of some original drugs in China were higher than those in neighboring countries and regions for a long time, and the phenomenon of "patent cliff" failed to happen. Now, this phenomenon has finally happened because of national centralized mining.

"Taking quantity" is the core, and promoting "exchanging quantity for price"

       Six batches of centralized mining, which drug varieties have the highest decline?Based on the 457 drugs with known historical prices, the top drugs have different uses. Rivaroxaban, an anticoagulant in the fifth batch of centralized mining, dropped by as much as 99.5%, which is a veritable "price reduction king". Memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Harmo’s disease and olanzapine for the treatment of schizophrenia are also in the forefront with a drop of over 97%. Taking olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets as an example, patients used to spend 849 yuan a month, but now they can save 822 yuan by using the selected varieties, which can save more than 9,000 yuan a year.

       Some time ago, the "soul bargaining" in the national medical insurance drug list negotiation triggered a heated discussion. Is collective purchasing "soul bargaining"? In fact,Centralized purchasing and medical insurance negotiation are two different things.Although both of them belong to the "drug price reduction" initiative, the medical insurance negotiation is to include drugs in the catalogue, so that they can be reimbursed through medical insurance, and there is no provision for hospital dosage; Centralized procurement requires hospitals to give priority to the use of selected drugs and complete the contract dosage on time. It can be said that "with or without quantity" is the main difference between the two. In addition, the drugs selected in centralized procurement include both varieties in the medical insurance catalogue and those outside the catalogue.

     "Carrying quantity" is the core of centralized purchasing, and "exchanging quantity for price" can promote enterprises to reduce prices. So,What are the ten varieties with the largest purchase volume?It can be seen from the agreed procurement volume in the first year of the country that the drugs for common diseases, such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia, are still in the greatest demand, among which metformin for treating type 2 diabetes has the largest procurement volume, with the agreed procurement volume reaching more than 5 billion tablets in the first year, and the actual procurement volume in the first year of the country exceeds 8 billion tablets. 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, and insulin has been continuously introduced in the past 100 years. At present, the second generation of recombinant human insulin and the third generation of recombinant insulin analogues are commonly used products in clinic. Relatively speaking, the third-generation insulin is safer and more effective, and the price is higher.

       Just at the end of last month, the sixth batch of centralized purchase of insulin was opened in Shanghai. This collection covers the second and third generations of insulin, including 16 generic varieties. The purchasing demand of medical institutions in China in the first year is about 210 million pieces, and the purchasing amount involved is about 17 billion yuan according to the pre-centralized purchasing price. The average price reduction of the products to be selected is 48%, and it is estimated that the annual cost can be saved by 9 billion yuan.

       The three years that Ji Cai has gone through are three years of challenges and achievements. The "Tenth Five-Year Plan" for National Medical Security proposes that by the end of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", the number of drug varieties purchased by each province through national and provincial centralized quantity will reach more than 500. Practice has proved that only by holding on to the reform achievements and constantly promoting the normalization and institutionalization of centralized drug procurement can we better serve the overall situation of national medical and health reform and development and provide people with all-round and full-cycle health services.     

◆ Source | Jiefang Daily/China Medical Insurance

Beijing released "Thirteen Questions on Haze Protection"

  CCTV News:In order to help you prevent haze scientifically, today (9th), Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission and Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released.Thirteen Questions about Haze Protection.

  1. What is haze?

  Haze is a kind of weather phenomenon that a large number of tiny dust particles, smoke particles or salt particles are suspended in the atmosphere, which makes the air turbid and reduces the horizontal visibility to less than 10 kilometers. Haze is generally milky white, which weakens the color of objects, making bright objects in the distance reddish yellow and dark objects reddish blue.

  Relevant research conducted by Beijing CDC in 2013-2015 found that the main components of smog are water-soluble inorganic ions (nitrate, sulfate and ammonium salt ions, etc.), metals and metalloids (lead, cadmium, arsenic, etc.), and carbon substances (organic carbon and inorganic carbon).

  2. Does smog affect the human body?

  Smog has an impact on the human body! According to the data, the impact of smog on human body is generally divided into direct impact and indirect impact.

  Direct impact: When the concentration of air pollutants rises sharply in a short period of time, people may cause acute harm by inhaling a large amount of pollutants, resulting in respiratory tract and eye irritation symptoms, such as cough, sore throat and headache. If it is exposed for a long time, it will cause chronic inflammation, decreased immunity and allergies.

  Indirect effects: smog can affect our health through long-term indirect effects, such as affecting solar radiation and microclimate, producing greenhouse effect, destroying ozone layer and forming acid rain.

  3. Why should we reduce outdoor activities in foggy weather? 

  Relevant research conducted by Beijing CDC in 2013-2015 shows that the indoor PM2.5 concentration is 30% to 40% lower than the outdoor concentration in severe haze weather, so it is suggested to minimize outdoor activities in haze weather.

  4. Do you want to wear a mask when the smog comes? How to choose? How to wear a mask correctly?

  If you have to go out in foggy days, wearing a mask is the most important protective measure. Any mask has a certain protective effect, but it is recommended to choose a mask with good protection. 

  According to national standards, the protection level of masks is divided into four levels from low to high: D, C, B and A, which correspond to different air quality conditions.

  Grade A corresponds to "serious pollution" and is used when the concentration of PM2.5 reaches 500 micrograms per cubic meter. Grade d corresponds to "moderate and below pollution" and is suitable for situations where the concentration of PM2.5 is less than or equal to 150 micrograms per cubic meter.

  Wearing a mask should follow the instructions for use. When wearing, you must completely cover your nose, mouth and chin, and keep the mask close to your face. The better the tightness, the better the protection effect.

  5. What should I pay attention to when wearing a mask?

  Not everyone is suitable to wear a mask. The tight structure and filter material of the mask will increase the respiratory resistance and reduce the comfort.

  Different groups of people should pay attention to wearing masks: pregnant women should pay attention to their own conditions and choose products with better comfort, such as protective masks with exhalation valves to reduce exhalation resistance and sultry feeling; Children are in the stage of growth and development, and their faces are small, so it is difficult for general masks to achieve the effect of close fitting. It is recommended to choose children’s protective masks produced by regular manufacturers. When the elderly, patients with chronic diseases and special people with respiratory diseases wear masks, it is recommended to use them under the guidance of professional doctors.

  Masks are not suitable for wearing for a long time. On the one hand, pollutants such as particulate matter are adsorbed on the outside of the mask, resulting in an increase in respiratory resistance. On the other hand, bacteria, viruses, etc. in exhaled breath will also accumulate inside the mask. Failure to breathe fresh air for a long time will make people’s own immunity decline.

  Non-disposable masks should be cleaned regularly, and the filter membrane should be replaced. When they are not worn, they should be kept properly.

  6. How to pay attention to personal hygiene after going home for outdoor activities in foggy weather?

  After going out for activities in foggy weather, clothes, nose and mouth, and bare skin will be attached with a large number of pollutants in the smog, which will be harmful to health. Therefore, it is suggested to take off your coat, wash your face, wash your hands, and wash your mouth and nose in time to reduce pollution.

  7. Why should children and the elderly pay more attention to smog protection?

  Children are in the stage of growth and development and are more sensitive to the environment than adults. The elderly have low body resistance and usually suffer from basic diseases. A large amount of dust and particles in the smog will stimulate the respiratory tract and easily cause respiratory irritation symptoms. Therefore, children and the elderly should pay more attention to the protection of smog.

  8. What should I do if there are symptoms such as cough and sore throat in foggy weather?

  The acute harm caused by people inhaling a large amount of pollutants in haze weather is mainly manifested in respiratory tract and eye irritation symptoms, such as cough, sore throat, red swelling and tears in eyes, etc. It is suggested that symptomatic treatment be taken when necessary to alleviate the symptoms.

  It is suggested that sensitive people with basic diseases should reduce outdoor activities in foggy days, but also reduce to crowded places with dirty air, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash their hands frequently, and pay attention to increasing or decreasing clothes at any time to maintain good physical condition.

  9. How do families choose air purifiers?

  The air purifier has a certain effect on purifying the air. When selecting, the first thing to do is to make clear the purpose of use, and to buy a purifier with purification effect on PM2.5.

  Second, we should pay attention to the performance indicators of the purifier. According to national standards, a truly effective air purifier should achieve the energy efficiency index of "three highs and one low".

  High clean headroom: The clean air volume (CADR) is the purification effect index of the purifier. The greater the CADR value, the stronger the purification ability of the purifier and the better the purification effect.

  High cumulative purification capacity: The higher the cumulative purification capacity (CCM) value, the more pollutants to be purified and the longer the life of the filter screen.

  High energy efficiency value: The higher the energy efficiency level, the more energy is saved.

  Low noise level: the working noise of the instrument is generally lower than 50 decibels, which is relatively quiet. When purchasing, you can observe the prototype for intuitive feeling. 

  Thirdly, in order to achieve the purification effect, the air purifier must be turned on for a certain period of time according to the room area, the power and purification efficiency of the purifier, so as to effectively reduce the pollution degree of indoor pollutants. Pay attention to the product manual when purchasing. Generally, the product manual indicates the test report or certificate of conformity issued by the air purification effect testing unit. Products that have not given experimental conditions and are too simple or even absolute should be purchased carefully.

  10. What should I pay attention to when using the air purifier?

  Attention should be paid to the purification effect of the air purifier during use, and it is suggested to replace or clean the filter material according to the product instructions. If it is found that the purification effect is obviously reduced, or that there is an odor after the air purifier is turned on, it is necessary to replace the filter material and clean the filter in time. Moreover, the purification materials in the air purifier also have a service life. In order to avoid secondary pollution, they should be replaced in time according to the pollution degree and service time. When indoor pollution is serious, the replacement frequency of filter media can be increased. Self-protection should be done when replacing the internal materials of the air purifier. For example, gloves and masks should be worn when replacing the filter screen to prevent contact and inhalation of trapped harmful substances during replacement.

  11. Does smoking affect indoor air?

  Indoor smoking has a great influence on indoor air. The experimental data of Beijing CDC show that the indoor PM2.5 concentration can reach more than 500 micrograms per cubic meter when one cigarette is burned in a 30 cubic meter experimental cabin. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid smoking indoors in foggy weather.

  12. How do families cook reasonably in foggy weather?

  Home cooking is also an important source of indoor PM2.5 Relevant research by Beijing CDC shows that the instant PM2.5 concentration can exceed 800 micrograms per cubic meter even if the cooking methods such as frying, frying and frying are used in the kitchen (doors and windows are closed). And can spread to the living room, bedroom and so on to a certain extent. However, the concentration of PM2.5 in the kitchen does not change much when cooking by steaming or boiling.

  Therefore, it is suggested that when cooking in foggy weather, the kitchen door should be closed and the range hood should be turned on; During the period of heavy pollution, try to steam and cook; After cooking, you should continue to turn on the range hood for 5 to 15 minutes.

  13. How to pay attention to the indoor environmental sanitation in foggy weather?

  The indoor activities of human beings increase in foggy weather, which will lead to the gradual increase of indoor PM2.5 concentration when doors and windows are closed. Therefore, in heavily polluted weather, wet cleaning method should be adopted for indoor cleaning, and wet mops and rags should be used for indoor cleaning, and the frequency should be increased appropriately. If the smog clears, open the window in time for ventilation for at least 15 minutes. (CCTV reporter Zhang Jing)

The biggest attraction of the Russian Victory Day military parade, the latest weapons and equipment to see first.

  CCTV News:The 9th is the anniversary of the 74th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War in Russia. As usual, a grand military parade will be held in Moscow’s Red Square. On the morning of the 7th local time, Russia held the general rehearsal of this year’s Victory Day military parade. In this rehearsal, a total of 13,000 officers and men, 132 weapons and equipment and an air formation consisting of 74 aircraft symbolizing the 74th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War appeared.

  Walking phalanx mechanized square and air formation

  The entire parade lineup consists of three parts: the trekking phalanx, the ground mechanized square team and the air formation.

  This year, a total of 35 trekking phalanxes participated in the Victory Day military parade. According to the usual practice, the drum band phalanx of "Moscow Military Conservatory of Music" took the lead in the entrance and kicked off; This year’s phalanx also includes for the first time the phalanx of "Moscow University of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation", the phalanx of female soldiers of "zhukov Air and Space Defense Military Academy" and the phalanx of "Military Academy of Russian Federation Investigation Committee".

  Followed by the ground mechanization team that attracts much attention every year, the T-34 tank that made great achievements during the Great Patriotic War is still at the forefront; The latest generation of Russian main battle tank T-14 Amata tank has become the focus of this mechanized team because of its excellent protective ability and the latest military technology. At the same time, classic mechanized equipment such as "iskander -M" tactical missile system, "Jarls" strategic missile system and "boomerang" armored transport vehicle also appeared; The fleet of air defense systems displayed the air defense missile systems of Doyle -M2, Beech -M2, Armor -M and S-400.

  The air formation was led by the world’s largest transport helicopter "Mi -26", and four "Mi -8" helicopters took the lead in flying over Red Square; The upgraded A-50U early warning aircraft also joined the parade formation on Victory Day for the first time in four years. Il -78 aerial tanker and Tu -95MS strategic bomber demonstrated the aerial refueling status on the spot; The famous "Russian Warriors" and "Swift" air show teams drove five Su -30SM fighters and four MIG -29 fighters in a diamond shape in the air to complete the difficult "kubinka Diamond" stunt; Finally, six Su -25 attack planes sprayed white, blue and red tail smoke symbolizing the flag of the Russian Federation from their tails and flew over Red Square, ending the general rehearsal of the military parade.

  The biggest attraction is that the latest weapons and equipment will be unveiled.

  The general rehearsal of the military parade announced the military parade lineup in advance. Then, what changes have taken place in this year’s Victory Day military parade and what are the highlights? Let’s take a sneak peek. The biggest attraction of the Red Square military parade is the latest equipment of the Russian army. Besides main battle tanks and missile systems, what else?

  This year, Russian airborne troops will walk through Red Square with the latest AK-12 assault rifle. The AK-12 is developed by Russia and equipped with Russian troops.

  journalist"You must have shot with this gun?"

  Students of Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School in Margelov, Russia.Yes, this is the first time to show this type of weapon on the Red Square parade. It is the most convenient weapon.

  This year, the improved Tu -95MS strategic bomber will fly over Red Square, which can carry X-101 missiles.

  Russian military expert Konstantin SivkovThe X-101 missile is a unique missile with a range of about 5,000 kilometers. Cruise missiles Imagine a radius of 12,000 kilometers of aircraft activity and a missile range of 5,000 kilometers. What we get is actually a global weapon. "

The story of the high wall | (with video atTAched) ta said with personal experience that these behaviors should be "imprisoned"



World Consumer Rights Day


These acts are illegal and criminal!

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The French open is long and sparse, but it does not leak.

Another year, 3.15.

Food and drug safety

Relate to people’s health and life safety.

However, some unscrupulous merchants

In order to pursue the immediate "interest"

And finally send yourself into a high wall …


【 production and sale of toxic,

Crime of harmful commodities]

Article 144 of the Criminal Law: Whoever adulterates toxic and harmful non-food raw materials into food produced or sold, or sells food knowingly adulterated with toxic and harmful non-food raw materials, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years and fined; Whoever causes serious harm to human health or has other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years and fined; Whoever causes death or has other particularly serious circumstances shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 141 of this Law.


[Crime of Counterfeiting a Registered Trademark]

Article 213 of the Criminal Law: Whoever uses the same trademark as its registered trademark on the same commodity or service without the permission of the owner of the registered trademark, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years and shall also, or shall only, be fined; If the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined.


Crime of producing, selling and providing counterfeit drugs

Article 141 of the Criminal Law, whoever produces or sells counterfeit drugs shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall also be fined; Whoever causes serious harm to human health or has other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and fined; Whoever causes death or has other particularly serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death, and shall also be fined or confiscated.

obey the law

Legal operation is the bottom line, and legal provisions are the red line. Greedy for small profits, loss of trust, and contempt for the law will pay a corresponding price. Only by joint efforts of all parties can we create a legal, fair, healthy and harmonious consumption environment.

Chongzhou Prison will adhere to the principle of "combining punishment with reform, aiming at reforming people", strictly enforce the law and scientifically reform prisoners involved in manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy goods, harming consumers’ rights and interests, and guide them to tell their criminal experiences with their own words, so that consumer "scams" and "traps" have nowhere to hide, and jointly build a more stringent consumer rights and interests protection system.

Original title: "The Story of the High Wall | (with video attached) TA tells the story with personal experience, and these behaviors will be" imprisoned ".

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