Deep Web | From Hundred Regiments War, takeaway competition to present on all major platforms, how Meituan has gone through these 8 years?

  Founded in 2010, Meituan finally knocked on the door of IPO after eight years. On June 22, Meituan submitted a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. If the IPO is successful, Meituan will become the largest listed company in the O2O field in history.

  According to the Meituan prospectus disclosed by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange today, the number of transactions completed by the company’s platform in 2017 exceeded 5.80 billion, and the transaction volume reached 357 billion yuan. The operating income from 2015 to 2017 was 4 billion yuan, 13 billion yuan and 33.90 billion yuan respectively, an increase of 223.2% and 161.2% respectively year-on-year, and the income increased by more than seven times in three years. Meituan’s adjusted net loss continued to narrow, from – 5.90 billion yuan in 2015 to – 5.40 billion yuan in 2016, and further narrowed to – 2.85 billion yuan in 2017, and the loss was halved within three years.

  Among the many start-up companies in the O2O field, Meituan should be regarded as a lucky "outlier". From imitating Groupon’s group buying business earlier, to expanding its business scope with the Amazon model as a reference in the later stage, Meituan has been reclassified into the team of Internet Tech Giants.

  Make another Meituan

  Meituan’s most recent financing was in October 2017, when it received a $4 billion round of F financing led by Tencent, with a post-money valuation of $30 billion. If calculated at the valuation of $60 billion listed on the market, it means that Meituan’s valuation has doubled in less than a year.

  In the past few years, Meituan has shown extremely strong ambitions in its field and has become a force to be reckoned with on China’s internet landscape.

  Starting from group buying, but not ending with group buying. Meituan has its own logic and considerations, starting from a single group buying business and gradually expanding to local life service related fields including Internet takeout, online travel, fresh food e-commerce, online car-hailing, shared bicycles, etc.

  2015 was an important watershed since Meituan was established. At that time, it completed the acquisition with Dianping, which enriched Dianping’s store-to-store service in addition to the original group buying and takeaway business. It was a year when Meituan focused on building a platform and an ecosystem. After winning the war in the era of group buying and O2O, Meituan began to open up a new battlefield.

  The intensive organizational restructuring witnessed the expansion of Meituan’s size.

  In 2015, Meituan established a total of four business groups, including the takeaway delivery business group, the hotel tourism business group, and the store business group, and established a wholly-owned subsidiary, Maoyan Culture Media Co., Ltd. (later spun off and acquired by Guangguang Media).

  The latest adjustment is after the completion of 4 billion US dollars financing in December last year, Meituan will build a new store business group, large retail business group, hotel tourism business group and travel business unit four business systems, and establish Strategy and Investment platform.

  "Looking to the future, the opportunities and challenges are great," said Wang Xing, Meituan’s chief executive, in an internal email at the time. The opportunity is that the new business will hopefully help Meituan achieve faster growth, but at the same time, the challenges from peer competitors should not be underestimated.

  According to the prospectus, Meituan has maintained partnerships with approximately 339,200 hotels in China as of December 31, 2017. In 2017, the number of domestic hotel room nights booked on Meituan’s platform totaled about 205 million, an increase of 56% over 2016, and set a record for 1.57 million domestic hotel room nights in a single day.

  Online domestic attractions and excursion package booking service, as of December 31, 2017, Meituan covers about 330 cities and about 16,500 attractions across the country. Meituan provides consumers with a convenient, safe and cheap way to buy national attractions and excursion packages. In 2017, Meituan sold approximately 97 million domestic attraction tickets.

  In terms of numbers, Meituan’s wine travel business has ample confidence to fight against Ctrip, and it has also begun to attack Ctrip’s core business, high-star hotels.

  Not only the wine travel industry. Since February last year, Meituan has been operating a low-key online car-hailing business in Nanjing. At 0:00 on March 21, 2018, Meituan took a taxi and officially landed in Shanghai. At about 22:00 that night, Meituan announced that Shanghai had completed the first day of breaking through 150,000 orders. Obviously, Meituan extended its competitive tentacles to the Internet travel giant Didi, and caused the latter to respond violently.

  These later diversified businesses provided Meituan with sufficient foundation to enhance its own value.

  Benchmarking Amazon, but more than that

  While bringing innovation impetus to the industry, Meituan is also inevitably involved in multi-dimensional chaos.

  This is not unrelated to the ultimate goal of Wang Xing and Meituan. A person close to Meituan’s senior management once revealed Wang Xing’s thinking to "Deep Web": Wang Xing’s strategic thinking and goal has always been to be a super platform for life services, and new businesses including taxi-hailing are in line with such strategic goals in his opinion. In this way, it can not only acquire more new traffic for the super platform by continuously launching new businesses, but also find more channels to monetize the huge users and traffic gathered by the super platform, so as to continuously enhance Meituan’s value and valuation.

  Mr. Wang has mentioned Amazon on many occasions and it is often compared to the tech giant, but Meituan does not seem content to stop at the Chinese version of Amazon.

  In an interview with The Information, a Silicon Valley technology news outlet, Mr. Wang said: "Users can buy a lot of things on Amazon or Taobao, but both are just e-commerce platforms for physical goods, while Meituan is an e-commerce platform for services." He added, "What kind of e-commerce platform can have millions or even billions of transactions?"

  In fact, in the past year, 320 million users have made at least one purchase on Meituan. Meituan says that about 90% of user traffic comes from its own app, which greatly reduces the cost of users trying new services.

  Meituan is not satisfied with this. It has bigger ambitions. Wang Xing believes that Meituan will serve the middle class 650 million China in the future, and smartphones are almost all ubiquitous among this group.

  Among all Meituan’s businesses, high-frequency takeaway business is the core of the core, and Meituan’s "let everyone eat better and live better" just illustrates this point.

  The prospectus disclosed that Meituan’s takeaway transaction volume in 2017 was 171 billion yuan, and Meituan’s transaction volume in 2017 reached 357 billion yuan, which means that the takeaway business accounted for 47.8% of Meituan’s overall transaction volume.

  In May this year, Meituan Takeaway announced that it completed more than 20 million orders per day, becoming the first takeaway platform in the world to reach such a scale. Looking back at past data, Meituan Takeaway has reached 10 million daily orders in more than 3 years since its establishment, and it took just one year to break through 20 million daily orders.

  Compete with the giants

  While food delivery data is growing wildly, Meituan’s competitors in the food delivery market are also escalating.

  Since the establishment of Meituan takeaway, the takeaway market has evolved a new pattern with new retail as the core. If it was a one-on-one showdown between Meituan and before, then after Ali acquired at the beginning of this year, Meituan needs to face the coordinated battle between, Baidu takeaway, word-of-mouth and Ali.

  In dealing with the relationship with Ali, Wang Xing is very firm, and he even publicly pointed out the dispute with Ali: "The reason why it sold our old shares last year was to interfere with our financing. If you are not optimistic about this company, you can just sell it out. We have already helped them find a buyer. But he refused to sell it out. He must keep some, maybe in order to continue to cause us some trouble in the future."

  According to iResearch, Meituan was the world’s largest food delivery service provider in 2017, with its market share in China increasing from 31.7% in 2015 to 56% in 2017 and 59.1% in Quarter 1 of 2018.

  The difference is that Meituan is heading in a completely different direction from, with diverse coverage centering on local services.

  On the one hand, there is, the earliest player in the takeaway market, and on the other hand, Meituan, who is backed by Tencent and the late mover, will eventually become a player in the harvest market. It is still a question in the short term. However, it is foreseeable that Ali, who is up the ante layout of new retail, and Meituan, who has just established a new retail business group, are bound to ignite the war again.

  In the new travel war, Meitu also started a listing race with Didi. According to the "Hong Kong Economic Daily" report, Didi will start listing as soon as the second half of this year, initially decided to settle in Hong Kong, China, and consider different listing structures, not excluding the listing of the same shares and different rights. It is expected that the market value of Didi will reach 70 billion – 80 billion US dollars when it goes public.

  Obviously, Meituan has taken the starting line one step earlier than Didi, but it remains doubtful whether it can shake up Didi, the transportation giant.

  potential threat

  Wang Xing’s goal of unlimited boundaries has allowed Meituan to step into some of the most expensive battlefields of the Chinese internet in a short period of time. But when it tries to raise more capital from domestic investors to expand its business, it has few options.

  The Information reported in early June this year that Wang Xing had approached SoftBank for a capital injection, but was unsuccessful. Meituan had also intended to raise $3 billion from the Private Offering Fund at a valuation of $40 billion. Meituan later denied the news.

  Meituan’s earnings pressure cannot be ignored. Although other businesses other than food delivery have achieved overall profitability, with the competition in the food delivery market "three into two" and the competition with Didi in the travel field, Meituan still needs a lot of capital investment.

  According to the prospectus, Meituan’s adjusted net loss fell from 5.90 billion yuan in 2015 to 5.40 billion yuan in 2016, and fell to 2.85 billion yuan in 2017, halving the loss within three years.

  In addition, the travel business is also the source of Meituan’s cost. Although it has experienced many close battles in the group buying and takeaway markets and achieved good results, Meituan is undoubtedly a new recruit in the travel industry, and there are still many variables in whether it can achieve a turnaround against the wind. Investment subsidies are obviously the best way to quickly gain market share.

  According to the "deep net", Meituan taxi in Nanjing on the line when the single subsidy is about 20 yuan, if according to its announced in December 2017 the daily order volume exceeds 100,000 single calculation, its subsidy in Nanjing only one day reached 2 million.

  36Kr also revealed the power of Meituan taxi investment, including Beijing and other cities on the line of taxi business, the company prepared 1 billion dollars (about 6.30 billion yuan), and not capped.

  Meituan acquired Mobike in April for a total price of $3.70 billion, including 65% cash, 35% Meituan stock, and assumed Mobike’s debt between $500 million – $1 billion.

  In an interview with foreign media, Wang Xing said, "In the past few years, we have been working hard to ensure that the company is always ready to go public at any time." In addition to financial considerations, another impetus for Meituan’s listing came from the many investors behind it. Data show that Meituan has raised a total of 8.30 billion US dollars since its establishment, and investors have reached the moment to reap the rewards.

  In the eight years since its establishment, Meituan has experienced many variables in the market, and it can be said that it has come to this day through thorns. However, going public is obviously not the end of Meituan, and a competition with giants has really begun.

With excellent product strength and innovative technology leading, the new M7 in the world explodes the large SUV market!

   Since the rise of new energy vehicles, the performance in the market has been very good, and the sales volume is also on the rise, among which the newly listed new M7 is particularly eye-catching. Since the appearance of Chengdu Auto Show, it has attracted a lot of attention and been deeply loved by users. After its recent listing, it has set off a wave of buying craze, with a total of over 20,000 units, and the sales volume of Mid-Autumn Festival reached 2,400+in a single day and 2,600+on the 30th, which continued to detonate the large SUV market. So what are the advantages of this car that can be loved by so many consumers? Let’s talk about it today.

  Huawei HarmonyOS cockpit system was introduced to detonate the market segment.

  The new M7 is an SUV with high configuration, which introduces Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit system, bringing automotive technology and intelligence to a new level. HarmonyOS’s smart cockpit is smoother and more fun, and the super desktop brings more mobile phone applications. Huawei Maglink Huawei’s in-vehicle smart screen system has developed a new way to play space scenes. Huawei’s MatePad tablet is connected immediately, realizing multi-device linkage, and the smart cockpit is changed into a personal workshop, a multi-person conference room and a children’s study, and the magic space is flexibly switched to create "mobile whole house intelligence", which not only improves the convenience and entertainment of driving and riding, but also walks in the smart technology.

  Oversized space brings home-like warmth.

  The new M7 is also a quality SUV with large space and good comfort. It has the leading effective interior space at the same level, with a length of 3338mm, and each seat is spacious. Enjoy six new zero-gravity seats, bringing the ultimate comfort and relaxation experience. The big five seats come standard with brand-new "cotton candy" seats, with 10 layers of comfortable laminated design and a total foam thickness of 100mm; The ventilation, heating and massage functions of four seats are standard, making each seat as comfortable as first class. In addition, the new M7 Building in Wenjie is also equipped with leading and comfortable configurations, such as front and rear double air-conditioning boxes, 17 air-conditioning outlets, rear air-conditioning touch screen, and fully automatic electric pedal, which can bring home-like warmth for both family travel and business applications.

  Active and passive double insurance, double super safety and more reliable.

  The most striking thing is the safety equipment of this car. The so-called passive safety is not afraid of accidents, active safety avoids accidents, and physical safety and intelligent safety are double insurance. Probably, only the new M7 in the world has done it, and it has done an excellent job. In the aspect of passive safety, it is safer and more reliable to match the new M7 body structure and open the mold and rebuild the welding production line. The submarine-grade thermoformed steel accounts for 24.4%, high-strength steel and aluminum alloy account for 80.6%, which is better than the mainstream models of 500,000 luxury brands currently on sale. At the same time, CBS(Composite Body Solutions) composite body material is introduced to effectively improve the body stiffness and collision safety. In addition, the new car comes standard with eight airbags and front double pre-tensioned seat belts, which provide users with all-round driving safety based on more real-life scene verification.

  In terms of active safety, the new M7 in the world has also achieved the goal of not being afraid of things and being more able to avoid them. 360-degree fusion perception is the strength of Huawei ADS 2.0, which makes a qualitative leap in the active safety capability of the new M7, bringing the industry’s first "omni-directional anti-collision system". In case of forward, lateral and backward collision risks, emergency braking or directional intervention can be made to avoid or reduce the collision risks.

  The power output is stable, which brings excellent handling performance.

  As for performance, the new M7 has also achieved stable power output and comfortable driving experience. In addition, the optimization of suspension system and the improvement of vehicle stability make the new M7 in the world also perform well in handling performance. Coupled with the HUAWEI DriveONE extended-range electric drive platform, the four-wheel drive version has an acceleration of only 4.8 seconds, and the CLTC has a comprehensive battery life of 1300km, and the data performance is also excellent enough.

  Generally speaking, the new M7 is equipped with Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit system, which provides a better intelligent technology experience. In addition, it has spacious interior space, comfortable driving experience and excellent performance, so it is undoubtedly a model worth looking forward to. Moreover, from its sales performance, it has won the full recognition of the market and consumers by virtue of its excellent product strength and innovative technology. In the first sales period, we decided to ask for a new M7, that is, to give away the rights and interests worth 33,000 yuan. Consumers are welcome to make an appointment for a test drive to the store.

Krypton 001 FR, the strongest pure electrode on the surface, is on the market, and the price starts at 769,000 yuan.

  [October 27, 2023, Beijing] Today, Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology officially released the pure electric hunting super run — — Krypton 001 FR, the official retail price starts at 76.9 yuan. Extreme Krypton 001 FR combines the performance of tens of millions of super-running, the extreme safety of "highway", the luxury and comfort of executive cars, the ability of off-road SUVs to get rid of difficulties, as well as the top intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving experience, the driving ability of F1 world champions, and the car satellite phone that never loses contact, which subverts the limits of traditional super-running and brings users real super-running in the era of intelligent electric power.

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  Pure electric hunting super running pole Krypton 001 FR official retail price

  Users who decide before December 31st can not only enjoy the six-year or 150,000-kilometer vehicle warranty, three-power lifetime warranty, free data flow, free road rescue during the warranty period, and free 7kW smart home pile-filling package (50 meters), but also get a "Raikkonen model" worth 60,000 yuan, with the same adjustment and driving experience as the "F1 champion".

  Extreme performance continues to evolve, with an acceleration of 2.02 seconds and a maximum horsepower of 1300 horses.

  Since its debut, Krypton 001 FR has been launched with five core technologies in global mass production: the four-motor distributed electric drive launched in global mass production, the world’s first ZVC four-wheel torque vector control, the world’s first "dragonfly structure" middle-section integrated die casting, the world’s first 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform and the world’s first mass production satellite communication technology, making it the strongest pure electricity on the surface in the era of intelligent electric power.

  In just over a month, Krypton 001 FR once again subverted the limit and continued to evolve. Extreme krypton’s pursuit of the ultimate makes its acceleration from 2.07 seconds to 2.02 seconds, and it only takes 6.29 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 200km/h, which is more than half a second ahead of the tens of millions of super-runs. Under the continuous adjustment of the engineering team, the 001 FR has added a special "ejection mode", which makes its starting time 0.02 seconds faster than the normal acceleration. With it, the 001 FR straight-line racing can always be one step ahead of others.

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  The 0-200km/h acceleration of Krypton 001 FR takes only 6.29 seconds.

  The intelligent drive evolution of Krypton 001 FR is not only an instantaneous explosion, but also a full-range high-energy power output. The "overclocking mode" developed by Krypton for 001 FR turns the "nitrogen acceleration" function in racing games into reality, making the maximum horsepower burst instantly. The power of overclocking mode is increased by 10% compared with that of standard mode at high speed, and it can be started at any time of acceleration, so that the extreme krypton 001 FR can maintain a strong explosive force during the whole acceleration, whether it is cornering acceleration or overtaking straight. After the overclocking mode was started in "Raikkonen mode", the maximum horsepower of Krypton 001 FR was also increased from 1,265 at the time of debut to an astonishing 1,300.

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  Relying on Raikkonen mode and overclocking mode, Krypton 001 FR racing shows full-range high energy.

  Behind the extreme performance of Krypton 001 FR is the core technology of Krypton high-efficiency hard core. Extreme Krypton 001 FR is equipped with the world’s first mass-produced 800V high-voltage system of silicon carbide, and each motor is equipped with a silicon carbide electronic control module separately, which is stable, efficient and accurate in control. The combined output power of the four motors can reach up to 956kW, matching with the leading performance of 100kWh Kirin battery, and the maximum charging rate can reach 4C. It only takes 15 minutes to charge the battery from 10% to 80%. The discharge power of krypton 001 FR battery reaches megawatt level. At the same time, the "straight waterfall oil cooling technology" is used to dissipate heat for the motor, and the PTM 2.0 global thermal management system is used to dissipate heat for the battery. The powerful thermal management system allows the peak power of krypton 001 FR to be continuously output for 12 times without attenuation. After 8 consecutive times of uninterrupted acceleration from 0 to 100km/h, and then braking to 0, the internal temperature of the battery only increased by 3.6 degrees during the vehicle test.

  It is not only the temperature, but also the strength of the Krypton 001 FR intelligent electric drive that keeps stable. Krypton uses a 249-meter-long high-strength carbon fiber material to cover the motor rotor, which is covered with 15 layers. The sleeve is only 1.1 mm thick and weighs only 88 grams. It can withstand more than 16 tons of tension at the highest speed. This is also the reason why the maximum speed of the rear double motor of Krypton 001 FR exceeds 20,000 rpm, and its high-speed performance can still explode to the maximum speed.

  Extreme safety is the strongest confidence on the surface, delivering 160 thousand, the only zero spontaneous combustion in the industry

  Delivered more than 160,000 units, the only zero spontaneous combustion record in the industry, and the safety limit of electric vehicles has been constantly refreshed. Safety is the core gene of krypton, and krypton safety is the foundation of extreme performance of krypton 001 FR. Extreme Krypton 001 FR has been specially upgraded on the basis of the technology of "Road Tankryon". In addition to the 720-degree omni-directional safety armor, the middle part of the body of Extreme Krypton 001 FR adopts the world’s first "dragonfly structure" middle-section integrated die casting, and the entire aluminum rear body is also manufactured by the world’s original "four-section" rear-end integrated die casting process to minimize the impact on the battery pack during collision. Inside the battery, Krypton 001 FR adopts the world’s first double-large-face liquid cooling technology, and the heat exchange area is four times larger than that of the traditional liquid-cooled battery pack at the bottom, which realizes the integration of three functions: cooling, heat insulation and structural strengthening, and adds code layer by layer to effectively eliminate fire hazards.

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  Extreme krypton safety comprehensive advanced

  "Not afraid of collision and not catching fire" is only the basis of extreme krypton safety, and excellent control is the core of extreme krypton 001 FR safety. Relying on ZVC four-wheel torque vector control, Krypton 001 FR can not only realize the tank turning without picking the road, but also realize the high-speed turning of the track. In the track test, the speed of Bugatti crossing S-bend on dry ground is 80km/h; Sprinkling water in the same bend, extremely Krypton 001 FR can cross the S-bend at a high speed of 80km/h, with stable body and precise control. Based on this, Krypton has also brought the much-anticipated "drift mode", so that drivers can enjoy the exciting high-speed drift and cornering experience.

  Excellent performance under extreme dynamics benefits from the perfect cooperation of top software and hardware. Krypton 001 FR has the world’s largest carbon fiber roof, which is 1.46m long and 1.16m wide, and weighs only 6.5kg, which is 65% lighter than the traditional glass roof and 67% stronger. In addition, the front lip, side skirt, tail and diffuser of Krypton 001 FR are all made of carbon fiber aerodynamic kits, which can reduce the overall weight by more than 17kg and increase the downforce by 178kg when the vehicle is driving at high speed. With the strong grip brought by high-performance tires with narrow front and wide back at the track level, you can always maintain the best "flying on the ground" posture no matter how fast you are. KW, the world’s top shock absorber brand, customized the shock absorber for the original factory of Krypton 001 FR, so that the vehicle can perfectly match different track characteristics and different driving styles, bringing a more pure dynamic texture. The original factory comes standard with AP Racing 10-piston forged aluminum brake calipers and racing car’s exclusive oversize Brembo carbon ceramic perforated brake disc, so that polar krypton 001 FR rushes into the two-second club, while the braking distance of 100-0km/h is only 33.4 meters, even if it is driven fiercely for a long time, it can maintain the best braking state.

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  Excellent control is the core of kryptonian security.

  The global evolution Raikkonen model allows you to have the same driving experience as the F1 champion.

  The evolution of krypton is always inseparable from the co-creation of users, and the evolution of krypton 001 FR ushered in the help of F1 world champion kimi raikkonen. As the first European car owner and the chief performance consultant of Krypton 001 FR, kimi raikkonen participated in the development and adjustment process of Krypton 001 FR, and constantly tapped the great potential of this performance beast. At the press conference, An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Smart Technology, and kimi raikkonen jointly started, and the world’s first world champion who used intelligent algorithms to write in the car — — Raikkonen model copies the experience and ability of F1 champion to all owners of Krypton 001 FR.

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  The experience and technology of F1 world champion Raikkonen will be perfectly integrated into krypton intelligent drive.

  The rich track experience and skillful skills of F1 world champion are perfectly integrated into the intelligent drive system. Raikkonen mode not only brings the maximum horsepower increase of 1,300 horses to Krypton 001 FR, but also makes exclusive customized adjustments to nine parameters of Krypton 001 FR, giving users a real chance to have the same driving experience as F1 champion. The new model will be officially launched by OTA in the first quarter of next year after the winter test. In the future, the evolution of the extremely krypton intelligent drive system will also empower all extremely krypton 001 models to achieve advanced performance.

  The 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform, which was first launched and delivered in the global mass production of extreme intelligence.

  As a hard-core technology-driven company, Krypton has the ultimate pursuit for every product. Extreme Krypton 001 FR not only has the ultimate safety and performance, but also completely subverts the industry’s cognition of super-running and high-performance vehicles. Extreme Krypton 001 FR is the first in global mass production and the first to deliver the 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform, which is 2.2 times more powerful than the 8155 computing platform, and the graphics and video processing capacity is 2.7 times higher. Based on the 8295 computing platform, Krypton has created an exclusive intelligent space for pure electric supercar for 001 FR.

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  Krypton created the world’s first exclusive intelligent space for pure electric supercar for 001 FR.

  The intelligent follow-up seat solves the problem that the traditional bucket racing seat sacrifices comfort for performance. Daily driving can provide 10 points and 6 massage functions, and the comfort is full. When driving fiercely, the seat will respond dynamically within 0.1 second according to the vehicle dynamics, increasing the lateral support of the waist and legs, so that the driver can realize the integration of people and vehicles in the most comfortable sitting position. In addition, Extreme Krypton 001 FR will also be equipped with a brand-new 2.5K flexible OLED central control panel, 35.5-inch super-large imaging HUD, competitive style instruments and atmosphere lights as standard; There is also the top Yamaha stereo, with a rated power of 2400 watts and 28 speakers in the whole car, so that each seat is 7.1.4-channel surround sound. Top-level full-featured attributes also satisfy the passion of track driving and the comfort of street commuting.

  In addition to hardware, there is also a comprehensive upgrade of software. The full digital capability of the krypton intelligent drive system opens all the performance parameters of the krypton 001 FR. Extreme Krypton 001 FR matches the first built-in professional track APP in the history, which can make all four categories of performance parameters open, each item can be adjusted by more than 10 gears, and there are more than 13,000 custom driving styles. In addition, this track APP also has a perfect video recording function, which can perfectly restore the driver’s driving performance on the track and easily share it with other riders. It is a real track dating artifact.

  In terms of intelligent driving that users pay attention to, Extreme Krypton 001 FR is also an intelligent pure electric supercar that can be equipped with laser radar, and has intelligent driving ability covering the whole scene of cities and high speed. Lu Yu extreme weather, strong perception can still better identify road conditions, both safe and worry-free. Even if we drive to no man’s land, the vehicle-mounted satellite communication technology, which was launched in the global mass production of Krypton 001 FR, can escort users and make safety never lose contact.

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  Krypton 001 FR is an intelligent pure electric supercar that can be equipped with laser radar.

  Embracing the era of users, polar krypton provides sufficient choice space for car owners. All car owners of polar krypton 001 FR will have two kinds of car roofs for free: if you want to be extremely pure, you can choose the world’s largest carbon fiber car roof; If you want to be intelligent and advanced, you can choose lidar+intelligent light roof. No matter which roof you choose, the ZAD fully intelligent driver assistance system will be standard on the Krypton 001 FR, which will bring users an unprecedented leading intelligent experience in super-running.

  Let the face value of hunting clothes, the performance of super-running, the comfort of cars, the space and ability of getting rid of difficulties of SUVs, and the top-level intelligent experience be met at the same time in one car. Get on the track, get off the street, and even pursue poetry and distance. Extreme Krypton 001 FR will be an all-round pure electric hunting supercar covering all road conditions and scenes.

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  Full road condition, full scene, all-round pure electric hunting super run

  Eight hard-core technologies were launched in the global mass production, and six performance parameters ranked first in the global mass production, with over 100 luxury configurations as standard. Extremely, 001 FR once again subverted the tradition and opened the era of intelligent electric supercar. Whether it’s hunting coupe or hunting supercar, Krypton has always evolved in the spirit of pursuing the ultimate, setting a real value benchmark for users.


Beij is facing that most complicate and severe prevention and control situation since the COVID-19 epidemic.

CCTV News:On November 21st, the Information Office of Beijing Municipal Government held the 420th routine press conference on epidemic prevention and control to inform the latest situation. At the meeting, Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that the current epidemic situation in this city continues to be at a high level, showing a rapid upward trend, with obvious regional differences. This city is facing the most complicated and severe prevention and control situation since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, and is at the most critical and tight moment. We should further understand the situation, unify our thinking, unswervingly implement the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic zero clearing", compact the "four-party responsibility", optimize prevention and control measures strictly, timely and appropriately, and pay close attention to the implementation of various prevention and control work; It is necessary to further strengthen the territorial responsibility of areas with serious epidemic situation, reduce social mobility, advocate flexible work, reduce the rate of arrival, online teaching, and make appointments in public places to limit the flow in areas with serious epidemic situation, effectively implement regional nucleic acid screening, and make orderly arrangements to avoid getting together; It is necessary to further strengthen the investigation and control of risk personnel and risk points, do a good job in standardized management and service guarantee of high-risk areas, pay attention to epidemic prevention management in crowded places, and implement various prevention and control measures in key links in a timely, effective and high-quality manner.

Military newspaper articles talk about soldiers’ live broadcast: confidentiality first and will explore and spread the image of soldiers

  Topic backgroundIn 2013, the domestic online live broadcast platform began to rise; In 2015, there were nearly 200 online live broadcast platforms with 200 million users. With the popularity of 4G and wireless networks, the habit and demand of netizens watching videos on the mobile Internet are being cultivated, and everyone can become a "live car". Some media said that the "national live broadcast era" is coming.

  With only one smart phone and one software, life in the military camp can be "broadcast live". Going back ten years is unimaginable for many people. As smartphones enter the military camp in an orderly manner, the "mobile phone live broadcast" platform has also been favored by many officers and men. At the same time, the live broadcast has also brought new problems and challenges to the army management. Facing the "mobile phone live broadcast fever", a recent experience of a regiment of the 14th Army of the Army may bring us some enlightenment.


  "Push-ups" on the live broadcast platform

  At the beginning of June this year, Xiao Wang, a noncommissioned officer of a regiment of the 14th Army of the Army, downloaded a mobile phone live APP and registered an account during his vacation. Every day, he does push-ups, singing and other programs. In less than a month, the number of fans has soared from zero.

  After returning to the team, Xiao Wang’s "live broadcast" was interrupted. I can watch my account constantly "dropping powder", and Xiao Wang is a little anxious. One weekend, Xiao Wang resumed the long-lost "live broadcast". After the company cadres found out, they immediately stopped.

  Coincidentally. Xiaoshi, a battalion secretary, likes playing games since he was a child. He was a "game anchor" when he was in college. Last year, after re-using his smartphone, he joined the "live broadcast" of the game, and sometimes used the weekend to anchor online game competitions. Once, a fan guessed Xiaoshi’s military status in the live broadcast and asked him about the army. Xiaoshi suddenly became alert and stopped the live broadcast.

  It has been found that many officers and men use the "mobile phone live broadcast" platform one after another, which makes the first battalion pay attention to this issue. Although most officers and men do not have "live online", there are also many people who "watch live". Some live content is not nutritious, and some are even mixed with negative information. The first battalion immediately stipulated that officers and men should not use the "mobile phone live broadcast" platform.

  It didn’t take long for a comrade-in-arms to post on the Youth League’s political work website with the topic "Is it really wrong to broadcast live on mobile phones?", which triggered a discussion.

  discuss about sth enthusiastically

  How does the military camp view "live broadcast"?

  “‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ It is no accident that it can be fired. " Zhao Zhang, a company soldier, said that he likes to record the moments around him with his mobile phone when he is on vacation. A touching scene is presented through live broadcast, which is more likely to resonate with everyone than empty preaching.

  "My favorite anchor often shares some practical skills in daily life." Peng Yuxi, a female soldier, watched the live broadcast on weekends. Every time she watched it for a short time, she gained a lot. Not long ago, she applied the storage skills learned from the live broadcast to the loading of carrying materials, which greatly improved the space utilization of carrying tools. This storage method was also used for reference by other officers and men in thy company, and everyone said it was good.

  In sharp contrast, some battalion chiefs frown at the mention of "mobile phone live broadcast". Some people think that if it is not strictly controlled, live broadcast software can easily turn mobile phones into "grenades." Instructor Ruan Liedong warned: "If you are not careful, if you put military secrets ‘ Live broadcast ’ What should I do if I go out! "

  In addition, the content of the "mobile phone live broadcast" platform is also worrying. The instructor of the 3rd Battalion said to Lei, "The reason why I object ‘ Live broadcast ’ It is worried that the officers and men are not strong in discriminating ability, and the live webcast content is varied and bizarre, which makes it easy for young soldiers to indulge in it. " He once found that some soldiers wasted a lot of money to give virtual gifts, and even became "moonlight clan".

  The heated discussion among officers and men attracted the attention of Liu Jijun, the political commissar of the regiment. “‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ It is an emerging product in the era of mobile Internet. When QQ and WeChat just emerged, the army did not let everyone use it. But it turns out that blind prohibition is a kind of ‘ Ostrich mentality ’ 。” Liu Jijun believes that "mobile phone live broadcast" does have certain hidden dangers, but it is not completely harmful. Barracks have their own particularity, and new things can neither be left unchecked nor banned at once. Instead, we should strengthen supervision while doing a good job in education and guidance, and unblock them simultaneously.


  "Education+Supervision" Facing the Challenge

  The more you argue, the clearer you become. A group of party members of the group quickly reached a consensus that there is nothing wrong with "mobile phone live broadcast" itself, but the time, place, method and content of its use must be clearly regulated and restricted.

  To this end, Liu Jijun prepared a special lecture for all officers and men to educate and guide officers and men to treat "mobile phone live broadcast" rationally. The regimental organs carefully sorted out the problems that are easy to occur in the "mobile phone live broadcast", invited the network engineers of the automation station to conduct technical analysis and answer questions on the spot, and timely launched a photo exhibition of network security warning education to enhance the awareness of network security prevention of officers and men.

  "The existing laws and regulations do not explicitly restrict the use of ‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ Software, but without approval, soldiers can’t expose their military identity on the Internet. Confidentiality is always a top priority. " Liu Jijun said that in order to strengthen supervision, the regiment refined and improved the "Regulations on the Management of the Use of Smartphones", stipulating that officers and men can only watch and conduct "live broadcasts" in the designated areas of military cafes on vacation or in casual clothes, and the content must not be related to the troops, and the military identity cannot be revealed; When performing tasks or under other special circumstances, you must disable functions such as camera shooting on your mobile phone.

  The group also developed smart phone management software and set up network supervisors in each company to find and correct violations in time. Not long ago, soldier Xiao Li just wanted to broadcast his physical training live in the company fitness room, but he was found and stopped. In addition, in order to prevent the erosion of bad information, the group actively cooperated with the resident network supervision department to grasp the situation of the mobile phone live broadcast platform with illegal problems for the first time and put it on the "list of prohibited software".

  "Through management education, officers and men are now right about ‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ The use of the platform has a clear specification. ‘ Mobile phone live broadcast ’ With media attributes, after reporting to the higher authorities for approval, we will consider exploring the use of live broadcast platforms to spread the good image of military personnel in the future. " Liu Jijun said.