Taxi reform policy participation experts reveal the process of introducing new regulations

  Su Kui is the director of the Guangzhou Municipal Passenger Traffic Management Office and one of the policy makers involved in the whole process of this new taxi reform. Consistent with the figures reported by the Ministry of Transportation, he can’t remember how many meetings he held. "I have been in Beijing all the time and hardly returned to Guangzhou." Su Kui said that the formulation of the whole policy from the beginning of the parties’ differences to the final relatively rational consensus, it does take a certain amount of time. It also takes a certain amount of time from the beginning when everyone thinks that online car-hailing is good, to the fact that it can see its shortcomings. Compared with the "eight-year scrapping", "employment contract", "platform reporting" and other issues that the audience is generally concerned about, Su Kui said that although these are also the focus of discussion, they are not the most controversial topics. In the policy-making process, the most difficult thing is to consider the whole. "We must not only let the online car-hailing develop in a standardized environment, but also let it compete fairly with taxis.

  Whether private cars can enter online car-hailing is not the focus of controversy in the formulation of new regulations

  At yesterday’s press conference, Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming introduced that for the introduction of the new regulations, the Ministry of Transport has held dozens of seminars, demonstrations, consultations and seminars of different scopes and levels to widely listen to the opinions of all parties and repeatedly study and demonstrate.

  As the director of the Guangzhou Municipal Passenger Traffic Management Department, Su Kui participated in almost the whole process, including exchanges between industries and discussions between provincial and municipal authorities; there were voices from online car-hailing companies, as well as the views of ordinary citizens. Gradually form a clear understanding of the development of taxis and online car-hailing.

  During this period, issues such as private car operation, scrapping system, employment contract, reporting issues, and ride-hailing were all listed as topics for discussion. Some topics were also listed as special project topics for discussion.

  However, contrary to the imagination of many citizens, whether the private car, which has always been an awkward status, can operate has not become the focus of policy-making discussions. "How to enter the private car and what conditions need to be met are not particularly controversial. These need to be approved by the local government, and ultimately determined by the local government." And private cars can enter the online car-hailing platform thanks to a "new word" – "reservation rental". Su Kui explained that this is not a difficult development. Worldwide, reservation rental has existed for at least 30 years.

  The development of online car-hailing and fair competition

  How to balance is the most difficult part of the new regulations

  These "creations" are not difficult, and it is difficult to play a game of opinions from all parties. Su Kui has repeatedly emphasized that the most controversial thing is how to regulate the development of online car-hailing without restricting the development of online car-hailing? How to develop online car-hailing while ensuring a level playing field for online car-hailing and taxis.

  For example, 8-year scrapping is considering that if they are all scrapped for 8 years according to the rental operation, it is unfair to the less intensive online car-hailing. It may also push a large number of online car-hailing drivers out of the platform.

  For another example, in terms of the nature of the platform, it is clearly a transportation service, not an information matchmaker. This is the same as a taxi on the starting line, and it is consistent with the feelings of passengers. What passengers need is a taxi service, not a query to obtain a piece of information. If there is a safety problem, the platform as a transportation service provider needs to take responsibility.

  Whether it is the exposure draft issued last year or the new regulations that are finally difficult to introduce, the game and trade-off have always been the most difficult thing. "I am relieved that there is basically a relatively rational consensus now," Su Kui said.

  Give local governments enough space

  Overall, there is a supportive attitude towards ride-sharing

  Xu Kangming, a professor at Shanghai Sanyi Urban Planning and Design Co., Ltd., believes that the biggest highlight of the new regulations is that they leave enough space for local governments. Holding some bottom lines, local governments have a lot of room for maneuver in terms of scrap age, vehicle thresholds and prices.

  Su Kui agreed with this statement. When discussing almost any policy detail, he talked about the role that local governments should play in it.

  After the introduction of the new regulations, public opinion has seen the benefits for online ride-hailing companies such as Didi and Uber, but some people are concerned that the benefits for online ride-hailing are too good, and a large number of private cars may flood into the private car platform.

  Sukui admits that vehicles can be licensed and drivers no longer need to sign a fixed employment contract, which will indeed bring benefits, and does not rule out the possibility of a large increase in online car-hailing. But the final decision is up to the local government.

  Local governments have different requirements for vehicles and drivers, some loose and some strict, which will directly determine the number of online car-hailing. But local governments also need to meet the principles of differentiation and quality, and not all cars can enter the special car market.

  In terms of ride-sharing development, Su Kui believes that the Ministry of Transport as a whole supports ride-sharing, but it is also necessary to determine the specific content of ride-sharing according to the situation of local governments, and it is recommended that all localities introduce relevant policies simultaneously.

  Overall, although the Ministry of Transport has issued new regulations, the final decision rests with local governments.

  Final determination of market price

  Is to leave room for policy

  The new regulations will implement the government-guided price or market-adjusted price for online car-hailing, and clearly change it to the market price. On the one hand, there are opinions that the market price is a good practice to respect market laws, and on the other hand, there are opinions that the market price will allow the price to be controlled on the online car-hailing platform.

  Sometimes in bad weather, many online ride-hailing platforms implement a dynamic fare increase mechanism, which does meet the needs of citizens for taxi travel, but many citizens complain that prices have risen too much.

  Su Kui introduced that he does pay attention to this issue, but insisting on market prices is also a flexible approach that leaves enough room for local policies and allows the market to conduct trials and errors. Even if it is a market price, the government can take action, setting the highest price, the lowest price, and the room for fluctuation. For example, determine how much the minimum cannot be lower, to ensure that there will be no competition below the cost; the maximum cannot be higher than several times, and the guarantee cannot be sky-high. And even if there is no upper or lower limit, the market can be allowed to play a major regulatory role. If there is a problem, it is not too late for the government to intervene.

  Courtesy of Visual China

  Impact · Response

  Online car-hailing platforms have their own strategies for the new regulations


  The new regulations are the country’s affirmation and encouragement for the development of the sharing economy

  According to Didi Chuxing, the new regulations clarify the legal status of online car-hailing for the first time from the level of national regulations, which is a milestone for the stable and healthy development of our country’s transportation industry.

  The relevant person in charge of Didi believes that, compared with the exposure draft announced in October last year, the "Interim Measures" have adopted the opinions and suggestions of all sectors of society, experts and scholars and travel enterprises, and made many revisions and optimizations. On the basis of the license management of online car-hailing platforms, drivers and vehicles, the 8-year scrapping regulations have been cancelled, and they have been scrapped when the mileage reaches 600,000 kilometers, which is more in line with the new business model of the part-time-based online car-hailing economy. The "Interim Measures" also deleted the original quantity restriction clause, stipulating that the market will adjust the price in principle, giving the market, platforms and drivers greater autonomy, and affirming new travel methods such as ride-sharing and carpooling.

  Didi said it will standardize its operations and actively apply for relevant business licenses for online car-hailing platform companies. At the same time, it encourages the integrated development of the Internet and taxis.

  In addition, according to the new regulations, local governments have some discretion over the specific management standards and operating requirements of online car-hailing. "We sincerely hope that in the process of implementing central policies, local governments at all levels can encourage innovation, streamline administration and decentralize power, and create a good environment for the development of new business models."

  easy to get

  Adhere to the mid- to high-end business travel positioning

  The online car-hailing market is basically stable, and the introduction of new regulations restricts monopolistic behavior, pulling all platforms back to the same starting line. All platforms apply for qualification licenses under the same conditions, making the current market structure possible to restructure. All platforms need to "start again".

  The new regulations clarify the development orientation of "high-quality service and differentiated operation" of online car-hailing, and stipulate unfair competition behaviors such as low price and lower than cost price. Yidao has always adhered to the positioning of mid-to-high-end business travel, and insisted on forming a differentiated and complementary relationship with traditional cruise taxis in terms of vehicle models, target groups, and service quality.


  Continue to adhere to the B2C model of professional vehicles and drivers

  During the policy formulation process, the Ministry of Transport and other departments fully listened to the opinions, suggestions and development demands of all parties, including Shenzhou Special Car, reflecting the country’s development concept and ideas of encouraging innovation, openness and inclusiveness. The release of the document is of great significance for promoting the healthy and orderly development of the online car-hailing industry.

  Shenzhou Special Car will strictly follow the requirements of online car-hailing regulatory policies and continue to adhere to the B2C model of "professional vehicles, professional drivers" to provide customers with safer and better travel services.

  This group article/reporter of this newspaper, Liu

  Influence · People

  Brother who has been in the industry for 15 years turned into a special car driver

  On the morning of April 21 this year, Fang Guobao set off from his home in a black Camry, officially bid farewell to 15 years of taxi driver career, and turned around to become a Didi special car driver. 15 years of life cannot be easily changed by turning around. Despite reluctance, helplessness and even misunderstandings, Fang Guobao has not regretted his choice in the past three months. "My taxi life is not as good as day by day, I can’t change it, and it’s useless to complain. I can only adapt."


  Taxi revenue is gradually declining

  Fang Guobao, less than 40 years old this year, is already an old taxi driver who has been driving for 15 years. Since his father is a driving school coach, Fang Guobao has loved cars since he was a child. As soon as he was 18 years old, he took the driver’s license and dreamed of being a taxi driver. In order to pay a taxi deposit of 30,000 yuan, Fang Guobao roasted chicken chops on the roadside for a year, saved more than 20,000 yuan, and borrowed 10,000 yuan from relatives and friends to collect enough money. In 2002, Fang Guobao finally drove the dream taxi.

  Driving a taxi more than ten years ago, the income is already very high, and you can get about 5,000 yuan a month. In two years, Fang Guobao bought a house in Huairou.

  However, more than a decade has passed, and the income of taxi drivers has not increased significantly. A little over a year ago, Fang Guobao’s average monthly net income was around 8,000 yuan. A year later, with the rise of taxi-hailing software, Fang Guobao’s net income has dropped to around 6,000 yuan. Fang Guobao clearly feels that the taxi market is getting worse day by day. I didn’t expect that a small software installed on my mobile phone three years ago would bring such a big impact on my life.

  At the end of last year, Fang Guobao and his colleagues also went to Didi’s headquarters to report problems. They used to hate Didi for stealing business, but the reality is that the taxi environment has changed. He said that it is useless to complain, only to adapt.


  The increase in new job service standards

  On April 21 this year, Fang Guobao officially became a special car driver directly operated by Didi. Over the past three months, Fang Guobao has gradually adapted to the identity of a special car driver, and he has also felt the difference between a taxi driver and a special car driver, and the biggest difference is service. "In the past, driving a taxi was to treat yourself as a means of transportation, take the money to get you to your destination as soon as possible, and then go to the next job. To put it bluntly, it was to run more quickly, and the car drove more fiercely."

  After becoming a special car driver, there were a lot of hard and fast rules, which even made him feel a little annoying at first. Before leaving the car every day, he sent three photos, photos of his instrument, photos of the exterior of the car, and photos of the interior of the car. Only after passing can he start receiving orders. The car was equipped with mineral water, chargers, and umbrellas, and he tried his best to meet any requests from passengers. "When we wait for passengers, we all get off at the station in front of the door and open the door for passengers. If it rains, we will use umbrellas to pick up passengers." When picking up people at the station or airport, Fang Guobao parked the car in the parking lot, and then walked to the exit of the station to pick up passengers. When encountering passengers with a lot of luggage, he went upstairs to help passengers move. " Dealing with passengers is not a big deal, but service is reflected in these trivial things, which is different from taxis. Frankly speaking, I have never done these things when driving a taxi. "


  Services can be reflected in income

  In the beginning, Fang Guobao didn’t want to work because of these rules and regulations. Slowly, as he became familiar with Didi’s software rules and communicated with passengers, Fang Guobao gradually got used to it. Fang Guobao said that the constraints of these rules and regulations are reflected in income. The better the service, the more you earn. Simply put, if the service is done well and the passengers score high, the system will assign high-quality orders to drivers. If the service is not done well, the passengers score low, and there are only some small jobs that do not make money. "If my evaluation is good, the system will often assign me an order of one or two hundred yuan to the airport, which is easy without traffic jams, but if the evaluation is not good, it is a short-distance small job. Catching traffic jams will not make money at all."

  In the past three months, Fang Guobao’s income has increased compared to before due to the high evaluation of the other party’s national treasure by passengers. In May, he earned more than 9,000 yuan. According to the labor contract signed with the company, the higher the score of the driver, the more commission he can get.

  Fang Guobao said that when renting, no matter how good your service is, it is difficult to reflect in your income. "No matter how good my attitude is, I will not be able to work more because of this."


  Worried that it was illegal to drive a special car

  In the first 15 years, Fang Guobao did not rest for almost 365 days. Every day when he opened his eyes, he thought that one or two hundred yuan of money would be deducted. Every day, he thought of doing more work, leaving early and returning later. Now, the weekly limited number of Japanese Guobao can also take a day off. In the past three months, Fang Guobao has increasingly recognized the identity of the special car driver, but he still cannot ignore the reality that the special car is illegal.

  Just half a month ago, Fang Guobao was stopped by the law enforcement officers on his way to the airport. The incident happened suddenly, and Fang Guobao and the passengers were shocked in their hearts, and they were inevitably punished in the end. And every driver of a special car has a knot in their hearts during the past few years, fearing that they will be discovered by the law enforcement officers.

  As for taxis, Fang Guobao wants to say that this is an era of fair competition, and the monopoly situation in the past has been broken. The taxi industry should think about how to improve management and service levels and compete fairly with the special car market. Article/Reporter of this newspaper, Kuang Xiaoying

  Influence · Interpretation

  When will the new regulations come into effect in Beijing?

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that after the introduction of the new regulations of the Ministry of Transport yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing transportation authority has been organizing learning. But there is no time and details for the introduction of the policy.

  According to the current legal policy in Beijing, it is not legal for private cars without operating qualifications to connect to online car-hailing platforms. At present, only the first car-hailing operation model complies with the current legal framework and is considered an official car. According to the relevant person in charge of the first car-hailing car, the first car-hailing car will reach 5,000 vehicles in Beijing by the end of the year, meeting the high-end car demand of citizens in the Fifth Ring Road. However, in the near future, Beijing will make a statement on the development of taxis and online car-hailing.

  Will taxi prices become more expensive?

  According to the new regulations, it is impossible for the special cars and express cars that citizens are worried about to be expelled from the market. After the introduction of the taxi reform plan exposure draft last year, the relevant person in charge of Yidao Car once stated that a large number of cars do not meet the conditions, which will reduce the number of special cars and cause prices to rise. However, after the new regulations are revised, it will not be so difficult for vehicles to meet the conditions, and there will be no phenomenon of a large number of special car drivers "leaving", so the price will not change much.

  Zhao Zhen, vice president of the China Transportation Enterprise Management Association, believes that price is a matter of market positioning and a challenge to the management of operating companies. Different places will vary, and prices should vary according to different services and regions. Generally speaking, prices should be more reasonable.

  How to ensure the safety of passengers taking a taxi?

  According to the new regulations, the first is to pre-check access, through the qualification of enterprises, vehicles, and drivers, to pre-check the basic capabilities of safety services.

  The second is post-event operation supervision, requiring online ride-hailing platform companies to implement their main responsibilities and strengthen safety and service management during operation through information technology. At the same time, all localities should build and improve government supervision platforms to achieve information sharing with online ride-hailing service platforms, and strengthen supervision of business practices and the entire process of daily operations.

  The third is social credit evaluation. By building a credit system for operators and drivers and incorporating it into the national credit information sharing platform, conducting service quality assessments and promptly announcing them to the public, etc., to ensure passengers’ right to know and choose.

  In addition, the online car-hailing platform should carry out pre-job training and daily education on relevant laws and regulations, professional ethics, service standards, and safe operation, etc., to ensure that the drivers who provide services online are consistent with the drivers who actually provide services offline, and to report the relevant information of the driver to the taxi administrative department where the service is located to ensure the safety of passengers.

  How can passengers in accidents be compensated?

  The interim measures make it clear that online car-hailing platforms should purchase carrier liability insurance and other relevant insurance for passengers to fully protect the rights and interests of passengers. Beiqing Daily reporters learned that platforms such as Didi and Yidao have purchased relevant insurance for passengers.

  Compared with the previous regulations, the new regulations also specify the platform as the carrier more clearly. This means that in the event of a safety problem, the online car-hailing platform cannot say that it only provides information and pushes the responsibility to the driver, but needs to bear the corresponding compensation liability.

The former king of Asia, 56-year-old Ren Xianqi, has become popular again, and he just wants to age gracefully

A single "Brother Qi" evoked many people’s memories, and a sentence "You are always too soft-hearted" made countless post-70s and post-80s couldn’t help but hum the melody softly.

Ren Xianqi, who is now 56 years old, is really a veritable "brother" among the male stars participating in the variety show.

He spoke in a familiar voice. The years did not make him more vicissitudes, but filled him with fashionable charm.

The road to fame of Ren Xianqi is always full of legends and hardships.

Once a generation of heavenly kings, he has returned…

The picture comes from the Internet

Unexpected choice

Someone said: If Ren Xianqi grew taller, wouldn’t there be no current king? But how can there be so many ifs in this world.

Ren Xianqi has always been passionate about basketball in high school, and at that time he always thought he would find his place on the sports court.

Perhaps because he did not have a deep connection with professional basketball, he had to give up because of his height. However, sports helped him in another way. Later, he was sent to college with the first place in sports.

After going to college, he still adhered to his own sports path and participated in the Olympic Winter Games many times. Perhaps God had arranged another destination for him, and he frequently missed the Olympic cause he was passionate about.

Ren Xianqi’s childhood

There is a saying that choice outweighs effort.

Influenced by the friends around him, of course, he may have been disappointed with the original choice. He played a 5-piece band with four like-minded friends.

And in order to perform better, he specially equipped musical instruments. During the performance, he shines on the stage like a dazzling sun.

Ren Xianqi in high school

He soon met the Bole of his life, an entertainment company that appreciated his musical talent.

Later, in an interview, Ren Xianqi mentioned his college band. And jokingly called it the "CEO" band, because the five members of the band are now worth hundreds of millions and have become CEOs in their respective industries.

This is probably what we often say about birds of a feather flocking together. Excellent people always attract equally excellent people around them.

The picture comes from the Internet

Rise and fall in the entertainment industry

He said that when he was signed by the company, his father disapproved. His father was more conservative and always believed that teachers and doctors were considered serious professions, while singers and celebrities always felt unreliable.

His father had always believed that his son would continue his previous path and pursue a career in sports.

Of course, his father’s concerns are not unreasonable. After all, there are many singers who are lukewarm, and people always have to watch for a long time.

He discovered at the time that sports journalism was also a good career, and he said: "At that time, I thought that if I couldn’t make it, I would become a sports reporter."

Ren Xianqi who loves sports

In the early years, Ren Xianqi also had a vision for his future.

Just like most celebrities, they try various methods to earn more traffic.

However, whether it is riding a motorcycle on a variety show or filming a show on a roller coaster, the results seem to be minimal.

Later, when promoting the new song, he didn’t even have the opportunity to sing on stage because he didn’t have a coffee spot.

In order to stay on the stage for a few more seconds and let the audience remember him, he has learned a lot of talents to attract people’s attention.

The picture comes from the Internet

The singers of that era worked very hard, and if they were attentive, they were all forced to become versatile, because it was too difficult to make a name for themselves.

He remembered the most memorable time when a rookie played Spitfire directly on the stage, which ended up causing serious injuries.

In some shows, he will set up various links for the guests to increase the audience rating, and will put a large box in the center of the stage with various animals for the guests to touch.

The picture comes from the Internet

Some even add some challenges to motivate the audience.

Remember that there are some clips of the program in Douyin, such as Du Dewei singing along the horizontal bar, and Faye Wong putting her hands in the box with bees.

These were all the tricks on the show back then.

However, if you say you are afraid and don’t go yourself, then without these exposures, who will know you. Many of them are that the bigger you play, the easier it is to be remembered by the audience, and the faster it will be popular.

No way, back then to say whether an artist was popular or not, it was based on the audience rating. So everyone knew what they would face, but they still squeezed their heads to participate.

The picture comes from the Internet

overnight fame

Many celebrities have said that the entertainment industry is like a Vanity Fair, and whether you are popular or not can be seen from the attitude of others.

Ren Xianqi, who was tepid back then, always had to perform various programs when he participated in the program, and was often marginalized by the host. At that time, the C-spots were all for those big-name stars, and the rest were foils. Ren Xianqi could only laugh at the whole process.

In this way, he has been in the entertainment industry for a few years, and he also said that if it wasn’t for the fact that there is someone in the company who has been helping him.

The picture comes from the Internet

This person took him along the way and pulled him out of the saving list again and again, and there would probably be no Ren Xianqi today.

He once said on the program: "My noble teacher, Little Bug, told me that singing is not about skills, but about heart. Only when you put yourself into it can those who listen can enter the song and be attentive. So after that, I think my songs are better than before."

Finally, luck came to him, and he often said that he met the right song at that time. In 1996, the appearance of a song "Too Soft Heart" saved Ren Xianqi from the storm of termination.

The picture comes from the Internet

After releasing the album, he was always very nervous because he had failed too many times before, and he had no confidence in himself. Later, he didn’t expect that the album would be popular, and it was so popular.

He recalled that when he went to Beijing, he was told that this could become another popular work after Teresa Teng. He said that after listening to such words, he felt that he was going to be popular.

Looking at the sales of tens of millions, he was like, if everyone buys their own genuine albums, then he can buy the company at this time, and then see who dares to cancel the contract.

The picture comes from the Internet

Everyone thought that Ren Xianqi was just like the fireworks on that day, the beauty of that moment. When the heat is over, there is nothing left.

But who would have thought that under the guidance of Teacher Bug, he seemed to have turned on the switch of success, and several songs in a row were highly sought after by the public.

Like "The Girl Opposite Look Over", "Sad Pacific" and "I Am a Fish", these have exploded one after another. Ren Xianqi’s name is also well known by everyone, which has allowed him to climb to a peak in his career.

The picture comes from the Internet

At that time, Andy Lau and the others were called the "Four Heavenly Kings", and Ren Xianqi was also given a "New Heavenly King of Asia". With Ren Xianqi’s influence at that time, this title deserved it.

At that time, Ren Xianqi’s song was so popular that the director made a movie for one of his songs, which had the same name as the song and was also called "Ren Xiaoyao".

The picture comes from the Internet

It was also the film that brought Ren Xiaoyao’s song to Cannes, which made Ren Xianqi’s popularity reach a new high again.

It was also this opportunity that gave Ren Xianqi the idea of singing the movie’s theme song. Once on the set, he was asked by the producer. The producer asked Ren Xianqi if he wanted to play Yang Guo? Later, he accidentally starred in a TV series.

Overall, the audience rating is quite impressive. It was this TV series that made Ren Xianqi see another possibility besides singing. He starred in several martial arts dramas in succession, and then opened his own film and television career.

The picture comes from the Internet

Perhaps as his popularity continued to increase, many movie directors discovered Ren Xianqi’s rating code and came to ask him to play the role in it. Later, the response was very good.

Ren Xianqi once said in an interview: At that time, I thought acting was very fun, because almost all the previous movies were played by myself, and the characters in them were very similar to myself. They usually looked casual.

The picture comes from the Internet

Later, Director Du Qi contacted him, saying that he was going to act in a police drama, and that he wanted to meet to discuss the script. Director Du’s words moved him, and he also wanted to challenge the role of the bad guy, so Director Du discovered this kind of potential in Ren Xianqi.

When filming started, he didn’t see the script for a long time, and later he knew that he had to work on the script while filming. Ren Xianqi, who had never acted like this, really thought he heard it wrong. Before he started acting, he panicked and felt that the director was joking with him.

Later, Director Du pointed out that he should really understand this person and devote himself to this role. In order to show the true feelings of the characters more perfectly, the scenes of falling and beating in the play are all real.

Later, due to being too involved in the play, some habits were thought to affect their lives.

Playing a bank robber in "The Big Event"

Such a special shooting method was a test for his acting career, and of course the harvest was huge. He obviously felt that he was different from before. Later, he even won the Best Actor award abroad for the movie "Fire Dragon Showdown".

What pleased Ren Xianqi the most was that after his movie "The Tree Attracts the Wind" was broadcast, many netizens said that his eyes made people look very terrifying, which made him feel that his character portrayal was very successful.

The picture comes from the Internet

For so many years, although too many people have been controversial about his acting skills and songs, he is not the kind of star who relies on gossip. He has always been well-behaved and did everything he did.

He often said that he is very lucky now, because the epidemic is ruthless, but people are affectionate.

He recounted that he was quarantined 11 times in the epidemic in the past few years. Some people said that in order to make money, he even gave up his life and ran back and forth with the crew.

The picture comes from the Internet

In fact, he was trying to maintain his company and take care of his employees. Because he knew that if the company failed to operate, so many employees would face unemployment.

For the current environment, the blow to the employees is not ordinary. Therefore, he felt that he was very happy to have money at that time.

Re-enter the public eye

This year, he accepted the invitation of Hunan Satellite TV and participated in the program "Cutting Through Thorn" with many male artists.

As he entered the arena, someone shouted "Brother Xiao Qi", and then everyone stood up to greet him. From this, Ren Xianqi’s coffee position can be seen.

On the stage, a song called "Sad Pacific" instantly filled everyone’s memories.

The picture comes from the Internet

In the interview, he expressed his feelings. He thought the show was very real, everyone lived together, it was a bit like a dormitory in a school, and it had a special atmosphere.

In the morning, all the brothers lined up to take care of themselves, instantly making people feel much younger.

Especially when they saw Chen Xiaochun and Zhang Zhilin, who were already familiar faces, and knew their different sides, they all felt very friendly. After living together for a long time, everyone’s feelings will gradually deepen.

He said that at the beginning, everyone was really not easy to get along with, because everyone was famous in the entertainment industry, and many people had their own representative works. This is what he thinks should be overcome first when participating in this show.

The picture comes from the Internet

He recalled that everyone practiced every performance first, sometimes a song until the wee hours of the morning. His teammates often shouted in his ear to "roll up".

Later, in the rehearsal room, the movements that seemed to him to be very good were polished again and again. Many brothers also interpreted these three words with their own actions.

In fact, Ren Xianqi often wants the younger brothers in the team to have more opportunities to show off in the program. He thinks that he has earned enough traffic to face them, and some of them can’t be picked. In the future, it is up to these young people to rush forward.

Ren Xianqi has mentioned on the show many times that his little princess particularly likes Pan Weibai, and his young man pays more attention to ICE.

The picture comes from the Internet

When he thought of this, on the one hand, he was more pleased that his children’s musical literacy was quite high, and on the other hand, he was more depressed. Why didn’t he like him more?

However, this program showcases Ren Xianqi’s tolerance and humility as a big brother, allowing everyone to understand a different him.

I long to live the rest of my life

He was already halfway through his life, and this age made him see more openly and farther. He often planned his life according to his position and circumstances.

When the children were still very young, he did not miss the opportunity to accompany the children, put aside his work at hand, and accompany the children’s growth.

The picture comes from the Internet

Now that the children were older, he planned to do some things he liked. For example, he went to see the mountains and rivers in China, and climbed mountains when he had nothing to do.

He had always hoped that he would have the spirit of exploration. He wanted to see everything he was curious about and see the scenery he had never set foot on.

The picture comes from the Internet

Sometimes he felt that he was in high spirits. Even if he went to a green field, looking at the color of nature in front of him and breathing in the aroma of the wheat field, he felt very relaxed.

In the next few decades, he has always wanted to live more comfortably, even though he is already in his 50s. However, this does not affect a chic and wanton heart. In his words: to live your life gracefully.

Nowadays, how many people can have such a mindset that they don’t use age as a constraint to make themselves more relaxed and happy?

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Gilebach: Galaxy E8 to be released in the fourth quarter, with deliveries to start within the year

Netcom interview During the 2023 Chengdu Auto Show, in an exclusive interview with Netcom News Agency, Bach, deputy general manager of Geely Automobile Sales Company and general manager of Galaxy Business Unit, said that the E8 is Galaxy’s first pure electric product, and he hopes that the vehicle can become Galaxy’s pure electric flagship masterpiece. As time progresses, the E8 is planned to be released in the fourth quarter and deliveries will start within the year.

Netcom: What are the highlights of Geely’s booth this year?

Bach:Geely brought all the family to the exhibition, including the Galaxy Light concept car, Galaxy L7, Galaxy L6 and other Galaxy series; China Star, Emgrand, and Planet and other auspicious star series; Panda mini, Geometric E Firefly and other geometric series were on display; there was also a new generation of Raytheon 8848 technology display. The biggest highlight this time is the pre-sale of Geely Galaxy L6 released today on the booth.

Netcom: Geely Galaxy L7 has become one of the best-selling hybrid models within 200,000 yuan since its launch. Galaxy is a new mid-to-high-end new energy series launched by Geely brand. Its first product, L7, is placed in the 150,000-class electric hybrid SUV market that has been dominated by the first movers. What do you think are the reasons behind it?

Bach:For many reasons, first of all, the domestic market has a large hybrid market, and this year there is a relatively large outbreak. The first half of the data is probably more than 90% growth space, so thanks to such a day.

In addition, we have relatively solid product fundamentals. On the one hand, our Raytheon electric hybrid technology, such as Raytheon three-speed variable frequency electric drive and mass-produced engine with peak thermal efficiency, allows electric hybrid products to achieve more extreme performance in terms of energy saving and performance. Another example is our battery quality, the Aegis battery safety system equipped with Geely Galaxy L7, which conducts more than 100 battery pack-level basic tests based on full-scenario extreme operating conditions, 80 more than the national standard, and the safety quality has passed the rigorous tests of many industry authorities.

On the other hand, Geely Galaxy L7 has also inherited Geely’s long-standing excellent product genes, including chassis and vehicle safety.

In addition, on this basis, we have also equipped this product with some of our internal features called charm configuration, such as some functions related to smart cockpit, such as pampering the co-pilot, multi-screen linkage, etc., which are now popular among young consumers.

So in general, on the one hand, the overall growth of the big environment is relatively good, and on the other hand, the products are specially developed and designed for the hybrid market. Combining these two aspects, coupled with Geely Automobile Group’s early strategic layout and deep technical investment in the new energy field, it has now built a complete set of strict intelligent electric vehicle industry chain system, covering from three electricity, chip, intelligent architecture, to intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, intelligent computing center, to production and manufacturing, battery recycling and other technical fields. There have been more than 3,500 patented technologies in the new energy field, providing a strong technical guarantee for building safer new energy vehicles.

Net News Agency: You also mentioned that the Galaxy L6 starts pre-sale today. In fact, the competition in this segment is still very fierce. In this context, what are your expectations for it, and what are its competitive advantages compared to similar products?

Bach:L6 is the most intense A-class sedan market in China, so I think you must have real product strength in this field.

On the one hand, it inherits the family factors, hybrid system, 3DHT, and battery, including architecture, chassis, and our basic product mechanical qualities. In addition, we also carry the 8155 chip, and Galaxy’s operating system, including the AI big model we have introduced now, can do voice conversations outside the car, which makes Geely Galaxy series cars, including L6, have many new and different ways to play. That is, what I just said, the basic quality of the product and the charm configuration can be combined in this product.

At the same time, the L6 product, in this field, can achieve both power and energy saving, both maneuverability and comfort, which is relatively rare.

Netcom News Agency: In the past 5 months from Galaxy’s official announcement to the present, there are only 2 products, and the sales performance is good. In addition to sales, what progress has been made in channel construction? And has the sales performance met the original expectations?

Bach:First, we have created a new channel ecosystem of compound franchise authorization for the Galaxy series, with "a new channel ecosystem, a new service standard, and a new user experience", striving to "satisfy users" as the standard of Geely Galaxy. At present, our Galaxy stores across the country have reached more than 400, and it is expected to reach 650-700 by the end of the year. This scale has basically covered the vast majority of consumer areas. Even if there are more than 400 now, most consumers can buy cars nearby.

Second, we have also realized the model of online and offline channel linkage. Based on the digital empowerment of Xingrui Smart Computing Center, Geely Galaxy stores have created a "digital exhibition hall" to connect the full link of user car purchase by digital means, so as to achieve double improvement of service efficiency and user experience. Users can skip the annoying bargaining link, directly place an order through the online payment platform, and visually track the status of the vehicle anytime, anywhere; furthermore, the details are more attentive. For example, when users book a test drive through the Geely Galaxy APP, even the drinks they want to drink that day can be selected online and enjoyed directly at the store.

Continuously strengthening service quality and service quality, that is, the service level of national channels is also moving towards a new level, so relatively speaking, there is still considerable progress in these aspects.

Going purely online, users can directly place orders online, including reservations, including delivery, all of which can be fully reflected in our online.

Network News Agency: A few days ago, the Galaxy E8 has also seen some voices. Users have very high expectations for this car. Let’s briefly introduce the positioning of this car and what product advantages it will have after it goes on sale.

Bach:It is not convenient to disclose too much information now. I will pick some core points. The length of this car is more than 5 meters, which is based on the SEA architecture. In addition, in the cockpit, we now directly release a 45-inch, 8K high definition smart screen to you, which will carry more car applications in the future.

E8 is Galaxy’s first pure electric product, and we hope it can become Galaxy’s pure electric flagship masterpiece. As time goes by, we will meet users one after another in the fourth quarter, and finally go on the market and achieve delivery within the year.

Netcom: In the past two years, users have been considering an increasingly high proportion of intelligent driving when choosing a car. What do you think of this issue and Geely’s layout in this area?

Bach:Geely invested relatively early in intelligent driving, and invested relatively high in these traditional manufacturers in China. This ability at the L2 level is available. Later, we will also target the related capabilities of NOA, and continue to launch corresponding products through the superposition of products. There will also be product plans in the future, and NOA will also meet with users during the year. In this regard, including the L6, L7, and E8 mentioned just now, NOA will eventually be available.

In addition, most of Geely’s layout in this area is self-researched, which is actually Geely’s long-term layout, including our low-orbit satellites to provide high-precision positioning for future mobile travel. Therefore, the technological achievements of smart Geely 2025 will gradually be landed and empowered on Galaxy products.

Network News Agency: This year’s intelligent driving has been very popular, but Geely may not have performed so well in terms of the overall model price.

Bach:We can pull out some space to give the user experience. So this is also a process of gradual adaptation. People who choose new energy products in the early stage will pay more attention to smart cockpit and smart driving, but now in fact, new energy products have reached a stage of popularization. When they are popularized to the vast majority of users, they may not care much about smart cockpit or smart driving at the beginning, but as time goes by, he will find that this thing is easy to use and convenient for it, so the popularity rate will gradually increase.

NEWS: This year, the new energy penetration rate in the automotive market has approached 30%, and it is likely to reach 35% or even higher in the second half of the year. At present, Geely’s new energy sales are not rising month-on-month in the past few months. What do you think of Geely’s overall performance in the new energy market and Geely’s follow-up plans for the whole?

Bach:In the first half of the year, Geely’s overall new energy sales were nearly 200,000, and there were about 40,000 sales in July. In the field of new energy, as far as the Geely brand is concerned, we now have two major new energy pillars, Galaxy and Geometry. Geometry is biased towards popular pure electric products. Galaxy’s mid-to-high-end new energy products, especially the first two products of our Galaxy are mainly hybrid, and then the following products are mainly pure electric, and the overall layout is relatively perfect. Therefore, whether it is from low to high, or from hybrid to pure electric, Geely has been in the horizontal and vertical layout, which can gradually be reflected in our sales.

(Photo/text, Mao Kaiyue)

BYD Qin L DM-i Beijing Auto Show is the world premiere: it will be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is estimated that the sword finger will be sold at the intermediate level from 120,

At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, Qin L DM-i, a new member of BYD Dynasty series, made its world premiere. The model is scheduled to be officially launched in the second quarter of this year, and the price is expected to start from 120,000 yuan.

BYD Qin L DM-i Beijing Auto Show is the world premiere: it will be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is expected to start selling at 120,000 yuan.

Qin L has a body size of 4830mm×1900mm×1495mm and a wheelbase of 2790mm, and is positioned as an intermediate car. Its birth aims to fill the gap between Qin family (compact crown) and Han family (medium and large crown) in the matrix of dynasty cars. On the one hand, Qin L will jointly challenge the joint venture mid-size sedan market represented by Camry with Han, and on the other hand, build a large and small Qin combination with Qin PLUS, aiming at the A+ market.

Based on the development of BYD’s new generation plug-in hybrid vehicle platform, Qin L is committed to breaking the traditional concept of "high fuel consumption" of mid-size cars and establishing a new fashion of "big and economical" mid-size cars through technological innovation.

In terms of intelligent configuration, Qin L is equipped with DiLink intelligent cockpit system, including 15.6-inch adaptive rotating suspended Pad, car ETC, NFC digital key and full-scene intelligent voice. In addition, the vehicle is equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which covers adaptive cruise, intelligent navigation, emergency lane keeping assistance, blind spot monitoring and other functions to improve driving safety and convenience.

It is reported that Qin L will enter the market in the second quarter of this year, and the pre-sale price will start from 120,000 yuan.

Seeing is believing | Field visit of Xiaomi Automobile Beijing factory

  [car home Information] In the past few months, a heavy "bomb" was dropped on the automobile circle, that is, Xiaomi entered the automobile field.

  Since Xiaomi announced to build a car at the end of March, the location of headquarters and factories has attracted much attention. Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hefei, Xi ‘an and other places are striving for Xiaomi’s car-making project. Lei Jun also visited Chang ‘an, GAC, SAIC-GM-Wuling, Great Wall, SAIC, Dongfeng, Bosch, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and other manufacturers frequently in more than four months, and released a lot of recruitment information. On November 27th, the official WeChat of Beijing Yizhuang announced that the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone officially signed a contract with Xiaomi Technology and announced that Xiaomi Automobile had settled in Beijing Economic Development Zone. The determination of the headquarters and the factory to settle in the city is also an important node in the preparatory work for Xiaomi’s car.

  Just after the signing of the contract was announced, I drove to Beijing Economic Development Zone to visit Xiaomi’s current progress. Where is the factory located?

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◆ It is still in the retirement stage, and the intelligent manufacturing base is waiting for "manufacturing".
Open up a vitality in the wasteland

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  According to the official publicity information, Xiaomi Automobile Factory is located in Majuqiao Intelligent Manufacturing Base (Intelligent Manufacturing Base) in Yizhuang New Town (Tongzhou District), Beijing, with a total investment of 63 billion yuan. Four boundaries: Tongyi Road in the west, Huanjing West No.1 Road in the east, Jingsheng South Fourth Street in the north and Yitong Street in the south. With the specific street name, it is actually much easier to find the destination, but according to the navigation display, Tongyi Road and Yitong Street are in the state of being built (not searched). Huanjing West 1st Road and Jingsheng South 4th Street are residential buildings and Liandong U Valley Park.

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  On the other hand, there is a large construction site in the south of Jingsheng South Fourth Street. When I went to check it, I found that it was the project site of SMIC Jingcheng integrated circuit production project (FAB3 P1 production plant and other 32 projects), and not far from this project site, it was the project of projection mask aligner exposure optical system research and development and mass production base.

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  According to public information, Majuqiao Town is located in the intelligent manufacturing group of Yizhuang New Town. According to the planning of Yizhuang New Town, the intelligent manufacturing industrial zone will focus on developing high-end manufacturing. "Majuqiao Zhizao Base Land Grade I Development Project" is located in majuqiao town, east to the green belt on the west side of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, west to Environmental Protection Avenue, south to Zhuxin Road, and north to Xinsi Road. The investment in the relocation and vacating of non-residential houses within the project scope is about 2.4 billion yuan. The relocation involves eight villages, namely Fangxindian Village, Zhouying Village, Xiaoyingyi Village, Yangxiudian Village, Guzhuang Village, Xiaozhang wan Village, Zhang Cun Village and Shichun Village. According to the feedback from relevant personnel, it is still in the stage of vacating, and the project is expected to start around 2022. Of course, if you want to see some clues, it will be at least in the middle of the year.

  In the future, the territory of Xiaomi Automobile will be developed to us in Beijing Economic Development Zone.

Why did you choose Beijing Economic Development Zone?

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  According to public information, Xiaomi Automobile Project will build Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters Base, Sales Headquarters and R&D Headquarters, and will build a vehicle factory with an annual output of 300,000 vehicles in two phases, of which the first and second phases will have a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles respectively. It is expected that the first vehicle will be off the assembly line in 2024 and mass production will be realized.I believe that many netizens have doubts. Why did Xiaomi Automobile choose to settle in Beijing Economic Development Zone?The reasons may be analyzed from the aspects of business, policy and geographical location.

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  First of all, in terms of location, it was previously reported that Xiaomi Automobile wanted to acquire Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory in Shunyi District, Beijing (with an annual production capacity of 300,000 units), which was also in line with the combined production capacity of Xiaomi in Beijing Economic Development Zone Phase I and Phase II. But don’t ignore the fact that Xiaomi Automobile will not have a demand of 300,000 production capacity in the early stage, and there are still problems such as optimization, adjustment and upgrading in the acquisition of Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory, which is unreasonable in terms of capital. At the same time, apart from Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory, Shunyi District has not publicly indicated that it will provide the rest land for Xiaomi Automobile to build its sales headquarters and R&D headquarters, which will lead to "time difference" in communication between sales companies and factories, which is not as suitable as "cluster construction". In addition, Xiaomi also has an office in the park near Kechuang, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which consists of three parts: office building, production factory and warehousing and logistics. The factory mainly produces hardware equipment such as Xiaomi mobile phones, and the warehousing and logistics part is a cooperative project between Xiaomi and JD.COM. The goods stored in the warehouse are all related to Xiaomi products, which is also convenient for cross-departmental linkage and communication.

  Secondly,Business aspectLei Jun has publicly stated that intelligence and electrification have brought the automobile industry closer to consumer electronics from the original machinery industry. Xiaomi also said, "The most difficult thing is the battery and automatic driving. After four years, the advantages of electric vehicles for traditional vehicles will gradually be reflected, and fuel vehicles will transition to electrification. Now the timing of Xiaomi’s cut-in is just right. " Just like this, Xiaomi has invested heavily in power batteries and autonomous driving sectors. Power battery has always been the heart of new energy vehicles, and it is also a plate that new car manufacturers pay special attention to. Xiaomi automobile is no exception, and it has made multiple attacks, and its layout in the field of power batteries has also surfaced.

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"Overview of investment in Xiaomi power battery field"

  Xiaomi currently directly or indirectly invests in four power battery-related enterprises in the field of power batteries, and each major enterprise has its own characteristics. These four companies are Honeycomb Energy, AVIC Lithium Battery, Zhuhai Guanyu and Ganfeng Lithium Battery. Among them, Zhuhai Guanyu and Ganfeng Lithium Battery are listed companies.

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"A list of the number of patents related to Xiaomi and other Internet companies; Overview of investment in Xiaomi’s autonomous driving field "

  Auto-driving is an important force point for Xiaomi’s car in the future, and it is actually a weak point for Xiaomi to build a car. According to public information, by 2020, Xiaomi has disclosed more than 800 patents related to automobiles, and only one patent related to autonomous driving. In the field of intelligent vehicle networking, by April 2021, Xiaomi had 72 patents, including vehicle-to-person V2P, vehicle-to-vehicle V2V and vehicle-to-infrastructure V2I, among which 57 were vehicle-to-person V2P patents. Since the announcement of building a car, Xiaomi has also made frequent shots in the field of autonomous driving and made a series of investments. In June 2021, Xiaomi participated in the D-round financing of Zongmu Technology, a supplier of autonomous driving technology. In the same month, Xiaomi participated in the D-round financing of laser radar enterprise Hesai Technology. In July, Xiaomi acquired DeepMotion Tech Limited, an autonomous driving technology company, for US$ 77.37 million (about RMB 503 million). In August, Xiaomi led the Pre-A2 round of financing for geometry partner of autonomous driving company, and then participated in the strategic investment of geometry partner in October. It is worth mentioning that Tianyanchao information shows that Shendong Technology Company is also located in Beijing.

  What can improve the above business to the extreme is that a series of Beijing Economic Development ZoneA favorable policyAccording to "Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Innovation and Development Action Plan (2019 -2022)", it is clearly pointed out that in 2022, a complete technical system of intelligent networked vehicles meeting the requirements of advanced autonomous driving (L4 level) will be formed; The scale of intelligent networked automobiles and related industries in the city reached 100 billion yuan. Specific to Yizhuang, the First Industrial Policy of Yizhuang Group in the High-end Industrial Zone of China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone clearly puts forward the goal of "building a core bearing place for the development of new energy and high-end automobile industry", and sets a minimum financial support policy of 30 million yuan and a maximum financial support policy of 100 million yuan according to different conditions.

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"There are different models such as self-driving passenger cars, self-driving logistics trucks, self-driving feeder cars, self-driving cleaning cars, unmanned delivery cars and unmanned retail cars on the streets of Yizhuang every day."

  Among them, "encourage domestic and foreign new energy smart car manufacturers to settle in the development zone. To drive the formation of a 100 billion-level industrial cluster, leading enterprises can be given up to 100 million yuan of innovation funds to support; Encourage the research and development of autonomous driving technology to reach L4 level and above, and carry out conditional large-scale production. For enterprises that have completed the transformation of the first batch of results, a certain proportion of financial support will be given according to the transformation effect of the results, up to 30 million yuan. "

  It is worth mentioning that the "Overall Implementation Plan of Beijing Intelligent Networked Automobile Policy Pioneer Zone" released here shows that the planning scope of 225 square kilometers including Yizhuang New City will be set as the policy pioneer zone. Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Policy Pioneer Zone has four distinctive policies: allowing enterprises to carry out commercial operation services based on fees, allowing unmanned delivery vehicles to obtain road rights for on-road operation, supporting mutual recognition of test results of intelligent networked vehicles in different places, and opening high-speed testing of self-driving vehicles.

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  Geographical locationThe mature supporting environment and good policy support have enabled many brands to set up factories here, such as Mercedes-Benz R&D Center, Beiqi New Energy Blue Valley R&D Center, Beiqi New Energy High-end Intelligent Ecological Factory, Foxconn Precision Components, e-commerce giant JD.COM and many logistics companies. It is mentioned that Xiaomi and BAIC have signed a strategic cooperation agreement before, which may be one of the "reasons" for Xiaomi Automobile to choose Beijing Economic Development Zone.

◆ Talk to the end

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  Lei Jun once said that the initial intention of Xiaomi to build a car is to use high-quality smart electric vehicles to let users enjoy the ubiquitous smart life. In the future, Xiaomi will provide intelligent life for all aspects of rice noodles from personal equipment, smart home, smart office, and smart travel. In the future, I hope that every road will be equipped with a full set of Xiaomi smart products.

  However, at present, although Xiaomi has signed a contract, it is still some time before the factory breaks ground. Referring to the time when the new car rolled off the assembly line in 2024, Xiaomi’s factory will start in 2023 at the latest, and we will pay more attention to Xiaomi’s trend in the future. At that time, in the face of strong competitors, complex supply chain management and more discerning consumers, can Xiaomi Automobile create an eye-catching model?

  We will wait and see. (Text/car home Zhouyi)

The movie channel 6.30 broadcasts "Artificial Intelligence" to explore the true meaning of emotion with AI.

Special feature of 1905 film network When artificial intelligence has a sense of autonomy, where will human beings go?In recent years, with the birth of powerful AI robots such as ChatGPT, a difficult problem has been invisibly thrown to human society. "When the development of science and technology makes robots have emotions, is this really a good thing?"

In the movieI, Robot.At the time of broadcasting, we once released such a short video about "the awakening of robot self-awareness", which caused a heated discussion among netizens.

This week, the film channel will broadcast another thought-provoking science fiction film, directed bySteven Allan SpielbergDirectedArtificial intelligenceThis movie is about a robot with human emotions. The film was released in the United States on June 29th, 2001, 22 years ago. Did Spielberg think that artificial intelligence would develop to this point in 22 years?

Love that spans thousands of years

Henry, an employee of a robot manufacturing company, and his wife adopted the first robot boy who was input into the emotional program.David.With getting along day by day, David seems to really become the son of the couple, but all the peace is broken with the return of their real son.

And David had to leave his "parents" because of the accident, and embarked on the road of seeking to become a "real person".Artificial intelligence with human emotions — — This sounds like a very dangerous existence, but David, as a robot in this movie, has an endless sad background.

Monica, David’s human mother, woke David up to make up for the vacancy in her heart because her own son was dying, made him a substitute for her own son, and abandoned David cruelly after her own son returned.

Henry, David’s human father, took David home only because he saw David as a gift to ease his wife’s pain.

After thousands of years, human beings have long since disappeared. When David was awakened by aliens, he still had only one thought: turn me into a real child and let me go back to my mother.

Ironically, human beings, who should have deeper feelings, seem to be as cold as robots in this movie, while robots, who should have been ruthless, have the most eternal feelings in this movie.

After watching the movie, people may have such a question in their hearts: is the changeable emotion of human beings not even as good as the program piled up by numbers after all?

A movie, two directors.

The creative process of Artificial Intelligence is full of twists and turns.The original director of the film was not Spielberg, but the original inspiration of the film actually came from the famous movie master.Kubrick. This also makes the film "Artificial Intelligence" have the shadow of two film masters at the same time.

Spielberg (left), Kubrick (right)

Kubrick always loved a 1969 novel called "Super Toys Playing All Summer" and wanted to adapt it into a movie, so in 1985, Kubrick asked his old friend Steven Allan Spielberg to be the producer together with Jane Harlan.

However, because no suitable child star could play the role of "David" at that time, and the computer technology was not mature enough to create the image of CG "David", Kubrick temporarily shelved the film.

In 1999, the 71-year-old great director died of a heart attack, and Artificial Intelligence became his unfinished last wish.

At the entreaties of Harlan and Kubrick’s wife, Steven Allan Spielberg decided to be the film director himself. He said:"In the 1980s, I learned this unforgettable wonderful story from Kubrick, and I was deeply attracted by the ingenious integration of science and humanity. Let me tell this story for him after the Sri Lankan has gone away."

Most of the filming of this film was done in Warner Studio in California, which took 67 days.The most popular actor in the film is undoubtedly haley joel osment, who plays David.

His screen debut was playing Forrest Gump’s son in a famous film in the history of the world. In 1999, he won eight nominations, including the Academy Award and the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Forrest Gump (I), The Sixth Sense (II)

As a talented child star, haley joel osment’s acting skills in movies are naturally remarkable. He interprets David’s stubborn pursuit of maternal love in detail and brings strong empathy to the audience.

Play David’s friend in need — — Robot Joe’s actor also contributed wonderful acting skills in the film. With perfect body expression and handsome appearance, it seems that Jude Law is really the charming robot dancer in the film.

During the filming process, the film also encountered many difficulties, the most serious of which was how to present the teddy bear that always followed David.

Teddy bear is a complex combination of model and digital technology, and it is necessary to seamlessly integrate computer images and real images for its shooting.

This seemingly unremarkable teddy bear is actually equipped with 50 servo motors, 24 of which are located in the head, which can be used by special effects technicians to control complex facial movements. The seemingly light and portable teddy bear weighs 30 pounds.

Even Haley Joe osmond said when he saw the teddy bear, "It is really a super toy, because under the action of various motors in the body, it can not only swing its body, nose and ears, but also catch objects. I really almost believed it."

Artificial Intelligence Films in Film History

The initial birth of robot image in the world film history can be traced back to 96 years ago.In 1927, the filmMetropolisBecame the first film in the world.In personThe film of industrial intelligence is also the most expensive silent film in film history.

The original director of Artificial Intelligence mentioned above — — The film directed by movie master in 1968 is regarded as "the milestone of modern science fiction film technology".

Hal, the AI program that produces human emotions and kills human beings in the movie, made many people realize the horror of highly evolved artificial intelligence at that moment.

In 1982, according to the famous science fiction writer Philip K. Dick’s novel "Do bionic people dream of electronic sheep? The film adapted from "The Replicator" is a group of robots created by artificial intelligence technology. The release of this film has further aroused people’s thinking about the relationship between human beings and artificial intelligence.

In 1984, the film directed and starring came out, and Schwarzenegger’s permeability terminator T-800 with human face and skin became one of the most famous robot images in film history.

Released in 1999, it tells a dream story about a robot falling in love with human beings and eventually becoming a human being. As a robot-themed movie, although there are no gorgeous special effects, the warm story expression of "Machine Butler" also impressed fans.

The movie "I, Robot", starring, which was released in 2004, has a chilling self-awareness of robots, and the fighting in the movie is also brilliant.

In 2014, the robot Dabai, the first animated film jointly produced by Disney and Marvel Comics, was popular all over the world because of its cute appearance, and the film also won the "Best Animated Feature Film" award at the 87th Oscar.

When robots have self-awareness and emotion, should we give them the same rights as human beings?If one day in the future, when you face a robot as close to human as David in Artificial Intelligence, how will you react?

The movie channel will broadcast the movie "Artificial Intelligence" on Friday, June 30th. Let’s explore the true meaning of emotion from the perspective of artificial intelligence.