Horizon perception algorithm – a more open visual perception solution than Mobileye

  As a leading enterprise in the ADAS industry, Mobileye currently holds more than 60% of the global market share of visual perception chips. At the same time, the closed visual perception ecosystem established by Mobileye has also become the mainstream form of the industry. Conditional open and relatively convergent perception API requirements have helped Mobileye establish standardized perception interface solutions and quickly promote products to the world, attacking cities and territories.

  However, time has changed. As current visual ADAS capabilities continue to be upgraded and iterated, the industry expects more open solutions to help OEMs and Tier1 create differentiated and more adaptable ADAS capabilities.

  The complexity and locality of driving scenarios call for open solutions

  Once upon a time, a domestic OEM tried to develop an autonomous parking solution based on Mobileye’s visual perception solution. During the implementation of the project, it was necessary to identify the railing at the entrance of the parking lot. However, Mobileye’s closed solution did not support customers to update the perception algorithm independently, resulting in development difficulties.

  This reflects the dilemma faced by OEMs. On the one hand, Mobileye’s visual perception solution is still the most mature solution at present, with many advantages in terms of product maturity, project risk control and quality management, which OEMs cannot refuse. On the whole, it is a situation of more than conservative and less aggressive. But on the other hand, this closed solution is like a black box. Because of the inability to differentiate and customize development, the performance is homogenized; moreover, in localized driving scenarios, it cannot fully meet the requirements. This limits OEMs to make more aggressive product solutions, which will reduce product competitiveness in the long run.

  The particularity of China’s driving scene requires a localized sensing solution to meet the functional requirements of ADAS/autonomous driving.

  At the same time, in order to meet the high reliability requirements of ADAS/autonomous driving for perception, more open perception solutions are also required. For example, if we can identify richer targets and more types of semantic segmentation, then we can obtain richer semantic information, so that different categories can be cross-validated. For example, road shoulders and sidewalks have a clear auxiliary verification function for the judgment of the drivable area. Fixed targets on the roadside, such as traffic signs and street lamps, are of great help in positioning.

  If the road is covered with snow on a snowy day, how can you tell where the shoulder is? The movie "If You Are the One" describes a dialogue plot:

  "Hey, you’ve been to [Hokkaido], you must know what the arrows on both sides of the road are for?" Answer: "Oh, in winter, the snow in Hokkaido is very thick, and the arrows instruct people not to drive out of the shoulder of the road."

  If we can recognize the arrows on either side of the highway, we can reason about the boundaries of the drivable area. The development trend of perception technology requires more open solutions

  The development of perception technology can be summarized as follows:

  From simple scenes to complex scenes

  From high-frequency targets to general targets

  From 2D perception to 3D perception

  From reality-oriented perception to prediction-oriented perception

  All of these trends have further increased the richness and complexity of perception, making it impossible for vendors to use a standard perception solution to meet their needs.

  In the era of software-defined cars, automakers need a more open approach

  Intelligence is the core element of brand differentiation in the future, mainly through the addition of software functions. The post-deployment of software will be the general trend, which means that most software functions will be delivered after the car leaves the factory, and software iteration OTA will be the new normal. This trend is particularly important for mobility service operators. Service requirements in various scenarios need to be based on the functions of existing fleets and met by continuous upgrades and iterations.

  In the future, the car delivered by OEMs will not be a product with solidified functions, but a robot that continues to evolve. Throughout the life cycle of the car, the hardware platform can continue to support software iterative upgrades. The efficiency of software development and differentiated functions will determine the success or failure of this intelligent competition.

  In order to improve the efficiency of software development, from the perspective of system architecture, service-oriented system architecture (SOA) will become the mainstream, which requires the creation of a new perception solution that meets the requirements of four aspects: a highly open, consistent and complete tool chain, a strong computing power reserve, and strong scalability to meet the requirements of different levels of vehicle platforms.

  Open perception intermediate results help domestic ADAS functions continue to evolve

  At present, the perception algorithm API is still relatively closed in the industry. Many features are difficult to implement (such as the augmented reality display function of ADAS function in the infotainment domain), in part because the perception algorithm is only provided for internal use of the intelligent forward-looking camera module and is unwilling to be provided to other subsystems. And the Horizon perception intermediate result can be fully open. And because the low-level semantics of the Horizon algorithm are very rich, the fully open perception intermediate result can support customers to develop more complex functions at the application layer.

  So far, the Horizon algorithm can support 10 types of dynamic targets and 53 types of static targets. Among them, dynamic targets include: adults, children, cyclists and other pedestrians, as well as cars, SUVs, vans, trucks, passenger cars, motorcycles and elderly scooters 7 categories; while static targets include 8 categories of lane lines, 2 types of traffic lights and 43 types of traffic signs. The richer perception information than Mobileye provides a solid perception foundation for customers to realize differentiated functions.

Rich Perceptual Information Provided by Horizon Algorithm

  Open and comprehensive toolchain, practicing the concept of "deeply empowering"

  In order to increase the agility of visual algorithm iteration and better support various extreme perceptual scenarios in China, Horizon has launched the AI chip tool chain Horizon OpenExplorer (Horizon "Tiangong Kaiwu"), including data, training and device deployment tools, such as model training tools, inspection and verification tools, compilers, emulators, embedded development kits, etc. (Figure 9), forming a closed loop. Data generates models, which can be deployed to devices for operation, and can guide the tuning of models during operation, and even collect new data. Such a self-evolving development model can improve development speed, lower development thresholds, and ensure development quality. Based on this model, development manpower can be reduced by about 30%, development time can be saved by 50%, and more importantly, because the development threshold is lowered, the scale of developers can even be expanded by an order of magnitude.

  Horizon will continue to upgrade the power builder to provide customers with a semi-automated processing flow. Mainly include: closed-loop iteration between data tools and models, models and on-end devices; rich model/system reference prototypes, simple and easy to use intuitive and convenient interaction means; standardized development process, plus continuous testing, integration, and deployment mechanisms.

Horizon "Tiangong Kaiwu" chip tool chain

  More specifically, Horizon’s model training tool can support mainstream deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow to help users train their own models; the compiler supports converting the open-source training framework model format to the binary format on the chip; and the embedded development kit can support customers to call the algorithm library to develop their own applications, allowing customers to quickly deploy applications in chip manufacturers. The entire toolchain package can cover the complete development link (Figure 10). After optimization by the Horizon compiler, the memory access bottleneck of the algorithm can be greatly alleviated and the computing efficiency of the chip can be improved (Figure 11).

  Development Process Based on "Tiangong Kaiwu" Tool Chain

Algorithms automatically optimized by the Horizon compiler provide significant performance improvements

  Recently, Horizon partnered with South Korea’s SK Telecom to develop a dynamic crowdsourced high-definition mapping solution. SK used Horizon’s toolchain to develop a visual perception algorithm for Korean roads, demonstrating the ease of use and reliability of the toolchain.

  In short, the opening of Horizon is a deep and multi-dimensional comprehensive opening from providing system reference solutions, to fully open sensing results, and then to full-stack solutions of toolchains, fully empowering the intelligent development of the automotive industry. If customers advocate the concept of division of labor and cooperation to maximize efficiency, Horizon provides software and hardware integrated chip solutions; if customers prefer to maximize capabilities and want to use their own algorithms, Horizon provides customers with pure chips and a complete toolchain to help customers achieve deep enough development freedom and practice the long-term commitment of "deep empowerment".

What changes have taken place in the past three years?

A large number of innovative drugs and "life-saving drugs" have entered the medical insurance drug list, which is the space saved by centralized procurement.

       On December 6, 2018, the centralized procurement of drugs in "4+7" pilot cities was opened in Shanghai. This means that the long-brewing national drug centralized procurement with quantity has officially kicked off.

National centralized drug procurement with quantity, referred to as "centralized procurement" for short, means that drug procurement institutions "package" the scattered purchases of medical institutions through public bidding, and purchase a clear number of drugs from drug suppliers by "group purchase", thus reducing procurement costs.

       At that time, the national medical insurance department entrusted the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Centralized Bidding and Purchasing Affairs Management Office under the Shanghai Medical Insurance Bureau to undertake the daily work of the national drug joint purchasing office (hereinafter referred to as "joint purchasing"). In the past three years, the joint procurement has organized six batches and seven rounds of national centralized procurement, and the scope of implementation has expanded from 11 cities to the whole country. The procurement content has expanded from oral dosage forms to injections, from chemical drugs to biological drugs, and the variety, quantity and degree of competition have been constantly breaking through.

       Specifically, what are the breakthroughs?Let’s take a look at the changes in these three years through the data.

The original drug was greatly reduced in price, and the "patent cliff" appeared.

       Among the six batches and seven rounds of centralized mining, the first five batches and six rounds are all chemical drugs. From the first batch of "4+7 quantity procurement" to the fifth batch of quantity procurement,A total of 218 varieties were covered, and the average price of the selected products decreased by 53%, which reduced the burden on patients by about 250 billion yuan.

       The number of selected products shows an upward trend.In the "4+7 quantity procurement", 25 of the 31 pilot generic drugs were successfully selected, with a successful selection rate of 81%. Since then, the number of selected varieties has reached 32, 55, 45 and 61 respectively. The sixth batch of insulin special procurement is the first time that the national centralized procurement has been extended to the field of biopharmaceuticals, which is quite different from the first five batches of procurement rules, and the number of selected varieties is 16.

       Except for the sixth batch of insulin special procurement, the average decline of the other five batches and six rounds of centralized procurement was above 50%, which remained stable. The fifth batch of centralized mining decreased by 56%, which was higher than other batches. It can be clearly seen that the centralized collection and extrusion of drug price moisture has played a positive role in promoting the return of drug prices to rationality.

       Centralized purchasing not only reduces the burden of drug use for the masses, but also improves the efficiency of the use of medical insurance funds.After calculation, the results of each batch of bidding saved 5.8 billion yuan, 19.5 billion yuan, 9.1 billion yuan, 19.5 billion yuan, 13.2 billion yuan, 24.1 billion yuan and 9 billion yuan for the pilot areas or the whole country. Among them, the fifth batch of centralized procurement selected the most varieties, involving a total amount of 55 billion yuan, saving medicine costs to the highest in previous centralized procurement.

       As a result, has the medical insurance expenditure decreased? Where did all the money saved go? In fact, to improve the efficiency of the use of medical insurance funds is not only to "cut costs", but also to spend money on the cutting edge. In recent years, a large number of innovative drugs and "life-saving drugs" have entered the medical insurance drug list, which is the space saved by centralized procurement. The continuous increase of medical insurance expenditure has prompted pharmaceutical enterprises to intensify innovation and promoted the process of high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry.

       The participation and winning bid rate of each batch of original research pharmaceutical companies have always been the focus of attention. Although the average decline of the selected original drugs in the first four batches of centralized procurement was relatively high, climbing from 71% and 79% to 82% and 84%, there were 10 foreign companies involved in 11 products in the fifth batch of centralized procurement, and their participation was significantly improved.

       Foreign companies actively embrace centralized purchasing. On the one hand, the fifth batch of centralized purchasing involves many kinds of injections, and the successful result will have a great impact on the sales of enterprises in hospitals. Faced with such a big market change, foreign companies can’t "sit idly by". More importantly, it has been gradually accepted by the industry and society because the original drug is equivalent in quality and can compete on the same field. This is the embodiment of the implementation effect of the generic drug consistency evaluation policy and the embodiment of the normalization and institutionalization of centralized purchase.

       More and more original drugs have been greatly reduced in price, indicating that the phenomenon of "patent cliff" has appeared.The so-called "patent cliff" means that after the patent protection of a newly developed and listed drug expires, more generic drugs will appear on the market, and the increase in supply will lead to a cliff-like decline in the price of the original drug. In the past, the prices of some original drugs in China were higher than those in neighboring countries and regions for a long time, and the phenomenon of "patent cliff" failed to happen. Now, this phenomenon has finally happened because of national centralized mining.

"Taking quantity" is the core, and promoting "exchanging quantity for price"

       Six batches of centralized mining, which drug varieties have the highest decline?Based on the 457 drugs with known historical prices, the top drugs have different uses. Rivaroxaban, an anticoagulant in the fifth batch of centralized mining, dropped by as much as 99.5%, which is a veritable "price reduction king". Memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Harmo’s disease and olanzapine for the treatment of schizophrenia are also in the forefront with a drop of over 97%. Taking olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets as an example, patients used to spend 849 yuan a month, but now they can save 822 yuan by using the selected varieties, which can save more than 9,000 yuan a year.

       Some time ago, the "soul bargaining" in the national medical insurance drug list negotiation triggered a heated discussion. Is collective purchasing "soul bargaining"? In fact,Centralized purchasing and medical insurance negotiation are two different things.Although both of them belong to the "drug price reduction" initiative, the medical insurance negotiation is to include drugs in the catalogue, so that they can be reimbursed through medical insurance, and there is no provision for hospital dosage; Centralized procurement requires hospitals to give priority to the use of selected drugs and complete the contract dosage on time. It can be said that "with or without quantity" is the main difference between the two. In addition, the drugs selected in centralized procurement include both varieties in the medical insurance catalogue and those outside the catalogue.

     "Carrying quantity" is the core of centralized purchasing, and "exchanging quantity for price" can promote enterprises to reduce prices. So,What are the ten varieties with the largest purchase volume?It can be seen from the agreed procurement volume in the first year of the country that the drugs for common diseases, such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia, are still in the greatest demand, among which metformin for treating type 2 diabetes has the largest procurement volume, with the agreed procurement volume reaching more than 5 billion tablets in the first year, and the actual procurement volume in the first year of the country exceeds 8 billion tablets. 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, and insulin has been continuously introduced in the past 100 years. At present, the second generation of recombinant human insulin and the third generation of recombinant insulin analogues are commonly used products in clinic. Relatively speaking, the third-generation insulin is safer and more effective, and the price is higher.

       Just at the end of last month, the sixth batch of centralized purchase of insulin was opened in Shanghai. This collection covers the second and third generations of insulin, including 16 generic varieties. The purchasing demand of medical institutions in China in the first year is about 210 million pieces, and the purchasing amount involved is about 17 billion yuan according to the pre-centralized purchasing price. The average price reduction of the products to be selected is 48%, and it is estimated that the annual cost can be saved by 9 billion yuan.

       The three years that Ji Cai has gone through are three years of challenges and achievements. The "Tenth Five-Year Plan" for National Medical Security proposes that by the end of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", the number of drug varieties purchased by each province through national and provincial centralized quantity will reach more than 500. Practice has proved that only by holding on to the reform achievements and constantly promoting the normalization and institutionalization of centralized drug procurement can we better serve the overall situation of national medical and health reform and development and provide people with all-round and full-cycle health services.     

◆ Source | Jiefang Daily/China Medical Insurance

The National Seminar on Children’s Film Sunflower Squadron was held.

On March 19th, a national seminar on children’s film Sunflower Squadron was held in Beijing. Xia Chao, Chairman of China Literary Critics Association, Nie Zhenning, Writer and Publisher, Jiang Ping, President of China Xia Yan Film Society, Rao Shuguang, President of China Film Critics Association, Chen Yingxian, President of China Puppet Shadow Play Art Society, Huang Jun, President and Secretary General of China Education Association, Yang Yinfu, Professor Peking University, Vice President of China Film Critics Association, and Huang Yichuan, President and Editor-in-Chief of Contemporary Film, Su Yi, Vice President of China Xia Yan Film Society, Jiang Zhitao, critic, Jia Yang Sang Zhu, young director and deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of China Film Group, Yan Zhen, secretary general of Jiangsu Film Association, and other experts and scholars, as well as Wu Xinlin, the third-level researcher of the Propaganda Department of Nantong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Fan Xiaoyan, member of the Standing Committee of Tongzhou District Committee of Nantong City, director of the Propaganda Department, Fei Chunhua, deputy director of Nantong Civilization Office, and Wu Zhixiang, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Tongzhou District Committee of Nantong City of the Communist Party of China. Xu Jun, Chairman of Nantong Tongzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Feng Zhang, Vice Chairman of Nantong Tongzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Deputy Director of Children’s Sound Base and producer of Sunflower Squadron, Qiu Yongkang, Vice Chairman of Nantong Tongzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Deputy Director of Children’s Sound Base attended the meeting.

National Seminar on Children’s Film Sunflower Squadron

This seminar is supported by China Literary Critics Association, China Film Critics Association, China Xia Yan Film Society and china children film association, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Nantong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Nantong Civilization Office, and hosted by the Propaganda Department of Tongzhou District Committee of Nantong City, Nantong Civilization Office and Nantong Tongzhou "China in Children’s Voice" Children’s Art Innovation and Research Base, and specially hosted by Qian State, President of Jiangsu Children’s Culture and Art Promotion Association and Professor of Nanjing Art College.

Xia Chao, chairman of the Chinese Literary Critics Association, said: "Sunflower Squadron is an excellent children’s film that shows the features of the new era, guides children to establish correct values and aesthetics, not only touches people’s hearts with characters, plots and emotions, but also expresses our new pursuit in the new era. It is a rare and good film with enlightening power."

Nie Zhenning, a writer and publisher, commented: "I am very much in favor of this film of love. It vividly presents the education of love in a very poetic and bright way, full of truth, goodness and beauty, and educates people with love, so I think the success of this children’s film Sunflower Squadron is inevitable."

Jiang Ping, president of China Xia Yan Film Society, praised: "Sunflower Squadron is a rare excellent children’s film in the new era, which has broadened the horizons of children’s films in our eyes. I think we can use four words’ new’ to represent this film, that is, new era, new children, new landscape and new atmosphere. It stands in a new angle of the times and focuses on the spiritual outlook and mental journey of children in today’s society. It is a positive and sunny film, just like a warm current of love coming towards us. "

Rao Shuguang, president of China Film Criticism Society, said: "Aesthetic education plays an important role in children’s education, and children’s films are an important and effective means to strengthen aesthetic education. I think "Sunflower Squadron" is a children’s film with light. The style and lens of the whole film are very bright. Through the characters and stories in the film, an inner, positive and upward emotional force is constantly conveyed, forming a unique artistic style and aesthetic temperament. I hope to carry out a far-reaching spread, so that this good film can reach more audiences and let the audience see the film they want to see, and realize a two-way trip.

Chen Yingxian, president of the Chinese Puppet Shadow Play Art Society, said: "The children’s film Sunflower Squadron performed very well in detail. The characters in the film encouraged each other and grew up with each other. The images of sunflowers were superimposed in different ways, giving people a warm power. As an audience, I was also inspired and enlightened."

Huang Jun, president of china children film association, said: "This is a movie that knocks people’s hearts. It has a theme of great love, especially the love of special groups and minors, which requires the careful, vigorous and wholehearted love of the whole society. From the visual point of view, the whole film is warm and cold from beginning to end, and the spring tone dominated by warmth is picturesque, full of vitality and pleasing to the eye. The visual tone blends well with the narrative and characterization of the film, which enhances the aesthetic and ideological strength of the whole film. The viewing experience of Sunflower Squadron is very enjoyable, enjoying four beauties-human beauty, emotional beauty, beautiful scenery and musical beauty. "

Yang Yinfu, vice president and secretary general of China Education Association, said: "Sunflower Squadron is a children’s film and an educational film. The theme of the film reflects inclusive education, so that no child is left behind and every child has a chance to shine in life. The film is full of sunshine, friendship and positive energy, expressing warm realism. It is precisely because of the teachers’ love, care and patience that miracles happen and Mo Li is cured because of their attitudes, emotions and wisdom. "

Professor Peking University and Zhang Yiwu, vice president of China Film Critics Association, affirmed: "I think this film is really a very meaningful and weighty work. It pays attention to such a unique theme as’ integrated education’, and integrates poetic and romantic spirit into the film, which strengthens the symbolic significance of sunflower, not only showing the gradual growth of the protagonist Mo Li, but also the spiritual improvement of other children and the improvement of value and cognition due to the arrival of Mo Li in the whole class, including We should further increase the spread of the film and realize the long tail effect. "

Huangfu Yichuan, president and editor-in-chief of Contemporary Film, said: "Sunflower Squadron, a children’s film, is a vivid film that pays attention to teenagers’ mental health, shows integrated education and cultivates teenagers’ healthy values. It provides a love education and artistic aesthetic experience at the social, school and family levels, and at the children’s psychological and aesthetic levels. From the perspective of film and television education for primary and secondary school students, children want to watch and deserve to watch, and should be recommended to primary and secondary school students. "

Su Yi, vice president of China Xia Yan Film Society, said: "Sunflower Squadron is a well-intentioned children’s work, which is full of the love of the creative team for children. Both adult actors and children actors have performed brilliantly and found a very good combination of real life and artistic truth. For such an excellent film, we should think about how to maximize its social benefits. " Jiang Zhitao, editor of the critic, said with deep feelings: "This is a work of conscience full of great love in the world. As an old audience of nearly 80 years old, I felt a lot after watching the film. I want to express my gratitude to the film creative team. Thank you for offering healthy and delicious spiritual food for the children, so that the children can grow up in happiness and beauty."

At the seminar, the film’s creative representatives shared their feelings about the film’s creation. Yingqi Chan, the "Top Ten Directors" in China and the director of the children’s film Sunflower Squadron, told the behind-the-scenes story emotionally. He said: "The film’s creation lasted for seven years, and it was easy to draft it. We always held a persistent attitude of being meticulous and striving for perfection, hoping to present an excellent children’s film for children in the new era and guide them to embrace the world with love." Brush brush, a children’s literature writer and the original author of Sunflower Squadron, said: "Thank you for putting my literary works on the screen, showing them to small audiences in a more vivid way, bringing them new experiences and giving this work new meaning and connotation." Xue Mei, the screenwriter of Sunflower Squadron, also described the psychological process of script creation, and revealed his heartfelt wishes of creating for children in persistence, exploration and development.

Fan Xiaoyan, member of the Standing Committee of Tongzhou District Committee of Nantong City and Minister of Propaganda Department, said in his speech: "The experts and critics present here are flag representatives in the fields of film and television art and children’s education, and they have rich experience and unique opinions. I believe that through today’s exchange, we will benefit a lot, collide with sparks of thought, help Sunflower Squadron go deeper, higher and further, and provide valuable inspiration and reference for our future research work. Fei Chunhua, deputy director of Nantong Civilization Office, expressed his gratitude to experts and scholars, film creative teams and cast members, children’s literary and art workers and literary volunteers on behalf of the seminar organizers, and further said: "I hope that all children’s literary and art workers and volunteer service teams will make persistent efforts under the careful guidance of experts, constantly innovate forms and enrich carriers, create more masterpieces to guide the healthy growth of children, promote the cultural construction of children and the prosperity and development of children’s literature and art, and make more contributions to promoting the growth of children."

The children’s film "Sunflower Squadron" was directed and supported by the Propaganda Department of CPC jiangsu provincial party committee and the Civilization Office of Jiangsu Province, jointly created by the Propaganda Department of CPC Nantong Municipal Committee, Nantong Civilization Office and the Propaganda Department of CPC Nantong Tongzhou District Committee, jointly produced by Nantong Tongzhou "China in Children’s Voice" children’s art creation and research activity base and Jiangsu Film Association, jointly produced by Nantong Grand Hyatt Culture and Art Communication Co., Ltd. and Nantong Intercontinental Virescence Expo Co., Ltd., and adapted from the novel of the same name brushed by the writer. Directed jointly by Yingqi Chan, the "Top Ten Director" in China, and Chen Juzhi, a young director, and written by Yingqi Chan, Xue Mei and Yang Xiaomeng, the young actors Yang Jinchen, Tian Yulin, Li Zixi, Jia Zixuan and Cao Yile were invited to star, and famous actors Hou Yong and Guo Guangping, Xiaohuan Wei, Sun Lan, Gao Fei, Cao Jun, He Da and Zhang Songnian were invited to participate in the performance.

Producer Feng Zhang introduced that since its release, the children’s film Sunflower Squadron has been shown in urban cinemas and primary and secondary schools, and has been invited to be shown in the training class of minors’ mental health counseling of the Central Civilization Office and the National Education and Training Conference of the National School of Education Administration, and broadcasted in the prime time of CCTV6 movie channel, winning two nominations of "Best Screenplay Award" and "Best Actress" at the 2nd Hong Kong Bauhinia International Film Festival and "Light Year Cup" as the "Outstanding Film of the Year" at the 13th Beijing International Network Film Festival.

In order to give full play to the educational function of the film, actively use excellent films to carry out film and television education activities in primary and secondary schools, and implement the fundamental task of educating people in Lide, the children’s film "Sunflower Squadron" organized a campus tour, which was shown in more than 500 primary and secondary schools one after another, benefiting more than 600,000 children and pushing the film into the campus, classes and children. In addition, we also cooperated with Jiangsu Women and Children Welfare Foundation to establish the "Sunflower Squadron Charity Fund", and opened up channels for public fundraising. All the funds raised were used to organize the children’s film Sunflower Squadron to watch movies, as well as to carry out public welfare activities related to youth film and television education, which widely condensed social charity forces, effectively promoted the normalization of film and television education activities, and created a strong atmosphere in which the whole society cared about the growth of young people. (Tong Xuan)

Li Ning’s revenue increased by 7% in 2023, and basketball running and fitness category contributed over 60%.

  Li Ning’s performance in 2023 shows that the three core professional sports categories account for 64% of the total revenue.

  In 2023, sportswear brand Li Ning released a performance report. The report shows that the group’s revenue increased by 7% year-on-year to 27.598 billion yuan; Gross profit increased by 6.9% year-on-year to 13.352 billion yuan, and the overall gross profit margin was 48.4%, which was consistent with the previous year. In addition, the profit attributable to equity holders of the Group was 3.187 billion yuan, the interest rate attributable to equity holders was 11.5%, and the net operating cash inflow increased by 19.8% year-on-year to 4.688 billion yuan.

  Aspect 1: In terms of categories, the running water of the three core professional sports categories of basketball, running and fitness accounts for 64% of the total revenue, among which the running water and fitness water increased by 40% and 25% respectively, showing the important role and market growth potential of these three categories in Li Ning Group.

  Aspect 2: In terms of sales channels, direct sales revenue has increased by 29%, and offline discounts have improved year-on-year. The annual wholesale flow achieved a low growth rate of 10%-20%, indicating that Li Ning maintained a stable performance in offline business.