Six departments interview + local government intensive warning, where is the future of online car-hailing?

  CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazu) On November 11, six departments centralized "reminder interviews" with 8 online ride-hailing platform companies to remind and supervise the safety production, maintenance and stability of each enterprise. The reporter found that since the second half of this year, many traffic control departments across the country have issued risk warnings to online ride-hailing business services.

  Experts say that government departments’ interviews with online ride-hailing platforms and risk warnings can help guide enterprises to standardize their operations and focus competition on how to improve the safe travel experience of ordinary people, rather than seeking profit margins at the policy edge.

  Interview warning: online car-hailing is risky, so you need to be cautious when entering the market

  According to the news released by the Ministry of Transport on the centralized interview, since the second half of this year, there have been many new situations and new problems in the development of online car-hailing and ride-hailing markets, involving various aspects such as industry safety and stability, which have attracted extensive attention from all walks of life and the media. Based on this, before the interview, many transportation authorities across the country have issued business service risk warnings to enterprises and individuals engaged in online car-hailing.

  On June 11 this year, the Xi’an Taxi Administration Office reminded companies or individuals who are willing to engage in online car-hailing business to pay close attention to vehicle ownership to avoid conflicts and disputes or economic losses. In mid-October, the Xi’an Municipal Transportation Bureau also clearly stated that it is necessary to "prevent the online car-hailing market from being controlled by interest groups, break through the market boundary, over-dump vehicles, cause market competition to deteriorate, and ensure market supply and demand balance."

  Sanya City, Hainan Province, also issued a "warning" for online car-hailing on September 5, saying that some cooperative companies that join the online car-hailing platform have "rental purchase", affiliated operation, guarantee car purchase and other situations… It is very likely to cause unclear vehicle ownership, difficulties in rights protection in the process of canceling the contract, and joint and several liability in the event of business risks.

  In addition, Nanning, Sichuan, Suining, Mianyang, and Cangzhou, Hebei have also issued online car-hailing risk warnings this year, indicating that engaging in and riding online car-hailing pose certain risks.

  Case: "Purchasing by rent" makes drivers feel uneasy

  So, what are the risks of engaging in online car-hailing? The reporter found that in the risk warnings issued by these cities, the phenomenon of "rental purchasing" was highlighted. "Rental purchasing" means that the leasing company comes forward to buy the car with a loan from the bank and rents it to the driver. The driver repays the principal and interest to the bank for the leasing company. After the contract expires, the driver redeems the ownership of the vehicle from the leasing company. In fact, this model has great risks.

  In August this year, dozens of car owners were deceived by a trading company in Chengdu. According to local media reports in Chengdu, the dozens of drivers "bought" vehicles of different brands in the company to engage in online car-hailing services by "renting and purchasing". They paid a down payment and agreed on a monthly repayment amount. However, before the vehicle was transferred, the company boss suddenly lost contact and left the building empty.

  In July this year, a number of online car-hailing drivers in Changsha, Hunan reported that because their company had promised that the vehicle was "certified" and was a compliance car, more than 100 drivers signed contracts in the form of "rental purchase". But after more than half a year, due to illegal operation on the road without a license, many drivers were detained by the relevant departments and fined tens of thousands of yuan. They originally wanted to make real money, but they were brought into the scam.

  Master Zhang, who has been engaged in online car-hailing operations in Xi’an for two years, told reporters on the afternoon of November 12 that the phenomenon of "renting and purchasing" in the industry is very common. "This business is not as profitable as when the platform gave subsidies at the beginning. Xi’an’s requirements for online car-hailing are basically B-class cars, and few people who can afford it will work hard." Master Zhang said that many online car-hailing drivers are sports cars to earn money to pay off car loans. The owner is not himself, and the heart of running a car is not at ease.

  Expert: Don’t seek profit margins on the policy fringes

  Li Mingtao, dean of the China International E-commerce Center Research Institute, told CCTV that when online car-hailing first appeared, people regarded it as a representative of the "sharing economy". Through the matching of Internet platforms, idle vehicle resources can be optimized to meet the diverse travel needs of ordinary people. However, in actual operation, relying solely on the information matching of network platforms has indeed caused many safety hazards and bad cases involving safety.

  "The six departments’ recent interviews with online car-hailing companies are also mainly to prevent online car-hailing companies from relaxing the control of the entry threshold for online car-hailing and ride-hailing for their own business interests. At the same time, the local authorities’ strengthening of risk warnings for’purchasing by rent ‘is also based on a large number of complaints about this model, reminding drivers to prevent and control related risks and protect their own interests." Li Mingtao said that these measures are necessary to help guide enterprises to standardize their operations and focus the competition on how to improve the safe travel experience of ordinary people, rather than seeking interest space at the edge of the policy.

  In addition, in response to the characterization of "Hitch behavior must not be for profit" proposed by the six departments during the centralized interview, Li Mingtao believes that the future Hitch platform profit model will be gradually adjusted to collect member value-added service fees through information docking.

Hyperfusion, how to bloom the flower of technology in Euler’s "fertile soil"

In 2023, the concept of new technologies exploded, and industry terms such as ChatGPT and training large models were popularized. As the foundation of these cutting-edge technologies, computing power also gained more and more attention.

Driven by the mission and vision of "Let computing power serve you better", Hyperfusion Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Hyperfusion) is running acceleration on the computing power track.

On December 15, the operating system conference 2023 with the theme of "Rising up the digital age, leading the future of digital intelligence" kicked off in Beijing. At the meeting, it was revealed that in 2023, openEuler (Euler) had a market share of 36.8% in China’s server operating system, becoming the first server operating system in China.

FusionOS, a hyperfusion server operating system, has become one of 15 leading commercial practices for openEuler in 2023.

As the name of "Hyperfusion" implies, as the world’s leading computing power infrastructure and computing power service provider, Hyperfusion "aggregates" a variety of computing architectures to work together, finding a "common divisor" in the global multi-technology ecosystem; it launched a server operating system that supports diverse computing power, helping more domestic enterprises achieve "digital butterfly change".

Rooted in the fertile soil of technology, hyperfusion continues to release computing power and kinetic energy

In the industry’s opinion, hyperfusion, which has inherited the advantages of a large platform, has a high starting point in terms of core values, management mechanisms, and business development scenarios.

FusionOS, a server operating system under Hyperfusion, bloomed brilliantly in the "fertile soil" of Euler’s ecosystem.

According to the introduction, the openEuler open-source community adheres to the principle of "co-construction, sharing, and co-governance", and joins hands with the entire industry chain to build a sustainable operating system industry ecosystem. In the operating system conference 2023, according to IDC’s forecast, openEuler’s server operating system market share in China will reach 36.8% in 2023.

As the first basic software in China to achieve the first market share, Euler has established a complete development system in technological innovation, ecological development, community cooperation, and commercial landing. Jiang Dayong, chairperson of the openEuler committee, said that in the open-source community there is a saying called ecological rift, "When the ecosystem share exceeds 19%, it can form a self-cycle, and if it exceeds 35%, it will form a self-acceleration." Jiang Dayong said that now the Euler department has looked for partners from the community to the partner to the community.

This is an important milestone in the development of China’s basic software industry, establishing a solid and reliable software foundation for Digital China.

The prosperity of Euler is inseparable from the continuous contributions of community members. The OpenAtom openEuler community, together with the China Electronics Standardization Research Institute and a number of industry experts, evaluated the contributions of technology, governance, and ecological construction according to the group standard T/CESA 1270.5-2023, and selected 15 advanced units with outstanding contributions.

Superfusion, one of the 15 advanced units.

The Dahe Daily video reporter found that in addition to superfusion, the other 14 companies selected serve more related businesses and fields of the group companies behind them.

As for Hyperfusion, which was one of the 15 advanced units, it could serve more industries and enterprises in the Euler ecosystem as a third party. It had contributed "Hyperfusion Samples" to the new open-source model.

In the age of AI computing power, server operating systems usher in new opportunities

Why has the "superfusion sample" attracted the attention and interpretation of the industry? This needs to be interpreted from both macroscopic and microscopic dimensions.

From a macro perspective, with the advent of the AI computing power era, the entire computer architecture is undergoing tremendous changes, and heterogeneous computing power is becoming the mainstream computing power model.

This huge change in the computing power model has also pushed the operating system itself to perform refactoring operations, such as refactoring components such as container engines and virtualization engines. This is an industry reshuffle, and it also means an opportunity for overtaking on corners.

The hyperfusion server operating system FusionOS, as the first operating system distribution certified by the Euler technology route, supports diverse computing power and is compatible with the Euler software and hardware ecosystem.

With the Euler ecosystem gradually taking over the mainstream position of the operating system, the hyperfusion server operating system FusionOS has also become one of the preferred server operating systems for enterprises. Choosing FusionOS means that in the future, there is no need to worry about complicated problems such as system replacement and business migration for a long time.

From a microscopic perspective, as domestic enterprises choose server operating systems again, the Euler system has almost become the best choice, but it also faces many problems. For example, the temporary lack of software and hardware ecology, the lack of business experience optimization in terms of performance and reliability, especially the high cost of system and business migration.

For strong enterprises such as the three major operators, they will solve the above problems by building their own technical teams. But for a wider range of enterprises, how to solve the above problems at a lower cost is particularly important.

How can hyper-fusion load the technology "engine" for enterprises?

How to take the lead in laying out the difficult but correct path of Euler? Superfusion continues to act again

FusionOS, as an enterprise server operating system, provides a comprehensive solution for the core scenarios of finance, media, and large enterprises.

Shenwan Hongyuan Group is a well-known brokerage company in China. With the rise of quantitative trading, higher requirements are put forward for transaction delay and response speed. How can we meet business needs by optimizing the server operating system?

After hand-in-hand hyperfusion, the hyperfusion server operating system FusionOS provides a series of deep co-optimization of software and hardware by providing smarter load pro-core settings, inter-core interrupt optimization, computing device optimization, network performance optimization, etc. In a more popular metaphor, an enterprise-level server operating system is similar to the operating system of a mobile phone. "Various APPs on the machine have different requirements for servers. For example, video APPs place more emphasis on download speed and storage, while banking APPs place more emphasis on security. The hyperfusion server operating system can strengthen the resources and capabilities needed to be called according to the needs of different enterprises and different scenarios," making the longboard longer ".

For example, the media industry is prevalent in the East, which has high requirements for the speed, performance and storage space of audio & video processing. Hyperfusion provides a server operating system, which greatly improves the file transmission performance of the PMSC private protocol media security service system that is prevalent in the East.

Yuxin Dianke is a unified platform for the construction and operation of digital government and provincial government cloud in Henan Province. Hyperfusion adapts to the mainstream ecology of government cloud and industrial cloud through deep adaptation and tuning of FusionOS, including mainstream databases, middleware, OA systems, office systems and other business systems. In addition, FusionOS is also based on professional migration technology services and one-stop migration platform Safe2FusionOS, which helps customers complete the smooth migration of operating systems and businesses without affecting their business.

In cooperation with Henan Rural Commercial Union Bank, in addition to the demand for better business experience and efficient migration solutions for the OS, Henan Rural Commercial Union Bank also requires extensive adaptation to the mainstream ecosystem of banking business. FusionOS is compatible with 10,000 + sets of commonly used ISV software, including mainstream databases, middleware, docker, etc., to achieve stable operation after migration.

The information Yujun army has become popular, and hyper-fusion has created a "Henan model".

Henan Rural Commercial United Bank, Yuxin Dianke, Industrial Bank, Dongfangxing, Shenwan Hongyuan Group… More and more partners are choosing to join hands with hyperfusion to achieve win-win cooperation

In fact, today’s most trending fields such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., due to the vastness of their systems, from basic research and development to application research and development to scene landing, it is difficult for a single giant to take over the overall situation. Therefore, the division of labor and cooperation within the entire society, and then the formation of "ecology" is the inevitable development of the industry.

As the first basic software in China to achieve the first market share, Euler advocates the spirit of free innovation, and maximizes the development of the existing scenarios and commercial potential of ecological partners. At the same time, it also transfers value between partners in an empowering way, realizing an open ecosystem that is both connected and unfettered.

Win-win cooperation is one of the corporate concepts of Hyperfusion. At present, Hyperfusion is creating a more open "Henan model" through production, education and research, etc., to help the rapid development of Information Yujun.

On December 18, 2021, the first server of the Hyperfusion Central China Supply Center went offline and achieved mass production. It took only 55 days from establishment to mass production.

As the global headquarters of Superfusion, Zhengzhou covers R & D, supply, production, sales, service and other functions, and is the middle platform for the development of Superfusion’s global business. At the same time, the Superfusion Central China Supply Center has been located in Zhengzhou, and two supply centers with large-scale delivery capabilities have been established in Central and South China, quickly forming a pattern of off-site dual supply centers.

On May 9, 2023, the Superfusion Global Spare Parts Center was inaugurated in the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Comprehensive Experimental Zone, marking the establishment of a supply chain hub network in Henan Province that serves the whole country and radiates globally.

In addition, Hyperfusion, Henan University and Henan Mechanical and Electrical Vocational College will form a national green computing industry production and education integration community as the lead unit. In the next step, Hyperfusion, as the main chain enterprise in Henan’s advanced computing industry chain, will focus on building the "Pearl of the Central Plains" as its mission, promote Henan’s intelligent manufacturing to participate in the global industrial chain division of labor, and focus on the two strategic directions of computing power infrastructure and computing power services to produce fruitful scientific research results, and continue to maintain the research and development level of Henan’s advanced computing industry.

Source: Dahe Daily · Yu Video, Editor: Gao Peng

The global champion family of good car Tiggo 8: free purchase tax+multiple premium benefits

  Recently, the gift package of reducing the purchase tax of some passenger cars by 60 billion yuan officially landed. During the period from June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, the purchase of passenger cars with a bicycle price (excluding value-added tax) of 2.0 liters and below will be halved.

  The Tiggo 8 Champion Family is not only within the scope of enjoying the policy bonus, but also will continue to lavish benefits on it in order to further reduce the burden of car purchase for users. From June 1, 2022 to June 18, 2022, the purchase of the designated models of the Tiggo 8 champion family can not only enjoy the free purchase tax, but also the main sales models can be superimposed with a red envelope of up to 6,800 yuan. In addition, from June 1 to June 18, the designated models can be purchased at the Chery flagship store of Tmall, JD.COM, Pinduoduo, Easy Car, car home and Tik Tok and the 618 car venue, enjoying 1000 yuan coupons.

  Tiggo 8 PRO— Avant-garde technology is full of power

  The recently launched Tiggo 8 PRO is the flagship car of global power technology mainly for young families. The appearance of the car adopts Chery’s brand-new "time-space matrix" design language, and it is full of avant-garde technology, which will surprise everyone when it is driven out. LED interstellar particle technology headlights are bright and eye-catching; The large-size irregular front grille is covered with neatly arranged chrome-plated decorations. From a distance, the light and shade are interlaced, as if in front of the eyes and in a dreamland, giving people an avant-garde sense of reaching the future world, which is in line with the aesthetics of young people and makes them fall in love at first sight.

A copy of the global champion family of good car Tiggo 8: free purchase tax+multiple premium benefits _fororder_image001

Tiggo 8 PRO

  At the same time, the Tiggo 8 PRO comes standard with the Lion5.0 AI technology smart cockpit, which is built with intelligent equipment and a number of industry-leading configurations. When you get into the car, it is like entering the future world. In terms of power, the Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with the top ten Kunpeng 1.6TGDI/2.0TGDI engines of "China Heart" and the strongest product lineup of the same level of Kunpeng DHT super hybrid technology, which can not only meet the needs of users for full-scene car purchase, but also bring them an extremely fast driving experience.

  Tiggo 8 PRO has excellent face value, attractive strength and great purchase value. Now you can also enjoy 1 half-price purchase tax when you buy a car, and 2 7000 yuan cash-filled red envelopes when you book a car (which can be converted into half-price purchase tax); ③ Financial gifts: ultra-low annual rate of 1.99%, monthly payment of 1,000+; 4 replacement ceremony: buy a car up to 10,000 yuan; ⑤ Free warranty gift: Enjoy free basic maintenance (replacement and maintenance) for 6 times in 3 years and grab a bicycle and buy a car in 1000 yuan before 618.

  Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+— Technical Excellence, new experience

  As Chery’s first new energy vehicle, Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ is an important vehicle for Chery Automobile to lay out a new energy track. With advanced technology, it pioneered the full scene mode of "3 engines, 3 gears, 9 models and 11 speeds" in the industry, and achieved excellent results such as pure electric battery life of 100km, comprehensive fuel consumption of 1L per 100 km, and acceleration of 7 seconds at zero speed (two-wheel drive type), locking in the leading position in the industry.

The global champion family of good car Tiggo 8: free purchase tax+multiple premium benefits _fororder_image002

  Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+

  Of course, excellent technology gives the car an absolute right to speak in terms of intelligence. Equipped with Xiaoqi Smart Car Manager 3.0, it realizes the upgrade and regrowth of five dimensions, and has three characteristics: deep learning, cloud life and entertainment interconnection, and enhanced natural voice interaction. Voice control of vehicles and real-time monitoring of vehicle energy dynamics can be easily done. In addition, the car has achieved five leading advantages, such as booking travel, intelligent charging, intelligent electronic control braking, intelligent car housekeeper and cloud life entertainment, making it easier and more convenient to use the car. Excellent strength makes it sell well when it goes on the market, and the order has exceeded 9000 units so far.

  In addition to advanced technology, intelligence and convenience, Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ also brought eight super-intimate gifts to car buyers, including a financial car subsidy of 7,000 yuan; This product can enjoy a subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan for replacement (up to 8,000 yuan for non-replacement of this product); Basic traffic is free for life; Entertainment traffic is free in the first year (2G); per month); Free OTA upgrade for the whole vehicle for life; Engine lifetime warranty; Lifetime warranty of three power systems (first owner, non-operation); Six-year or 150,000-kilometer vehicle warranty; Give charging piles (users who don’t need charging piles give maintenance packages) and other rights.

  2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS— Luxurious cockpit has a lot to offer.

  As a "luxury land flight cabin", the 2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS has good strength and is an all-round car with luxury and technology, technology and health. Its exclusive close-fitting luxury leather seat, designed according to the Asian body shape, can perfectly support the user’s riding posture and effectively reduce the fatigue of long-distance travel. The freely adjustable aviation pressure head pillow has passed the authority verification of J.D.Power’s master comfort level, and with the flexible space layout, it can bring people in the car a comfortable experience like being in first class.

The global champion family of good car Tiggo 8: free purchase tax+multiple premium benefits _fororder_image003

2022 tiggo 8 PLUS

  In addition, Chery’s brand-new "C-PURE Clean Cubic Green Cockpit" equipped with the 2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS not only uses European standard environmental protection technology and more than 25 environmentally-friendly and healthy materials to ensure its own green health, but also provides CN95 air conditioning filter and RICSCS remote active cockpit self-cleaning system, giving people in the car a clear breath as if they were in a forest.

  In addition to the luxurious cockpit and fresh technology, the 2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS also provides users with eight courtesies, full of sincerity! ① Enjoy the full purchase tax, and then send it up to 6800 cash; 2 financial ceremony: enjoy a financial subsidy of up to 7,000 yuan; 3 replacement ceremony: buy a car up to 10,000 yuan; 4 purchase gift: enjoy a subsidy of 3,000 yuan; ⑤ Free warranty gift: Enjoy free basic maintenance (replacement, purchase increase and maintenance) for 6 times in 3 years, and buy a car in 1000 yuan before 618.

  Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition — The speed of chasing the wind "oil" is your decision.

  The Tiggo 8 Kunpeng version, which was launched in 2021, has been widely sought after since its launch. Its matching with Kunpeng 2.0TGDI engine originated from the global power architecture of Chery 4.0 era, and its power performance is not much better than that of some luxury brands 2.0T engines. Thanks to many "black technologies", its 2.0TGDI model only takes 7.5 seconds to accelerate at zero speed, and the surging power makes the car one step ahead of others, whether starting or overtaking. The 7DCT gearbox matched with the power system is also good in strength, with smooth upshift and neat downshift. The two complement each other to enable the car to release power smoothly and continuously, and provide users with lightning speed on the premise of ensuring comfort.

The global champion family of good car Tiggo 8: free purchase tax+multiple premium benefits _fororder_image004

Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition

  In addition, this model also overturns the proposition that strong power equals "oil tiger", and its fuel consumption is only 7L/100km, which is the best representative of "eating less and running fast". While galloping heartily, it also firmly locked the user’s wallet.

  Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition is not only full of power, good fuel economy and value for money, but also provides car buyers with ① full purchase tax, and then send it up to 6800 cash; 2 financial ceremony: enjoy a financial subsidy of up to 7,000 yuan; 3 replacement ceremony: buy a car up to 10,000 yuan; 4 purchase gift: enjoy a subsidy of 3,000 yuan; ⑤ Free warranty gift: you can enjoy free basic maintenance (replacement, purchase increase and maintenance) for 6 times in 3 years, as well as the benefits such as grabbing a bicycle and buying a car in 1000 yuan before 618.

  As a heavyweight model under Chery Automobile’s "big single product" strategy, the Tiggo 8 champion family has not only won the sales crown of China brand medium-sized SUV and 7-seat SUV in 2020 /2021 due to its excellent quality, but also won high praise from domestic users, and even conquered the favor of overseas consumers such as Brazil and Chile with hard-core strength, and is fully capable of meeting the needs of users for daily travel, go on road trip and other multi-scene vehicles. Not only that, but now when buying a car, you can enjoy the bonus of halving the national purchase tax, and you can also get the value-added benefits of car companies. (Photo courtesy of Chery Automobile)

Douban 9.6 points! Why is Happy Departure so good?

"Re-employment Men’s Team" ensemble "Happy Start Again" scored 9.6 points for Douban, which became a high-profile variety this summer. Analyzing the successful methodology of Happy Departure is closely related to its program positioning, guest lineup and fan interaction. At present, the second season of the program has been decided, but whether such a high score can be continued is also faced with many problems such as program planning and capital control.

author | Guo Xuemei(Author of cultural industry review, researcher of Sanchuan Huiwen Tourism Research Institute)

read and edit | Time

edit | Peninsula

source | Cultural Industry Review

In July this year, a variety show called "Happy Start Again" became the biggest surprise since the beginning of the year. 0713, the living variety show, the re-employment men’s group and the poorest variety show became the terms that must be mentioned when talking about this program.

At present, the program has been rated 9.6 points in Douban, with over 110,000 people rating it. It is another high-profile domestic variety show after Extreme Challenge and Detective Star. As a pure domestic original reality show, the program has surpassed Douban’s high-scoring reality show Han Zong’s new journey to the west, which proves the originality of domestic variety shows.

With constant praise and Amway, although the program is not well-known, it has also been broadcasted by Mango tv and Southeast Satellite TV, which also makes the fans of the program a little happy. As a domestic variety show produced by a domestic team, "Happy Departure" has a unique way of success. The audience likes their baggage-free, talented and talented, and is also moved by the friendship accumulated by the six-member group in the program for 15 years …

Re-employment Men’s Team and Happy Start Again

When it comes to the re-employment of the men’s team and Happy Departure, we must first talk about the program Welcome to the Mushroom House, because this is the source of the birth of Happy Departure.

"Welcome to Mushroom House" is a derivative variety specially prepared for "Life I yearn for 6", in which the six brothers (Chen Chusheng, Awakening, Ahu、Yue, Land Rover, Wang Zhengliang and Bird) of the re-employment men’s team were invited in the first and second phases. Although "Welcome to Mushroom House" and "Life I yearn for 6" are both slow variety modes of "Mushroom House", the variety effect of the former is hard for the latter to have.

Whether it’s the "Re-employment Men’s Team" in Welcome to the Mushroom, or the rock version of "Xiao Fang" sung by brothers and the hairstyle of killing Matt in ancient times, the audience will be more curious about them.

Then, fans began to shout online that the program group was "not enough to watch", and Daqian Film, the production team of Welcome to Mushroom House, began to take over the production of their group ensemble "Happy Start Again" and broadcast it live to attract online investment for the program, and finally won two advertising sponsors, namely, Wugu Dojo and RIO.

Whether it’s the "Re-employment Men’s Team" in Welcome to the Mushroom, or the rock version of "Xiao Fang" sung by brothers and the hairstyle of killing Matt in ancient times, the audience will be more curious about them.

Then, fans began to shout online that the program group was "not enough to watch", and Daqian Film, the production team of Welcome to Mushroom House, began to take over the production of their group ensemble "Happy Start Again" and broadcast it live to attract online investment for the program, and finally won two advertising sponsors, namely, Wugu Dojo and RIO.

△ "Happy Start Again" program producer Weibo

With a sponsor, the program can be prepared. From planning, shooting to broadcasting, "Happy Start Again" actually took only about two months, and the time was hasty. In addition, due to the lack of budget, the program was "downgraded" and became a B-class variety show, and this program was also dubbed "the poorest variety show in history".

The program is poor, but the content itself still attracts praise from old and new audiences. First, all kinds of jokes from Welcome to the Mushroom are still continued and developed, like many ancient stalks with their own labels, such as Ahu、Yue’s divorce stalk, Bird’s wedding singer stalk, Chen Chusheng’s champion stalk, etc. Wang Zhengliang is called "the king of rotten stalks" by virtue of every unexpected explosion stalk.

△ Bird was dubbed the "wedding singer" because he sang his hottest "Guest" at the Vision Wei wedding.

△ Ahu、Yue has repeatedly searched for hot search due to divorce.

Second, in addition to the game link of "Welcome to Mushroom House", games such as "Connecting Words and Making Sentences" and "123 Woodenhead" are added. Moreover, because this program belongs to their own group ensemble, the brothers are also very open in the program. They not only make their own cue process and add drama, but also take the initiative to find a job in the case of owing food and accommodation for the program group, and make an appointment with their friends’ crew and experience a group performance life.

△ Brothers tease each other, full of drama.

△ Brothers experience group performance life, and write and play "Huluwa" during the break.

At present, the first season of "Happy Start Again" has been broadcast four times. Compared with "Welcome to Mushroom House", the former makes the program more "good-looking" in the later stage, and many expression packs of re-employment men’s teams come from these magical clips.

△ Bird’s big eyes and big face special effects produced in the post-production of the program became the audience’s favorite expression pack.

Of course, the brothers’ transparent thinking also locked their fans from a higher dimension. What my brothers did and said was combined with their own personal experience of "difficult employment". The unpretentious and sincere expression made fans like this group from the bottom of their hearts.

Speaking of this, we must talk about their past, because many of my brothers reached their peak in 2007, and then they encountered various things that led to a decline in heat and no resources to keep exposure. Bird himself took part in Creation Camp a few years ago, competing with a group of players of different ages. They became "paste people" without a program invitation, and they took the initiative to win the group and seriously advertised to the advertisers of the Grain Dojo, so that the mentality of seizing the opportunity and not letting go made the audience feel funny and crying.

△ Land Rover’s speech after experiencing group performance life

The beauty of "Happy Departure" lies in that it not only continues what many viewers like in "Welcome to Mushroom House" into the new program, but also digs more and more soft and beautiful things for brothers.

The Successful Methodology of Happy Start Again

According to the "2021 China Variety Annual Insight Report" released by Yien Data, in 2021, the top three variety types that won the audience’s praise were talk shows, documentaries and interviews, and the reality show variety types were not among them. As a member of the reality show variety show, Happy Departure has received such eye-catching audience feedback, which is closely related to the positioning of the program, guest lineup and program interaction.

Program Orientation: Music+Travel, Outdoor Variety Mode Innovation

Since the re-employed men’s groups are all born in Happy Boys, singing is their hobby and work, and the group comprehensive program is set as outdoor travel variety. However, because the brothers are carrying musical instruments anytime and anywhere, they can sing everywhere, and the program has the characteristic label of "music+travel", which also contributes a lot to the variety itself. Whether it is going to a desert island to survive, or experiencing group performances and chatting at night by the sea, the brothers can hum and sing anytime and anywhere.

At present, there are two common modes of many outdoor variety shows in China. One is to support the whole program by intensive variety shows, and the audience is attracted by such frequent interactions, such as Running, Travel Notes around Youth, and the other is to create something to watch by relying on the conflict of program guests. Flowers and Teenagers belong to this category.

The mode of music+travel is a relatively rare mode at present, but Happy Departure is not the first music+travel reality show in China. Previously, such a mode has been set up in various arts such as City of Meeting, Walking and Singing, but the difference is that these programs emphasize the purpose of song creation, that is, the program will require guests to travel to a certain place and then create related songs, and the purpose of travel designed for music creation is obvious.

It is rare to combine simple music creation, singing and travel reality show like Happy Departure, and its success can also show the audience’s recognition of this model. So far, it has been reported that similar fast girls’ ensemble "Summer when I Want to Sing" and "My Style and My Show" are being prepared, but their broadcast effect remains to be seen.

Guest lineup: multiple labels, with cross-circle effect.

Because the brothers of Happy Departure are all born in the top 13 fast men in 2007, although their popularity is not high at present, they still have a good foundation in certain age groups, especially this group of viewers who have experienced too fast men’s draft, such as Chen Chusheng’s "Did anyone ever tell you" and Ahu、Yue’s "Can you forget", which may be the mobile phone ringtones they have set.

△ "Welcome to the Mushroom House", the songs in the re-employment men’s team ranked pk.

In addition, "Happy Departure" itself takes "Fast Men Reunion Travel" as an important topic, and the repeated historical memories of fast men in the program give people a feeling of returning to the past, which is easy to poke the nostalgic complex of this group of old fans, thus promoting their desire to watch.

However, if we simply capture this audience, "Happy Start Again" may not get such good audience feedback. The key is that they can also be loved by many young people at present. On the one hand, the brothers of the men’s team are "musicians", and their professional ability is very resistant to fighting. They can sing and create at any time in the program ("What a suck" and "I cried and I cried again" are the stalks in the program and the impromptu songs they created), which makes the young audience very recognized for their talents.

△ The "Deserve It" inspired by "Mushroom House" has become the theme song of the program.

On the other hand, some brothers have their own unique skills. For example, when they wake up, they often shoot "The Daily Life of the Old Singer" for other brothers spontaneously, which is dubbed by netizens as "Little Genius of vlog Editing". It is fun and interesting, and is recognized and loved by many young audiences, which also urges them to archaeological their older brothers’ previous programs and understand their past 15 years’ history.

△ "The Daily Life of the Old Singer" filmed by Awakening

In fact, in the domestic reality show, there are few variety guests who have such cross-circle effect. Comedy variety coffee Jia Ling, Yang Di, and singer variety coffee Charlie are among the better guest types, while the variety guests who are biased stars are generally difficult to get multi-circle recognition in variety shows.

However, after knowing this theory, most variety shows will be added by selecting various types of guests in order to cover all kinds of audience groups. It is not uncommon for singers, comedians, talk show actors and film and television drama actors to gather in one variety show.

Program interaction: emphasize participation and cultivate unique fan feelings

As mentioned above, "Happy Start Again" faced obstacles in budget, advertising sponsorship and other aspects in the early preparation, and this variety show was finally broadcast smoothly, which has an inseparable relationship with the fans of the show. On this basis, "Happy Start Again" conforms to this characteristic and creates a unique strong fan interaction.

In the pilot film of the program, the program group initiated the fan interaction of the group name, and several brothers published a solicitation in Weibo, asking netizens to offer suggestions and think of a name for the program, which also led to the circle of funny names such as "Nobody cares", "No more crazy and older" and "Brothers who behave badly" in the program. Fan interaction doesn’t end like this. The program group also plays this part of the clip, so fans who are selected by their brothers to read their names will have more satisfaction.

Not only the name of the program, but also the unique interaction between "dining tables" (the fans’ names of brothers) and their brothers, as well as the Amway of the Grain Dojo. The program was recorded and broadcast because of advertising sponsorship. Both the brothers of the men’s team and the audience of the program are very grateful to it. The brothers sang for the Grain Dojo in the program, and the fans bought instant noodles in the Grain Dojo in their daily lives. I hope they will continue to sponsor the second season of Happy Departure. To some extent, this is also a way to strengthen the relationship between fans and brothers. When guests and fans see each other’s efforts and intentions, it is easier to empathize with each other.

In fact, fans’ participation in the recording of official programs is not unique to Happy Start Again. For example, Running and Happy Camp have had interactive design of related links, thus mobilizing fans to be active and increasing the degree of topic. Different from these programs, the interaction of Happy Go Again is based on the unique relationship established by the program group, guests and fans, because no matter which side knows more or less the hardships of program preparation and investment promotion, they also understand that it is not easy to broadcast variety shows. The interactive design of the group name determined by the audience can show that the program group is interested in cultivating this special audience feeling.

Can the high score of "Happy Start Again" be continued?

According to Weibo released by Zhao Linlin, the producer of Happy Go Again, Happy Go Again has already started to prepare for the second season. At present, the high score of 9.6 in Happy Go Again has hit a large number of domestic variety shows, but it will take time to consider whether this popularity can continue into the next season or even more similar programs.

On the one hand, producer Zhao Linlin indicated that the second season show will still retain the favorite men’s team brothers, but the new problem is whether the brothers can still have the mentality of the first season after the success of Happy Departure. Brothers like Ahu、Yue, Bird and Lu Hu are frequently invited by the show. Excessive consumption of the re-employment men’s team may also make "Happy Departure 2" enter the dilemma of boring guest output.

△ "Happy Start Again" producer Weibo

On the other hand, the variety show "Happy Departure" may also face the dilemma of comprehensive N generations. With the high voice of the audience and the soaring word of mouth, the influence of advertisers and other capital on the production of the program may gradually show up. In the first season, fans are struggling to get advertisements, but in the following seasons, it is easy to turn into an embarrassing situation in which the program is full of advertisements. How to debug the collocation of advertisements and program content is an important topic that Happy Departure will face in the future.

And the program "Happy Start Again" itself also has a fatal weakness, that is, the program planning is not strong. Many viewers said that the success of the first season was almost entirely due to the chemical reaction of the brothers of the men’s team, and the design of the variety show was not brilliant, such as guessing the lyrics and 123 Woodenhead, which were very traditional games without their own characteristics. However, the director of the program group also said that he would plan the second season’s programs well and strive to "empower artists, not consume them".

△ crossword puzzle in the program

The first season of "Happy Departure" is coming to an end, but the audience’s love and affection for the re-employment men’s team will not end, and the high score of "Happy Departure" also provides practitioners with various production considerations. Domestic variety shows are not without originality, and they can still find their own way to success as long as they are careful.