The game of insulting China was criticized by netizens for "no human lower limit". The Steam platform is only removed from the shelves for mainland players?

  On the 24th, a game called Coronavirus Attack (novel coronavirus attack) was launched on the gaming platform Steam. Due to the humiliating metaphor in the game and the setting of "**" and "**", the game triggered strong criticism from netizens after it was put on the shelves. As of press time, the game has been removed from the shelves of mainland players, but overseas players can still find the game.

  Steam is a game platform developed by Valve in the United States. The Global Times saw on Steam that the release date of the game is April 24, 2020. The developer and publisher are a game team named MythZsGame. The reporter learned through online public information that the author of the game is "Mi Yali" and now lives in Taipei. Through the Taiwanese game website "Bahamut Forum" and Facebook and other social platforms, it can be found that the author has a distinct ** and "**" background.

  According to Steam, the game is a simple shooter with upgrades. The background description of the game on the platform reads: "A virus that can turn people into selfish zombies has spread throughout the country, and the carriers (virus carriers) have fled the country. In order to control the epidemic, a secret laboratory creates a coronavirus that can destroy the selfish zombie virus to fight it. Your goal is to prevent the selfish zombie virus carriers from fleeing and infecting others. You must destroy the carriers as much as possible, collect more DNA to develop more lethal biochemical properties, and eliminate the carriers before they develop corresponding immunity."

  The Global Times reporter saw through several game screenshots and video clips released by the platform that the image quality of this game is rough and the picture is simple, the background main color is bright red, and the color of the novel coronavirus is bright yellow, which is similar to the color scheme of the Danish media released in January this year.


  The reporter found that the game also has "achievement unlocked easter eggs" displaying the slogan "**" and "**". On the Steam platform, the crude game is seen for 15 yuan.

  As of 9:45 a.m. on the 26th, there were 426 reviews in the consumer review area below the game. In the "most valuable review", one player said, "Is this the incompetent rage of **? It’s really funny."

  On the other hand, some Taiwanese pro-green media ignored the facts and called the game "extremely positive", while at the same time contradicting themselves: "Sure enough, as soon as the game was launched, it shattered netizens susceptible, and Chinese netizens not only swiped negative reviews, but also left abusive messages." Taiwan’s game information website "NOW Video Games" posted the title "Little Pink" Ready for the expedition! Independent game < Coronavirus Attack > Landing ".

  The Global Times reporter tried to contact the Steam platform, but the platform’s voice message said that consultation can only be made through the Steam website. The reporter then submitted questions through the customer service page of the Steam website, but had not received a reply as of press time.

  At around 10 am on the 26th, the Global Times reporter noticed that for mainland players, the game was no longer available on the Steam platform, but for overseas players, as of press time, the game still existed.

New M7 Max rear drive smart driving version listed, priced from 289,800

11On the 28th, AITO officially released the new M7 Max rear drive smart driving version and started delivery. The official guide price of the five-seat version is 289,800 yuan, and the official guide price of the six-seat version is 309,800 yuan, providing users with more choices and further meeting consumer expectations. It is worth mentioning that the new M7 Max rear drive smart driving version comes with a standard technology comfort package, and you can enjoy a 27,000 yuan rights package immediately.

In May this year, Huawei and Sailis Automobile ushered in the milestone of the fastest 100,000 new energy vehicles off the assembly line, creating "ask the world speed". Recently, the new AITO ask the world M7 has ushered in a new milestone. Only two and a half months after its release, the large quantity has broken through 100,000 units, and the monthly sales have exceeded 30,000. Among them, the new M7 smart driving version accounts for 60% and the urban smart driving package selection rate reaches 75%, which not only reflects consumers’ love and recognition of the smart driving version, but also highlights AITO’s excellent product strength and first-mover advantage in the field of intelligence.

With the continued popularity of new products, Sailis Automobile’s leading intelligent manufacturing strength has provided a solid guarantee for the stable delivery of the new M7. At present, the production capacity of the new M7 is climbing rapidly. It is expected that the delivery volume will reach 23,000 + units in December this year, and the monthly delivery capacity will reach 30,000 + units from 2024. Quickly shorten the delivery cycle of new cars, reduce user waiting time, and live up to consumer expectations.

Sailis Automobile is the earliest and deepest cooperation car company in Huawei Hongmeng Zhixing model. The two parties not only pioneered the deep cross-border integration of joint business, but also created a series of AITO products that are deeply recognized by the market and loved by users. Not only the new M7, but also the hot-selling M5 series has been delivered up to 120,000 units so far; the unlisted flagship full-size SUV M9 has exceeded 33,000 units. With the continuous enrichment of the product matrix, the strength of AITO’s products will continue to rise, creating one milestone after another. Please look forward to it.

For more original hot car information, please follow 58 Auto’s WeChat account: wubache.

Guotai Junan Digital Wealth Center Landing Acceptance

  China Securities Network News (Reporter, Lin Qian) Recently, the "2022 Big Data Industry Summit" sponsored by the China Communications Standards Association Big Data Technology Standards Promotion Committee under the guidance of the China Information and Communications Research Institute and the China Communications Standards Association issued the first batch of EDMM-Enterprise Digital Marketing Capability Evaluation Certificates. Guotai Junan became the first securities company in China to be awarded the Enterprise Digital Marketing Capability Maturity System (EDMM) – Enterprise Digital Marketing Capability Excellent Level (Level 3), and the digital marketing capability reached the highest rating level in China.

  In 2021, Guotai Junan released the "Overall Plan for the Comprehensive Digital transformation of the Group", proposing to create a "SMART investment bank" vision and start the implementation of a comprehensive digital transformation strategy. Recently, the construction of Guotai Junan Digital Wealth Center has been launched, starting from four aspects: digital outlets, digital intelligence teams, digital bases, and digital intelligence platforms, providing vivid practice for the digital transformation and high-quality development of wealth management in the securities industry.

  Digital outlets, omni-channel digitalization to create an intensive digital business center

  Guotai Junan Digital Wealth Center takes the effective coverage and high-quality service of a large number of basic customer groups as the starting point, forms an intelligent broad-spectrum service model driven by customer needs, and carries out intensive and digital customer group management to create industry benchmarking practices. Digital transformation involves in-depth reconstruction of existing business models. Guotai Junan starts from the top-level strategic design, establishes a digital wealth center covering the whole country through new and existing network transformation, and builds a regional digital customer group management platform and empower center.

  Guotai Junan Digital Wealth Center is positioned to serve the digital investment and wealth management needs of a large number of basic customers in the jurisdiction, especially the new generation of young customers. It highlights the integration and empowerment of online and offline, and continues to improve the intelligent and broad-spectrum wealth management service capabilities such as regional digital marketing customer acquisition, digital operation and intelligent investment advisory. Through digital practices such as channel expansion, big data precision marketing, and live video broadcast, Guotai Junan has built an agile digital intelligence team and a professional investment advisory team to form a combination of online operation capabilities + branch investment advisory capabilities.

  During the pilot operation, Guotai Junan Digital Wealth Center continued to improve customer active level and satisfaction, and indicators such as basic customer group asset scale and proportion, marketing led to conversion, Junhong APP MAU number, and NPS net promoter score were significantly improved.

  Digital intelligence team to build a multi-level digital intelligence talent echelon

  Talent is the first resource. Guotai Junan has built a new talent-driven engine with a digital intelligence and financial talent training system to form a multi-level talent system. The spirit of digital intelligence forms a blueprint for golden talents. Guotai Junan has launched digital intelligence and financial talent training since 2021. With a multi-dimensional and three-dimensional training method, a detailed and meticulous work method, and a classified and graded professional certification system, it has created a digital combat force with a sense of identity, professional ability, and combat effectiveness. Combining offline actual combat with online learning, training and leading battles can improve the digital management capabilities of front-line employees. Hundreds of chief digital intelligence talents, expert digital intelligence talents, and digital intelligence talents have been established.

  At the same time, Guotai Junan digital workstation empowers with intelligent tools to accelerate the incubation of digital transformation results. On the one hand, it provides exclusive digital operation interfaces, including business progress dashboards, data report dashboards, operation task centers, intelligent activity templates, etc., covering 22 operation scenarios RPA operation robots automatically form a monthly report on the operation effect of basic customer groups. On the other hand, it helps to implement the co-construction and sharing mechanism, build a co-operation model, and cooperate to carry out stack operation; create high-quality content and collaborate to produce high-quality content materials.

  Digital base, deeply empowering wealth management transformation

  The data platform is the foundation of the stack operation. Guotai Junan empowers decision-making through the enterprise-level wealth management data center, digitizing all business, digitizing all data business, driving data, deep insights, and accelerating the activation of the potential of data elements. Guotai Junan focuses on improving the ability of full-end data acquisition, global data operation, and full data governance to fully stimulate the potential value and data driving force of data elements. First, break down data barriers and open up data sharing and exchange channels. Second, strengthen data application and give full play to data value based on business needs. Third, rely on data decision-making to apply data value to business decision-making, realize data-based business decision-making and active risk management, and ensure effective governance of data.

  Guotai Junan pioneered "4K" labels around Customer Portrait (KYC), Product Portrait (KYP), Team Portrait (KYE), and Channel Portrait (KYB), and the industry launched the "3A3R Index System White Paper on Digital Wealth Management in the Securities Industry". Now 579 wealth management data standards have been formed, covering 1,284 technical indicators, providing high-quality data elements for all-scenario applications and effectively generating data productivity.

  Digital intelligence platform, intelligent investment 100 service product system to create the ultimate user experience

  The construction of digital intelligence platform and the creation of ultimate experience are an important part of the digital transformation of Guotai Junan Wealth Management. Guotai Junan builds intelligent investment 100 investment advisory services centered on customer needs to create a one-stop wealth management experience for customers. Guotai Junan Intelligent Investment 100 focuses on 100 star investment advisors, 100 strategic models, and 100 investment tools. It provides investors with professional investment advisory services covering investment courses, investment auxiliary decision-making tools, etc. It provides customers with scenario-based intelligent pre-investment services, characteristic intelligent investment services, and accompanying intelligent post-investment services. It builds an end-to-end journey service system around the three core service contents of "intelligent information, intelligent financial management, and intelligent trading". Guotai Junan selects 100 and Junxiang Investment to build a smart wealth chain and digitally match customers’ asset preservation and appreciation needs.

  It is worth noting that the opening of Guotai Junan’s annual investment and wealth management feast is imminent. 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of Guotai Junan. Guotai Junan will launch the 6th 818 Wealth Management Festival on August 1, 2022. Adhering to the original intention of preserving and adding value to customers, focusing on customer experience, with the theme of "Investing in China, Creating Wealth Together, Guotai Junan and You Meet 818", it will launch the selection of wealth management products, investment research coffee live broadcast, professional investment advisory services, digital intelligence investment tools and investment competitions to help investors establish a correct financial concept.

  With the landing of the first batch of digital wealth centers, Guotai Junan has achieved landmark results on the road of digital transformation, providing vivid practice for the digital transformation of the industry. In the future, Guotai Junan will strive diligently in deepening the innovation and application field of financial technology, and tirelessly improve customer happiness and sense of gain, and comprehensively promote the digital transformation and high-quality development of wealth management.

Yang Mi’s successful transformation? This is an immature realist film

1905 movie network feature If you give birth to a child with a serious birth defect,Will you choose to save or not to save?

The movie puts us in such a dilemma and moral confusion, and Mr. Xu, played by Guo Jingfei, and Jiang Meng, played by Yang Mi, are decisively on the opposite side.

Mr. Xu’s daughter was suffering from anorectal disease, and he chose not to save her in the pain. When he confronted Jiang Meng head-on, he repeatedly questioned, "What about the future?"

In his opinion, even if the child survives, he will continue to grow up in this unjust world and suffer from the pain of not being understood.

Jiang Meng, a 19-year-old girl with congenital defects, was abandoned by her biological parents after birth, and finally survived healthily with the help of a welfare home and a foster family.

She was also an abandoned child with a defective disease. Her strong empathy and compassion drove Jiang Meng to rescue the child. She became stubborn and even broke into the hospital to steal the child.

In her eyes, she was this abandoned child, the common unity of fate. Since she survived, this child must also strive to survive.

So who really has the right to decide whether a child lives or dies? 

At the film’s premiere at the Pingyao Film Festival, Yang Mi said, "No one can define the happiness of others, and no one can control their lives."

Similarly, the film only shows this phenomenon without polish. In the gap where Guo Jingfei and Yang Mi cannot understand each other, they do not judge the choices of the two sides, and throw contradictions and difficulties to the audience without providing any answers.

Liu Jie’s films are often based on social news events, and the creative process of the script is also a process of social investigation.

"Baby" was inspired by Liu Jie’s friend, who gave birth to a child with cerebral palsy.The couple needs to decide within three days whether to let him liveAfter struggling and thinking day and night, he finally decided to save the child and give up the superior city life, taking the child to live in the suburbs.

Another source of creation is the director’s several visits to the orphanage, where he finally discovered that there were more than 1,200 disabled abandoned babies in foster care in two villages outside Beijing.

In 2012, our country officially said that the total incidence of birth defects in China was about 5.6%. Liu Jie, the director, said, "When I learned that the birth defect rate is 5.6 percent, which means that nearly 1 million children with birth defects are born every year, and 30 percent of them will die, 40 percent will be disabled for life, and 30 percent will survive, it also motivated me to make this film. I don’t know who to blame, I can only make it as it is."

Although Liu Jie has directed such commercial films, realistic literary films are the main axis of his work sequence.From "Baby", the entanglement of law and reason is also his consistent theme of expression.

In addition to the plot line of Jiang Meng’s rescue of the disabled baby, "Baby" also shows the relationship and fate between Jiang Meng and the foster caregiver.

Foster care is not adoption, and there is no relationship between guardianship and guardianship. The law stipulates that abandoned babies in foster care need to leave the foster family when they reach adulthood at the age of 18. But Jiang Meng did not want to leave her elderly adoptive mother who was alone, nor did she want her to live in a nursing home, so she fell into another paradox and dilemma of law and love.

The realism of "Baby" has both neutral humanitarian spirit and realistic aesthetic style.

The film narrates the story from a calm and alienated objective perspective. The camera always surrounds and follows Jiang Meng, and reality is gradually constructed and perceived from what she sees and hears.

The use of long-lens hand-held shaking in the natural scene and the use of emotional soundtracks are reduced. This documentary audio-visual style can be seen in the films of the Dane brothers, in the films of Farhati, and in a series of Romanian New Wave works.

This shooting style is also an actor-centered aesthetic, and its greatest advantage is that it frees up the actor’s performance space, allowing the camera to improvise in a real environment and capture more realistic performances.

From the very first shot, we saw a completely different Yang Mi, her hair is messy, her face is full of freckles, her face is gray and weak, not only subverting the image, but also challenging her to speak Nanjing dialect in the play.

Yang Mi’s all-out experiential performance method, just like Gong Li, Zhao Wei and Ma Yili,This really allows her to fit into the context of the story well, and as much as possible to fade away the audience’s established impression of her.

But throughout the film, she always frowned, showing a hesitant and confused expression, with relatively simple emotional changes.

Compared with Li Hongqi, who played the mute army, his rich body language and facial expressions stole a lot of the limelight, but there were also some problems of using too much force.

On the contrary, Guo Jingfei did it properly.The director asked him to try to find the feeling of "three days and three nights without sleep", and he also deduced a measured sense of decadence from this character state.

The film lost more points due to the thinness of the script and the imperfection of the character design.

The dramatic conflict of the film is inseparable from the confrontation between the protagonist and the three forces of personal inner, external opponents and social environment.

We can see Jiang Meng’s persistence and stubbornness, but we cannot see the undercurrent in her heart; we can see her and her adoptive mother’s estrangement, unable to penetrate into their more intimate and complex emotional relationship; we can see Xiaojun’s confession and love for Jiang Meng, but fail to know Jiang Meng’s true attitude towards him.

Yang Mi revealed at the premiere that Jiang Meng’s character is not only physically disabled, but also mentally ill. But the movie did not clearly explain and write, which caused the audience to have some damage to the actor’s performance and the overall cognition of the role.

Although maintaining an objective distance and starting the whole narrative from Jiang Meng’s perspective, the film will inevitably be criticized for being biased towards Jiang Meng’s position choice.

Even if there is a scene of social children’s groups splashing paint on Guo Jingfei’s house, the handling is only a brief taste, and the controversial discussion of abandoned babies is not comprehensive.

Obviously, "Baby" is still a long way from a more mature and in-depth realist film, but the film’s attention to the living conditions of social abandonment groups and the disabled is sure to attract some public attention.

Isn’t that the greatest significance of this film’s existence?

Finally, just as the director Liu Jie wished, "I hope this group of people can live happily in the sun in the future."

With excellent product strength and innovative technology leading, the new M7 in the world explodes the large SUV market!

   Since the rise of new energy vehicles, the performance in the market has been very good, and the sales volume is also on the rise, among which the newly listed new M7 is particularly eye-catching. Since the appearance of Chengdu Auto Show, it has attracted a lot of attention and been deeply loved by users. After its recent listing, it has set off a wave of buying craze, with a total of over 20,000 units, and the sales volume of Mid-Autumn Festival reached 2,400+in a single day and 2,600+on the 30th, which continued to detonate the large SUV market. So what are the advantages of this car that can be loved by so many consumers? Let’s talk about it today.

  Huawei HarmonyOS cockpit system was introduced to detonate the market segment.

  The new M7 is an SUV with high configuration, which introduces Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit system, bringing automotive technology and intelligence to a new level. HarmonyOS’s smart cockpit is smoother and more fun, and the super desktop brings more mobile phone applications. Huawei Maglink Huawei’s in-vehicle smart screen system has developed a new way to play space scenes. Huawei’s MatePad tablet is connected immediately, realizing multi-device linkage, and the smart cockpit is changed into a personal workshop, a multi-person conference room and a children’s study, and the magic space is flexibly switched to create "mobile whole house intelligence", which not only improves the convenience and entertainment of driving and riding, but also walks in the smart technology.

  Oversized space brings home-like warmth.

  The new M7 is also a quality SUV with large space and good comfort. It has the leading effective interior space at the same level, with a length of 3338mm, and each seat is spacious. Enjoy six new zero-gravity seats, bringing the ultimate comfort and relaxation experience. The big five seats come standard with brand-new "cotton candy" seats, with 10 layers of comfortable laminated design and a total foam thickness of 100mm; The ventilation, heating and massage functions of four seats are standard, making each seat as comfortable as first class. In addition, the new M7 Building in Wenjie is also equipped with leading and comfortable configurations, such as front and rear double air-conditioning boxes, 17 air-conditioning outlets, rear air-conditioning touch screen, and fully automatic electric pedal, which can bring home-like warmth for both family travel and business applications.

  Active and passive double insurance, double super safety and more reliable.

  The most striking thing is the safety equipment of this car. The so-called passive safety is not afraid of accidents, active safety avoids accidents, and physical safety and intelligent safety are double insurance. Probably, only the new M7 in the world has done it, and it has done an excellent job. In the aspect of passive safety, it is safer and more reliable to match the new M7 body structure and open the mold and rebuild the welding production line. The submarine-grade thermoformed steel accounts for 24.4%, high-strength steel and aluminum alloy account for 80.6%, which is better than the mainstream models of 500,000 luxury brands currently on sale. At the same time, CBS(Composite Body Solutions) composite body material is introduced to effectively improve the body stiffness and collision safety. In addition, the new car comes standard with eight airbags and front double pre-tensioned seat belts, which provide users with all-round driving safety based on more real-life scene verification.

  In terms of active safety, the new M7 in the world has also achieved the goal of not being afraid of things and being more able to avoid them. 360-degree fusion perception is the strength of Huawei ADS 2.0, which makes a qualitative leap in the active safety capability of the new M7, bringing the industry’s first "omni-directional anti-collision system". In case of forward, lateral and backward collision risks, emergency braking or directional intervention can be made to avoid or reduce the collision risks.

  The power output is stable, which brings excellent handling performance.

  As for performance, the new M7 has also achieved stable power output and comfortable driving experience. In addition, the optimization of suspension system and the improvement of vehicle stability make the new M7 in the world also perform well in handling performance. Coupled with the HUAWEI DriveONE extended-range electric drive platform, the four-wheel drive version has an acceleration of only 4.8 seconds, and the CLTC has a comprehensive battery life of 1300km, and the data performance is also excellent enough.

  Generally speaking, the new M7 is equipped with Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit system, which provides a better intelligent technology experience. In addition, it has spacious interior space, comfortable driving experience and excellent performance, so it is undoubtedly a model worth looking forward to. Moreover, from its sales performance, it has won the full recognition of the market and consumers by virtue of its excellent product strength and innovative technology. In the first sales period, we decided to ask for a new M7, that is, to give away the rights and interests worth 33,000 yuan. Consumers are welcome to make an appointment for a test drive to the store.

Rush to the hot search! Yahoo Mail stopped serving in mainland China, and there was an early warning in November last year.

On the evening of 27th, a message # Yahoo Mail stopped serving in Chinese mainland on February 28th rushed to Weibo for hot search.

Yahoo said in the email that it can download backup emails, address books, schedules, etc. before February 28th, and it will not be able to receive and send emails or download data from Chinese mainland after February 28th.

In addition, PayPal has also sent a notice to users. If it is bound to Yahoo Mail, it needs to be changed to another email address as soon as possible.

In November last year, Yahoo China official website said that from November 1, 2021, users will not be able to use Yahoo’s products and services from Chinese mainland, and users in Chinese mainland will only be able to access Yahoo Mail, AOL Mail and Privacy Meter data from three given links. Subsequently, netizens found that Yahoo’s few online services that could be accessed in Chinese mainland were also stopped, including weather-related apps and news information, and the Chinese version of Engadget, a technology media owned by Yahoo, was also inaccessible.

It is worth mentioning that this announcement was released on November 2, and the behavior of stopping the service earlier than the announcement was also discussed by netizens. In fact, as early as 2013, Yahoo shut down news, e-mail, Chinese music and community services in Chinese mainland, and closed its research and development center in Beijing two years later, laying off more than 200 people.

According to statistics, in January, 2022, the market share of e-mail clients ranked first in Apple, second in Google Gmail, third in Microsoft Outlook and fourth in Yahoo. In 2017, when the information of 3 billion users of Yahoo was leaked, it was reported at that time that tens of millions of users were affected in China.

In the recent poll conducted on Weibo, users of QQ email account for the first place, followed by 163 email account and gmail email account, and only 299 people voted for Yahoo email account.

In 1995, Yahoo was founded. In 1996, Yahoo, which was founded only one year ago, went public. At this time, Yahoo’s market value reached 850 million dollars. Yahoo initially positioned itself as a media company, pioneered the free Internet model, and earned profits by establishing portals and selling advertising spaces. In 1997, Yahoo earned more than $70 million in revenue just by advertising. At its peak, Yahoo’s market value once exceeded $125 billion.

Yahoo entered Chinese mainland in 1998 and once occupied a considerable market share. According to iResearch- iResearch Market Consulting Report, in 2004, the market share of search traffic of China search engines was 33.1%, that of Yahoo! was 30.2%, and that of Google was 22.4%.

From 2000 to 2006, Yahoo occupied the first place in the global Internet company market value. However, with the rise of Google and others, Yahoo, whose empire was about to collapse in 2008, received an olive branch from Microsoft: it bought Yahoo at a premium of 60% to 45 billion US dollars, and Yahoo felt undervalued and refused; In 2017, Verizon, an American telecommunications company, acquired Yahoo’s core network business for US$ 4.48 billion, less than a quarter of Microsoft’s offer at that time. In 2019, Google bought Yahoo’s headquarters for $1 billion, and at the same time, Yahoo’s products began to withdraw from the China market. 

On May 4, 2021, Yahoo Q&A was completely closed. After that, visiting the website will directly jump to Yahoo’s homepage, and all the original content will disappear from the Internet. In November 2021, Yahoo China was officially closed; Today, Yahoo Mail completely stopped serving Chinese mainland.

(Titanium Media App Editor Wu Fengye Comprehensive national business daily and China Fund News)