During the Spring Festival, "takeout is not closed", and 80% of the country’s A-level tourist attractions are open normally… Latest release!

The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference on the afternoon of February 10 to introduce service guarantee and epidemic prevention and control during the Spring Festival. This year, "Chinese New Year on the spot" is advocated. How is the current national market supply? How is the opening of various domestic tourist attractions during the Spring Festival? Is the express service guaranteed? Pay attention together!

Epidemic prevention and control update

No new local confirmed and suspected cases for 3 consecutive days

In the past week, the effect of epidemic prevention and control measures has been further revealed. There were no new local confirmed and suspected cases for 3 consecutive days across the country, and the existing local confirmed cases declined for 15 consecutive days. The current round of clustering epidemics in relevant provinces has been effectively controlled. However, with the increase of the personal flow and clustering during the Spring Festival, the risk of epidemic transmission has increased, and we still cannot relax our vigilance. Vaccination of novel coronavirus among key groups has progressed smoothly. As of 24:00 on February 9, the country has reported a total of 40.52 million doses of vaccination.

Vaccinated visitors to China still need to be quarantined according to regulations after entering the country

At present, according to the regulations of our country, people who come to China, whether foreigners or Chinese, still need to be quarantined according to the regulations after entering the country. Now the international community is also promoting the vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine. China’s remote prevention and control measures will also be considered in combination with the vaccination factor of COVID-19 vaccine. After vaccination, most people will produce antibodies, which can effectively prevent the disease, but there are still a few recipients who may not produce antibodies or the titers of antibodies are not enough, and they may still be infected, and some may even become sources of infection. Therefore, it is recommended that even if they are vaccinated, they still need to be treated according to the current prevention and control measures and prevention and control regulations.

Service guarantee during the Spring Festival

The supply of daily necessities can meet the holiday consumption demand of the people "celebrating the New Year on the spot"

Recently, with the improvement of epidemic prevention and control situation, various measures to ensure supply and price stability have been put into force, and the market supply of daily necessities is sufficient and the variety is rich. The rice noodle oil of large-scale backbone supply enterprises across the country can be guaranteed for more than 45 days, the supply of vegetables and meat can be dynamically guaranteed for 5-7 days, and the supply of eggs can be guaranteed for about 20 days. After preliminary testing, the number of people "celebrating the New Year on the spot" in 36 large and medium-sized cities across the country this year has increased by more than 48 million compared with previous years. According to the consumption of "two taels of meat, half a catty of grain, and one catty of vegetables" per person per day under normal circumstances, it can fully meet the

During the Spring Festival, the courier service capacity 100 million pieces per day

It is expected that the average daily express business volume from the first to the seventh day of this year will double, reaching an average of 70 million pieces per day. According to the main tone of non-closing, non-stop network and no backlog, the State Post Bureau requires the whole system and the whole industry to combine the consumption of the Spring Festival this year, and make a daily service capacity reserve of 100 million pieces. According to this reserve, we will scientifically arrange production and operation, and do a good job in online shopping and delivery services for daily necessities. At present, a number of express delivery companies have announced that the Spring Festival will not be closed. The State Post Bureau also requires enterprises to make overall arrangements for production and operation and employee vacation, reasonably arrange rest during the Spring Festival, encourage workers to stay on posts and keep workers on wages, and provide incentive policies and various benefits for left-behind employees.

You can use the courier service with confidence during the Spring Festival.

In accordance with the requirements of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, the State Post Bureau has formulated operational guidelines for epidemic prevention and control in the industry.

The first is to require regular ventilation and disinfection of the external business premises, mail express processing premises, and internal offices of postal express delivery, and to monitor and register the health status of employees on a daily basis.

The second is to disinfect imported mail and shipments as soon as possible, usually by spraying disinfectant on the surface and allowing it to stand for a period of time before sorting.

Third, for mail shipments of imported cold chain food, we will cooperate with customs and epidemic prevention departments to do inspection and quarantine, sample collection, disinfection, disinfection and sterilization. Information such as personnel and vehicles handling related shipments will be truthfully registered, and the outer packaging of the goods cannot be opened without authorization during the processing process.

In addition, the whole industry is also doing a good job of vaccination in a safe and orderly manner according to requirements. Please rest assured that you can use the courier service with confidence during the Spring Festival.

Millions of merchants across the country join the "takeaway does not close" activity

Widely mobilize commercial and trade enterprises to open their doors and extend their hours during the Spring Festival to ensure business hours. Millions of merchants across the country joined the "takeaway does not close" activity and launched takeaway New Year’s Eve dinner reservation and delivery services. Thousands of shopping malls and supermarkets in Shenzhen, Sichuan and other places extended their business hours. Nanjing’s brand chain supermarket stores, agricultural product wholesale markets, and farmers’ markets did not close during the Spring Festival.

80% of the country’s A-level tourist attractions are open normally

According to statistics, during the Spring Festival, except for the seasonal closure of tourist attractions in some northern areas and the temporary closure of some areas due to epidemic prevention and control requirements, 80% of the A-level tourist attractions in the country are open normally, basically "open as much as possible". Local A-level tourist attractions will follow the principle of "limited, reservation, staggered peak", and do a good job in the opening of scenic spots in an orderly manner to ensure the tourism and leisure needs of the masses during the Spring Festival holiday.

Friendly reminder

Pay attention to safety issues during the Spring Festival

? First of all, to avoid fireworks injuries. You must buy qualified fireworks and set them off in a designated area. It is not recommended to let children, especially young children, set off alone, especially children under the age of 14.

? In addition, pay attention to food health and safety issues. During the Spring Festival, it is recommended that everyone minimize dinner gatherings. When eating out, you should also choose a regular restaurant with qualified hygiene conditions. When purchasing or making food, you should purchase qualified products through formal channels. Avoid contact with live poultry. Animal food must be cooked and thoroughly cooked.

? The Spring Festival is in winter and is also our heating season. We should beware of gas poisoning. In addition, store the medicines and disinfectants at home. Parents must keep the medicines out of the reach of their children.

Remind tourists to enhance their awareness of epidemic prevention when traveling

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has issued many reminders that when traveling, we must pay attention to enhancing the awareness of epidemic prevention, arrange the itinerary reasonably, insist on non-essential non-flow, non-essential non-arrangement of outbound tourism, do not travel to medium and high-risk areas in China, and reduce unnecessary travel. Enhance awareness of prevention and pay attention to personal protection. During travel, we must abide by the regulations on epidemic prevention and control at the departure and destination of tourism, do a good job of self-protection, wear masks, wash hands frequently, gather less, ventilate frequently, and develop the good habit of "one-meter noodle". Tree a civilized awareness, healthy and green travel. Pay attention to hygiene, refuse to eat game, implement the "Clear Your Plate Campaign", eliminate waste on the tip of the tongue, consciously reduce the use of disposable items, do a good job of garbage classification, and travel

The next unicorn company or internet parking?

  This paper comes from the research report of CITIC Securities.

  At present, there are five modes of Internet parking: parking information sharing, whole process optimization, parking reservation B2C, parking sharing P2P and parking service.

  The present situation of traditional parking industry in China includes four major pain points: large gross gap, scattered structure, scattered management and low level of intelligence. This directly leads to many problems, such as hard to find a parking demand side, poor parking experience, high vacancy rate of parking supply side and high management cost.


  Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, social networks oriented to C-terminal and e-commerce oriented to commodities have become increasingly mature, especially in the era of mobile Internet, with the universal networking through intelligent terminals and C-terminal, the basic environment such as mobile payment has become increasingly complete, and the conditions for the Internet to sink into the physical industry have also matured.

  "internet plus Parking" connects the scattered parking lots through the Internet, breaks the information island and realizes the optimal allocation of limited parking resources. Under the three driving forces of sharing economy, capital influx and favorable policies, various parking Apps have emerged in internet plus parking market. According to incomplete statistics, there are far more than 100 parking Apps in China at present.


  Then, after the cake gradually appeared, what is the real status quo of domestic Internet parking development? What are the potential development and investment values?

Four types of players

  There are four main types of Internet parking players: 1) Entrepreneurial companies; 2) Intelligent parking equipment vendors; 3) municipal traffic control department; 4) BAT。At present, mainly startups and smart parking equipment vendors, BAT is only slightly involved.

  Entrepreneurial companies:Internet parking is on the rise, and a large number of entrepreneurial companies are pouring in, such as parking knowledgeable person, ETCP, Tintin Parking, E-parking, etc. The resources of entrepreneurial companies are short-board, as long as the asset model is light.

  Intelligent parking equipment vendor:Taking advantage of the east wind of "internet plus", the intelligent parking equipment supplier has transformed and upgraded from a simple intelligent parking software and hardware provider to a complete solution provider of "intelligent parking equipment+cloud platform +APP", which has the advantages of software and hardware technology, and at the same time, the settled parking lot customers constitute resource advantages. Such as worry-free parking, Jieshun Technology (Jieshun Parking), Anjubao, Cubic Holdings (Hangbai) and so on.

  Municipal traffic control department:Municipal traffic control departments have mastered roadside parking spaces and off-street public parking spaces (taking Beijing as an example, the municipal government has mastered 16.65% of parking spaces), which has resource advantages, strong financial resources and strong integration ability, such as Shenzhen Road Traffic Management Affairs Center (suitable for parking) and Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission (Shanghai Parking).

  BAT:Unlike "taking a taxi in internet plus" which is monopolized by "Ali+Tencent", BAT is still slightly involved in "parking in internet plus". Tencent uses WeChat WeChat official account+WeChat Pay, Baidu uses Baidu Map+Baidu Wallet, and Ali uses Alipay+Gaode Map+Cube Holdings to cut into Internet parking, mainly integrating and embedding parking apps with maps, payment applications and traffic portal applications.


Five modes

  At present, there are five modes of Internet parking: parking information sharing, whole process optimization, parking reservation B2C, parking sharing P2P and parking service.


  Parking information sharing: light assets+integrated data+entry service, saving search cost.

  This mode makes full use of the existing intelligent parking equipment in a light asset way, and connects the intelligent parking lot to the internet through the meter, intelligent parking management system, parking garage card issuing machine, etc., integrating real-time free parking information, breaking the information island, realizing the sharing of parking space information, providing users with parking space search recommendation and parking space navigation service, and saving the search cost (saved search cost = (vehicle cost per unit time+owner time cost) × saved parking space search time). In addition, static information of the parking lot is also collected, including name, location, total parking spaces, POI information of exit/entrance, business hours, charging standards, photos, etc. Some apps also integrate information of service facilities around the parking lot, such as car washing and charging piles. The core of this model is information, and the key is wide coverage, accurate and reliable real-time free parking space information.

  Advantages: light assets, can be copied quickly at low cost. The bottleneck is that it is difficult to form wide coverage, accuracy and reliability of real-time parking space information: the intelligent level of parking lot is low, the data standards are different, and the integration is difficult; Parking lot operators are not willing to open data for free. Therefore, some apps predict and estimate the number of free parking spaces through algorithms, and calibrate and supplement the integrated data. At present, the accuracy of most APP static information needs to be improved, and the reliability of real-time spare car information is worrying.

  Profit model: free sharing of parking space information; Cut into the parking space reservation from the approach service, and may charge trading commission in the future; Realize traffic realization through automobile aftermarket (such as parking in knowledgeable person); Provide real-time parking space data service to navigation and map merchants, and realize data realization (Parkme).

  Typical cases: Parkme in the United States and parking in knowledgeable person in China.


  Whole process optimization: emphasizing assets+paving equipment+process service, deeply involved in parking lot operation.

  By laying intelligent parking equipment, this model realizes the intelligentization and internetization of parking lots, provides parking optimization services for C-end car owners in the whole process of empty parking space search/matching, parking space reservation/reservation, parking space navigation, reverse car search and quick payment (often focusing on the two major pain points of "parking space search, navigation" and "payment"), and at the same time, deeply intervenes in parking lot operation management, so as to increase the leakage for B-end parking lot users. Offline resources are exclusive, and the core of this model is standardized and rapid replication, robbing parking lot resources.

  Advantages: heavy assets, high viscosity after entering the parking lot, and the real-time parking information obtained is more accurate and of high quality. The bottleneck is that the offline line is too heavy. Entering the parking lot needs to be broken through one by one. The negotiation of benefit sharing, the installation, renovation, maintenance and upgrade of smart equipment are slow, and it is difficult to standardize and copy, which requires a large number of push teams. Most domestic players (such as ETCP, worry-free parking, etc.) even adopt the strategy of giving away equipment for free to accelerate the penetration of parking lots, but they need strong capital support.

  Profit model: free for C-end users; Assist the B-end parking lot operation management to improve operation efficiency, reduce labor costs, increase turnover rate and income, and it is expected that charging parking fees to the parking lot will be the main profit point; Extend to the category of "car life" including washing, maintenance and repair, and cut into the automobile aftermarket to realize traffic realization.

  Typical cases: Streetline in the United States, ETCP in China, worry-free parking and suitable parking.


  Parking Booking B2C: Parking Ctrip Mode

  This model is similar to "Ctrip", which connects parking lots and provides parking reservation service. The parking lot operator publishes the information of the parking spaces that can be reserved through the platform, and the owner inquires and reserves on the platform to ensure that there are parking spaces. Because of the low level of intelligent parking lot in China, this mode is rarely used.

  The profit model of B2C parking reservation: extracting the reservation service fee.

  Typical case: JustPark in Britain.

B2C mode. jpg

  Parking space sharing P2P: Sharing parking spaces and revitalizing idle parking resources.

  This model provides docking service for car owners who have parking spaces and want to park by building a parking space sharing platform for car owners, which can revitalize the free time of parking spaces, improve the utilization rate of parking spaces, generate income for car owners and solve the parking problem for car owners. At present, there are two main routes: one is using light asset mode, such as Sweetch and MonkeyParking, and the other is using intelligent ground lock, Internet of Things parking lock +APP mode, such as Tintin parking and leisurely parking.

  The problem of P2P parking sharing mode tends to rely on flexible social interaction, underestimating punctuality and unexpected situations, which can easily lead to poor customer experience, and it is difficult to regulate reasonable and unexpected emergencies. At the same time, the P2P mode of parking space sharing not only involves platforms and direct users, but also inevitably involves property and parking management companies, which constitutes the bottleneck of offline promotion. In addition, in the main application scenario, the two sides of high-frequency trading may collude to bypass the platform.

  Profit model: participation in parking space sharing generates revenue sharing. Because it involves property and parking management companies, some apps also let property share some revenue (such as Tintin parking).

  Typical cases: MonkeyParking in America and Tintin Parking in China.


  Parking service: Artificial berthing has the clearest profit model.

  In this mode, the parking agent is used for parking, which completely liberates the owner from parking difficulties, saves the owner’s time cost, and revitalizes the idle parking resources in the accessories of the parking agent, exchanging time for space.

  Bottleneck of valet parking mode: The car has been out of the owner’s control for a long time, and the safety and trust problems are the main obstacles for the owner to accept parking service mode. Solving these two problems is the core of the promotion of this mode. The main cracking methods are: laying cameras for 24-hour all-round monitoring; After the parking is completed, take photos of the odometer and fuel gauge so that users can compare them when picking up the car; E Daibo independently developed the key storage system of the cloud cabinet car; Substitution insurance, etc.

  Profit model: parking service model has the clearest profit model, charging parking service service fee directly, and its target customers are car owners with high time value and low price sensitivity. At the same time, the automobile aftermarket is also the focus of profit, so it is necessary to wash and maintain the car for the owner during the parking period.

  Typical cases: LUXE and ZIRX in the United States, e-berthing and feibotong in China.


Development characteristics

  1. The Internet parking market has a vast space.

  Parking difficulties are gradually spreading from first-and second-tier cities to third-tier cities, which is universal. There are 35 cities with more than 1 million cars in China, and the total number of cars is over 60 million. It is expected that these 35 cities will become the core market for Internet parking penetration. If the per capita parking expenditure is 3,000 yuan/year, the parking industry fees in these 35 cities total more than 180 billion yuan. Internet parking permeates the whole parking process, and we believe that Internet parking service providers can get at least 10% of the cake of the whole industry. Regardless of the market increment created after internetization, the market space for Internet parking is more than 18 billion yuan.

  2, multi-party separatist regime, national and regional players coexist.

  Intelligentization is the premise of internet, and the level of intellectualization of parking lots in China is not high, which determines that the road of attaching importance to assets must be experienced. We believe that the whole process optimization model will develop first, and it is unlikely that there will be a winner-take-all situation. The future competition pattern will be: multi-party separatism, and national and regional players will coexist.

  3. Map navigator, traffic portal platform or integrator.

  Map navigators, traffic portal platforms or integrators will open up the "separatist regime" to form a complete urban parking puzzle. Internet taxis connect drivers and C-end users, while Internet parking needs to integrate B-end parking lots to provide services for C-end users. The key to Internet parking is offline. We believe that BAT will play the role of integrating and opening up parking apps by relying on traffic advantages, and it is unlikely to become a direct participant.

  4. The key to success is resources and capital.

  Grasping the resources of high-quality offline parking lot is the key. Different from internet taxi, internet parking is a hard project, and mastering huge and high-quality parking resources is the key. The value of parking APP to car owners increases exponentially with the scale of parking network. After Pang’s parking network is formed, it also constitutes a competitive barrier.

  Capital support decides who can laugh last. Whether it is subsidizing the C-terminal, cultivating users’ habits, or building an intelligent parking network, it needs strong capital strength. Some players have pushed the speed-up equipment for free, which has raised the capital threshold. Backed by giants, introducing resources and flow is a lever. The mobile Internet traffic portal has been occupied by giants such as BAT. Backed by giants, access to resources and traffic import are important chips that stand out.

What are the advantages of the new rules of auto financing companies?

  A few days ago, the State Financial Supervision and Administration announced the "No.1 Order" since its listing — — The Measures for the Administration of Auto Finance Companies was revised and released, and will come into force on August 11th.

  As a professional financial institution supporting and serving the automobile industry chain, auto finance companies have grown from scratch and played a positive role in promoting China’s automobile consumption, helping to smooth the automobile industry chain and supporting the stability of the macro-economic market.

  The insiders believe that the release of the new "Measures" after this revision is conducive to further strengthening the supervision of auto finance companies, guiding them to operate in compliance with laws and regulations, and continuing to operate steadily, prompting them to adhere to the functional orientation of specializing in auto consumer credit, continuously improving the quality and efficiency of serving the real economy, and achieving high-quality development.

  Adapt to market changes

  An auto financing company refers to a non-bank financial institution established with the approval of the State Financial Supervision and Administration to provide auto financing services. The first professional organization in the industry is SAIC General Motors Finance Co., Ltd., which was established in 2004. The Industry Development Report of China Auto Finance Company (2022) issued by China Banking Association (hereinafter referred to as "Report") shows that by the end of 2022, there were 25 auto finance companies in China, with assets of 989.195 billion yuan, which remained stable on the whole. The balance of retail loans was 785.258 billion yuan, down slightly by 3.51% year-on-year; The balance of inventory wholesale loans was 112.69 billion yuan, up 8.73% year-on-year; The balance of financial leasing was 6.15 billion yuan, an increase of 29.45%.

  With the development of auto financing company industry, the management measures have undergone three revisions. The first edition was the Administrative Measures for Auto Financing Companies issued by the former CBRC in 2003, and the corresponding implementation rules were also issued in the same year. The second edition is the "Measures for the Administration of Auto Financing Companies" issued by the former CBRC in 2008, which has been significantly revised. The third edition was released after this revision.

  "In the 15 years after the promulgation and implementation of the original Measures, profound changes have taken place in the domestic automobile industry and automobile consumption market." Ye Huaibin, a researcher at China Bank Research Institute, said. Up to now, China’s automobile production and sales volume has ranked first in the world for 14 consecutive years, the gap between the production and manufacturing of fuel vehicles and the traditional automobile powers has been narrowing, the advantages of the new energy automobile industry are remarkable, and the industry’s "going out" has become a development trend.

  Moreover, after continuous high growth, the growth rate of urban automobile penetration rate in China has slowed down obviously, and the automobile consumption market has gradually matured, and consumers pay more attention to full-cycle financial services such as automobile maintenance and after-sales.

  "From the perspective of the industry growth trend, the value chain of the automobile industry is being reshaped, and all links in the automobile industry chain need strong financial support." The person in charge of SAIC General Motors Finance told the reporter. On the one hand, automobile sales are no longer just one-off product sales, but have gradually turned into continuous automobile ecosystem services. After-sales and derivative consumption of automobiles will become the main profit growth points and an important driving force for the sustainable development of the automobile market. Retail customers’ demand for financing has also expanded from single car financing to after-sales, derivative and other car life cycle financing needs. On the other hand, with the deepening of electrification, networking, intelligence and the rise of shared services, new production methods and service methods will introduce more participants into the automobile industry chain and become important members of the supply-side reform of the automobile industry, such as shared automobile operators, after-sales parts manufacturers and service providers, intelligent terminal equipment providers, insurance institutions and after-sales maintenance institutions, which will bring new financing needs.

  "After these years of development, the position of auto finance companies in the auto finance market has become increasingly stable, and auto finance has become an important part of the financial market." Ye Huaibin told reporters that according to Roland Berger, a management consulting company, in 2022, the share of auto finance companies in the domestic auto finance market was about 41%, which was basically the same as that of commercial banks’ auto finance business with 42%. In addition, there were financial leasing companies accounting for about 17%.

  The data also shows that the financial penetration rate of China’s new car market has reached 58% in 2022, an increase of 20 percentage points over five years ago; The financial penetration rate of the used car market was 38%, up 13 percentage points from five years ago. "In the face of profound changes in the industry, the implementation of this new regulation is conducive to promoting the high-quality development of the auto finance industry, supporting and expanding auto consumption, and enhancing the international competitiveness of China’s auto industry." Ye Huaibin said.

  Strengthen standardized supervision

  From the content point of view, the new Measures are mainly revised in four aspects: strengthening supervision based on risk, adapting to the market demand of high-quality development of automobile industry, strengthening corporate governance and internal control, and implementing the policy of opening to the outside world. "The focus of the revision is to strengthen risk prevention and control and corporate governance." Ye Huaibin believes.

  In order to guide auto financing companies to focus on their main business, the new regulations cancel the equity investment business. Put forward higher requirements for investors, strengthen shareholders’ support for auto financing companies, appropriately expand the scope of shareholders’ deposits, and cancel the term of time deposits. Risk management requirements have been increased, liquidity risk supervision indicators have been added, and regulations on major emergency reporting, on-site inspection, extended investigation and tripartite talks have been improved.

  The investor threshold has also been greatly improved in this revision. For example, it is stipulated that the investor of an auto financing company is a non-bank enterprise legal person legally established inside and outside China, and the main investor must be an automobile manufacturing enterprise or a non-bank financial institution. "Automobile sales enterprises are no longer among the major investors." Hu Wubin, the founding partner of Shaanxi Andexin Commercial Vehicle Service Co., Ltd., told the reporter.

  In addition, detailed requirements are made on what conditions non-financial institutions and non-bank financial institutions should have as investors of auto finance companies. For example, if a non-financial institution is required to be the controlling shareholder, its net assets must be no less than 40% of the total assets at the end of the last fiscal year, and it has been profitable continuously for the last three fiscal years.

  At the same time, at least one investor of an auto financing company should have more than five years of rich experience in auto consumer credit business management and risk control, or introduce a qualified professional management team for the auto financing company, including at least one senior manager with rich experience in auto finance and one risk management professional.

  "The requirements for the strength of investors and business areas are obviously stricter than before the revision, which reflects the prudent supervision attitude of risks, which is conducive to the steady development of auto finance companies themselves and to their real role in supporting the auto industry." Hu Wubin believes.

  The new Measures also add requirements for corporate governance and internal control, focusing on the regulatory requirements for equity management, "three meetings and one floor", related party transactions, information disclosure, consumer rights protection, internal and external auditing and information systems, and strengthen the corporate governance construction with the characteristics of auto finance companies.

  "One of the highlights of this revision is to highlight the risk-oriented, put the prevention of financial risks in the first place, and lead the scientific, professional and standardized development of auto finance companies." The relevant person in charge of SAIC-GM Automotive Finance told reporters that "prudent management and risk-oriented are the cornerstones for auto finance companies to achieve sustainable and high-quality development. The regulatory requirements of these two chapters provide important support and solid guarantee for the steady development of the industry, and the company will fully support and resolutely implement them."

  The future is vast.

  "In the past, buying a car with a loan could only be used to buy a car; In the future, if you want to add additional equipment to your car, such as car clothing film, navigation equipment, driving recorder, etc., you will also be able to borrow money from auto financing companies. In this way, the financial threshold for us to complete the car and some surrounding equipment can be lowered. " Xiao Li, a Beijing citizen who is looking at the car recently, said happily after hearing the latest introduction from the sales staff of 4S shop.

  The highlight of this revision is that it has opened up new space for auto financing companies in business scope, exhibition area and financing channels, which will better stimulate consumption in the auto market, support the auto industry to "go global", improve the liquidity management level of auto financing companies and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

  The aforementioned "Report" shows that auto finance companies have exerted their efforts from both the retail end and the supply chain end, which has played an effective role in stimulating new kinetic energy of consumption and supporting small and medium-sized micro-dealers. By the end of last year, 25 auto financing companies nationwide had 6,554,400 retail loan vehicles, including 6,009,100 new car loan vehicles, accounting for 22.37% of China’s auto sales last year; Dealers lent 3,634,800 vehicles wholesale, accounting for 13.45% of China’s automobile output last year. Among them, there were 1,158,800 new energy vehicle loans, and the accumulated loan amount was 98.603 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 90.68%.

  In order to meet the needs of high-quality development of the automobile industry, this revision further includes automobile accessory financing in the business scope, allowing customers to apply for accessory financing separately after handling automobile loans. It is allowed to provide loans such as inventory purchase and maintenance equipment purchase to automobile after-sales service providers. Allow the financial leasing business in the mode of sale and leaseback, and stipulate that leaseback business must be based on the real trade background of vehicles.

  "China auto industry has entered a new historical development stage, and it is necessary to adjust the business scope of auto finance companies around the changes in market structure and the transformation of growth kinetic energy in the new stage. Including strengthening financial support for the automobile after-sales market and increasing the types of financial services of after-sales service providers, it has increased financial support for the current and future development of the automobile market from multiple dimensions. " The relevant person in charge of SAIC General Motors Finance believes that this is a concrete measure to deepen the structural reform of the financial supply side and is conducive to promoting finance to better serve the real economy.

  Zeng Xiaowei, a think tank expert of Rongyixue Industrial Leasing Talent Research Center, believes that this expansion of business scope will have a positive effect on promoting automobile consumption. "For example, the accessory financing business is expected to support consumers’ financing needs for updating new energy vehicle batteries in the future. In the long run, it is possible to give birth to ‘ Battery bank ’ The new format will bring new imagination to the convenience of new energy vehicle consumers and industry development and help green development. "

  In addition, auto finance companies will also be allowed to set up overseas subsidiaries to provide financial services for national brand cars to explore overseas markets and support China’s auto industry to "go global". In order to implement the requirements of the opening-up policy, the restrictions on the asset size of non-financial institutions’ investors have also been lifted. "This is conducive to expanding financial opening up and supporting ‘ Belt and Road ’ Construction has laid a good foundation for building a domestic and international dual-cycle pattern of China’s automobile industry. " The relevant person in charge of SAIC General Motors Finance said.

  Where reliable and low-cost money comes from is one of the most fundamental factors for auto financing companies to better play their role in supporting the real economy. At present, the financing channels of auto financing companies have extended from single bank loan and capital injection to more diversified directions. From 2020 to 2022, a total of six auto finance companies completed capital increase, and one of them completed capital increase in 2022. In 2022, 17 auto financing companies issued 44 single asset-backed securities, with a total issuance scale of 216.68 billion yuan; Two auto financing companies issued three financial bonds with a total issuance scale of 7 billion yuan. In addition, many auto finance companies actively tried to apply green financing tools. In 2022, four auto finance companies issued seven green asset-backed securities, with a total issuance scale of 22.24 billion yuan. An auto financing company issued green financial bonds with a scale of 1 billion yuan.

  In the future, the financing channels of auto financing companies will be further broadened, which will help to improve their liquidity level and operational efficiency and reduce the cost of debt, thus reducing the financing costs of enterprises and individual customers and supporting the development of the real economy.

  The data shows that all the supervision and management indicators of auto finance companies are in good condition at present. By the end of 2022, the industry average liquidity ratio reached 227.84%; The average capital adequacy ratio of the industry was 23.31%, an increase of 1.52 percentage points over the end of last year; The industry average non-performing loan ratio is 0.71%, which is 0.13 percentage points higher than that in 2021 due to the COVID-19 epidemic, but it is still at a relatively stable level.