Geely China Xingyue won the first place in the A-class SUV brand sales in April.

  Geely China Xingyue achieved another success in April! After winning the weekly sales title by beating the joint venture in the first week of April, Xingyue L ranked first in the brand sales of A-class SUVs in the second week, reshaping the market structure of A-class SUVs as a game breaker and player, and making a big score for China.

Geely China Xingyue won the first place in the brand sales of A-class SUV in April _fororder_image001

  According to the sales data from April 1 to April 14, among the top five models in the A-class SUV market, only Xingyue L is a self-owned brand model. As a highly competitive and representative model, Xingyue L led its own efforts to win the A-class SUV sales crown, demonstrating the confidence and strength of China’s own brand.

Geely China Xingyue won the first place in the brand sales of A-class SUV in April _fororder_image002

  According to statistics, since the listing of Xingyue L, the cumulative sales volume has exceeded 420,000 vehicles, and the monthly sales volume has hit record highs, with the highest monthly sales volume exceeding 20,000 vehicles. The market popularity and attention have continued to rise, and the cumulative sales volume of China Star has exceeded 980,000 vehicles. The sales volume of Xingyue L series is 62%, and the weighted average transaction price is 148,000. In the current extremely involuted SUV market competition, Xingyue L not only broke the monopoly of the joint venture brand on the right to speak in the China automobile market, but also outperformed the joint venture, showing the extremely significant competitive advantage of China brand products.

Geely China Xing Xing Yue ranked first in the A-class SUV brand sales in April _fororder_image003

  Excellent market performance comes from the excellent product strength of Xingyue L. Xingyue L is based on CMA’s global luxury architecture, giving it the ultimate safety performance. The vehicle attributes are fully compared with the first-line luxury brands, and the mechanical performance is fully ahead of the joint venture brands. In terms of safety, Xingyue L is ahead of its peers in terms of design, intelligence, stability and health. In terms of intelligence, CMA intelligent evolvable electronic and electrical architecture makes the vehicle more advanced in performance, can be equipped with more hardware devices, has faster data interaction and faster system operation speed, and enables various functions to be visually presented to users. In terms of power, Xingyue L adopts high-efficiency turbocharging and lightweight design, which has both strong power and fuel economy. In terms of manufacturing, Geely Xi ‘an Black Lamp Factory, as the world’s first super-intelligent black lamp factory with full architecture, full energy and full vehicle, has laid a manufacturing foundation, technical foundation and quality foundation for the high value of Xingyue L with high-precision and intelligent quality assurance.

Geely China Xingyue won the first place in the brand sales of A-class SUV in April _fororder_image004

  At the same time, the strength and strength of Xingyue L to win the championship and win the joint venture lies in its keen market insight and forward-looking product planning. Xingyue L pushes new products at high frequency once a year on average, and constantly adds the best technology, technology and design, so that the product value can be continuously advanced to better meet the needs of users and adapt to market trends. In recent years, Xingyue L series has successively launched 2.0TD+8AT Yun Qi, Skyline Edition, Xingyue L Zhiqing, 2.0TD+7DCT Changfeng Edition and other models, continuously improving the comprehensive competitiveness of products, enriching product line selection, and providing users with updated and more valuable travel experiences.

  Conquering consumers with high value, accelerating the mastery of market discourse power, achieving brand breakthrough and moving towards a broader stage have always been the direction of China’s independent brands. Xingyue L ranked first in the brand sales of A-class SUV, which confirmed the correct feasibility of adhering to the high-value route and opened a new milestone for Geely Automobile and even the whole Chinese automobile manufacturing industry. With the charm of being the main force in the market, Xingyue L has shown the confidence and strength of the strong rise of China automobile to the world, and also made the future of China automobile full of infinite possibilities. (Source: Geely Automobile)

Douban 9.6 points! Why is Happy Departure so good?

"Re-employment Men’s Team" ensemble "Happy Start Again" scored 9.6 points for Douban, which became a high-profile variety this summer. Analyzing the successful methodology of Happy Departure is closely related to its program positioning, guest lineup and fan interaction. At present, the second season of the program has been decided, but whether such a high score can be continued is also faced with many problems such as program planning and capital control.

author | Guo Xuemei(Author of cultural industry review, researcher of Sanchuan Huiwen Tourism Research Institute)

read and edit | Time

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source | Cultural Industry Review

In July this year, a variety show called "Happy Start Again" became the biggest surprise since the beginning of the year. 0713, the living variety show, the re-employment men’s group and the poorest variety show became the terms that must be mentioned when talking about this program.

At present, the program has been rated 9.6 points in Douban, with over 110,000 people rating it. It is another high-profile domestic variety show after Extreme Challenge and Detective Star. As a pure domestic original reality show, the program has surpassed Douban’s high-scoring reality show Han Zong’s new journey to the west, which proves the originality of domestic variety shows.

With constant praise and Amway, although the program is not well-known, it has also been broadcasted by Mango tv and Southeast Satellite TV, which also makes the fans of the program a little happy. As a domestic variety show produced by a domestic team, "Happy Departure" has a unique way of success. The audience likes their baggage-free, talented and talented, and is also moved by the friendship accumulated by the six-member group in the program for 15 years …

Re-employment Men’s Team and Happy Start Again

When it comes to the re-employment of the men’s team and Happy Departure, we must first talk about the program Welcome to the Mushroom House, because this is the source of the birth of Happy Departure.

"Welcome to Mushroom House" is a derivative variety specially prepared for "Life I yearn for 6", in which the six brothers (Chen Chusheng, Awakening, Ahu、Yue, Land Rover, Wang Zhengliang and Bird) of the re-employment men’s team were invited in the first and second phases. Although "Welcome to Mushroom House" and "Life I yearn for 6" are both slow variety modes of "Mushroom House", the variety effect of the former is hard for the latter to have.

Whether it’s the "Re-employment Men’s Team" in Welcome to the Mushroom, or the rock version of "Xiao Fang" sung by brothers and the hairstyle of killing Matt in ancient times, the audience will be more curious about them.

Then, fans began to shout online that the program group was "not enough to watch", and Daqian Film, the production team of Welcome to Mushroom House, began to take over the production of their group ensemble "Happy Start Again" and broadcast it live to attract online investment for the program, and finally won two advertising sponsors, namely, Wugu Dojo and RIO.

Whether it’s the "Re-employment Men’s Team" in Welcome to the Mushroom, or the rock version of "Xiao Fang" sung by brothers and the hairstyle of killing Matt in ancient times, the audience will be more curious about them.

Then, fans began to shout online that the program group was "not enough to watch", and Daqian Film, the production team of Welcome to Mushroom House, began to take over the production of their group ensemble "Happy Start Again" and broadcast it live to attract online investment for the program, and finally won two advertising sponsors, namely, Wugu Dojo and RIO.

△ "Happy Start Again" program producer Weibo

With a sponsor, the program can be prepared. From planning, shooting to broadcasting, "Happy Start Again" actually took only about two months, and the time was hasty. In addition, due to the lack of budget, the program was "downgraded" and became a B-class variety show, and this program was also dubbed "the poorest variety show in history".

The program is poor, but the content itself still attracts praise from old and new audiences. First, all kinds of jokes from Welcome to the Mushroom are still continued and developed, like many ancient stalks with their own labels, such as Ahu、Yue’s divorce stalk, Bird’s wedding singer stalk, Chen Chusheng’s champion stalk, etc. Wang Zhengliang is called "the king of rotten stalks" by virtue of every unexpected explosion stalk.

△ Bird was dubbed the "wedding singer" because he sang his hottest "Guest" at the Vision Wei wedding.

△ Ahu、Yue has repeatedly searched for hot search due to divorce.

Second, in addition to the game link of "Welcome to Mushroom House", games such as "Connecting Words and Making Sentences" and "123 Woodenhead" are added. Moreover, because this program belongs to their own group ensemble, the brothers are also very open in the program. They not only make their own cue process and add drama, but also take the initiative to find a job in the case of owing food and accommodation for the program group, and make an appointment with their friends’ crew and experience a group performance life.

△ Brothers tease each other, full of drama.

△ Brothers experience group performance life, and write and play "Huluwa" during the break.

At present, the first season of "Happy Start Again" has been broadcast four times. Compared with "Welcome to Mushroom House", the former makes the program more "good-looking" in the later stage, and many expression packs of re-employment men’s teams come from these magical clips.

△ Bird’s big eyes and big face special effects produced in the post-production of the program became the audience’s favorite expression pack.

Of course, the brothers’ transparent thinking also locked their fans from a higher dimension. What my brothers did and said was combined with their own personal experience of "difficult employment". The unpretentious and sincere expression made fans like this group from the bottom of their hearts.

Speaking of this, we must talk about their past, because many of my brothers reached their peak in 2007, and then they encountered various things that led to a decline in heat and no resources to keep exposure. Bird himself took part in Creation Camp a few years ago, competing with a group of players of different ages. They became "paste people" without a program invitation, and they took the initiative to win the group and seriously advertised to the advertisers of the Grain Dojo, so that the mentality of seizing the opportunity and not letting go made the audience feel funny and crying.

△ Land Rover’s speech after experiencing group performance life

The beauty of "Happy Departure" lies in that it not only continues what many viewers like in "Welcome to Mushroom House" into the new program, but also digs more and more soft and beautiful things for brothers.

The Successful Methodology of Happy Start Again

According to the "2021 China Variety Annual Insight Report" released by Yien Data, in 2021, the top three variety types that won the audience’s praise were talk shows, documentaries and interviews, and the reality show variety types were not among them. As a member of the reality show variety show, Happy Departure has received such eye-catching audience feedback, which is closely related to the positioning of the program, guest lineup and program interaction.

Program Orientation: Music+Travel, Outdoor Variety Mode Innovation

Since the re-employed men’s groups are all born in Happy Boys, singing is their hobby and work, and the group comprehensive program is set as outdoor travel variety. However, because the brothers are carrying musical instruments anytime and anywhere, they can sing everywhere, and the program has the characteristic label of "music+travel", which also contributes a lot to the variety itself. Whether it is going to a desert island to survive, or experiencing group performances and chatting at night by the sea, the brothers can hum and sing anytime and anywhere.

At present, there are two common modes of many outdoor variety shows in China. One is to support the whole program by intensive variety shows, and the audience is attracted by such frequent interactions, such as Running, Travel Notes around Youth, and the other is to create something to watch by relying on the conflict of program guests. Flowers and Teenagers belong to this category.

The mode of music+travel is a relatively rare mode at present, but Happy Departure is not the first music+travel reality show in China. Previously, such a mode has been set up in various arts such as City of Meeting, Walking and Singing, but the difference is that these programs emphasize the purpose of song creation, that is, the program will require guests to travel to a certain place and then create related songs, and the purpose of travel designed for music creation is obvious.

It is rare to combine simple music creation, singing and travel reality show like Happy Departure, and its success can also show the audience’s recognition of this model. So far, it has been reported that similar fast girls’ ensemble "Summer when I Want to Sing" and "My Style and My Show" are being prepared, but their broadcast effect remains to be seen.

Guest lineup: multiple labels, with cross-circle effect.

Because the brothers of Happy Departure are all born in the top 13 fast men in 2007, although their popularity is not high at present, they still have a good foundation in certain age groups, especially this group of viewers who have experienced too fast men’s draft, such as Chen Chusheng’s "Did anyone ever tell you" and Ahu、Yue’s "Can you forget", which may be the mobile phone ringtones they have set.

△ "Welcome to the Mushroom House", the songs in the re-employment men’s team ranked pk.

In addition, "Happy Departure" itself takes "Fast Men Reunion Travel" as an important topic, and the repeated historical memories of fast men in the program give people a feeling of returning to the past, which is easy to poke the nostalgic complex of this group of old fans, thus promoting their desire to watch.

However, if we simply capture this audience, "Happy Start Again" may not get such good audience feedback. The key is that they can also be loved by many young people at present. On the one hand, the brothers of the men’s team are "musicians", and their professional ability is very resistant to fighting. They can sing and create at any time in the program ("What a suck" and "I cried and I cried again" are the stalks in the program and the impromptu songs they created), which makes the young audience very recognized for their talents.

△ The "Deserve It" inspired by "Mushroom House" has become the theme song of the program.

On the other hand, some brothers have their own unique skills. For example, when they wake up, they often shoot "The Daily Life of the Old Singer" for other brothers spontaneously, which is dubbed by netizens as "Little Genius of vlog Editing". It is fun and interesting, and is recognized and loved by many young audiences, which also urges them to archaeological their older brothers’ previous programs and understand their past 15 years’ history.

△ "The Daily Life of the Old Singer" filmed by Awakening

In fact, in the domestic reality show, there are few variety guests who have such cross-circle effect. Comedy variety coffee Jia Ling, Yang Di, and singer variety coffee Charlie are among the better guest types, while the variety guests who are biased stars are generally difficult to get multi-circle recognition in variety shows.

However, after knowing this theory, most variety shows will be added by selecting various types of guests in order to cover all kinds of audience groups. It is not uncommon for singers, comedians, talk show actors and film and television drama actors to gather in one variety show.

Program interaction: emphasize participation and cultivate unique fan feelings

As mentioned above, "Happy Start Again" faced obstacles in budget, advertising sponsorship and other aspects in the early preparation, and this variety show was finally broadcast smoothly, which has an inseparable relationship with the fans of the show. On this basis, "Happy Start Again" conforms to this characteristic and creates a unique strong fan interaction.

In the pilot film of the program, the program group initiated the fan interaction of the group name, and several brothers published a solicitation in Weibo, asking netizens to offer suggestions and think of a name for the program, which also led to the circle of funny names such as "Nobody cares", "No more crazy and older" and "Brothers who behave badly" in the program. Fan interaction doesn’t end like this. The program group also plays this part of the clip, so fans who are selected by their brothers to read their names will have more satisfaction.

Not only the name of the program, but also the unique interaction between "dining tables" (the fans’ names of brothers) and their brothers, as well as the Amway of the Grain Dojo. The program was recorded and broadcast because of advertising sponsorship. Both the brothers of the men’s team and the audience of the program are very grateful to it. The brothers sang for the Grain Dojo in the program, and the fans bought instant noodles in the Grain Dojo in their daily lives. I hope they will continue to sponsor the second season of Happy Departure. To some extent, this is also a way to strengthen the relationship between fans and brothers. When guests and fans see each other’s efforts and intentions, it is easier to empathize with each other.

In fact, fans’ participation in the recording of official programs is not unique to Happy Start Again. For example, Running and Happy Camp have had interactive design of related links, thus mobilizing fans to be active and increasing the degree of topic. Different from these programs, the interaction of Happy Go Again is based on the unique relationship established by the program group, guests and fans, because no matter which side knows more or less the hardships of program preparation and investment promotion, they also understand that it is not easy to broadcast variety shows. The interactive design of the group name determined by the audience can show that the program group is interested in cultivating this special audience feeling.

Can the high score of "Happy Start Again" be continued?

According to Weibo released by Zhao Linlin, the producer of Happy Go Again, Happy Go Again has already started to prepare for the second season. At present, the high score of 9.6 in Happy Go Again has hit a large number of domestic variety shows, but it will take time to consider whether this popularity can continue into the next season or even more similar programs.

On the one hand, producer Zhao Linlin indicated that the second season show will still retain the favorite men’s team brothers, but the new problem is whether the brothers can still have the mentality of the first season after the success of Happy Departure. Brothers like Ahu、Yue, Bird and Lu Hu are frequently invited by the show. Excessive consumption of the re-employment men’s team may also make "Happy Departure 2" enter the dilemma of boring guest output.

△ "Happy Start Again" producer Weibo

On the other hand, the variety show "Happy Departure" may also face the dilemma of comprehensive N generations. With the high voice of the audience and the soaring word of mouth, the influence of advertisers and other capital on the production of the program may gradually show up. In the first season, fans are struggling to get advertisements, but in the following seasons, it is easy to turn into an embarrassing situation in which the program is full of advertisements. How to debug the collocation of advertisements and program content is an important topic that Happy Departure will face in the future.

And the program "Happy Start Again" itself also has a fatal weakness, that is, the program planning is not strong. Many viewers said that the success of the first season was almost entirely due to the chemical reaction of the brothers of the men’s team, and the design of the variety show was not brilliant, such as guessing the lyrics and 123 Woodenhead, which were very traditional games without their own characteristics. However, the director of the program group also said that he would plan the second season’s programs well and strive to "empower artists, not consume them".

△ crossword puzzle in the program

The first season of "Happy Departure" is coming to an end, but the audience’s love and affection for the re-employment men’s team will not end, and the high score of "Happy Departure" also provides practitioners with various production considerations. Domestic variety shows are not without originality, and they can still find their own way to success as long as they are careful.


The 2024 Tik Tok Spring Festival Concert ended successfully, and with the memory of youth songs, I went to a new journey in the New Year!

The 2024 Tik Tok Spring Festival Concert, titled by General Manager Jin Lingguan, ended successfully in Chengdu on January 28th. The whole live broadcast was watched by over 35 million people online, with a total broadcast volume of over 113 million. This year’s theme is "Songs engraved in DNA", which leads everyone to relive the memories firmly engraved in DNA when the familiar melody rings, and feel the fancy collision between Tik Tok’s annual hot songs and the pop classics of the new generation with national singers and artists.

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The Spring Festival limited group made a surprise appearance, and the hot songs presented a variety of stages.

At the 2024 Tik Tok Spring Festival Concert, the stars gathered to perform the unique Spring Festival Concert for everyone. Cai Guoqing, Miriam Yeung, Ella, Ella, Fox Xia, Jason and SNH48 (Yuan Yiqi/Wang Yi/Jiang Shuting/Qinyuan Fei/Lin Shuqing/Eliwa Xu/Zhang Xin/Jiang Shan/Hao Jingyi/Li Jiaen/Wen Ruoqi/Guo Shuang) sang hot songs of vibrato in succession on the concert stage, and they also formed four limited groups to make a surprise appearance, showing a collision spark of diverse styles.

Ella Ella’s world premiere "The Moon in the South" wishes dream-seekers, and the trio of "You were a teenager", "Tropical Rainforest" and "Super Star" ignited youthful memories, which attracted the chorus of the audience; Hu Xia’s youthful golden songs were burned and touched memory of time. The prelude to "Those Years" rang and the youthful Bai Yueguang appeared; Miriam Yeung, the "Tianhou of Sichuan and Chongqing", made the finale appearance, and the first capital was a chorus of the whole audience, which pushed the atmosphere to a climax; JA Jason’s "REMIX Suite" newly edited Tik Tok’s hot songs with rich and ever-changing musical elements, bringing new audio-visual experience to familiar music and igniting the audience; SNH48 interprets youthful enthusiasm, sings the Spring Festival Suite in one breath, and brings the audience into the Spring Festival atmosphere in one second; Cai Guoqing sang the classics again, and sent out the golden song "Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Blessings" which spans all ages and is loved by the whole family. All the staff sang "Love each other" and sent their sincere wishes with this favorite hot song with the most New Year atmosphere in Tik Tok. After the performance, the audience was still unsatisfied, and they asked for extra work and attendance in the comment area of artist Tik Tok’s account.


At the beginning, when it was announced that there was a blind box cooperation stage, it aroused the curiosity and speculation of many netizens. Until the performance, the cooperative guests and tracks were announced. The performers teamed up in pairs, which was unexpected and unlikely to appear in other concerts. The audience also had commemorative tickets around them, which made the experience full and left favorable comments on various social platforms. "golden times JSNH" group (JA Jason and SNH48) sang a "Dangerous Party", which ignited the infinite enthusiasm at the scene; "Full of Wealth" group (Cai Guoqing and JA Jason) sang "Paper Plane" and "Love Like Fire", presenting youth stories belonging to two generations on the same stage; "Cai Huaheng E" group (Cai Guoqing, Ella Ella) cooperated in "Let’s Jump", and two self-invited E people drove the audience to dance happily; There is also a group of "Sounds like Xia Hua" (Miriam Yeung and Fox Xia) who cooperated again to perform "Spend a Full Moon Night" on the spot, showing the quiet, carefree and delicate New Year.


The backstage fancy interactive smile welcomes the new year, and the Spring Festival concert ends successfully.

On the stage, each artist sent his annual lyrics blessing to the online and offline audience, full of sincerity, and the offline backstage guests interacted constantly, and the laughter and laughter continued.

SNH48 challenges fancy gesture dance and sends out concert reservation invitations in the form of sweet girls; Fox Xia Miriam Yeung hilariously challenged the sketch dance, and Fox Xia invited Miriam Yeung to form a group online, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens; Fox Xia even teased the elevator after the performance, imitating the popular game "stomping your feet every day" in the station, attracting a large number of netizens to watch. The whole performance was interesting and interactive, which swept through many hot lists in Tik Tok, inciting the whole people to witness the music carnival party. The 2024 Tik Tok Spring Festival Concert will bring together popular star singers, creating a warm and lively multi-stage and opening a chapter for the coming New Year.


While reminiscing about the melody of the Spring Festival concert, the Year of the Loong is getting closer and closer. Remember to lock in the [Spring Festival Live Season] between the new and the old. From January 25th to February 25th, nearly 200 celebrity big coffee and head creators have been over 100 popular contents for more than 30 days, from returning home during the Spring Festival to reunion on New Year’s Eve, and then to the Lantern Festival. It covers the New Year’s Eve party, the Huacai Heritage Party, the Opera Party, the Chinese New Year Crosstalk Special Session, the Opening Sketch Special Session, the Lantern Festival Comedy Party, the Spring Festival movie live broadcast, the boutique short play, and the series live broadcast of stars and creators, the stage on the cloud, the live broadcast of hundreds of media, etc., so that everyone can find their own flavor of the year in it, and the whole family can laugh and welcome the New Year. This Spring Festival, Tik Tok will be opened at 8: 00 every night, so let’s leave a sentimental, touching and fun memory of the Spring Festival in the Year of the Loong.


Press conference on the 19 th Wenchuan earthquake disaster in Sichuan Province

Special topic: Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan

  At 5: 30 pm on May 19th, the Information Office of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government held the seventh press conference on the Wenchuan earthquake disaster. The meeting was presided over by Hou Xiongfei, Director of Information Office of Sichuan Provincial Government, and attended by Li Chengyun, Vice Governor of Sichuan Provincial Government, Qu Mushiha, Deputy Director of Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Tan Hongjie, Deputy Secretary of Communist Youth League Committee, Yang Xiuhua, Secretary General of Provincial Charity Federation, Peng Hu, Chairman of Sichuan Construction Building Materials Union, and dozens of domestic and foreign media.

  Vice Governor Li Chengyun briefed the situation.

  As of 16: 00 on the 19th, the Sichuan earthquake disaster caused more than 33,570 deaths and 233,810 injuries.

  Li Chengyun:As of 16: 00 on the 19th, the Sichuan earthquake disaster caused more than 33,570 deaths, 233,810 injuries and 5,260 people buried. More than 60,020 people were rescued from the ruins, and more than 4,850,620 people were temporarily resettled. The disasters in eight counties (cities) that were particularly seriously affected were: more than 2,560 people died and more than 24,000 people were injured in Wenchuan County. More than 8,600 people were killed and 9,690 injured in Beichuan County. More than 6,750 people were killed and 31,560 injured in Mianzhu. More than 3,540 people were killed and 31,970 injured in shifang city. More than 3,060 people were killed and 3,210 injured in Dujiangyan. More than 870 people were killed and 5580 injured in Pengzhou. More than 2,670 people were killed and 12,980 injured in Qingchuan County. More than 350 people were killed and 9,480 injured in jiangyou city.

  According to incomplete statistics, Sichuan Province has received various donations of 1.998 billion yuan.

  Li Chengyun:At present, the finance department of our province has received a total of 2.733 billion yuan of special funds for earthquake relief, of which 1.773 billion yuan was issued by the central government. The provincial and municipal governments allocated 3.077 billion yuan in disaster relief funds, including 1.895 billion yuan from the provincial government and 1.182 billion yuan from the municipal (state) government. According to incomplete statistics, our province has received various donations of 1.998 billion yuan, including 960 million yuan from the provincial finance, 568 million yuan from the Provincial Charity Federation, 371.52 million yuan from the Provincial Red Cross Society, 43.65 million yuan from the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, 16.72 million yuan from the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, 8.11 million yuan from the Provincial Women’s Federation and 30 million yuan from the Provincial Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. According to incomplete statistics, 100,000 tents, 217,000 beds of quilts, 242,000 sets of bedding and cotton-padded clothes, 4,143 carts of food and drinking water, 38,300 tons of grain, 8.348 million medicines (boxes, bottles, branches and bags) and 242,954 pieces of medical equipment (sets, branches and rolls) have been organized. These are being urgently transported to the disaster area.

  Some counties in Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang and Aba should postpone the college entrance examination separately.

  Li Chengyun:We are now making arrangements for the resumption of classes. We passed the college entrance examination yesterday. Some counties in Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang and Aba have to postpone and take exams separately. Now, places where conditions permit should prepare for the resumption of classes.

  Qumu Shiha:With regard to post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, with the care and support of the CPC Central Committee and the leaders of the State Council, the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have started the preliminary work of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. On the basis of learning from the experience of earthquake relief and reconstruction at home and abroad, we will adjust measures to local conditions in accordance with the people-oriented requirements of Scientific Outlook on Development, scientific planning, resource-saving and environment-friendly social requirements, make overall consideration of classified guidance in planning requirements, and push forward our reconstruction work step by step, so as to fully meet the needs of the people in the disaster areas and social development. Thank you.

  At present, the first task of disaster relief is to save people.

  Li Chengyun:Let’s answer the last question first. Now, according to the requirements of the central authorities, the provincial party committee and the provincial government are still saving people. General Secretary Jin Tao said that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should all make a hundred efforts to save the survivors. Our current disaster relief task is still to save people, or to save people as the first priority; The second is that there is epidemic prevention, sanitation and epidemic prevention, because it also involves our whole society and the safety of each of us, so epidemic prevention is also the second important; The third is reconstruction, which Comrade Qumu Shiha talked about just now. Now it is under planning and construction has begun.

  Post-disaster reconstruction should be unified in planning and adoption, and the Civil Affairs Department should be unified in management.

  Li Chengyun:There are two problems with the donation of schools mentioned just now. One is that if you want to donate, you can donate to our Civil Affairs Department or to our Finance Department, but the school will contact the Education Department in the end. Because the school has a general layout, how many residential areas will build a primary school and how many residential areas will build a middle school in the future, because our future post-disaster reconstruction should be integrated with urban and rural planning, and urbanization and the construction of a new socialist countryside should be planned in a unified way. The issue of adoption is under the unified management of the Civil Affairs Department, and this method is now being studied. No other department can casually talk about adoption because we have an adoption law.

  The development of Sichuan has nothing to do with the earthquake, and there is no scientific reason to say that excessive development is unfavorable to Sichuan’s earthquake-resistant work.

  Reporter: Hello, I’m a reporter from Radio Television Hong Kong. I’d like to ask the National Development and Reform Commission. Some people say that excessive development is unfavorable to Sichuan’s earthquake-resistant work. Have you heard of this opinion?

  Li Chengyun:I don’t know where this logic comes from. It doesn’t make scientific sense.

  Reporter: because some people say that there are many chemical plants and hydropower stations built in Sichuan, it may be that if these chemical plants explode during the earthquake, there may be more casualties?

  Li Chengyun:You just said that excessive development will induce earthquakes, right?

  Reporter: Yeah. It’s not induced by light. Maybe many industries are in Sichuan. When there is an earthquake, it may explode, causing more casualties?

  Li Chengyun: First, there was no chemical plant explosion and no chemical plant explosion caused death. This is the first earthquake. Second, you just said that over-development induces earthquakes. I don’t know when and to what extent the over-development induces earthquakes. I don’t know where this scientific basis comes from. In addition, the development of Sichuan Province, our per capita GDP is now 25th in the country. I think that the development of Sichuan has nothing to do with earthquakes. We have to speed up development and build a well-off society for all. Our current GDP is 1 trillion, and it will grow to 5 trillion by 2020.

  If there are problems in the classrooms of schools in earthquake-stricken areas, they will be investigated and dealt with according to law.

  Peng Hu:In this catastrophic earthquake, some school teachers collapsed, and some teachers and students were killed or trapped. We are very sad about this. Regarding whether there are quality problems in school classrooms, our construction department has organized experts to conduct safety assessment and appraisal on all houses in the earthquake-stricken areas, and the assessment and appraisal work is underway. We will evaluate and appraise the collapse of school classrooms according to relevant standards and norms. If there are indeed problems that violate the relevant national building standards and regulations, especially mandatory standards, we will investigate and deal with them in conjunction with relevant departments according to law.

  Give full consideration to the children who were injured in the earthquake.

  Reporter: Hello, I’m a reporter from Qiushi Xiaokang magazine in Beijing. Many children were injured in the earthquake. Many of them lost their parents, relatives and classmates. Many children have been disabled for life. I wonder if we have any resettlement measures for them in the future. Thank you!

  Li Chengyun:There are resettlement measures. We have already said this time, for example, if an orphan is admitted to the college entrance examination, all the tuition fees will be borne by the government after the college entrance examination. If he is not admitted to the university, we will let the orphan go to a vocational school, and after finishing the vocational school, we will also be responsible for finding him a job. We have given full consideration to orphans, and the cost of attending vocational schools is also paid by the government, which is for senior high school, primary school and junior high school. In some junior high schools, depending on their age, whether they can take care of themselves or be raised by the civil administration will be carried out according to this method, but the cost will be borne by the government, and we will also subsidize the disabled according to the government.


  Press Conference on the 18th Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province

  Press Conference on the 17th Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province

  Press Conference on the 16th Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province

  Press Conference on the 15th Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province

Editor: Li Xiuwei

The Battle at Lake Changjin’s "Father’s Generation" and other heavy hits hit the National Day file!

Special feature of 1905 film network When the National Day movie hits in 2021, it is undoubtedly a matter of great concern to many viewers when they are looking forward to the holiday, whether they can make history, whether Zhu Yu’s previous glory can continue, whether he can achieve a counterattack full of youthful atmosphere, and how many parent-child movies will contribute a movie feast for everyone during the National Day holiday.

The National Day file brings movies back to hot search, in which the word "Hui" is the key word. Because of the repeated epidemic, the movie market has gradually slowed down since August. Both the cinema and the audience are waiting for one or even several explosive movies to stimulate the market and provide a reason to go to the cinema during the Golden Week leisure time. Then, is the movie on the National Day file expected to be searched on the screen? Which movies have the potential to be hot searched? Today’s Film Review invited Zhang Jinfeng, deputy editor-in-chief of China Film News, to look forward to the National Day file with you.

At the moment when the epidemic situation is repeated, whether the films of the National Day archives can be searched on the screen or not, and the topic before the return, will bring a movie-watching craze, which is of inspiring significance to China filmmakers. In this regard, Zhang Jinfeng believes: "I think it will, because the blockbuster itself has its own traffic and is a topic maker. The production cycle and publicity of The Battle at Lake Changjin and "My Father and I" have kept everyone’s appetite because of the repeated epidemic. These two films will create more hot searches while creating high box office, so that China films can return to the center of the audience. " Before the deadline, the total box office of movie screening and pre-sale in The Battle at Lake Changjin has exceeded 100 million.

Teacher Zhang Jinfeng once said: "The explosion may be late, but it will never be absent." Many films in this year’s National Day archives have the ability to board the hot search, and the possible hot search entries also highlight the selling points and characteristics of the films. For example, what hot search terms may appear in The Battle at Lake Changjin, which is highly anticipated? Zhang Jinfeng mentioned: "First of all, can The Battle at Lake Changjin surpass the box office and the total box office of participating movies become the highest among all actors. Other acting skills, as well as his sacrifice and dedication for the film, will also become a hot topic for everyone. Jason Wu and Jackson Yee play a pair of brothers, and their brotherly love may get a hot search. Finally, there is "urine point", because the film lasts for nearly three hours, and many viewers can’t last for three hours. Where is its "urine point" will also be a hot topic for the audience. "

As the third work of "Me and Me" series, "Me and My Father" has a directing tube, which I believe will give fans more freshness and is also one of the main forces to board the hot search topic. Zhang Jinfeng said: "Zhang Ziyi and Shen Teng will definitely become the key words of hot search. As the only director who participated in the whole series, the fragments he directed in the first two films have won the welcome of many audiences; In his directing part, Jason Wu is also a subject of military war that he is good at. By desperately performing Saburo, he shows a particularly masculine temperament, which will also become the focus of hot discussion. In The Battle at Lake Changjin, Jason Wu and Jackson Yee play a pair of brothers, and in My Father and I, Jason Wu plays the father. These three people will have a series. What is the relationship between Leo and Jackson Yee? I think it is very fun. Jackson Yee and Leo may wish to have a dialogue from a distance during the National Day. "

In addition to the above two heavyweight blockbusters, there is actually a youth-themed film in the National Day file, that is, "Five Boys Who Save the Water". In the case that The Battle at Lake Changjin and My Father and I may occupy the largest proportion of the National Day movies and box office, the space left for other movies is very small. Whether Five Boys Who Drove the Water can become a dark horse in the fierce National Day movie schedule and board the hot search by strength is also concerned by many people.

Zhang Jinfeng’s prospect: "As a theme of youth and sports, if the film can win the popularity of young mainstream audiences, then the film arrangement will definitely become the key word. Fans will form tap water for the film arrangement, become a hot search, and slowly seize the market space of those two blockbusters. I believe that "Five Boys Drowning in the Water" can achieve a counterattack of our market expectations in the National Day file, and some elements of this film are very in line with the National Day file. The soundtrack of the synchronized swimming team is "March of Steel Torrents" during the National Day military parade, which matches the atmosphere of the National Day. In fact, as long as it is a good film, the market and the audience will not live up to it. "

In addition to the above three films, there are many parent-child movies in the highly competitive National Day, which often have a fixed audience. Zhang Jinfeng said: "It was created in the 1990s, and Zheng Yuanjie himself is a writer with his own hot search body. When he expresses some opinions on Weibo, he always gets on the hot search. Then I think this time his film is released, he may often have something to say during the release, and this film will also be one of the strong contenders for hot search words."

The hot search terms predicted for the National Day films are actually the expectations of these films. At present, the epidemic is not completely over, so we can’t be blindly optimistic now, and filmmakers need to continue to overcome difficulties with everyone. China movies have experienced so many twists and turns since last year. The road is tortuous, but the future is bright. If we can do a good job in the film content, we will definitely be able to return to the high point that China movie market should have after the epidemic is over.

Today’s film reviewDirector observation

This year, the movie market is so deserted that everyone is particularly looking forward to the arrival of the National Day file. The National Day file is indeed an arduous task. I also hope that several films can live up to expectations, so that the hot search terms predicted in this program can come true and the movies will become the topic of everyone’s leisure time again. (Director of Ma Hongyu’s Today’s Film Review)