The game of insulting China was criticized by netizens for "no human lower limit". The Steam platform is only removed from the shelves for mainland players?

  On the 24th, a game called Coronavirus Attack (novel coronavirus attack) was launched on the gaming platform Steam. Due to the humiliating metaphor in the game and the setting of "**" and "**", the game triggered strong criticism from netizens after it was put on the shelves. As of press time, the game has been removed from the shelves of mainland players, but overseas players can still find the game.

  Steam is a game platform developed by Valve in the United States. The Global Times saw on Steam that the release date of the game is April 24, 2020. The developer and publisher are a game team named MythZsGame. The reporter learned through online public information that the author of the game is "Mi Yali" and now lives in Taipei. Through the Taiwanese game website "Bahamut Forum" and Facebook and other social platforms, it can be found that the author has a distinct ** and "**" background.

  According to Steam, the game is a simple shooter with upgrades. The background description of the game on the platform reads: "A virus that can turn people into selfish zombies has spread throughout the country, and the carriers (virus carriers) have fled the country. In order to control the epidemic, a secret laboratory creates a coronavirus that can destroy the selfish zombie virus to fight it. Your goal is to prevent the selfish zombie virus carriers from fleeing and infecting others. You must destroy the carriers as much as possible, collect more DNA to develop more lethal biochemical properties, and eliminate the carriers before they develop corresponding immunity."

  The Global Times reporter saw through several game screenshots and video clips released by the platform that the image quality of this game is rough and the picture is simple, the background main color is bright red, and the color of the novel coronavirus is bright yellow, which is similar to the color scheme of the Danish media released in January this year.


  The reporter found that the game also has "achievement unlocked easter eggs" displaying the slogan "**" and "**". On the Steam platform, the crude game is seen for 15 yuan.

  As of 9:45 a.m. on the 26th, there were 426 reviews in the consumer review area below the game. In the "most valuable review", one player said, "Is this the incompetent rage of **? It’s really funny."

  On the other hand, some Taiwanese pro-green media ignored the facts and called the game "extremely positive", while at the same time contradicting themselves: "Sure enough, as soon as the game was launched, it shattered netizens susceptible, and Chinese netizens not only swiped negative reviews, but also left abusive messages." Taiwan’s game information website "NOW Video Games" posted the title "Little Pink" Ready for the expedition! Independent game < Coronavirus Attack > Landing ".

  The Global Times reporter tried to contact the Steam platform, but the platform’s voice message said that consultation can only be made through the Steam website. The reporter then submitted questions through the customer service page of the Steam website, but had not received a reply as of press time.

  At around 10 am on the 26th, the Global Times reporter noticed that for mainland players, the game was no longer available on the Steam platform, but for overseas players, as of press time, the game still existed.

Come on, please eat the "champion" CP of Sun Yang and Geely Borui GE.

There are about two kinds of people in this world, one is like a peach, with a thin skin and a hard and sweet core; The other is like a coconut with a hard shell but a sensitive heart like water, while Sun Yang may prefer the latter.

On May 28th, Sun Yang, as the ambassador of Geely Automobile, attended the listing conference of Borui GE held in Hangzhou Bay, Ningbo, and delivered a speech. When talking about his own road to success, Sun Yang said that it was because of his belief in the champion that he overcame all the difficulties and made himself what he is today.

The belief of champion is the most frequently mentioned word after Sun Yang’s success. As for the champion, Sun Yang said, whoever dares to break through and surpass himself and devote himself to being a better and more advanced self in his own field deserves to be respected and is his own champion.

At the age of 17, he made his mark. At the age of 19, he made an outstanding record and became a weapon to win gold. Young Sun Yang raised the successful trophy early. At the London Olympic Games in 2012, Sun Yang won two gold medals by his amazing performances in the 400-meter freestyle and the 1,500-meter freestyle, which created a new history of men’s swimming in China and made the world know the 21-year-old China boy.

"Everyone says that I am a genius and I am very lucky, but no one will know how hard it will be for me to come here. I really pay too much." Sun Yang’s road to success was not so smooth, but perhaps it was because of his inner belief and awe of the champion that he dared to face the difficulties and made Sun Yang today.

At the press conference, Sun Yang said frankly that the hand-in-hand relationship with Geely is due to this championship complex, and Geely Automobile and Geely Automobile share the same championship belief, which makes them go hand in hand. An Conghui, president and CEO of Geely, said at that time that Sun Yang and Geely Automobile’s new brand connotation of "dynamic and exquisite, self-confident" fit very well, and it also fits very well with Geely Automobile’s vision of being positive and daring to launch an impact on the world-class camp.

Excellent people are always attracted to each other. Shortly after becoming an image ambassador, Sun Yang became the owner of Borui and the honorary monitor of Boshiban of Borui Motorists’ Association. In his live speech, Sun Yang reviewed these years. He and Borui witnessed each other’s growth process, and bluntly said that for more than four years, they both adhered to the belief in the champion in each other’s field, thus completing their self-breakthrough and transcendence again and again.

Today, as a new energy vehicle of Borui, Borui GE officially set sail. As the first B-class car equipped with a hybrid system in the domestic market, Borui GE has not only truly realized the expectation of letting consumers buy hybrids at the price of traditional fuel vehicles, but also led new energy consumption into the "enjoyment era" by virtue of its leapfrog core values such as luxury, energy saving and technology, setting a new benchmark for global hybrid B-class cars.

In the end, Sun Yang looked forward to the Asian Games in August this year, and said that he would work hard with Boruige, who is engaged in the new energy market, to break through and win the championship, which attracted applause and encouragement from the scene.

Today, Sun Yang and Geely have not only become the veritable champion business cards in their respective fields of swimming and automobile, but more importantly, they have also become representatives of the Chinese dream, powerfully refreshing the image of China on the world stage!


[See you at 8: 00] online celebrity sells a 6-day, 5-night double tour for 299 yuan, and the official thunders.

CCTV News:At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.

The Eastern Theater responded to the US ship crossing the Taiwan Province Strait: tracking and monitoring the whole process, and keeping a bird’s eye view of the Taiwan Strait at all times.

The "Measures for the Safety Review of Foreign Investment" was issued, with equal emphasis on openness and safety.

Do I need to wear a mask after COVID-19 vaccination? National Health Commission: Continue to maintain personal protective measures.

China has provided more than 200 billion masks to the world, with 30 masks per capita in the world.

The sample of Chang ‘e-5 moon was officially handed over, and the initial measurement weight was about 1731 grams.

The coverage rate of improved varieties of crops in China is over 96%, which strongly supports the bumper harvest of grain in successive years.

WHO announced that it will receive nearly 2 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine, which will be provided as soon as the first quarter of next year.

Sweden tightened epidemic prevention measures and put forward the suggestion of wearing masks for the first time.

The United States will once again pass the provisional appropriation bill to avoid the government’s "closing the door."

COVID-19 was diagnosed by 184 people in a detention center in South Korea, where former President Lee Myung-bak was detained.

Coca-Cola announced that it would lay off 2,200 people, and the severance payment might exceed 3.5 billion yuan.

Online celebrity 299 yuan for six days and five nights for two, Yunnan Tourism Law Enforcement Department: This is to discredit Yunnan.

Ninghai county informed the students that they were beaten outside the school: the batterers were all students at school, and the guardians were ordered to strictly control them.

The man threw an iron bed on the third floor and stunned the female cleaner. Police: detained.

Many drug criminals who committed the most heinous crimes in Hainan were executed.

A chemical enterprise exploded in Anda City, Heilongjiang Province, killing one person and injuring four others.

10 seconds at the toll booth KO Two men, the parties apologized: they were boxers, which caused a bad demonstration to the public.

Good job! A mother and daughter in Yangzhou were harassed by drunkards, and the junior two boys stood up to protect them.

Whatever you shout, I can’t help it: the sprinkler is still a "disaster" in winter.

&mdash; &mdash; Xinhuanet comments on sprinklers sprinkling water in winter

There is a rime landscape in Moon Mountain, Congjiang, Guizhou.

Take you to see the Northern Lights! The works of the 2020 Northern Lights Photographer Competition were announced.

Laugh and cry! Brother Bing went home to visit relatives and bought things at his parents’ booth without being recognized.

In the "Muma Case" in Shenyang, the greedy secretary wrote anti-corruption novels with personal experience.

    Failed to enter the "circle"

    "Ma Xiangdong only values Wang Xiaofang’s talents, but Wang Xiaofang has never been able to enter Ma Xiangdong’s’ circle’." Colleagues familiar with the situation in those years analyzed that this was also the reason why Wang Xiaofang was innocent after the accident in Ma Xiangdong.

     When he was in the fourth year of college, this Master of Science wrote a 100,000-word paper "Ecological Intersection Theory" and won the second prize of Excellence Award for Young Scientific and Technological Workers in Liaoning Province.

    "Wang Xiaofang’s worries about the ecological environment 20 years ago have not aroused widespread concern in society until recent years, so you can see his foresight." Wang Xiaofang’s friend Wang Mu Ye commented on him like this.

    Wang Mu Ye, an early master of biology in Germany, once worked in Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He believes that Wang Xiaofang put forward avant-garde ideas such as "circular economy" and "ecological city" earlier in the Master Plan of Shenyang Urban Construction made more than ten years ago. Later, Shenyang took off the label of "Top Ten Polluted Cities in the World", which was inseparable from the early planning.

    But after all, Wang Xiaofang is a scholar, and he and Ma are two strangers. Wang Mu Ye thinks that if a secretary only knows how to bury himself in his work and doesn’t know how to take care of the leader’s "life", even if he does a good job, he won’t be appreciated by the leader.

    Ma Xiangdong’s gambling nature was an open secret in Shenyang at that time. "Some people have scratched the itch of Ma Xiangdong, and the official luck is prosperous." On weekends, I often accompany Ma Xiangdong to fly to Macau to gamble, namely Ning Xianjie, then director of Shenyang Construction Committee, and Li Jingfang, then director of the Municipal Finance Bureau.

    Ma Xiangdong confessed in his repentance book that he first gambled abroad in 1996 and went to Malaysia. "I am responsible for attracting investment, and I have become friends with foreign businessmen in Southeast Asia. They often lead me to casinos to gamble."

    "Xiao Fang and I are people who can’t even play poker." Wang Muye said that sometimes, Wang Xiaofang complained to him privately. An open executive vice mayor took a break at noon and played cards in the office. "If you don’t like people, how can you get into their’ circle’?"

    Wang Xiaofang’s failure to enter Ma Xiangdong’s "circle" has something to do with the "bottom line" that his old father told him.

    "There must be a bottom line for being a man, and so must being a secretary." This is what father Fuxiang Wang often reminds Wang Xiaofang. Fuxiang Wang, who is 80 years old, is a typical Shandong man. He graduated from the Economics Department of Peking University in his early years and went north to support the construction of Northeast China in response to the call of the country. "Xiaofang is honest and frank and stubborn, and he is not suitable for being a secretary." Fuxiang Wang said of his youngest son.

    The old couple still live in a community built in the 1980s, and their 60-square-meter house was awarded when they were selected as model workers.

    "On his first day as a secretary, I set a bottom line for my family: my family is not allowed to ask Xiaofang to do things." Fuxiang Wang said that Wang Xiaofang’s sister and brother-in-law were laid off more than ten years ago and went out to work. His brother still works in the next district. Sometimes he gets drunk and complains that his brother didn’t help him when he was in office. When Wang Xiaofang was in power, a note could solve these problems.

    "Fell to the ground"

    On July 2, 1999, Ma Xiangdong, then the executive deputy mayor of Shenyang, was "double-regulated".

    "At that time, I felt shocked, confused and sad." Wang Xiaofang still keeps shaking his head and sighing. I feel sorry not only for myself, but also for Ma Xiangdong. "He is a capable man, but unfortunately he was led astray by two gamblers below."

    "Just six months before the accident, every weekend, Ma Xiangdong and Ning and Li frequently flew to Hong Kong and Macao to gamble. I privately advised him to pay attention to the influence, but the horse was unmoved. " Wang Xiaofang said that after that, he never dared to interfere.

    In "Secretary to the Mayor", Wang Xiaofang, with the help of the secretary "Remo", explained the "two sides" of the current officialdom intellectuals: on the one hand, they have ideals and want to do something, but on the other hand, they suffer from loss. Because of this, they dare not face corruption in order to climb up, but they are unwilling to self-destruct their future and go along with it, so they have to protect themselves.

    Ma Xiangdong is under investigation, and Wang Xiaofang has to be investigated and inquired at any time. During the three years of case investigation, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Procuratorate conducted a detailed investigation. "A carpet investigation will never let go of a corrupt element!" Wang Xiaofang regrets afterwards.

    "Fly well in the sky and be dropped to the ground for no reason." Wang Xiaofang’s wife described her husband’s experience so vividly.

    Ma Xiangdong’s case was finally tried by the court, and it was found that from 1986 to 1999, Ma accepted bribes equivalent to more than 9.6 million yuan, embezzled $120,000, misappropriated $398,000, and the source of huge property of more than 10.68 million yuan was unknown. The total amount of violation of discipline and law is as high as 31.5 million yuan. Ma Xiangdong was sentenced to death according to law.

    "One political star after another has changed, corrupted and fallen. Can you avoid the occurrence of corruption cases by personal cultivation? " After the Muma case, Wang Xiaofang has been troubled by this problem.

    Soul white paper

    After the Muma case, Wang Xiaofang claimed that he had been tortured like purgatory. However, he believes that the hardships experienced in the depths of his heart are inexhaustible wealth in his life.

    In 2001, Wang Xiaofang resigned and went to sea, but his business was not satisfactory because he rushed into battle. There is no doubt that everything has to start from scratch, and he is once again in extreme depression.

    When Wang Xiaofang went to Beijing for fun in the second year after his resignation, a friend said that he had so much experience and suggested that he write a novel. He returned to Shenyang to sell the company and began to concentrate on writing. Unexpectedly, the first novel "Fatal Vortex" was selected by the writers’ publishing house and published soon. "It was September 2003, and my pirated books were all over the street."

    After that, he focused on the officialdom. Director of Beijing Office, Director of Beijing Office (II) and Secretary of the Mayor were published one after another.

    "I have a strong desire to talk about the’ spiritual purgatory’ of officialdom in recent years." Wang Xiaofang said, "The reason why the two mayors before and after are written as corrupt elements in" The Secretary of the Mayor "is to reveal a truth. Anti-corruption can only rely on the reform of the government system, otherwise it can only be’ previous corruption’." Wang Xiaofang expressed his original intention of creating a series of officialdom novels.

    When Ma Xiangdong was sentenced to death, Wang Xiaofang was deeply shocked. The next day, Ma Fufa had a photo on the Internet before his execution, sitting in a chair, his eyes blurred with despair and half a cigarette in his hand. Wang Xiaofang felt extremely sad. "At the same time, he had an impulse to turn his inner natural secrets into spiritual secrets." He printed out the photos and stared at them and wrote more than 10,000 words in one breath. This is the beginning of "Secretary to the Mayor".

    However, after the publication of Secretary to the Mayor, some people regarded the novel as reportage, and "Dongzhou" as Shenyang, and some people even took their seats accordingly. Wang Xiaofang felt the pressure. What’s more, as soon as his "Big Real Estate Dealer" came out this year, representatives of relocated households in Shenyang held his novels to ask for signatures, and sent piles of petition materials, saying that Wang Xiaofang should "continue to dig deep into the shady situation in Shenyang’s real estate development". This made Wang Xiaofang laugh and cry: "I wrote this novel based on the’ most cattle nail house’ in Chongqing last year."

    "The mayor’s secretary is a monologue from the heart and a white paper on the soul. The story is fictional, but the mental journey is real. The story of this book comes from both my life and my spiritual understanding. "

    "I live in novels every day now." Wang Xiaofang said. Every morning from 9 am to 5 pm, it is his creative time. Keep writing 3000 words every day without interruption. The manuscript paper accumulated a thick dozen, and his wife typed it out on the computer. "I often have a heart-to-heart conversation with the characters in the novel and even have a fierce quarrel."

    No matter the previous Secretary to the Mayor or the newly published Big Real Estate Dealer, there are no empty Gao Daquan-style characters. "I want to give everyone hope, in the cruel social reality." Wang Xiaofang said that through the intrigue of officialdom, the subtle mentality among officials and the thrilling power struggle, people’s souls were touched, and the righteous forces were given a hundred times of confidence and the evil forces were frightened.

    "I used to have political ambitions, and my political ambitions were realized in my novels." Wang Xiaofang said meaningfully. (Trainee reporter Li Jifeng) (Source: Democracy and Legal Times)

Editor: Feng Ye